ASTROLOGY 4 NATION 2 Sunday January 9, 2011 5 NATION 2 Sunday January 9, 2011 BY A S FERNANDO We have said in the first article on this subject carried last week that it is inaus- picious for children if a malefic is posited in the 5th house of the horoscope of a female or if the lord of the 5th House is associated with a malefic in an enemy House or in the 6th, 8th or the 12th House. If Mars is posited in the 5th house without the aspect of a benefic, the first child would die early or the native may not bear children at all. It is auspicious if there are no planets in the 5th house and it is not aspected by ma- lefics. If the lord of the 5th House occupies the 9th House in the horoscope of a female, son borne by her would bring great fame and honour to the family. A woman having Ravi (the Sun) in the 9th House as the lord of the 5th House, (if her Lagna happens to be Aries and the Sun is posited in the 9th House) she would give birth to children who achieve greatness. If there are malefics in the 7th house and the lord of 7th House is associated with malefics while being aspected by malefics, the marraige would certainly get delayed. The presence of a benefic in the 7th House while being aspected by another benefic would result in a successful marriage. A strongly posited Mars in the 7th House while be- ing inspected by Jupiter or Venus would lead to a suc- cessful marriage. If a debil- itated Mars occupies the 7th House while being aspected by a malefic, the marriage would be a failure or hus- band may not live long. Both husband and chil- dren would come to a tragic end if Rahu oc- cupies the 7th house of a Navamsa chart which happens to be a sign ruled Saturn. Renowned Sri Lank- an astrologer Hendrick de Silva Hettigoda says that according to his ex- perience, Saturn in the 7th House of a female neither delays her mar- riage nor would this position lead to a marriage with a person much senior to her. The Moon being exalted is an auspicious occur- rence for a female. A female with the Moon exalted in her horoscope would be en- dowed with both beauty and virtue. An early marriage can be predicted if the Moon is exalted in the 7th House. It has to be remembered Mars and Venus are respon- sible for hastening mar- riage, Jupiter and the Moon for making it a success and Saturn and Rahu for delay- ing the marriage. The role of Mercury de- pends on the nature of the planet he is associated with or who aspects him. (To be continued) Interested in foreign travel? Ascertain your chances The movements of planets in January 2011 Hand tells tales, but does not lie BY SUDARSHI Aries (Mesha) The period from January 8 is very auspicious for Aries natives in general and those engaged in business in particular. Natives will get the drive and motivation to work day and night to achieve the goals in life. Those running the major Dasa period of Mars would certainly become very prosperous overnight. They are also in for high recognition and honours as well. Foreign travel possibly on a pilgrimage is also strongly indicated. Those running the major Dasa period of Venus are advised to avoid activity involving a risk element (boat rides, bathing at waterfalls and in the sea etc) if they are running the major Dasa period of Venus. Taurus (Vrushabha) Young unmarried natives are now going through an ideal period to marry or find a suitable life-part- ner. The period up to January 31 is not auspicious for embarking on new ventures and undertaking fi- nancial transactions involving big sums of money. The period after January 14 is very auspicious for you and your father. There would be peace and happiness in the family. Participation in religious ceremonies and functions where elders and the clergy are honoured is on the cards. Conducting your- self with restraint and circumspect will pay dividends to you and the members of your family. Gemini (Mithuna) The ongoing period is not auspicious for your spouse and children. Constant anxiety and mental unrest affect your efficiency and productivity. The situation will take a turn for the better after May 8. In fact, you will find yourself in a position of command and authority after June 6. Acquisition of lands and other property are on the cards. The major Dasa period of Sat- urn in particular will bring you honours and high recognition. In- heriting wealth from maternal side is strongly indicated. You are assured of career success. Cancer (Kataka) You are endowed with resourcefulness to overcome obstacles in your way. The period after January 14 is not auspicious for your spouse. You are assured of home comforts and sufficient wealth to meet your needs for a comfortable living. Venus in the 5th House and strongly posited Jupiter in the 9th House while your Lagna is receiving the special aspect of Jupiter have placed you in a strong position. You are assured of a rise in your ca- reer after January 8. Leo (Simha) You will find yourself much dynamic and resourceful after January 8 and your posi- tion will get further fortified after January 14. You will regain peace of mind after May 8 this year. You are likely to shift your residence or travel abroad soon after June 6. The combination of Venus, Mercury, Jupiter and Ravi in your 9th House of Aries in May will bring you fame and wealth. You are as- sured of happiness in the family and of home comforts. Virgo (Kanya) Differences with close relatives leading to bad blood would occur. School children who happen to be Virgo natives would experience disruptions to their studies. Efforts to increase the income