Wanted-Chick Hi ing mo your Chickens und Eggs ai prloo and goods at oask prices I What to Do lu Sond for a physician when a sorious you waut Goods aofivoröd at once. For Ap Itniao thu hoad aud body. For nico M »vu y Careful Havo groat foar of their homos boini not uppermost just now, for thoy oro cont I have for dinner?" You can supply youl Respectfully, Storni aub ikrsüiwL -Call ¡it Jaynos's for your, grocorios. -Roan L. C. Craig's now ndvortiso- mont in this issuo. -For any kind of stock food call on. C. W. Rnuknight. -Thc Walhalla Hotol is receiving a now coat of paint. -For Cotton Sood Moni and Hulls cnll on C. W. Bauknight, -Cotton sood meal, hulls, hny, lunn and corn nt Jnynos's. -Go to Gibzc::':; to got your wntohos and jowolry repaired« -MisB Nottio Gibson is upending a few dnys in Groonvillo this weok. -Mr. Wm. Torry roturnod Mcudny evening from a visit to Amlm-soti. Ladies, bo your own judgo of mil¬ linery bargains. Miss lt. Phillips. -For n spring tonio to build up the system, take Lu o ney's Sarsaparilla. -Pattern hats and bonnets, ohildron's hats, infants' cups. Miss ll. Phillips. -Mr. C. G. Js.vnes mndo a business trip to Sapphire, N. C., lust Thursday. -Miss Demie Sonboru is on a sovorul wooka' visit to rotatives in Pendleton. -Full lino of dress goods with now trimmings to match. Miss H. Phillips. -Largo assortment of ladies' dreas skirts nt Miss lt. Phillips', Soncoa, S. C. -Corn, Binn, Hay, Cotton Scod Meal and Hulls a specialty nt C. W.Bnuknight's. -United States (Join t will convene in GreonvUlu on next Tuesday, April 25th. -Mr. .). II. Mnxwoll, fireman on tho C., O. & A. hail road, is at home on a sick furlough. For biliousness, headache, paiu in buck mid sido Lunnoy's 8 hour livor pills aro n cure. -"Grand Spring Opening" April 17th, 18th, 10th, 20th, 21st, 22d. Miss H. Phil¬ lips, Seneca, S. G. -Miss »V rrio Porry left Saturday morning tc ¡sit relatives mid frionds nt Andorson f. lil Eimroc. -Capt. W. T. Rowland, of Charlotto, N. C., spent Sunday visiting tho family of Col. lt. A. Thompson. -Miss Julia K. Maxwell wont to An¬ derson this morning on a three days' visit to relatives and friends. -Miss Mnc Wyly, of Retreat, has vo- contly been on a visit to relatives in this place. She returned homo Inst week. -Mrs. John ROKO and littlo children, Sophie, Julia May und Richard, uro vis¬ iting rotatives in Abbevillo this weok. --Don't fail to seo me whon you wnnt feed of nny kind. I will mnko it to your interest. C. W. BAUKNIOHT. -Mrs. S. P. Dendy loft Monday morn¬ ing for Grcouvillo, whore sho will spend some time with her daughter, Mrs. L. Ii. Darr. -Misses Fannie Mnxwoll, Kn to Boll and lue/. Sob rode/ aro spending to-dny in Anderson buying spring bats mid "sich lixin's." -Mr. W. J. Neville, Jr., h ft Monday for Gainesville and Roswell, Ga., whoro he will spend this week visiting relatives and friends. -Mr. Tyro A. Hilf, of Danville, Va., is visiting his brother, Mr. J. M. I litt, of Walhalla. Ile arrived Sunday evening, and will'spend some time. -Abbevillo Press and Banner; "Mrs. John BOHO, of Walhalla, with throe bright little children, aro in tho city ns guest« of Mrs. James A. Hill." -Bead tho now advertisement of II. A. II. Gibson Walhalla, and ohangosof J. II. Adams, and bowery, Byrd & Co., of Seneca, and give thom all a call. Rev. Andorson, of Andorson county, is expected to begin a series of meetings in Kaufmann'a Oporo llouso noxt Tues¬ day night, 25th instant. Evorybody in¬ vited. -Health for ton cents. Oascarots make tho bowels and kidneys net natur¬ ally, destroy microbes, cure headache, biliousness and constipntiou. All drug¬ gists. -LOST, between West Union and Wal¬ halla, a gold heart with three pearls and gold lock for bracelet. Howard if loft at the CoUltlKH ellice or at Mr. J. C. Mick- ier's, Wost Union, -Lavonia ((¡a.) Standard-Gauge, April 15: "Mr. T. P. Long, Lavonia*fl fauùy painter, left for Walhalla last Saturday, ile bas a job of painting over thoro that will keep him several days." - If you wantohoap goods go to J. «fe J. S. Carter, Westminster. Don't forget that they will pay highest market price for your chickens and other produce. A nice lot of pants just rocoived. -Mr. Fred. M. Iliomnnn. of Charleston, came up last week and will spend some timo with his mother. Mrs. Homy Rie¬ mann. Ho is looking well and his many friends are pleased Li seo him again. -United States District Court will con¬ vene in Groonvillo on next Tuesday, tho 25th instant. Tko witnesses will appear in the court tho sanio tiny of tho week next week that tboy wore subpoenaed to appear this week. -Go to J, ô> J. S. (.'ni ter's to get your new suit. Thc have thom now and moro coming. Your wants shall bo supplied, for you want n largo stock to select from and you want juices right. So go now and get lirst choice. -Again we call attention to the fact that A. P. Montague, L. L. I)., will de¬ liver au address on Christian Education in tho Baptist church noxt Sunday, and that all, of overy denomination, are cor¬ dially invited to attend. -Mrs. M. IC. Ackerman and Mrs. A. K napp, who have benn spoil di og the win- tor with Mrs. Torlnmo, oj» Faculty Hill, are spending a week in Seneca. They will return to Walhalla and prolong their sojourn in our midst. -Mr. L. Bloom is tho malinger of the new clothing store of Mr. Myer Saul, in Walhalla. Ho mid Mr. Saul arrivod Monday and began opening their stock of clothing. This stove will be an at¬ tractive resort for tho trading public. -Spring is hero and our spring goods are here. Do not fail to seo our now lines, for we can suit you; besides, that thing you are so .Hixsons about (prices), will suit you. Como now. tl. A J. S. OAHTKII, Westminster, H. C. -Messrs. J. W. Holloman and I). A. Smith are in Columbia this week attend¬ ing tho Grand Lodge of t ho Knights of Honor. Mr. II ol loman is tho represen¬ tative of W alhalla J.odgo lind Mr. Smith is n member of the Grand Lodge by vir¬ tue of the position ho occupies on nu important standing committee. -Mrs. J. J. Haley, of Oak way, who has been postmistress thoro for tho past lon years, was in Walhalla last Saturday. Mrs. Haley has been living in this county fur Hftoon years, and this wa» her Hist visit to Walhalla. Mrs. linley ls tho wife os Mr. J, J. linley, a prominent mer¬ chant of Oakwny, and a member of tho Board of County Commissioners. -Tho members of tho Walhalla Com¬ edy Company will again niako tholr appearance boforo tho foot, light»» on Fri¬ day night, April 28th. It has nun» )h long (imo since their Inst appcnraiico, (Mid I hey will bo heartily welcomed. Thoy promis» n good performance, and they should have a largo crowd nt their first play nt Pitehford*a Hall. Romombor tho night and bo hand to groot thom, ens and Eggs. ad reooivo for tb om tho high ont market Emergencies. » accident occurs. Send to JaynoB* when oploxy frosh (hooorion oall at Jayuos'. ]IOU80WlY08 ar. destroyod by Aro, but this thought is InuaUy asking tho question. "What will p wants at Jayuos'. C. G. JAYNES. -Mr. Grundy Hill, of Horse Covo, N. C., was in Walhalla last Saturday. Ho is ono of tho most sucooBsful farmers of tho Old North ¡State, conduoting his largo farming operations on striot business prinoiplos. His many Walhalla frionds aro nlways glad to soo him. -Miss .Sallio Norton hits boon ap¬ pointed a dologato tc represent Oconoo county in tho International Sun¬ day School Couvolition, which moots in Atlanta on tho 20th instant. Sho will go, and, while there, will spend sovoral days visiting relativos and frionds. -Messrs. Juan Rillingsloy and John Murray, of Arizona, arrived lo Walhalla on Wednesday, tho 12th Instant, and WÎH s poi ni somo timo visiting rolativoB and frionds in South Carolina and Georgia. Mr. llillingsloy is a brother of Mrs. J. M. Baldwin. Ho has beon on tho Pacific Slopo for oight yoars. Hon. Jamos Seaborn, Oconoo's ofil- ciont Clerk of Court, is tho champion gardener of Walhalla. Ho arises with tho groat orb of day and diligontly oxor- cisos his upper limbs until tho bright rays vender bim as suplo as a sixteen year old. Kow aro so richly hi es s ed with vegetables as our honorod Clork. An ox am plot -Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hilos roturnod to their Bummor homo, Sholby, Mich., last Tuesday. Tlioy woro accompanied by Mi::s Alloc C. Hicks, who will spend tho sumnior with them. Mr. and Mrs. 1). Ii. Gardner, of Luther, Mich., also returned to their homo Tuesday morning. Mr. Chas. Bollamor, who has boon visiting tho families of Mr. Hiles and Mr. Gard¬ ner, accompanied tho party on their Northorn trip. Attention is called to advortisomont of H. A. IL Gibson, proprietor of tho now cash store for Walhalla. Ho will carry a full linc of staple and fancy grocorios. Dry goods and notions aro also in st ode Ho intends to soil cheap for the cash, mid will make 't to your interest to consult him bofo buying. Although ho has retired fro... tho practico of law, ho has not rotirod from business, and will con¬ tinue to preside in tho mart of trade NEW ARRIVAL! SEED. Fine lot Watermelon, Corn, To¬ mato and Heans. Gorman Millet. Onion Sots. All Burpee's Seed warranted and sold at catalogue prices. Remember, wo give you three to four times moro eood-and hoo¬ ter-than you got lu packages. NORMAN'S. Prof. Bowman Doad. Prof. lt. T. V. Howman, of Clemson College, died at tho homo of his brothor, near Charlottesville, Va., on Friday, 14th instant. Ho was instructor In forgo and foundry in tho mechanical department. Ho was a young man of many noble parts. Marriage of an Agod Couple Marriod, on Tuesday afternoon, 18th instant by Hov. C. L. Craig, Mr. A.Callo- way Stono to a Mrs. Moss. Tho groom is sovonty years of ago and brido Bixty-llvo. This is said to bo tho third marriage of each. Many friend, extend congratula¬ tions and best wishes. Largo Shipmont of Cloth. Last wook tho Walhalla Cotton Mills shipped a carload of cloth (1Ó0 halos) to a linn in Clyde, H. L, twenty milos from Providence. This was tho largoBt singlo order tho mill has shipped sinco it has been put in operation. On last Saturday an order of twenty halos was shipped to anothor town in Rhode Island. "A Loyal Friond" at Pltchford's Hall. "A Loyal Friond," a comedy in four act«, will bo presented at Pitchford1 s Hall Friday night, April 28, by tho Wal¬ halla Comedy Co. This is a bright littlo comedy and full of sparkling- wit and humor. Instrumental music and a num¬ ber of new songs, qnartottos and Bolos, will bo introduced betwoon tho aots. A now piano has just boon placed in tho hall for this entertainment, and-ail who attend may rest assured that t¿»oy will spend a pleasant ovonlng. Popular prices-15 cont« to all. Harrlson-Dnrby. At 7 A. M. on Wednesday, thc 10th iir- stant, at tho residonco of Dr: D. 15. Darby, Mr. I. H. Harrison, and Mlas Meta C. Darby woro united in tho holy bonds of wedlock, Kev, J. D. McCul¬ lough, of tho Episcopal church, officiat¬ ing, Tho wedding was a quiet one, only the mombors of tho families of tho con¬ tracting parties hoing present. Tho happy couple took tho 8.lt) o'olock pas¬ senger train for Anderson. Their many friends extend congratulations and wisn thom a long lifo of happiness and pros¬ perity. Aftor a fow days tlioy will bo at homo, in 'Valhalla, lo their many frionds. Af,\ Harrison is ono of tho foremost c .1 engineers and surveyors in tho State, Mrs. Harrison is a sister of Dr. I). Ii. Darby and Is much admired for bor Christian graces and lovable dispo- tion. Tho Work ot tho Flames. On last Sunday at noon tho dwelling houao, occupied