NEWSLETTER FROM THE FRANCISCAN SPIRITUALITY CENTER At the Center Father Richard Rohr Webinar Cultivating Consciousness Yoga Retreat Farewell to Rosalie Hooper Thomas VOLUME 22 • NUMBER 3 MAY/JUNE 2014 920 Market Street La Crosse, WI 54601 608-791-5295 www.FSCenter.org In this Issue: Dedicated to anyone seeking God, meaning and wholeness. Franciscan Spirituality Center

At the Center May/June 2014 - Franciscan Spirituality Center

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The Franciscan Spirituality Center is a sacred place of simplicity and hospitality for those seeking spiritual renewal, healing and deeper self-awareness. We welcome people of all faiths to come to learn and experience Franciscan spirituality by discovering God in all creation.

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At the Center

• Father Richard Rohr Webinar• Cultivating Consciousness• Yoga Retreat• Farewell to Rosalie Hooper Thomas



920 Market Street • La Crosse, WI 54601 • 608-791-5295 • www.FSCenter.org

In this Issue:

Dedicated to anyone seeking God, meaning and wholeness.

Fr a nc i s c a nSpirituality Center

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Register today!

The two days our sabbatical program spent with Paula D’Arcy—author on grief and various topics—was deeply helpful for every living person to hear. Take advantage of this chance to hear her in person...at English Lutheran Church where the event will be held.”

- Julie Tydrich, FSPA

To register, please visit: www.FSCenter.org or call: 608-791-5295


Friday Workshops: Four community members will share insights and personal stories of discovering God when least expected.

Holy Invitations for Busy People

with Amy Zalk Larson

From ‘None’ to ‘All-Theist’

with Kristy Walz

Spirit Songs: Music in the Holocaust

with Sonja Larson

Heart Lessons from an Autistic Daughter

with Steve Spilde

Opening doorsThe Franciscan Spirituality Center

and English Lutheran Church present:

Fr a nc i s c a nSpirituality Center

The Franciscan Spirituality Center is a sponsored ministryof the Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration.

This Friday and Saturday

conference will be held at English

Lutheran Church located at 1509

King Street, La Crosse

Paula D’Arcyauthor of Gift of the Red Bird

29thAnnual Conference

May 2-3, 2014Open to everyone

English Lutheran Church is a co-sponsor of the FSC’s 29th Annual Conference.

With keynote speaker


Page 3: At the Center May/June 2014 - Franciscan Spirituality Center

Articles 2 Director’s Column 4 Journey toward Wholeness 5 Summer Retreat Feature

May/June Offerings 6 Program & Retreat Offerings 7 Series Offerings

News & Happenings 8 Body, Mind and Spirit10 Spiritual Direction

Preparation Program 11 A spiritual space to call your own12 Farewell to Rosalie Hooper Thomas

At the Center newsletter is published six times a year on earth-friendly paper with a higher recycled content. Find us on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.

Franciscan Spirituality Center920 Market Street, La Crosse, WI [email protected] • www.FSCenter.org


Franciscan Spirituality Center is a sacred place that welcomes everyone. We are rooted in the Gospels and sponsored by the Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration.


The Franciscan Spirituality Center is dedicated to supporting anyone in their search for God, meaning and wholeness.

We live this mission because we believe:

• In each of us lives the Sacred.

• We need each other to recognize and honor that part of ourselves.

• Responding to spiritual hunger is necessary for growth, healing and peace.

• As we grow in wholeness, we contribute to the healing of all creation.

Core Values

In keeping with the tradition of our Franciscan founders, we hold these core values:

Sacredness: Believe that in every person and all creation lives the Sacred.

Respect: Acknowledge the dignity, diversity and worth of each person as a unique image of God.

Community: Through prayer, empathy and sharing, create a safe, peaceful place.

Hospitality: Welcome all with compassion, acceptance and celebration.

Professionalism: Commit to competence, quality, trust and personal spiritual development.

What We Do

The Franciscan Spirituality Center guides and directs processes for prayer and offers personal presence to anyone on their sacred journey as co-creators of a just and peaceful world. The Center offers individual and group spiritual direction, guided and preached retreats, day-long programs and events. Staff is available for off-site workshops, presentations and programs.

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At the CenterVOLUME 22 • NUMBER 3 MAY/JUNE 2014


8Yoga Retreat

4Journey toward Wholeness

Steve Spilde, spiritual director at the FSC recommends these books:

The Ragged Edge of Silence by John Francis

“I often sit in the Sophia bookstore. For months I was fascinated by one title, The Ragged Edge of Silence. Finally, one day in curiosity I pulled it from the shelf. Almost immediately it became one of my all-time favorite books. John Francis did not speak for 17 years and did not ride in a motorized vehicle for 22 years, and yet he traveled the country sharing his message of compassion for the Earth. This is an amazing story of adventure, spirituality and pilgrimage.”

Tattoos on the heart by Father Gregory Boyle

“Father Boyle finds Grace in the most unlikely of places—among the gangs of inner-city Los Angeles. He

had me laughing at one moment and then crying the next. I was invited to look beneath the surface and

meet gang members who were simply wounded little boys searching for love and acceptance. Ultimately,

I discovered new things about myself.”

