Association of National Numbering Agencies scrl Annual Report 2008 numbers the world

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Association of NationalNumbering Agencies scrl

Annual Report 2008

numbers the world


Contents2 Chairman’s Reports4 Objectives and Mission Statements of ANNA5 General meetings – administrative review8 ANNA Service Bureau – Report9 Securities business and ISIN implementation –

worldwide10 Allocation of ISIN for new financial instruments11 ANNA Working Groups and Task Forces14 List of members as per April 2009

AppendicesA ISO 6166 – An outline of the standardB ANNA Guidelines for ISO 6166C Geographical division of countries

among substitute agenciesD ISO 10962 – Outline of the CFI-(Classification of

financial Instruments-)Code



Dear ANNA members,

With the closure of 2008, we witnessed anunprecedented series of events across theglobal financial markets. It was until recentlyunimaginable that we would observe some ofthe world’s largest and most respected bankscollapse or be on the verge of collapse.Governments around the world implementedquick and decisive actions to try to stem aneven more serious decline – including theintroduction of financial stimulus packages ofincredible proportions and government gua-rantee schemes for selected financial instru-ments. The financial crisis sweeping acrossthe global economy is one of the mostserious challenges ever faced and has resul-ted in a sharp downturn in economic growthand impacted financial stability in all cornersof the world.

Although the challenges faced by ANNA arenot comparable with the severity of the situa-tion which the global economies are facing,the past year and the future will continue topresent the membership with circumstancesand challenges also requiring in-depth consi-deration, quick and decisive actions.

To recap some of the key elements the ANNABoard and the membership focused on duringthe course of 2008.

An in-depth review of the legal documentationgoverning the ANNA membership was under-taken both within the Board and with the assi-stance of external legal counsel. Proposedchanges were presented to the membershipat the Ordinary General Meeting held inLuxembourg in June. The proposed changeswere adopted by the Membership with a sig-nificant majority vote in favour. It is our taskto ensure these documents continue to evol-ve with changes within the Association.

Continuing on the regenerated relations withthe ISO Central Secretariat, members of theANNA Board developed further positive and

interactive dialogue with ISO – assistedthrough efforts of the SC4 Chairman. Ourmain focus with ISO was to negotiate theRegistration Authority Agreement for the ISO6166 standard - a task that has required aconsiderable amount of time and effort andcontinues into 2009. I remain very optimisticthat this will be concluded in the very nearfuture and thus allow ANNA to close the gapregarding a documented agreement with theISO Central Secretariat. A comprehensivestatus overview of these efforts was present-ed at the Hong Kong Extraordinary Meetingin November.

A further event that requires mention was theassociated market impact of the RussianRegulation related to CFI assignment.Discussions culminated in a visit to theRussian Regulator along with the SC4Chairman, to agree on implementation andadoption details by the membership.Compliance resulted in a substantial increasein the level of CFI coverage by the ANNAmembership.

Also to mention are the discussions that tookplace with the European CESAME group andthe Commission on the topic of ISIN licen-sing. The evolution of the discussions hasnow put the commercial issues associatedwith this practice at a level that largely remo-ves ANNA’s involvement in the next stages.

During the course of 2008, we were againpleased to see the membership compositionof the Association continue to increase – thusfurther emphasising the truly global nature ofour mission and objectives. The ANNA mem-bership was pleased to welcome the followingcountries as new members of theAssociation:

� Azerbaijan � Gabon and CEMAC countries � Nigeria � Oman

Chairman’s Report 2008

The ANNA Board of Directors

Chairman: Mr Dan Kuhnel Euroclear BelgiumVice Chairman: Mr Terry Allison London Stock Exchange United KingdomExecutive Secretary: Mr Georg Eisel Wertpapier-Mitteilungen GermanyTreasurer: Mr. György Dudas Keler HungaryMarketing Director: Mr Martin Paladíno Caja de Valores Argentina

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Additionally, the following countries were end-orsed with the ANNA partner status:

� Belarus � Bolivia � Dominican Republic � Syria � Vietnam

As a result, the ANNA membership nowstands at 78 full members and 22 partnersrepresenting 113 countries (two numberingagencies representing several countries).

We continue through a challenging period forthe global economies and the future evolutionof ANNA will also continue to face challenges.ANNA has been presented with the opportu-nity to adopt and apply new financial stan-dards. The membership will need to take aninformed decision on their ability to supportand maintain such standards. This wouldimply a new chapter in the evolution of theAssociation which can only be determinedthrough discussions and decisions from themembership. Additionally, the ISIN standardrevision continues at the level of SC4Working Group 1 and this too could potential-ly have a fundamental impact on our scope ofcoverage and areas of responsibility.

The Board continues to make every effort toensure that ISO standards and ANNA’s role inthe financial standards world are maintained,nurtured and developed. Standards will playan ever increasing role in the global financialmarketplace in the months and years to comeand thus ANNA needs to ensure its’ positio-ning and strategy evolve with foresight tosupport the global marketplace we serve.

