ASSYRIAN GRAMMAR, - Max Planck Societypubman.mpdl.mpg.de/.../escidoc:404077/assyrian_sayce1875_o.pdf · important branch of research. When my " Assyrian Grammar " was published, three

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Page 1: ASSYRIAN GRAMMAR, - Max Planck Societypubman.mpdl.mpg.de/.../escidoc:404077/assyrian_sayce1875_o.pdf · important branch of research. When my " Assyrian Grammar " was published, three

A R C H A I C C L A S S I C S .

A S S Y R I A N G R A M M A R ,


R E A D I N G B O O K .

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A R C H A I C C L A S S I C S .








Azrthuv of "A19 Assyrian Gramwtar;" n?zd '' The JJriflcz$Ze.s of Cum$a.rutivc PhiZulogy.

hlulta: terricolis lingua, ccclestibus una.


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S O C I E T Y O F B I B L I C A L A R C H a O L O G Y

-* D E D I C A T E D BY THE A U T H O R .



! I I

I I 1

I --

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C O N T E N T S .

PREFACE ... ...

Syllabary . . ...

The Nouns ... ...

The Numerals ...

The Pronouns ...

The Verb ... ...

... List of Prepositions

Cornpound Prepositions

The Conjunctions ...

The Adverbs ... ...

... Derivation of Nouns

Phonology ... ...

... Reading Lessons



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P R E F A C E .

T I ~ following pages have been written in connection with my lectures

upon Assyrian philology, which were commenced in the early part of 1875 under

the auspices of the Society of Biblical Archzology, and through the exertions of

Mr. W. R. Cooper, the Secretary of'the Society. An endeavour has been made

for the first time to smooth over the difficulties which beset the entrance to the

study of the Assyrian inscriptions, and so attract students to this new and

important branch of research. When my " Assyrian Grammar " was published,

three years ago, a knowledge of the language was still confined to the few, and

there seemed little prospect that the small band of Assyriologues would be

much increased for a long while to come. My work was therefore addressed to

two classes of readers ; to those who were already able to read the inscriptions,

and could appreciate a grammar which entered into details and points of

scholarship, and to those who were acquainted with the better-known Semitic

languages, but wished to learn something of the new dialect which had been so

unexpectedly revealed, and promised to throw such a flood of light on Semitic

philology in general. The prospect, however, that three years ago seemed so

distant has been more than realised. Assyrian has become a "popular" subject;

and the world of scholars which once Iooked with distrust upon the labours of

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. . 11 Preface.

the decipherers, has at last awakened to their interest and importance. Students

are flocking in from all sides, and elementary grammars and progressive reading-

books, like those which initiate the pupil into Hebrew or Greek, are needed and

called for.

The present voIume is intended to meet this demand. The cuneiform type

which has been freely used throughout will accustom the eye of the reader to the

forms of the characters, and as all transliterated words are divided into syllables,

even where the Assyrian text is not added, he will be able to reduce them into

their original forms. Care has been taken not to burden the memory with

unnecessary matter; and practical experience has proved that tabular lists of

nouns, verbs, and particles, such as are given in the second part of the book, are

the best means for impressing the rudiments of a new language upon the mind.

A separate chapter on the syntax has been omitted, since any attempt to enter

into details would be inconsistent with the plan of the Grammar, while it has

been found more convenient to state those few cases of importance in which

Assyrian differs from the syntactical usage of other languages in those places of the accidence to which they naturally belong. The notes appended'to

each of the reading-lessons are designed to lead the student on to a more

advanced and independent acquaintance with the language, and so complete the

work of a practical and elementary grammar.

The main difficuIty is the Syllabary, the larger part of which will sooner or

later have to be learnt by heart. The beginner is advised first to commit to

memory the characters which express open syllables, given in pp. 46 and 47, as

well as the Determinative Prefixes and Affixes given in p. 48, and then to work

at the monosyZZabic closed syllables. Experience alone can show him what are

the commoner and more favourite values with which a character is used ; and he

must be content to be continually a learner, keeping the Syllabary constantIy at

his side for purposes of reference, and remembering that any endeavour to learn

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the whole Syllabary is a needless and useless task. H e will soon come to know

what characters and what values are most frequently employed, and what

ideographs are most likely to occur in the inscriptions.

The hieroglyphic origin of the Syllabary, and its adaptation to the wants of

a foreign language, will give the key to many of the difficulties he will meet

with. Its Accadian inventors spoke an agglutinative dialect; and each

hieroglyphic, which in course of time came to be corrupted into a cuneiform

character (like the modern Chinese), originally expressed the sound of the word

denoting the object or idea for which it stood. The same picture could stand

for more ideas than one, and might therefore be pronounced in more than one

way, so that when the Semitic Assyrians (or rather Babylonians) borrowed the cuneiform system of writing, using what were words in Accadian as mere

phonetic values, polyphony became inevitable, and the same character repre-

sented several phonetic powers. Even in Accadian the characters could be

employed phonetically as well as ideographically ; and the Assyrians, while

turning the dictionary of the Accadians into a huge syllabary, did not forget the

hieroglyphic origin of the writing, but reserved to themselves the power of using

a character not only as the representative of a syllabic sound, but also as an

ideograph to which of course a Semitic pronunciation was attached.

Many of the characters exhibit their primitive form at the first glance;

1- for instance, clearly standing for " the tongue of a balance." In other cases the resemblance to the objects originally signified is not very visible in the

simplified forms of the characters as used in Assyria, and we have to go back to

the archaic Babylonian type to detect the likeness. Thus by has lost all

resemblance to "the sun ;" and it is not until we remember the archaic K) that we discover the circle which stood for the great luminary of day. A large

number of characters are compound, and when they are used ideographically

their meaning can often be determined by considering what is the meaning of the

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separate characters of which they are made up. Thus t ~ 7 3 is " a mouth,"

and 7: " a drop of water ;" the compound + ~ m therefore naturally denotes the

act of " drinking." So, again, the Assyrian +=! '( a month " is the simplified

fornn of the archaic s), where ((( the numeral 30 (expressing the 30 days of

the month), is placed within the circle of the sun.

The use of polypl~ones no doubt increases the difficulty of decipherment,

but the student will find that practically it is not so embarrassing as it would

seem a t first sight to be. T h e Assyrians intended their inscriptions to be read

(at all events except in the case of texts like those of the astrological tablets,

which were addressed to the initiate6 only), and accordingly adopted all possible

means of obviating the disadvantages of a polyphonic system of writing. The

following rules should be observed by the student in selecting one of the many

values a given character may bear :-

( I ) The existence of an ideograph should never be assumed, unless it is

indicated by a phonetic complement, or unless the inscription (like the

astrological ones generally) is written throughout ideographically rather

than phonetically.

(2) Where two characters come together (such as ca and ac), the first of which

ends with the same vowel as that with ~vhich the second begins, we

may infer that they form one closed syllable (as cac).

(3) Pf a character expresses an open syllable (as ~ i ) as well as a closed

one (as tad), the open is to be preferred to the closed (unless contra-


(4) Those values are to be selected which offer a triliteral (or biliteral) root,

and not a pluriliteral one.

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(5) Notice must be taken of the final or initial consonant of the character

which precedes or follows the one we are considering, as the Assyrians

frequently doubled a consonant to show what value is to be chosen in

a doubtful case. Thus cyyf t+! must be read dan-nin, as d m alone

out of the many possible values of the first character ends with n. 1 i I

(6) A character which denotes a syllable begiilning with a vowel is very rarely

used after one which ends with a consonant,

(7) Words and lines end together, and proper names, &c., are pointed out by

Determinative Prefixes ancl Affixes.

(8) Variant readings and variant forms of the same root must be carefully

observed, as they often decide the pronunciation of a \word where all

other means fail,

(9) Experience will show that common use had set apart one or two values of

a given character which were preferably employed to all others.

(10) Those values must be adopted which bring out a correct grammatical

form, or enable us to compare the Assyrian word (should the context

determine its meaning) with a similar root in the cognate languages.

I t is not so much the existence of polyphones, however, that forms the chief

defect in the Assyrian mode of writing. The phonology of the inventors of the

writing was not the same as the phonology of the Assyrians, and sounds which

were distinct in Assyrian had to be represented by one and the same sign.

~ 7 7 7 ~ is both ha or u (73 and 7M and 1) and yu (V), jf zu and kn, pyy da and

dha, (YET di and dhi, ~ y f e (y) and a modified 9, y+ bz. and pg. Similarly the

same characters denoted both nz and v, and no distinction was made between

final 4 dh, and t; b and p ; g, c, and k; and z, i, k, and even s; while cIosed

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vi Preface.

syllables might begin as well as end with any of these doubtful letters. The

uncertainty which results from this as to the initial or final letter of a syllable

would naturally not press upon the Assyrian ; but it is the main difficulty against

which the modern decipherer has to contend, and can only be overcome by the

examination of new texts and the comparison of numerous passages.


Qum's CoZZtge, Oxford, April, I 8 7 5.

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S Y L L A B A R Y .

The characters of the Assyrian Syllabary were originally hieroglyphics, representing objects and ideas. The ~vorcls by which these were denoted in the Turanian language of the Accadian inventors of the cuneiform system of writing became phonetic sounds when it was borrowed by the Semitic Assyrians, though the characters could still be used ideographically as well as phonetically. ?Vhen used ideographically the pronunciation was, of course, that of the Assyrians.

In the follonring table only the forms of the characters found on the majority of the Assyrian monuments are given. Sometimes the so-called IHieratic characters were employed (e.g-., in the Cyprian Stele of Sargon) which differ but slightly from the Babylonian. 14ncient Babylonian varied again in the forms of several characters. The Elamite or Susianian characters have the same form as the ancient Babylonian, while the Protonledic are modified from the Assyrian.

The Assyrian word i n the right-hand column is a translation of the Accadian word (used in Assyrian as a phonetic value) in the left-hand column, and was the sound given to the character in the Assyrian inscriptions whenever it was read as an ideograph.

Phonetic Value (Acca- cuneiform ,-lIaracter, I Assyrian rendering. dian nord). I Meaning.

I. as ... ... ruv (rum, ru) dil ... ...

kharra ,,,

magaru, dilu ... zicaru, dilu ... ... nabu, dilu .... *. . cstin, khidu, edisu ... namkullfi ... ... ina ... ... ... Assur (a92 nbJua~iat/iin) sainu, tuhamtu ...

oJedie7it (ha$&), ? n male, ? to $roclnim, ? one ? il2

Assyria htave7z, the 12eq

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P1l~netic (Acca- Culleiforlll Character. d i m ~vord). Assyrian rendering.

2. khal ... ... khas ... ... khal ... ..,

... 4. an, ana anna, aimab ... dimir, dingir.. .

essa ... ... an ... ...

4n. nab (see 168)

4b. simidan ...

... qc. alat, alap

... 4od. lrtinina alap (Ass. ztnl.)

5. khaz (khas, 1;hats)

kut (kucl) .., tar ... ... sil (iil, &la) ... gug, citainina

G. pal ...

tal ... pal ...

nuk (?) ... zabbur.. . ...

... nacadu, buligu lrhasu . . . ...

sakii, sailiii, ilu, Ann, sakfi, samfi, ilu, Anu, ilu ... ... ... cacabu ... ... ilutu sa sibri ... supultu .. , ...

nadu, nacadu ...

... nacaiu, gazaru nacaSu, danu, s%mu siiku, panu ... . ~.

sallatu, halacu, eribn

ubiru, etiku, palu, nspalcutu, nucuru, palu

ebiru, etiliu ... . , . supilu sa sinnis,

pukhkhu sa sinnis, supiltu

naliii ... ... ... admu, akhri, khiru ...

to czrt, diva'sian ?

fi, r-dl sfo?*rni& ?-e71cr-c~ice a fixf7lre

A&+, sky, god, the god Airu h&h, sky: go4 the good A ~ L god sfar divi~ii2y of cur71 depth

to cnt, to cut to czd, tojudge, to set cnr~al, before

@oil, to go, to drscend (flozcj)

to c?,oss, to pass throz~gh, tivie or year, to rez~olt, enemy, szoord

to ci,oss, to pass f/lmz!gh sexztal pa r t of n z~onzan,

sexz~d $art of n zuontil?l, the Zozwerjrrrt

to san-$ce mnrz, behind, Zo~d

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- phonetic Value (hcca-

dian worci).

7 . bat, be ...

til, badhdhu ... US ... ... kllar ... ... ziz (?), mit, idim

g. adama I 10. susru ...

11. gir ... ... rum ... ... gir ... ,..

12. pur, pul ... du, girn ... inucmuc-nabi usu ... ...

13. kur .. ... pal' ... , . .

132. "khal, dili-dili- ... nabi


14. utuci ... ...

Cuneifornl Character.

pagru, pitu, mutu, labiru, uduntu

gamaru, p a p , katu d%mu ... ...


nakbu, sainu, captu, belu, enuva, tseru

Assyrian rendering. I hieaning. - -

sarsu . . . ...

USSUSU .., ...

sumuk-same, padhru littu, padhru ... giru, zultabulbu, pad-

anu, birku

... passaru . , , edissu, sulllnu ...

edisu ... ... basmu, butu, macarw,


naciru, sailnu, pappu pappu, zicaru, tarbu,

natsaru, akllu

corpse, Lo open, to die? oh', ?

co/?zjltLe, corpse, htrnri' blood (ofip,,g)

channel, heavo/, henzy, lo^,,$,

7&he?2, (Jest?$

o~rzerz of evil

vault o j Aenz~e~z, to stri4e szr~ord, joint poilzt, ?, jlnif~, Z&Af>zi?zg

solitary sweet on'aw, rIcsert (?), to sell

or exchn~zge, exjedilzbn (?)

to chnr~ge, eaeny, athe?, (?) other (?), male, you?zg ~ i / i n ~ / , fo

defe?zd, brothe~,

pusku ... ...

sarnsu ... ...

(1zfic~Zt road (?)

;tlZc s z l f z

... ... ... Ea I 1 the god He0

gamlu ... ... ... sicru ... ...

bent$f Kikdzess

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Phonetic Value (Acca- dian word).

I 7. zicura . . .

18. cit, cuda, sc ..

Sabura ... gudibir ... tak ... ...

... 19. seslam

20. ka, gita ... ... 2 I. cit (kit, cat)

u, ub, bu ... 23. mu ... ...

25. kul (Assyrian z~nke zir)

Cunciforln Character. Asiyrinn rendering.

epilihu, carasu ...

... cal3, ezibu, pat2 cupkhu ... ... Maruducu ... . . .

cipratu ... ...

idu, nadanu, takku, racldu, cabadu, pakadu

itsbu ... ...

sulnu, santu, zicaru, nadanu, ya, samu

masaddu, cu7aSu, kha- lacu, cuSiu, v2cu

... la, (ul), tsalainu zicaru ... ...

ziru ... . . , ...

zicaru, annu, samu, makhirtu

baladhu, napistu, nadu laka, tsabatu, dakhu usibu, dapann- sa -ru-

cubi, anbu, tsilu


to How, pl-opedy (stanTn?,nr, camp) / z,hoZe, to leave, to @en

determinative of measure

to nccofilplisfi

to know, to give, ?, to add, to ojjms.~ or Be m~rZtitz~dirzoz~s, to oversee


my, sky ?, ?, ?, throne, ?

light (meteor)

memorinZ, this, sky, front

fami&, Zzye, to raise to take, to seize, to be near dze,clZ, side (or whed) of n

chariot, ?, side

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Phonetic Value (Acca- dial1 wold).

... 39d cimmu

40. me ... ...

41. impar ...

42. cii~i ... ...

4 3 . ? ... ...

4 4 . 1 ... ...

4 5 . ? ... ...

Cullciforln Chatadera

4 rm ** <Y

to eat, food (~"3n)

Assyliail ~ e n d e ~ i n g .

sipsu, dhernu ...

takha tsu ... ...

... ... ...


46. cu ... ...



ex$Za~~ccZioz, Zaw


glool'y ( ~ ~ a m e )

acalu, khadhdhu ... I

tongue ( Z a ~ ~ g ~ ~ u g e )

Z . (se?zte/~ce)

Zz$, t h i ~ s t

t h i ~ s t @st)

+ , l i s ~ n u ...

... ...

+:a 47. nil ...

I ...


... ... tsul-~lu

... i 4 8 . ? ... ...

49. ? ... ...

50. ibira ... ...

51. ? ... ...

51n. ? ... ...

52 ? ... ...

camu ...

pukhkhu ... ...

tsalalntu ... ...

dainkaru (of ,dcc. 0?,&i?l)

ikllimu ... ...

? ... .,. ...

... ? ... ...


- ~ ~ ~ - ~ *-:!!J%J

T=- + E ~ ~ I ( I - -=V,Wy

5 3 ? ... ...

to bu?% (?)

the b~ea th



he bul-irt (ri~motrren')


? I - *:y ;s 1 I ? ... ... ? ... -

54. bat ... ... imtu . . . . . . . , .

5 5 . ? ... .., ... ... ... 56. ? ... ... ... ...

poison (fhilit-c)



I 57. nalc .., . . . . . satil . . I fo rli-l~ik

g S . ? ... . . . , . ... city

jg. la ... ,.. 1 ?, ?

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cribu, Suillinatu . . .

eribu, rrlurtsu . . .

61. li ... I -~a, {$cY$] r ~ r u , iiliiu . . . ...

(pzote fhese mzrM?ztfo?'nrs) illu . . . ... . . .

gub, gu . .. 1 ?,

ni ... 1 , ...

64. bar, mas . . .

6 2 . apin, pin, uru ellgar . . .

to n'esce~~d or azlw or set (of the Sun), season (?)

to descerzd, &c., sickness

+Ly * 3 )

epinu, ussu . . . . . . iccaru

paratsu, burru, biiru, usuru, tsindu, akh- ratu, akhkhuru, tsiitu, rikgtu, akhatu, akhu, akhitu, arcu, tsabiu

camiitu, galhi, tinii, enitu, pisaktu, cabi- tu, maln, paladu, tuhan~u, zibtu, dallu, cidittu, nib, ruzzu, elitu, banku, makh- am, bidhru, asaridu, pulu, maru, bidh- rainu, ibbu, libutu, ainaru, niasa, vas- saru, zui11ruj cabadt~

foundatio?~ (ci&) groz~lzd (d&giug)

tsiru, makhkhu (from Acc.), rubii, mahdu

b'halu, tublu, tizkaru

inHsu, ddaru, asibu, eliu, tsabilu, i113zu- sa-ecili

su$?~e~?ze, su$re?#e, great, 11zuh

pri?zce (?), so~~ere&iz (?), ?

to dklidc, ha& h a z bourn< to bind, an not he^, a f w , fz~fzi~e, fz~ture, a second, drother, other, offer, gazelle

he* (?), all, ?, ?, ol3a~.Ze, nzuch, as ?lzary as, to me&h, ?, ?, the T&ns, ?, ?, ?, z@pa; chain, battle, J~*sfbon~ (?), eldest, cattlil,so~t,J~~stbo~~z (?), zuIzite, ?, to see, ?, to nbail- d0/Z, b 0 4 , the I!;ZI~Y

?, the god Arl'nr, to (held, (precioi~s), to fake, bzw71-

, iug (? f of a JeId

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Pllonetic Value (Acca- dian I Cuneiform Character. Assylian rcndeling. BIeaning.

66. nun ... ...

zil, sil, humis, khan (?)

... 66a. asagara

rubii, rabu, nunu, (fr. Acc. )

p~i?zce, great, priace

6 . u , s i n ( ? , - a s u ... ... 1 y t ~ t or ec~$$e

69. biru (perhaps suttu, uritsu, tsiptu, dream, ofJsprirzfi pt-odz~ct, ASS.) nipikhu rez~enlcr

... ... 70. cun ... 1 +la+rlll 1 zibbatu, zuinbu 1 tail, ta i l I

73. khu,pak ... khu, pak, musen

74. pacac ...

itstsuru, s'asu ... muscnnu . . . . ...

ciribu, su~nelu ... midiid, Zcft hand

gal ... ...

gal ... ...

7 7. tsim, zim, nanl (Acc.$rejfx of alistracfnoum)

nam ... ...

iku (or iliku), daltu, khamdhu, patu, nukhsu

basii, sacunu, nasu, labinu

ikku, rutstsunu, nialii, asabu, pitii, ciinu, natsaru

nabu, S~~IIIIIU ... nammu, pikhatu, in%

?, cL'aol; puickjournc~~, to open, pro.Osperi@

lo be, pZaceiz7, to raise, brick

?, ?, to JZZ, to d~ucll, to @L-I.I,

to establish, to d&zd

to jrocZai/!z, des t i~y ?, a poz~e~?zor, this

78. pak (9 ... 1 I itstsuru .. ... n b i d

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81. gi, Sa ...

p!~o:letic value (Acca- d ~ a n wold).

79. mut ... ...

84. gub ... lrat ... ...

Cmleifolm Character. - - - -- - - --

. . . . 8 j. tun, kllub L ~ I z ~ I , +iI&v I

86. pulug 1 ..- I +RT-b

Assyrian rendering. hleauing. - - -- - -


banii, damu, uppu, aladu, icl~u, bis'ru,

aa~is tu , nisu, pilii, naSakhu, dikii, boa, saparu

to mate, blood, ?, to beav child~etz, ?, flesh, seed

lcanii, duppu-sadhru, siintu, zicaru, matu, eSiri, tiiru, gimiru, pudak, cunu

cissu ... ...

? ... .,. ...

tallu, ra1118, lilu, tsaklru, parah-sa- rikhuti, parsidu

nabadhu ... ... nada ... ... sa1xm ... ...

sumelu ... ... gubbu (of Accadian


khasu ...

carnsu sa etsi ...

Z$e (soul), man (spirit), zciork, to take away, snzitte?~, to cottze, to se~zd

reed, ztf~ittefz t(z(TbZet, foz~zdn- tioll, ??ze;I~~ovilz!, ~ o o z L ~ z ~ ? ~ ~ ;

bands) to f~store, all, ?, establ'isheil

briZZParr~-e brtkht;~zcss (of a star) thr.jf,?na?nmf

episu, Lana, makharu, I to alaKe, lo bbz~ild, to be j ~ c -

89. sus I ... ... ... 1 -$Yf , ? F.. ,.. 1 ? 1

nabu, Kabii, khs- jiiu, pit-uzni, rap- sa-uzni, khubbu-sa- kani

... takhatsu ...

seflt, to $?-ocZai;~x, AGbo, tke irztclltse~tt, the ~ j t ~ f z r ~ r

of the e n ; ~ ~ , the enlarger of the cnrs, hoZZow o/- a 7fectE


... belu ... ... / Zoyd

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Phonctic Valne (Acca- dial1 word).

g o . ? ... ...

... 91. cani, kunl

g2a. ? ... ...

gzb. sacil ...

gzc. tabin [or ebin], gadstaccuru

93. dim, tim, tiv, ti

enu ... ...

97. darn ... ...

99. sur (zur) ...

103. subh (Sukh)

tiskhu ...

Cun eifornl Character. Assyrian rcaderiiig.

? ... ... ...

citu ... ... ...


... binu.. . ...

tsupuru ... ... ... siinnlu ...

tsu1?ru, masaru, tsum- bu, ubanu, iiiidhu

ricdu, rici8-kai1e, mar- cadu, tiininu

dhabtu ... ...

belu, enu ... ... ... adi ... ... ... sainu ...

turakhu ... ... ... E a ... ...

... sumu ... 1 I

zamaru, zai-nlrhu, tsar- uru, naSal<hu - sa - ainati, ridu, Irhabsu, capalu, zuimu, sum- ma, basu

pultu, mHtu, naparcu, zimu, pallu, liasaku, tihanltu

ramcuti . . , ... I

aaiZ (naiZ--mar4z) destruction


aniiZo$e the god Ea

to 7jznki ga fo~til , to ?pis?, body (or risi?rg), re??zovaZ of a7v- thing) seroant, t?,od(I'c/z dozela (?), ?, ~*ain, thzts, to exist

?, courztty, to fiit,enk, glory, ?, to climb, the sen

herd [or stay ?]

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phonetic Valne (Acts- I Cuneifo:in Character. 1 Arryian rendeli11.q. Meaning. dial1 \irorcl). -

101. Sucus ... tile godiless Istar

102 , se,sakh(Sakh), nakh, ilikh

to make, to 'owate, to j x , a sz~goril; ?, a sh~ine, he, to ojefz

to leartz, to arid, to k?zrz, wise, thy, a ggt

e ~ i s u , bane, zuzu, ciSu, i~asam, csiru, su, pitu

lainadu, raddu, idii, mudu, ca, nindauu

104n. abzu ...

105. SLI, sir ...

the abj,~'ss abzii . . , ..,

a bod!, ?, ski~z, to i7zcrcase

fvant (n~ififiZe, battle)

ZU~I IU~U, tsum, ma- sacu, raba

106. sun (Bun) ...

107. lnuk ...

I o7n. mukinuk-nabi altar of i ~ ~ c c ~ ~ s e

Pzalzt (?) 108. zadiin ...

109. nit (nitakh, nita), eri

zicaru, ardu ... ...

... r 10. idu, itu arkhu . . . ...

I I I, sakh, sukll ... dam,zku, dabu, sakhu

sibru, kharpu ...

fo rest~~i"~, ?, to be ((beco?~~~), 61'cake?, of faith

?, vnr.iqyzten' cloths, grosoth ef~r i~zg, zuilite, white

114. dar ... ... dnr, Si-gunii

tnrru, biril~i, ntsu ... litu, sutruru, pitsu ...