would succeed. The period from January 8 to February 15 is not auspicious for your children. The period after February 15 is auspicious in that you will have necessary resources at your disposal to defeat the machinations of enemies and rivals and to overcome other obstacles. Libra (Thula) Venus, the lord of your Lagna occupying the 2nd House has produced a Dhana-yoga for you. The period up to January 8 is very auspicious. You will achieve success at examinations and contests as well as in disputes and litigation. Young and unmar- ried natives may either marry or enter a world of love and romance between April 16 and May 11. You may either secure a permanent job or embark on a new venture between Jan- uary 19 and 22. Scorpio (Vrushika) You may have to incur heavy expenses dur- ing the first few months of the year. The situa- tion will change for the better after May 8.The situation will be much better after June 6. You will come into sudden wealth if you are going through the major or sub Dasa of Saturn. Your career prospects will either brighten up or you will secure a permanent employment after January 14. You will assume a position of com- mand or authority after January 8. Sagittarius (Dhanu) Loss of wealth and heavy expenses are on the cards between January 8 and February 15. Sat- urn in the 10th House is inauspicious for father. Those unemployed may secure a permanent employment after January 8. Marital happi- ness is in store for those unmarried after January 30. No serious threat to health is indicated. However, you will not be in the best of health either till January 30. You are assured of all needs for a com- fortable living. Capricorn (Makara) You are assured of fame and a leadership position. Indications are that you are taking a keen interest in religion and occult sciences. You are likely to acquire a new conveyance or a new housing property. You are vulnerable to accidents and illness between January 14 and February15. You are advised to avoid risk-in- volved activity during this period. Foreign travel is likely during the Rahu Maha Dasa. Aquarius (Kumbha) Ashtamaya Shani Erashtaka which you are undergoing now will end in mid-November this year. Jupiter commanding a direct aspect over your 8th House has been countering the malefic influence of Saturn to a great extent. Jupiter in the 2nd House has produced a Dha- na-yoga for you. Besides, Rahu in the 11th House of Sagittarius is capable of countering malefic influences to a great extent. Pisces (Meena) Unemployed natives will secure a permanent employment possibly in the state sector after January.30. You are also assured of a steady income. Venus-Mercury-Jupiter-Mars-Ravi (the Sun) combination in your Lagna in May this year will certainly bring you much fame, wealth and high recognition. You will gain high status in society and in the state. Your children would prosper. What the stars foretell for your Lagna (For the 2nd quarter of January 2011) BY SUDARSHI From Harischandra from Colombo 5 Question: I am sending here- with my horoscope for your kind perusal. My marriage has been delayed and I would appreciate if you could advise me if there are any prospects for same in 2011 and if there are any career prospects for me overseas. Answer: Several planetary posi- tions have contributed towards the delaying your marriage. Rahu occu- pies the 4th House of Libra ruled by Venus while the latter is placed in a weak position in the 12th House. Rahu also afflicts the Libra sign in the Navamsa chart as well with his harmful presence. Meanwhile, Sat- urn casts his special aspect over the 7th House and also the 2nd House where the Moon is posited. Howev- er, the greatest redeeming feature is that Jupiter commands his special aspect over the 7th and 11th Houses. You are running the Venus antar (sub) Dasa period of the major Dasa period of Rahu up to April 20, 2011. Venus will enter the 7th House on February 25. You are likely to mar- ry before April 20 this year. Thanks to Jupiter’s special aspect over the 7th House, you are destined to have a virtuous life-partner. Career prospects abroad are bright up to June 6 this year From Shanthideva in Kurunegala Question: I am 22 years old and am the eldest in the family. My father is a doctor and he wants me to be a professional like him. But my ambition is to become a singer and an actor. My mother says she does not mind my be- ing what I wish to be as long as I keep bad friends and all vices at arms length. I know my father feels I would make a mess of my life if I become an actor. But I am old enough to tell bad from good. I am sending herewith a copy of my horoscope. Please peruse it and tell me whether I could be a success as an actor and singer. Answer: In your horoscope, Ve- nus occupies the 10th House with Mars, the lord of the House. You will be a great actor or a singer. Wishing you all the best. Readers’ queries answered Female horoscopy - Basics for judgment of a female horoscope (II) What the Mounts on the palm say – Mount of Apollo or Sun We are pleased that it has now become possible to make space available for a Readers’ Column in the Astrology section, `The Nation Zodiac’. We invite readers to participate in the `The Nation Zodiac’ by sending their views and suggestions relating to its contents as well as by seeking answers to their Astrology-related queries. Readers also may make their queries in Sinhala as well. Please address all your communications to: The Nation Zodiac, The Nation Editorial, RIVIRA Media Corporation (Pvt)Ltd, 742, Maradana Road, Colombo 