hy Mr. John A. Morton, near Neville's mill, was burned. Tho lire caught from a stove lino and m ado such rapid progrès» beforo discovery that it could not bo extinguished. Tho barp and stables caught from tho honso and were also burned. Tho housos woro on a farm owned by Messrs. J. W. Hollo- man and J. W. Stribling. Tlioy had a policy of insuranco for $500 in tho Farm¬ ers' Mutual Insuranco Company of Oconoo county; Mr. Morton had applied for a policy ju tho sum of $15Qouly a few days beforo, but had not paid the initia¬ tion fee or (lues, bunco h ja namo was not pnterod, and his loss of personal prop¬ erty will have to bo horne by iii m. On Tuesday, by order of tho l'rosident, J. J, Ballengor, a loyy of two milla was nia.de on all thc policy holden; In tho Farmers' Mutual Fire (nsuranoo Com¬ pany to liquidate tho damages of Messrs. Holloman and Stribling. - t--«ti--;- Now Editor for tho Oconoo Nows. Hon. E. E. Vernor, of Richland, bought a majority of tho stock of tho Oconoo News on last Monday, and will assumo odltoral management of tho pspor with tho next issuo. In tho deal Mr. Vernor bought tho stock of Messrs. J. II. Karlo, W. P. Dickson, A. P, Crisp, J. 8. Floyd, J. J. Keith and J. L. Smith. It Is an¬ nounced probable that tho papor will bo moved to Sonoea, but this matter has not boen fully determined, Wo heartily wclcomo Mr. Vernor into tho Hold of journalism. Ho needs no introduction to our people, hoing alroady ono of tho best known and most highly respected Citizens of tho county. Ho is now sorving his second term as a morn- bor of tho Honso of Representatives from Oconoo. He ha» proven himself to ho a /}uoi)t debater, and wo predict that ho will mako »fl ready a writer as ho isa speaker, Mr. W. P. Dickson bo associated with him foromau in tho pjophamoa) and publishing dopartmonL Death ot Miss Eliza 8er.t^rn. Miss Eliza Soaboru died at uer homo lu Foodletou OD last, Saturday"rooming, 15th instant, at 4 o'olook, agod 64 years. 9he had hoon au invalid for uoarly thirty year», Buffeting from asthma. Sae was ii daughter of the late Gooree Soaborn and a sister of Mr. Jamos Soaborn, of Walhalla. Sho was a membor of tho Episcopal chu roi» and hor body was In¬ terred In the cemetery of tho Episcopal ohuroh at Pondlotou on Saturday after¬ noon", af tor funeral servloos wore con¬ ducted by Kev. E. L. l'orohor. Sho was a devoted Christian, and longod to be at roßt. -?«?»» To Close at 7 O'olook. Wo, tho un do v<i i good mereh ant:» of tho town of Walhalla, do hornby agree to oloso our respectlve places of business during tho summer months at 7 o'clock each af tm roon, beginning May lat and ending So^vCmbor 1st, Saturdays and pay-days at tho factory excepted. It IB agreed and understood that thoro shall bo no na ICH by sido door or ot her wi »e. In caso of failure to comply with tho terms of this agreement by any ono, thou this papor shall bo binding on none. Vory rospootfully, C. W. Bauknigkt, C. W. Tltohford Co., Car tor & Company, C. M. Nield, JaB. I. Smith, J. C. Langston, O.II.8ohumaohor,Agt., C. Ci. Jaynos, H. A. II. Gibson, W. II. Raedor, Ii. C. Craig, W. P. Nash, H. C. Busoh, Wilmot Smith, Norman Company, D. Oolkors. An Affording Scone. ¡?'.ince tho beginning of tho enlistment of volunteers for tho war with Spain it has bwvii >.u uncommon Hiing' to BOO, in moat r.r.y uuwspapor ono might piok up, accounts of affecting ".cenes at tho part¬ ing of husbands bad wives, sons and mot hera, brothors and sistors, and occa¬ sionally ono might oven como across tho icoonigal of tho sad parting of sweet¬ hearts. Walhalla was happily spared any of this during tho war, but now, siuco poaco has boon declared and voluntooia aro roturning to thoir homes all over tho oouutry, wo iiavo boon given an opportu¬ nity to witness ono of thoBO scenes- a scene calculât cd to canse tho tearing looso of ono's heart, from ita moorings. Tuosday morning n protty and popular young lady was loavoing for a long trip to Michigan. Twenty minutes before the train started off ono might havo onjoyod a quiet little gamo of solitaire on tho roar of Treasurer J. lt. Kay's coat as ho sped from tho Court Houso to tho depot. But this was not tho end. Just boforo tho train pulled out sounds woro hoard in tho distance as of largo pieces of solo leather coming in hard and rapid contact with tho carib. Tho crowd all ga/.od in tho direction from which tho Bound oamo. and almost instantly an objoot turnea tho cornor in tho rear of tho Walhalla llotol, coming with tho spood of tho wind. Thoro was a quick division of tho crowd, «orno backing up to tho train, others dattening themselves against tho weatherboarding of tho waiting rooms, to givo tho Hying object a clear track. A turn of thia object's head, howovor, gavo it a glimpse into tho ladies' waiting room, and it stopped short, novor to go again till tho train pulled out. It was thou discovered that tho object was no lest> a personage than our young mer¬ chant, Mr. Geo. M. Ansel, Thoro woro no shrieks of anguish, no fainting, po paroxysms of weeping, but those tightly compressed lip«, tho twitching of the mm/clés of tho mouth mid chin, told of a deon grief heroically controlled, Our modesty forbado our rubbor-nccking through tho car windows to witness tho very last. Capt. Anderson eau doubtless toll of thc w inging of hands and shed¬ ding of tears as "tho parting words woro spoken," lt's Ratlior To Much For You -tho ordinary, bulky pill. Too big to tako, too much disturbance for your poor system. Tho smallest, easiest to tako, and host aro Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pollets. They loavo out all disturbances, but yot do you moro good. Thoir help last:;. Constipation, indigestion, bilious attacks, sick or bilious headache, and all derangements of tho livor, stomnoll and bowols aro prevented, relieved and per¬ manently cured. Doath of Prof. Bowman. KBOWBB; S. C., April 17.-Nows was received on Friday last announcing tho doath at Charlottesville, Va., of Prof. R. T. V. Bowman, hoad of Ino iorgo and foundry department, at Clemson. . Mr. Bowman had boon sick for sovornl weeks, and, having been given a vaca¬ tion, wont to his homo in Virginia about tinco weeks ago. It was known that ho was vory seriously sick, having somo organic disease of tho heart, besides othor serious trouble. So whilo his death was not oxpeeted so soon, it was no sui prise to his frionds at donison when thc nows carno. Arrangements woro at once made for Prof. Boats (also of Virginia) to attend tho funeral as tho representativo of tho college. Ho loft in time to bo at Charlottesville early Sun¬ day morning. «Jttr. Bowman WOB tho youngest profes¬ sor at donison and was a young man of many noble qualities of heart. Ho took groat interest in athletic sports foi tho boys, and was liked by tho cadots and esteemed* by tho professors. His death so early in lifo excites unusual sympathy and sorrow. i>. n. > Bucklou's Arnica Salvo* Tho host salvo in tho world for outs, ornisos, Borso, ulcers, salt rheum, fovor sores, totter, chappod hands, chilblains, corns and all 'skin erupt ions, and poal- tivoly euros pilos, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to givo porfect satisfaction, or monoy refunded. Frico 25 couts por box. For salo by ]), IS. Darby, Walhalla; W. J, Lunney, «oncea, and ll. B. Zim¬ merman, Westminister. Tugaloo Items. TUOAI-OO, S. C., April 17.-Wonrohav¬ ing Bomo moro protty weathor, to tho delight of tho farming community. Wo examined some fruit troca and found that fruit is not all killed yot. Mrs 11oniimson, whom woroportod last wook as suffering from tho effect of a fall, died on Friday night, 14th instant, about 0 o'clock. Sho was buried on Saturday in tho old Westminster ceme¬ tery. Sho had boon a consistent mombor of tho Baptist church for many years. She was verily a good woman. ThoB. Gordon, p. e., is running a black¬ smith shop at this plaop. |(o works two days in tho week-Tuesday and Satur¬ day. I wish I woro a boy again, with fish hook, lino and cano. 1 would go right straight and dig se no bato, and Ino mo to tho creek. l,. --».»»---.- Union Mooting. The following is tho programme of tho union meeting of tho lower district of the lioaverdam Association: l'laco-South Union. Timo -Fifth Sunday and Saturday bo- fore of tins month. Introductory sermon by Hov. J. It. Earle; alternate, Hov. W. W. Leathers. First query; "What in tho Biblo plan of raising church oxpensos?" Discusnod by j, W. Reardon ftbd Hov, J. M. Mc¬ Guire. yd, ''What aro somo of tho evidences of a regenerate lifoy"' Discusnod by Rev, H. M. Allon and Bov, A, V. Maret, Devotional exoreisos on Sunday morn¬ ing by ({ev. H. W, Nolson. Missionary sermon by jtov. II. M. Allon. A. V. MARKT, M. 0. HARTON, Committee. Prevention better than cure. Tutt's Liver Pills will not only cure, but if taken in time will prevent Sick Headache, dyspepsia, biliousness, malaria, constipation, jaundice, torpid liver and kindred diseases. TUTT'S Liver PILLS ABSOLUTELY CURE. NEWS IN AND AROUND WESTMINSTER. l-'atal Aooldent - Nominating Convention- Other Nows of Interest WKSTMINSTKK, April IO.-Roy, tho two yoar old «on of Mr. J. M. Collins, was killed last Friday by hoing shot through tho hoad with a pistol. Collins and wiro had gone to tho flold to work, loavlng their three little child ron at tho house. Their oldest child, agod threo years, whom, it appears, was the only oyo wit* ness to tho accident, say. tho weapon discharged while tho little follow was Í»laying with lt. The weapon was kept a a trunk and tho trunk left unlooked. Messrs Wm. P. Audorson and W. D. Losly aro in Columbia, in attondonco upon the anuual mooting of tho Grand Lodge Knights of Honor. Mr. Anderson is chairman of oommittoo on finance and Mr. Losly is tho roprosoutativo from tho Westminster lodge. They are ox nco ted to return Friday ovouiug. Dr. A. V. Montague, £.L. Ti., having A provious engagement to preach at Groouwood on last Sunday, could not como hore and preach, but sout a most promising young University student by tho nemo of Balloy ovor to proaob. Ito loft a (Ino Impression upon tho con- grogation. There will bo a citizens' meeting in Mason's Hall Friday ovoning nt 8 o'clock to nonitnato a tickot to bo votod at tho town olootiou on Monday. Every voter roBidiug within tho corporate limits of town, and all othors in tores, ed In tho wolfaro cf tho town that can oon- voniontly como, aro requested to attend this mooting. Tho tiokot will bo com¬ posed of ono intendant and four wardens. At thc polls ou Munday a special box will ho provided for tho voters to say whether thoy favor or oppose tho' ox- emption of municipal taxation OU a cot¬ ton pilli for tho porlod of flvo years. Those in favor of it will voto ,,yos" and thoso opposing will voto "no." Miss Regina Duff wont to Nowry Mon¬ day, whoro slio will spoud somo timo assisting Mrs. .Kay in millinery work. Miss Mary Mason, youngest daughto" of Col. and Mrs. K. IC Mason, delighted her many littlo frionds by inviting thom to hor homo on Friday, April 15, tho thirteenth anniversary of her birthday. From 4 until 0 o'clock in tho afternoon lt was a vory enjoyable occasion to all prosont, ana thoy loft wishing tho coming birthdays of Miss Mary to bo ns pleasant as hor thirtoonth. Messrs. L. IL V. Hobson and W. W. Beardon aro ongagod in building Hov. 1\ J. Virmillion's dwelling houso. Hov. G. J. Christian, of Howman, Ga., will preach in tho Baptist church on tho fifth Sunday, April 80. Mr. lt. L. Davonport has accoptod a position ns travoling salesman for Wood¬ ward & Goodrich, wholesale grocers,- of Norfolk Vii, Mr. Devonport has boon with J. & J. S. Carter npvornl months and will mako his headquarters thoro, Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Cartor of Wost Union, visited relatives boro Sunday. Col. H. E. Mason visited Anderson Monday in tho inlorost of tho Blnok Dia¬ mond Railroad. Mr. John V. Stribling, of Audorson, has boon doing a groat deal of land survey¬ ing in and around Westminster for pomo time. Mr. Stribling is ono or tho very host civil engineer:', and survoyors. Tho map or plat no makes of a pieco of land it vory pretty indood. Tn* fnrmors or trying mighty hard to got their crops planted at tho usual timo, À, h- Ho as KT c. HOW TO LOOK GOOD. Good looks aro really mote than skin deep, dopending on ti roly on a hoalthy condition of all tho vital organs. If thc livor is inactivo, you havo a bilious look; if your stomach is disordorcd, you havo a tfyspoptio look; if your kidneys aro affected, you havo a pinched loolc. So- curo good health and you will study havo good looks. Electric Hitters is a good alterativo and tonic. Acts dirootly on tho stomach, Jivor and kidneys, puri¬ fies tho blood, cures pimples, blotches and boils, and givos a good complexion. Evory botijo guaranteed. Sold at J. W. Hell's, Walhalla, W. J. Lunacy's, Seneca, and H. H. Zimmerman's, Westminster, drug stores. 