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Phonetic Value (Acca- if^^^^ chaacter. Assyrian renderins. I\leaaiag. dial1 word).

116. &,pa ...

[Sa-gitu] ...

I 17. gis (?) ...

... 118. Si ...

Sig ... ...

I 19. Sa'ib -.. I

120. Si, (Be) (some- til/res L0;rZ-

fused with dar)

... 123. o a ur

I 24. ticul, dellu ... dimgun

125. surru ... I 126 . guana ... / 123. dir ... ... I

Sa ... ... pir ... ... dak ...

I 2 9 . maS, (dat) /

latnu, masadu, mar. kaSu, bu'anu

karnu, malu, giru, enisu, Samu, issaccu, dussu, itanu, pitu, cunnu, samu

malii.. . ... ...

atudu ... ...

gunnu, calu, pilii, pilutu, bitru, atsu- sa-etsi-u-kani

elippu ... ...

enzu... ... ...

cala iiaccalu ...

suklrullu, acii ...

adru, khalabu, sutruru, khibu, mikid-isati

s'amu ... ... saku a-nisi ... ... nikhabbu, inalu,


tsabu, allapu ...

tha sky

horn, to $l4 etze~mzy (or cam- paz&z), ?~za?z, blue, prfizce, ?, ?, to opez, establishen; sky

to $2 (give)



garr2Te/z, t?it~niZs ( k id~~qs ) , choice, choice, ?, growth of trees and gzlss

begi7z;rzl~ing (?), uessel


dark, white, coilered, mn~lting, bz(rniizg of $re

blue heurz' of a mntz

cozvring, ta$ll, vault

soZ~I'ie?~, zc~arrior @irit (bull)

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Pilonetic Value (Acca- Cuneiform din11 word). 1

130 sak (ris i 7 ~


130" sakus ...

13ob. eggat ...

133. uru ... ... 'FTTgD + 134. aru ...

135. g ~ d h u ...

136. can ... ...

137. tnb (tap) ...

... 138. r ~ ( r a ) kak ... ...

dii, gag (some- tillzes i~z Ass. cal)

139. ni, ne ... zal (znlli), ili

140. ili ... ... +* '++w 141. ir ... ...

sucal ...

Assyrian rendering. Meaning.

risu, lrarnu, Sangu, panu, rabu; avilu, pukhu

saku-sn-risi, asaridu.. .

? ... ... ...

mukhkhu ... ...

... karradu ...

head, Izorfz, chasiz, face, great, 11la7Z, ?

to$ of fhe hcn4 eldest



adaru, adirtu ... 1 darl, ecZ@s~

tsabatu, tamakl~u, ezibu, siteau, urad- du, tabbu

... surru, napkllnru

banu ... ... ... episu, cala ...

... siccatu, rapdu banu, danu ...

yahu [or i] ... ... yallu. .. . a . ... akhkhuru, namaru,

masu, zicaru, azalu, narabu, nfikhu, sunkn-sa-niz. ciiallu

imin nabi ... ...

to seize, to hold, to leave, double (0, to add (give back), double

btgi~zni?zg totali@

to make to ~rzoke, all doof- (?), ? to create, to judge

to be (?) to be (?) preseace, to see, week (?), nznm,

to d@art, ?, to t-est (?); wagzt of ", altor

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house, to establish

to giw, jlouug, to rcst/-n:il

142. mal ,ma,e ... gal, g&, pi-

Sannu ilba ...

hleaning. Pholletic Value (iicca- dian word).

bitu, sacanu ...

1 saracu, m r ~ ~ , callu ...

Culleiform chaacter. Assyrian rendering.

... . 143. gusur . . . I gusuru, idiu.. Beant, Ae?*o

144. cisal ...

... I 4 5 ? ...

ummu rapsu


146. nen,lucu, ekhi I

..- 1

... 147. ? ...

... 145. gapi. .. ?


agu ... 150. ega ... . ' . 1

I 153. gan kana)

gzgunii ' giigunU. ... car ... ... aganateti ... ,

iclu, padanu, ginu, iiabadhu

... khas'aiu ... sapalu, caru.. . ...

... nas ii... ...

/teZd,$laifz, enclosz~re karden), Izght

intelZ&ezt (to deter~fliue) lowe?,, forfress to raise

154. dak ... I ' - . / ... bars (par) 7

... napaldhu, rapadu ... sutruru, adannu

to surm'z!e, ? cove&, a season

cibiminu, nabbillu, tsatsiru, sikhu

... kharubu, zirbabu

155. ciSim, zibin, ' (WAX dzferent kinds of locusts

surin, sarin kharub (front


a locust, do. 77

... tulu, tsirtu ... ... 156. agan, ubir I B--Y m t r ( t 7 7 3 a ?)202~?2d, tent (I)

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Pholletic Value (Acca- dial1 word). I Cuileiform Character.

emidu, zicaru, ridu, mutstsu, nitalihu, isam, rikh .I, nbaclu

158. us, nita, ni- takh, dhii- CUS ...

to stand, f~zayc, st~oant, of- @ril7,g 71miz,phnI'Zz~s, snzeZZ(?), ?

. . . . . . 159. kas

abnu, saku-sa-icli ...

I G I . tik, gti ... makhru, mekhitstu, cisadu, matu, napkh- aru

(bank), rol~7zt~y, totczlio

etsen-tsiru ... ...

. . . biltu. . . . . . . .

t$ of the tail

nasu-sa-resi, saku-sa- resi

tribute (a tnZm')

lyting of the head, t@ of the head

IG?. gun ... ... ... I 63. dliur (dur)

eru ... ...

16 j. hubisega ... Bilu ... ... ... - I

I G6. sans (sa) (read irba i ~ z Ass.)

1 irbu ... ... ... / four

abtu, esu, ta~ntu ... bitu, k a h . . . ...

?, ?, the sen house, hoZlo7c/ (?)

I 6 7 ab (ap, abba) es ... ...

168. nab (nap) (see

4 4

... caccabu, nabadllu star, b~z@~t7zess 169. mul, ana-esse- cu

Iaba~lu, libitu, lapatu, biiru, naclu

... dabakhu ... zuhunu, labatsu,

makhatsu - sa - ali, ialatsu, baru, sdu, nabatsu, nadu

61,ich, omen, hinge (?), lake (?), contplete

to cut the fhl-oat (sacf,z$ce) $Zenty (?), ?, stronghold of n

ci&, ?, lake (?), ?, ?, situated

I 70. tak (tag), sum, nas

SLIM. .. ... ... tak, suridu

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P h o n e t i c Value (Acca- 1 dian word). 1 Cutleiform Charsctcr.

... 171. cii ...

r 74. um, mus ... dikh ... dub, dib


177. urud (urudu)

khi ...

180, gan, wn (km) 1 kain ... 1

182. tsi ... ...

183. ya ... ... 184. tur ... ...

dii ... ...

185. ginna, khibiz

r 86. ibila (bor~oze~ed f.077~ Ass.)

/ Assyrian rendering. 1 Meaning. i -

-1 I

... j biil~u ... gate

immu [or tammu], n'ay [or jar go?^], great (?)

inutstsatu ...


uinnlu, hbu, dabacu abnu, canacu-sa-abni IZ~VU, dippu, tsabatu,

lavii, sapacu, taba- cu, sardu, tuppu, tsipu

... siitu ... ... 1 . . library I

?, ?, to cleave to stme: szi~zet tahlct, nTacz~nzn~t, to seiw, fo

nzjl-anch, to he@ 19, to he@ z@, to be ~ e d (?), ?, pro &it (?)

zibmry (?)

Ninua ... I

nahidu, naku, atsu- sa-samsi

lihu ... ... ...

abu ... ... ... father

cZeal- (gl~ict?cs), jz~rr:? S I / ? I Y ~ S ~

glorioz~s (?) I

ailnu, nagabu, basu, su, khagalu

... . S o ...

cloud (?), cnl~nl, to bt, he (ihfs), to i~rzk~zte

forms ordinal nuinbers

... nlartu ...

naku ... ...

wesf (?)


zakhru, maru, karradu ablu, maru ... ...

muniru ... ...

small, young, j'ou~zg 7t nl rios son, son


ablu ... ,.. ... so%

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Phonetic Value (Acca- / Caneiforln Character. I Assyrian rendering 1 1 Meaning. dial1 ~wwd). 1 1

I 187. turrak ... 1 , 1 bintu, martu . . . I iiaug/iicr, n/oinoa

188. turrak ... aaught',?*

the sun-god


192. in ... ... I Z2zB'tw. innu, biltu, Silu, pillu ' lord (?), ;1/2nste,y, I V L ~ (?), ? E-

bintu . . .

I 93. ~n-gal, lu-gal sar (bourozc~ed

f ~ o m Ass.)


I 94. rab, raba (rap) diin ...

195. dim ... ...

196. cib (cip, kip)

I 97. bi, cas (lras), u11

cas . . . . . .

inacutu, labartu . . .


sane, sannu, su, suZtu, nakbu

c2su (borro7t1ed fio~?z Ace.)

a path (?), a $ia?ztotjz


r g7n. kharran . . .

two, se~oitzd, hf , this, channel

khamnlu . . a guarler of the sky (porirt of the compass)

199. cas (kas), ras

197b. sucit (?) . . .

kharran ... cas-cal .. .

passuru . .. . . . 1 ;.oyaipamsoi (?)

kharatsu . .. ...

kharranu (durgu), sane, rabadllu

kharranu (from 14cc.)

to ?~iake

;.on4 two, ?


201. rutu . . . . . . 1 trooys

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Cu~lciform Character. 1 hr ip ian rendering. / Bleaning. l'honctic Value (A ccn- dial1 \vord). - -

202. gur ... ... ninda ...

nanlandu ... ... ... itta ... ...


" nbundu~zce, gtua-osiQ " (Le- normalt)

204. is (iii), mil, mis

... Sakhar

205. ? (See 190) I

... sadu, urru ...

206. rim, cabar, im

?zozl7ztai~z (heup), l kh t

sulii, sanu(tu) - . . . mom?zd) seconde(?)

207. sim, rik, Siriz sammu ... ... I

... 209. ku, kum, ri

isittu, cipSu-sa-nisi, 1 fou?zn'atian (the nan'ir), tes- uzunu, udlu / ticle, e p a ~ zvkht, l e w ~

saku, khasalu ...

... 2 I I. il, cacaiign

tap, to destay

212 . dil (dun) ... alacu, alacu-khamdhu, tabalu - khaindhu, licu - khamdhu, alacu-maru

nazazu ... . . . nazuzu, basu, alacu,

c h u , saparu, ma- garu, anacu

... aradubii ... tsabatu, srtpiru, calu,


to go, a swift jou;.?zey, n s~fltjrt * o?zset, a szt.rlz;ft march, a little


gub ... ... gin, a;adup%

t o j x (to wax of the moon) to be -fixed, to rxis;, to go, fg

establish, to sr;lzn: to lozq I

sa, ra, ir, g~ibba pu?,szLe (?) to seize, messenp-, all, uzor~nd

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- l'honelic Value (Acca- Culleiforill Character. Assyrian rendering. hfeaning.

dial1 wold). -

2 I 2a. araduclu-nabi cznu, uzuzu, ceSu-sa- elappi, alacu-sa- cissati

213 . gum, nitakh rabu, nisu ... ...

I '' to adhere" (Lenormaat)

iidu, sulu ... ... 1 foundation, he@ 215 . rim ... ...


goat [or zrifze]

2 16. rik, khil ...

caranu ... ...

I , i ( I ) ... tun1 (tuv, tu) urugal, aralli

gablu, su, agagu ... khardatu ... ...

??~ififi'Zf, he, ? fear rk th (Hades) mitu ... ... ...

219 . egir ... ... aba ... ...

arcu (arcatu) ...

'iiniru ... ... beast (ass), Aonze~, (n measure)

etsu, zicam, rabu, esiru

iz (itz, iS) (Ass. zlnlue)

gis ... ...

caccu, tugultu, bilu, gudhu

zzra. gudhu ...

alallu, mis'u, Inetsu ... / pa$jl~us, ?, shoot (?)

222 . pa,du(?) ... khut, khat,


aru, gappu, gisdaru.. . nahru-sa-yumi ...

... surupu ...

2221. gistar, tirtar tirtu, SuSaccu , . .

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Cuneifurrr, Character. Phonetic Value (Acca- / dian word).

- - - - -

marru, sacanu, migga- nu, pada, radu, basu

path, to establish, enclos?~re, ?, desceizt, to exist

Assyrian rencleiing. - - --

224. -inar, nikh ...

Xcaning. -

225. gc, cit ... lil ... ...

... citu. zacicd ... citu ... ... ...

below, nZyss Belozu

226. hu (u), smi unlu, aii11i1ntu ... akhu, acalu ... ...

the same, a cubit brother (?), to eat CUS ... ... )

... 227. g2,gur (forozs ad-

jectires i i z Accan'inn)

227n. ili ... ...

g11, tsarapu, tsamadu- sa-nnrcabti, ma- caru - sa - macuri, sizbu

?,~U?'L$EI*, ~h&"iot~~kt ' , cord for wares, ?

nas3, saku, niakhru, guru

to mi% top, fi ant, ?

a 2 8. lakh (lakhkha) lakh, lukl~,

Bun succal, lukh nakh (7.72 SLY-


miBu ... ... 1 ? pasisu, ardu.. . ...

allu ... ... ...

... succallu ...

230. mis (miz), rid, lak

cisip ... sit (siti) ...

i?zte/iz$zce (nzess~nzger)

idlu, karB, Sangu, cirbannu

rittu ... ... ... alittu, madadu, min

7 geizetnk, to mensurd, T Z Z ~ ~ ~ E ? ~ ,

lo zorite .i?g (?) papyrzls, shaft of a tree

utu, sadhru idku ... ... ak ... ...

alal, pis'an ... pis'annu, natsabu-sa- etsi

natsabu-sa-kani, dup- pu-sadhru

Naba ... ...

23 1 . alal, dibbi-sak shaft of a ree4 zalrithw tablet

the ,rod AGJo sak ... ...

23 2. gut (gud), khar, dapara, le

telal eciminu ... ... bull-like de?izon

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23 j. cus, billudu gaza ...

235. sabra I 1 sabsu ... ...

237. sib (Siba) ...

238. sltb (sap), gis- tar - urassa-

240. duk ... lllt ... ...


239. e ...

... 241. un ... UCU ... ...

... calaina

241. clan ... cal, gurus ...

... kabu, bitu, kabu

lab, lib, rib ... gurus ... a , i ...

IzoZZow, hoase, to QP&.

243. UZU ... ...

2 $4. ne, iz ... bi, Lil pil,

gibil dhc ... cuilz (uf Ass.


sacunu ... ... 1 buihfi~r,y pulgu, carpatu ... / choice, ?

nisu . , . ... ... 1 mafz ... uku ( f i v f ~ ~ Acc.)

matu ...

I dannu ... ... asdhu, akru, dannu,

egiru, asaridu idlu ... ... ... gurusu, idlu .., rniitu ... ..,

siru ... ... ...

isatu, napzkkhu ... kala ... ... ...

st?*o?rg ?, costZj; mighty, to &kg; ct(f~s&


1 wild bull

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Phonetic Value (Acca- 1 cuneiform character, Assyria~~ rendering. dian word). 1

248. nir ... ...

2 50. ub (up), Br (ara)

2 5 I. i~iebulug (of Ass. or*&-i~r)

2 52. gab, dii, takh

253. zin ... ... zer (oJ Ass.

or~,bir~) ... rabita

254. takh ...

255. sam ...

2 jG. zik (zig), kllas

2 5 7 . uru ... .. , ugudili ...

kalii, bu'idu.. . ...

?, idguru ... ...


cibubu, garru, man- i dinu

cipru, tupku, garmu, enakhu

makharu, irtu, daku, padharu, padi, isi, dakhaclu, nadhalu, nadilrhu, etsibu, saninu, nadhalu

labanu-libanu ... radu ... ...

tseru ... ...

etsibu, uraddu ...

... zikliu, sabru, garru

... XU, ClJUrU ... esgurru ... ...

7 ... ... . a .

'( co~zstrz~ction~ wall, to gliilt'" (Lenori~~ant)

king prilzce


rezion, zo~ze, pztarter, to decay

choice, ?

frant, breast, to strib&, to &- liver, ?, Ire has, to rejuice, to ?raise, a rento7ler7 to establkh, a 7~?7lnl, to t r a n ~ e r

brickwo?*k n'esce~zt (or thztndc16olt)


to establish, to dispose


?, to br,enX., exjeditiorz (?)

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I'ilonetic Value ( A c c ~ - 1 if^^^^^ Character. Assyrian reildesiag. dian ~vorrl). 1- ---


2.~9. usbar ... UZU ... ...

... ... 263. ? ... ... partsu I divider (?)

262. aca ... ... T riiinu, nasu, n~adadu, high, to mist, to nlfflsu~.!~ fo

- ~ 6 4 . lab, rul~d ... 1 / al" ... ... ,.. j

-$ * * - 9 )

rain (Ass. ~aZz~e)

260. urugal z < z y I

... ... usp2-rabu

... . ... baiii..



... ... 265. agarill ... I

great qz~izfer


gabru .

mother (?)

... ... 267. ubigi . AT*^ 1 ? --. -

270. lil, ubi ... galam, gal~ulill

ojjoser (het,o)


shrine (?)

269. gaz (gaza), bi

urgc on

... *YY ... ~ 7 ~ . z i c u r s . . . I 1 irtsitu the earth

:<& - I d ~ k u , niku, puhuz, khibu

abutu, Saru, iiaclu ...

... ... ... 2 73. taltal . . . I 4 ' ; ~ Ea 1 the god .So

to ssnzite, zzlctitjz, ?, w~anti~zg ( 2 )

chnmz, king, cot~tplete

to g&e, to g k e tojlaie, to szcleep awajr, to IOJ,

to set, to ale&h (be fazlour- able)

?, tnblrt if"

274. Si, re, sell1 ... '-I <<<Y 1 b r y << r 19

nsdanu, sacaru ... nadu, Sapanu, idu,

sainu, palaiu

Si, Sunnu ,.. 92 ananu-sa-ir; law-sa-*

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Phn:~e:ic Valuc (Acca- cuneiform cllaracter, dim word).

275. ral;h, ukhula

276. Sar ... ... ... khir, khur

khir.. . ...

cismakh, *. gii

217. ubara ...

... 278. asilal

279. bat ... ...

280. dadhru ...

282. 1fi ... ... guk ... .,.

284. cus ... s'ur, sur ...

E=Tr*I bTX* ,7 ...

sadhru, mus'aru, suillu zarakhu, zamaru, da-

rudu, atsu-sa-etsi- u-kani

arku, racis'u, rucus'u, ciru, calii, nabu, cas'u

salnu ... ...


to ?i~~ite, an z?zsci,$tiorz, nal:le to ?,ise, to rz'n.icln, ?, growth of

trees arzd ,rr,ass

Assyrian rendering. ! Ileaning.



/ cididu ... ... / @w (@ark)

/ cidinu, rimutu, aira- 1 /~otectiorz (law), gI,ncc, At&

dam, initutu ...

1 dabibu ... ...

foi*t~*ess, death


dalakhu ... ... to t?-oz~bZe CllCCLI ... ...

Raminanu ... ...

taru, nacaru, passakhu, napalu, aakamu, ecimu, cipupi, pala- khu, calalu, saba- dhu, nacm-sa-amati

the aiygod (Xitf~ntor~)

aHkhu, nikhu, tsalamu iibu, saccagui~a ... iuis, uzzis ... ...

rrilihatsu, akl~azil, ana, rapasu

lii, lii) . a , ...

to ~'etl~?'ii, to cjlaffge, to pass OZW, to t j l t , ~ ~ ~ ~OTLVZ, 2'0

pl~nish, to st;-$7, ?, to m y -

sh$, 2'0 co~@Lc~t~, st@ (?), brealei-, of faith

to rest, ?pest, sAarZoa1 (~cZ$si~) ?il@ty, ? stro.g& (?)

to irzz~~zn'nte: to take, to (for), to e:iza~nl;e

not, ?

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28 j , sa, g t~l l , cB, inulu, lu- gur, nita

2 8 7 ~ . azalak ...

288. sis ... ... ur (uru) ...

290. zak (dak), zili

tami . . zikkad ...

... 2 9 I. ma, inamfi

dessu ...

293. gal, [tak i~z Sz~sian.]

zg3a. utaccal ...

2936. ulad ,.,

cipru ... rgion (mce)

I I I nisu, avilu ... ...

akhu, uri~mu ... brothu; peacock ... aatsaru, nuru I to he@, fight

zaggu, ainutu, ebiltu, adi, isaru, idu, itatu, pfilii, bircu, atsidu, isdu, ba~natu, tseru, e~nuku, asaridu, sumelu, riciu, padu

?, true (?), ZoudshiP, u j to, jzut (strclzkkt), house, wnZZ, cattk, knee, ?, heap, hI;r/I place, sujre~~ze, deep, eldest, Zq5i /'land, bond (bztildi~g), fi'ontiet-

sacanu, padinnu, 111atu to dze~eh', ,pZaifz, country ... zacaru ... , to cof~z??ief~~or~~te

utnccilu ... i ?

arratu,ciccillu, tsibutu, khasakhu, inadaclu

curse (ei.zchn;lzt~~ze~~i), ?, zelish, want, Ira nrenslwe

S~IIIU ... . , dca'~~c?t

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I Phonetic (Acca- Cul~eifor~n Character. Assyrian rendering. 1

dial1 word). 1

zg3c. kigal ...

... 296. bar (bara)

297. bur, gul (?), ninda-gunti

298. bis (pis),cu'a- guna

kir (cir), gar

299. gar, kar ...

300. pir ... ... 301. id ... ...

Si, idgal ... umun ... ubil ...

... agu, banu, uzzu Sibbu, Sibkha, iltanu

paraccu, basatnu, udu, risku

... siiru, paraccu

cmun (halo), tl'n~n, col-07zct g i ~ d l ~ ' , tui-bn)~ (Heb. nn~~n),

?zorih (?)

altar (sacr$ctt), baisaii~, aloe, natd

izcefzse (?), a l t a ~

cu'a-gun8, palakhu, rapaclu, n~an~luv, khuzabu, salalti, napasu

cabattu ... ...

isdu, biiru, ialatu-sa-;., abnu

abbuttu, karru ...

he@, ?, ?, stone

idu, ikhitu, cuSSu ...

karnu ... . . .

paratsu ... . . .

... gablu ... nasacu, niku, subtu,


[email protected] of tile gar'rci~ (?), to 7<'0l-silz), ?, rain, clay (?), .@oilii?g, to st?-efcA

hn?fd (power), one (fern.), th~oi.olzc [the character seems originally to have denoted a cortz b]


tile uiiddle ((battle) to )our out, libntiu~, seat, 2

saku - sa - ikli, sicitu, tupuku, nas'u

nappakhu ... ... mummu ... ...

... saguinu ...

top oj a fitlfil: su?&a (?), n'is- trict, to tear 1(13 (rep~zo'i~e)

to daw7z ? ?

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Assyrian renderiilg.

" hamnjh~orfitt " (Oppert)

sorcefy (?)

to seiz~, sh@herd, a mat*ch


pilonetic Value (Acca- dian nrord).


305. ? . a . ... ?

lillu ... ... ...

if^^^ character.

l-- ids{

the SU?J



3 0 9 alam,alala, bi- seba

... samsu .'.

... ilu ... ...


/ belatu ... ...

arku, urcitu ... ... ... banu ...

laili, snbaru , 3 )


3 13. dik, iizi, ara.. . gfrce??, s~tT(L'zWe old gaacZZe

nnpatsu, cgu s..

... balangu ...

WzkhZa?zrZ (Accadj, the sr~uz- ??zits

316. accada, bur- bur

1 tilla, saki ... ...

katu, idu, giinillu, c i~~uku, ubanu

/ halz4 hand (jozier), h&~/&t,

holklzu, peak

... 317". khul(2)

3171.. tucundi ...

318. curu ...

g! v ~~~~~~*


(See No. I I I .ji

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Phonetic (bcca- / Cn,~,iifo~m Cha~acior, !~rrylian rendeling. 1 Mea~iing. dian word).

1- I I I I

niga ... sana, sanana-


... 319. SZ ... ... igi\ zfiii, z!gf d~ll1&1<~ ...

32 1. bu (p), Sir, / v+, $<* gid 1

sepui ... 1 71


seu111, ziru, ittu, amaru, lnagaru

mai-ii ... ... irbittu ... ... ?

... ...

Seru, sadadu, ericu, n8ru

maru, nas'al~hu, ra- badu, ebiru

~ ~ q a k l l u , Davci~la ...

LOYE (g~,aiz), sccz', zuhc~zf, wheat, happy

yoi4?zg four bin ( a nzeasz~~t)

gisillllnar ) 3 gisinlmaru

yo~~i;g, to renzoz'e, lo adora (?), to CTOSS

to da70/z, the goddcss DazikC

320. . lab, lul, ruk, : &YE= nar, rar, 1

pakh, lib 1

... ... Sarru

323. sud ... ...