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Seeking the Gift of WisdomF R O M T H E D I R E C T O R

Recently I spent a weekend at another retreat center. I was looking to make a short Lenten retreat, and happy to find one that explored the topic of wisdom in the Bible. Like Solomon,

I frequently pray for wisdom. This was especially true during the years I was navigating the tricky waters of parenting. Our retreat leader, Sister Irene, told us that while wisdom is a gift from God, we will find it here below in our ordinary, daily life. Wisdom comes through our experiences, both good and bad. We have to experience both if we are to acquire wisdom.

Sister added that we must be skilled in listening if we are to be wise. We need to find ways to hear the voice of God. If we believe that the divine is found within each of us, then we will hear the voice of God in each other, especially in the sharing of our experiences.

While on retreat, I admired a contemporary Christian art piece hanging in the monastery. The artist, He Qi, is from mainland China. “I want people to hear my peaceful message, the Gospel message,” he wrote. “The peaceful message is very important today. We need to listen to the voice of heaven.”

I believe the Franciscan Spirituality Center has a similar goal. We invite people to bring their experiences to spiritual direction, programs and retreats, and we provide the deep listening that helps people grow in wisdom. The wisdom comes with the willingness of people to share their ordinary human experiences and how they have lived through them. The wisdom comes from each other, but it is divine.

A perfect example of wisdom experiences can be found at the FSC Annual Conference on Friday, May 2, at English Lutheran Church. Each of the four Friday afternoon breakout sessions have to do with hearing the voice of God in our human experience. Amy Zalk Larson will show us how to do this in the midst of our busy lives. Kristy Walz will say more about our spiritual identity and why it may not include a religious denomination. For Steve Spilde, wisdom comes from the challenging experience of parenting an autistic daughter. Sonja Larson will share the role music, a common human experience, plays in helping survivors transcend the painful experience of genocide.

Peace and all good,

Audrey Quanrud, FSC Director and Progran Coordinator

Mary KnutsonReceptionist & Hospitality

Zoua VueReceptionist & Hospitality

Rosalie Hooper Thomas, FSPA Affiliate

Spiritual Director

DarleneWozneyFSPA Affiliate Hospitality

Steve SpildeSpiritual Director

Amy Taylor FSPA Retreat Coordinator

Liz BrunnerHospitality Coordinator

Audrey QuanrudFSC Director

Program Coordinator

Barb KruseSpiritual Director





Linda KerriganFSPA Affiliate

Spiritual Director

Laurie SwanOffice Manager


Emily StricklerMarketing Communications


PA G E 2 F R A N C I S C A N S P I R I T U A L I T Y C E N T E R

Dorothy Lenard, Chairperson

John McHugh, Vice Chairperson

Rita Feeney, FSPA, Secretary/Treasurer

Rose Elsbernd, FSPA, FSPA Liaison

Board of DirectorsEmilio Alvarez

Blake Auler-MurphyKaren Dunn

Ken FordMike Hesch

Laurice Heybl, FSPA

Hannah HoaglundEllen Rasmussen

Patricia BogeJoan Weisenbeck, FSPA

Mike WoodsTony Yang


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Q. Who are the Spirited Friends?A. Spirited Friends make a monthly gift to

help sustain the ministry of the Franciscan Spirituality Center.

Q. How does this giving program work?A. You decide on a monthly gift amount that

fits your budget. You authorize your bank to transfer this amount from your checking account directly to FSPA for the FSC.

Spirited Friends is an easy and efficient way for you to make a monthly gift

and provide reliable support that is vital to the Franciscan Spirituality Center. Your monthly gift will help the Center live out our Franciscan mission to provide for those who seek support. Each year we give scholarships to those in need for spiritual direction, programs and retreats at the FSC. By enrolling in the Spirited Friends program, you make a significant contribution all year without the need to write checks, find envelopes, buy stamps and make a trip to the post office. Become a Spirited Friend and help others on their path to connecting with God, meaning and wholeness. Visit our website for a brochure and enrollment form.

Thank youfor your ongoing support.

Planned Giving Please remember the Franciscan Spirituality Center in your will. FSC is part of the FSPA, a 501c(3) non-profit organization. Our tax ID#39-0806386.




Spirited Friends

Community Prayer is every Wednesday from 11:30-noon.We will “listen with the ear of the heart” to the Gospel for the coming Sunday and pray for the needs of the world, our community and each other. All are welcome, please join us.

Centering Prayer is scheduled on Tuesdays, May 6 and 20; June 3 and 17 at 5:30 p.m. Experience the stillness and silence of community prayer with others seeking solitude. All are welcome!

Depressed Anonymous is a 12-step group for those dealing with depression to generate positive energies, form friendships and find support. The group meets on Mondays from 5:30-6:30 p.m. Call Vince Hatt at 608-386-7551 for questions. Freewill offering accepted.