10 email: [email protected] Readers’ Column Longitudes of planets in transit from January 08th - 15th Pluto Moon Jan.10 8.48 Moon Jan.07 20.36 Moon Jan.12 21.13 Moon Jan.25 21.38 Moon Jan.21 18.59 Moon Jan.19 17.47 Moon Jan.17 14.25 Moon Jan.15 7.37 Moon Jan.23 19.43 Moon Jan.03 02.12 Jan 30 8.25 Moon Jan.07 20.36 Jan. 14 18.44 Jan.08 12.02 Moon Jan 28 - 1.46 Venus Jan 01 16.46 Jupiter Kethu Mars Ravi Mercury Rahu Solar month of Capricorn Neptune The Moon The Chart showing Planetary Positions (From January 1 to 15) Moon Jan 3 2.12 Rahu Sun Mars (till Jan 08) Mercury Jan 08 0.34 Venus (Jan 01 16.46) Moon Jan 28 1.46 Moon Jan 25 21.38 Moon Jan 23 Saturn Moon Jan 21 18.59 Moon Jan 19 17.47 Jan 17 14.25 Ketu Moon Jan 15 7.37 Moon Jan 12 21.13 Moon Jan 10 8.48 Jupiter Urenus The Moon Dec: 11 12.14 Sun Jan 14 18.44 Mars Jan 8 12.08 Solar month Sagittarius Higher studies Medical treatment BY A S FERNANDO The Mount of Apollo or Sun is located at the base of third finger or the Fin- ger of Apollo and on the upper part of the Line of Heart. This Mount is very sig- nificant in that it indicates the success or the failure of a person in life. A per- son who has no Mount of Apollo leads an ordinary life ‘unknown and un- sung.” A person with a promi- nent Mount of Apollo is a genius and a celebrity. If the Mount is well devel- oped and pink in co- lour, the owner would certainly attain very high status in so- ciety. People with a prominent Mount of Apollo are called Apol- lonians. Apollonians are friendly, cheerful, and courteous by nature. They get along well with friends and oth- ers. They are honest and trust- worthy and are highly respected for their sterling qualities. Apollonians are wealthy and have more than one source of income. If this Mount is prominent in the hand of even an il- literate ordinary person, he would become wealthy and prosperous. Apollo- nians receive unexpected wealth several times in their life. Apollonians like to live in grand style. They are large-hearted and are ready to admit their mistakes. They are forthright in their dealings with others and do not mince words in tell- ing the bare truth. If the mount of Apollo is leaning towards the Mount of Saturn, the owner is frustrated person who likes to remain aloof from others. Such persons often find themselves in reduced circumstances. If the Mount is leaning towards the Mount of Mer- cury, the owner will be a successful businessman or an n entrepreneur. Such persons are wealthy and are respected in society. A clumsy Finger of Apol- lo minimises the favour- able characteristics of the Mount of Apollo. Such persons are vindictive and they fail to get along with fellowmen. If there are too many lines on the Mount of Apollo, the owner is a sick- ly person. A persons with a promi- nent Mount of Apollo and a conical finger, is idealistic. Such persons are artists, writers and po- ets. Those with a square finger tip are artists of a high calibre and they are practical too. If both Mounts of Apollo and Mercury are equally prominent, the owner would be en- dowed with a sense of jus- tice and a love for scientif- ic research. Domicile PART 11 PART 61 READ YOUR OWN HOROSCOPE The Sun Jan: 14 18.44 hours Capricorn Mars Jan: 08 12.08 Capricorn Mercury Jan: 08 00.34 Sagittarius Mercury Jan: 31 05.54 Capricorn Venus Jan: 01 16.46 Scorpio Venus Jan: 30 03.51 Sagittarius Were you born between March 15 and April 13? A P R 1 4 - M A Y 1 5 M A Y 1 5 - J U N 1 5 J U N 1 5 - J U L 1 6 J U L 1 6 - A U G 1 7 A U G 1 7 - S E P 1 7 S E P 1 7 - O C T 1 7 O C T 1 7 - N O V 1 7 N O V 1 7 - D E C 1 6 D E C 1 6 - J A N 1 4 J A N 1 4 - F E B 1 4 F E B 1 4 - M A R 1 5 M A R 1 5 - A P R 1 3 SOLAR CALENDAR BY A S FERNANDO The Sun in it annual journey round the Zodiac moves in the Solar sign of Pisces from March 15 to April 13 and those born during this period are also called Pisces subjects. We know that those born when Zo- diac sign of Pisces is rising from the horizon are assigned the Pisces sign as Lagna or ascendant and those born into the Pisces sign thus are greatly influenced by the characteristics pecu- liar to this sign. Those born during the Solar month of Pisces too are to a great extent influenced by the Pisces sign. Pisces subjects, be they of the Pisces Lagna or of the Pisces Solar month, possess psychic powers. Physically they are not strong. Pisces people normally maintain a calm and placid exterior. But inward- ly, they are very unstable as they are subject to strong emotions. They are very sensitive and they would go into a flurry even over a trivial matter. Some- times, they would take to drugs or al- cohol to drown their sorrows or over- come their ruffled feelings. Pisces people are lovers of art and beauty. They are charitable and gener- ous. They have a keen sense of grati- tude. Pisces people do not have reliable friends and one of them would turn a Judas at a momentous hour of life. Pisces people are quick to change their opinion on a given issue. They do not like to stick to one profession or one workplace either. If the native happens to be a male, he would have an intimate affair with a widow which would eventually turn into a scandal. Astrologers say that Pisces subjects are usually loquacious and some go to the extent of being garrulous. Generally, Pisces people attain high positions by dint of perseverance. They do well in art, literature and poetry. The Pisces sign rules the feet and the lymphatic system and Pisces subjects are prone to diseases that can affect them. Pisces subjects are advised to marry a person