60 couts por bottlp, --. »--.- Nowry Nows Notos. NEWBV,IS. C., April 17.-"Lot us cross ovor tho river and rest Under the shade of tho trees." Such woro tho thoughts suggested to our minds last Friday morn¬ ing ns tho news spread ovor our littlo town declaring thc »act that Mr. Mooro had passed from timo into eternity without oven a struggle or a moan. Tho family thought him resting quietly, but ho had passed ovor tho river and was Blooding tho sloop of death. When wo think of him passing away so calmly wo aro forcibly impressed that death is only a dream. May God bloss tho boroaved family. Tho health of our town is oxcoodingly good at prosont. Wo can boast of ono of tho cleanest mill towns In tho South. When wo do got sick wo can boast of ono of tho best physicians in tho South-Dr. Frank Ashmore Mrs. Choswoll and Miss L. A. Howon Bpont last Friday and Saturday in Green¬ ville. Mr. Moots bas accepted a position as suporintondont of tho cotton mill at Ros¬ well, Ga. Ho is a worthy young man, and wo wish him much success. Mrs. Childers and family will loavo this wenk for Greenville. Their many frionds rcgrot to soo thom loavo. Two of our young mon aro mourning ovor tho doparture of their best girls. Cheer up, boys; lt Isn't far to Groon¬ villo. Si. w. Rheumatism Curod, My wifo has used Chamberlain's Pain Calm for rheumatism with groat roliof, and. I can rccommond it as a splendid liniment for rheumatism and other household uso for which wo havo found lt valuable,-W. J, Cuylor, Hod Crook, Now York. Mr. Cuylor is ono of tho loading mor¬ on ants of this villago and ono of tho most prominent mon in this vicinity.- W. G. Phippin. Editor Hod Crook Her¬ ald. For salo by J. W. Boll, Walhalla; H. II, Zimmerman, Westminster; W. J. Lunney, Sonooa. -.-^ » -.-_-.- Dologatos to tho Rounlon. At tho conforonco of members of Camp Haskoll, No. 805, U. C. V., hold at West¬ minster, S. C., last Saturday, 15th instant, tho following comrados woro designated OS dologatos and alternates to roprosont said camp in tho annual rounlon to bo hold in tho city of Charleston, S. C.. May 10th to 18th proximo, viz: H. II. Cross, H. Y. II. Lowery, W. A. Strother, M. A. Terroll, S. K. Dendy and V. F. Martin. AH members of tho camp, who can do so, havo tho privilege of attending tho rounlon, and will ho provided for thoro, and the Commander nopes that as many as oan do so will avail themselves of tho opportunity of enjoying tho ploasuros Of tho occas n. S. P. DKNDY, Commandor Camp llaskoll. Gleanings from Oakway. OAKWAY, April ll.-Hov. It. H. Dag- nall preached at Center Mothodist church Sunday morning ai ll o'clock. Messrs. S. L. Brown and M. V. Mo- Craokln visited friends at Fort Hill Fri¬ day night. Misses Cordelia Beardon, Viola and Mario .Jennings woro the guests of Miss ¡ea ha Kubanks Sunday, J)r. I. J. Burris, who has beep in Now York, returned homo laBt Saturday. Misse? Kva Heeder and Alma Kay spent Friday night with tho family of Mr. J. w. Reardon. Mr. .J. J. Norris, oloctrical engineer at Portman Shoal«, Anderson county, spout a fow hour« at Prof, J. S. Jennings' last Sunday afternoon. Messrs. E. J. Hunnioutt and L. A. Mooro, of Sonoca, woro in our town Sun¬ day, Our local nurseryman. Mr. W, T. Bear¬ don. has recently sold a good many appio troos to farmoiB in neighboring counties in this Stato and Goorgia. Ho has seine sixtoon varieties of tostcd ap- plos. Ho still has over four thousand for tho fall market, Fntairns. Tho Samoan ombro"*io has b ¡on settled peacefully and honorably to ad throe of tho controlling powers. This is much hotter than tho war plan which Congress¬ man Hull scorned so eager to soo adopted. APPfiOVEO PENSION LIST For Goonoo CoUnty tor Ino Fisoul Year 1899. Ar* You One of Them? Class "AV-Junios 0. Davin, Biohard Golden, Enooh Moore. Class «'B."-fl. A. Byrd. Franklin Gra¬ ham, J. H. Johnson, A. Bi Moigan, J. N. Morcan, Jas. Nioholls,- B. 8. Rutledge, Franklin Taylor. ^ Olasfl VC." No. 2.-T. A. Adams, BS. F. Alhortson, T. H. Baldwin, F. W. Burdett, A. W. Bryaut, Bobt. Blackwell, John BlaokVroll,- W. H. Burket, W. L. Burns, Sambo) B., Belotte, E. 0. Butler, B. Crompton, Biohard Cain, J. P. Colo, H. MVColo, N. P. Colo, Silas Calhoun, Bobt. Cobb, E. 0. Compton, W. F. Corbin, A. E. Cliukscnlos, J. O. A. Conch, James Chambers, W.E. Cox, A. H. Cokor, E. C. Chapman, J. C. Chapman, T. H. Crooks, J. L. Campboll, W. A. Chastain, Austin DawklnB, F. M. Durham, B. E. Dodd, Wm. Duncan. S. A. Fricks, H. T. Floyd, D. VV. Fludloy, Johu Foster, Thomas S. Gibson, Wm. Graham, Johu Glouso, J. T. Galaspio, T. M. Ilutchius, Joptha Hoad, John Dawkins, A. L. Hays. II. J. Huff, Horny Hughos, Jas. M. Hall, W. J. Harbin, II. M. Harbin, N. B. Hunnioutt, E. O. Hopkins, C. B. Ilodgo. Jamos A. Hombreo, John Hatton, Martin Hopkins, Julius Hoffman, Wm. Hunter, I. Z. Hall¬ brook, W. W. Hamilton, John Huskamp, A. E. Jenkins, William Jamos, John Keaton, J. II. Kolloy, Hansom Loo, J. B. Logan, J. W. Lylo», Henry F. Long, Howland Long, Alfrod Loo, John Loo, Jos. C. Lee, Daniol C. Littloton, W. A. Lusk, John O'Laryo, W. H. Land, T. W. Land, John Loo, W. C. Miller, J. J. Manning, .1. M. Morgan, H. M. Martin, G. L. iïcCvC, ff. C. Mvoio, J. ii. MoGuf- iln, J. M. Millor, J. M. Martin, J. B. Moore, Jantos Mason, Ed. Nix, M. Nich¬ olson, Uayhis Nicholson, David Nim- mone, W.H.Owons, Ervin Phillips, W.H. Pitts, Joel L. Phillips, H. Hardin Pitts, Tliomas J. Pitts, (reinstated), A. M. Piokens, W. H. Powers. C. M. Kidloy, Jas. ltotton, Jefferson Reese, Joromiah Howland, C. Ii. Bold, Adam Ridloy, E. E. Heed. A. L. Biohards, T. J. Bitter, Wm. touch, C. A, Howland, H. B. Bogers, (trnnforrod from Andorson), G. W. Rob¬ inson, John Rogers, W. A. Hood, J. A. Richards, C. F. Sooba, John S- Sloan, Wm. Stogall, Thos. Smith, Wm. Snider, Jarnos Southorland, W. R. Snndors, John Sims, Thos. Sizomoro, T. J. .Sloan, S. B. Stono, W. J. Saylor, J. D. Shuttleworth, John Swoauoy, A. K. Taylor, W. II. Thomas, Samuel Thomas, Filis Turnor, John Vollrath, J. J. Vissago, W. A. Wil¬ son, J. W. Wilson, Wm. Willbnuks, John Wooddall. Class "C," No. <i. -Mary Ablcs, Ado- lino Bvmim. Esther Board, Casanda Blair, Mary Á. Burn», Sina Cox, S. E. Collins, Lottio Croushaw, Kissoy Crane, Elizabeth Corn, M. I/. Christmas, Eliza¬ beth Crow, Eliza V. Caiu, Mary Dotson, Smalt J. Dodd, Mary C. Diokson. C. C. Ellison, Elisabeth Fisher, M. I. Gibson, Martha Garrott, T, J. Graham, R. N. Grant, Mary E. Holden, Emily narris, Naroifisa Holmes, M. E. Hutchison, Mary J. Iloncrt, Charlotto Harris, Nanoy Har¬ ns, Martha Ilix, Eltzaboth Harvoy, L. E. Jones, Margaret James, Fannie Kncoht, Elizabeth Kitchens, R. L. King, AllRPy Kelley, ll. C. King, Killey King. M. A. King, M. L, Lylos, S. M. Long, Susan Long, Ellzaboth Eyles, Nanoy Lamer, Sallie Land, Martha LoHoy, S. A. Lusk, Elizabeth Macklin, Mary E, Moore, Hulda Massoy, M. A, Moody, Bfara M<H- rjson, H. E. Moore, Malinda Miuton, Catherine Moody, Mary E. Marott, Anna MoDouald, Mary E. Morris, Carolino Mooro, Nancy Nioholls, Isabolla Noal, Mary C, Nix, Esther Qrr.BaoUol 0, Pitt«, Louisa Rholottor. Mary Hitter, Carolino Itamny, Mary Robertson, M. C. Spoon* ngol, jemima Smith, Dlcoy Stubblefield, Anna Stausoll, M. H. J. Sullivan, C. E. Sims. .S. P. Slater, C. A. Sloan, Rebecca Smith, N. E. Snndors, Sarah A. Smith, Susan G. Singleton, Nancy Sullivan, R. E. Tollison, Arminda Thomas, Mary J. White, E. C. Williams, Mary A. Wood, Eliza Zink. AN ENTERPRISING DRUGGIST. There aro fow men moro wido nwakp and enterprising than J. W. Holl, of Wal¬ halla, W. J. Lunney, of Seneca, and H. B, Zimmerman, of Westminster, who Bparo no paius to soouro tho host of everything in thoir liuo for thoir many customers. They now have tho valuablo egoncy for Dr. King's Now Discovery for consumption, coughs and COUIB. This is tho wonderful remody that is producing such a furor all ovor tho country by its many startling euros, lt absolutely cures asthma, bronchitis, honrsonous /nul nil affections of tho throat, ohost and lungs. Call at abovo drug Btoros and got a trial bottlo froo or a regular size for ßO oonts nnd $1. Guaranteed to cure, or prioo ro- fundod, Return (toms. RETURN, S. C., April 17.-Wo have had a showor, which mukös everything bl il im and Kay in its spring beauty. Messrs. EIHB and Clifton Simpson aro having seine trouble with thoir shingle mill. Master David LoRoy caught ninety« ono Hull at ono haul tho othor day. Mr. Daniol J, Morgan oponed tho way for planting cotton last week. Hov. J. M. McGuiro, of Oakway. preahed an ablo sormou Surday instoad cf cn: ouster, Hov. C. L. Craig. Miss Suo Cleveland, of Cross Roads, spent last week with rolativos at tliiB place. Mr Will LoRoy is spending a fow days with homefolks at Newry UIÍB weok. Mnstor Spurßoou Clovolaud, of Cross Roads',' attended church boro Sunday and partook of tho hospitalities of Mr. J, L. Miller. Mr. Will Mooro, of Adams' Crossing, vlBitod Mr. J. T. Crain Saturday night and Sunday. Miss Salllio Williams has returned homo from a fow weeks' visit at Fort Hill, Miss Mamie Postor and Mrs. Will Pos¬ tor, of Rh bland, worshipped boro Sun¬ day and partook of tho hospitalities ot Mrs. J. P. Martin. Mrs. Carolina Prlco, of Riohland, vis¬ ited Mrs. Alfrod Tannory Sunday. Mr. J. D. Driver and wife, of Clear¬ mont, visited hor father, M John Tan¬ nory Sunday. Mr. Whoolor Hayos and Mrs. H. A. Hayes, of Cross Roads, visited rolativos ana frionds boro Sunday and Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Gip Watos, who live near Pair i'lay, visited her father, Mr. Alf rod Tannery, Sunday., Mr. Loo Vissage, of Mountain Host, was in our section last wook. Cur school closed last Tuesday, leaving Miss Olivo Dalton, tho littlo eight-yoar- old daughter of Mr. Thomas J. Dalton, to hour tho namo and honor of hoing tho host snollor among many in our Behool. -.--«.»