Return & Recovery for Military Veterans Program of A4TH invites veterans and loved ones to the FSC on Tuesdays from 1-4 p.m. on May 13, June 10 and July 8 for free expressive art and support. Find a unique way to treat PTSD and other mental health conditions in a welcoming and peaceful space with counselors, artists, mentors and other veterans who have shared experiences.

Enneagram Study Group is a discussion group for those interested in using the Enneagram to explore their spiritual life and relationships with family, friends and co-workers. The group meets monthly on the second Wednesday from 5:15-7 p.m. Freewill offering accepted.

Drumming Circle meets the second Thursday of the month from 5:30-6:30 p.m. The focus of this circle is prayer and ceremony. Interspersed with drumming, we share stories and reflections. Bring your favorite drum. Freewill offering accepted.

Conversations that Matter is a men’s group that provides the opportunity to dialogue with other men on issues that matter in their lives. This group meets twice a month on either Tuesday or

Wednesday evening from 7-9 p.m. Call Vince Hatt at 608-386-7551 for more information.

Saturday Morning Men’s Group enjoys coffee and muffins while discussing a current book related to spirituality. This group meets the third Saturday of the month from 9-11 a.m. Call Vince Hatt at 608-386-7551 for book information.

What is Spiritual Direction? Join us on Wednesday, July 16 from 5:30-6:30 p.m. for a light supper and conversation about opportunities for: Group Spiritual Direction, Individual Spiritual Direction and Private Directed Retreats.

The Franciscan Spirituality Center

is the place for people from all walks of life and spiritual paths to come

together to learn more about God, themselves and how to use spiritual

principles to build a peaceful life and world.

We hope this will be a place for you to find your peace and renewal!

Spiritual Living

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N O W I N O U R 1 8 t h Y E A R


P R O G R A M F E E :Full: $750 includes bedroom, four weekend sessions and all meals.Commuter: $500 includes four weekend sessions and all meals.

Fees are payable in installments. If the investment is beyond your means, financial assistance is available. Contact Audrey Quanrud at 608-791-5264. Download an application at FSCenter.org or contact Audrey Quanrud at [email protected] for more information.


Experience personal growth and renewal in a small community with others seeking spiritual

enrichment. This year’s Journey will visit four developments in Christian spirituality

(Franciscan, Benedictine, Ignatian and Centering Prayer) to experience the gifts of

prayer they offer us.

Participants commit to attend four weekends:

October 10-12 & November 14-16, 2014


January 16-18 & March 20-22, 2015

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How did you become interested in the topic of food and spirituality?It was probably when I was in college at St. Teresa’s in Winona. A class made me aware of something really personal and that was the connection between ritual and food. A lot of experiences I had growing up revolved around meal-time. My grandparents were gardeners and made homemade Italian wine and always had family dinners on Sundays. I realized that food was a connection to them.

After I left home and was lonesome, I’d put on a pot of spaghetti sauce. They, and my parents, were very connected to others through cooking and their little grocery store and meat market, and I started to look at that as part of our identity as a family. When I started working at parishes preparing families for First Communion I discovered that food really was a way to experience the spiritual in everyday living and honors the presence of God.

Why does where our food comes from matter to you?When we get to know the people who produce our food, we can appreciate farmers, the land and the animals in the fields—we become more aware that we really are intimately connected with each other and the Earth. By becoming more aware of who prepared the food, or the store worker who sells our food, we can build a community or at least connections.

That is what the philosophy of a co-op is all about—to be closer to where our food comes from—and that’s exciting! Buying local helps us appreciate what we have, but also inspires us to take better care of our Earth and take care of those who don’t have enough.

How do you define a feast?Anything that we really appreciate and celebrate can be a feast. Whether it’s a cup of tea and a simple cookie, or homemade pasta with three types of meat, it’s all a feast. Sometimes you can feast on creation—when I drive to work, I feast on the view of the bluffs. Appreciating our abundantly generous God is a feast. Especially when we are attentive and connected with the people who prepare our foods, we can make any meal a feast.

How does being attentive to how we eat impact what we believe?It starts with being aware of our own choices and relationship with food in little ways. Then we can look for opportunities or strategies to help us decide where we want to be more active. It might be through volunteering or donating our dollars or food to raise awareness of hunger, or caring for the Earth or connecting with others. Sometimes it’s educating others on a local (and global) level for a cause.

Joining a CSA (community supported agriculture), or shopping at a co-op or farmers market, helps people discern what issue matters. Sometimes just examining our own pantry and asking, “How much is enough?” can have an impact on how we live out our values and beliefs in practical ways.

Why are you passionate about cultivating our consciousness about food?The first thing that comes to mind is that food reveals a connection with my Nana, my grandmother. Beyond that, I’ve discovered that food reveals our connection to God who knows our every need. God knows when we are empty, what we need to fill us, not only as individuals but as creation. God is a provider and calls on us to be providers.

Summer Retreat Feature PThe Franciscan Spirituality Center is excited to have Vicki Lopez-Kaley present

Cultivating Consciousness: The Gift of Food on June 21. We wanted to sit down

with Vicki to learn more about her passion for food, family and God.