... 324. tsir air) . 1 +yr)'<, $ $ - ~ ~ ~ < :sir.. .. ... I sqbczt mus... I lnusu ... ... J ~ t ~ p e ~ z t (i)


s'u ... ... ezu ... ...

cricu, rukutu ... to eztt~zd, distant

I 326. tir i--TYY'F < T Y Y Y

. / , I cisaatu (kist"), d a y z " ~ , I jiiifgic, j~dgt ...


>, Bir-gunu ... ... ar8, zaraku, s'ulukhu,

irisu, sakhalu

3 2 7 . tc, dimlnelms / YT

? ?, bzr8et (?), pnrdotz (?),

reguest (?), plague (?)

tc, dikh (of 9 1

ASS. o~%i~ij /


temeinzu, tsnbatu, JZbov ~'0i~:zr&ttio/2-~i0~~~), t~ cuSSu 1 seize, tLro;ze

I dakliu ...

I 3276, una, ternen- 1 , maca x . . ... I * cs-gu11ii I I 1

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Pionetic Value (Acca- ' culleifdrrn character. I I Assyrian rendering. 1 I

Rfeaning. dk11 ru-ord).

I-- I -- 1-

328. car ... ... !

329. u ... ... pur, bur ... ge . . . . . . UlllUll ...

330. bnbar ...

331. si, 1i1n (liv, li)

ir (?), ti111 (2 )

caru, ediru, ecimu, fortr-ess, to nrraqy, to sty$, ddihu ! fo face

putstsii-sa-kan-dubbn white szt~face to ~eceice an insc~-$lion

belu, Saru, ubanu, Silu esritu, suplu ... inilrE,iltu ... ... dainu ... ...

lorn', kit%, peak, ~oc& tez, below battle blood (of~jrillg)

~ I I U , amaru, makharu ... panu, igu ...

mZtu, ecitsu ...

334. seba, izcu (?) I ( y + ~ ~ ~ ~ l I tupultu, ardutu, libittu 1 ~eiilice, se~aitude, o ~ i m

ye, to see, before (-aitness) pfPese?zce (face), ? C O M I Z ~ Y ~ , ?

332. khul ...

333. cusuv ...

336. pa111 (pav, p&) 1 ('(r b m I zacaril, nabo, tamatn, to re~izmibe~, to pioclaini, ?, namru, utu ?

337. ar ... ...



341. pikh /

339. 'a ... .s.

tsi ... ...

340. timkhir ...

kullulu, limuttu, khumn- khum

... pakndu, damku

ncczlrsed (ezd), Bnnpfzcl, sultry

oversee?-, $ml/,itlbr~s (of good onze/z)

<WE!! 3

(y*c+<y (T*<+<Y

... u, naku, darru

. ... Nabiuv ...

atzr6 to sac$ce, hkilzg

the god Nebo

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Phonetic Value (ACCZL- culleiform (-lIamcter. Assyriall rendering. 1 hIe3:li:lg. d i m word). 1

to jz~dge, to ezd, red, to ask, to I-iva4 to ??~nke @en& ?, to


342. di, dim ... denu (dinuj, salamu, Sulmu, erisu, sma- nu, sakabu, Sararu, cassdu

milcn, Sarar-Sirri ... Sulmu, sulummu ...

k k g (judge), ? I-est (con@Zetio?r, I-eco;r?@ense),

i $&ace (crllinnce)

Sa ... ... dilim, sallii~l

( Ass. or&~iz)

343. ci (cinaj, cicii I GJ itti (ittu), asru, kak-

karu, inatu, irtsitu, saplu, asiibu, aima, em5

masca~lu ... ...

7~1it/l, place, g/,ounil: country, earth, lost~e7; n dmelling, oan, about


1 below it (its b7merpa~f)

h&h, high $lace, extexsio7~, place, s e y

snluv, nidutu, terictu, asm, ranlanu

343c. siten ...

344. durud ...

345. va (?), cicas (?)

... 336. cusi ...


like (the same, d;fto, rpP~fitio?z)

cnrru ... ...

sii ... ... ... ? ... ... ...

CUIISLI, Nabiuv ... c~oztv~, the god Neb0 347 sakkad ...

.. 343. lit, 1st (lad). ab ... ... u ... ...

? ... ... nrkhu ... I . . . ... ...

ciru, tsurru ... ubbu ... lsbbu ... 1;hallrhallatu

manzu ...

jlantatioian (?), bowels ? heart (i?zfe~ior) desire (?)

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Phonetic Value (Acca- ca,&fonn c ~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , 1 Assyrizi~ reildering. Mesnii~g. dial1 wol.d). ,

chamois (?)

Rilu, darru, Beltu, mi- I tanu, cuSariccu


I ... ...

35 In. alim, sagira- cda-igidu

the god BeZ, ki?zg, gonil'ess Belts, plague, ?

*- (&* 7; Y-

3 j 2 . cis (kis) ...

353. ner ... ... nc, pisim , .. aric ... ...

foot (basis) de@ yoke, ? by@ t

sepu ... ... ... i

emuku ... . . . . 1 nfru, pisiminu ... nanlru ... ...

354 ticlnu ...

355. lilid ... . , .

... akharru ... 1 behiad (the wat)

liliiu. .. ...

... I barrier (?)

... sacanu ...

na'idu,'ublu, nakhagun- ~ a t u , parsu'hu, ias'u, nlunu, selibbti

... bircu, diibu, rikhu Knee, good on'oz~r (or breath)

the goddess Istor

buru, gannu.. . ... Zi$ t (?), enclosure ... ... a , .

359. amar ... zur (of Ass.


niku, taslu, ciribu ...

3 6 I. niin, num, nii cnunl (enuv)

saku, elarnu, zibu ... samu ... ... nalraru - sa - semiri,

garru, zuinbu

napalu ... ...

tap, h&hZa?zd (Elam), zcloJf /Zenz~e;tz cutting by 7mmns of the A-

n1o;tril; ?, a /y '

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Phonetic Vaiue (Acca- dian word).

363. turn.. . ...

364. lam (lav) ...

365. nii ... ...

366. 112 ... ... gucl ...

367. ul, dii, udbu- guddhu

m ... ...

368. cir(kir) ...

369. barn, ban, bav

370. dim, sitimrnu

turn (tuv)

ciin, gim (o j

Ass. orz&'?r)

374. mi, vi, gig, cu ge ... ... cuga ...

373'. Sun ... ... ... gul (kul)


Cuneiform Character.