I very much looking forward to coming yearand the next chapter in ANNA’s history.

Yours sincerely

Dan KuhnelANNA Chairman


Objectives and Mission statements of ANNA


1. Global promotion of ISO standardsunder ANNA's Control as RegistrationAuthority

� Give assistance to members� Promote National Numbering Agencies

(NNAs) involvement� Give assistance and support to market par-

ticipants with regards to standards � Full ISIN coverage where no NNA exists� Support ANNA membership� Monitor ANNA members rights and obliga-

tions� Define role of Partners and Substitute

NNAs� Develop marketing strategies and increase

visibility of ANNA

2. Make available

� International Securities IdentificationNumber (ISIN) allocation according to ISOStandard 6166

� Classification of financial instruments (CFI)allocation according to ISO Standard 10962

� Dissemination of ISIN and CFI throughNNAs and ANNA Service Bureau (ASB)l

� Products of the ASB: ISIN_Access (Look-up service) and ISIN_db (Daily datafeed)

3. Quality

� Develop and proactive maintenance ofISIN- and CFI-guidelines

� Monthly reporting by ASB and other statisti-cal information

� Assure timeliness / accuracy / availability

4. Committed to work with the financialindustry

� ISIN- CFI- guidelines� Interaction of ANNA with the external world

Mission of ANNA:

ANNA, the "Association of National Numbe-ring Agencies”, is fully committed to proactive-ly promoting, implementing, maintaining andmaking available, standards for securities andrelated financial instruments, in a uniform andaccurate structure for the benefit of their homemarkets and of the securities industry as awhole.

Registration and maintenance of internationalstandards under ANNA’s responsibility, isenacted according to rules and regulations setout by ISO, the "International Organization forStandardization”.

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1. Ordinary General Meeting, Luxembourg,June 5 & 6, 2008

Dan Kuhnel (DK) welcomed the ANNA dele-gates and thanked Clearstream BankingLuxembourg for hosting the meeting and fortheir efforts to assist in making this meeting asuccess. 43 ANNA members were present atthe meeting and 19 additional members wererepresented through a Power of Attorney.This represented attendance of 83.8%, morethan sufficient to establish the necessary quo-rum to proceed with the meeting.

György Dudas (GD) presented the financialresults of 2007 and the forecast for 2008. He answered some questions posed by themembers on details.

One Board member and two ASB Boardmembers were to be elected. The only mem-ber nominated for the ANNA Board electionwas Euroclear Bank, which was unanimouslyre-elected for another period of three years.Three candidates were nominated for theASB Board (Spain, Russia and Turkey).Spain and Russia were elected as new mem-bers of the ASB Advisory Board representingthe ANNA membership on the ASB Boardeffective from the close of the LuxembourgGeneral Meeting.

Two new members applied to become fullmembers of ANNA: The CJSC ”NationalDepository Center” (Azerbaijan) and theMuscat Depository & Securities RegistrationCo. (Oman). This was unanimously endorsedby the meeting delegates. Several applica-tions for partnership were presented. TheEntidad de Depósito de Valores de Bolivia –EDV (Bolivia), CEVALDOM DepósitoCentralizado de Valores S.A. (DominicanRepublic) as well as the Republican CentralSecurities Depository (Belarus) applied forANNA partner status. All applications wereunanimously endorsed by the meeting dele-gates. As a result of the applications, theANNA membership now stands at 76 fullmembers and 21 partners representing 109countries (two partners represent severalcountries).

Concerning the review of documents gover-ning ANNA, Georg Eisel (GE) summarizedthe key items of the reviewed documentsgoverning the day-to-day business of ANNAas well as regulating ANNA's outside rela-tions.

A major discussion took place on the inclu-sion of the ISO 10962 (CFI) Standard in theArticles under ”Objects and Purposes”(Article 3), instead of including them in anadditional document since it was deemed the2nd major standard for which ANNA is RA. TheBoard confirmed that there is no doubt aboutthe importance of the standard, but proposedthis way of handling it would also be morepractical in light of possible additional stan-dards.

The ANNA membership was asked to en-dorse two resolutions, one concerning theproposed modifications to the Articles ofincorporation, and another the Letter ofUnderstanding regarding Service Level onISIN and other standards. Both resolutionswere adopted.

Martin Paladino (MP) reminded the membersof the marketing brochure. Additionally, aNewsletter was presented to the members inpaper form that will also be made availablevia the ANNA web and via email to be sent toall the representatives after the meeting.

DK presented an overview of the status ofaction items from the General Meeting inJohannesburg as well as the activities of theANNA Board since the last General Meetingin November 2007.

Finally, an overview was given on the keyareas of focus for the ANNA Board such asISIN licensing discussions and interactionswith ISO on Registration Authority Agreementand the revision of legal documents. DK con-firmed that a draft agreement between ANNAand the Substitute Numbering Agencies hadbeen circulated to the SNAs and commentswere outstanding.