Here is what Vicki had to say:

eace is flowing

like a river,

flowing out of

you and me.


Icon Writing: Simplified ResurrectionMay 11-17 • Phil Zimmerman

Cultivating Consciousness: The Gift of FoodJune 21 • Vicki Lopez-Kaley

Yoga Retreat: Connecting Heart & Soul June 27-29 • Heather Henry

Icon Writing: Saint Francis of AssisiJuly 6-12 • Phil Zimmerman

Discovering Nature: One with AllJuly 29-August 2

Rose Heil, FSPA & Amy Taylor, FSPA

Art Journaling: Trees of LifeAugust 13-16

Kate Bausch, FSPA Affiliate & Amy Taylor, FSPA

Singing the Psalms: God’s Inspired GiftSeptember 11-13

Jim Marchionda, OP & Amy Taylor, FSPA

Facilitation Methods for Group Spiritual Direction November 21-22

Joan Weisenbeck, FSPA

Visit www.FSCenter.org for more information on Vicki’s program, Cultivating Consciousness: The Gift of Food, June 21, 9-3 p.m. at the FSC.

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2014 Program &Retreat Offerings

Like us on Facebook for more information about these upcoming programs and events.

If any of these programs and retreats are financially beyond your means, please call Laurie Swan,

office manager, to confidentially discuss our scholarship options. We are dedicated to anyone in their

search for God, meaning and wholeness and want to support you on your spiritual journey.

Icon Writing: Resurrection

Each icon will be written from start to finish in a step-by-step gradual process ending with a

beautifully completed icon varnished and ready to display. Anyone can enter into this spiritual process, expressing though the icon the mystery of the image

portrayed. We begin each day with meditation and prayer. Phil supplements the workshop with information about the history of Byzantine and Russian iconography.

Noted iconographer, Phil Zimmerman, has been coming to the Franciscan Spirituality Center since 2002. He has a studio in Pennsylvania and travels all over the U.S. and throughout Canada to teach this spiritual ancient art to people of all faith traditions.

Midsummer Day of Solitude

As we approach the summer solstice, it’s a fitting time to pause and take stock. A Day of Solitude is a personal retreat day spent in silent contemplation. A guest bedroom is

provided for you, as well as a nourishing noon meal and refreshments. You are free to spend the day as you wish: find a quiet spot in which to read or journal; walk the nearby labyrinth or enjoy the fountain in our courtyard; or pray in the chapel. We begin and end the day with a short time of prayer together.

Cultivating Consciousness: The Gift of Food

Food can be a feast for the senses, a source of identity, a prime reason to gather and a spiritual way to be transformed. Our relationship

with food sometimes reveals the way we look at God, our bodies, how we care for the earth and for the poor. Mealtime invites us to connect to the Divine source of all that nurtures. With activities, presentations, prayer and discussion, this day will help us experience God through the gift of food as we are invited into gratitude, awe and dynamic connections.

Vicki Lopez-Kaley lives in La Crosse and recently became a covenant affiliate of the Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration. For the past four years she has worked as a pastoral associate at St. Stanislaus Kostka and St. John Nepomucene parishes in Winona, Minn.

May 11-17Sunday, 7 p.m. through Saturday, 10 a.m.

Investment: Full: $625 includes supplies, meals and bedroom.Commuter: $505 includes supplies and meals

Presenter: Phil Zimmerman

Registration deadline: April 11, 2014

June 6Friday, 9-4 p.m.

Investment: $30 includes lunch and private bedroom

Presenters: Franciscan Spirituality Center Staff

Registration deadline: May 30, 2014

June 21Saturday, 9-3 p.m.

Investment: $65 includes lunch

Presenter: Vicki Lopez-Kaley

Registration deadline: May 21, 2014

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July 6-12Sunday, 7 p.m. through Saturday, 10 a.m.

Investment: Full: $625 includes supplies, meals and bedroom.Commuter: $505 includes supplies and meals

Presenter: Phil Zimmerman

Registration deadline: June 6, 2014

July 29-August 2Tuesday, 6 p.m. through Saturday, 3 p.m.

Investment: Full: $350 includes meals and bedroom.Commuter: $250 includes meals

Presenters: Rose Heil, FSPA & Amy Taylor, FSPA

Registration deadline: June 30, 2014 (Space is limited)

M A Y & J U N E

Yoga Retreat: Connecting Heart & Soul

Enjoy merging mind, body and spirit through this heart-centered retreat. Encompassing postures and slow

breath work, sacred sound and meditation, chakra work and yogic diet, this retreat experience will support one in finding balance and aligning with nature’s rhythms. Whether you are beginning a practice or deepening one, the flow of gentle yoga will encourage a release of the unnecessary and reclaim the Divine from within. Acknowledging each person as beautifully unique, participants are invited to honor their bodies and find their own personal rhythm. Please bring your yoga mat and towel.

Heather Henry teaches Sadhana Yoga and offers Ayurvedic Counseling and Yoga and Energy Therapies at Integrative Therapies in La Crosse.