-- "A wold to tho wiso is suflloiont" and a word from tho wiso should bo sufll¬ oiont, but you ask, who aro tho wisc? TIIOBO who know. Tho oft ropentod ox- rerionco of trustworthy porsoiin may bo taken for knowlodgo. Mr. W. M. Torry suys Chamberlain's Cough Romody gives bottor satlsfaotion than any othor in tho mnrkot. Ile has boon in tho drug busi¬ ness at Elkton, Ky., for twolvo yoars; has sold hundreds of bottles ot this romody and nearly all othor cough modi¬ cums maniifnoturod, which, shows con¬ clusively that Chamberlain's ia tho most satisfactory to tho people, and is tho best. Por salo by J. W. Hell, Walhalla; H. H. Zimmerman, Westminster; W. J. Lunney, SoilOCa. -- « ^_- Hems from liamsay's Crook. BAMMAV'S CKICKK, April 10,-Somo of our farmers have begun to plant cotton and corn. Mr. A. M. Rholottor and wlfo visited on Hrnsstown last wook. Mr. D. A. Dickson and wifo visited rolativos on Changa last Sunday. It is I.m il that Mr. Hob Roach, who has been md to sick, is improving. Small grain lins begun to grow. Julius Hoggs, Jr., of Richland, has boon aceiiKcd of "sparking" on Chaugfl and Ramsay's Crook for sumo timo past. BLOOK-HBAD, Tho oruisor Haleigh, ono of Admiral Dewoy's victorious ships, will bo in Charleston harbor during tho Confodo rate reunion. J^affißj CANDY CATHARTIC . At Four Score. -;- Or. Mitos' Nervino Restores Health.. ÜNOLE EZEKIEL OBEAR, noaisaor and tax collector, Beverly, Masa., who has pasted the 80th Ufo milo stone, sayst "Dr. Miles' Restoratlvo Mer vine has done fe great doal of good. T suffered tot yt? ra f.-om sleeplessness and nervous heart trouble Would fool weary and usod up In tho morn¬ ing, had no ambition and tay work seemed a burdon. A friend recommended Dr. Mlle«' Nervino, and I purchased a bottle under protest as I had trlod so many remodles un¬ successfully. X thought it no use. But lt dave mo restful sloop, a good appetite and restored w? te sssrs^tio bonito, lt ta a grand good modtolne, and I will gladly write anyone Inquiring, full par&lcularsof my sat- Uiactory oxporlouco." Dr. Milos' Romedlo9 aro sold hy all drug¬ gists under a positive guarantee, first bottto benefits or monoy ro¬ tunded, Beokondls- oaaos of tho heart and nerves freo. Address, PR. MILES MBDIOAlTÖO.. Elkhart, Indi THE NEWS' FROM SENECA. ^ Tho Juvenile' Foreign Missionary Socloty Elocts Officers-Local Nows. SKNKCA, April 18.-Miss Lidio Bowen, of Enaloy, spout Friday night in Soncoa on her way to Elberton. Mr. W. W. Bowen spout Sunday at Elberton. Mr. L. M. Jordan, who has boen doing tho position of book-koopor for tho firm of M. \V. Coleman «fe Co., has gone to Union to lill a similar pesitiou. ile is a young man of moro than ordinary intol- loetual and religious attainmoiitu, and. in his.leaving, tho town ¡ ustainb a genuino loss, Mr. David C. Todd now hap tho book¬ keeper's placo at M. W. Coleman «fe Co's. MÍBS Frances Lowory, one ol Seneca'n prêt tier, tan (1 mont popular young bul ie;:, in snooding tho week with her ooualn, Miss M al lie Sullivan, nt Fort Madison. Sb o ia accompanied by bor niece, little Miss motto Hamilton. Mrs. E. Clay Doylo is visiting rolatlvos nt ( reen ville and Lamons, Dr. E. M. Coleman, Livonia's popular yoqng nhyttolan, spout Satiivday boro. Sovoral young pooplo from boro at Icniled a danco given by Miss Mando Vornor, at her homo, near Richland, Fri¬ day night. At HIP Methodist Charon Sunday aftornoon tho following oflicora woro oloctcd for tho Juvenile Foreign Mission¬ ary Soolotyi President, Dort Pierce; 1st vico prosidont, Norman Morgan; 2d vico president, Bright Lowery: correspond¬ ing Boorotary, Miss Mary Mooro ¡ record¬ ing secretary, Luther A. Mooro; treasu- vor, Jonathan Jordan; agent for Little Workers, Joseph Swann; lady manager, Miss Mary E. Swann. MÍBB Francis Whitmiro spout Saturday and Sunday at Donvor, tho guest of bor riendi Miss Margie Major. Bov, W. S. Hamitor, who has a warm placo in tho hearts of tho pooplo of nil denominations, has hoon ill, and N ns unnhlo to till his usual appoiutmoht nt tho Presbyterian ohuroh Sunday morn¬ ing. Rov. R. L. Bogers, of walhalla, proaohod in tho aftornoon. Rov. W. T. Capers proaohod to a largo oongrogntlon at tho Episcopal church Sunday ovonlng. MAMlK SWANN. So. SOME KINDS OF GOODS CAN BE BOUGHT I¿T ANY STORE and as cheaply in ono an another; but there aro goods that you cannot got ovory whoro. Thin is tho lino wo want to show. Wo havo many dainty now things for Spring that aro now and beautiful in Wash GoodB, Silku and Woolens, and our "Silvor Star" Madras for Shirt Waists at 12^o. in unequaled. Thoy aro as pretty as silk. Send for Bamplos. Our now lino of Ladles' SIIOOB, just in, Dlack and Tan Oxfords and Sandals, and thoy have tho stylo and lit, you can depend upon it. Our Mon's Furnishing Dopartrnont was novor bottor--Nookwoar, llofllory, Col¬ lars and Cuffs, Shirts, white and colored. Soo our now Silk Bosom Shirts at $1.00. You can't match thom. Wc havo a full stock of Mon's Straw Hats, all new nhnpon and up to dato. Wo havo a "Nobby Hat" for only fiOc. Wo cnn and will soil you if you will only look before you buy. Ml. HUN & CO., SRNBCA, S, C. PRICE LIST. Straw and Crash Hat*, (ai. Ladies' Low-out Shoos (a), Mon's Dross Shirts («}.... Mon's Undershirt WO...., Ladies* Undorvests (a)...'. Percalo @. Long Oloth (nj. Whito Organdy @. Whito Cambrlo @. 10 to 60 oonto oneil. 60o. to $1 por lyrtir. SS cents to $1 oaou, 26 to 60 cents each. Ö to 16 oonts eaoh. 7 to J2Jo. per yard, 10 oonts por yard. 12i cont» por y*rà. 0 oonts per yard. Call and ermine our goods and wo will convince you that you got good value when you trade with us. . .. Wo handlo Hoes, Hool Swoops, Plows and other fai ming loo'-;. Buy a Victor Swoop. It will ploase you. Lowery, Byrd & Co., SEavKOA, er. o. W. D. LESLY & CO., THE CUT PRICE CASH STORE, A low of our specials for tho noxt ton days will bo in SHOES. Two oases Ladios' Lacod Silk Vesting Top Vioa Shoor., in taus and blaoks, guaranteed all loathor solos, worth and soil anywhoro for $1.76 to $2 per pair. Our prloo only $1.48. Our lot of Oxford Ties-tho kind th»t will vot eliI;, up. Tho solos are all loather. Th« ï>e»t bargain you will find this soason, only 75 couts. Will montlon n fow or our Groceries: Good ouo-hnlf Patont Flour $3.76 por barrol. Arbuoklo's Coffoo, nor paokago, 10 cents. Oranulatcd Sugar, 17 pounds for $1. Soda, 10 pounds for 25 couts. Wo soil all Snuff nt 4 couts por box, Host Oatllak08, 5 conts por pound. While wo aro Bolling wo will buy a fow things, lions; 23 conta in trade; 8 oonts por dozon for Eggs, tho market for Butter, Poa», Corn, .fco. Yours vory respectfully, W. ». KiBtBULT ét CO*»- WESTMINSTER, S. C. Will givo 22 oonts oash for Will buy and givo tho top of To THE PEOPLE OF COONEE COUNTY. Our Spring Goods Aro Hore, and Wo Ask that You Coll und Exumino Thom. TTTE havo all that you oould ask for-that is, first-class Goods at Lowost PriooB. VV Just soo our' lino of Dross Goods and you will bo convinced that we aro right. Soo our Ladies' Slippers. Wo can givo you a nico Slippor, worth $1.25, for 08 couts. Then if you want something bettor, wo havo them and eau suit you. both in prico and quality. Wo havo tho bostsolootod lino of thom wo havoovor bau, and can elvo you what you want. CLOTHING.-Now is your timo to buy your Clothing. Como boforo tboy aro picked ovor. Wo havo bought thom and thoy must go. oo como. PANT«.-Wo also havo a lot of nico Pants, just como. Thoy, too, must go, aud now is t lie timo to got thom ohoap. SHOES.-»Thon you should soo our Shoos. Wo will not tako spaco to montlon our many difforout kinds and low pricos, for wo eau suit you in stylo and quality, and inako you smile whon you prloo thom. SHIKTS.-Wo havo a lot of now Shirts with tho many other bargain», and don't forgot to look at thom. IN Fi.CT-anything you want to buy you should como to us for it, as wo carry everything usually kopt in a first olass atoro and aro always willing to divido prollts with you. So it will pay you to oomo to soo us. GUOCEUIES, »fcc.--Whon you want Groceries call and soo us. Whon you want Hardwaro call and soo i\s. Whoa you want Furniture oall aud soo us. Whon you want Shoos oall and soo us. Whoa you want Dry Goods call and soo us. Whon you want IiAUGAINS oall and soo us. JO, T Cl pi A 13 HP T71T) Successors to . 00 «J» Ö. OÍVJAJ Xiii Xl, CARTER MERCHANDISE CO., Two Cold Feet Avo common afllictions. So common, in fact, that I havo laid in an oxtra supply of- HOT WATER BOTTLES . Prico of tbroo-quart bottles $1 oaoh. Also a largo and frosh stock of Drugs ami Druggist's Sundrios, at pricos to moot tho timoB. * Jim XX. X>-A.I?/J3"V, X>ruggist. C5f~Full stock of Gardon Sood». CARTER & CO.'S IS THE PLACE TO SELECT YOUR NEW DRESS. Thoy havo tho Largost Assortment and Prettiest Lino ovov shown in town, such as Wash Silks, Dottod Swiss, Frenoh. Paoiflc, Folioia and Mulhouse Orgau- dios, Sootch and Marquita Lawns, Skirt Goods, Suitings, Dross Linons, Duoks, Piques, Poroalos and Dimitios. You look and begin to want-wo prico and you begin to buy. Tho most fas¬ tidious can ploaso thomsolvos in our Lacos and Embroideries. Our stook is largo and Insult if ul, . . . SHOES! SHOES ! SHOES ! . . . Wo aro always up ou this lino. Can flt both your foot and pockot book with styles that aro suro to please Wolli our largo stook of Spring Clothing is just going so fast wo fear to men¬ tion it, for it may nearly all bo gono whon yon got boro unless you como soon. Frosh GrocorioB and a full lino of Hardwaro always on hand. Thanking all our customers for past patronago, and soliciting moro for tho futuro, wo aro, Vory respectfully, Ci .A. rjä? I±J I«, Sc COMPANY, . . Wallinna., S. <J. . . Ki^'N. B.-Wo also havo plonty of tho Higbost Grado Fertilisers on hand. iii LINERY. IAM now rocoiving my Now Spring Millinery and a full lino of Linon Stamped Goods. CarticolllSilk Gooda for Waists and Trimmings. SPRING MILLINERY OPENING, THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, MARCH 80, 81, AND APRIL 1. MISS ELLA TURNER, of Atlanta, Ga., will havo ohargo of tho Millinory Department, and sho will bo pre¬ pared to moot tho wonts of all ous- tomors, Remember tho Opening-March HO, 81, and April 1. Rospootfully, MRS. E. H. CÜDW0RTH. Dr. G. G. Probst, x> is isr rr x s rr 9 Walhalla, S. C. Office two Doors East of Bank, Second Floor. Houns : 8.30 A. M. TO 1 v. M. AND 2 TO 0 v. H, Maroh 24, 1808. DR. ff. F. At 13 xs TV rr i © rv, Sonooa, S. C. ?-OFFIOK DAYS '- MONDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY OF EACH WEEK. May 10, 1808.-ly FOlt LOW- n Spring m iilïiif'V YOU givo your bouso and farm a good cleaning up ovory f pring. Why not givo yoursolf ono, too? Your system noods it af tor going th rou* <.}/;'?. Ima win- tor season as muon ns yodr houso docs. Wo havo tho Medicino that dooB;!tho work, and does it well, too. It contains in ovory bottlo all of tho host Drugs known to bousoful ns systom-ronovators. Como and soo, and lot us show it to you, and < ominn), oonso will do tho rest. All it oonts ls 50o. and OOo. a bottlo, Yon can't afford to do without it. And if you aro just gotting ovor tho grip wo can holp you In that, too. lt. rusts us nothing to shaw YOU 0UV Modiolnos-in fact, wo tako pleasure always In doing itt Sviuiuunftt 8KNK.CA, Hy Cf ¡Rafes West,! B TEXAS, MEXICO, CALI- fi « FORNIA, ST. LOUIS, CHI- fi ¿ CAGO, or any point, with Sj Ï FREE MAPS, w ri to to I Fred. D. Bush, | District Passongor Agont, ^ I Louisville & Nashville B. R.,¡ II No. t Brown Bldg, Atlanta, Ga. jf, WARREN PRIESTLEY, TI I. IO I*A£ll*I3H. FOR FOURTEEN YEARS WAL- HALLA'S TONSORIAL ARTIST. Prompt and satisfactory work at his Parleta, 4-21-08-ly Paluatto Livery aou Sale Staoles, SENECA, S. C. I, D. FlNOANNON, PnOl'KlKTOR. Fanoy toams and volitólos at nil timon, day or night. Prioos roasonablo. 4-2l-08--ly. J. J. ANSEL, -DEALER IN- Furniture oFnH Kinds, Cofllns and Caskets. Oflf" Prices to suit tho times, r.4fi^ 4-81-08-ly