of the same sign or of Cancer and Scorpio KNOW THYSELF BY NATAL SOLAR MONTH - PART 11 BY SUDARSHI It is quite obvious that there is a growing desire among people to go abroad nowa- days. For different rea- sons of course. Many seek to travel abroad for employment and domicile. There are others who want to go abroad for high- er studies or for vis- iting places of inter- est like the `Wonders of the World’ or on pil- grimage. However, a chance to travel abroad does not come the way of everyone who cher- ishes a desire for it. Therefore, many seek to know whether foreign travel is written in their stars. Of course, a com- petent astrologer can predict whether foreign travel is in store for one and for what pur- pose.. Travel Astrology Travel Astrology is a vast subject and there are books written on the subject. We wish to familiarise our readers with only the basic factors for foreign travel in this article. Certain houses, signs, the lords of houses and signs in a horoscope have to be care- fully examined for predicting whether one is destined to travel abroad or not. Movable and watery signs Movable signs like Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn and Watery signs like Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces promote for- eign travel. The sign of Cancer, being both movable and watery, is more powerful for foreign travel than other signs. The main houses that come under scrutiny for ascertaining the possibility of foreign travel are the 7th, 9th, 12th and the 4th. Rahu and the Moon All planets can give foreign travel, but the planets mainly responsible for it are Rahu and the Moon. Houses Let us first examine how Houses become relevant for foreign travel, according to principles enunciated by In- dian sage Sathyacharya. If the lord of the 1st oc- cupies the 7th with a benefic planet, the subject would live in a foreign country. Affliction of the 4th House causes a person to leave his native place and set- tle down in a foreign country. If the lord of the 9th House is in the 7th with the 7th lord, the native would earn in a for- eign country. Lords of the 4th, 7th, 9th and 12th Houses One may go abroad fre- quently if the lord of the 7th is in the Lagna The 12th lord is in the Lagna which happens to be a common sign signifies much travel abroad. The 12th lord in the 9th shows residence and property abroad. The 9th lord in the 4th with the Lagna lord signifies occupying a respect- able position in the country domiciled. The 9th lord in the 4th gives foreign travel. The 4th lord in the 9th House with the 12th indicates foreign travel for higher edu- cation. The 4th lord in the 12th House points to stay abroad. Connection between the 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th and 12th Hous- es and their lords should be examined to determine travel abroad for medical treatment. If in a horoscope, major- ity of planets are posited in movable or common signs, the native would travel abroad fre- quently. The conjunction of the 5th, 9th and the 12th lords in Dashamsha indicates for- eign travel for employ- ment as a scientist or other professional. Long journeys and pilgrimages The 9th House rules long journeys, foreign travel, pilgrimages, and voyages. Different planets occupying the 9th House give dif- ferent results - Different results The Sun: Native will earn fame and respect abroad. The Moon: Much travelling inland and abroad. Mars: When Mars is afflict- ed danger and disaster during travel. Jupiter: Prosperity in for- eign lands. Venus: Happiness and pros- perity in foreign lands. Saturn: Loss, misery and misfortune. Rahu: Serious accidents if afflicted. If fortified, prosper- ity and gains from abroad. Ketu: If afflicted sudden di- saster. If fortified, prosperity and help from foreigners. Timings Foreign travel occurs during the major Dasa or antar (sub) Dasa periods of the planets causing such travel. Sight- seeing Employment Flash : Special feature ‘Rahu Kaala’ for January 9 to January 31 Date Duration Day Night From To From To 09 Sun: 16:42 18:10 04:53 06:25 10 Mon: 07:54 09:22 19:42 21:14 11 Tues: 15:15 16: 43 03:22 04:54 12 Wed: 12:19 13:47 00:18 01:50 13 Thurs: 13:47 15:15 01:51 03:22 14 Fri: 10:51 12:19 22:47 00:19 15 Satur: 09:23 10: 52 21: 16 22:47 16 Sun: 16.44 18.13 04.55 06.26 17 Mon: 07.56 09.24 19.46 21.17 18 Tues: 15.18 16.46 03.24 04.55 19 Wednes: 12.21 13.49 00.21 01.52 20. Thur: 13.49 15.18 01.53 03.24 21. Fri: 10.53 12.21 21.18 22.45 22. Satur: 09.25 10.53 21.18 22.49 23. Sun: 16.48 18.16 04.57 06.28 24. Mon: 07.57 09.25 19.47 21.16 25 Tues: 15.20 16.49 03.26 04.57 26. Wednes: 12.23 13.52 00.23 01.54 27: Thurs: 13.52 15.21 01.54 03.26 28. Fri: 10.55 12.24 22.52 00.23 29. Satur: 09.26 10.55 21.21 22.52 30. Sun: 16.49 18.18 04.57 06.29 31. Mon: 07.58 09.27 19.50 21.21 Auspicious days in January 2011 Jan: 6 Thursday up to 15:05 hours Jan: 7 Friday from 15:13 to 18:19 Jan: 8 Saturday up to 15:40 Jan: 9 Sunday after 16:22 Jan: 17 Monday The entire day Jan: 18 Tuesday from 02:08 to 15:51 Jan: 20 Thursday after 06:40 Jan: 23 Sunday from 14:49 to 15:51 Durutu Poya Jan: 12 Wednesday - Pura At- awaka begins at 03.53 am – ends at 06.05 am on Thursday Sil on Wednesday Jan: 19 Wednesday- Pun Poya begins at 05.19am - ends at 02.51 am on Thursday Sil on Wednesday Jan: 26 Wednesday –Ava At- awaka begins at 07.21 am - ends at 05.44 am on Thursday Sil on Wednesday Feb: 02 Wednesday - Amawaka begins at 06.28 am - ends at 08.03 am on Thursday Sil on Wednesday JUPITER SATURN MERCURY UPPER MARS SUN VENUS MOON LOWER MARS ZODIAC