In respect of the discussion with ISO (ISO6166 revision and ISO Service LevelAgreement), TA gave a presentation on thedifferent aspects of the discussions.

DK outlined that the commercial issues withISIN licensing no longer appear to be anissue for ISO, due to their confirmation thatcommercial issues cannot be part of an ISOStandard.

Upon request by a delegate, Nourredine Yous(NY) confirmed that official recognition of theCFI required by the Russian authorities isproved either by the ASB database or the

ANNA administrative review 2008


responsible NNA’s website – both of whichare acceptable to the authorities.

The status of other standards was summari-zed by NY.The voting deadline on ISO CD 6166Standard will be July 15, 2008, which willthen go to DIS voting. Technical open itemsare mainly definition and allocation rules ofStructured Products which will be handled atthe next ANNA WG2 meeting in September inthe US. The minutes of previous WG2 mee-tings will be put on the ANNA website.

Additional standards for which ANNA couldbecome RA are ISO 18773/18774 (FISN –Financial Instrument Short Name) and ISO16372 (IBEI – International Business EntityIdentifier). High industry demand exists forboth standards. DK confirmed that this couldbe an option if RA issues are solved with ISOand the Board is interested in looking intothese.

Scott Preiss of the ASB (ANNA ServiceBureau) operators presented the work of theASB. The daily quality management inrespect of the availability of the import andexport of the data and the quality of their con-tent were outlined (please refer also to ASBreport of this annual report). Filiz Kaya (FZ)gave a presentation on the activities of theASB Board, focusing on the quality guidelinesaiming at a higher quality standard.

Closing the meeting, DK thanked the mem-bers for their active participation andClearstream Banking Luxembourg for theexcellent organisation of the General Meetingand their kind hospitality.

2. Extraordinary General Meeting, HongKong, November 6 & 7, 2008

Dan Kuhnel (DK) welcomed the delegatesand thanked Hong Kong Exchanges andClearing Limited for hosting the meeting. 32ANNA members were present at the meetingand 14 additional members were representedthrough Powers of Attorney. This representeda 60.5% attendance, sufficient to establishthe necessary quorum.

The Chairman gave an overview of activitiesby the ANNA Board during Q3/Q4 2008. Twoboard meetings were held. The board mem-bers also participated in several national andinternational industry events. Key activities of

the Board during this period were outlined ascontinued promotion of the adoption and useof ISINs for Options and Futures; review andre-drafting of the ISO 6166 RegistrationAuthority Agreement drafted by ISO; agree-ment for the ANNA Board to prepare a busi-ness plan (during 2009) related to NNA ISINallocation, access and dissemination princi-ples; and assessment of NNA requirementsfor ANNA to act as the Registration Authorityfor ISO 18773 and ISO 18774 (StandardIssuer Names and Abbreviations).

Regarding the applications for member-ship, the Bourse des Valeurs Mobilières del'Afrique Centrale - BVMAC representing theCEMAC countries Central Africa, Cameroon,Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon and Chad,and the Central Securities Clearing SystemLtd. (Nigeria), applied to become full mem-bers of ANNA, which was unanimously endor-sed by the meeting delegates.

As to the applications for partnership, theVietnam Securities Depository – VSD(Vietnam) and the Damascus SecuritiesExchange (Syria) applied for ANNA partnerstatus. Representatives of the two NationalNumbering Agencies presented an overviewof their countries and financial markets.

Both applications were unanimously endor-sed by the meeting delegates.

As a result of the applications, the ANNAmembership now stands at 78 full membersand 22 partners representing 113 countries(two partners represent several countries).

György Dudas (GD) presented the financialforecast with the highlights for 2009. Boththe administrative expenses and the contribu-tion to hosts of General Meetings will be rai-sed along with the financial support forANNA’s „Visibility” PR objective.

Georg Eisel (GE) informed of the EGM inBrussels for updates of ANNA Articles. Hegave background information and the historyof steps that led to the updates of the ANNAArticles as well as the other legal documentsgoverning ANNA. As a final required step, anExtraordinary General Meeting was conduc-ted in Brussels in the presence of a notary, toformally adopt the Articles. 52 Members outof 76 were represented at this meeting byPowers of Attorney. Through this update ofthe Articles, the legal domicile of ANNA wasalso transferred to Place de la Bourse inBrussels.

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Martin Paladino (MP) presented the topics ofthe 2nd edition of the Newsletter to the mem-bers. The newsletter will only be available viathe ANNA web for use by the ANNA mem-bers. An email will be sent out to all membersbefore issuing the next Newsletter to ask forcontributions and suggested additions.

A verbal report was given by A. MegidMakram on behalf of the AMEDA Chairmanand WG 4 convenor, Mr. Abdel Salam. The 1st

meeting of the new WG4 was held before thelatest AMEDA meeting in South Africa. Thegoal is to encourage all AMEDA members tobecome ANNA members, too.