At Four Score. Eggs. PRICE - chroniclingamerica.loc.govchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026912/1899-04-20/ed-1/seq-3.pdf · Fine lot Watermelon,Corn, To ... Ho was a young man

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Wanted-ChickHi ing mo your Chickens und Eggs ai

prloo and goods at oask prices IWhat to Do lu

Sond for a physician when a soriousyou waut Goods aofivoröd at once.

For ApItniao thu hoad aud body. For nico

M »vuy CarefulHavo groat foar of their homos boini

not uppermost just now, for thoy oro contI have for dinner?" You can supply youl


Storni aub ikrsüiwL-Call ¡it Jaynos's for your, grocorios.-Roan L. C. Craig's now ndvortiso-

mont in this issuo.-For any kind of stock food call on.

C. W. Rnuknight.-Thc Walhalla Hotol is receiving a

now coat of paint.-For Cotton Sood Moni and Hulls cnll

on C. W. Bauknight,-Cotton sood meal, hulls, hny, lunn

and corn nt Jnynos's.-Go to Gibzc::':; to got your wntohos

and jowolry repaired«-MisB Nottio Gibson is upending a

few dnys in Groonvillo this weok.-Mr. Wm. Torry roturnod Mcudny

evening from a visit to Amlm-soti.Ladies, bo your own judgo of mil¬

linery bargains. Miss lt. Phillips.-For n spring tonio to build up the

system, take Luoney's Sarsaparilla.-Pattern hats and bonnets, ohildron's

hats, infants' cups. Miss ll. Phillips.-Mr. C. G. Js.vnes mndo a business

trip to Sapphire, N. C., lust Thursday.-Miss Demie Sonboru is on a sovorul

wooka' visit to rotatives in Pendleton.-Full lino of dress goods with now

trimmings to match. Miss H. Phillips.-Largo assortment of ladies' dreas

skirts nt Miss lt. Phillips', Soncoa, S. C.-Corn, Binn, Hay, Cotton Scod Meal

and Hulls a specialty nt C. W.Bnuknight's.-United States (Join t will convene in

GreonvUlu on next Tuesday, April 25th.-Mr. .). II. Mnxwoll, fireman on tho

C., O. & A. hail road, is at home on a sickfurlough.

For biliousness, headache, paiu inbuck mid sido Lunnoy's 8 hour livor pillsaro n cure.-"Grand Spring Opening" April 17th,

18th, 10th, 20th, 21st, 22d. Miss H. Phil¬lips, Seneca, S. G.-Miss »V rrio Porry left Saturday

morning tc ¡sit relatives mid frionds ntAndorson f. lil Eimroc.-Capt. W. T. Rowland, of Charlotto,

N. C., spent Sunday visiting tho familyof Col. lt. A. Thompson.-Miss Julia K. Maxwell wont to An¬

derson this morning on a three days'visit to relatives and friends.

-Miss Mnc Wyly, of Retreat, has vo-contly been on a visit to relatives in thisplace. She returned homo Inst week.-Mrs. John ROKO and littlo children,

Sophie, Julia May und Richard, uro vis¬iting rotatives in Abbevillo this weok.--Don't fail to seo me whon you wnnt

feed of nny kind. I will mnko it to yourinterest. C. W. BAUKNIOHT.-Mrs. S. P. Dendy loft Monday morn¬

ing for Grcouvillo, whore sho will spendsome time with her daughter, Mrs. L. Ii.Darr.-Misses Fannie Mnxwoll, Knto Boll

and lue/. Sobrode/ aro spending to-dnyin Anderson buying spring bats mid"sich lixin's."-Mr. W. J. Neville, Jr., h ft Monday

for Gainesville and Roswell, Ga., whorohe will spend this week visiting relativesand friends.-Mr. Tyro A. Hilf, of Danville, Va.,

is visiting his brother, Mr. J. M. I litt, ofWalhalla. Ile arrived Sunday evening,and will'spend some time.-Abbevillo Press and Banner; "Mrs.

John BOHO, of Walhalla, with throebright little children, aro in tho city ns

guest« of Mrs. James A. Hill."-Bead tho now advertisement of II. A.

II. Gibson Walhalla, and ohangosof J. II.Adams, and bowery, Byrd & Co., ofSeneca, and give thom all a call.

Rev. Andorson, of Andorson county,is expected to begin a series of meetingsin Kaufmann'a Oporo llouso noxt Tues¬day night, 25th instant. Evorybody in¬vited.-Health for ton cents. Oascarots

make tho bowels and kidneys net natur¬ally, destroy microbes, cure headache,biliousness and constipntiou. All drug¬gists.-LOST, between West Union and Wal¬

halla, a gold heart with three pearls andgold lock for bracelet. Howard if loft atthe CoUltlKH ellice or at Mr. J. C. Mick-ier's, Wost Union,-Lavonia ((¡a.) Standard-Gauge, April

15: "Mr. T. P. Long, Lavonia*fl fauùypainter, left for Walhalla last Saturday,ile bas a job of painting over thoro thatwill keep him several days."- If you wantohoap goods go to J. «fe

J. S. Carter, Westminster. Don't forgetthat they will pay highest market pricefor your chickens and other produce. Anice lot of pants just rocoived.-Mr. Fred. M. Iliomnnn. of Charleston,

came up last week and will spend some

timo with his mother. Mrs. Homy Rie¬mann. Ho is looking well and his manyfriends are pleased Li seo him again.-United States District Court will con¬

vene in Groonvillo on next Tuesday, tho25th instant. Tko witnesses will appearin the court tho sanio tiny of tho weeknext week that tboy wore subpoenaed toappear this week.-Go to J, ô> J. S. (.'ni ter's to get your

new suit. Thc have thom now and moro

coming. Your wants shall bo supplied,for you want n largo stock to select fromand you want juices right. So go nowand get lirst choice.-Again we call attention to the fact

that A. P. Montague, L. L. I)., will de¬liver au address on Christian Educationin tho Baptist church noxt Sunday, andthat all, of overy denomination, are cor¬

dially invited to attend.-Mrs. M. IC. Ackerman and Mrs. A.

K napp, who have benn spoildiog the win-tor with Mrs. Torlnmo, oj» Faculty Hill,are spending a week in Seneca. Theywill return to Walhalla and prolongtheir sojourn in our midst.-Mr. L. Bloom is tho malinger of the

new clothing store of Mr. Myer Saul, inWalhalla. Ho mid Mr. Saul arrivodMonday and began opening their stockof clothing. This stove will be an at¬tractive resort for tho trading public.

-Spring is hero and our spring goodsare here. Do not fail to seo our now

lines, for we can suit you; besides, thatthing you are so .Hixsons about (prices),will suit you. Como now.

tl. A J. S. OAHTKII, Westminster, H. C.-Messrs. J. W. Holloman and I). A.

Smith are in Columbia this week attend¬ing tho Grand Lodge of t ho Knights ofHonor. Mr. IIolloman is tho represen¬tative of W alhalla J.odgo lind Mr. Smithis n member of the Grand Lodge by vir¬tue of the position ho occupies on nu

important standing committee.-Mrs. J. J. Haley, of Oak way, who

has been postmistress thoro for tho pastlon years, was in Walhalla last Saturday.Mrs. Haley has been living in this countyfur Hftoon years, and this wa» her Histvisit to Walhalla. Mrs. linley ls thowife os Mr. J, J. linley, a prominent mer¬chant of Oakwny, and a member of thoBoard of County Commissioners.-Tho members of tho Walhalla Com¬

edy Company will again niako tholrappearance boforo tho foot, light»» on Fri¬day night, April 28th. It has nun» )h long(imo since their Inst appcnraiico, (MidI hey will bo heartily welcomed. Thoypromis» n good performance, and theyshould have a largo crowd nt their firstplay nt Pitehford*a Hall. Romombor thonight and bo o» hand to groot thom,

ens and Eggs.ad reooivo for tbom tho high ont market

Emergencies. »

accident occurs. Send to JaynoB* when

oploxyfrosh (hooorion oall at Jayuos'.]IOU80WlY08

ar. destroyod by Aro, but this thought isInuaUy asking tho question. "What willp wants at Jayuos'.


-Mr. Grundy Hill, of Horse Covo, N.C., was in Walhalla last Saturday. Hois ono of tho most sucooBsful farmers oftho Old North ¡State, conduoting his largofarming operations on striot businessprinoiplos. His many Walhalla friondsaro nlways glad to soo him.-Miss .Sallio Norton hits boon ap¬

pointed a dologato tc represent Oconoocounty in tho International Sun¬day School Couvolition, which moots inAtlanta on tho 20th instant. Sho will go,and, while there, will spend sovoral daysvisiting relativos and frionds.-Messrs. Juan Rillingsloy and John

Murray, of Arizona, arrived lo Walhallaon Wednesday, tho 12th Instant, and WÎHs poi ni somo timo visiting rolativoB andfrionds in South Carolina and Georgia.Mr. llillingsloy is a brother of Mrs. J. M.Baldwin. Ho has beon on tho PacificSlopo for oight yoars.

Hon. Jamos Seaborn, Oconoo's ofil-ciont Clerk of Court, is tho championgardener of Walhalla. Ho arises withtho groat orb of day and diligontly oxor-cisos his upper limbs until tho brightrays vender bim as suplo as a sixteenyear old. Kow aro so richly hi es s edwith vegetables as our honorod Clork.An oxamplot-Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hilos roturnod to

their Bummor homo, Sholby, Mich., lastTuesday. Tlioy woro accompanied byMi::s Alloc C. Hicks, who will spend thosumnior with them. Mr. and Mrs. 1). Ii.Gardner, of Luther, Mich., also returnedto their homo Tuesday morning. Mr.Chas. Bollamor, who has boon visitingtho families of Mr. Hiles and Mr. Gard¬ner, accompanied tho party on theirNorthorn trip.

Attention is called to advortisomontof H. A. IL Gibson, proprietor of tho nowcash store for Walhalla. Ho will carrya full linc of staple and fancy grocorios.Dry goods and notions aro also in st odeHo intends to soil cheap for the cash, midwill make 't to your interest to consulthim bofo buying. Although ho hasretired fro... tho practico of law, ho hasnot rotirod from business, and will con¬tinue to preside in tho mart of trade

NEW ARRIVAL! SEED.Fine lot Watermelon, Corn, To¬

mato and Heans. Gorman Millet.Onion Sots.

All Burpee's Seed warrantedand sold at catalogue prices.Remember, wo give you three to

four times moro eood-and hoo¬ter-than you got lu packages.

NORMAN'S.Prof. Bowman Doad.

Prof. lt. T. V. Howman, of ClemsonCollege, died at tho homo of his brothor,near Charlottesville, Va., on Friday, 14thinstant. Ho was instructor In forgo andfoundry in tho mechanical department.Ho was a young man of many nobleparts.Marriage of an Agod CoupleMarriod, on Tuesday afternoon, 18th

instant by Hov. C. L. Craig, Mr. A.Callo-way Stono to a Mrs. Moss. Tho groom issovonty years of ago and brido Bixty-llvo.This is said to bo tho third marriage ofeach. Many friend, extend congratula¬tions and best wishes.

Largo Shipmont of Cloth.Last wook tho Walhalla Cotton Mills

shipped a carload of cloth (1Ó0 halos) toa linn in Clyde, H. L, twenty milos fromProvidence. This was tho largoBt singloorder tho mill has shipped sinco it hasbeen put in operation. On last Saturdayan order of twenty halos was shippedto anothor town in Rhode Island.

"A Loyal Friond" at Pltchford's Hall."A Loyal Friond," a comedy in four

act«, will bo presented at Pitchford1 sHall Friday night, April 28, by tho Wal¬halla Comedy Co. This is a bright littlocomedy and full of sparkling- wit andhumor. Instrumental music and a num¬ber of new songs, qnartottos and Bolos,will bo introduced betwoon tho aots. Anow piano has just boon placed in thohall for this entertainment, and-ail whoattend may rest assured that t¿»oy willspend a pleasant ovonlng. Popularprices-15 cont« to all.

Harrlson-Dnrby.At 7 A. M. on Wednesday, thc 10th iir-

stant, at tho residonco of Dr: D. 15.Darby, Mr. I. H. Harrison, and MlasMeta C. Darby woro united in tho holybonds of wedlock, Kev, J. D. McCul¬lough, of tho Episcopal church, officiat¬ing, Tho wedding was a quiet one, onlythe mombors of tho families of tho con¬tracting parties hoing present. Thohappy couple took tho 8.lt) o'olock pas¬senger train for Anderson. Their manyfriends extend congratulations and wisnthom a long lifo of happiness and pros¬perity. Aftor a fow days tlioy will bo athomo, in 'Valhalla, lo their many frionds.Af,\ Harrison is ono of tho foremostc .1 engineers and surveyors in thoState, Mrs. Harrison is a sister of Dr.I). Ii. Darby and Is much admired forbor Christian graces and lovable dispo-tion.Tho Work ot tho Flames.On last Sunday at noon tho dwelling

houao, occupied hy Mr. John A. Morton,near Neville's mill, was burned. Tholire caught from a stove lino and m adosuch rapid progrès» beforo discovery thatit could not bo extinguished. Tho barpand stables caught from tho honso andwere also burned. Tho housos woro ona farm owned by Messrs. J. W. Hollo-man and J. W. Stribling. Tlioy had a

policy of insuranco for $500 in tho Farm¬ers' Mutual Insuranco Company ofOconoo county; Mr. Morton had appliedfor a policy ju tho sum of $15Qouly a fewdays beforo, but had not paid the initia¬tion fee or (lues, bunco h ja namo was notpnterod, and his loss of personal prop¬erty will have to bo horne by iii m.On Tuesday, by order of tho l'rosident,

J. J, Ballengor, a loyy of two milla wasnia.de on all thc policy holden; In thoFarmers' Mutual Fire (nsuranoo Com¬pany to liquidate tho damages of Messrs.Holloman and Stribling.