(331 - ($77 (EE

~~~ ( ~ k



, (



9 ,

(zy'Iv (ZET

Assyiian rendering.

... ... babalu

... ... lammu

... rabatsu . .


( * I ? P

... <E= I tsalrnu, crib11

... ... 1 9


,, ... {eel nardapu ...

... 9 , abatu , . . ... 9 , s ~ ~ b t u , calu-sa-avili

to brilzg cloze~fz (prodz~ce)

a s a t (?)

to rest


shade (black), szdnset ~ziglzt

pu?*suit (?) to a'est~oy seat, whole of a nzn~z

lidhalu (utalu) I ei-l@se (setti~zg) r'lbatsu, nadu, lnayalu /

. . . cacabu . .

elipu - sa - etsi, Su~nu, surru, cal~~lu, tac- cabu, inuttacbu

... ... s'alkliu (?) I

... ~nitpai~u, kastu

cima, surnms, banu, episu, basii, saina- dhu, matsa

banu, kharatsu, khar- tsu

... ... ...

... ... idiiinu

rich, pat1 ulu . .

... ... 1 cira . , .

to lie doarn, to scttle, bed


sh$ of wood, ?, ?, ?, poi?zt9 (?), pointer (?)


bo7i1, bow

like, f iz ls, hfi~wz, t4 ??Lake, t~ be, ?, tojnn'

to prodz~cc, to c;l-[ate, ob- scllrity

... ... ...


bond, ~~zixed (?)


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phonetic Value (Acca- dian word).


376. dugud ... cab (Ass. v a l 4

378. din (tin) ... gal ... ...

380. inukh ... I ... 381. caccul

382. mail, in, nis buSur ... Bar (Ass.


383. cus (cusu) ...

384. es ... ... esseb ... Sin (Ass. value)

386. usu ... ... ( 387. nigin ... 388. lagar ... 389. cizlukh (?) ...

... 390. tul (dhul)

dul ... ... mu1 ... ... durud ...

Cuneiform Character.

cabdu, iniktu ... / ~eauy (jf~uch, holiu13, ?

I martsu, Simmu, cibtu sick, plague, gflictioiz i

Assyrian rendering. -

I Meaning.

akhzetu, Nani ... 1 ?, the goddess li,ksa


... baladhu ... ... bitu ... ...

1 kakkullu, namzitu ... / ?, ?

Z$2 (fanzily) house

mukhkhu, eli, banu, alidu

over, ovejy, to create> to dtgef

... pulu.. . .*. 1 cattzt

s'aru ... ... ... samsu, esrH ... ...

hilzg the sun, tzuetzty

... bitu ... ... salasz, ~ i n u ...

... I mascanu I

I ... i "'g7'

house thi~ty, the Moo?z


... irbahH ...

... ... erib-samsi

... cumrnu ...

t for&


the ilzteriar of the earth

bakhilqridu-sa-riduti, sadu

... ... catainu mulu ... . .

... carru ...

lagaru ...

?, Anref?r, hill

to conceal ? fortress

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(Aceam CuniiColrn Character, q 1 Asi j~ ian rendering. Mcaniny. dian word).


i I I

... 3g1n. babbar ... , caipu I

3g1b. guski ...

392. rnun ...

393. dun ... ... sul ... ...

3 9 5 Pad (pat), kur (?) ...

suk ... ...

lus, gur ...

khuratsu ... ...

... idla ... ...

... idlu, dannu ... Buluill ... ...

khamcsserit, Istar, iinnu

... Bimtu, sipartu

idacu, lanu, kan- duppi, musacnis, cubuSu, kabu


a k e ~ u

hero, strorrg ?

jfftce~r, the goddess Istar; ~($2 h ~ l l d

plague, bill (accazint)

... 398. * i ((O. ; also a co~ztrarted fomz of the nr~nzbtr g

399. cur (kur) ...

mat (mad) ... lat (lad), nat

(nad), sat

(sad) ra'er ...

400. ana ... ...

curu, sadu, elu, garu, nacaru, napakhu

... mgtu, casadu ... mgtu, sadu ...

fo root- z/p

1 401. lis, dil (dul) i d d u + + ... ... ?


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402. ud (utu, ut),


1'11onet.i~ Value (-lcca- dim word.)

a h ... zal (Sal), tam

... sain (,u) zab, eriin ... babar ...

salnsu, yu1nu,canlaru, enu, nahru-sa-yumi, urru, pitsu, atsu

... samsu, Sarru, ellu samsu ... ... yumu, iinmu, samsu

... tsabu, bibu ... ... tsit-sainsi, namaru

Cunciforn~ Character.

sun, day, to see, eye, dzwni?zg of day, l?kht, zclhitc, to rixe

Assylian rcnclering. Mealling.

sun, ki~lg, ilk4 the sutz

th &y, the day, tile sztn soldier (host> su~zrise, to see

atsu, makhkhu, padu to ?*ise (issue), mzgh31, sceptre

cusu, ruhtu.. . ...

... 4026. zaj~ar ... I *EM + 1 ~ iparru ... i copper (bro~~ze)

403. bir ... ... erim, lakh ... za11, Sab (Ass.


... 403n. o % nus ... I '74 1 pila *.. ... / choict I I

nuru, iiczmaru ... ... tsabbu ...

404. ? ... ... I 1 nii-aru - . . /ze tper I

Zzght, to see soldier (host)

406.pi ... ... 3, tal, pi, me

407. 'a, 8h ...

... 408. sa, lib, Bini

409. pis ... ... 410. bir ... ...

411. nanam ...

ruhtu ... . poison (philtre) I

uznu ... ... ear ... me, giltanu

giltanu ...

labbu ... ... heart (middle, witilh) I

... kunkut [or kuntar] ? I

eru, aladu ... ... 1 pf~gnant, begettiig I I

saradhu ... , . . 1 paf?zt (?)

... cinu ... , . . 1 est~zblisked ( jmz)

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... 412. g ~ d u .., i to set (nztl)

... 413. zib (Sib, tsib) & zibbu


hIeaning. ,---- --

... 414. khi, khig

Asylian i d e r i n g . Phonetic Value (Acca- dian word).

... dhi, kh5. id, sar (8ar-

rab), iib (zib), dhum

dar, dhar ... sar, dagu

(See f i e 3 5 7)


C u n e i f o l ~ ~ ~ Character.

sar ... ... mir, inuru ...

imi ... . B .

qrG. kaim (cam), / khain


6 . S S S . 43 ((( 41 7. ah (h, hi) ... 1 A**y, 4**

' (irz Persitnl i71scriptions) I

dhZhu, cissatu, esiru 1 good, miiititude, jrofitioiil (hob)

uduntu-sa-rukhi ... / giiantity 6 711ind

cissatu-sa-same, bircu ... ... ...

... pallilu, Assuru to ~rzi~~gZc, the god Assw eissatu, mjdu, rabu, f~zz~Nit~dt, 97zz~ch, pi, geini,

.... 1 ... . . denotes ordinal numbers

Z~gior~s of Aeazfe?r, a kizee n 7;lensz/re

mukhudu, sutabii, dussu, nukhsu, pu- malu, nakhasu-sa- nukhsi

rukhu, rikllu, ralnanu, palakhu, rarubatu

... siiru, sainu ...

?, ?, $~,o@c~iO, Powe;lfz~Z, fro@a,e;* of proqerity

'i:'if/d (air, t&??lp!~f, cardinal point), hrmfh, self, fa

zuorsh$, fenr bri~hhzess (sky), heazve~z

? ... ... . .

... 'umunu ...

nahdu, irbu, Kam- br(y?if, rain? thc Air-god manu

pulukhtu, en~uku, fenr, derp, boiJy (person)


smaM ?a,ornt

zuinru samu, irtsitu, akhu,

didu, sgru, zunnu,


shy, earth, brol'lze~ (?), ?, br&Irt?zess, rniu, tablet (?)

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Phonetic Value (Acca- / ~~~~i~~~~ chrncter. I i e e i I X'leaaing. d ian word).

418. akh, ikh, ulrh, (ukhu)

419. bir ... ...

420. khar ... inur, ur, cin,


4 2 on. urus (= thegod Belif? Cassite)

421. khus (khu8) rus ... ...

422. Sukh, Sulrhar

423. ~ ~ 1 1 ... . a ,

424 . ? ... ... 425. ? ... ... 426. zicara ...

... 42 7. dis (tis), gi aria (Ass.


428. la1 ... ...

nas, lii ...

429. lal, a ...

4Yf B -

Art- ***

a9d; V 1 ,


uplu, kalniatu, pursu'u, uinunu

rukhuku ... ... nHpu ... ...

seiniru, e s i r ~ ~ ... cirbu, khasu, zulilru

tirtu, tirtu-sa-khasC ...

khussu ... russu ... cinlniatu ...

inahdutu ...

belatu ...

ral~u, dannu

sainu ...

aim, Barru, esti~iu

inalu, madliu, sapacu, sakalu, ubburu-sa- amati, lrhizu, sapalu, etsilu, Saradu - sa - cipratu, Sanaku, cima, tartsu, callu, ensu

sakalu, tsabatu, tsim- du, niru, aniru

sukalulu ... ... *



a destroyer

body (j%?wz), ?

benfuz out (s~~znZlgazelZe) yozt/lg gazelle, blue cloth

J;tmiZy (household)


grent, stro1/g

the shy

lo, ki~ig, olie

lof;ZZ, to fill2 (?), io $OIL/' ouf, fo sue&$ (pug!), ctvssi?/g of the sen, ?, z~mie~ (btl0711). idle (?) , ?, chai?~, li/l.e,sfaci//Ar (ill the time of), to r e s f i ~ ~ i ~ / , sick

to ~uei,h, to seize, j*oAe, yofie, j~ohc

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Phonefjc Value (Acca- cuneiform chancte,., Assyrian sendeling. ~l lan n ordi.

Meaning. --


432. nanga . . ! yF a 1 - g u (gi Rci. o~igiu) 1 a district

... 433. lalu ... libhatu ... hrick7ilo~h I

isip, sib (sip) 1

kulu, kiilu, tamtsu, zicaru, talihatsu, diitu, meh, samu

raincu ... ...

asse~?zb~~$, to asse~~zbZe, ?piass, mnfz, batl'e, 7, I oo, s i y , sign of the plural


435. i~ics (tnis) ... 1 i***, " 1 mahdutu, libbu ... ~ILUIJJ, head, sign of the plural

43 7. 'a ( ~OYI'IS pa/,- tic$Zcs in Arc.)

pur . . . . . . dur ... ... it ... ...

... ga, e

437n eba ...

437k am... . ~ .

... $7 siilu, sallu . . . '7

Tf (also ~ t i t f ~ ? ~ 7 ~ ~ 7 ) me, abu, 'ablu ...

nahru nz. ... labacu .. , ... naku ... ... rakipu ... . . .

Vf (7- dimtu, tala naccalu, un~liilnu

two, ~*@etiti0li (ditto)

Z~UZ~CI', fathey, son

kizg (or cracodio'e)

438. ai ... abu ... ... ... father ...

... 440. kurnun 7%

... 441. za (tsa) I 7 S


Tasmitu ... . , . 1 i t pidesi 2 i - r~ - (vfe i f Neboj

arbu? ci, atta ... fozw, likt; thou

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442. kha ... ...

'a, ua ...

'''onetic dial1 mold).

441n. ulrilu ...

... 445. dar, ara

~uneifoim Character.

V Y 44 IY 4

446. essa ... . j ... 446a. gar or s2.

446J. gi (?) ... 447. s a ~ ~ n , sa ...

irba (Ass. vnlzlt.)

Ball' ... . a .

448, s'a, para ... ya, i ...

ibbu ... ... ...

Assyrian renderiilg.

nunu, ranu, simru, nnbu, khnlnku

Cii'a. .. ... ...

b f e a i ~ i i ~ ~ .

salsatu ... ...

... ribu ... ...

kanu.. . ... ...

... irbu, ribu, nitu

episu, sacanu, saracu, girii, nadakhu-sa- tirti, rlihntsu, zaltu, niiru, khamdhu, gannlu, maSakhu, garru, sEn~u, nitu, acalu, cumuru, su- cunnu, eristu

? mala, nasu ,..

khan~sa ... . ,. nahdu ... ...

sissu ... ...

to tmzRe (do), fo dznell, to fz~?,nish, hostil~, ?,emoz~aZ of body, to iirzz~fzilnte, BntP, Zi,yht, s j ~ e g : fo Ben@t, ve?~zovaZ, food, obedi'iclzl, ?, fo04 ?, fortress, b~ih (?)

n measwe (a quart), as Printly

as, to Iff r*p




... ... ... 451. ? ... '.' j tisu

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Phonetic VaIue (rlcca-

- dim word). 1 I

454. esseb ... / 4 55. duk, ~ U C (tug)


456. ur ... ". .

457. sussana I ... 457a. gigiin

458, sai~ilibi ... 453. utuk ... 460. kiguiili, parap

461. mascim ... 462, cu ... ...

iputugulacu dur, pi, tul ... US ... ... zi ... ... tii ... ... SC ... ... tus (dus),

khun, seba, n~ugu, ipu- tugulacu

allatu ... ...

sumelu ... ...

sarru ... ...

tucu, isu, akhazu, si- mii, zarakhu, tsa-


khamamu, etsidu, na- raru, aruru, khazu

sussanu ... ...

... ecimmu ...

... sinibu ...

... uduccu ...

... parapu ...

... nlasci~nmu ...

usibu, subtu, marca$u, ina, anal rubii, akru, tucultu

tucultu, nukhu, zacaru dhelnu ... ... ceinu ... ... nadu, tsubatu ... tucullu ... ...

nasu-sa-eni, muiaru, dii, tsillu, mulii, succu, sa-subat-apzi

the Zt$t ,%arm'


to have, to hnz-re, to possess, to place, to rise, to ~ i s e (of stars)

heat (celestial re), to h m (?), to b~t- r~ , bbzrrnt, ?



two-thirds (iorty)

sp i~ i t


to sit dome, seat, 6onrZu,e, ib, to, prince, pfwious, semire

S~TD~CP, rest, to recoriz law clothes to place, clothes t ~ z ~ s t (serz~ice)

rnisi~zg of the yes, i?zsc~I;"tion, ?, side, ascetzt (?), booth, seat of lhe zrnder~c~orld

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Phonetic Value (Acca- din11 word).

4G3 gil, khap (khab), gur

(s'u), cir, (kir, gir), rim, girim, gar, zam, mik, lagab

463a. puda (gidda)

464. zar (tsar, gar)

... 466. zarip

467. uh, ua ...

Assyrian rendering. Ileaaing. -


469. suk ... ... ulllun ...

racdu, pukhkhuru, gararu-sa-nisi, s'e- CUSU, dubutu, ba- halu, bihisu

@ ,,

aricu, ruku ... ...

I rubtsu, cabasu, pi- 1 flock,

alapu ... ...


taccabu ... . . .

a thuzlsa/zd "festz?jal" (Lenonllant)

tsutsu ... ... ( aquatic plant (plant, nza~sh) kha~nmu ... ... heat (zone)

tsutsu ... . a .

pfiru, ll~uspalu ... pool (?/2arfh) pool (?), low pound

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4ssylian rendeling.

i -- - >leaning.

475. sii ... . , . a ... ... zirku , n b~~N)et

EY ... 476. guy zicuv ... ... I ))

. . . . . . . a .

... sa~llii ... I

477. ? ... ...

478. ? ... ...

479. ? .,. ...

480. ? ... . . .

481. n igh ...

ilaillmi ...

8 l i g a l .

482. ? .., ...

483, ip (ib, ibbi). .. dar ... ... daruv ... uras... ...

484 lu ... ... ... dib (dip)

1-1uziti11g z ~ v z t e ~

IF! - 7 s I


YE' in

(Set NU. 463)


ca c~~~~ .


) >

) y

1 )

H, @J I

udu, dii ... u, sib (sip) ... guccal ,. .


I ) I immiru, dacsu 1 i n d , gazelle

... ... ? .,.

... iddu (set Nu. 43 9)

... narcabtu ...

... ... p ~ g r u

ilal~kharu, pakharu, iakhnru, nagarruru, tsai'idu, tsadu-sa- Iavq pn\aru, epusu, racaBu

... ? ... ...

... ... * ,..

bailu, ligittu, tupulrtu ... nibittu, g i ~ r u ... izkhu . . .

sa-issik-icribi, baru, raincu, urasu, acmu, ligittu, nibittu

... ... tiini, cirru dibbu, lavu, etiku,

tsabatu, titsbatu, tamkl~u

I hcaz't.;l

I ?




cu~I'ectiu?z, to cu/lect, to szdlF- ruztnii, tumz~lt/~ous as-

sembb, hwzter, h ~ ~ r ~ t t ? ~ cf the nei,hbu~~~huuil: to ex- plai~t, to make, to bind

1 lz'hr-nry

sz~ch criz u;re (so aizd so)

to c;*ente, lug (measure), race name, S ~ I , U I Z ~

? ' zlho hmrs $rtl;l.trs, ?, a bed, ?, lug, ~?tanie

ju&s, tablet, tabltt, to cross, to seiw, , sebz~re, hold


? to b u ~ a (?), chnos, fiud

,) 9 7

3 ,



... ... guccallu

... caw, bahu, garru

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I'Iionetic Tral~~e (Acca- ~,,,;f~,, chnracler. dial1 word).

486, szk: sik ... Sik, ukh ... lllUt (?) ...

488. sis . . . . . . busus (Ass.


... 490. dar (dara)

492. gur ... ...

493. erin ... ...

494. lig (lik) ... tas (das)

w ... I ,

lis ... ... , ur (Ass. flalu~) 1 7 I

496. gal, rak ... kal (gal), mu-

rub mak, inuk ...

Assyrifin rendering.

turtu, sipru, piiru, sitehu, senikhu, ainaru

saradu . . . , . supBtu, sipatu ...

tur-sipri ... ...

dahmu ... ...

khir-tii ... ...

carii ... ... ...

calbu, pultu, baltu, uru ilisu (?), ilacaru ...

cibu, alncu . . . . . . 1liiSI1, ,211abL1, S U ~ I ~ U ,


nestu, uru ... ... uru ... ... ...

uru ... ... ...


~ ~ ~ n s s (body, roe$ht), to go ?, ?, ?, ?

n ufotf~izn, a ti0 a city

n city

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Phonetic Tralne (Acca- dial1 u,o?d).

Cuneiform Character. Assyrian rendering.

497. gar ... ... I 498. nin, ni, i~lak. .

I .

I assatu, allatu, [mutu]

1 ?, godn 4 the zilu/,ld, !nt1d, fare

502. tsu, tsum, rak, ri, khal (khil)

505. el (il) ( S t Nu. 2 ~i i 1 Sikhal~cu, ellu, bibu

teliltu ... ...

unnubu ... ... 506. lum, khum ... ?

brick, brickwork, brick, the month Siz'atz

labinu, libittu, inalgu, Sivannu

507. mun, mur, UCU

508. ? ... ...

509. su, inastenu baru, cribu, nikhappu, !emu, Sakhpu, asaru, Sikhu, carainu, adaru, khisu, cissatu

scpu ... ... , . . nlasteizu ... ...

?, to set, ?, ?, ozcrt/%uozcl, n

place (?), jlagzde, a z~ine-

y n?d (?) , dn?*k?~ess (?) , ?, rfzultitzt(Je

n foot ntisrhilf SU ... ...

dhiv, s u ~ ~ ~ a s d i n

510. Sik (sik, sig)

essutu ... ... I

silctu, inatsu, iniitu, ensu, nadkhu, s'a8hpu

... ... 510a. ? ... ... I T ? ... I " n sixtieth " (Oppert)

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Plloi~etic Value (Acca- if,,^^ character, dia11 ~r~ord) .

Assyiian ~cildering. Meaning.

511. pis .,. ... cis ... ... a mis ...

_______- ---- !-- , 7

$ 7

khumtsiru ... ... ... pebu ... ... ... citstu ...


? jz~7zgZe

512. ? ... . . ,

513. gibil ... cibir ...

51;. isi, ~ u l s ; ~ , SU-

khul sukhub ...

j I 8. khul ... I ucus ... 1 bibra ...

519. dhul . 1

... ... I=:! pulukl~tu

... ... 1% kilutu

I 7 1 sarapu, nlakiddu ... i

516. sutul, sudun

5 2 0 . Sik ... ...

fear (warsht;n)

a bzd~rzi77g' to durrz, e bniq

IE=c~-*T 57

... ... niru .

... ... .

N.B.-A Stw (*) signifies that one or inore characters have been lost by a fracture of the tablet.

a value of No. 180, has been accidentally olnitted.

- ... Siippatu , . .

517. ? .., IF& ... I


1ZII 7)




... ... khidutu

... ... cissu, padu

... ... bibru, nigu

~ f r r


??~12itZtitztn'e, ? joy (?), nafhority

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T h e following is a list of the characters which express the open or simple syllables of the Assyrian alphabet. Tlle beginner is advised to commit it to memory before advancing further in the study of the Iznguagc, T h e letters of the Hebrew alphabet are added in order to explain the transliteration adopted for Assyrian sounds.

1 eel ai- ib, ;fz ui-. { hi, v* hu, w be.

37 P- E T i y- or $J pu.

2 ) & I -7774 ga, *YT$ si? 1-4 gT17 ~ 7 7 7 ge.

7) c. +-$ ag, -T<yb ig, ES us. -rH a, <a ci, CU.

p7 k a - I l a , ki, cz ku,

- -- --

" ". I f f 78, +rT?$ zi, ~ ~ 7 7 ZU.

$i, i. g- B=---- ax? ~7 iz) %*!<)I UZ. Sa, 'ZIT bi, +g$r iu.

, ts. J I if tsa, ~ ~ y y tsi, f*g tsu. - -

" 1 - , h , ~ E Y ad, a$ id, L?r ~:d.

n, kh. + a , &&+--jTr ikh niid ukh, + l t ~ l ukh ; !;( kha, 4 khi, +!I khu.

' da, (TL~ di, 3 r du, de. i i

Efl Cna, 4 0,- (ye clhi, Er dhu,

J -=! dhe.

R, t. \ 7 a , < t i tu, v7 te. I

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* 1, 7 . -+ an, wsG 07 t$$& in, 1 J T na, ni, + nu, ne.

z ~ T ! un, -11 en.

7, 1; (T--YY<y ar, % il: zcTy UT


Diphthongs :--yf y f ai (nyn), ~ ~ y f y.2 [ia).

ra, *yr{y ri, 2.m 0. h {TY ru.

, s. * OY & as, 577 is, TP 115,

(<< CS.

An ideograph is often indicated by a phon~tic coiz;t~Z~mmt which gives the first or last syllable of the Assyrian word ~vhich is to be read. Thus \' 47 is to be rendered by sollle part (according to the context) of the aorist acsz~d " I acquired. "

Three mai11 rules to be observed in selecting the value of a character are ( I )

that that power is to be chosen, the first or last consonant of which is the same as the consonant which ends the preceding syllable or begins the next; ( 2 ) that no Assyrian word, as a general rule, ought to contain more than three radical letters ; and (3) that values consisting only of a consonant and a vowel are to be preferred to those in which the vowel is enclosed between two consonants.

An open syllable (that is, one which begins with a vowel) only exceptionally follows a character which terminates in a consonant; and all words end with the line. Determinative Prefixes (D.P.) arc a great assistance to the reader. These are unpronounced ideographs which are always set before certain classes of persons and objects ; so that their presence enables us to tell with certainty the nature of the following word. There are also Deterininative Affixes (D.A.) which serve the same purpose.


01, ~ 7 7 sa, (7 - si, or 1 su,

%+ OY &{ se.

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The determinative prefixes and affixes are as fol l~ws :


*+y fill~) denotes a god or goddess.

,, a man.

P- ,, a woinan.

t ~ y 7 or Z-F~ (dl?,) ,, a city or town.

(mn f i~ ) ,, a country.


+]yd ( ~ N U ) denotes grass, reeds, kc.

3 E (jimim) ,, aniinal.

9 (itst~u1.11) ,, 11ii-d.

.$-*'I!! ,, an insect, H --Y ,, an official or class

a river. .-XI (&iZz,) > ?

a house. ae (s~Tz*) wind, or point of

1 ,

the compass. +++y or -Y (au4Ztz~) ,, <Ey ( t t ~ l t ~ ) ,, a HIOUII~ .

%<{ ( a h ? / ) ,, a stone.

(31 ( J ~ I I ) ,, ametal.

of persons.

a ruler,

a limb or body.

a month.

pJ' (Z~~dwtlc) , clothing.

q (?ti%) ,, tree or wood, I


denotes the plural. (B (irf:iiu) denotes a place.

77 ,, the dual. I ,, n bird.

4- ,, an ordinal number. 1

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T H E N O U K S .

Nouns substantive and adjective do not differ in form in Assyrian. Tile adjective always follows its substantive, and has neither comparative nor

superlative. Nouns are of two genders, masculine and feminine, and abstract nouns take

the feminine form. Many words are both masculine and feminine, and may take the terminations of both genders.

There are two numbers, singular and plural ; and a dual is found in the case of those nouns which denote doubles, like " the eyes." Adjectives as well as substantives admit the dual form,

There are three cases, the nominative, ending in -u; the genitive, ending in -i; and the accusative, ending in -a; but great laxity prevails in the use of these forms.

T h e case-terminations have a final m (or u), termed the nzi~~~~~zzatio~c. This was usually dropped in the later Assyrian inscripticns, though the Babylonian dialect preserved it to the last.

When one substantive governs another, the governing noun loses the case- endings (and mimmation), and the governed noun which immediately follows commonly assumes the termination of the genitive. Thus biz is " lord," but biz fzuvi, "lord of light."

T h e feminine singular changes the zt of the nominative nlasculine into -zztu, -a"hd, and -;hi (or Ztz~). T h e last two forms (&tu and itztzk) might elide the vowel, unless the root is a " surd" one, like Say) when the final letter is doubled, producing iavv&tzc, " queen," In the plural the feminine ending became -atzt and -5tztzk or -au.

T h e oldest form of the plural masculine was in -anzt, which was originally used for both genders, W e also find traces of a reduplicated plural, like .m~f~z i ,

waters," and of a plural in -~szu, like diZz~nzt, " buckets." Another form of the plural masculine was in -z~tzc (carefully to be distinguished from the feminine singular in -&tz~). This is the form of the masculine plural adopted by all adjectives. T h e most common termination of the masculine plural was in -e or -i. These plurals are in many cases indistinguishable from the genitive case of the singular. T h e ending of the dual was a.

There is a curious plural in -ta~z, which combines the feminine and masculine terminations. I t expresses a collection of anything, e.g., e-biv-ta-afz, " a ford."

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The Chaj,acters lo be franslitevated by the Stmde?zf.

Masculines :- Sing: Norn. ...

,, Gen. ...

Sing. Constr?/ct. sfnte

- Z T <a g'ly (aa - ci - ru)

$3 +YkY .'I ~ ~ 7 7

, Gen. ...

,, Acc. ...

Plural Nom. ...

,, Gen. ... n ""

-'-T B+TY H (na - akh - lu)

2 y +TYI *EQ dl' 4**YYT -ET

-+ +=a 27 >-

n brook



... I ...

I The Clia?*acfers to be ndded 1 Stf~denf.

, a - a . . . . . . /

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The Chn7,acfers to be tratzsZite~~afed by thc Siudent.