Uwe Meyer (UM) proposed that, due to thesuccessful establishment of two RegionalGroups, the Asia-Pacific ANNA membersshould also consider forming an Asian ANNARegional Group. The ANNA Board would bepleased to receive feedback and a proposalfrom the membership located in the Asia-Pacific region.

DK presented the background on the propo-sed Registration Authority (RA)Responsibilities (included in the draft RAAgreement) as well as the current status onrelated discussions with ISO on the conclu-sion of an RA Service Level Agreement forISO 6166 Standard.

As an additional item, DK presented the cur-rent status of ISO 18773/18774 (FinancialInstrument Short Name) currently in FDIS(Final Draft International Standard) but stillnot published due to the lack of an appointedRegistration Authority. DK noted the ANNABoard felt that ANNA should seriously consi-der adding these two standards to the remitof standards for which ANNA is responsible.

Nourredine Yous (NY) proposed that ISOshould be made aware that ANNA envisagesbecoming the RA for both standards. It wasnot clear how this should be done, though.With regards to the practical implementationof the FISN, several aspects have to be defi-ned and elaborated upon.

UM updated the ANNA members that theinterest in becoming a Member or Partnerhas increased after a static period. The maingeographical areas showing an interest arethe Middle East (e.g. Bahrain) and EasternEurope (e.g. Kazakhstan, Georgia).

MP added that Paraguay recently appointedtheir stock exchange as the NNA, and thatArgentina is supporting Partners like theDominican Republic in becoming operational.

The ASB (ANNA Service Bureau) operatorshighlighted some key issues on ASB matters.For more details, please see the correspon-ding part of this annual report.

Closing the meeting, DK thanked the ANNAmembers for their active participation and thepersonnel of Hong Kong Exchanges andClearing for the excellent organisation of theGeneral Meeting and their kind hospitalitythroughout.

Georg EiselExecutive Secretary


The number of ISINs available in the ASBdatabase has nearly reached the magic markof 8 millions. The database report by 31December Total showed a total of 7,987,410ISINs of which 5,363,048 relate to activefinancial instruments. The number of CFIcodes has as well hugely increased to reach5,490,842 although many numbering agen-cies did not yet start allocating CFI codes.SIX Telekurs and Standard & Poor’s, the twoASB operators, have integrated new masterfiles supplied by many numbering agencies,thus contributing to improve the quality of thedatabase and supported the integration offiles from additional NNAs.

The ASB operators have developed softwarefunctionalities which enable data qualitytransparency. The problems identified havebeen communicated to the concerned NNA’sand are reported regularly at the ANNAGeneral Meetings. The ANNA Board willreview the NNA’s obligations when feedingthe ASB accordingly, in an attempt to get100 % of accurate and complete ISINrecords.

With regard to further developments, theANNA Board wished enhanced functionalities,some of which have been implemented in thecourse of 2008 and others are in progress.

Nourredine YousChairman of the ASB Advisory Board

ANNA Service Bureau – Report for 2008

ISIN- DBZurich

Telekurs Fin ance

Web ServerZurich

ISIN- DBNew York

Web ServerNew York

Standard & PoorÔs





The ASB Net w ork

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Securities business and state of ISIN implementation worldwide

Country Equities Debt instruments Investment funds Warrants TOFF* Use of ISINs Nextno. ISINs no. ISIns no. ISINs no. ISINs no. ISINs Yet not Second. Primary step