- t--«ti--;-Now Editor for tho Oconoo Nows.Hon. E. E. Vernor, of Richland, bought

a majority of tho stock of tho OconooNews on last Monday, and will assumoodltoral management of tho pspor withtho next issuo. In tho deal Mr. Vernorbought tho stock of Messrs. J. II. Karlo,W. P. Dickson, A. P, Crisp, J. 8. Floyd,J. J. Keith and J. L. Smith. It Is an¬nounced a» probable that tho papor willbo moved to Sonoea, but this matter hasnot boen fully determined,Wo heartily wclcomo Mr. Vernor into

tho Hold of journalism. Ho needs nointroduction to our people, hoing alroadyono of tho best known and most highlyrespected Citizens of tho county. Ho isnow sorving his second term as a morn-bor of tho Honso of Representatives fromOconoo. He ha» proven himself to ho a

/}uoi)t debater, and wo predict that howill mako »fl ready a writer as ho isaspeaker,

Mr. W. P. Dickson bo associatedwith him a» foromau in tho pjophamoa)and publishing dopartmonL

Death ot Miss Eliza 8er.t^rn.Miss Eliza Soaboru died at uer homo

lu Foodletou OD last, Saturday"rooming,15th instant, at 4 o'olook, agod 64 years.9he had hoon au invalid for uoarly thirtyyear», Buffeting from asthma. Sae wasii daughter of the late Gooree Soabornand a sister of Mr. Jamos Soaborn, ofWalhalla. Sho was a membor of thoEpiscopal chu roi» and hor body was In¬terred In the cemetery of tho Episcopalohuroh at Pondlotou on Saturday after¬noon", aftor funeral servloos wore con¬ducted by Kev. E. L. l'orohor. Sho wasa devoted Christian, and longod to be atroßt.


To Close at 7 O'olook.Wo, tho un do v<i igood mereh ant:» of tho

town of Walhalla, do hornby agree tooloso our respectlve places of businessduring tho summer months at 7 o'clockeach af tm roon, beginning May lat andending So^vCmbor 1st, Saturdays andpay-days at tho factory excepted. It IBagreed and understood that thoro shall bono na ICH by sido door or ot her wi »e. Incaso of failure to comply with tho termsof this agreement by any ono, thou thispapor shall bo binding on none.

Vory rospootfully,C. W. Bauknigkt, C. W. Tltohford Co.,Cartor & Company, C. M. Nield,JaB. I. Smith, J. C. Langston,O.II.8ohumaohor,Agt., C. Ci. Jaynos,H. A. II. Gibson, W. II. Raedor,Ii. C. Craig, W. P. Nash,H. C. Busoh, Wilmot Smith,Norman Company, D. Oolkors.

An Affording Scone.¡?'.ince tho beginning of tho enlistment

of volunteers for tho war with Spain ithas bwvii >.u uncommon Hiing' to BOO, inmoat r.r.y uuwspapor ono might piok up,accounts of affecting ".cenes at tho part¬ing of husbands bad wives, sons andmot hera, brothors and sistors, and occa¬sionally ono might oven como across thoicoonigal of tho sad parting of sweet¬hearts. Walhalla was happily sparedany of this during tho war, but now, siucopoaco has boon declared and voluntooiaaro roturning to thoir homes all over thooouutry, wo iiavo boon given an opportu¬nity to witness ono of thoBO scenes-a scene calculât cd to canse tho tearinglooso of ono's heart, from ita moorings.Tuosday morning n protty and popularyoung lady was loavoing for a long tripto Michigan. Twenty minutes before thetrain started off ono might havo onjoyoda quiet little gamo of solitaire on tho roarof Treasurer J. lt. Kay's coat as ho spedfrom tho Court Houso to tho depot. Butthis was not tho end. Just boforo thotrain pulled out sounds woro hoard intho distance as of largo pieces of sololeather coming in hard and rapid contactwith tho carib. Tho crowd all ga/.od intho direction from which tho Bound oamo.and almost instantly an objoot turneatho cornor in tho rear of tho Walhallallotol, coming with tho spood of thowind. Thoro was a quick division of thocrowd, «orno backing up to tho train,others dattening themselves against thoweatherboarding of tho waiting rooms,to givo tho Hying object a clear track.A turn of thia object's head, howovor,gavo it a glimpse into tho ladies' waitingroom, and it stopped short, novor to goagain till tho train pulled out. It wasthou discovered that tho object was nolest> a personage than our young mer¬

chant, Mr. Geo. M. Ansel, Thoro worono shrieks of anguish, no fainting, poparoxysms of weeping, but those tightlycompressed lip«, tho twitching of themm/clés of tho mouth mid chin, told of adeon grief heroically controlled, Ourmodesty forbado our rubbor-ncckingthrough tho car windows to witness thovery last. Capt. Anderson eau doubtlesstoll of thc w inging of hands and shed¬ding of tears as "tho parting words worospoken,"

lt's Ratlior To Much For You

-tho ordinary, bulky pill. Too big totako, too much disturbance for yourpoor system. Tho smallest, easiest totako, and host aro Dr. Pierce's PleasantPollets. They loavo out all disturbances,but yot do you moro good. Thoir helplast:;. Constipation, indigestion, biliousattacks, sick or bilious headache, and allderangements of tho livor, stomnoll andbowols aro prevented, relieved and per¬manently cured.

Doath of Prof. Bowman.

KBOWBB; S. C., April 17.-Nows wasreceived on Friday last announcing thodoath at Charlottesville, Va., of Prof. R.T. V. Bowman, hoad of Ino iorgo andfoundry department, at Clemson.. Mr. Bowman had boon sick for sovornlweeks, and, having been given a vaca¬tion, wont to his homo in Virginia abouttinco weeks ago. It was known that howas vory seriously sick, having somoorganic disease of tho heart, besidesothor serious trouble. So whilo hisdeath was not oxpeeted so soon, it wasno sui prise to his frionds at donisonwhen thc nows carno. Arrangementsworo at once made for Prof. Boats (alsoof Virginia) to attend tho funeral as thorepresentativo of tho college. Ho loft intime to bo at Charlottesville early Sun¬day morning.«Jttr. Bowman WOB tho youngest profes¬sor at donison and was a young man ofmany noble qualities of heart. Ho tookgroat interest in athletic sports foi thoboys, and was liked by tho cadots andesteemed* by tho professors. His deathso early in lifo excites unusual sympathyand sorrow. i>. n.

> Bucklou's Arnica Salvo*Tho host salvo in tho world for outs,

ornisos, Borso, ulcers, salt rheum, fovorsores, totter, chappod hands, chilblains,corns and all 'skin erupt ions, and poal-tivoly euros pilos, or no pay required. Itis guaranteed to givo porfect satisfaction,or monoy refunded. Frico 25 couts porbox. For salo by ]), IS. Darby, Walhalla;W. J, Lunney, «oncea, and ll. B. Zim¬merman, Westminister.

Tugaloo Items.

TUOAI-OO, S. C., April 17.-Wonrohav¬ing Bomo moro protty weathor, to thodelight of tho farming community.Wo examined some fruit troca and

found that fruit is not all killed yot.Mrs 11oniimson, whom woroportod last

wook as suffering from tho effect of afall, died on Friday night, 14th instant,about 0 o'clock. Sho was buried onSaturday in tho old Westminster ceme¬tery. Sho had boon a consistent momborof tho Baptist church for many years.She was verily a good woman.ThoB. Gordon, p. e., is running a black¬

smith shop at this plaop. |(o works twodays in tho week-Tuesday and Satur¬day.

I wish I woro a boy again, with fishhook, lino and cano. 1 would go rightstraight and dig se no bato, and Ino moto tho creek. l,.


Union Mooting.The following is tho programme of tho

union meeting of tho lower district ofthe lioaverdam Association:l'laco-South Union.Timo -Fifth Sunday and Saturday bo-

fore of tins month.Introductory sermon by Hov. J. It.

Earle; alternate, Hov. W. W. Leathers.First query; "What in tho Biblo plan

of raising church oxpensos?" Discusnodby j, W. Reardon ftbd Hov, J. M. Mc¬Guire.

yd, ''What aro somo of tho evidencesof a regenerate lifoy"' Discusnod by Rev,H. M. Allon and Bov, A, V. Maret,Devotional exoreisos on Sunday morn¬

ing by ({ev. H. W, Nolson.Missionary sermon by jtov. II. M.

Allon. A. V. MARKT,M. 0. HARTON,


Preventionbetter than cure. Tutt's LiverPills will not only cure, but iftaken in time will prevent

Sick Headache,dyspepsia, biliousness, malaria,constipation, jaundice, torpidliver and kindred diseases.TUTT'S Liver PILLS


NEWS IN AND AROUND WESTMINSTER.l-'atal Aooldent - Nominating Convention-

Other Nows of Interest

WKSTMINSTKK, April IO.-Roy, tho twoyoar old «on of Mr. J. M. Collins, waskilled last Friday by hoing shot throughtho hoad with a pistol. Collins and wirohad gone to tho flold to work, loavlngtheir three little child ron at tho house.Their oldest child, agod threo years,whom, it appears, was the only oyo wit*ness to tho accident, say. tho weapondischarged while tho little follow was

ͻlaying with lt. The weapon was kepta a trunk and tho trunk left unlooked.Messrs Wm. P. Audorson and W. D.

Losly aro in Columbia, in attondoncoupon the anuual mooting of tho GrandLodge Knights of Honor. Mr. Andersonis chairman of oommittoo on finance andMr. Losly is tho roprosoutativo from thoWestminster lodge. They are ox nco tedto return Friday ovouiug.Dr. A. V. Montague, £.L. Ti., having

A provious engagement to preach atGroouwood on last Sunday, could notcomo hore and preach, but sout a mostpromising young University studentby tho nemo of Balloy ovor to proaob.Ito loft a (Ino Impression upon tho con-

grogation.There will bo a citizens' meeting in

Mason's Hall Friday ovoning nt 8 o'clockto nonitnato a tickot to bo votod at thotown olootiou on Monday. Everyvoter roBidiug within tho corporatelimits of town, and all othors in tores, edIn tho wolfaro cf tho town that can oon-voniontly como, aro requested to attendthis mooting. Tho tiokot will bo com¬posed of ono intendant and four wardens.At thc polls ou Munday a special boxwill ho provided for tho voters to saywhether thoy favor or oppose tho' ox-emption of municipal taxation OU a cot¬ton pilli for tho porlod of flvo years.Those in favor of it will voto ,,yos" andthoso opposing will voto "no."Miss Regina Duff wont to Nowry Mon¬

day, whoro slio will spoud somo timoassisting Mrs. .Kay in millinery work.Miss Mary Mason, youngest daughto"

of Col. and Mrs. K. IC Mason, delightedher many littlo frionds by inviting thomto hor homo on Friday, April 15, thothirteenth anniversary of her birthday.From 4 until 0 o'clock in tho afternoonlt was a vory enjoyable occasion to allprosont, ana thoy loft wishing tho comingbirthdays of Miss Mary to bo ns pleasantas hor thirtoonth.

Messrs. L. IL V. Hobson and W. W.Beardon aro ongagod in building Hov. 1\J. Virmillion's dwelling houso.

Hov. G. J. Christian, of Howman, Ga.,will preach in tho Baptist church on thofifth Sunday, April 80.

Mr. lt. L. Davonport has accoptod a

position ns travoling salesman for Wood¬ward & Goodrich, wholesale grocers,- ofNorfolk Vii, Mr. Devonport has boonwith J. & J. S. Carter npvornl monthsand will mako his headquarters thoro,

Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Cartor of WostUnion, visited relatives boro Sunday.

Col. H. E. Mason visited AndersonMonday in tho inlorost of tho Blnok Dia¬mond Railroad.Mr. John V. Stribling, of Audorson, has

boon doing a groat deal of land survey¬ing in and around Westminster for pomotime. Mr. Stribling is ono or tho veryhost civil engineer:', and survoyors. Thomap or plat no makes of a pieco of landit vory pretty indood.Tn* fnrmors or trying mighty hard to

got their crops planted at tho usual timo,À, h- Ho asKT c.

HOW TO LOOK GOOD.Good looks aro really mote than skin

deep, dopending on ti roly on a hoalthycondition of all tho vital organs. If thclivor is inactivo, you havo a bilious look;if your stomach is disordorcd, you havoa tfyspoptio look; if your kidneys aroaffected, you havo a pinched loolc. So-curo good health and you will studyhavo good looks. Electric Hitters is agood alterativo and tonic. Acts dirootlyon tho stomach, Jivor and kidneys, puri¬fies tho blood, cures pimples, blotchesand boils, and givos a good complexion.Evory botijo guaranteed. Sold at J. W.Hell's, Walhalla, W. J. Lunacy's, Seneca,and H. H. Zimmerman's, Westminster,drug stores. 60 couts por bottlp,


Nowry Nows Notos.