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ASTROLOGY4 NATION 2 Sunday January 9, 2011 5NATION 2 Sunday January 9, 2011

BY A S FERNANDOWe have said in the

fi rst article on this subject carried last week that it is inaus-picious for children if a malefi c is posited in the 5th house of the horoscope of a female or if the lord of the 5th House is associated with a malefi c in an enemy House or in the 6th, 8th or the 12th House.

If Mars is posited in the 5th house without the aspect of a benefi c, the fi rst child would die early or the native may not bear children at all. It is auspicious if there are no planets in the 5th house and it is not aspected by ma-lefi cs.

If the lord of the 5th House occupies the 9th House in the horoscope of a female, son borne by her would bring great fame and honour to the family.

A woman having Ravi (the Sun) in the 9th House as the lord of the 5th House, (if her Lagna happens to be Aries and the Sun is posited in the 9th House) she would give birth to children who

achieve greatness.If there are malefi cs in

the 7th house and the lord of 7th House is associated with malefi cs while being aspected by malefi cs, the marraige would certainly get delayed.

The presence of a benefi c in the 7th House while being aspected by another benefi c would result in a successful marriage.

A strongly posited Mars in the 7th House while be-ing inspected by Jupiter or Venus would lead to a suc-cessful marriage. If a debil-itated Mars occupies the 7th House while being aspected by a malefi c, the marriage would be a failure or hus-band may not live long.

Both husband and chil-

dren would come to a tragic end if Rahu oc-cupies the 7th house of a Navamsa chart which happens to be a sign ruled Saturn.

Renowned Sri Lank-an astrologer Hendrick de Silva Hettigoda says that according to his ex-perience, Saturn in the 7th House of a female neither delays her mar-

riage nor would this position lead to a marriage with a person much senior to her.

The Moon being exalted is an auspicious occur-rence for a female. A female with the Moon exalted in her horoscope would be en-dowed with both beauty and virtue. An early marriage can be predicted if the Moon is exalted in the 7th House.

It has to be remembered Mars and Venus are respon-sible for hastening mar-riage, Jupiter and the Moon for making it a success and Saturn and Rahu for delay-ing the marriage.

The role of Mercury de-pends on the nature of the planet he is associated with or who aspects him.

(To be continued)

Interested in foreign travel? Ascertain your chances

The movements of planets in January 2011

Hand tells tales, but does not lie


Aries (Mesha)The period from January 8 is very auspicious

for Aries natives in general and those engaged in business in particular. Natives will get the drive and motivation to work day and night to achieve the goals in life. Those running the major Dasa period of Mars would certainly become very prosperous overnight. They are also in for high recognition and honours as well. Foreign travel possibly on a pilgrimage is also strongly indicated. Those running the major Dasa period of Venus are advised to avoid activity involving a risk element (boat rides, bathing at waterfalls and in the sea etc) if they are running the major Dasa period of Venus.

Taurus (Vrushabha)Young unmarried natives are now going through

an ideal period to marry or fi nd a suitable life-part-ner. The period up to January 31 is not auspicious for embarking on new ventures and undertaking fi -nancial transactions involving big sums of money. The period after January 14 is very auspicious

for you and your father. There would be peace and happiness in the family. Participation in religious ceremonies and functions where elders and the clergy are honoured is on the cards. Conducting your-self with restraint and circumspect will pay dividends to you and the members of your family.

Gemini (Mithuna)The ongoing period is not auspicious for

your spouse and children. Constant anxiety and mental unrest affect your effi ciency and productivity. The situation will take a turn for the better after May 8. In fact, you will fi nd yourself in a position of command and authority after June 6. Acquisition of lands and other property are on the cards. The major Dasa period of Sat-urn in particular will bring you honours and high recognition. In-heriting wealth from maternal side is strongly indicated. You are assured of career success.

Cancer (Kataka)You are endowed with resourcefulness to

overcome obstacles in your way. The period after January 14 is not auspicious for your spouse. You are assured of home comforts and suffi cient wealth to meet your needs for a comfortable living. Venus in the 5th House

and strongly posited Jupiter in the 9th House while your Lagna is receiving the special aspect of Jupiter have placed you in a strong position. You are assured of a rise in your ca-reer after January 8.

Leo (Simha)You will fi nd yourself much dynamic and

resourceful after January 8 and your posi-tion will get further fortifi ed after January 14. You will regain peace of mind after May 8 this year. You are likely to shift your residence or travel abroad soon after June 6. The combination of Venus, Mercury, Jupiter and Ravi in your 9th House of Aries in May will bring you fame and wealth. You are as-

sured of happiness in the family and of home comforts.

Virgo (Kanya)Differences with close relatives leading to

bad blood would occur. School children who happen to be Virgo natives would experience disruptions to their studies. Efforts to increase

the income would succeed. The period from January 8 to February 15 is not auspicious for your children. The period after February 15 is auspicious in that you will have necessary resources at your disposal to defeat the machinations of enemies and rivals and to overcome other obstacles.