Fe~xi~iints :-

... Sifzg. NO~.

, Gt.12. ...

,, Ace. ...

Plural Nm. ...

khar-si . . . . . . . . .

kbar-sa . . . . . . . . .

khar-s2t-au [or khai-- sa-a-nu]

khar-s%-ni . . . . . .

khar-s%-na . . . . . .

kha-ra-as . . . . . . . . .

khar-5%-an . . . . . .

1: - " I-la-tu . . . . . . . . .

i - t i . . . . . . . . .

- 1 - a . . . . . . . . .

'i-la-a tu [or 'i-IBtu]

'i-la-a- ta . . . . . . . . .


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'il-tu . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . 'il-ti 1

'il-ta . . . . . . . . .

ns I,gore

1 . . . . . . . . .

-1-t i . . , . . . . . .

'i-li-ta. . . . . . . . . .

'i-li-c-tu f ilau] ...

'i-li-e-ti [or 'i-1;-e-te]


'i-li-e-ts . . . . . . . .


I . . . . . . . . . . . .

1 'i-li-i-tu 1 . . . . . . . .

. a . ij . . . . . . or 'i-Ii-tu ,.. f

P &c., &c. B ir 8


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/ The Chnrncters to be trnnsZiteynted by the Stzrde7zt.

-- I I

Cht-aitei~. to l a nddcd hy i/ie Studcat.

i I

1 E2?tzinines :- Sing. Nonz. ... ,


Dllal:- . . . . . . (A%-.) Gm., Air) 1 A! T I 1 f 1 - a ) I the huo cars


z N O . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . ... ,) Gez. ... 8 I -EQ v GF urn-mi I




. . . . . . . . . - m u , . 1 mother i I

Y-+7 fl rEj

< Gm. I ...

... 1 I

... ' U I R ~ C C ~ U [1urnmittuJ 1

i ... ... 1 'urn-ma-a-ti . . . . . . . . . j


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1 Nouns to be written in Assyrian characters, and declined :-


... cu-du-du (Nos. 462, 2 I 2, 2 I 2) ; carfiztacle ... (cu-du-de) (A'os. 462, 212, 342)

~ I da-~UTI-IIIU (289, r I, 23) ... 1 a dzuebli~fg ... ... (da-rum-mi mid da-rum-me) (289, I I,

I I 374 07 434)

ga-ru(zz7,22) ... ...

di-ku (342, 209) ... ...

ci-su-du (343, 3 I 7, 2 I 2) ...

dan-1:u (241, 24) ... . . ~

dup-pu (174, 321) ... ...

... e-mu-ku(23g,23,zog)

ri-su ... . , . . . m . . .

ci-sid-tu ... ... ...

i-sg-tu ... ... . , .

~ul-lrhs-tu or pu-lukh-tu ...

cimm%tu or cim-tu ... ...

... e-li-ni-tu ... . . .

makh-ri-tu or ma-khir-tu ...

... gar-ru ... ... ...

... ag-gul-lu ... ~. h

ap-pa-ru ... . . ~ ~. e

ba-bu ... . . ~ ...

e?zetfzy ... . .

sol~iz'e~ ... ...

capti~e ... . . -

slrozg . . ...

... tablet ...

de$ pozuer ... '..

head . . v ...

spoils ... ...

$re ... .., ...

far.. . ... ...

fnnzi[v ... ...

h&h ... . , .

foj'iizer ... ...

cxpeditioi? . . . . ...

zun,.o,'z ... ...

n nzn~sh ... ...

agate .. ...

(gsri mzri ga-ri-e) (22 7, 83)

(di-ku-tu) (342, 209, Go)

(ci-su-du-tu) (343, 317, 212, 60)

(clan-nu-tu) (241, 24, 60)

(dw-pa-a-114 (1 74, 2 2 2, 43 7, 24)

(c-mu-ka-a-nu) (239, 23, 20, 437, 24)








(gar-ri-tu OY gar-ri-i-tu)


(ap -pa-ra-a-te)


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T h e cardinals have two forms, masculine 2nd feminine; but from 3 to 10

the feminine form is used for the masculine, and the masculine form for the feminine.

When the numerals are expressed in symbols signifies " one," 77 "two,"

and so on. ( stands for 10, (y for I I , (( for 20, &c. is 100, and (7- (= 10 x xoo) is 1000.

T h e cardinals are denoted by adding 44 to the ordinal; thus 7 4- is first."

Six@ was the mathematical unit: the single wedge (I) accordingly stands for the soss, or six&, as well as for one. In fractions it is the understood denominator ; thus, ({( (3.30) is 3 $8, i.e. 33.


Masculine. Fe~enzi7zifzzc.

a-kha-du, e-du . . . es-tin, cs-ta-a-nu . . .

sa-ni-e, sa-nu'u, si- nu-'u

sal-sa-tu . . . . . .

ir-bit-tu, ri-ba-a-tu . . .

kha-mis-tu, kha-mil-tu

si-sa-tu . . . ...

si-bit-tu, Bi-bi-tu . . .

[sam-na-tu] ...

[ti-sit-tu] . . . . . .


[estinesru ?] . . .

i-klli-it . , , ... ikh-tu

sa-ne-tu ... ...

sal-su . . ~ ...

Sccorrd = san-au (fcwz. sa-nu-


T/lifad = sal-sa-ai ( f i?~~. sa-li.


Pou~th = ri-bu

kham-sa, kha-an-si . . . 1 Ftytlz = kha-an-su

sis-sa, sis-si . , .

8i-ba . , . . . .

sun-~ia . . . . . .

[ti-is-'a] . . . . . .

'es-ru . . . . . .

Sixth = [? sis-su]

Sevejzt/l= Bi-bu-'u, Sa-bi-tu

E&hth = [? Bu-ma-nu]

Niizth = [ti-su-'u]

Teizth = ['es-ru]

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2 0 = {( . . . ,.. ... es-ra-'a

30 = {{( . . . . . . . si-la-sa-'a

40 = 2<< . . ... ... ir-ba-'a, ir-ba-ya

50 = ... ... . . kha-an-sa-'a

60 = 7 ... ... ... SUS-SU

go = r< ... ... ... [Si-bu-'a ?]

80 = T<< ... ... . , . ?

go = y<<< ... . . ~ ... ?

100 = 7- . . . . . . . me'

... ... 1000 = (7%- ,. . a-la-pu

EX~MPLE' : YT (T* 7- $$<y EY* = (6 2,45 7 oxen."

In writing " one" we sometimes find the phonetic complement added to the cipher to denote 1~11ether it has the masculine or the feminine form. Thus, .

7 -11 (EST-02) = cstilz, (IRH-it) = ikhit. Fractional numbers arc as follows :- g'f ~ 7 ; ; $L SU-UZ-YZZL (ideogl-apllically

written +> = " one-half," 1 If % s~~-z~s-sn-a-n~4 = " one-third,'

(7- v+ si-tzi-62~ = (' two-thirds," E~yy v-- ja-m$zc = (' five-sixths,'' v* m-Il = " onefourth," -ETy 5 7 &L-RjiC = ( ( one-sixth," Ey $-

Sti-~a-i.zu = l1 one-eighth," and 1 gy 1 szc-zs-SZL = ( ( a sixtieth." T h e adverbial numerals were formed by the terminatioii yGtzt~, as

:yf If .;f sa-fzi-e-'2-~tu, or 'Ld$ EE~; 7; $- sa-zi-ya-a-nzt (' a second time " (" twice "), sal-si-'a-nzc or saLsl;l'a-a-zu " a third time." sa-xi-tu (" repetition ") was used for "once," and in the later inscriptions it took the place of the adverbial i~un~erals, e.g., sa-ni-ti saksa " the third time." Sad-sa is expressed in the Behistun inscription by the compound ideograph *b.

Among the indefinite numerals may be recltoned *=H cn-ZZL, *EH *ET ca-la, E ~ T $ cad, *(& \4 czcd-Zat ( ( all," z",& v* p6-6% " all," <syy $-rn gim-l-'t~ " the wl- ole," ~ l f 57 ?~za'-d5~-trr '( much," and K T ~ ~ T *Ey ca-bit-tu " much."

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Y Y YP' Y Y 2- Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YYY YYY ,,,,,, YYY -- - - .->; -4 4 4

1 Tiy :;I 4

I, T f v - 4 ? l ' / > - 44

4 7 4 4 yn

YYY -m&4 7 4

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Ya-ti (ya-fi-ma) and catz~ (68-La) are more substantival in their use than the other forms of the first two personal pronouns, and are generally met with as the first words of a sentence. Besides ya-ti we also find EzT~ (7- ya-si and yf 7f (7- ai-si.

T h e Possessive Pronouns are suffixed to the Nouns and Verbs. T h e following is a list of them :-


- ya, ii . . . . . . - ny ; nlsoi, as yf to be ~ e a d 'Bb-i, father

ca, also -C ... = thy

ci . . . . . . . . . = thy

cunu, nlsocun =.youv

- [cina] . . . . . . - youv

SU, aZso -s ... = his, its

PZumZ, M a x ... f S U ~ U , also sun = thzr

I% and E were used as the pronoun suffix of the first person if the tloun terminated in a vowel, z" if it terminated in a consonant.

When the noun ends in d, dh, t, s, S, .z, or Ls, the third person suffix becomes Su, ia, &c., as khi-i~i-it-izt '( its ditch," bit-iu " his house." T h e last letter of the noun is very frequently assimilated to the s' of the suffix, as khi-?l.i-z'i-Szt, 6iS-szt; and then the reduplication may be dropped, so that we get Lhi-i~i-izt, bi- iz~.

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In the later period of the language, the possessive pronouns are attached to the substantive at-tz~ " being " or ( ( essence," and the compound is then used as an empl~atic repetition of the pronoun ; thus *(A? EE!~ E E ~ *Ey Tv ziv-ya at-LZZ-n = " niy own race " (literally ( ( my race (which is) mine "), -gy yf If 2$- C V ~ yf at-tzl-zc-d. a-btc-z~-n ( ( to me (was) my father."

When the accent fell on the last vowel of the noun to ~vhich the possessive pronoun was suffixed, the initial consonant of the secoild and third pronoun suffixes were often doubled, as ~fl{ 2$+ @T 1 ciy-B-as-sze " its interior," for cirbd-su.


I. Silz,. -anni, -inni, -mi, -ni . . . . . . PZztunk -a~mini, -annu, -nini, -nu 2. ,, Mnsc. -acca, -icca, -cca, -ca, -c . . . ,, -accunu, -accun, -cunu, -cun 2 . ,, Pbz. -acci, -icci, -cci, -ci . . . . . . . -accina, -accin, -ciaa, -tin 3. ,, IIInsc. -assu, -issu, -su, -s ... . . . ,, -assuiiuti, -assunu, -assun, -sunutu (v),

-sunuti (v), -sunuta (v), -sum, -sun

3. ,) P~IIJ. -assi, -assa, -ssa, -ssi, -sa, -si ... ,, -assinati, -assina, -assin, -sinatu (v), sinati (v), .sinata (v), -sins, -sin

A final n might be assimilated to the i~zzitind s of the 3rd person suffix ; thus

gG 4 1 & zy + e'f( iz-&-"a-as-s~-nze-ti " he gave them," for bn'n-

nna-sunuf i.

Besides - C Z ~ ~ Z ~ L , we also find Jj?j % HY< cu-nzf-ti, and besides J y $- ey< szntcii and (y+ +-?I sinnti, we find sze-nzb-siv or su-~zu-si and si-an-si-iu, just

as pzsi appears by the side of ynti.

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Sing. Plural.

r EL M i . . . f 7 su'atu, su'ati, su'ata =this, that ... I lr sdatunu, su'atun, satunu

~ 1 1 1 . ... (p yf *El si'atu, ... ... ..I if Hy< +++I su'atina, satina,

... . . . . . f sa'atu (or siitu), sinatina sa'ati, sa'ata ... ...

Mnsc. ... sa'asu, or sxsu = this, that.. . '81 Yf I '811% sBsunii, sZsun

... I;em . . f sn'asa or sass, sa'asi ... l+Y Tf (T* . - tT sa'asina or sasina or siisi

Three deinonstratives are used to deternlinate distamce, a* amnzu

or El ma (" hic ") " this by me ; " --! + a f t m (" iste ") " that by you ; " and (ETc. ')uZZZ ((( ille ") " that by him." Of alfzmu we find only the sing.

fem. ET rf ?$r nwz?kXZfe, and # ~ a ($7 TT) or ma the "contracted form of the sing. masc. amza, and the pl. rnasc. nmmzzta, which is used as a suffix. Thus we have Sar Assuv-ma, "king of this same Assyria;" amzi -nza or a n - m a ,

" myselfn (literally, " this person here ") ; * *% Ey (T* 7f ey< inn sa~zafi-?+<a

si'ati " in this very year." This suffix is especially common at the end of the astrological tablets.

Siq. Masc .... an-nu ... ... . , * ... IJZural, ilfasc.. .. an-nu-tu, an-nu-tav, an-ni-e ... ,, ,, ... an-ni-i, an-ni, a-an-ni ... , 9 ,, ... an-nu-ti

. . . . . . ,, ,, ... an-na-a, an-na . , . ', FETIZ. ... an-nz-t~l, a-a-na-ti ... ... ,, Ee7z. ... an-na-a-ti, an-11%-tav, an-ni-ti

... ... ... ... ... i ) [an-ni-tu] ,) ,, an-ne-tav, an-ni-tav, an-ni-ti ... ,, Misc. ... ul-lu ... ... ... . , Masc.. .. ul-lu-tu

,, :, ... ul-li, 111-li-e ... ... ... ... ... ,, ,, ul-la ... ... ...

:, Fern. ... ul-~S-~LI ... ... ... ... ,, Pe71z. ... [ul-la-a-tu]

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From uZZz6 was formed in later times the adj. (=r& 7; 7; ziZZzeai "on the further side."

In the Persian period we find a new demonstrative 'aga; or haga, or kngat:

This pronoun was further compounded with agznzL and thc personal pronouns, so as to strengthen the determinative idea ; thus :

Si~guZnr, Masc. . . . 77 E ~ T ~ C **l $- 'agannu, 'agai~na

? ) , . . . 7; ETT~s. 1 E T T ~ 'aga-su'u, he aame@

Pl,irai Masz. . . . yf ~ 7 7 7 ~ **y $ *gy 'agannutu, aganutu

,, Pe~n. . . . I$ E;~~P(C. **I 'agannitu, 'aganct

> > , . . . Yf ~ZTTYS. 1 bqL lagz-sum, thy narze4

Instead of 'aga-sz~, sa-nga also occurs, and ag-a is frequently used like a mere article;

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T h e Relative Pronoun is sn, of all nunlbers and genders, which was originally a demonstrative. I t may be understood, as in English, " the man I saw" fol- 'l the man whonz I saw." I t is often used to express the periphrastic genitive, when instead of the construct state, the full form of the first noun with the case-ending is given follo~vcd by sn, which then means exactly our " of." 'I'hus (( -$m 'i4 S a ~ m sa mahiti " king of the world." Some- times the first noun was omitted, as ifza sn Gargnnis "according to (the maneh) of Carchemish."

T h e Interrogative Pronoun is (( $ masz-?zu, Ey $ ~ ? Z ~ - Z Z L , or (( ?fu?z ,

who ? " ' L what," ( ( which." Sometimes it is contracted into nzn-a. Mi-e or nzi zlso signified '(who," and may be suffixed to magznu, forming (( $ y* ~ ~ U J Z P Z M - ~ C , " who."

T h e Indefinite Pronouns are the indeclinable ~7 .-TI?& nza-?za~z-?%a, 97za na-ma, wan-nza, nza-nnz-f?znn, nzn-nwz-;za, or nzn- ~zztm-nzn, " anybody ," and (EE &q Ey mi-im-ma, " anything." T h e negative "7 Za or (tyb ZLZ, joined in the same sentence with these pronouns, gave them a negative meaning, " nobody," '( nothing." This negative meaning niight be retained even when the

accompanying negative was dropped, likepevsonrre, &c., in French. E Z Y ~ ~ El a;-urn-ma or ya-zmt-ma, with the negative understood, and f*Er nhz also, signified "nobody." Ey rir< Ey ~~zatilzn uras "a t any time," or "in any place." T h e indeclinable Ey *Ey maZn -- " as many as." " Some, others," was expressed

by yf l $ T ~-fzu-tc-?i-?ai.z-te, and yf I!( (YET a-hha-di-a-hh-. A-kha-r i - tz~x other," S ~ - ~ Z L P ? Z - P ? Z ~ ='I another," csti~z a m csltifz = " one to another."

T h e Reflexive Pronoun is ~ ~ 7 7 ~7 $- m-nza-nz~, pya-ma-ni, sya-ma-nn "self," to which the possessive pronouns were suffixed, a s ya-~gzjlza-niyn "n~yself," ya-~a-xz~-ca or m-nzn-nz~-uc-cn " thyself," ?pa-ma-ni-su-ufz " themselves."

sy p d z also was used for " individual," and " myself" might be -2- expressed by w-7 q-p g l an-ni-mn or **T Ey an-nin (literally " this (man) here "1.

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(zn) Ittaphal from Niphal, as ST :& (&iy\ it-fa-ctuin (for ifz-fa-ciarr~). - *4

(26) Ittanaphal from Niphal, as gyy7 4 1 <H ( ~ 7 1 id-daft- - -accnf ~ P P Z ((for in-tnaz-accatum) . - ---

(3a) Iphtaal from Pael, as E_22Y !~~~~ ::I (.FH~I yw-in-thnz. - (36 ) Iphtanzal fsom Pael, as Em%&-Y gyyy 4 7 t ~ y (**TI y~c-biz-attiinz. - (4") Istaphal from Shaphel, as E& ( yz~s-ta-ctu~z or yud-fa-c funz.

( 4 ) lstanaphal from Shaphel, as wy STT‘f +++T *@ ( y us-tan-actu~lz or yuGLnn-actztm.

From the Aphel of concave verbs is formed an Itaphal, as E=TT~E gy'fy FT=7!7 ~ZL-fa-dhid.

These secondary conjugations have a reflexive force. Niphal and Shaphel (and also probably Rphel) admit also of Paelism!

conjugations, ( 2 ~ ) Niphael, as +l<y& &I - iccaaz~m, and (4c) Shaphael, as H E +T ,+I <=I - ycscattz~nz. 2

From Niphal, Pael, and ghaphel, other intensive conjugations could be formed

by repeating the last radical : thus (2nd) Niphalel, as -.y<y* - E Y - (Er &+J& 1 iccatzu~zz"nz ; ( 3 ~ 4 Palel, as yucafz~??tz"m ; and (4th) Shaphalel, as yusactz~%z?m.

I Except Kal and Niphal, which stood in the reIation of active and passive to one another, the other conjugations had passives formed by changing the vowels of the root into 26, thus :


(3) Pael makes tyllt Y (&!I I=----- yucuttum (permansive, c~LLunt)). *<

(4) Shaphel nlakes ( ~ ' l ~ , j u s - c ~ - t z m z - (pernlansive, swntun~ o~ 1

sucaf zim) . Aphel makes E~YP m y yz~dhub. )

I (4") Istaphal makes (pern~ansive) lT E& HT( 4# sa tacf i~~. I 1


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T h e MOODS are five in number-(I) the indicative, ( 2 ) the subjunctive, (3) the imperative, (4) the precative, and (5) the infinitive.

T h e indicative possesses two primary and thl-ee secondary TENSES-(I) the pcrmansive or perfect; (2) the aorist or imperfect; (3) the present, a modified form of the aorist ; (4) the pzrfect or pluperfect, the older form of the aorist ; and (5) the future, the older form of the present.

T h e original tenses of the verb were ( I ) the perfect (permansive) and ( 2 )

tlic imperfect (aorist) ; but under the influence of Accadian, the imperfect split

itself into two forms, one shorter (as *!44**77T iscun ' I he made ") and one

longer (as EE Cyr# && i ~ a c ~ i ~ z "he inakes "), which came to be used with a real tense-distinction of meaning (as in Ethiopic). T h e longer and more primitive form of the present (isacci?zu) came f ~ ~ r t h e r to be used with a future force ; and the longer and more primitive for111 of the aorist (iscmzu), from its being adopted after words like "when" or "who," came to have generally a perfect or pluperfect sense.

T h e permansivc (perfect) has g r o w out of the close attachment of abbre- viated forms of the personal pronouns to nouns and participles into a true tense.

Besides the apacopated or ordinary aorist (iscan) and the pluperfect aorist (iscuntx), there exists ( I ) a conditional or motive aorist (iscunn) formed by the attachment of a, " the augment of motion," to the apocopated aorist, and ( 2 ) the energic aorist formed by tlle retention of the original mimmation, isca?zu~n(nza), iscanivz(?m), iscanam(mn). There was also another form of the aorist which ended in -i (as isczcni).

These terminations of the aorist in -%, -i, -a, answer to the three case-endings of the noun, the apocopated aorist corresponding with the con~truct~state , and go back to a time when but littlk distinction was made between the noun and the verb. T h e subjunctive mood is used in relative and conditional clauses, and is denoted by the addition of the particle 126 which inay be placed after the

possessive pronoun suffix, as <H ZE A! ?$* &Y ci ikabg-sa-r2i " when he had called it."

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T h e imperative is confined to the 2nd person, the 2nd pers. sing. masc. giving the simplest form of the verb (as szlczln, yihhits, f.~n(lat), the voivels always being the same in both syllables, the 2nd pers. fem. ending in i (as sztci~zi or szlcni), the 2nd pers. pl. masc. in -2.1 (as sz~ci~zzzzt or sztcnz~) and the 2nd pers. pl. fern. in n (as sztci~za or SUC~ZZ). The 2nd pers. sing. masc. may take the augment of motion -G (as SZCCZL~ZI Or s ~ L c ~ I ~ ) . T h e precative is formed by prefixing l z j or li (the vowel of which coalesces with the vowel of the person-prefix in the 1st and 3rd persons) to any one of the forms of the aorist. I t is generally used in the 3rd person, as liscufz " maj7 he place." T h e infinitive is r ~ a l l y a verbal substan- tive and declined accordingly.

Besides the moods, every conjugation possesses a participle, which, except in Kal and the Pael of concave verbs, prefixes mz4-.

There are three fzz~?7zbevs, singular, plural, and dual, but tllc dual which ends in -2 is only found in the 3rd persor,.

There are three Persons in the singular and plural, the and and 3rd having different forms for masculine and feminine.

A feminine nominative, however, is often used improperly with a masculine verb (as --r (v ~ 7 7 7 ~ *u *yy<T I s ta r jiltsajvi the goddess Istar disclosed ") and on the other hand, in the and pers. plural (especially in the imperative) we frequently find the feminine instead of the masculine form.

There are many contracted forms in the Assyrian verb, firoduced chiefly by

dropping a short -Y or - I ; thus CY* ( t ~ tastal~~zi for tastalanri, a (I* fajtikdi for ta.fikidi, ittalcu for ittallicu, tasal7?zz~ for tasallimu, zcsziz or' adziz for usaziz. D, ts, z, or s assirnilate the inserted t of the secondary conjugations, as

E)' 11 its-tsa-bnt for tl r( 2s-fa-bat, EY f f vllf iz-zu-car for 6-ta-car.

S may change the t into S becoming S itself, as E)' & ZE i . - c a z and *** is-tu-CU?~. i-Sa-ca. ior 577 s7ll *:

T h e enclitic conjunction va" (Ib and) " is attached very closely to the termination of the verb.

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The second vowel of the aorist may be either a, i, or z ~ , as iscun " he placed," #dhi~ " he freed," itsbat " he took," but zi is most common.

The third vowel of the present may similarly be either a, i, or u, as i~zaccar " he estranges," isaccirz ( 'he places," idamf~zum " it gasses away," but i is, by far, the most common vowel.

The first person singular of the aorist sometimes has e in Babylonian instead of a, as (({ f.-w eifzi/lz for aSz.zid, and verbs ~ ' ' 9 (see igfi~a) in Assyrian might adopt the same vo~vel.

I. -719 dl GJ sac-nwu OY sac-na-ac 4% a-sac-cin u ~ ~ Z a c e "

2. iWnsc. $ 3 3 9 sac-na at , , ta-sac-sin

P E R ~ ~ A N S ~ V E [or Perfect].-Si/zgit~Zn~..

2. FC??~. i , [? sac-na-ti] 3. J F a x ). ,> sa-cin (v 4%) 3. Fmz. 9 1 $ 7 sac-nat


PZr .~nl

I. , t , 9 ?

2. AFusr. i 7 I Y ?

2. Pent. ,) 1 ) ? 3. Masc. ,> ) > sac-nu 3. FF?H. 9 : 9 9 sac-na

j , ,, ta-sac-ci-ni j 5 ) i-sac-cin ), , , ta-sac-cin


-7Ie $& ni-sac-cin ) f J ; ta-sac-ci-nu , 9 1 ) ta-sac-ci-na , 7 > i-sac-ci-nu

f ) i i-sac-ci-na

Ilz~nZ. Dual'.

3. "7 lf sac-na-a [sacng] ". . ,, [i-sac-ci-na-a]

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Si?Zgula,: - I. & +)'d+# as-cull < ar-khi-its g s e ats-bat

( " IpZaced ") ; ('$ I i1~~~7zdated") ; ((' 1 too, "> 2. Jfis;. 7 , >. tas-cun ; > 2 ,- tar -khi-its ; ,, ,, ta-ats-bat

2. Pe~n. i l , , tas-CU-ili ; i ) tar-khi-tsi ; ,, , ta-ats ba-ti

3. Masc. , , is-cull ; , 9 ) ir-khi-its ; ,, .. its-bat

3. Pem. 1) , , tas-cun ; ) : I , tar-khi-it5 ; ,, +, la-ats-bat

I. ST! *74*-nT 11i-is-cun ; 4 ~7 ni-ir-klli-its ; M ni-its-bat

2. Masc. ,f ,, tas-cu-nu ; )I , tar-lihi-tsu ; ,, , ta-ats-ba-tu 2. lip~z. 3, . . tas-cu-na ; i 5 , tar-khi-tsa ; ,, , ta-ats-ba-ta 3. Masc. 9 j ,, is-CII-nu ; ,, . ir-khi-tiu ; ,, ,, its-ha-tu 3. Fkz. f l ,, is-cu-an ; 3 ,, ir-khi-tsa ; ,, ,, its-ba-ta


is-cu-na-a 3. 5 ! y d l 71 {,iscun3j, } % 4 rf yf ir-khi-tsa-a; gy *z! Eyyly: its-ba-ta-a

The student will form the future and pluperfect by attaching the vowel -u to those singular forms of the present and aorist which end in a consonant, and -uni (also -%%a, -u#ztv, and -ztfziv) to those plural forms of the same tenses which end in a consonant.