Icon Writing: Saint Francis of Assisi

Participants will write a Francis of Assisi icon taught by Phil Zimmerman. Each icon will be written from start to finish in a step-by-step gradual process ending with a beautifully

completed icon varnished and ready to display. Anyone can enter into this spiritual process, expressing though the icon the mystery of the image portrayed. We begin each day with meditation and prayer. Phil supplements the workshop with information about the history of Byzantine and Russian iconography.

Discovering Nature: One with All

Explore the relationships in nature as we set out on a pilgrimage through different landscapes in our surrounding area. Together we will slowly move through nature to observe, reflect and share our understanding of the intricate relationships between all living things.

Sister Rose presents eco-spirituality programs and leads discussions on Native American issues. She was a national park ranger and naturalist for 12 years and enjoys connecting Spirit and Earth through storytelling.

June 27-29Friday, 3 p.m. through Sunday, Noon

Investment: Full Investment: $150 includes meals and bedroom.Commuter: $120 includes meals

Retreat Director: Heather Henry

Registration deadline: May 27, 2014

(Space is limited.)

Awakening to Spirituality

Awakening to Attention

May 6 • Tuesday, 5:30-6:45 p.m.Presenter: Amy Taylor, FSPA

Investment: $10Registration deadline: April 28, 2014

This is the time of year when we begin to see the awakening of the Earth. It is a season leading to growth and new life. Come and explore your own awakenings on your spiritual journey with others who are committed to living with intention. Listening is an important part of the spiritual journey: sometimes we listen to others more than we listen to our own hearts.

Are You Eager to Love? Understanding the teaching of St. Francis

July 26 • Saturday, 9-11 a.m.Registration deadline: July 19, 2014 Investment: $10 Presenters: Richard Rohr, OFM and FSC Staff

This year Fr. Richard Rohr is taping three teachings on themes from the Christian tradition. He offers new ways of understanding the teachings of Jesus, St. Paul and St. Francis. The FSC is a subscriber to this series and will replay the third and final webinar on Saturday, July 26.

2014 Series OfferingsRichard Rohr Webinar


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Lisa Radtke has completed blue belt training through the Nia Technique, Inc. and is the director of organizational learning and development at Mayo Health System Franciscan Healthcare in La Crosse.

Tai Chi

Session Three: Mondays, April 7, 21, 28; May 5, 12, 19 (no class on April 14) Time: 12:15-1p.m.Investment: $36/6 classes or $8/drop-inPresenter: Bernice Olson-Pollack

Tai Chi is an ancient discipline that involves both standing and balancing positions. The positions replicate the activities of everyday life, providing mindful attention to how they are expressed with the body. The slow meditative patterns of movement awaken energy, align the body and improve balance and breathing.

Vinyasa Yoga

Session Three: Mondays, March 31; April 7, 14, 21, 28; May 5 Wednesdays, April 2, 9, 16, 23, 30; May 7 Session Four: Mondays, May 12, 19; June 2, 9, 16, 23 (no class on May 26)

Time: 5:30-6:30 p.m.Investment: $48/6 classes or $10/drop-in, $86/12 classesPresenter: Bernice Olson-Pollack

Vinyasa yoga has been practiced for thousands of years for its health benefits. These include mental focus, balance and flexibility, relaxation and stress relief. Wednesday sessions will also include strength training.

Golden Yoga

Session Three: Tuesdays, April 1, 8, 15, 22, 29; May 6 (Limited to 20)

Time: 11:15-NoonInvestment: $36/6 classes or $8/drop-inPresenter: Bernice Olson-Pollack

Traditional yoga poses are modified with the use of a chair so that participants do not need to get on the floor. Golden Yoga provides a safe approach to improved flexibility, strength and balance.

body, mind & spirit

Bernice Olson-Pollack is a staff member of the Wellness Center at St. Rose Convent. She holds a masters in counseling and has years of hands-on experience in life coaching, personal training and yoga instruction. She is a registered Yogafit instructor and a certified personal trainer with the American Council on Exercise.

The Nia Experience

Session Two: Thursdays, March 20-May 1 Time: 5:30-6:30 p.m.Investment: $56/7 classes or $10/drop-inPresenter: Lisa Radtke

The Nia Experience is the ultimate mind, body and spirit workout. Created in 1983, Nia combines dance movements, non-impact martial arts and diverse styles of music to improve body-centered awareness. By connecting with your emotions and body, Nia can help you to look, think and feel better. It’s a great stress reliever.


Connecting Heart & SoulJune 27-29 • with Heather Henry

See page 6 for more information and registration details!

