Knollwood at Worship TRINITY SUNDAY Sunday, June 16, 2019 10:55 am To those who feel the need of light; to those who find doubts and fears in their hearts; to those who need courage for their daily tasks; to those who feel lonely and friendless; to those who wish to give service; to all who, in faith, will support and involve themselves to the limit of their ability in the work of the Kingdom of God which this church undertakes; to all who want rest, peace, and happiness — this church invites you to the fellowship of Jesus.

at Worshipcontent.knollwood.org/worship-orders/2019-WO/KBC061619web.pdf · To those who feel the need of light; to those who find doubts and fears in their hearts; to those who need

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  • Knollwood at WorshipT R I N I T Y SU N DAY

    Sunday, June 16, 2019 • 10:55 am

    To those who feel the need of light; to those who find doubts and fears in their hearts;

    to those who need courage for their daily tasks; to those who feel lonely and friendless;

    to those who wish to give service; to all who, in faith, will support and involve themselves

    to the limit of their ability in the work of the Kingdom of God which this church undertakes;

    to all who want rest, peace, and happiness — this church invites you to the fellowship of Jesus.

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    Please silence all electronic devices. Thank you! THE CHIMES

    Three chimes are sounded, awakening us to the presence of God, alerting us to the voice of Christ, centering us in the embrace of the Spirit. As we gather, we present ourselves “as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is our spiritual worship.”

    THE OPENING SENTENCE ................................................................................................. Lucrecia Norman One: The Lord be with you. All: And also with you.

    †THE PRELUDE “Reflections” .......................................................................................................................... Ola Gjeilo

    David Winkelman, piano

    THE CHORAL INTROIT “Break Forth into Joy” ................................................................................................... Joseph Barnby

    The Chancel Choir Break forth into joy; sing together, ye waste places of Jerusalem: For the Lord hath comforted His people. He hath redeemed Jerusalem. The Lord hath made bare His holy arm in the sight of all the people. Hymns of praise then let us sing, unto Christ, our heavenly King. Who endured the cross and grave, sinners to redeem and save. ~Isaiah 52:9-10

    THE CALL TO WORSHIP ..................................................................................................... Lucrecia Norman One: We come to worship our Creator, the Heavenly Abba, All: Who loves us like a mother and protects us like a father. One: We come to worship our Savior and Redeemer, Jesus, All: Who shows us the face of God and how to follow in God’s ways. One: We come to worship our Helper and Advocate, the Holy Spirit, All: Who whispers and nudges and leads us into God’s wisdom. One: We come to worship the Holy Triune God, All: We come to praise and experience Divine Love! ~Mary Hix

    THE INVOCATION AND THE LORD’S PRAYER .......................................................... Lucrecia Norman

    *THE PROCESSIONAL HYMN OF PRAISE, NO. 2 “Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty” ............................................................................... NICAEA

    CONFESSING OUR NEED FOR FORGIVENESS THE PRAYER OF CONFESSION (Unison) .............................................................................. Bob Setzer, Jr.

    One: Mighty and Mysterious God, we confess that we are a forgetful people. All: We forget the mysteries of Your creation:

    * Those who are able will stand. † Ushers will seat those waiting.

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    Hearing aids and large print hymns are available from the ushers. One: How You marked out the foundations of the earth. All: How You call the sun to rise and the stars to sparkle. One: We forget that suffering can produce endurance with Your strength. All: We forget that Wisdom from the Holy Spirit is a whisper away. One: Forgive us for all the ways we trust ourselves instead of trusting You. All: Forgive us for all the ways we forget the mercies and help and sacrifices of You, God in three persons, blessed Trinity. ~Mary Hix



    LISTENING FOR GOD’S WORD THE OLD TESTAMENT LESSON: Proverbs 8:1-4, 27-31 .............................................. Lucrecia Norman

    One: This is the word of God. All: Thanks be to God.

    THE NEW TESTAMENT LESSON: Romans 5:1-5 ..................................................................... Lucy Davis One: This is the word of God. Deacon of the Week

    All: Thanks be to God.

    THE CHILDREN’S TIME .............................................................................................................. Josh Godwin

    *THE GOSPEL LESSON: John 16:12-15 ................................................................. Emma Gibson Heinsohn Please rise in body or in spirit for the reading of the Gospel lesson.

    One: This is the Gospel of Christ. All: Thanks be to God.