Shg. 2. Mnsc. &y fl&*yr S U - C U ~ ; *yy<T. 4 g7 ri-khi-its ; 1: e tsa-bat

,, 2. &z. 3 , , f su-ci-ni or ,> ,, ri-khi-tsi or ,, tsa-ba-ti or su-uc-ni ; ri-ikh-tsi ; ,, tsa-ab-ti

71 , su. ci-nu or i ,, ri-khi-tsu or . tsaba-tu or su-uc-nu ; ri-ikh-tsu ; tsa-ab-tu

7, 11 su-ci-ila or , j >, ri-khi-tsaor ,, tsa-ba-taor su-uc-na ; ri-ikh-tsa ; tsa-ab-ta

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1 Inks-cun; a 4 gy lu-ur-khi-its; By H 1u-uts-bat

2. Jfasc. ,> > lu-tas-cun ; 7 7 , lu-tar-khi-its ; ;, . lu-ta-ats-bat

3. .3L C- 27 ,, 1, li-is-cun ; I , li-ir-khi-its ; : , ,, li-its-bat


3. ~It'iasc. + 7 li-is-cu-nu ; *t&yy 6 4 f*& li-ir-khi-tsu ;

3. FCm. j j 9 7 li-is-cu-na ; ) 7 ,) li-ir-khi-tsa ;

3. Map. *gEyy ~7 ~ $ 1 *ET li-its-ba-tu

3. Pe1~2. ,, 17 li-its-ba-ta

The augment of motion and the ~nimn~ation may be attached to all the above forms. When the augment of motion is attached to the and person masc. plur. of the imperative z~+a passes through va into ii ; thus &! EB dy y j su-uc-nc~ (or &I FD sn-uc-na-a) instead of sz~-uc-m~-a.


+:H s%c?i-nu to dzell. 1 < s - u dwel'l'ig. I 7 { - & ra-kl~a-tsu Lo if~undrrte. I ~ ~ r y 4 4-& rakhi-tsu titz~ndatitlg.

f f *Cy tsa-ba-tu to seize. 7.7 7 - H + bE- tsj-bi-tu seizifzg.

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2 . Masc. 2 . F t 7 ; ~ .

3. Masc. 3. Fti71.

I .

z. Masc. 3. PC/IZ.

3. Masc. 3. Fenz.


2. Masc. 2. E~IIP . 3. Mmc. 3. ECI?L.

2 1 sit-cu-na-cu . . .

7 7


I >

7 7


2 7

> >

7 1

7 7



? >

[sit-cu-aa-at] . . . ? ... ... sit-cull . . . sit-cu-nat . . .

? ... . . , ? ... . . . ? ... . . ~ sit-cu-nu ' . . . sit-cu-na , . .

[sit-cu-na-a] . . .



I & E* g E as-tac-can I *- & ETTr -= as-ta-can

gL<4 $Jyy + al-ta-can

) 7 tas-tac-can, &c. > > tas-tac-ca-ni > I is-tac-can > > tas-tac-can


nis-tac-can 7 tas-tac-ca-nu

77 tas-tac-ca-na ) 7 is-tac-ca-nu

> is-tac-ca-na




sillgz~zar. & E777 as-ta-cin, al-ta-cin ; ~7 yy ~ y y y ap-te-kid "1 oz~e1'1'0akcd"

> 7 tas-ta-cin, +L. ; I7 7 7 ta-ap-te-kid 7 7 7 7 tas-ta-ci-ni ; > > I > ta-ap-te-ki-di 7 3 7 7 is-ta-cin ; 7I > 7 ip-te-kid > ? 37 tas-ta-cin ; 7 ) ) 7 ta-ap-te-kid

<( CT'fr 4& nis-ta-cin ; vy i~i-ip.te-kid

7 7 7 7 tas-ta-ci-nu ; > 7 7 7 ta-all-te-ki-du I > tas-ta-ci-na. ; : > is-ta-ci-nu ; 7 > is-ta-ci-na ;

?) > > tap-te-ki-da > 37 ip-te-ki-du

> I 9 ) ip-te-ki-da

> 9 ,, [is-ta-ci-na-a] >> 9 9 Lip-te-ki-da-a]

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+- I . J!EJ $7 &=yy! ~z lu-us-ta-can 1 E ~ E ~7 ~ 7 7 7 lu-up-te-kdi

3 )) 7 ) li-is-tn-call ; 7 ) >) li-ip-te-kid

2.i7lasc. & sit-cin 2. PLVZ. - )) > > sit-ci-ni


3. f7f. WE?^! - $77 $ li-is-t-ca-nu ; -ESY W W 1~11 1;-ip-te-ki-du - 3. 1;: >, 1 ) li-is-ta-ca-na ; )> >) li-ip-te-ki-da

<g 3 sit-ci-nu

7 > ) sit-ci-iia


Em $ sit-cu-nu ; ~ y y y y Ez *y pit-ku-du


5 $ * ~ ~ ~ < E y y r $ . mus-taca-nu, mul-trica-nu

** E ~ E !i$T 1~11 57 mu-up-te-ki-du

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SirzguZar. I . ... . . . . . . [na-as-cu-na-cu]

2. Masc. . . . . . . . . . [na-as-cu-na-at] 2. Fe?/iz. ?

3. Marc. & +d-m na-as-cun

3. Fer?z. ), , [na-as-cu-nat]

I. ? 1, . . . ... 1, .'. z . M a s c . ? > > I ; " ' ... . . . 2 . P~HZ. ? ,, >, " ' . . . . . . 3. Masc. 27 & )'!EJ + 11s-as-cu-nu

3. Fenz. 19 9 ) na-as-CLI-na


3 - . . . ... . . . [na-as-cu-na-a]



2. Masc. dv & d& na-as-cin

2. h. > f 7 na-as-ci-ni


2. Masc. ?, 9 na-as-ci-nu

2. Pem. )> 9 1 na-as-ci-na





I . HgyvA& 3. > 1,


Sirzg ulczv.

I. & 4& as-sa-cia, as-sa-cun

2. Jfasc. ), 3 t tas-sa-cin, tas-sa-cun 2 . Fttvc. ) 3 1 1 tas-sa-ci-ni, tas-sa-cu-ni 3. Masc, ) I i is-sa-cin, is-sa-cui? 3. Fefn, 1, , tas-sa. cin, tas-sa-cun


tas-sa-can tas-sa-ca-~ii is-sa-ca-an tas-sa-ca:~


tas-sa-ca-nu tas-sa-ca-na






lis-sa-ci-nu, lis-sac-nu

lis-sa-ci-na, lis-sac-na

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I. '47 $& na-as-S.Z-cin, na-as-sa-cun 2. Masc. 9 ) > > tas-sa-ci-nu, tas-sa-cu-nu 2. Fenz. > > ) tas-sa-ci-na, tas-sa-cu-na 3. dFasc. ) a t is-sa-ci-nu, is-sa-cu-nu 3. &?I. 7, ) f is-sa-ci-na, is-sa-cu-na


3. >) )> [is-sa-ci-na-a]


dl & <H + na-as-ca-a-nu [nascznu]


&$ ((( <g + mu-se-es-sa-ci-nu [musess~cinu]

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PER~~AXSIVE (or Perfect).


I . [na-as-tc-cu-na-cu ?I, kc. . . . ...



z. .Wasc, ni-ias-cin (?), kc. ... ... ...





. = ~ y +kyyy & EE at-ta-as-can, kc.



3. >t 9 , li-it-tas-cin, kc.

I. EET AJTT & 4& at-ta-as-cin at-ta-as-cun, &c.


na-at-sa-cX-nu FARTICIPLE.



- d i


Si~zguZa~. Sifzgidi~rcrl: i

I. %yy# + ~ u dT sac-ca-na-cu I. *- E ~ T ~ z 'F~T* EZE u-sac-can

i 2. iWnsc. 91 91 [sac-ca-na-at] 2. IUCCSC. i i I tu-sac-can \

2. Pe~tz. ,i t ? 2. I;e?rz. 7 I i tu-sac-a-ni, tu-sac-ni

3. ~ri'nsi. P F ~ T # ZE sac-can 3. Masc. 9 9 )I yu-sac-can

3. F L ~ . 11 sac cn-nat 3. Fet~z. i > I ) tu-sac-can


I . ... ? 2 . iwasc. . . . ? 2 . F e 7 ' ~ ~ . ... ? 3. ~'Masc. . . . sac-ca-nu 3. Fe~z . . . [sac-ca-na]


3- . . . [sac-ca-na-a]

PZumZ. I. + qy* g E nu-sac-can 2. f&c. 77 7 tu-sac-ca-nu 2. &iz. I > I 1 tu-sac-ca-na 3. iyasc. i 1 > y u-sac-ca-nu 3. Fenz. 71 1) yu-sac-cazna


3. )) i, [yu-sac-ca-na-a]

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IhlPERATIVE. 1 PRECATIVE. Sizgular. SilzguZar.

2. Afisc. @J 4& suc-cin (su-cin) 'Fyy* g E lu-sac-can 2, Fern. )) suc-ci-ni

7 1 1 7 lu-sac-can,

PZLLY~Z. 2. ~ i s c . @ <$J J+ suc-ci-nu 2. Peuz. 71 suc-ci-na

lu-sac-cin Plural.


% qye A& nu-sac-cin

77 7 i tu-sac-ci-nu

7 7 I ) tu-sac-ci-na j ) 9 yu-sac-ci-nu

7 I 77 y u-sac-ci-na



> 9 j [yu-sac-ci-na-a]


I. ~ y ' f y ~ 'Fyy* de u-sac-cin

u-sac-cun u-sic-cin

2. Misc. I I 7 tu-sac-cin tu-sac-cun tu-sic-sin

2. FCYIZ. 3 ) 1 2 tu-sac-si-ni, kc. 3. ~ V i s c . 7 77 yu-sac-cin 3. f in. 7 2 tu-sac-cia

I .

2. Mnsc. 2. Hem. 3. Masc. 3. l iE i71 .


N,B.-The present and aorist of Pael are distinguishcd from the present of Kal by the vowel u in the first syllable.


J+ sac-CZ-IIU [but "e ' " 1 5 2 . pnssiz8e is more co1?2flz07?]

fiqitz. pass. SUC-CU-11U

The reduplication is often neglected in writing. It is sometimes replacccl in the case of labials and dentals by m b ( w j ) and 7zd (~zdh, I z L ) .


S& %~T$Z <Q $ mu-sac-ci-nu

- - - -- ----

From its intensive signification Pae9. comes somctilnes to be used in a causative sense. TVhen Kal is intransitive, Pael is transitive.

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2. Mac. 2. Fi?2.

3. Masc. 3. Fern.

Dual. I ,> > f [yus-tac-ca-na-a]




I. 4 4 us-tac-cin ; 2. Masc. 9) fi tu-us-tac-cin ; 2. Fern. > i ) > tu-us-tac-an ; 3. Masc. > I 3 yus-tac-cin ; 3. Fern. 1 9 ?: tu-us-tac-cin ;

Singuluv. sy :& us-tac-can

Y? > ? tu-us-tac-can f) Y > tu-us-kc-ca-ni 7 % > y yus-tac-can 3f 1) tu-us-tac-can


I. a" $$! ;& $& nu-us-tac-cin ; 2. Mac. > i) tu-us-tac-ci-nu ; 2. Flt?~. > f > ? tu-us-tac-ci-na ; 3. Masc. E* (@ % yurtac-ci-nu ; 3. .Fe?z. i ) )7 yus-tac-ci-na ;



> > 77 tu-us-tac-ca-nu 31 17 tu-us-tac-ca-na

@T :& r:H B+ yus-tac-ca-nu > 1 7 yus-tac-ca-na

'$7 up-te-kid

) ) Y ) tu-up-te-kid 9 ) I tu-up-te-ki-di

9 3 3 yup-te-kid ji 7) tu-up-te-kid

E ~ C "pr C T ~ I nu-up-te-kid > 7 7 tu-up-te-ki-du 9 i i tu-up-te-ki-da

Z ~ Z vr yup-te-ki-du > 7) yup-te-ki- da

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- -

IMPERATIVE. Not found.



3. g Iu-us-tac-can 1 3. Masi. sy ~4 rzH Lf Iu-us-tac-ca-nu

1 3. f iz. 3 F - j I lu-us-tac-ca-na




I ~~~~~ :& <$ + nw-tac-ci-nu

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I. EYTP & ++ wz u-sa-as-can

2. ilF~sc, +Ey & gs tu-sa-as-can

2. Pem. ,, , 7 tu-sa-as-ca-ni 3. Masc. ,, ) 7 yu-sa-as-can 3.Fe1n. ,, ,, tu-sa-as-can


1. + ~ & c E nu-sa-as-can 2. Masc. ,, ), tu-sa-as-ca-nu 2. Pmz. ,, 12 tu-sa-as-ca-na

3. M. E'TV~ & *:H + yu-sa-as-ca-nu

3. I;em. ,, )) yu-sa-as-ca-na


3. [yu-sa-as-ca-na-a]



2 , i ~ a s c . JEy $& SU-US-cin

2. FCPZ. 2 7 7 7 su-us-ci-ni


2. Masc. ,, ), su-us-ci-nu

2. Pc~7z. , 7, su-us-ci-na


A s i ~ ~ g u h z ~ . I I. & q@ u-sa-as-cin, u-se-es-cin

2. Masr. ,, tu-sa-as-cin, &c.

2. Pe11z. 7 1 7 tu-sa-as-ci-ni 3. Jflusc. ,, , yu-sa-as-cin 3. Pem. 3 7. tu-sa-as-cin


I. qL & 4$$ nu-sa-as-cin

2. Masc. ,. 7 ) tu-sa-as-ci-nu 2.Pe1z. 7 7 tu-sa-as-ci-na

3. Musc. ,, ,7 yu-sa-as-ci-nu

3.Fr11t. ,, J 7 yu-sa-as-ci-na

Dzial. ,

3. [yu-sa-as-ci-na-a]



lu-sa-as-cin lu-sa-as-can


3. ill. & <$ 3 lu-sa-as-ci-nu

3. R3712. ,) 17 lu-sa-as-ci-na

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Si~tgz/Zar. AORIST.



Si7~gztlar. PRECATIVE.



Ey ~7 ((( + su-te-es-cu-nu. *


<@ .;i- -us-tas-ci-nu ; ;:+-I JJ-J <@ 7' mu'-tas-ci-nu.

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If one of the radicals of a verb is sz, d, h, z~ (u), i (y) or e, it differs in many particulars from the conjugation of the Strong Verb, owing to the assimilation of these letters to other vowels or consonants.

Verbs which begin with these letters are called verbs I"b, H"0, ?"%, IUD, D , and ; verbs which end with them arc called verbs j"5) ~"5, iY"' Y"', Y"', and Y"$; verbs which have one of these letters as a second radical are called verbs j"Y, N"Y, ?'Y, 1"~, 4 " ~ , and Jf"'. The last class of verbs are also called Concave Verbs.

Verbs )'/a. N is assimilated to the following letter ; though in some few instances we

find it irregularly retained. Before d, or$ it may be changed to 772.


. . , *! na- mir, " he sees "

- ni-it-mur

... *TXv 4& nam-mur

... )F 3) ma-at-te-mur]

... *yIv ETY* nam-mar

... 7 ) ? ? . . .

... 7 ? 3 i [sam-mar]

. . . ? 3 7, [sat-ne-mar]

... ,? )) [sa-nam-mar]

... > > ? > ... PASSIVE.



i-nam-inir o r i-nam-mar

?> , ? it-ta-mar




Jf+ q(- yut-tam-mar

? ? 7 7 yu-sam-mar 7 > , , yus-tam-mar j ? ) ) yus-nam-mar 1 ) i? yus-te-nam-mar


,? 3 7 yu-num-mar

3 ) > > yut- tum-mar

> yus-num-mar

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li'ad . a . 447- 4@ im-mur L C he saw "

i ? ... aT$ id-din " he gave "

1 9 ... p-J ip-lxl "he t h ~ t z ~ dowll'l

39 ... qf 0 e-cil "he ate " @?;teal . . . -7 syyy E E y it-la-n~ir

N$hal . . & in-na-in;. P---

Idtaphal . . . 7 i 1 i it-tain-inir ~%d ... 7 f f i u-11am-mir /p/'tanl ... ii 3 i yut-tam-mir Shaphd ... 9. i 7 yu-sanl-inir Istajlzal . . . 7 9 3 y us-tam-mir Shaphael . . . i - ii yus-nam-mir

IstnjhaeZ . . . 3 f yus-te-nax-mir


Pad . . . gzyyygz ('J yu-nuin-inir

Iphtaal ... )) 1 yut-tuin-inur

S/laj/z$ i i .1 { pu-sa-nu-mur ... yus-nu-mur


{ u-lnur o~ a-mur

g: $ i-din.

9 a-pal.

9) e-cil

~ 7 ni-it-inir

i ? nam-mir

11 [ui-tam-mir] 7 5 nu-um-mir

- 9 i su-urn-inir i f su-ut-tim-mir

f su-nun-mir





. . . gyyy (EE .gu

. .. e E~VT: +y~v (Z k g ~

.. . -II$ EyTy EI

.. . * +yx'r? (EE *m . . . +yxa by (EE *b]UI . . . 4? .yyp {EL gJ.y . . . eyyy ~7 {EE --gy . . . .zyv q ' r t . (z:

narni-ru, nam-ru


inu-un-nam-mi-~LI, mun-nam-ru








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Verbs M"D.

-- -


Shzg. I. [asabacu]

,, 2 . ilFasc. ... [asabat] ,, 2. FEW. . . . - ,, 3. dFasc. ... [a-sab] ,, 3. .F~??z. . . . -

PZ?/Y. . . . - ,, 2. Masc. ... - ,, 2 , Fewz. . .. - ,, 3. Masc. . . . a-sa-bu ,, 3. l;i>r?l. . . . [a-sa-ba]

Dl~nl, 3. . . . [asab~]

n-sab " 1 sit"

ta-sab ta-sa-bi

p-sab, i-sab



ta-sa-~LI ta-sa-ba ya-sa-bu, i-sa-bu ya-sa-ba, i-sa-ba [ya-sa-b%]


yf a-sib, ZTT y t c-sib 9 a-cul, ,, e-cul

3 f ta-sib ta-si-bi

, 7 yasib, i sib Eg 1- f ta-sib

-p y+ na-sib

,, ta-si-bu , ta-si-ba

, f ya-si-bu, i-si-bu ,, p-si-ba, i-si-ba ,, ya-si-bii]


,sL-p2g. I. rbc < a E ~ E ,, 2. JFasc. . .. 9 , i ,

,, 2. P~TIZ. . . . , 9 , ,, 3. Masc. . . . 3 , , ,, 3. fen^. . . . , l

PZZ~Y. I. ... ?, , 3

,, 2 , nfiz, . . . ~ y f (7- -'+- :, 2 . Fen~. . . . ,! , ?, 3. i'Idas~-. . . . ,, , , 3 Fez. . . . ,, ,>

li-su-ub, 7- e-sib, a-cul e-si-bi, a-cu-li li-su-ub, lu-sib

e-si-bu, Tf pE.J e-si-bu, a-cu-la li-su-bu, lu-si-bu li-su-ba, lu-si-ba




. . ' . . . ... a-si-bu i

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ohteal . . . a . . . Ittnphal ... Pael ... Iphtaal . . . Shajh~Z . . .

Istajhnl . . .

Itaplzal ... Pael Pass. . . . Istaplial Pass.


[nx-sub] -

[assab] -



- us-sub su-te-sub


i-na-sab it-te-sab yu-as-ab, yus-sat, yu-tas-snb yu-sa-sab,

yu-se-sab yus-te-snb

yul-tc-sab yu-tc-snb yu-us-sab [yus-tu-sab]


ItnplzaZ . . . , 1 1

PadPass. ,, ,, a

Istaphal Pass. ,, >


i-ns-sib it-te-sib yu-as-sib, yus-sib yu-tns-sib yu-sa-sib,

yu-se-sib yus-te-sib,

yul-te-sib yu-te-sib yu-US-sub [yus-tu-sub]


na-sib -

[us-sib] [i-ta-sab] su-sib


[u-te-sib] -

), ,, mut-te-si-bu ,, , I~US-si-bu 3 , ,? mut-hs-sa-bu

9 ,I mu-se-si-bu

, 9 ,, mus-te-si-bu

, ,, mu-te-si-bu - -

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Verbs 3%



I. [ha-la-ca-cu]

2 . Masc. [ha-la--ca-at] 2. Qenz. ... ... ... ... 3. Jfirsc. y{Em ha-lac ...

3. Fern. *.. ... PZur'r"zZ.

I. ... ... ... 2. Masc. ... ... ... 2 . Fenz. ... ... ... 3. &sc. ha-la-cu 3. Petri. [ha-la-ca]


3. ha-la-ca-a



al-lac ...

-TI ED a-lac " go "

Tf d+*y ~ 7 1 7 7 a-ha-bid "1 n'rsh-oy "

9 , ., tal-lac, k c . ... ,, tal-la-ci ... pirr =m il-lac ...


PZuraL na-al-lac tal-la-cu tal-la-ca il-la-cu il-la-ca

Dunl [illacH]



7{ a a-lic

JJ-J al-lic

>, all-bid

> ) tal-lic, kc. tal-li-ci !tfi il-lic

- tal-Iic


9 , na-al-1i.c ) I tal-li-cu , 3 tal-li-ca 7 9 il-li-cu ,, il-li. ca


7) [illica]


2. Max. .,. 77 ha-lic

2.fi)z. ... ,> (h)al-ci ... 3. Masc. , , lil-lic li-lic


*ET YJEJ la-cu

... 2 . e EM (h)al-ca

3. Masc. ... ,, ,, lil-li-cu li-li-cu

3. Feu?. . . . . . ,, lil-li-cu> li-li-ca


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I- -----


h a . . . [rial-luc] Ittajhal .. . Pad . . . al-lac

1 7 ... 77

@htauZ *.. Shnphel . . . [sal-lac]

IstapheZ . . .



ST STTT it-ta-lac

7 >1 i-na-al-lac

I 17 it-tal-lac

? j 5 yu-'al-lac

1' yul-lac

> > '1 yu-tal-lac

1 7 11 yu-sal-lac

)t '7 )us-tal-lac


cE ~ 7 - i-tal-lie




yu -'al-lie






ohteal . .. [it-lic]

N$hal .. . na-al-lie

JttapAa Z . . . PaeZ . . . (h)ul-lic

Qhfacrt - . . . [i-tal-lie]

Shnpknb. ' ... sul-lie '


h4 ~ 7 t . + ~ l mu-tal-la-cu

71 1 mu-na-al-li-cu

11 j 7 mut-tal-li-cu

? I f ) I&-'al-li-cu

)> 11 mu-tal-li-cu

7 ) 7 9 mu-sal-li-cu

fita@ital . . . [su-tal-licj i 11 1 7 mus-tal-li-cu

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Verbs 1"~.



I . [u-la-da-cu]

2 . idasc. . . . . . . 2. FC?TZ. . . . ... 3. Masc. [u-lid] . . . 3. $em. ... . . .

PZuYaZ. [. . . . . .. 2. JFasc. ... ... 2. lien. ... ... 3. Masc. . . . ... 3. Fern. ... ...


,, ,, tu-lad ,, tu-la-di

gzfire yu-lad

, ,, tu-lad

PZu7,aL ,, ,, nu-lad ,, ,, tu-la-du ,, ,, tu-la-da ,, , yu-la-du ,, ,, yu-la-da

Dual. ,, ,, [yu-la-da-a]


7; +Ey 37 a-la-du



1) ,, tu-lid )7 ,, tu-li-di

FZy7p (E yu-1'"

,7 ,, tu-lid


, ,, nu-lid 7 7 ,, tu-li-du

> ,, tu-li-da ,, ,, yu-li-du 7 ) ,, yu-li-da


,, ,, [yulida]





9 , ,, lid ,, ,, li-di ,, ,, lu-lltl

,, ,, li-du ,, ,, li-da ,, ,, lu-li-du ,, ,, lu-li-da


7 5 u-li-du




(PhteaZ . .. [telud] N$Aal . . . [nulud] IttapAaZ . . .

P~~tad . . . [ullad]

Bjhtaal ... Shayl'zel . . . [sulad] a . . . [sutelad]

*E=- EE b - ~ ~ y 446 i-tu-lad * 7 ,, [i-ne-lad] > , i-tu-lad

yu-'ul-lad " (yul-lad }

,, ,, ju-tul-lad 7 7 , yu-se-lad 9 ) ,, yus-te-lad

PP { i-tu-lid

9 ) ,: [i-ne-lid] 7 , it-tu-lid

i ' 2

yu-'ul-lid yul-lid

7 7 J yu-tul-lid I ) , yu-se-lid : I ) 9 yus-te lid

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N~)hab . . . nu-lid Iftaphal . . . PaeZ . . . ul-lid

Qhtaad . . . Shaphel . . . su-lid

Istaphad . . . [su-te-lid]



$ 7 & inu-ta-Ii-du

> > J mu-ne-li-du

1 J > 5 inut-te-li-du inul-li-du, mu-li-du qI4 p-rry LET 21 mut-ta-el-la-du

? ? ) ? inu-sa-li-du, inus-te-li-du ~z l l l yr &?J mus-te-li-du

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Verbs '"0.

2. Masc. ... 2 . Fc?~z. . . . 3. Jfasc. ... 3. Fern. . . .

PZwaZ. I. ... ... 2 . Masc. ... 2 . F ~ z . ... 3. AFasc, [iniku] 3. Fei?z. . . .

KAL. 1 i

EE cE i-ni-ku t



Sihgu la?,.

C: 27 *B i-na-ak

, ) ,, ti-na-ak 7, ,, ti-na-ki

) , ,, i-nak ), ,, ti-nak

PZu?*alT. 71 ,, ai-nak ,, ,, ti-na-ku , , ,, ti-na-ka I ) ,, i-na-ku



@hteaZ . . . jtenuk] EE -I< *@ i ti-na-ak EE *!< f+w i-ti nik N$haZ ... [nenuk] , I ,, i-ni-na-ak ,) i-ni-nik IttajhaZ . . . I ) , it ti-nak , it-ti-nik



f , i-en-nak ) 9 i-ea-nik P a d . . . [ciznak] ) ) I ) in-nnk 7 , in-nik

Ip/taaZ . . 3 7 , i y ut-te-en-nak j , I 9 yut-te-en-nik Shaphed . . . [senak] , f f yu se-nak , 3 yu-sc-nik Istnplzal . . [sateaak] ), I, yus-te-nak , 1 , yus-te-nik

DtatapiiaZ. . [satetinak] ST yv *:@ ) . ~ i - t ~ - t ~ - n a k , ) ), yus-te-te-nik



I )' ,) ,, i-na-kn ,: , i-ni-ka I i 7 ,, li-ni-ka


5-w li-nik

,, ,, ti-ni-ik ,, ,, ti-ni-ki

9 , ,, i-nik )f ,, ti-nik

Plural. )! ,, ni-nik ,, ,, ti-ni-ku ,, . ti-ni-kn

, i-ni-ku

I , ,, nik 7 , ,, ni-ki ? ) ,, li-nik

. . . Plu~,aZ.

. . . 9 , ,, ni-ku ,, ,, ni-ka ) , ,, li-ni-ku

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q h t e a l . .. [it-nik] ... I $$ -$< EE mu-ti-ni-ku

N~$hab . . . ni-nik . . . ) 9 )) mu-~li-ni-ku Ittaphad . . . [ni-ti-nik] . . . 9 > f 2 mu-te-ni-ku PaeZ . . . ua-nik . . . > > 9 mu-en-ni-ku Qhtaal . . . it-till-nik . . . > >, mut-te-en-ni-ku Shnphel . . . su-aik . . . t

1 7 9 9 i mu-se-ili-ku Ista$hnZ . . . su-te-nik . . . I 9 , 7 f inus-te-ni-ku (stataphal . . . [su-te-te-nik] 9 l 7 ) [mus-te-te-ni-ku]


N.B.-All these verbs are greatly confounded with one another, and had also a tendency to adopt forms borrowed from verbs Y"D, consequently the same verb (e.g. nsabz~) might have soine forms which presupposed a verb H' 9, others which plsesupposed a verb l"b (z~snbzt), others which presupposed a verb I"D (~znsnbu), &c. Thus the precative Zz~sib, lztsibzt given above comes not from nsabzt (verb ~ " b ) , but from z~snPzt (verb 7"~).

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$ v g t t : 2 : 2 :' 4 AAA

L4 c - 0 ; 3 r J G oil


TE.2 3 - 0-l 0 iu AAA $

AA c q & b.P- .* - - c A A

AA $ . 5 & s-4

@ sz 2 - A 4 & % Z Si



0 -. a) 3 .: 6.2.4-5 a$,ELL * c c o

*- cd .s *d s-4 6 q bb 2'

-hi d "n d -z 4 .g

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I. Ey calm-cu I rise"

71 dl cal-a-na-cu, "lrsfablis/cl'

2. &sc. 9 7 1, [camat, ca'anat] 2. Pem. - - 3. ~ a s c . +EM a ca-a~n

'-B-- ,, *:H &+f ca-in 3. Pe~ji. , ,, [caniat] [ca-i-nat]



a-tar . EET w at-tar (' 1 bri11g back " ,, ,, ta-tar, Qc. ,, ,, ta-ta-ri

,, , i-tar

, I :, 9 ,

,, ,, ta-tar


I . - - 2 . mas^. - - 2. Pent. - - 3. iMnsi, *EM a ca-mu, ca-i-nu

3.I;etz. ., ., ca-ma, ca-i-na


,, ,, na-tar ,, ,, ta-ta-ru ,, ,, ta-ta-ra

,, ,, i-ta-ru

,, , i-ta-ra

DuZ. Dual. %+


1 Dual. 3. , i-tu-ra-n i-ci-{a-a

3 *EH Ey If cam3 ,, ,, i-ta-ra-a

Si~~guLzrn. - I. yf ~5 a-tur, at-tur 77 (s a-cii "1

cut of" 2. a . ,, ta-tur, kc. ,, ta-cii 2. fin. , , ta-tu-ri ,, ta-ci-ii 3. Nasc. ,, i-tur , i-cii 3. &TZ. ,, ta-tur ,, ta-cis'

Plu~aZ. - 4 na-tur dl (s na-cii

,, ta-tu-ru ,, ta-ci-8u ,, ta-tu-ra , , ta-ci-s'a ,, i-tu-ru ?1 i-ci-s'u 1, i-ta-ra ,, i-ci-s'a

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S ~ ? Z ~ Z L Z ~ ~ * .

I . $7 E$ lu-ut-tur, lu-tur-ru

2. ~Mzsc. v~f f f f tir, tir-ra tar

4g cin duk 2. Pf~iz. J 7 ti-ri, ta-ri, ci-ni, du-ci 3. M andE ,, lit-tur, li-tur

4% du-ku " s?/zife j.p;" cinu "estac'dish ye"

,, du-c%, ci-nH ,, lit-tu-ru, li-tu-ru

Dual ,, lit-tu-ra, li-tu-ra


dJ]T 7f bJJJ tnl-a-ru to turn 1 EE *u t i - i ru *EW cE rf d- i -nu



h a l e / . . ,, 3 [na-ac-nu-un] Iff~@h~z/eZ. . . >) > 9 [nn-ac-te-nun]

P C . . . f + cu-un-nu, g r i i $1.

f e z . ,, > - Sha.+hc.l ... 7 9 [sa-ca-in] IstapAaZ . . . ,, ,, [sa-te-ca-an] A j h d . . . 7 7 ) - It'zphnl ... ,, 7 - ,Shap/ltzel . . . ,, 9 ) [snccen] Ista$/lad . . . ; 7 7 -


*Ti!& Ey]7 t t . 7 ic-ta-an

a7 23 'f! - it-ba-a

2 , 1, ic-ca-na an 1 ) 1 9 it-tac-na-an

11 > 9 i yu-uc-ca-an yuc-ca-an

99 ,, yuc-la-an

,, ,> yuc-na-an

,, ,> ic-te-na-an 7 9 ), y u-sa-ca-an ,, j7 yus-ta-ca-an 9 , , > yu-c~(y)an )) 1 7 yuc-ca-an ,, , 9 yu-sac-ca-an ,. ,7 yus-tac-ca-an

~T'fyrgY *+Y yu-su-ca-an

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+ < & Z+ < &% ic-ti-in T T T it-bu'


ic-ca-ain iKb/lnlel . . . ,, iz-za-nun Ittap/IaZcZ .... ,, 3 it-tac-nin

1 Pczzl ,, yu-uc-cin . '. ,, yuc-cin 1

y uc-ti-in yuc-ni-in ic-te-nin yu-sa-cia yus-ta-cin yu-cin yuc-cin pu-sac-cia [yus-tac-cin] yu-su-cin


[ci-tu-un] 7 [tc-bu] J



- uc-ni-in -

SLI-CU-L111 su-ul-cu-ur cin, cu-un -


a F.== Z+Y< )7L mu-uc-ti-nu


1. ,, inut-tac-na-nu

, , ,, mu-uc-ci-nu

,, ,, inu-tac-ci-nu 7 1 ,, mu-uc-ti-nu - 1, 7 1

1, ,, mu-sa-ci-nu ,) ,, mu-sac-ci-nu 7 1 , mu-ci-nu ,> ,, mu-uc-ci-nu

7 ,, mu-sac-ci-nu 3, ,, mus-tac-ci-nu , >> -

I t will be noticed that Palel and Iphtalcl regularly appear in these Concave Verbs, and that Niphalel and Ittaphalel take the place of Niphal and Ittaphal.

The permansive of Pael changes ayya into i, and has a passive or neuter signification.

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Verbs M ~ S , >"it 7.4, 9"4, ~ " 5 , KAI,.


2. ~7fisc. dT ccy na-sn-at . . . 2. I;~TIz. - - . . . 3 . nfnsc.+J-lEY i~a-su ...

3. Fern. 4 7 :& na-sat . . .

y a-gab-bi' Trg& ++ '(,.pea, ',

,, tn-gab-l~i'. . .

,, ta-gab-bi'

,, i-gab-bi' . . .

,, ta-gab-bi'


,, im-gab-bi' , , ta-gal>-bu ,, ta-gabbn

., i-gab-bu , . .

, ,, i-gab-ba ...


*@ ag-bi' E Z ~ f ab-nu' "2 Bt~iZt"

,, tag-bi' ,, tab-nu

,, tag-bi' ,, tab-nu

ig-bi' , ib-nu'