Argentina 556 4.816 24 4 - XAustralia 9.517 9.761 14.633 4.983 15.129 X N/AAustria 822 9.679 4.278 1.740 9.690 X N/AAzerbaijan 197 10 - - - XBelgium 101.807 17.235 2.548 49 - X XBrazil 6.532 37.953 9.956 12 8.720 X XBulgaria 1.559 150 60 29 - X X N/ACanada 12.348 34.358 24 712 - X N/AChile 428 95 101 105 - X N/AChina 1.987 2.251 94 17 221Costa Rica 17 219 - - - XCroatia 1.366 126 121 - - XCyprus 178 60 - 18 - XCzech Republic 1.049 391 168 - 6 XDenmark 600 2.630 943 - - XEgypt 4.828 296 3 - - XEstonia 6.975 188 115 - - X N/AFinland 563 1.342 1.301 1.140 - X N/AFrance 2.109 6.820 14.548 3.571 - XGermany 19.879 245.390 b) 9.307 187.611 128.453 X N/AGreece 343 2.660 47 - - XHong Kong 365 1.642 328 16 11 X N/AHungary 6.965 671 512 - 19.958 X N/AIceland 56 463 127 - - X N/AIndia 6.904 9.966 124 52 - X N/AIndonesia 422 407 615 60 - X N/AIran 472 1 - - - X N/AIreland 121 191 24.448 874 - X XIsrael 813 999 1.156 271 810 X N/AItaly 13.231 46.096 4.429 3.418 25.748 XJapan 5.213 82.299 5.800 4 - X X N/AJordan 272 78 - - - XKorea 69.435 20.995 76 159 4.315 X XKuwait 190 30 14 - - X N/ALatvia 58 76 41 - - XLebanon 200 62 6 1 - XLibya 24 - - - - XLithuania 823 365 36 - - X N/ALuxembourg 452 168 68.453 110 - X XMacedonia 847 29 - - - X N/AMalaysia 1.238 211 3 - 790 X N/AMalta 22 91 546 14 - XMauritius 522 1 9 2 X N/AMexico 361 44.454 3.603 161 - X N/AMontenegro 1.037 151 - - -Morocco 87 467 265 - - X N/ANetherlands 36.214 1.475 a) a) -Norway 6.416 2.847 641 1.155 3.203 XPakistan 581 120 13 - - XPanama 54 300 15 - - X X N/APeru 378 466 12 - - XPhilippines 314 - - 2 -Poland 656 253 121 - 426 X N/APortugal 2.407 3.081 643 43 - X N/ARomania 4.932 98 38 - 1.638 X N/ARussia 2.610 999 387 - - - X XSaudi Arabia 19 4 - - -Serbia 2.611 22 - - - XSingapore 604 232 30 73 - X N/ASlovakia 2.525 374 58 - - XSlovenia 824 144 126 - - XSouth Africa 1.335 1.740 2.748 416 - X N/ASpain 10.310 5.265 3.125 1.564 2.231 XSri Lanka 557 79 - - -Sweden 2.025 3.032 1.134 2.038 14.613 XSwitzerland 40.585 30.649 3.948 21.212 22.134 X N/ATaiwan 1.894 3.307 59 1.161 3.664 X N/AThailand 2.055 5.623 96 451 210 X N/ATunisia 765 145 - - - XTurkey 622 255 458 - 72 X XUkraine 13.968 2.878 912 - 24United Kingdom 5.785 5.502 49.892 5.916 135.321 XUSA 259.977 4.674.889 103.486 6.672 4.158 X N/AVenezuela 67 266 - - - X XClearing systems:Euroclear/Clearstream - 218.406 - - - X XTotal 615.501 5.283.753 336.413 228.537 363.458

* Traded Options and Financial Futuresa) included under equitiesb) includes Structured ProductsCursive figures refer to prior years


Type Options/ Indexes Rights Commo- Interest Curren- Cross CommentsCountry Futures dities Rates cies RatesArgentina X X X Others are planned for end 2009Australia X XAustria X X XBelgium X X X At present no market demand for othersBrazil X X X X X X XBulgaria Instruments do not exist in the marketCanada X No plans set for other instrumentsChile X X XChina X XCosta Rica Not existing in Costa RicaCroatia X Instruments do not exist in the marketCyprus Instruments do not exist in the marketCzech Republic X No date fixedDenmark X X X X X X Copenhagen Stock Exchange use it for

Futures options. For others ISIN are assignedon request.

Egypt Not existing in EgyptEstonia X X X X X X XFinland X X X Other instruments not tradedFrance X X X X X Euroclear France is delegating the codifica-

tion of Monep options to Euronext and Matiffutures are not identified under the AFC refe-rence system and aren’t officially coded.

Germany X X X X X X XGreece X X For other instruments no market demand

Hongkong X X X X X X XHungary XIceland X X XIndia X XIndonesia X Only on demand by market participantsIran X Other instruments do not exist yetIreland X XIsrael X X X X XItaly X X X X X XJapan X No date fixedJordan X Instruments do not exist in the marketKorea X X XKuwait Not supported by trading systemLatvia X Not registered at present in CSDLebanon X X Others do not exist in the countryLithuania X Instruments do not exist in the marketLuxembourg No plans yet; no request by market partici-

pants yetMacedonia Instruments do not exist in the marketMalaysia X X XMalta Instruments do not exist in the marketMauritius Instruments do not exist in the marketMexico X For other instruments there are no plans yet.

Gold and Silver coins have ISIN as well asSovereign Certificates

Montenegro Instruments do not exist in the marketMorocco X Instruments do not exist in the marketNetherlands XNorway X X X X X X XPanama X Instruments do not exist in the marketPakistan X Instruments do not exist in the marketPeru X X Other instruments not traded yetPoland X X X X X X XPortugal X X X X XRomania X X X XRussia X X X Other instruments do not exist in the marketSaudi Arabia X XSerbia X Other instruments do not exist in the marketSingapore XSlovakia X According to Slovak legislation allocation of

ISIN to those financial instruments is notmandatory. However, CDCP SR can allocateISIN to such financial instruments if requestedby their issuers.