    *THE HYMN OF DEVOTION, as printed on p. 5 “God, Whose Almighty Word” ............................................................................... ITALIAN HYMN

    During the last stanza, children who are in first grade through third grade are invited to meet the Children’s Worship leaders in the narthex. Worship Care for infants through kindergarten is offered weekly.

    THE PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE ............................................................................................... Diane Lipsett

    THE ANTHEM “The Majesty and Glory of Your Name” .......................................................................... Tom Fettke

    The Chancel Choir When I gaze into the night skies and see the work of Your fingers; the moon and stars suspended in space. Oh, what are we, that You are mindful of us? You have given us a crown of glory and honor, and have made us a little lower than the angels. You have put us in charge of all creation: the beasts of the field, the birds of the air, the fish of the sea. O Lord, our God, the majesty and glory of Your name transcends the earth and fills the heavens. O Lord, our God, little children praise You perfectly, and so would we. Alleluia! ~from Psalm 8

    THE SERMON ................................................................................................................................ Bob Setzer, Jr. THE TRINITY: A SYMPHONY OF LOVE IN THREE MOVEMENTS

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    If you desire membership in this congregation, you are invited to come forward and the pastor will greet you. If you prefer not to come forward, you may speak to one of the ministers after the service. As an open membership church, we honor your previous baptism in any other Christian community. If you have not made a confession of faith, we invite you to do so and receive Christian baptism. Church members are invited to commit themselves anew to God and to God’s service in the world.

    *THE HYMN OF DISCIPLESHIP, as printed on insert “Grace Unbounded” ................................................................................................. LAUDA ANIMA

    THE PASTORAL GREETING ..................................................................................................... Bob Setzer, Jr.

    THE PRAYER OF DEDICATION ................................................................................................... Lucy Davis

    THE SERVICE OF GIVING The Receiving of Tithes and Offerings The Offertory

    “Blest Be the Tie That Binds” .......................................................................... arr. Anna Laura Page David Winkelman, piano

    *The Presentation and Doxology

    DEPARTING TO SERVE *THE BENEDICTION .................................................................................................................... Bob Setzer, Jr.

    *THE CHORAL BENEDICTION “Always Remember” ................................................................. André Crouch, arr. Bryon Grohman

    The Chancel Choir He’s been so good to me I will always keep him on my mind. Always remember Jesus. Always keep him by your side, in your heart, all day long. Always keep him on your mind. Amen.

    *THE POSTLUDE “When in Our Music God Is Glorified” ....................................................... arr. David M. Cherwien

    Lauren Winkelman, organ

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    We extend to you a sincere welcome and the hope that you will find your worship experience meaningful. You are invited to the narthex for a brief time of fellowship following worship where you can meet church members and clergy, and learn more about this congregation. We would ask that you record your visit by filling out the friendship pad in the pew; email addresses are especially helpful. To learn more about Knollwood Baptist Church, find us online at www.knollwood.org. You can also receive our newsletter and email announcements by emailing [email protected], or just call the church office, 725-1343. Sunday School at Knollwood begins at 9:45 a.m. KBC WELCOMING STATEMENT

    Knollwood Baptist Church is an inviting, inclusive family of faith open to all persons, whatever their race, gender, socioeconomic status, special needs, or sexual orientation, who want to walk in the way of Jesus.

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    ABOUT OUR WORSHIP Appreciation is expressed to David Winkelman for sharing his musical gifts this morning. Today’s Call to Worship and Prayer of Confession were written by Knollwood member Mary Hix. The acolyte is Colette Causby and the crucifer is Virginia Starling. Please silence all electronic devices. Thank you! Printed music used by permission of OneLicense.net #A-724940.

    FLOWERS The flowers in the sanctuary are given to the glory of God and in memory of Tom Austin by the family. The flowers in the narthex are given to the glory of God and in honor and appreciation of Rachel and Tom

    Wiggins for opening their home for the Bible Study group. The white rose on the altar is given by Knollwood Baptist Church in memory of Dr. Timothy Pennell. It is

    a symbol of the love and esteem in which this community of faith held him.