,, tag-bi' ,, tab-nu'


,, nag-bi' ,, nab-nu ,, tag-bu ,, tab-nu , tag-ba ,, tab-na

,, ig-bu ,, ib-nu

,, ig-ba ,, ib-na


2. M~zsc. ,, ,, ba-nu-u



1. ZZ lu-ng-bi' ~ f = Iu-ub-nu'

2. M~sc. ,, ,, bani, La-an ,, ,, khi-dh? z. Fenz. , , , ba-ni-i ,, ,, khi-dhi-i

2. PMZ. ,, ,, ba-na-a 3. Mnsc. ,, ,, li-ib-nu-u 3.Penz. ,, ,, lib-na-a


EY + ba-nu . '( to br~iZd"

E ~ Y Y * lf %* ga-a-b~l " fo qcnk "


3. ~TInsc. ,,, ,, li-ig-bi' , , i 1 1 'ff I naasu h Z i f i "

I 1 ba-nu

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Verbs yf'i properly have e in the last syllable, as ,"IT 'fr ~ ' ( j is-me-c " h e heard," but i f r equen t ly takes its place. In the plural we may have 'f+ ( is -~e-zc as well as 3 7 1 4$ is-nzz.



Iphtenl ... [kitbu'] Pad . . . ... pabba'] IpAfLIaZ . .. - ~ $ h a Z . . * nak-bd

If fajhal ... ,) ,, [nalc-te-bu'] iZli;3AaeZ . . . , , , , [nakal~bu'] ShaJhrZ . . . ,f ,, [sakba'] AE'aphot . . . ,, 1 9 [satkeba'] Shaphad . . . ,, ,, bakabba'] IstaphueZ . . . ,, ,, [satkabba']

SrSajhd Pass ... ~ r f ~ v* ku-ub-bu'


lj%feaZ . .. *I<'(& ~7 ik-te-bit

Pad . . . I , ,, yu-kab-bi' @At& .. . ,, ?, yuk-tab-bi' NihnZ . . . ,, ,, ik-kabi' IttnphaZ . . . 9 ,, it-tnk-bi' N$haeZ . . . ,, ,, ik-kab-hi' S/ia$hd . . . 7 9 , yu-sak-bi' Ista@aZ . . . ,? ,, yus-te-ik-hi' ,Yh~~ll/meZ . . . 1 7 ,, yus-kab-li' L I Z - . . . ,, . yus-1r:tbhi' Shajhd Ass . . . :, ,, yu-ku-ub-bl' 1


-y<T& $47 ZT ik-te-ba'

1 9 ,, yu-kab-ba' ,, . ,, yuk-thb-ba'

,> ,, ik-ka-ba'

9 7 ,, it-tak-ba' f ? ' , it-kab-ba' a

3 3 ,, yu-sak-ba' 1 , ,, yus-te-ik-bay ,) ,, yus-kab-ba' I, , yus-kab-bd

7 5 , , yu-ku-ub-ba'


q T ' ( kit-bil

9 t 9 , ku-ub-bi' 3, I ki-tib-bi' , , 1 J nak-bi' 7 J 3 ni-tak-bi' 9 7 [na-kab-bi'] , 9 ,) suk-bu' 97 )' su-te-ik-hi' , 9 [su-ku-ubbug

9 ) 7 , [su-te-ku-ub-bi'] -

Ip7lfccll. .. rF w'f y- ( muk-te-bu-u

PaeZ . . . 91 , t mu-kab-bu-u Ip/zfaaZ , 9 r , muk-tab-bu-u N$AaZ. . . 9 , 7 , muk-ka-bu-u

p$hatZ ... z-z &! Y)- { muk-ka1)-bu-u

Shap/EeZ.. . , J , mu-sak-bu-u Isto$haZ 9 9 1 ) mus-te-ik-bu-u ShapheZ ,, t mus-kabbu-u

1h"npAak f~ 1 ) mut-tak-bu-u / nnqhaez ,, , mus-te-kab-bu-u

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By combining the forms given in these Paradigms the student will be able to

obtain the forms of dogb@ di$ec~&e Y e d s Iike If f*& nlsg "to go forth,"

*Ey * Lam "to cling to," zfl tic. 6av2.4 "to come."


The Chamcters fo be ndded by the Student.


Kid (=Palel) ... gyTy pal-cit

IjAtnZeZ ... 71 ,, [pitlucut]

SajhnZeZ ... ,, ,, [saplacat] Istnp/lnZtZ ... 1 ) ,, [saptelcat] N$haZeZ . . . 7 ,, [naplacut] IdtnjhaZtZ ... ,, ,, aptelc el cut] N$hnZ?a . . . 7 ) 7, -

i-pal-cat " he crosses " { ii-lillu-par ht overthnnt~s

zfg q k - AIXX yup-tal-cat 3

, 7 ,, yus-pal-cat f , , yus-ta-pal-cat ,7 ,, ip-pal-cat 3, ,, it-ta-pal-cat 9, ,, ip-pal-ca-ta-at


ip-la-cit, iS-khu-pir yup-tal-cit yus-pal-cit yus-tapsl-cit

sztcd" it-ta-pal-cit



pi-tal-cat su-pal-cut sit-pal-cut


[na-te-pal-cat] ... ...



mu-up-tal-ci-tu mu-pal-ci-tu mus-ta-pal-ci-tu

mut-ta-pal-ci-tu mu-up-pal-cit-tu

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~ Q Z S L L Z ~ I 1 24. &-I to take

to mde

to choose

to extend

,, 2 1 ,:H &cgl/ naca-m / to beshaage

K ~ b s to be transIiii~ati.rZ and conj~gc~ten' by the Stztderr t.

to slay

yy & I1. -+! TY m 12. df*+-JH 13- +EM dl( 1 14. *;! &$

15. V 'It. T'r 16. FYI ql'k @ 17. f fc +Ey t--4- WF-4

18. ~ y f k n

19. 7f EF!! k3U 20. 'v y'r I9

to oversee

to nzakc bricks


f i rh to be co,y'~glzted and the Charncters aided 6~1 the Stl~dtnt.

3 0.


to conzp~ete

to ceZZect

to jvish

to hear

to trust

to destroy

to voss over

to curse

to ask

ha-pa-cu to sfnite

ma-la-cu to rule



to remember

to Jring

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VERBS to be conjllgied a d the CAaractcrs ad& by the Student.

e-ri-bu . . .

e-lu-u . . . e-ci-mu . . .

sa-la-lu . . . khar-pa-su

ca-vu-u . . . sa-tu-u . . . sa-la-pu.. .

ka-lu-u . . . na-ca-ru

ma-lu-u . . . s'a-liha-n~







to descend

to ascend

to str& to take

to spoil

to Be violent

to Burn

to drink

to pull out

to bwn

to d@

to $lZ

to go rozmz'

to decay

to cmsh

to $Y

to arrange

to brea4

sa-ca-ru . . . / to dukk

e-zi-bu . . . pa-ta-lihu

ga-ru-u . . .

ra-tsa-pu ( to build

to fovsake

to cut opeiz

to 7war

to build

to go

to hate

to see

to conquer

to be good


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VX 4 --4


Y YYY 4 * m


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e-la-at . . .

e-li, el . . .

e-la-an . . .

c-ma . . .

er-ti . . .


o r , ufi,)n, abore, fieside




I pa-ni, pan /

tsir . . .

sa . . .

sap-tu . . .

tic . . . *c-pu - a l


agaimst, upon

of; i i z regard to

by tht he& of



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a-na it-ti

a-na la

a-ila iin

a-na e-li

a-na er-ti

ul-tu ci-rib C

ul-tu lib-bi

ul-tu pa-i~i

i-na bi-bil, i-na bi-ib-lat

i-na a-di dhe-mi

i-na ci-rib

i-na lib-bi

i-na 8u-ki

i-na ni-rib

i-aa la

i-na pan

i-na e-li

i-na er-ti

i-na tir-tsi, i-na tar-tsi

i-na an-ni

ci la kc., &c.

1 to be with


/ to the $~/es~zce of

f~o?n the midst of

fmtlt befoore

i f z the midst of

I in the midif

I in the midst oj

near to

for waat of

fmtn bdofoue



i~z tht {$~y 1 I"" at this h e


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u 0?'~3.

vz ...

ti ...

ai ...


im . . . as-su

m u . . .

ci ...


la ...

ul ...

la ...


a a t e Y+Y verbs)


not (with the Imperat. or Precat.)

how ?


not (with verbs) 1

' I


her^, thz~s, S,S,


wherz, vzemz- whiley now

bchola', ~ O W

19. * Ey MY< q

ma-a . . .

sa ...

sum-111 a

al-la sa

a-di-sa, a-di e-11 sa

ar-ci sa

im ma- ti-ma

i-iia ma- ti-ma

ci-sa ..

lib-bu sa

sa ma-ti- ma

as, thus I

t-& (verb.' prefix of past / time) I

that, for unzma (see Ad- verbs)

wheir, btcause, ?~dzc~e, that

thus, whm

aftw that

in so jar as, zeth2e

afiey that

z;f at all

i?z any case


]&st as

22, ~7 er< ET

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The most common mode of forming the adverb in Assyrian was by attaching the termination -is to thc construct-state of a noun (whether sing. or pl.) ; as rub-is " greatly," el-is " above," suZZut-is [' for a spoil," caccab-is " like a star," sudu;lz-is " like mountains." T h e accusative case of the noun, with or without the mimmation, might also be used adverbially, as puZc2 " amply," ~ z b u r n '' greatly."

T h e genitive also, with or without the mimmation, is sometimes found ; as baistsi '* in ruin," Zubi~fi?~z " of old."

The most coinmon adverbs of place and time are the following :-

ai- uin - nia, a-di - I ya-urn-ma,

urn - ma . . . . la

al-lu, al-la, al-la sa

ar-ci . . .

u-di-ns . ..

ul - 1% - na, ultu ulls

zi-is . . .

ca-la-ma . . . /




at the same [timr]

f ~ o m that t h e , from of old

cu of old

of all hin2s

I ci-ha-am .. . t h w

lu-nia(h)-du much

inakh-ri . . . 1 forme~Zy

ma-te-ma.. . in tit~zespast

enill-na , . . 1 again I

e-nu-va .. . whe;il, at that t h e

tsa-tis . . . 1 if^ f u t u ~ e

sa-nuin-ma, i f z n;foueig1z sa - nain- land, else- ma wha*e

ina yuini at that tiuze suina

urn-maas-su because I

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D E R I V A T I O N O F N O U N S .

A large proportion of Assyrian nouns are derived from different forms of the verb. Thus from I<al we have the infinitives ~ ~ 7 7 ff( \T 1-g ra-kka-a-tszc " to inundate," <w EE - . y y ni-ci-i-izd " to cut off," and JEy &$ t T l y r *JJ'J szc-mu-zr-r24 '" to keep ;" the participle passive &a EZE -71 h-Zi-GMzfi " troubled," and the active participle ~7 I f &a ?za-a-Zi-cu ruling " where

the long of the first syllable serves to distinguish it from nzg-Zi-czc " a king," which is derived from the Permansive.

From Pael we have nouns like a ~ ~ 7 7 5T ha~-m-dz6 (' war-like," Zil;az-vzzc-nzt " injured."

From Palel, %7;11<1 ,yy<y nam-ri-ri " bright." From Iphteal and Iphtaal, rT77 bJJ $+ cit-~zt-6% " a meeting," Zat-626-su

" clothed," git-ma-Zu " a benefactor." From Shaphel, *-J zz saj-sa-kt6 " an opening," szcnz-czs-tzt " a

slaughter." From Niphal, g ~ j j j ( *?JJJ aab-kha-ru " collected," nab-ni-tu " offspring,"

~um-hha-rz6 (' a receipt." From the weak verbs come \vords like (r; C m ~ I Z ~ - Y Z L offspring" for

~tzzn'-im, sa-j tzd " summit" from xaszb, and from verbs 1"~, Zit-tu (for Zd-tzt), Zi-du, Zi-i-tzd, Zi-da-a-tu, and Zit-tzt-tzd, all meaning " offspring." Also forms which repeat the second radical, as Zi-ZiG-cz6 " a going," did-Zi-dg " a birth," dad~nzt " man," the Heb. adam 97M.

When a inonosyllable is repeated the last coilsonant of the first syllable is generally assimilated to the first consonant of the second syllable, as J-7 57 hah-ha-du (for had-&adz) " a head," ca-ac-cn-bg (for cab-cnbzc) " a star."

T h e prefix Mdenotes the instrument, action, or place, as ({ I f ETy ma?<-za-ew a l ( bulwark."

T h e prefix T (another form of Iphteal) builds abstracts, as 7- yf +EET . - * tas-me-a-lu " a hearing," le-ni-se-tzd " mankind," lu-ku-~-na-fu or tuk-ma-tu oppo- sition." Also adjectives as Tas-nzc-tzc " she who hears " (the wife of Nebo).

Roots may be increased by prefixing a vowel, as +-J' PS-)(II ad-ca-cat

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or id-ca-cat " stories," e-da-khzb " warrior,'' iuz-~rzi-v~ " youngling,'' zt-ta-a-ma '' lawgiver."

A word might be lengthened by affixing &zzd (also rnz~ or imzzt and W P L ~ ) to the construct; ~ j f ( *&xy 77 + ciY-ba-a-7.8% offering," w, EZJ T i s$

sil-dhn-a-%a "a king," vy 3 r$L tc-e$p-din-fzzt " a descent," 71 Fc. )gL a-ga-zu 1 I " a crown." Words so forined were collectives. I

Gentile nouns were formed by the termination a i (fem. aiku), as a I

dZy'fr ti-(h)a?~z-fa-& " a sailor," ETG zy r ~ y Tf yf Ba-bi-ln-ai '' a

Eabylonian," Duv-Saff-ci-nn-ai-di '. she of Dur-Sargon." Quadriliterals are occasionally found, as well as quinqueliterals, as a-sa-vi-du

" first-born," khav+z-su '( vehemence," kha-?~i-lwkk-khi 'I stores," kha-ba-tsi-id-la-tzk " a lily."

Many Assyrian words are borrowed from Accadian.


The chief phonetic rules to be remembercd are the following :-

I , A sibilant before a dental. generally becomes Z, as &a-mid-tzt " five " for kha-mis-fa.

2. A dental followed by s is (together with the sibilant) resolved Into i 'S or i, as A'f EE ha-ai-Szc or AT +$=yT da-izb for kaf-su

his hand."

3. A dental preceded by a sibilant, is assimilated to the latter, and when the sibilant is s the last rule takes effect, as its-tsa-dnt for its-dn-bnl " he is taken," is'-ia-calz and i-.fa-ca~z for is-La-can " he dwells,''

4. After a guttural, the t of the secondary conjugations may change to d or dh, as ik-dha-rd for ik-fa-rib " he approached."

5 . K h in the other Semitic idioms, is frequently replaced in Assyrian by h, or lost altogether.

6. Instead of k the Babylonian diaIect often has 2; as ga-lczt for &-tz~ ' l hand ;" and this change of letter sometimes makes its way into the Assyrian dialect.

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7. C frequently takes the place of K (especially at the beginning of a word), and also (but more rarely) of g, as (H +rrX %+ ci-yi-bzt for IEII +lYI *+ ti-ri-du '' neighbourhood," '$Z"J E ~ T ~ Y ci-bit for 1~11 ~ T y y y kC6it (' command ;" and where the other Semitic dialects prefer the softer consonants (g, z), Assyrian often combines c and ts in a root.

8. N is generally assimilated to the following consonant, as id-din for ifz-dig " he gave." Conversely, a double dental nlay be resolved into ad or nt.

g , IM may become 92 before a dental, sibilant, or guttural, as khmz-sn for &ham-sa "five," and then be assimilated to the following consonant, as ae i&hkhnv for i1~hhar "it is present." Conversely, double b or double p may be resolved into mb or 1?$, as i-nam-b~' for i-rzab-6%' " he proclaims."

10. E (Sf!) is always a vowel, and is very frequentIy used as inter- changeable with i.

N.B.-The Assyrians had considerabIe difficulty in adapting the characters of a foreign (Accadian) syllabary to express the sounds of their own language. Hence in the 3rd pers. sing. of a verb, whenever the form requires a prefixed z (in Pael, &c.), we have to supply a y; thus w y must be read yz~s, not zrs, ~ ~ T T E yzc, not a. Before 71, h has often to be understood, and sonletimes has to be supplied (though not written) after a vowel. M a n d v were interchangeable in Accadian, and possibly also in Assyrian ; at all events they are interchangeable in the writing, and Ey, e.g., must sometinles be read ma and sometimes va, a sometimes am and sometimes av. The chief dratvback occasioned by the syllabary was that a final guttural may be read g, c, or 4, a final dental d, dh, or t, a final labial b or j, a final sibilant s or S, and even z or ts. Thus may be either tzk, tic, or tik. Again, f! represented both zn and tsn, da or &a,

(YET di or dhi, and v+ bu orpu. Only a certain number of characters contained the vowel e. There was 11s sh or th.

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Estract from the Annals of TIGLATEI-PILESER I (1V.A.I. XVI, col. 8, line 39) :-

(39.) -BY E ~ Y Z E ~ 97 {T* FEY; !we W E ~ (40.~ 4 I!< -ypy EE~! li - ta - at kur di - pa ir - nin - tu tam-kha- ri - pa

The ~ecords of my w ~ Y Y ~ o ? , ~ , the Jattle-shout qf v y $Ji'Ci?zg,

V % 4 b (41.1 f cYI '7 --7 Yi -V' V +'l f i .f (TW suc - nu - us naciri tsa - 2 - ru - ut D.P. A - sur sa D.P. A - nu va the szrbmission of erzenzies hostile fa Asshzrr, zohonz Anu aed

--7 447 h2.) ltf (7- p-& 577 gyyyz & D. P. Rammbi~u a - na si - tsu - ti is - ru - cu - u - ni

Rirn mart to dest~zcction have gizw~,

(43.) EE d y %if If E E Y ~ (7-H -& 7- :Ejf (44,) EKT Uj i - n a D.P. na - r a a - y a va tiin -me - tli - ya a1 - dhu - ur 072 ??zy tablet and ~rzy foz~f~datio~z-st0116 I ?elrote;

EE *T e'ITYT -*T TI (=I (T*JEiU *-7 Q.FF (45.) ~ 7 - i - 112 bit D.P. A - nuv va D.P. Ranlin%ntl ili rabi

irz the ten$le L . A~llzl nzd Ximmon, the g d s great,

+I1 b :cYf (46.) 77 J-*T f f EEY "7b & ~ y ; f (47.1 (7-H beli - ya a - s a tsa - at yumi as - cu - un va

fir fkture days 1 established; ny lo~ris, arrd

W - Y d * +ir T PF Y 'f 1- ETI 7 (I* w*! 4+7- (48.) 'If Z :ETi ySr GF b D.P. na - ra - a - T sa D.P. Sam - si D.P. Raniinhna a - b i - ya 2 - n i - m i s

the taJIets Of Sanzas-Rivzmon my father duly

E E ~ , ~ E ! ~ T (x (49.9 7y Jy & *ll<l,jEy$ : l~~~%~{ i~ f ab - su - us D.P. niki ak - ki a - 11a as - ri - su - nu u - tir I ctca~zed : vicfifrzs I sacvi$ced : to their $laces 1' ?-e,rto7+ed (them)

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Y Y Y (so.) 71 &I (Y**YrQ .LUII Ylm 71 ? EZ~IT r y 'fr WT ( 5 ~ ) if &I a - na ar - cat yumi a - na YU- um tsa- a - te a - na

for futzu,e days, far n day Zo?zg heyeafter, for

Y - 4 ~1 ET -w q~-+: ~yyp ts2.) ~ 7 : +- ~y =my --7 y, (-7 <y-gg ma - te -ma suba ARC - u e - nu - ma bit D.P. A - nuv va

z 1 hatsoenrr prince heren ft~r (?-c@~rs). T.y/,en tl'rr tcf12ple of Afui nlzd

-9 4.H -I F. (53.1 EY- F. t$T FI (;i+H =I1 T(.ty E E ~ yf D.P. Rammbau ili RABU - te beli - ya va Bi-gur- r a - a - tn

Xi?nn~~?z, the gods giienf, y o r , and the tozlers

54.) Fly -.y< d! t=yll~ f- **y EY (55.) ~ y f -TI -7 -T<1 ZIT .f sa - ti - na yu - s a l - b a - r u - v a c - ns - khu an - lihu - s'u - nu

these grmu old, arzd decay, fhcir rz~ins

* Y H Y '1 (56.) ~ f l GT- yT k EE!~ (y+J -f= @ E E Y ~ (57.) p~+ lu -ud-clis I>.P, na - m - a - TI - ya va tim -me-ni - ya ni - mes

112ay he renm~), ?lzy tnb/ets and ?fly foundation-stones &I@

* P H & (58.1 7: & q y < y + li - ib - su - us D.P. niki lik - ki a - na as - ri - su - nu

?)my he cleansf, uicti?ns ntny hr slny, fo their places

B-VYYY I8.T ~'f!!. ~ W T Y T T (ss.) <y-H 4+ &Y -y< ZE~: HE{ :(y M l u - u - tir va sum - su it - ti - ya lil - dhu - ur

?nay he yestore, om' his 1znr17e with mine may he writc.

(60.) <H E7 YY< Ey **I yf (:I (y*H **! a# ( 6 1.) *+I )k E y + b ci ..ma pa - ti -ma D.P. A- nuv va D.P. Rammbnu ili rabi

.me myse7f, mny Afzn nntl Xi7?r???on, the grent gods,

EE 2 7 Ey Efz *'(!y (62.) <T*H -EW 1' % W E:K i - na dllu - ub lib - bi va ca - sad ir - nir-1 - te dha - bis

i ~ z sounthess of hen?-f atid co?~puesl irz bbnftle bauntzjrltZZy

<z -T -g.U &I (63.1 zyy =<: 4 7 % yf b :Ey: (Y-D *fz y* % EE~! lid11 -dhar- ru - su sa D.P. na - ra - a - TI - pa va tim - me - ni - ya

keg him. Ne who 71y il~srnz$tiotzs nnil MY fa~tadntion-stom

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(64.1 ZE v* EVE ZE ,' * .f (65.1 77 4 7 yf y++ EE d'f q q y z i - k h a b - b u - u i - S a - p a - n u n - na ~ n e i - na - du - u

shall cuncea?, shall hi(z'e, to the zuaier shnZZ l n ~ f ,

(66.) E =;at7 EE -:'(~r ~7 ~ 7 7 7 ~ (67.) EE d'f 5fl $t. i - na isati i - knl - lu - u 1 - na epiri

7uit/z $re shizZZ btci-~?: irz ~'ZLS:

EE -~yd Eyyr EE -'I ~yyy'( (if -+ (68.) 71 &H *Ey 71 Ey *yy<! i - ca - ta - mu i - nn hit cumllli (?) a - sar la - a - ina - ri

shnZZ cozf~r, i ~ z a hoz~se rdm~Ze~~~'oz~~z~l' j?) n pZme nut sect2

E'(- (7- EE 4 1 <@ A? (69.) *%? ?$ ~:]y EE <y* Ey pi - si - ris i - nn - ci - mu suln cad11 - m i - pa - si - dhu - va

the nanze nfrir'te~z shall erase, and

(70.1 F* 1 EE '$7 277 eu (Yt-H (r: (7- EI (71.1 (y* +-'-I sum - su i - ss - dlla - ru. va 111i - lim - nla lirn - na

> c + * EE If( # E=! (72.) 2 7 *+ ~ { i r d l F b EEYT i - kl~a - Ba - Sa - va a - na ps - an D.P. na - ra - a - TI - ya

shnil ~lcuise, nnd ncp'?zst z'/le face of 891 i.zscrz;6tiu~zs

(73.) E ~ ~ ~ K + M E E ~ ~ B (74.) -1 Ti+ <I'm -7 4 --Ib E7-FU yu - sap - ra - cu D.P. A - nu va D.P. Assmu ill rabi shall c~zlse to break, may Arc% and Assur, the gods gwt,

-11 F. EE!'li 4 Y Y (75.) t y -yy* $77 E tll4$,B * py El beli - ya iz - zi - is li - cal - mu - su - va nzy turds, strofigly i f $ r ~ " ~ him, and

ar - ra - ta ma- ru - us -, ta li - ru - rn - su Barru - Su i t ) a cz~rsc griez~ozls ??1nj7 thpy cz~rse him ; his Ki71gdorn

7 <B e* (18.) - ~ y z)( if (( -71 lis - ci - bu sul CUB& Sar(6) - ti - su li - Su - khu way they dissIpnG th nscefzlt of the thrutze af his ki7zgdom may f h q m o v e

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(79.) Jy -11 q< Ey [HI --yc (So.) ~7 )k &y tsab - hi bilu - ti - su lu - bal - lu cacci - su the arrnies of his I'arddg nzn. they n'eooz~r, his we@ons

4 M I" eD (81.1 7; =: -74c ++ gtrlr !E! % f @ + lu - sab - bi - ru. a - bi - ic - ti u111 - nln - ili - su lis - cu - nu

may they bwnk, the CEeSt~~tcti07~ of his army nzny thty cause;

(82.) EE 4 7 4 &! *EM (83.) (7- %+ ky i - na pa - an ilaciri - su ca - mis lu - se - si - bu - su in the preserzce of his rnen~ies sclholo 77my t h y cause hifa to liweZZ;

-7 Aq- . r r ( 7 y (84.) (1-Jjg yy C-14 - g y -ED p-J f-Q D,P. Rainrn2nu i - na Simiai khul - te mat - Su li - ib - tsu

may the A i q o d with ~cstiLc~zce destr-z~ctizle his Za72d cut o f ;

(85.) +=yl ~ 7 ~ 1 A7 -:+ y+ ++ ,111 -71 -+Y+YYYT r r - r r r r Y T rr( @6-) +4++ Y! ttT BLI - un - ka pu - pu - ta lrhu - sakh - khu pagri a - na

want qf crojs, famiue, (nnd) co~pses against

';* yr< E'I (z (I* P7.) 7 -11 -+y q WET 71 -T( 11 p?~ laat - ti - su lid - di' ana bil - ut ma - la - a - ti - su lik - bi'

his larzd nzny he lay; ugni7?st the so7/erc$rzQ of his full-power may he Qeah :

(88.) + n ++ ~7 .i. +,- -:Q +!qk sum - su zir - su iila inati lu - khal- li - ik

his anr?ze, his seed the kvrd nzny he destroy.

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A N A L Y S I S .

39. Ztnt, pl. fern., construct form. Kurdi, for Kz~ridi, pl. of &wad% " warrior ;" perhaps Ar, Jt~\d. jru, ~ O S S . pron., first person suffix. i~ninfu, with vowel prefix, from ~7 " to shout for joy."

40. tamhhari, gen. sing., Tiphcl derivative from TTKI " to be present," facing ;" hence " opposition " or " fighting."

sucnus, sing. construct, Shaphel passive deriv. from ~ 2 2 "to subject." na'cie masc. pl. gen., Kal participle of 723, the Ical of which is not used in


41. tsa'e~zd, masc. pl., construct of the ICaI part., tsa'i;I/zt " enemy," Heb. 72. The plural is also found under the forins tsa'eri, tsn'iri, tsahri and tsaj~dvz'. E is incorrectly written for 'i, which stands for vi.

Aria was originally the sky, Riuzwzo?~ was the air-god.

42. sitsuti, sing. gen. fern. verbal noun. Aram. H ~ W , Targ. 7 2 ~ l1 to destroy." isrucgni, third pl, masc. perf., Ma1 of snf-acu.

43. na7.8 (preceded by D.P. of '. stone" nbnu), apparently borrowed from Accadian. Nag/& (or ;tznra) is fem., with pl. nardti.

ti9fz?fzcni, pl. rnasc., borrowed from Accadian.

43. aZ~ihur for asdhu~, 1st pers. sing. aor. I<al of yuw <'to write." bri (for bayit), sing. construct ; Heb. ~ 9 2 ,

45, ili, pl. rnasc. of 'ilu; Heb. $N. ;~yabi, also rahrti, masc. pl., adj. ; Heb. 17, biZi or deli, pl. rnasc. of bch, Heb. Syl,

46. IS&, fem. pl. construct ; abstract noun from ~ y s (Ass. atsu) " to go forth " (literally " the goings forth," " that which will go forth ").

yumi, pl. masc. ofyuntu, Heb. a77, nsczbn, 1st pers. sing. aor. Kal of p~ (originally Shaphel of 173).

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43. 'ad;, gcn. sing. inasc. of adz4 ( i p ~ ) ,

'a~zi~~zes, adverb in -is forLncd from pl. of 'nni.l., " suitably, fitly." Cp. Ar. &\ - niszfis, r st per. sing. aor. Kal of " to cleanse." fziki, pl. of .isikz~ '. offering," " sacrifice ; " Heb. T!.