Slovenia X Other instruments do not exist in the marketyet

South Africa System constraints to allocate ISINs for theseinstruments

Spain X X X X X XSri Lanka XSweden X X No market convention for othersSwitzerland X X X X X X XTaiwan X X X ISINs are assigned only for instruments tra-

ded at exchangeThailand X X X Commodities market existing but yet no ISINs

assigned. Tunisia X Other instruments do not exist in the marketTurkey X X X X X XUkraine X No market demand for other instruments yetUnited Kingdom X X X X X X XUSA X X X X X X Equity options to start in 2nd quarter 2009Venezuela Instruments do not exist in the market

Allocation of ISIN for new financial instruments

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Since its foundation in 1992 ANNA’s taskshave been growing constantly. In order tostructure the work of all existing Task Forces,ANNA decided to categorize the existing TaskForces into two categories:� Working Groups (WG) and� Task Forces (TF)While WG’s are permanent and looking intostrategic matters, TF’s should present theirresults to the General Meeting in a limitedperiod.At present three Working Groups plus twoRegional Groups are in operation:

WG1 (Assisting Markets)

As already outlined in the AdministrativeReview for 2008 there were applicationsreceived for full membership fromAzerbaijan, CEMAC (Cameroon, Chad,Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon and Republic of Central Africa), Nigeria andOman that were voted positively at the twoGeneral Meetings. Applications forPartnership were received from Bolivia,Dominican Republic, Syria and Vietnamduring last year.

As already stated in last year´s report a newdevelopment with regards to either changingstatus from Partner to full membership orapplying immediately for becoming ANNAmember is noted.

The 22 ANNA Partners representing 29countries are at present:� Algeria� Bangladesh� Belarus� Bolivia� Botswana� Cameroon� Cape Verde� Dominican Republic� El Salvador� Ghana� Honduras

� Kenya� Mauritius� Nicaragua� Swaziland� Syria� Tanzania� UEMOA (representing Benin, Burkina Faso,

Cote d´Ivoire, Guinea-Bissau, Mali, Niger,Senegal, Togo)

� Uganda� Vietnam� Zambia� Zimbabwe

Organizations from these countries beingappointed by as National NumberingAgencies are mainly Central SecuritiesDepositories (CSDs) or Stock Exchanges.By the ANNA Partners ISINs for more than100 countries are allocated by NationalNumbering Agencies. Those countries nothaving appointed a National NumberingAgency yet are handled by the appointedSNAs.

For 2009 ANNA has already received appli-cations for full membership from Palestine.Applications for Partnership have been recei-ved from Armenia, Ecuador and Paraguay.Further applications for either full members-hip or Partnership are likely in the near futurefrom Bahrain, Georgia, Kazakhstan and theUnited Arab Emirates.

Two Regional Groups have already beenestablished to coordinate and discuss regio-nal items and assist potential members:ALARG (ANNA Latin America RegionalGroup) for Latin America and the ANNAmembers of AMEDA (African and MiddleEast Depositories Association) for Africa andthe Middle East handled by ANNA WG4. Wehope that in the near future another group willbe created by the Asian members.

Uwe MeyerConvenor of WG1

Working Groups and Task Forces


WG2 (ISIN Quality and Guidelines)

WG2 has been working thoroughly on manynew issues requiring solutions. Many of thesesolutions are to be integrated into the nextversion of the ISIN Guidelines which will bereleased by end of April 2009. The group mettwice to hold two days meetings on May 6and 7, and on September 25 and 26, 2008.During the past year three new memberswere welcomed: Ms Emma Harding from theLondon Stock Exchange and Mr MartinSexton from London Market Systems, both ofthem representing the U.K. and Ms LuciaRistori from Banca d’Italia representing Italy.

The main issues treated were:� The definition of structured products and

set up of allocation rules� The treatment of ADR’s in Venezuela and

Panama� The ISIN allocation rule for Commodities � The allocation of ISINs for Belgian

Coupons� The allocation rules for Contracts for

Differences (CfDs)

While some issues could be solved, thegroup did not yet agree on a clear definitionof the structured products. Indeed it is notobvious to find a definition for these perfectlyhybrid and very multifaceted financial instru-ments . The volume of issued structured pro-ducts has been tremendously increasingduring the last couple of years and their com-plexity outdistances all other financial instru-ments. WG2 will continue to work on this sub-ject towards adopting uniform and clear rulesfor the ISIN allocation.

Nourredine YousConvenor of WG2

WG4 (Emerging ANNA Members WorkingGroup) and

AMEDA (African and Middle EastDepositories Association)

� There will be a training committee headedby Mrs. Monica from South Africa and assi-sted by other members Mr. Vipin fromMauritius, Mr. Abdullah Abdin from Bahrainand Mr. Alex Bagin from SWIFT.

� Risks associated with capital markets andmanaging them is a common topic of inte-rest that needs to be addressed in furthermeetings.

� The AMEDA web will have a newsflashwhere members will submit their news to thesecretariat to go public on the web.

� Mr. Alex Bagin from SWIFT, Mr. Vipin fromMauritius, Mrs. Fathia from Morocco andMrs. Zeineb from Tunisia will compose aworking committee with the task force ofpreparing a study of how to preserve data inanother country in case of a disaster and toset the criteria for saving data.

� Client code is an issue to be discussed inthe next meeting.

� Members agreed that SWIFT would joinAMEDA as an observer in all coming mee-tings.

� Next meeting will take place in Sun City inSouth Africa during the 3rd week ofNovember 2008.