10 Reasons to go on a Yoga Retreat:1. Grow in your yoga practice.

2. Get a new perspective.

3. Invest in yourself.

4. Unplug from stress.

5. Relax and breathe deeply.

6. Meditate and pray.

7. Eat well without having to do all the work.

8. Make new friends.

9. Appreciate home and your body.

10. Be attentive to your heart and soul!

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Tour the Maria Angelorum Chapel

The Mary of the Angels and Perpetual Adoration Chapels at St. Rose Convent are symbolically

rich, their details serving as tangible expressions of the mystery and beauty of the Christian faith. We invite you to take a tour and pray before the Blessed Sacrament the next time you visit St. Rose Convent. Perpetual prayer is a 135-year tradition of the FSPA and the chapel is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

Shop at the Sophia Bookstore

Enjoy complimentary tea or coffee while you converse with a friend or browse the shelves for new spiritual books. Our Wi-Fi is also free for you to use. This bookstore has three dining tables with four chairs making it ideal to share a meal with friends. Others find this space useful to do some writing, journaling or preparing themselves for a meeting or appointment.

Walk the LabyrinthsWalking a labyrinth provides a soothing,

balancing effect that quiets the mind, allowing you to reflect on life or prayer. Located in the Cancer Center courtyard at Mayo Clinic Health System | Franciscan Healthcare, the labyrinth pictured is open

and available for reflective walking during daylight hours between April and October. Another labyrinth is part of the courtyard between the new Nursing School and the Fine Arts Center on Viterbo University’s campus.

Discover the Lending LibraryCheck out a book or DVD from the lending

library across from the Sophia Bookstore or browse our used book sale tables in the hallway for one dollar deals. This library has a wonderful selection of books and materials for you to borrow on Judeo-Christian spirituality, including Franciscan spirituality and St. Francis and St. Clare.

Admire Dancing Francis and Clare Located in the Assisi Courtyard adjacent to

the San Damiano Chapel on Viterbo University campus, the Dancing Francis is a nine-foot bronze sculpture depicting St. Francis of Assisi dancing on a crescent moon, holding a sun disk in his hands.

The Dancing Clare bronze sculpture is a visual companion to the Dancing Francis.

Fr a nc i s c a nSpirituality Center

Join us in Community Prayer

Prayer is every Wednesday at 11:30 a.m. We will “listen with the ear of the heart” to the Gospel for the coming Sunday and pray for the needs of the world, our community and each other. This 30-minute prayer experience offers spiritual renewal and community support. We also offer Evening Contemplative Prayer on the first and third Tuesday from 5:30-6:30 p.m.

Visit the Hermitages on Solitude Ridge

If you seek a beautiful, tranquil place for private and personal reflection, reserve a night at one of

our three hermitages for only $50. Take a short 10-minute drive to Solitude Ridge in St. Joseph, Wis. and unplug from your busy life to pray in silence and solitude, or walk the trails while enjoying the beauty of nature.

Schedule Time with a Spiritual DirectorCompassionate listening is a powerful gift. When

you feel the need or desire to share your sacred stories with someone who will listen intently and patiently to your words and feelings, without judgment and with love, we are here. Spiritual directors won’t give you solutions, advice or answers, but rather invite you to go deeper into your life story. This compassionate listening can provide immeasurable healing and spiritual growth.

Gather in the Rose Room The Rose Room is a welcoming space inside

the Franciscan Spirituality Center for community gathering, conversation and prayer. Offering comfortable seating, tables, beautiful art work and natural light, this space is open for people to enjoy.

Gather with others or relax and reflect on your own.

Reflect, Create and WriteThere are many nooks and crannies to use for

personal reflection and to let your creative energy flow. Sink into the stillness at your desk inside your private bedroom, gaze at the beautiful artwork in each meeting room, or meander outside to reflect before the Blessed Mother fountain in the courtyard. Make time to slow down and reflect on your surroundings before you write a journal entry or color an artful mandala. This will inspire your creative energy and renew your spirit.

Thingsto do


Reflections from the the Center is a collection of peaceful prayer meditations from the voices in our community that are emailed to you every Monday. To receive these weekly emails, click the blue button “Join Our Email List” on our website www.FSCenter.org or “Like” our Facebook page to stay connected!

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PA G E 1 0 F R A N C I S C A N S P I R I T U A L I T Y C E N T E R

Sometimes you just need someone to listen as you work through the complexities of life. The process of sharing your story and opening up to the conversations in your heart with a trusted confidante, or a spiritual director, offers a deeper self-awareness and understanding of your relationship with others, including God.

Schedule your first one-hour appointment with a spiritual director by calling the FSC at 608-791-5295. Scholarships are available for your first visit.

Compassionate ListeningS P I R I T U A L D I R E C T I O N

Linda Kerrigan, FSPA Affiliate

[email protected] 608-791-5276

Barb [email protected]


Rosalie Hooper Thomas, FSPA Affiliate [email protected] 608-791-5268

Steve [email protected]


Our Spiritual Directors

What is Spiritual Direction?Spiritual direction is the powerful gift of compassionate listening. We have four trained and experienced spiritual directors on staff to meet with you whenever you are ready. When you feel the need or desire to share your sacred stories with someone who will listen intently and patiently to your words and feelings, without judgment and with love, we are here. Spiritual directors won’t give you solutions, advice or answers, but rather invite you to go deeper into your life story. This compassionate listening can provide immeasurable healing and spiritual growth. We are here for you.