49. a&&, 1st pers, sing. aor. Kal of 3~2 (PZ~~ZL'ZL), from xvhicI1 ~l i j t 'z~ is derived. ' 'asri, pl. of 'l-tsru, " a place ;" Aram. (& Ar.) ~ n s , z4Zi>y7 1st pcrs. sing. aor. Alshel of tarzt, " to come back," becon~e," "be ;"

Heb. 7787 " to go about."

50. 'n~cat, pl. fern. construct of an abstract 'amfi for ng~i~u, " after " p. 7 7 N , yzmz tsi~te literally " day of the f~~ttu-e ;" yum in construct sing., ts8,ic abstract

fern, PI.

51. nzalelna " at any time," "at any place ;" Cp. I-Eeb. s p , ~ "when." YZL~ZL, irom 27, literally " a great one."

52. ensmm, adverb cornpounded of cnx (AT. \is &s), and the pron. ma " that."

53. SQu?v~tz~, pl. fun. of Sigu~?.n"tzc, " a closed place," hence " a temple-tower " or observatory, from -Q,D. I t is written ziggz~rvzta in the Babylonian dialect.

54. s~ f i~za , pl. fern. of the pron, szJntz4, sGtz4, agreeing with S~~ 'ZJPY~Z~M. yusaZbnvzfi-va, 3rd pers. mast. aor. Shapfacl of Zabavzc " to be old," with the

enclitic conjunction an: (4) " and,"

55. CVZ~~AZ", 3rd. pers. masc. pl. aor. I<al of h4Y. 'nnk&usitnu, for nnkhut-sz~rzz~, t +- s being replaced not only by t + ,f, hut also

by S alone. unkkuf is pf. rnasc. from 'unkhz~ a subst, derived from h3y, '~yizt; becoining 'a. dud&, 3rd sing. 111asc. Prccative Aphel of Andasz~ " t o be II~MT." Cp,

. Heb. ~ q n .

5 7. nifws for ' an i~es , as in line 48. Verbs M"D drop their initiaI radical in {nany forn~s, (See tny Assyria?~ G ~ a ~ z ~ u n v , p. 108).

Zibsus, 3rd masc. sing. prec. Ma1 from basasz~ (as above). likhi', 3rd masc. sing. prec. Ma1 from ~zikzt'zf (as above), the nasal being

assimilated to the following letter.

58. lgti~, srcl masc. sing. prec, Aphel of faffzfi (as above),

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59. s u ~ , sing. masc. construct of szcrfzz6 " a name ;" Heb. D V . idti, preposition ; Heb. RH, ZiZ./zuv, 3rd mass, sing. prec, Kal of sndhnrz~ (as above),

60. ynti7?zn, I st pers. pron., compo~unded of yn " I," the suffix ti, and the pron. ?~z.lza. L

61. &wb, sing. construct of the subst. dhz~bu; Heb. 2% (see line 62).

libbi, gen. sing. of Zibbt~ I' heart ;" Heb 25.

62. casnd, sing. masc. construct of cnsndzb " a possession," from cnsadzc " t o collquer,')

ig~rzinfe, gen. sing. of the collective ivni7zfzc (as above) ; "possession of the battle-cry " = i ( victory in battle."

&adis, adverb in -is from dhnbzt " good" (as in line G I ) . D R ~ b z b is for dh&vn"d u .

Iidhdhar~~zb, 3rd pl. masc. prcc. I<al of ~zndAnrzi " to guard ;" I-Ieb. 9253.

64. ikhabbu'u, 3rd sing. masc. future Ma1 of Khnbz~ " to hide ;" Iieb. N9n. (For the form see my Assy~inrz G ~ ~ a m m a r , pp. j 2, 5 3, 69).

i idjn~zz~ for iSn$jnlzzc, 3rd sing. masc. fkt. Kal of ~'apnnz~ I . to sweep away," with n f ~ r i in the 3rd syllable ; Cp. Heb. FrbD,

65. me, pl, masc. of 7mt " a drop of water." T h e reduplicated pl. ?nnlni also occurs ; Heb. t191;?,

ifzddft'z~ for z'nnddu'zz, 3rd sing. masc, fut, ICal of rzaddzd " t o place;" Cp. Ar. 2.

!j 66. 'isnti, pl. gen. fern. of 'is26 " fire" (Heb. WH),


ihnllu'a, 3rd sing. masc. fut. Kal of ;r5;, ('to burn " (as in Heb. and Ar.) 1 4

67. @ i ~ i ) pl, of $ ~ u or ejrzc " dust ;" Heb. 4DY, I

ic4fumu for icaffumu, 3rd sing. masc. fut. Kal of PA% with 26 instead of i it1 '

the 3rd syllable. bit cz~m?zi (?). Conjectural transliteration. T h e first ideograph is 'I house "

(Bitzc), the second " high " or " precious " (eZZzb), and the third " god " ( Z ) . T h e second and third, however, must be taken together as a compound ideograph, and perhaps denote the Assyrian Plutus,

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68. Zd aman'; in" "not" (Heb. N$), nnzari, the gen. rnasc. pf. after construct m a r of the adjective anzaafzt "seen ;" therefore literally " things seen " (Cp. Heb. TIN) ,

pisiris, adverb, in -is from j i s i ~ z k "an interpretation" (Heb. and Aram. YVD).

i1zdci77zzc for i7zncci1jzzc, 3rd sing. masc. fut. I<al of 1353 "to take.':

69. ipdsidhz~ for ipassidhz~, 3rd sing. masc. fut. Kal of jasadhz~ ( I to strip " (Heb. DWD)+

70. iiadhavzt for iSadhdha2.u (with n for i), 3rd sing. masc, fut. Iial of sadha?fzt (as above).

miZivzma, acc. sing. of miZi~~zmn or miZi?fzrrzq from 3'15 " to cleave to." A variant reading gives Zz~1.:zi7~za or ZZLV~ZU, apparently from the same root.

1 , Zinz~za, acc. sing. masc. of the adj. Zi??znzt (for Zi??zzt~za), agreeing with miZi?gmn; perhaps akin to Heb. (and Ar.) on4 '' to fight."

Z'Khniak'n-va for ihhaSSaSa, 3rd sing. masc. fut. Kal of khni'ns'u, with finaI u changed to -a through the influence of the same vowel in both the following and the preceding syllables; Cp. Kth . , &hasasa " to in- vestigate ;" Ar. kktass~z.

72. pan, construct of pn?zz~ ( ( face ; " Heb. D99P,

73. yasaprncu, 3rd sing. masc, fut. Shaphel of "15 " to break."

75. 'izzis, adverb in -is, from 'izzzt I' strong ;" Heb. ?Y, Zkdivzw, 3rd p1, masc. prec. Pacl of ~h "to injure" or ('revile," contracted

from Zicndiz"~~.~ u.

76. 'arra"ti, sing. fein. subst., fro111 7 7 ~ " to curse " (see Zi~z~r,@ below). nzarztsia for marutsta, fem. adj., agreeing with 'afwti, from P7D " to be

violent )' or " hard."

lirariu, 3rd pl, masc. prec. Ma1 of V N ,

77. Sa?*??uiw for-iarrut-sz~; sarf.ut fern. abstract sing. construct. Heb. 7tU "king." Ziscibw, 3rd pl, rnasc. prec. Kal of sacnbzt " to pour out ;" Ar. ,,L

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78. sgl, construct sing. of siiZu '. ascent ;" Shaphel pass. derivative of 253 ("ts

- - _ ascend." The ideograph may also be read iSid " foundation " (Heb. Tlbs).

cui'SzJ construct sing. of cztiiu'u '. throne" (as in Heh.) Z2izt.tkhzb for ZiSSukhz~, 3rd pl. masc, prec. Kal of RE;> " to remove."

79. t-cnbhi, pl. construct. of ~ S L L Z ~ Z L (I-leb. Hz) .*an army." hballzfi, 3rd pl. masc. prec. Pael of 352 " to devour."

80. cacti, 131. of C ~ C C Z C " a weapon ;" perhaps for cnvci (Aram. 713 " armour "). Zztsabbirfd, 3rd p!. masc. prec. Fael of 71'rZT " to break."

81. 'abicti, fem. abstract ; Cp. Eleb. "BPI " to destroy." '~nzr/za~zi, .gen. sing. fern. of 'z~mmnnzb "army ;" Cp. Heb. qlt9D "multitude."

- Zifcz~nz6, 3rd pers. masc. pl. prec. Kal of snccznu (as above).

82. cnlpzis, adverb in -&, from cnnzzb; Cp. Ar. \<. P 83. Zusesibzt, 3rd pers, pl. masc. prec. SIzaphel of nsidzb " to dwell ;" Heb, 1W9,

Sinz~zi, gen. sing. masc. of iSi/z?~dzt " a plague ;" Cp. Heb. DaW, 4 84. kAuZte, adj, agreeing with Sjmfgzi ; Cp. Heb. PI ,R. The Semitic root seems

to have been borrowed from Rccadian, wat, construct sing. of nzadu or ntutz~ " country," of ilccadian origin (ma-du);

Cp. Aram. Hnn. (See line 86). Zibtsu, 3rd pl. masc, prec. ICal of Yg3 " to cut off"

85. SunJa, acc. sing. of . C Z L ~ Z ~ Z L ; Cp, 'Talrn. i;13b " scantiness," " frugality." buJuta, acc. sing. of bubutz~ 'krops ;" perhaps Heb. 19 :' fruit " may be

compared. BztBzrtn is in opposition to S~~nkn. Khusnkh&hn, acc. sing. of KhusaKhKhz~ " need '' (Aram. huh).

86. jag?+, ace, pl. masc. of pagvzt " a corpse" (Heb, "9:C). matti for ~~zadt i (or perhaps natz), gen. sing, of gz&tzfi (see line 84). Ziddi,,' 3rd pers. sing. masc. prec. Kal of Prt3 (see above),

$7. nzal~tiSzt for nznL~tit-s?t ; ~zal8tiL, construct of abstract in i7'; from nznldtg pI. fern., from N$B "to fill."

Zz'kbi', 3rd sing. masc, prec. Iial of (in Heb., " to curse"). -

88. zir, construct sing. of 2ir'i.t or zer'zb '"seed " (Heb. Y3) . ZuklaZZiJ, 3rd sing. masc. prec. Pael of 3h-i ('( to divide," hence) .'to

scatter," ': destroy."

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THE LEGEND OF ISTAR.-OBVERSE. The Ci~ne$or~rz Characte9,s to be sz@pI'z'ed by the Stude~~t.

I. A-na mat NU-GA--4 kak-la-ri i-di-ya To the Za'nrzd of Hades, ?*egions of corrz@tio?z,

2. D.P. Tstaru banat D.P. Sini u-zu-un-sa [ci-nis] Istal; daughter of the Noo'nrl-god, her atte~ztiaa [deter'nr1zi7zed(y]

3. is - cun - va bsnat D.P. s'ini u - zu - un - [sa is - cun] jfxed, and the daz~ghter of the Moon-good her atte7ztia;tz $xed

4. a - n a bit e - d i - e su - bat 'il Ir - kal - la (to go) to the horhse of com-~@dio~z, the dweIli~~g of the deiQ IrkalZa ;

5 . a - 11a biti sa e - ri - bu - su la a - tsu - u to the hordse zuhose e~ztmnce (is) wit/lout exit,

6. a - 1-12 khar - ra - ni sa a - lac - ta - su la ta - ai - rat (u) to the road 7~lhose way (is) without retu'nryn,

7. a - na biti sa e - ri - bu - su zu - urn - mu - u mu - u - ra to the house (at) whose eiztmrrce they bridle in t h e l kh t ;

8. a - sar epru r~iahdu 1x1 - bu - us' - s'u - nu n - cal - su - nu dhi - idh - dhu a place (wha*r) dust J / L L L ~ ~ (is) their juod, thci~, z~ictuaZs (is) 772 ad;

9. nu - u - ru ul iin - nia - ru ina e - dhu - ti as - ba (whe9,e) l kh t not they sec, i~z dnr-k;tzess t h y dwell; and

10. cal (?) - su - ~ n a cima its - tsu - ri tsu - bat cap-pi ? I2e bids (is) the erecti~zg of (their-) wikgs ;

I I. eli dalti u sac - cul - sa inulrli cp - ru or1e?- fhe door and its ~ s c o abzr7zdafzce of dust.

12. D.P. Istaru a - na bdbi D.P. NU-GA-A ina ca . sn - di - sa Istar; to (at) 2;71e gate o f Hades at harr i z la l

rg. a - n a I- i-gab b a - a - b i a - m a - t u v i z - z a c - c a r io theportef- of the gate (his) iiuty re/rlzizds;

a q . a - n a n i -gab m e - c pi - ta ba - ab - ca

to f h e p o ~ ~ t e ~ qf the m~ate),s : Opr,z thy g ~ f e /

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I;. p i - t a - a b a - a b - c n - v a lu i r - r u - b a a - n a - c u 4ben th., grtc, a d id we ate7 in ;

16. sum - ma la ta - pat - ta - a ba - a - bu la ir ru - ba a - 11s - cu noE thou @elzest the gate ( a / ~ d ) not I cjlter i j c ,

17. a - makli - kha - ats dal - tuv Sic - cu - ru a - sab - bir Ifor-cc. fhc gntc, the balk X break,

IS. a - 111akIi - kha - ats Si - ip - 1x1 va u - sa - pal - cit dalbti I;force the tir~sdioid, aand I cmss the doors,

19, u - s e - e l - l a m i - t u - t i acili pal - dhu - ti I ~nise the &d, the dei?ou~cvr of the Zkji~zg;

20. eli pal - dhu - ti i - ma - hi - du 111i - tu - ti doze Lf/le Ziui~tg e-vceed tire &ad.


I. The Accadian MAD NU-GA-A is IiteraIly "land of the not returning," za'n being the participle of gii " to return " (see .Y;3~ZZnbn~y), I t is rendered in Ass. by n~at-Lz-rznci?.i. " The land from tvhence is 110 return " is a good name for Hades.

kakkavi, acc. pl. of knhhnrg, Heb. 723 (see illy Ass ;~Iz~~~x . G~*nmnznv, g. 29). ddi, written dde in line 4, gen, sing. of &JIL '' corruption," as Dr. Schrader has

we11 explained it fi-om 7-7789 "to pass away."

2. Istay, the I-Iebrew Ashtoretb (Astarte), the Moon-goddess and Semitic Venus.

6675azat, construct sing fern. of bnatz (also dbtzr, i.e. dkitz~) *' daughter" (Heb, nq), Sin, the Moon-god. r

'zczan, construct sing. of 'ZIZUEZL or 'ZLZ~ZZL *(ear" (Heb. ~ ~ N ) , cinis ?, supplied by Dr. Schrader, adverb in -is from adj. cina (173).

3. i z a ~ t , 3rd sing, masc. aor, of sncn7zt1. It will be noticed that here as frequently elseivhere a feminine no~ninative is joined to a masc, verb.

4. sabnt, cocstruct sing. fern. of suba"dz6 from 3 ~ s I' to sit " or " dwell,"

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5 . e~ ibz~ , nom. sing, masc. infinitive (or verbal noun) fronl 279 (( to enter" or " descend."

'afsz~, nom. sing. masc. verbal noun from ~ ~ f ' l "to go out." T h e literal trans- lation of the line is of which its entering (there is) no outgoing."

6. kkar-~n-zi, sing. oblique case of hhav?.n?zzt, a word originally borrowed from Accadian, which gave a name to the city of I<harran or Haran (Gen. xi. 3 I , &c.)

'niacin or hahifa, sing. fern. of hninrtu from T+:, "to go." tni~rat for tnig~nfzt (as often in the case of characters which denote syllables

beginning and ending with a consonant), for fayavta, sing. fern. from 77n '( to return."

7 . zztpnwzu, 3rd pl. masc. (used impersonally) Pcrlnansivc (or Perfect) Palel of 971. Cp. Targ. " bridlc." In Ass. zuz.lznni " inlpassable " is used of roads.

fzzl~a, acc. sing. of ~ Z Z L Y Z ~ "light" (so in Heb. [73], Aram. and Ar.) 8. ' ~ S U Y '' a place " (see abozle) often has the relative sa ((' in which," " where ")

understood after it. nzakda, nom. sing. masc. adj. agree;ag with @?a. Cp. Heb. T M ~ , bz~6aSSz~~zzt for b ~ d ~ ~ i - s z ~ ? z ~ (see nboue). 'scad, construct sing. of the verbal noun dcnZzt " food," fronl 53H "to eat." dhidhdhz~, nom. sing. in opposition to ncad. Heb. U~D.

9. if?zmap.zt, 3rd pers. pl. masc. present Kal of 7D3, contracted fiom i~zafizfizznrz~. edhufi, gen. sing. of cdhufzt " darkness," from. PsDY, " to hide," as Dr.

Schrader has pointed out. 'as&, contracted fi-om a s h - n for asdzz-un, 3rd p1. masc. Permansive (or

Perfect) Kal of 'nsnbzt, contracted from 'nsi6zc (also jlnsibu), with the enclitic co~~junction.

10. T h e first word I cannot read. 'itststri, pl. masc, of 'irsdszwzt " a bird " (As, Jjb,, Heb. 77~2).

fszbat, construct sing. fern. of tsub&u " a placing," from 329, T h e reading and meaning of the word, however, are uncertain.

cnjji, pl. masc. of cn))ft, contracted from rafzaju (Heb. q33), the double letter resulting from the assin~ilation of the nasal.

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r z. dnlti, gen. sing. fern. of r?'nZtz~ (for cdnlitz~) '< door." (So in Heb.) saccztZ, construct siilg. of .raccuZz~, which Dr. Schrader has well cornpared with

fir. J& "likeness." A Syllabary makes ?~zesc~zZzX a synollylne of daMzc.

~~zztkh, construct sing. of IPZZL&/ZK~Z~, froin the aclj ective mdih, which was bor- rowed from Accadian.

I 2, bdbi, gen. sing. of 8$6% "gate " (as in Heb., &c.)

casidi, gen. sing. masc. of the verbal noun cnsadz'zc '' a reaching," fi-om cczsndzc " to take;" Cp. Ar. ah(.

13. ~zkab, construct sing. HI~SC. Dr. Schrader derises it fro111 a root 922 " to go round."

'nffz~iztv, sing. fern. for 'ai~z~~ztzcv " fe'eaItj~,'~ "cfuty ;" Heb. $tYN " faithfulness." izxaccavj for iztaccm*, 3rd sing, masc. present Iphteal of '93).

14. 9182 " waters " (as above). pit^, forpiti-n with the augment of rnctioti, 2nd sing, rnasc. imperative Kal

of $aid " to open ; " Heh. RRD. See also next line.

15. i vrda , 1st pers. sing. mmasc. aor. Ma1 with aug~i~en t of motion, fram evibzd. The ayin of the first syllable is replaced by a reduplicatio~l of d ~ e 211d radical.

I 6, szmzmn, adverb, perhaps from b4W " to place." tafnttg, and pers. sing. present Kal with augincut sf motion, frcimpnt2.

r 7. amaKhkhal~; rst pers. sing. prcs. Kal of yi-in, Siccuvzd, sing. noun (a pacl derivative) ; Cp. Ai-am. N"ID "bolt*" nsabbir, 1st pers. sing. pres. Kal of ?3We

I 8. Si$$z~, sing. noun ; Heb. qb. ~sa$aZcit, 1st pers. sing. aor. Shaphel of the qnadriliteral jnlcitzt ; Cp.

AF. >Lj (?)

19. usella, 1st ppers. sing. pprcs. Shaphei of 8519 ('to ascenil," with fl on account of the 0yi;lz.

.~./zitzZti, pl. masc, part. pass. Kal of ff"l19 i' to die." 'nciZi, pl, construct part. pres. Kal of acah, " to eat." $aZd&iii, pl. masc. p s t . Ral of $ah&% or boludhu, .'to iivc;" Cp. Web. 0%73.

20, i?mrhi&~, 3rd pers. pl. mast, pres. I<aI of mzhnrlzt. (whence nzahdg, " much," line 7).

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2% I'i'n/zdite~,~~tzui~ b be siqjpliccl' by the SI'?ddejzt.

1. 7 E E ~ zyyj * ~ g y y t 7 q y $57 ? mag he 1-eii10~~~7, and

2. q7. --$117 1-g typ$i zy!l& !JFy .yyyg 1 if y* JEJ + the of@~*i?zg 70h0 raises the head anro:ts tee?z,

2. q y y ~ q ' < y 1; r +-q -y< 1 gyly 9 th'lze o f for fiis Z&$ he gave,

4. s &I ~Tllz -lyq' =EYI T a LT E;; my ETYy $ the h(zd of the of/rCpraizg for the hmd of tAe man he ,raw,

the b~o-11 of the q f i j r i ~ j ~ fur the brow of the ma?z he gore,

6 . zT -y< =yyyE= + y y q y Ejjq wy< := a! g g y y $ the breast of the of@p-ilrg for the bt+east of the ?/zurz he ,rrazlc:


2 . Cp. Ar. " to hcar eggs." Xotice the correct use of the case-endings in , this inscription.

The Accadian Sl lK I LA (so gan'hu-Za is to be read). literally " head-raising;" must be rcplaced by some corresponding Ass. adj. or part. of which -u is the phonetic complement. The Syllabaries re11cIer the ~vords by .s-isa-naszi.

avcl'kij abstract fem. sing-,

5. cisad (see c ~ s n d i above).

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The EzgZish h.n~tsZ~ztion to fie sz@pZied by the Stcrtl'ezf.

1. - fez ~ y f - - ~ r y y - -7 p4 v - --I .fi ( q-2~ +tt bil - luv e - bil - li ili sa iila same u irtsi - tiv

.If 7 (7- ~ ~ 7 7 EE gn e - dis - si - su tsi - i - ru

2. 71 v* **y d l +*7 J T t ++ TEE **I 8 ~ 7 7 - *+y a - ~ L I D.P. Na - an - 11ar be1 - luv 'ilu dhabu e - bil- li ili

3. 7; ?$* **! dl **7 I ~ E E [tE H] Ey* ( ~ l f H *~@jZ~~ rrTk

a - bu D.Y. Na - a11 - liar bil - luv i - lu rab - u c - bil- li ili

4. Tf y* *-7 -'I -*y &E: ++ ~ E Z **y ((( ~ y f - t-cE77 - p-2-7 a - bu D.P. Na - an - nar bil - Iuv D.P. Siuu e - biI - li ili

3. 77 v* --I 4 7 +*l EYE f%r"lj ~ 7 7 y ~ *77Q EYT E Y ~ H +E$EJI HI a - bu D.P. Na - a13 - ilar be - el U - ri - e e - b i l - li ili

6. 7; v* **! 2 7 **I fcyjy CyIfl ~7 ~ ( 3 Ey- - ++y be a - bu D.P. Na - an - ilar be - cl bit ixmuili e - bil- li ili

7 . If v- --7 *-7 JETE - f q y yv qy4 ~ 7 7 & y y* q y z a - bu D.P. Na - an - nar be - el a - gi - e su - bu - u

.7f - *z=yy - *ty p3q e - bil li ili

8. If **I d l --*l HE &H -$u 47 ~ ~ 7 7 ~ f f { (v $z: a - bu D.P. Na - a11 - nar sa Sar - ru - tav ra - bis suc - lu - luv

y lp, --'I p44 e - bil - li ili

9. 1 - --'I -'I --I EYE - ey< ((I* '~<YC -$yyJ IC(- -y a - bu D.P. Na - ail - nar sa illa ti - di - ic ru - bu - tau

EE :4 <(Ty +!I -77 i-+ t~E77 - **y F* i - nad - di - kllu e - bil - li ili

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lo. V- 'D *T<T* =;iT V GF *TI1 -gY '91 F. *TT<T *T< bd - ru ik - du sa kar - ni gab - ba - ru ss mes - l i - ti

- I - - - -- (v It; H s q+ E s + EE E=< suc - lu - luv sic - ni uc - ni - i sac - nu

11. pEJ i$*yI 3- { -q * ~ y T'f Ey c T T ~ E c u - uz - b u - u la - l a - a ma- lu - u


I. ebiZLi, 3rd pers. masc, aor. (with i termination) "he rules," from 52y arlothcr for111 of sy2,

'edissi-szb " he alone," anoinaIousIy formed fro111 adverb ddis. tsT~u, " supre~e."

2. Namtar, ,'' the luminary," a name of Sin, the Moon-god.

5. Ure, gcn. of Ur, the city of Uru (now Mzg-kei~).

6. samuZZi (in Accadian SIR-GAL) = " image." Heb. $ n ~ .

7. age = " of crowns " ; (the Semitic root was borrowed from Accadian). sub@, Shaphel pass. part. of ~ 7 2 "to come" (referring to the moon's motion).

8. suchZu, Shaphalel pass. part. of 539 " to be able," ' ( to prevail."

g. tidic, construct sing. of a (Tiphel) noun with prefixed t, from d ~ c u (= Heb. 337).

ifzaddiKhzt -- (( he will drive."

10. bu'-rzt, or buhru = " brilliance " (as in Ar.) ikdzt r " mighty " (of Accadian origin). mwriti = " the feet " or "limbs." Dr. Schrader compares the Heb. Iqt2,

I' coat of mail," which in Ararn, signifies " the artery" or "nerve." sicni = " habitations." ucnF = " marble " (probably of Accadian origin),

I I . cuzbz~ = " beauty." Norris compares Heb. 2w. IaZ8 = (' fulness," fi-om Accadian la(, " to fill " (see kSjZZabar-).

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The text to be t~ar~slitemten' by the student,


I . ??zz~Ztahti, " r ~ i l ~ ~ i ~ , " fern. abstract from the I phteal part,. of ,DMW ( ( to make a noise," with 2 before t for s.

ii&, " fierce ;" Cp. Heb. BDY (Aram. "IY) (( to tread," " oppress."

2 . sn = "of wbom." hi^, '' back " (Ar. J&). tztcz~ZLi = (' service."

r'n&hnzi, weakened from takhatsi, for takhkhatsi (tnmkhntsi) " battle," frob ync.

. - 3. D.P. asinnye, " spears ;" Cp. Heb. 7nDD " a nail."

aznik = " I pierced " (Cp. HeE. ?t " a dart," pat " to shoot forth "). - T h e printed text gives nzLhzZ, which must be wrong.

zztrnzw, body ;" ideograph of " body " or " sltin," with phonetic colnplement ~ z z t ~ . Delitzsch compares the Talmud 31'1~3 "wind in the stomach."

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The text to be t~a?zsCite~ated by the Si'zde~~t.


2. 19ttZ~tZti ~ z j b z ~ f i " the action " or " right of sovereignty ;" vzeduZti, fem. abstract from s$;, (' to act " (especially " to act ~vonderfully ").

3. cibit = " colnlnand " (with, weakened guttural from Dl?).

-7 f+~! fl = Adar.

ticZZ' ministers ;" same root as fucultzz.

4. D.P. kh'litbnb =. " ropes," Heb. hh,

~zzukhklin = (' over " (of Accadian derivation).

ztmaifi', 1st pers. aor. Pael, " I stretched." Rr. I,, " to stretch a cord."

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71 4 4 4


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Y 2 4 3

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sa $1 2 + 4 4


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765. These are the Minni of the Old Testament.

~za?nuvrat, fem. sing. construct from ?tama?fzd " to see."

166. Wp. " he fled ; " Cp. Heb. Y ~ Y , p in Assyrian replacing 6.

~vaSSiv; see line 163.

suzwb, Shaphel pass. verbal noun from 3 Z t " to savc."

+zapisti " life; " the plul-a1 sign is not to be read in Assyrian.

eZi " he went up" from PI$,

167. avtedi, Iphteal from 379 (Heb. 777) " to descend."

s~sz ,~ " spoil " (Cp. Heb. ?bW), mani = " countable number." (Keb. 2 3 ~ ) .

r 68. a66aZ " I strew down " (Heb. 553).

gg-zw for aggw " I dug up )' (Heb. 7129).

as"@ '' I burned " (Heb. 9%)).

r 69. Zimdu from 775 " to cleave to."

acsud " I took," with hone tic complement zd.