    ABOUT OUR BANNERS In the Bible and in church tradition, the dove and fire symbolize the Holy Spirit. According to the four

    Gospels, the Spirit descended on Jesus like a dove at his baptism (Mark 1:10 and parallels). John the Baptist promised the Messiah would baptize with the Holy Spirit “and with fire” (Matthew 3:11; Luke 3:16). From Moses’ encounter with God by the burning bush (Exodus 3:1-6) to the tongues of fire at Pentecost (Acts 2:1-4), fire is a sign of God’s riveting, transforming presence. The Pentecost banner depicts the fire of God’s challenge and the dove of God’s gentle loving care. The artist who designed and painted the Pentecost banner is our own Bambi Setzer.

    FOR THE CHILDREN Worship Care is provided for children, infant - kindergarten aged on the first floor of Bldg. B. Children’s

    Worship meets on the 1st, 3rd and 5th Sundays of the month for 1st through 3rd graders. During the second hymn, children meet their leaders in the narthex to walk to B244, where their parents will pick up their children after the service. For the 2nd and 4th Sundays children are invited to enjoy the worship service with their families. Children’s activity bulletins and crayons are available in the narthex.

    SENIOR ADULT MINISTRY Thursday, July 11, Senior Adult Committee Lunch and Planning Meeting, 12 - 2:00 PM, Dining Room July 28, Ice Cream Social (Sundaes & Desserts) 6:30 - 8:00 PM, Dining Room

    CHILDREN’S MINISTRY EVENTS Sunday, June 23, Vacation Bible School Open House Come to our Open House on Sunday, June 23, 3-4:30 PM, to confirm your VBS registration, meet our VBS leaders, learn some of the music and get a taste of all the fun our children will have during the week. This event is for registered children and their families.

    Monday, June 24 - 27, Vacation Bible School, 9 AM-noon

    Sunday, June 30, VBS Music in Worship Our children will help lead worship by sharing some of the music they have learned during VBS week.

    SUMMER WEDNESDAYS - JULY 10 AND AUGUST 14 During the summer, we take a healthy break from weekly Wednesday gatherings. But we also want chances

    to stay connected. Mark your calendar for two “Performance and Potluck” summer Wednesdays, July 10 and Aug. 14. On both nights we’ll share a potluck dinner, then enjoy stories, poetry, and musical performances from an array of our talented members of all ages. On July 10, we challenge the men of our congregation to compete in an “All Men’s Bake-Off” (and provide us with fun and fabulous desserts). Then on Aug. 14, we’ll feature a “Youth and Children’s Bake-Off.” Jot the dates on your calendar and let’s look forward to summer togetherness.

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    JUNE 30, AN EARLY-SUMMER ADULT SUNDAY SCHOOL ELECTIVE This is an opportunity to hear from CBF field personnel Eddy and Cindy Ruble about their vital work in

    Malaysia and Indonesia, focused on disaster relief (Eddy’s expertise) and innovative ministry to those who have experienced human trafficking (Cindy’s work). Meet in the Chapel. “WONDERFUL WEDNESDAYS” NEEDS VOLUNTEERS IN JULY

    Join us as we offer enrichment activities to the children living at the Residences at Diamond Ridge every Wednesday in July, from 9:30 am until noon. We will combat “summer slide” in educational progress as we offer stations in literacy, math/science, arts/crafts, and music/movement to children ages 3-12.

    We need volunteers to help with registration, opening activities, transitions, and each station. Contact Dean Clifford at [email protected], or 336-418-0278. SPIRITUALITY AND THE NARRATIVE ENNEAGRAM—A SUMMER RETREAT, JULY 19-21

    Come join this three-day retreat. Explore the narrative enneagram while enjoying lovely surroundings with a lake, walking trails, swimming pool, and more. With Chris Copeland, Director of Leadership Development and Spiritual Life, and Assistant Professor of the Practice of Spirituality, Wake Forest School of Divinity. The full brochure including link to on-line registration is at knollwood.org, and at https://tinyurl.com/yxemz3pv. SUMMER MUSIC OPPORTUNITIES

    July 28 - Show Up and Sing -Youth and adults are invited to the choir room at 10 am to learn choral music to sing in worship that morning. No experience required and a wonderful way to see what choir is about. Led by our new Minister of Music, Rozanna Goocey.

    Aug. 11 - Intergenerational Show Up and Ring - Children, youth, and adults who have rung handbells before are welcome to participate in a morning of massed ringing. We will gather at 9 am to learn easy music for worship and finish rehearsal in time for Sunday School. RSVP required, please contact Lauren Winkelman, [email protected].