Katherine Krage shares why she chose to enroll in the Spiritual Direction Preparartion Program at Franciscan Spirituality Center:


Spiritual Direction


Application deadline: June 30, 2014

PreparationFor more information visit www.FSCenter.org

‘‘ I enrolled in SDPP because of a lifelong mission to be a good listener.

I was ready for new cohorts to journey with me in my mission to fully

hear and accompany others, just as my spiritual director of many years

had accompanied me into new growth. I developed a foundation I never

had for my faith. It was a deeper appreciation for God within, as well as

perfect direction in how to serve as a spiritual and retreat director.

The impact of these three years has been experiencing a new deepening

of hospitality. My words of wisdom...get ready for a fine ride, and don’t

crowd in too much at once or it will be difficult to come out whole.”

Katherine Krage, MSW, is the advance directive coordinator at Mayo Healthcare System Franciscan Healthcare and a spiritual director at

Integrative Therapies in La Crosse

A spiritual direction program is a path to deepen your

spirituality and prayer life. It is a desire to be

present to those searching for meaning in their life

or a way to develop skills in compassionate listening.

Spiritual directors don’t give people answers to their

most sacred questions, they invite them to go deeper

to reflect how God is present in their life.


Barb Kruse: 608-791-5612 / [email protected] Kerrigan: 608-791-5276 / [email protected]

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Contemplative prayer is a core tradition to deepening your relationship with the Divine. It is a practice and

a tradition that we honor and share with others who are seeking time to be alone and away from the busyness of life. If this interests you, together we will design a unique private retreat experience at the Center or at our hermitages in St. Joseph, Wis. on Solitude Ridge. Your experience in silent contemplation opens your heart and mind for spiritual growth and transformation; many find it to be a time for healing. Our retreats are designed by one of our spiritual directors especially for you, taking into consideration your unique needs and time availability.

Private directed retreats of any length are offered anytime during the year depending on the availability of our rooms and your choice of spiritual director. Please contact any of our spiritual directors for more information.

HermitagesOn Solitude Ridge in the rural village of St. Joseph, Wis., the Franciscan Spirituality Center offers you these simple cabins to read, write, rest, hike, dream and renew yourself in nature. These quiet and simple hermitages offer you a unique, safe place to pray and reflect in nature.

Our hermitages are single room cottages with modern conveniences that you would expect. Each hermitage has electricity, heat, and electric fireplace; a bathroom with a shower; mini-kitchenette including a stove, refrigerator and microwave; CD/tape player and phone for emergency. Furnishings include a twin bed, an easy chair and a small table and chair. Towels and bed linens are provided. Guests are asked to bring their own toiletries and food. Meals can be prepared by you at your own convenience.


Our bedrooms have either private or shared bathrooms, a twin or full bed, easy chair, a desk and a chair. Bath and bed linens are provided. Meals can be arranged. Consider staying overnight for only $42.


Our hermitages are a one-room cabin in a rural setting. They are fully modern with electric heat and fireplace. They have a small stove and refrigerator, microwave, twin bed, easy chair, and small table and chair. You bring your own food to prepare your own meals. Bath and bed linens are provided. Schedule your individual private retreat for $50/night.


Reflections from the Center is a collection of peaceful prayer meditations from voices

in our community that are emailed to subscribers every Monday morning. To receive

these weekly reflections, please join our email list by clicking “Join Our Email List”

on our website, or email [email protected]. To submit your reflections, please email

[email protected]. Visit www.atthecenterreflections.blogspot.com.

Reflections from the Center

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A spiritual space to call your own

If you seek a tranquil place to retreat to for private and personal reflection, reserve one of three hermitages on Solitude Ridge in St. Joseph, Wisconsin for only $50/night. To schedule your stay please call the Franciscan Spirituality Center at 608-791-5295.

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Twelve years ago the cover of At the Center featured an interview with

new staff member, Rosalie Hooper Thomas. Rosalie spoke of bringing

her experience working with businesses and organizations as a consultant

and trainer to her new position as director of business outreach. In

particular, she hoped to develop a “center for servant leaders” at the FSC.

At that time servant leadership was just taking root in the La Crosse

area and the Foundations for Servant Leadership program, which Rosalie

coordinated for 10 years, helped introduce the concepts to many

individuals. Rosalie presented many other leadership topics at the FSC

such as mentoring, listening and resolving anger in the workplace.

A skilled facilitator, Rosalie was frequently called upon to assist groups

with planning and other organizational needs.

Midway through her career at the FSC, Rosalie began the process of

becoming a spiritual director. Grounded in her Catholic identity, Rosalie’s

journey also included Native American spirituality. Drum making and

drumming, and the annual Serenity Retreat at the FSC, are additions from

Rosalie. A pilgrimage to Assisi also had a profound effect on Rosalie. She

nurtures her Franciscan spirit as an affiliate of the Franciscan Sisters of

Perpetual Adoration and a prayer partner.

Rosalie helped to teach others about Franciscan core values through her

work as FSC’s program coordinator, which included the FSC’s annual

conference (at that time known as the Summer Program) and the

Franciscan Fest. Her colleagues recall that Rosalie’s attention to detail,

gracious hospitality and Franciscan beauty was second to none.