NEWBV,IS. C., April 17.-"Lot us crossovor tho river and rest Under the shadeof tho trees." Such woro tho thoughtssuggested to our minds last Friday morn¬ing ns tho news spread ovor our littlotown declaring thc »act that Mr.Mooro had passed from timo into eternitywithout oven a struggle or a moan. Thofamily thought him resting quietly, butho had passed ovor tho river and wasBlooding tho sloop of death. When wothink of him passing away so calmly woaro forcibly impressed that death is onlya dream. May God bloss tho boroavedfamily.Tho health of our town is oxcoodingly

good at prosont. Wo can boast of onoof tho cleanest mill towns In tho South.When wo do got sick wo can boast of onoof tho best physicians in tho South-Dr.Frank AshmoreMrs. Choswoll and Miss L. A. Howon

Bpont last Friday and Saturday in Green¬ville.Mr. Moots bas accepted a position as

suporintondont of tho cotton mill at Ros¬well, Ga. Ho is a worthy young man,and wo wish him much success.

Mrs. Childers and family will loavothis wenk for Greenville. Their manyfrionds rcgrot to soo thom loavo.Two of our young mon aro mourning

ovor tho doparture of their best girls.Cheer up, boys; lt Isn't far to Groon¬villo. Si. w.

Rheumatism Curod,

My wifo has used Chamberlain's PainCalm for rheumatism with groat roliof,and. I can rccommond it as a splendidliniment for rheumatism and otherhousehold uso for which wo havo foundlt valuable,-W. J, Cuylor, Hod Crook,Now York.Mr. Cuylor is ono of tho loading mor¬

onants of this villago and ono of thomost prominent mon in this vicinity.-W. G. Phippin. Editor Hod Crook Her¬ald. For salo by J. W. Boll, Walhalla;H. II, Zimmerman, Westminster; W. J.Lunney, Sonooa.

-.-^ » -.-_-.-

Dologatos to tho Rounlon.

At tho conforonco of members of CampHaskoll, No. 805, U. C. V., hold at West¬minster, S. C., last Saturday, 15th instant,tho following comrados woro designatedOS dologatos and alternates to roprosontsaid camp in tho annual rounlon to bohold in tho city of Charleston, S. C.. May10th to 18th proximo, viz: H. II. Cross,H. Y. II. Lowery, W. A. Strother, M. A.Terroll, S. K. Dendy and V. F. Martin.AH members of tho camp, who can do

so, havo tho privilege of attending thorounlon, and will ho provided for thoro,and the Commander nopes that as manyas oan do so will avail themselves of thoopportunity of enjoying tho ploasuros Oftho occas n. S. P. DKNDY,

Commandor Camp llaskoll.

Gleanings from Oakway.OAKWAY, April ll.-Hov. It. H. Dag-

nall preached at Center Mothodist churchSunday morning ai ll o'clock.

Messrs. S. L. Brown and M. V. Mo-Craokln visited friends at Fort Hill Fri¬day night.Misses Cordelia Beardon, Viola and

Mario .Jennings woro the guests of Miss¡ea ha Kubanks Sunday,J)r. I. J. Burris, who has beep in Now

York, returned homo laBt Saturday.Misse? Kva Heeder and Alma Kay

spent Friday night with tho family ofMr. J. w. Reardon.Mr. .J. J. Norris, oloctrical engineer at

Portman Shoal«, Anderson county, spouta fow hour« at Prof, J. S. Jennings' lastSunday afternoon.

Messrs. E. J. Hunnioutt and L. A.Mooro, of Sonoca, woro in our town Sun¬day,Our local nurseryman. Mr. W, T. Bear¬

don. has recently sold a good manyappio troos to farmoiB in neighboringcounties in this Stato and Goorgia. Hohas seine sixtoon varieties of tostcd ap-plos. Ho still has over four thousandfor tho fall market, Fntairns.

Tho Samoan ombro"*io has b ¡on settledpeacefully and honorably to ad throe oftho controlling powers. This is muchhotter than tho war plan which Congress¬man Hull scorned so eager to soo adopted.


For Goonoo CoUnty tor Ino Fisoul Year 1899.Ar* You One of Them?

Class "AV-Junios 0. Davin, BiohardGolden, Enooh Moore.Class «'B."-fl. A. Byrd. Franklin Gra¬

ham, J. H. Johnson, A. Bi Moigan, J. N.Morcan, Jas. Nioholls,- B. 8. Rutledge,Franklin Taylor. ^

Olasfl VC." No. 2.-T. A. Adams, BS. F.Alhortson, T. H. Baldwin, F. W. Burdett,A. W. Bryaut, Bobt. Blackwell, JohnBlaokVroll,- W. H. Burket, W. L. Burns,Sambo) B., Belotte, E. 0. Butler, B.Crompton, Biohard Cain, J. P. Colo, H.MVColo, N. P. Colo, Silas Calhoun, Bobt.Cobb, E. 0. Compton, W. F. Corbin, A.E. Cliukscnlos, J. O. A. Conch, JamesChambers, W.E. Cox, A. H. Cokor, E. C.Chapman, J. C. Chapman, T. H. Crooks,J. L. Campboll, W. A. Chastain, AustinDawklnB, F. M. Durham, B. E. Dodd,Wm. Duncan. S. A. Fricks, H. T. Floyd,D. VV. Fludloy, Johu Foster, Thomas S.Gibson, Wm. Graham, Johu Glouso, J.T. Galaspio, T. M. Ilutchius, JopthaHoad, John Dawkins, A. L. Hays. II. J.Huff, Horny Hughos, Jas. M. Hall, W. J.Harbin, II. M. Harbin, N. B. Hunnioutt,E. O. Hopkins, C. B. Ilodgo. Jamos A.Hombreo, John Hatton, Martin Hopkins,Julius Hoffman, Wm. Hunter, I. Z. Hall¬brook, W. W. Hamilton, John Huskamp,A. E. Jenkins, William Jamos, JohnKeaton, J. II. Kolloy, Hansom Loo, J. B.Logan, J. W. Lylo», Henry F. Long,Howland Long, Alfrod Loo, John Loo,Jos. C. Lee, Daniol C. Littloton, W. A.Lusk, John O'Laryo, W. H. Land, T. W.Land, John Loo, W. C. Miller, J. J.Manning, .1. M. Morgan, H. M. Martin,G. L. iïcCvC, ff. C. Mvoio, J. ii. MoGuf-iln, J. M. Millor, J. M. Martin, J. B.Moore, Jantos Mason, Ed. Nix, M. Nich¬olson, Uayhis Nicholson, David Nim-mone, W.H.Owons, Ervin Phillips, W.H.Pitts, Joel L. Phillips, H. Hardin Pitts,Tliomas J. Pitts, (reinstated), A. M.Piokens, W. H. Powers. C. M. Kidloy,Jas. ltotton, Jefferson Reese, JoromiahHowland, C. Ii. Bold, Adam Ridloy, E. E.Heed. A. L. Biohards, T. J. Bitter, Wm.touch, C. A, Howland, H. B. Bogers,(trnnforrod from Andorson), G. W. Rob¬inson, John Rogers, W. A. Hood, J. A.Richards, C. F. Sooba, John S- Sloan,Wm. Stogall, Thos. Smith, Wm. Snider,Jarnos Southorland, W. R. Snndors, JohnSims, Thos. Sizomoro, T. J. .Sloan, S. B.Stono, W. J. Saylor, J. D. Shuttleworth,John Swoauoy, A. K. Taylor, W. II.Thomas, Samuel Thomas, Filis Turnor,John Vollrath, J. J. Vissago, W. A. Wil¬son, J. W. Wilson, Wm. Willbnuks, JohnWooddall.Class "C," No. <i. -Mary Ablcs, Ado-

lino Bvmim. Esther Board, CasandaBlair, Mary Á. Burn», Sina Cox, S. E.Collins, Lottio Croushaw, Kissoy Crane,Elizabeth Corn, M. I/. Christmas, Eliza¬beth Crow, Eliza V. Caiu, Mary Dotson,Smalt J. Dodd, Mary C. Diokson. C. C.Ellison, Elisabeth Fisher, M. I. Gibson,Martha Garrott, T, J. Graham, R. N.Grant, Mary E. Holden, Emily narris,Naroifisa Holmes, M. E. Hutchison, MaryJ. Iloncrt, Charlotto Harris, Nanoy Har¬ns, Martha Ilix, Eltzaboth Harvoy, L. E.Jones, Margaret James, Fannie Kncoht,Elizabeth Kitchens, R. L. King, AllRPyKelley, ll. C. King, Killey King. M. A.King, M. L, Lylos, S. M. Long, SusanLong, Ellzaboth Eyles, Nanoy Lamer,Sallie Land, Martha LoHoy, S. A. Lusk,Elizabeth Macklin, Mary E, Moore,Hulda Massoy, M. A, Moody, Bfara M<H-rjson, H. E. Moore, Malinda Miuton,Catherine Moody, Mary E. Marott, AnnaMoDouald, Mary E. Morris, CarolinoMooro, Nancy Nioholls, Isabolla Noal,Mary C, Nix, Esther Qrr.BaoUol 0, Pitt«,Louisa Rholottor. Mary Hitter, CarolinoItamny, Mary Robertson, M. C. Spoon*ngol, jemima Smith, Dlcoy Stubblefield,Anna Stausoll, M. H. J. Sullivan, C. E.Sims. .S. P. Slater, C. A. Sloan, RebeccaSmith, N. E. Snndors, Sarah A. Smith,Susan G. Singleton, Nancy Sullivan, R.E. Tollison, Arminda Thomas, Mary J.White, E. C. Williams, Mary A. Wood,Eliza Zink.

AN ENTERPRISING DRUGGIST.There aro fow men moro wido nwakp

and enterprising than J. W. Holl, of Wal¬halla, W. J. Lunney, of Seneca, and H.B, Zimmerman, of Westminster, whoBparo no paius to soouro tho host ofeverything in thoir liuo for thoir manycustomers. They now have tho valuabloegoncy for Dr. King's Now Discovery forconsumption, coughs and COUIB. This istho wonderful remody that is producingsuch a furor all ovor tho country by itsmany startling euros, lt absolutely curesasthma, bronchitis, honrsonous /nul nilaffections of tho throat, ohost and lungs.Call at abovo drug Btoros and got a trialbottlo froo or a regular size for ßO oontsnnd $1. Guaranteed to cure, or prioo ro-fundod,

Return (toms.

RETURN, S. C., April 17.-Wo havehad a showor, which mukös everythingbl il im and Kay in its spring beauty.

Messrs. EIHB and Clifton Simpson arohaving seine trouble with thoir shinglemill.Master David LoRoy caught ninety«

ono Hull at ono haul tho othor day.Mr. Daniol J, Morgan oponed tho wayfor planting cotton last week.

Hov. J. M. McGuiro, of Oakway.preahed an ablo sormou Surday instoadcf cn: ouster, Hov. C. L. Craig.Miss Suo Cleveland, of Cross Roads,

spent last week with rolativos at tliiBplace.Mr Will LoRoy is spending a fow days

with homefolks at Newry UIÍB weok.Mnstor Spurßoou Clovolaud, of Cross

Roads',' attended church boro Sundayand partook of tho hospitalities of Mr. J,L. Miller.Mr. Will Mooro, of Adams' Crossing,

vlBitod Mr. J. T. Crain Saturday nightand Sunday.Miss Salllio Williams has returned

homo from a fow weeks' visit at FortHill,Miss Mamie Postor and Mrs. Will Pos¬

tor, of Rh bland, worshipped boro Sun¬day and partook of tho hospitalities otMrs. J. P. Martin.

Mrs. Carolina Prlco, of Riohland, vis¬ited Mrs. Alfrod Tannory Sunday.Mr. J. D. Driver and wife, of Clear¬mont, visited hor father, M John Tan¬nory Sunday.Mr. Whoolor Hayos and Mrs. H. A.

Hayes, of Cross Roads, visited rolativosana frionds boro Sunday and Monday.Mr. and Mrs. Gip Watos, who live

near Pair i'lay, visited her father, Mr.Alfrod Tannery, Sunday.,Mr. Loo Vissage, of Mountain Host, was

in our section last wook.Cur school closed last Tuesday, leaving

Miss Olivo Dalton, tho littlo eight-yoar-old daughter of Mr. Thomas J. Dalton,to hour tho namo and honor of hoing thohost snollor among many in our Behool.


"A wold to tho wiso is suflloiont" anda word from tho wiso should bo sufll¬oiont, but you ask, who aro tho wisc?TIIOBO who know. Tho oft ropentod ox-rerionco of trustworthy porsoiin may botaken for knowlodgo. Mr. W. M. Torrysuys Chamberlain's Cough Romody givesbottor satlsfaotion than any othor in thomnrkot. Ile has boon in tho drug busi¬ness at Elkton, Ky., for twolvo yoars;has sold hundreds of bottles ot thisromody and nearly all othor cough modi¬cums maniifnoturod, which, shows con¬clusively that Chamberlain's ia tho mostsatisfactory to tho people, and is thobest. Por salo by J. W. Hell, Walhalla;H. H. Zimmerman, Westminster; W. J.Lunney, SoilOCa.