Libra (Thula)Venus, the lord of your Lagna occupying the

2nd House has produced a Dhana-yoga for you. The period up to January 8 is very auspicious. You will achieve success at examinations and contests as well as in disputes and litigation. Young and unmar-ried natives may either marry or enter a world of love and romance between April 16 and May 11. You may either secure a permanent

job or embark on a new venture between Jan-uary 19 and 22.

Scorpio (Vrushika)You may have to incur heavy expenses dur-

ing the fi rst few months of the year. The situa-tion will change for the better after May 8.The situation will be much better after June 6. You will come into sudden wealth if you are going

through the major or sub Dasa of Saturn. Your career prospects will either brighten up or you will secure a permanent employment after January 14. You will assume a position of com-mand or authority after January 8.

Sagittarius (Dhanu)Loss of wealth and heavy expenses are on the

cards between January 8 and February 15. Sat-urn in the 10th House is inauspicious for father. Those unemployed may secure a permanent employment after January 8. Marital happi-ness is in store for those unmarried after January 30. No serious threat to health is indicated. However, you will not be in the best of health either till January 30. You are assured of all needs for a com-fortable living.

Capricorn (Makara)You are assured of fame and a leadership

position. Indications are that you are taking a keen interest in religion and occult sciences. You are likely to acquire a new conveyance or a new housing property. You are vulnerable to accidents and illness between January 14 and February15. You are advised to avoid risk-in-

volved activity during this period. Foreign travel is likely during the Rahu Maha Dasa.

Aquarius (Kumbha)Ashtamaya Shani Erashtaka which you are

undergoing now will end in mid-November this year. Jupiter commanding a direct aspect over your 8th House has been countering the malefi c infl uence of Saturn to a great extent. Jupiter in the 2nd House has produced a Dha-na-yoga for you. Besides, Rahu in the 11th House of Sagittarius is capable of countering malefi c infl uences to a great extent.

Pisces (Meena)Unemployed natives will secure a permanent

employment possibly in the state sector after January.30. You are also assured of a steady income. Venus-Mercury-Jupiter-Mars-Ravi (the Sun) combination in your Lagna in May this year will certainly bring you much fame, wealth and high recognition. You will gain high

status in society and in the state. Your children would prosper.

What the stars foretell for your Lagna(For the 2nd quarter of January 2011)


From Harischandra from Colombo 5

Question: I am sending here-with my horoscope for your kind perusal. My marriage has been delayed and I would appreciate if you could advise me if there are any prospects for same in 2011 and if there are any career prospects for me overseas.

Answer: Several planetary posi-tions have contributed towards the delaying your marriage. Rahu occu-pies the 4th House of Libra ruled by Venus while the latter is placed in a weak position in the 12th House. Rahu also affl icts the Libra sign in the Navamsa chart as well with his harmful presence. Meanwhile, Sat-urn casts his special aspect over the 7th House and also the 2nd House where the Moon is posited. Howev-er, the greatest redeeming feature is that Jupiter commands his special aspect over the 7th and 11th Houses. You are running the Venus antar (sub) Dasa period of the major Dasa period of Rahu up to April 20, 2011. Venus will enter the 7th House on February 25. You are likely to mar-ry before April 20 this year. Thanks

to Jupiter’s special aspect over the 7th House, you are destined to have a virtuous life-partner.

Career prospects abroad are bright up to June 6 this yearFrom Shanthideva in Kurunegala

Question: I am 22 years old and am the eldest in the family. My father is a doctor and he wants me to be a professional like him. But my ambition is to become a singer and an actor. My mother says she does not mind my be-ing what I wish to be as long as I keep bad friends and all vices at arms length. I know my father feels I would make a mess of my life if I become an actor. But I am old enough to tell bad from good. I am sending herewith a copy of my horoscope. Please peruse it and tell me whether I could be a success as an actor and singer.

Answer: In your horoscope, Ve-nus occupies the 10th House with Mars, the lord of the House. You will be a great actor or a singer. Wishing you all the best.

Readers’ queries answered

Female horoscopy - Basics for judgment of a female horoscope (II)

What the Mounts on the palm say – Mount of Apollo or Sun

We are pleased that it has now become possible to make space available for a Readers’ Column in the Astrology section, `The Nation Zodiac’.

We invite readers to participate in the `The Nation Zodiac’ by sending their views and suggestions relating to its contents as well as by seeking answers to their Astrology-related queries.

Readers also may make their queries in Sinhala as well.Please address all your communications to:

The Nation Zodiac, The Nation Editorial,

RIVIRA Media Corporation (Pvt)Ltd, 742, Maradana Road,

Colombo 10 email: [email protected]

Readers’ Column

Longitudes of planets in transit from January 08th - 15th


Moon Jan.10 8.48

Moon Jan.07 20.36

Moon Jan.12 21.13

Moon Jan.25 21.38

Moon Jan.21 18.59

Moon Jan.19 17.47

Moon Jan.17 14.25

Moon Jan.15 7.37

Moon Jan.23 19.43

Moon Jan.03 02.12Jan 30 8.25Moon Jan.07 20.36

Jan. 14 18.44

Jan.08 12.02 MoonJan 28 - 1.46

Venus Jan 01 16.46






Solar monthof



The Moon

The Chart showing Planetary Positions(From January 1 to 15)

Moon Jan 32.12

Rahu SunMars (till Jan 08)

MercuryJan 08 0.34

Venus(Jan 01 16.46)MoonJan 281.46 Moon

Jan 25 21.38


Jan 23Saturn


Jan 2118.59

MoonJan 1917.47

Jan 1714.25Ketu Moon

Jan 157.37

MoonJan 1221.13

MoonJan 10


The MoonDec: 1112.14

SunJan 14 18.44

Mars Jan 812.08

Solar monthSagittarius

Higher studies Medical treatment

BY A S FERNANDOThe Mount of Apollo or

Sun is located at the base of third finger or the Fin-ger of Apollo and on the upper part of the Line of Heart.