Over the past 12 years Rosalie has left her mark on just about every aspect

of the Center, from spiritual direction and programs, to administration and

development. On May 16, 2014, Rosalie will finish that chapter of her life.

We wish Rosalie and husband Stan all the best in their retirement, but we

want her to know how deeply she will be missed.

Please wish her well on her new beginning!

FSC Staff

Rosalie Hooper Thomas

peace for retirement

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Sophia BookstoreTucked away inside the Franciscan Spirituality Center, the Sophia Bookstore is a treasure waiting for your discovery. Full of books, scarves and interesting gifts, it is a wonderful, quiet place to sit and enjoy the quiet hum of life and energy within. The room has three tables, free wi-fi and complimentary coffee.

Open Monday-Friday from 8-5 p.m.

Please stop by to browse!

I M P O R T A N T I N F O R M A T I O N :


The Franciscan Spirituality Center offers a wide variety of rooms to fit the needs of your meeting,

retreat and training sessions.

We offer five meeting rooms to accommodate groups from 2-72 participants. Each room is bright, attractive,

comfortable, quiet and can be tailored to meet the needs of your group. In addition, we provide a wide range of audio/visual equipment for no additional charge. Refreshments and catering are also available.

Call 608-791-5295 or email [email protected] to reserve a room today for your group’s next meeting.

Where to find usFranciscan Spirituality Center is just west of Mayo Clinic Health System-Franciscan Healthcare and one block north of Viterbo University at 920 Market Street. The Franciscan Spirituality Center shares the building with St. Rose Convent.

Fr a nc i s c a nSpirituality Center

Telephone: 608-791-5295 • Email: [email protected] • On the web: www.FSCenter.org

Solitude Ridge HermitagesThree individual hermitages are built on the edge of a woodland and provide the peace and quiet of a rural setting. These small buildings were designed to provide a space for the silence and solitude necessary for a deeper experience with God. Hermitages are $50 per night. Email or call the FSC to make your reservations today.

Telephone: 608-791-5295

Registration Process

Please visit the Franciscan Spirituality Center’s website at www.FSCenter.org to register for each session. We accept PayPal for all online registrations and require payment in full at the time of registration. If you would like to pay in installments or register by phone, please call 608-791-5295 or by email at [email protected]. We accept credit cards, personal checks and cash for all registrations not completed online. Payment must be paid in full prior to the start of the program to be a confirmed participant.

Refund Policy Some of our events require a non-refundable registrationfee; the balance will be refunded to you if you cancel priorto the event start time.

Registration Deadlines Many programs/retreats now have a registration deadline. This will help us make important decisions regarding the status of the program/retreat. Many programs fill quickly; early registration is recommended to guarantee placement. Prompt registration also helps reduce the possibility that a program or retreat might be cancelled due to insufficient enrollment, an issue that inconveniences participants and presenters.

Scholarship InformationIn the spirit of Francis and Clare, we honor and respect everyone in their search for spiritual healing, growth and renewal and will not turn anyone away because of inability to pay. Our scholarships are based on need and on the type of program or retreat. We give scholarships to anyone who asks for financial assistance for spiritual direction and partial scholarships for programs or retreats. Please contact us for more detailed information about scholarships and payment options for specific retreats and programs. We do not offer scholarships for bedrooms or hermitages. Contact us at 608-791-5295 or by email at [email protected], or visit us online at www.FSCenter.org for more information.

MidsummerDay of Solitude

Reflect and Pray in Silence

Friday, June 6 • 9 a.m.-4 p.m.

Seek out this sacred place of solitude andcommune with God in silence.

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Fr a nc i s c a nSpirituality Center

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The Franciscan Spirituality Center is a sponsored ministry of the Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration.

Icon Writing: St. Francis July 6-12 with Phil Zimmerman

Fr. Richard Rohr Webinar July 26 with FSC Staff

Discovering Nature: One with All July 29-August 2 with Rose Heil, FSPA

Art Journaling: Trees of Life August 13-16 with Kate Baush, FSPA Affiliate

Singing the Psalms: God’s Inspired Gifts September 11-13 with Jim Marchionda, OP

Last year, over 100 children in the La Crosse School District were homeless. Those who are homeless are rarely given basic hygiene supplies needed for health and confidence.

The Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration, and their affiliates, are asking for your help in responding to the needs of local individuals and families who are homeless and in need of basic personal care items.

Items in need are:Baby wipes, talcum powder, diaper rash ointment, diapers (all sizes), baby shampoo, comb/brushes, deodorant, razors, shaving cream, bar soap or body wash, Kleenex, shampoo/conditioner, feminine products, manicure sets, raincoats/ponchos, socks, towels and washcloths and diaper bags.

Thank you for your kind and compassionate donation! Please give generously.

Questions? Call 608-791-5295. Drop off your donations in the collection bin at:

Franciscan Spirituality Center • 920 Market Street • La Crosse, WI 54601