-- «^_-

Hems from liamsay's Crook.

BAMMAV'S CKICKK, April 10,-Somo ofour farmers have begun to plant cottonand corn.Mr. A. M. Rholottor and wlfo visited

on Hrnsstown last wook.Mr. D. A. Dickson and wifo visited

rolativos on Changa last Sunday.It is I.m il that Mr. Hob Roach, who

has been md to sick, is improving.Small grain lins begun to grow.Julius Hoggs, Jr., of Richland, has

boon aceiiKcd of "sparking" on Chaugfland Ramsay's Crook for sumo timo past.BLOOK-HBAD,

Tho oruisor Haleigh, ono of AdmiralDewoy's victorious ships, will bo inCharleston harbor during tho Confodorate reunion.


At Four Score.-;-

Or. Mitos' Nervino Restores Health..

ÜNOLE EZEKIEL OBEAR, noaisaor andtax collector, Beverly, Masa., who haspasted the 80th Ufo milo stone, sayst"Dr. Miles' Restoratlvo Mer vine has done fe

great doal of good. T suffered totyt? ra f.-omsleeplessness and nervous heart troubleWould fool weary and usod up In tho morn¬ing, had no ambition and tay work seemed aburdon. A friend recommended Dr. Mlle«'Nervino, and I purchased a bottle underprotest as I had trlod so many remodles un¬successfully. X thought it no use. But ltdave mo restful sloop, a good appetite andrestored w? te sssrs^tio bonito, lt ta agrand good modtolne, and I will gladly writeanyone Inquiring, full par&lcularsof my sat-Uiactory oxporlouco."Dr. Milos' Romedlo9

aro sold hy all drug¬gists under a positiveguarantee, first botttobenefits or monoy ro¬tunded, Beokondls-oaaos of tho heart andnerves freo. Address,PR. MILES MBDIOAlTÖO.. Elkhart, Indi

THE NEWS' FROM SENECA. ^Tho Juvenile' Foreign Missionary Socloty

Elocts Officers-Local Nows.

SKNKCA, April 18.-Miss Lidio Bowen,of Enaloy, spout Friday night in Soncoaon her way to Elberton.Mr. W. W. Bowen spout Sunday at

Elberton.Mr. L. M. Jordan, who has boen doingtho position of book-koopor for tho firm

of M. \V. Coleman «fe Co., has gone toUnion to lill a similar pesitiou. ile is ayoung man of moro than ordinary intol-loetual and religious attainmoiitu, and. inhis.leaving, tho town ¡ ustainb a genuinoloss,Mr. David C. Todd now hap tho book¬

keeper's placo at M. W. Coleman «fe Co's.MÍBS Frances Lowory, one ol Seneca'n

prêt tier, tan (1 mont popular young bul ie;:, insnooding tho week with her ooualn, MissM al lie Sullivan, nt Fort Madison. Sb oia accompanied by bor niece, little Missmotto Hamilton.Mrs. E. Clay Doylo is visiting rolatlvos

nt ( reen ville and Lamons,Dr. E. M. Coleman, Livonia's popular

yoqng nhyttolan, spout Satiivday boro.Sovoral young pooplo from boro

at Icniled a danco given by Miss MandoVornor, at her homo, near Richland, Fri¬day night.At HIP Methodist Charon Sundayaftornoon tho following oflicora woro

oloctcd for tho Juvenile Foreign Mission¬ary Soolotyi President, Dort Pierce; 1stvico prosidont, Norman Morgan; 2d vicopresident, Bright Lowery: correspond¬ing Boorotary, Miss Mary Mooro ¡ record¬ing secretary, Luther A. Mooro; treasu-vor, Jonathan Jordan; agent for LittleWorkers, Joseph Swann; lady manager,Miss Mary E. Swann.MÍBB Francis Whitmiro spout Saturdayand Sunday at Donvor, tho guest of bor

riendi Miss Margie Major.Bov, W. S. Hamitor, who has a warmplaco in tho hearts of tho pooplo of nildenominations, has hoon ill, and N nsunnhlo to till his usual appoiutmoht nttho Presbyterian ohuroh Sunday morn¬ing. Rov. R. L. Bogers, of walhalla,proaohod in tho aftornoon.

Rov. W. T. Capers proaohod to a largooongrogntlon at tho Episcopal churchSunday ovonlng. MAMlK SWANN.






and as cheaply in ono an another; but

there aro goods that you cannot got

ovorywhoro. Thin is tho lino wo want to

show. Wo havo many dainty now thingsfor Spring that aro now and beautiful in

Wash GoodB, Silku and Woolens, and

our "Silvor Star" Madras for Shirt

Waists at 12^o. in unequaled. Thoy aro

as pretty as silk. Send for Bamplos.Our now lino of Ladles' SIIOOB, just

in, Dlack and Tan Oxfords and Sandals,and thoy have tho stylo and lit, you can

depend upon it.

Our Mon's Furnishing Dopartrnont was

novor bottor--Nookwoar, llofllory, Col¬

lars and Cuffs, Shirts, white and colored.

Soo our now Silk Bosom Shirts at $1.00.

You can't match thom.

Wc havo a full stock of Mon's Straw

Hats, all new nhnpon and up to dato.

Wo havo a "Nobby Hat" for only fiOc.

Wo cnn and will soil you if you will

only look before you buy.


PRICE LIST.Straw and Crash Hat*, (ai.Ladies' Low-out Shoos (a),Mon's Dross Shirts («}....Mon's Undershirt WO....,Ladies* Undorvests (a)...'.Percalo @.Long Oloth (nj.Whito [email protected] Cambrlo@.

10 to 60 oonto oneil.60o. to $1 por lyrtir.SS cents to $1 oaou,26 to 60 cents each.Ö to 16 oonts eaoh.7 to J2Jo. per yard,10 oonts por yard.12i cont» por y*rà.0 oonts per yard.

Call and ermine our goods and wo will convince you that you got goodvalue when you trade with us. ...Wo handlo Hoes, Hool Swoops, Plows and other faiming loo'-;.

Buy a Victor Swoop. It will ploase you.

Lowery, Byrd & Co.,SEavKOA, er. o.


A low of our specials for tho noxt ton days will bo in SHOES.Two oases Ladios' Lacod Silk Vesting Top Vioa Shoor., in taus and blaoks,guaranteed all loathor solos, worth and soil anywhoro for $1.76 to $2 per pair. Ourprloo only $1.48.Our lot of Oxford Ties-tho kind th»t will vot eliI;, up. Tho solos are allloather. Th« ï>e»t bargain you will find this soason, only 75 couts.Will montlon n fow or our Groceries:Good ouo-hnlf Patont Flour $3.76 por barrol.Arbuoklo's Coffoo, nor paokago, 10 cents.Oranulatcd Sugar, 17 pounds for $1.Soda, 10 pounds for 25 couts.Wo soil all Snuff nt 4 couts por box,Host Oatllak08, 5 conts por pound.While wo aro Bolling wo will buy a fow things,lions; 23 conta in trade; 8 oonts por dozon for Eggs,tho market for Butter, Poa», Corn, .fco.

Yours vory respectfully,


Will givo 22 oonts oash forWill buy and givo tho top of

To THE PEOPLE OF COONEE COUNTY.Our Spring Goods Aro Hore, and Wo Ask that You Coll

und Exumino Thom.TTTE havo all that you oould ask for-that is, first-class Goods at Lowost PriooB.VV Just soo our' lino of Dross Goods and you will bo convinced that we aroright. Soo our Ladies' Slippers. Wo can givo you a nico Slippor, worth $1.25, for08 couts. Then if you want something bettor, wo havo them and eau suit you. bothin prico and quality. Wo havo tho bostsolootod lino of thom wo havoovor bau, andcan elvo you what you want.

CLOTHING.-Now is your timo to buy your Clothing. Como boforo tboy aropicked ovor. Wo havo bought thom and thoy must go. oo como.PANT«.-Wo also havo a lot of nico Pants, just como. Thoy, too, must go,aud now is t lie timo to got thom ohoap.SHOES.-»Thon you should soo our Shoos. Wo will not tako spaco to montlonour many difforout kinds and low pricos, for wo eau suit you in stylo and quality,and inako you smile whon you prloo thom.

SHIKTS.-Wo havo a lot of now Shirts with tho many other bargain», anddon't forgot to look at thom.IN Fi.CT-anything you want to buy you should como to us for it, as wo carryeverything usually kopt in a first olass atoro and aro always willing to divido prolltswith you. So it will pay you to oomo to soo us.GUOCEUIES, »fcc.--Whon you want Groceries call and soo us. Whon you wantHardwaro call and soo i\s. Whoa you want Furniture oall aud soo us. Whon youwant Shoos oall and soo us. Whoa you want Dry Goods call and soo us. Whon youwant IiAUGAINS oall and soo us.

JO, T Cl pi A 13 HPT71T) Successors to. 00 «J» Ö. OÍVJAJ XiiiXl, CARTER MERCHANDISE CO.,

Two Cold FeetAvo common afllictions. So common, in fact, that I havo laid in

an oxtra supply of-HOT WATER BOTTLES .

Prico of tbroo-quart bottles $1 oaoh.Also a largo and frosh stock of Drugs ami Druggist's Sundrios,at pricos to moot tho timoB. *

Jim XX. X>-A.I?/J3"V, X>ruggist.C5f~Full stock of Gardon Sood».


YOUR NEW DRESS.Thoy havo tho Largost Assortment and Prettiest Lino ovov shown in town,such as Wash Silks, Dottod Swiss, Frenoh. Paoiflc, Folioia and Mulhouse Orgau-dios, Sootch and Marquita Lawns, Skirt Goods, Suitings, Dross Linons, Duoks,Piques, Poroalos and Dimitios.You look and begin to want-wo prico and you begin to buy. Tho most fas¬tidious can ploaso thomsolvos in our Lacos and Embroideries. Our stook is largoand Insult if ul,. . . SHOES! SHOES ! SHOES ! . . .

Wo aro always up ou this lino. Can flt both your foot and pockot book withstyles that aro suro to pleaseWolli our largo stook of Spring Clothing is just going so fast wo fear to men¬tion it, for it may nearly all bo gono whon yon got boro unless you como soon.Frosh GrocorioB and a full lino of Hardwaro always on hand.Thanking all our customers for past patronago, and soliciting moro for thofuturo, wo aro, Vory respectfully,Ci .A. rjä? I±J I«, Sc COMPANY,

. . Wallinna., S. <J. . .

Ki^'N. B.-Wo also havo plonty of tho Higbost Grado Fertilisers on hand.

iii LINERY.IAM now rocoiving my Now SpringMillinery and a full lino of LinonStamped Goods. CarticolllSilk Goodafor Waists and Trimmings.SPRING MILLINERY OPENING,THURSDAY,



MISS ELLA TURNER,of Atlanta, Ga.,will havo ohargo of tho MillinoryDepartment, and sho will bo pre¬pared to moot tho wonts of all ous-tomors,

Remember tho Opening-March HO,81, and April 1.

Rospootfully,MRS. E. H. CÜDW0RTH.

Dr. G. G. Probst,x> is isr rr x s rr 9

Walhalla, S. C.Office two Doors East of Bank,Second Floor.Houns : 8.30 A. M. TO 1 v. M. AND 2 TO 0

v. H,Maroh 24, 1808.

DR. ff. F. At13 xs TV rr i © rv,

Sonooa, S. C.?-OFFIOK DAYS '-


May 10, 1808.-ly



Spring m

iilïiif'VYOU givo your bouso and farm a goodcleaning up ovory fpring. Why notgivo yoursolf ono, too? Your systemnoods it aftor going throu* <.}/;'?. Ima win-tor season as muon ns yodr houso docs.Wo havo tho Medicino that dooB;!thowork, and does it well, too. It containsin ovory bottlo all of tho host Drugsknown to bousoful ns systom-ronovators.Como and soo, and lot us show it to you,and < ominn), oonso will do tho rest.

All it oonts ls 50o. and OOo. a bottlo,Yon can't afford to do without it.And if you aro just gotting ovor thogrip wo can holp you In that, too.lt. rusts us nothing to shaw YOU 0UVModiolnos-in fact, wo tako pleasurealways In doing itt


8KNK.CA, Hy Cf

¡Rafes West,!B TEXAS, MEXICO, CALI- fi« FORNIA, ST. LOUIS, CHI- fi¿ CAGO, or any point, with SjÏ FREE MAPS, w ri to to

I Fred. D. Bush, |District Passongor Agont,

^ I Louisville & Nashville B. R.,¡II No. t Brown Bldg, Atlanta, Ga. jf,WARREN PRIESTLEY,TI I. IO I*A£ll*I3H.FOR FOURTEEN YEARS WAL-

HALLA'S TONSORIAL ARTIST.Prompt and satisfactory work at his


Paluatto Livery aou Sale Staoles,SENECA, S. C.

I, D. FlNOANNON, PnOl'KlKTOR.Fanoy toams and volitólos at nil timon,day or night. Prioos roasonablo.4-2l-08--ly.


Furniture oFnH Kinds,Cofllns and Caskets.

Oflf" Prices to suit tho times, r.4fi^4-81-08-ly