� South Africa will invite ANNA WG4 membersto the meeting and their meeting will takeplace in the first day.

� Members are to consider joining ANNA andbecome members of the WG4 as well.

� Members approved previous meeting minu-tes in Mauritius.

� Members approved the joining of DFM andCDSC Kenya, Ghana and BVMAC to theAssociation. The members number became21 member.

� CSDs connectivity is an issue to be addres-sed in AMEDA meetings.

� Thomas Murray will provide informationabout the existing DRP arrangements ofAMEDA members to the backup workingcommittee and the committee will work outthe details of the proposed solutions for thecross-border backup of data.

� The First AMEDA Leadership Forum will beheld in Egypt in the last week in March orthe first week in April. The first AMEDA mee-ting in 2009 will be in Egypt in the first dayof the AMEDA leadership forum and thesecond meeting in 2009 will be in Morocco.The first meeting in 2010 will be in Libya.

� AMEDA will host the CSD11 and Stratewould prepare a budget by the end ofNovember 2008 and AMEDA members haveto submit their opinions by end ofDecember.

Mohamed S. Abdel SalamConvenor of WG4

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Regional Group ReportsANNA Latin American Regional Group(ALARG)

During 2008, Caja de Valores S.A., in itscapacity as Regional Manager, has been con-stantly in touch with all the Regional NNAs,strengthening the communication channelbetween them and ANNA, and assisting allthe Latin American Members whenever theyneeded, clarifying technical or legal doubts,related to allocation and dissemination ofISINs and CFIs.

Caja de Valores S.A. also developed the fol-lowing tasks:

� Assistance to the NNA from Bolivia(Entidad de Deposito de Valores S.A.)which was accepted as new ANNA Partnerin the Ordinary General Meeting held inLuxembourg. This NNA is currently develo-ping the IT Systems for the ISIN allocationand writing its internal rules and procedu-res.

� Assistance to the Dominican Republic NNA(CEVALDOM) in the hand-over processwith CUSIP Service Bureau. CEVALDOMwas also accepted as ANNA Partner in theLuxembourg OGM. A Meeting was held inBuenos Aires with the representative fromCEVALDOM, to provide assistance andinformation related to ISIN and CFI alloca-tion, and the ASB database.

� Assistance in the process of designation ofthe NNA in Paraguay. ”Bolsa de Valores yProductos de Asunción” was appointed bythe correspondent Regulatory Authority,and is currently reviewing with its legaladvisors the Partnership Agreement. Ameeting was also held in Buenos Aires tocoordinate the next steps to become anANNA Partner. They were invited to have anew meeting during the next months inorder to review the system they are develo-ping.

� The Supervisory Authority of Ecuador infor-med that they finally decided to appoint theCentral Securities Depository ("DECEVA-LE”) as the NNA for this country. Caja alsooffered to host a meeting with the repre-

sentatives from DECEVALE in order toorganize the following steps in the imple-mentation of the Standards ISO 6166 andISO 10962 within their market.

� On December 2008, the SupervisoryAuthority of Colombia issued a domesticregulation stating the new numberingsystem should be settled within theColombian market during this year. DECE-VAL, the Colombian NNA informed Caja deValores S.A. they are developing thesystem and they will start with the testingperiod in August 2009.

Dr. Martin PaladinoConvenor of ALARG


Caja de Valores S.A.Ms Rosana Verdi, Ms Eliana SanchezMr Haroldo Merodio, Dr. MartinPaladino25 de Mayo 362 – Piso 5C1002ABH – Buenos AiresArgentinaTelephone: (54) 11 43 17 89 58Telefax: (54) 11 43 17 89 59E-Mail: [email protected] Stock ExchangeMs Karen WebbP.O. Box H224/Australia SquareSydney NSW 2000AustraliaTelephone: (612) 9227 0445Telefax: (612) 9227 0808E-Mail: [email protected] Kontrollbank AGMr Gerald KraftStrauchgasse 1-31010 Vienna AustriaTelephone: (43) 1 531 27 2245Telefax: (43) 1 531 27 4030E-Mail: [email protected] „National Depository Center“Mr Bakhtiyar Azizov19, Bul-bul AvenueBaku AZ1000Republic of AzerbaijanTelephone: +99 412 4983572Telefax: +99 412 5983550SIX Telekurs BelgiumMr Dirk van TongelenPleinlaan 91050 - BrusselsBelgiumTelephone: (32) 2 790 05 61E-Mail: [email protected] Bank S.A./N.V.Mr Dan Kuhnel33 Cannon StreetLondon EC4M 5SBUnited KingdomTelephone: (44) 207 849 0553Telefax: (44) 207 849 0132E-Mail: [email protected] Bolsa de Valores de Sao PauloBovespaMs Cristiana PereiraListings and Issuer Relations Rua XV de Novembro, 275 – 5th Floor01013-001 Sao Paulo-SpBrazilTelephone: (55) 11 3233 2150Telefax: (55) 11 3233 2051E-Mail: [email protected] Depository of BulgariaMs Vesela Peneva10, Tri Usmi Str.1000 – SofiaBulgariaTelephone: (359) 2 9391986 Telefax: (359) 2 939 1998E-Mail: [email protected]