This Mount is very sig-nificant in that it indicates the success or the failure of a person in life. A per-son who has no Mount of Apollo leads an ordinary life ‘unknown and un-sung.”

A person with a promi-nent Mount of Apollo is a genius and a celebrity. If the Mount is well devel-oped and pink in co-lour, the owner would certainly attain very high status in so-ciety.

People with a prominent Mount of Apollo are called Apol-lonians.

Ap o l l o n i a n s are friendly, cheerful, and courteous by nature. They get along well with friends and oth-ers. They are honest and trust-worthy and are highly respected for their sterling qualities.

Apollonians are wealthy and have more than one source of income. If this Mount is prominent in the hand of even an il-

literate ordinary person, he would become wealthy and prosperous. Apollo-nians receive unexpected wealth several times in their life.

Apollonians like to live in grand style. They are large-hearted and are ready to admit their mistakes. They are forthright in their dealings with others and do not mince words in tell-

ing the bare truth.

If the mount of Apollo is leaning towards the Mount of Saturn, the owner is frustrated person who likes to remain aloof from others. Such persons often find themselves in reduced circumstances.

If the Mount is leaning towards the Mount of Mer-cury, the owner will be a successful businessman or an n entrepreneur. Such persons are wealthy and are respected in society.

A clumsy Finger of Apol-lo minimises the favour-able characteristics of the Mount of Apollo. Such persons are vindictive and they fail to get along with fellowmen.

If there are too many lines on the Mount of Apollo, the owner is a sick-ly person.

A persons with a promi-nent Mount

of Apollo and a c o n i c a l

finger, is idealistic.

Such persons are artists,

writers and po-ets. Those with a square finger tip are artists of a high calibre and they are practical

too.If both Mounts of

Apollo and Mercury are equally prominent,

the owner would be en-dowed with a sense of jus-tice and a love for scientif-ic research.





HOROSCOPEThe Sun Jan: 14 18.44 hours CapricornMars Jan: 08 12.08 Capricorn Mercury Jan: 08 00.34 Sagittarius Mercury Jan: 31 05.54 Capricorn Venus Jan: 01 16.46 ScorpioVenus Jan: 30 03.51 Sagittarius

Were you born between March 15 and April 13?

APR 14 - MAY 15 MAY15 - JUN 15 JUN

15 - JUL16 JU

L16 - AU

G 17 AUG 17 - SEP 17 SEP17 - OCT 17 OCT 17 - NOV 17

NOV 17 - DEC 1




- JA

N 1








4 - MAR 15

MAR 15 - APR13



BY A S FERNANDOThe Sun in it annual journey round

the Zodiac moves in the Solar sign of Pisces from March 15 to April 13 and those born during this period are also called Pisces subjects.

We know that those born when Zo-diac sign of Pisces is rising from the horizon are assigned the Pisces sign as Lagna or ascendant and those born into the Pisces sign thus are greatly infl uenced by the characteristics pecu-liar to this sign. Those born during the Solar month of Pisces too are to a great extent infl uenced by the Pisces sign.

Pisces subjects, be they of the Pisces Lagna or of the Pisces Solar month, possess psychic powers. Physically they are not strong.

Pisces people normally maintain a calm and placid exterior. But inward-ly, they are very unstable as they are subject to strong emotions. They are very sensitive and they would go into a fl urry even over a trivial matter. Some-times, they would take to drugs or al-cohol to drown their sorrows or over-come their ruffl ed feelings.

Pisces people are lovers of art and beauty. They are charitable and gener-ous. They have a keen sense of grati-tude.

Pisces people do not have reliable friends and one of them would turn a Judas at a momentous hour of life.

Pisces people are quick to change their opinion on a given issue. They do not like to stick to one profession or one workplace either.

If the native happens to be a male, he would have an intimate affair with a widow which would eventually turn into a scandal.

Astrologers say that Pisces subjects are usually loquacious and some go to the extent of being garrulous.

Generally, Pisces people attain high positions by dint of perseverance. They do well in art, literature and poetry.

The Pisces sign rules the feet and the lymphatic system and Pisces subjects are prone to diseases that can affect them.

Pisces subjects are advised to marry a person of the same sign or of Cancer and Scorpio


BY SUDARSHIIt is quite obvious that there

is a growing desire among people to go abroad nowa-days. For different rea-sons of course. Many seek to travel abroad for employment and domicile. There are others who want to go abroad for high-er studies or for vis-iting places of inter-est like the `Wonders of the World’ or on pil-grimage.

However, a chance to travel abroad does not come the way of everyone who cher-ishes a desire for it. Therefore, many seek to know whether foreign travel is written in their stars. Of course, a com-petent astrologer can predict whether foreign travel is in store for one and for what pur-pose..