    July-August- Are you interested in providing other vocal or instrumental music during the months of July and August? Contact Lauren Winkelman for more information, [email protected].


    Serving dishes are sometimes left behind after meal-sharing events. Please check for your dishes in the Dining Room. Demrice has set up a table for pieces that may belong to members. [email protected], ANOTHER OPTION FOR COMMUNICATION

    Volunteers are helping to staff the front desk. Email them at [email protected] with your Knollwood questions. CALENDAR REQUEST FORM

    To request meeting or recreational space on the Knollwood campus, use this link on the website: (under About> Contact) https://www.knollwood.org/contact#meeting-space-reservations. CALENDAR

    The church calendar is online at www.knollwood.org/events.

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    Grace Unbounded

    TEXT: Mary Louise Bringle, 2017MUSIC: John Goss (1800-1880)Text © 2017 GIA Publications, Inc.


    Commissioned by Knollwood Baptist Church(Winston Salem, North Carolina)

  • Mary Louise Bringle May 2017

    Grace Unbounded LAUDA ANIMA

    Commissioned by Knollwood Baptist Church (Winston Salem, NC)

    In late April of 2017, I was approached by Ken Wilson, Minister of Music at Knollwood Baptist Church, about the possibility of composing a hymn text to accompany the church’s new logo and tagline. Dorothy Wagener, a member of the visual identity task force, subsequently provided me with materials including the logo, tagline, draft identity statement, and interpretive comments from the task force and church staff.

    The logo, consisting of three shapes layered one on top of the other, is immediately recognizable as a stylized bird. This likeness invited a text exploring bird imagery for the three persons of the Trinity. The tagline, “Grace unbounded ” suggested a four-syllable refrain. This led to selecting the tune LAUDA ANIMA, composed in 1868 for Henry Francis Lyte’s metric version of Psalm 103 (“Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven”), in which the repeating syllables are “Alleluia! Alleluia!”

    Stanza one of the Knollwood text explores the first person of the Trinity, imaged as a mother bird, hovering over the formless void (Genesis 1:2), “drawing life from depths of darkness.” God’s creative word (“Let there be . . .”) is indeed the source of “Grace unbounded,” continuously bringing forth the wonders of new being.

    Stanza two explores a second iconic bird from the book of Genesis: the dove released from the ark (Genesis 8:10-11). While less often viewed as an image for the Holy Spirit, this dove does serve as a providential guide. Launching away from safety, guided by her far-reaching vision, she appears to those on board as “a blaze of white above the trees.” The word “blaze” is multiply determined, referring to a patch of white (a blaze on the forelock of a horse), a marker on a trail (the dove blazes the trail to dry land), or a flame (as the Spirit in the guise of a

    of fire later leads the Hebrew people on the Exodus—or descends at Pentecost in tongues of flame). Just as the dove seeks her olive branch of peace, so the church is called to seek peace and reconciliation in a divided world.

    Stanza three moves to a New Testament depiction of the dove who descends upon Jesus at his baptism (Matthew 3:16 17; Mark 1:10-11; Luke 3:21-22). In this episode at the Jordan River, Jesus is confirmed as God’s Chosen, from whom “grace unbounded” surely “streams.”

    The culminating stanza of the text picks up on a phrase from Knollwood’s identity statement, referring to the congregation as “pilgrims in the way of Jesus.” It recapitulates the Trinitarian imagery for God: as the many-hued Creator of a world that itself is multicolored and diverse; as the living Word; and as the Spirit who is a guiding “blaze”(see stanza two) or “Flame.” The hymn closes with a prayer that the congregation, as a people upholding the name of this God, will be ceaselessly active in sharing “grace unbounded” with the world.

  • 330 Knollwood Street • Winston-Salem, NC 27104 • 336-725-1343 • knollwood.org

    Pastor Dr. Bob Setzer, Jr.Children’s Ministry Associate Mrs. Chrissy HardyMinister of Youth and Recreation Rev. Josh GodwinMinister of Welcome and Engagement Dr. Ben WagenerMusic Ministry Associate and Organist Mrs. Lauren WinkelmanMinister of Faith Formation and Education Dr. Diane LipsettMinister to Senior Adults and Weekday School Rev. Lucrecia NormanPastoral Associate for Congregational Care Mr. Ted PhilpottInterim Choral Director Dr. Bryon Grohman