Travel AstrologyTravel Astrology is a vast

subject and there are books written on the subject. We wish to familiarise our readers with only the basic factors for foreign travel in this article.

Certain houses, signs, the lords of houses and signs in a horoscope have to be care-fully examined for predicting whether one is destined to travel abroad or not.

Movable and watery signs

Movable signs like Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn and Watery signs like Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces promote for-eign travel. The sign of Cancer, being both movable and watery, is more powerful for foreign travel than other signs. The main houses that come under scrutiny for ascertaining the possibility of foreign travel are the 7th, 9th, 12th and the 4th.

Rahu and the MoonAll planets can give foreign

travel, but the planets mainly responsible for it are Rahu and the Moon.

HousesLet us first examine how

Houses become relevant for foreign travel, according to principles enunciated by In-dian sage Sathyacharya.

� If the lord of the 1st oc-cupies the 7th with a benefic planet, the subject would live in a foreign country.

� Affliction of the 4th House causes a person to leave his native place and set-tle down in a foreign country.

� If the lord of the 9th House is in the 7th with the 7th lord, the native would earn in a for-eign country.

Lords of the 4th, 7th, 9th and 12th Houses

� One may go abroad fre-quently if the lord of the 7th is in the Lagna

� The 12th lord is in the Lagna which happens to be a common sign signifies much travel abroad.

� The 12th lord in the 9th shows residence and property abroad.

� The 9th lord in the 4th with the Lagna lord signifies occupying a respect-able position in the country domiciled.

� The 9th lord in the 4th gives foreign travel.

� The 4th lord in the 9th House with the 12th indicates foreign travel for higher edu-cation.

� The 4th lord in the 12th House points to stay abroad.

� Connection between the 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th and 12th Hous-es and their lords should be examined to determine travel abroad for medical treatment.

� If in a horoscope, major-ity of planets are posited in movable or common signs, the native would travel abroad fre-quently. The conjunction of

the 5th, 9th and the 12th lords in Dashamsha indicates for-

eign travel for employ-ment as a scientist or

other professional.

Long journeys and pilgrimages

The 9th House rules long journeys,

foreign travel, pilgrimages, and

voyages. Different planets occupying

the 9th House give dif-ferent results -

Different resultsThe Sun: Native will earn

fame and respect abroad.The Moon: Much travelling

inland and abroad.Mars: When Mars is afflict-

ed danger and disaster during travel.

Jupiter: Prosperity in for-eign lands.

Venus: Happiness and pros-perity in foreign lands.

Saturn: Loss, misery and misfortune.

Rahu: Serious accidents if afflicted. If fortified, prosper-ity and gains from abroad.

Ketu: If afflicted sudden di-saster. If fortified, prosperity and help from foreigners.

TimingsForeign travel occurs during

the major Dasa or antar (sub) Dasa periods of the planets causing such travel.

Sight-seeing Employment

Flash :

Special feature

‘Rahu Kaala’ for January 9 to January 31Date Duration Day Night From To From To09 Sun: 16:42 18:10 04:53 06:2510 Mon: 07:54 09:22 19:42 21:1411 Tues: 15:15 16: 43 03:22 04:5412 Wed: 12:19 13:47 00:18 01:5013 Thurs: 13:47 15:15 01:51 03:22 14 Fri: 10:51 12:19 22:47 00:1915 Satur: 09:23 10: 52 21: 16 22:47 16 Sun: 16.44 18.13 04.55 06.2617 Mon: 07.56 09.24 19.46 21.1718 Tues: 15.18 16.46 03.24 04.5519 Wednes: 12.21 13.49 00.21 01.5220. Thur: 13.49 15.18 01.53 03.2421. Fri: 10.53 12.21 21.18 22.45 22. Satur: 09.25 10.53 21.18 22.4923. Sun: 16.48 18.16 04.57 06.2824. Mon: 07.57 09.25 19.47 21.1625 Tues: 15.20 16.49 03.26 04.5726. Wednes: 12.23 13.52 00.23 01.54 27: Thurs: 13.52 15.21 01.54 03.26 28. Fri: 10.55 12.24 22.52 00.2329. Satur: 09.26 10.55 21.21 22.5230. Sun: 16.49 18.18 04.57 06.29 31. Mon: 07.58 09.27 19.50 21.21Auspicious days in January 2011Jan: 6 Thursday up to 15:05 hoursJan: 7 Friday from 15:13 to 18:19Jan: 8 Saturday up to 15:40 Jan: 9 Sunday after 16:22Jan: 17 Monday The entire dayJan: 18 Tuesday from 02:08 to 15:51Jan: 20 Thursday after 06:40Jan: 23 Sunday from 14:49 to 15:51

Durutu PoyaJan: 12 Wednesday - Pura At-

awaka begins at 03.53 am – ends at 06.05 am on Thursday

Sil on Wednesday

Jan: 19 Wednesday- Pun Poya begins at 05.19am - ends at 02.51

am on Thursday Sil on Wednesday

Jan: 26 Wednesday –Ava At-awaka begins at 07.21 am - ends at

05.44 am on ThursdaySil on Wednesday

Feb: 02 Wednesday - Amawaka begins at 06.28 am - ends at 08.03

am on ThursdaySil on Wednesday