Cyprus Stock ExchangeMr Nondas MetaxasGeneral ManagerKambou Street - 2nd FloorStrovolos - P.O. Box 254271309 NicosiaCyprusTelephone: (357) 22 712 300Telefax: (357) 22 570 308E-Mail: [email protected]

Czech National BankMr Petr NemecNa Prikope 28115 03 Praha 1Czech RepublicTelephone: (420) 221 096 319Telefax: (420) 224 225 034E-Mail: [email protected]

VP Securities ServicesMr Niels W. HougaardP.O. Box 40402300 CopenhagenDenmarkTelephone: (45) 43 58 87 02Telefax: (45) 43 71 20 03E-Mail: [email protected]

MISR for Clearing, Depository& Registry (MCDR)Mr M. Abdel Salam70, El Gomhoria St.P.O.Box 1536 – AttabaCairoEgyptTelephone: (20) 2 597 1639Telefax: (20) 2 597 1656E-Mail: [email protected]

Estonian Central Depository for Securities LtdMr. Mait KivimetsTartu Mnt. 2, 14 Floor10145 TallinnEstoniaTelephone: (372) 64 08 800Telefax: (372) 64 08 801E-Mail: [email protected]

Euroclear FinlandMr Kimmo KoskinenOperations, Equity MarketUrho Kekosen Katu 5 CP.O. Box 1110Fi-00101 HelsinkiFinlandTelephone: (358) 20 770 6510Telefax: (358) 20 770 6658E-Mail:[email protected]

Euroclear FranceMr Frederic GermainDirecteur des Operations115, Rue Reaumur75081 Paris Cedex 02FranceTelephone: (33) 1 55 34 55 03Telefax: (33) 1 48 15 59 28E-Mail: [email protected]

CDS Clearing and DepositoryServices Inc.Mr Mark Fabricius85, Richmond Street West,Toronto, Ontario M5H 2C9CanadaTelephone: (1) 416 365 8575Telefax: (1) 416 365 0842e-mail: [email protected]

Deposito Central de ValoresMr. Fernando Yanez GonzalesChief Executive OfficerHuerfanos 770, Piso 17SantiagoChileTelephone: (56) 2 393 9010Telefax: (56) 2 393 9015E-Mail: [email protected]

China Securities RegulatoryCommissionChina Securities RegulatoryCommissionMs Cheng Li1019 RoomFocus Place A Dept.19 Jin Rong StreetXi Cheng DistrictBeijing 100032P.R. ChinaTelephone: (86) 10 88060200Telefax: (86) 10 88061314E-Mail: [email protected]

DECEVAL S.A.Mr Jorge Hernan Jaramillo OssaCarrera 10 No. 72-33 piso 5BogotaColombiaTelefax: (571) 3459949 E-Mail: [email protected]

Central de Valores – CEVALMr Jose Brenes VegaP.O. Box 17361000 – San JoseCosta RicaTelephone: (506) 204 4910Telefax: (506) 204 4920E-Mail: [email protected]

Central Depository ana ClearingCompanyMr Ivo BrausSenior Systems AnalystHeinzelova 62 A10000 ZagrebCroatiaTelephone: (385) 1 46 07 305Telefax: (385) 1 46 77 696E-Mail: [email protected]

List of members as per April 2009

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Bourse de Valeurs Mobilieres del´Afrique CentralMr. Frédéric Yifomnjou PouamounCEOPlace de l´Independence - BP 165LibrevilleGabonTelephone: +241 77 48 45Telefax: +241 77 38 95

Wertpapier MitteilungenMr. Markus HeerDüsseldorfer Strasse 16D-60329 Frankfurt am MainGermanyTelephone: (49) 69 27 32 242Telefax: (49) 69 23 99 72E-Mail: [email protected]

Hellenic Exchanges Holding S.A -HelexMs Dimitra TsampourianouHead of Issuer Support and ListingDept.110 Athinon Avenue104 42 AthensGreeceTelephone: (30) 210 33 66 446Telefax: (30) 210 33 66 670E-Mail: [email protected]

Hong Kong Exchanges and ClearingLtdMr Henry Law10/F, One International Finance Centre1 Harbour View Street – CentralHong KongTelephone: (852) 2840 3862Telefax: (852) 2868 4084E-Mail: [email protected]

Central Clearing House andDepository (Budapest) Ltd. - KelerMr. György DudasH-1075 BudapestAsboth U.9-11HungaryTelephone: (36) 1 483 6116Telefax: (36) 1 352 1044E-Mail: [email protected]

Icelandic Securities DepositoryMr. Sigurdur OlafssonLaugaveg 182Rejkjavik 105IcelandTelephone: (354) 540 55 03Telefax: (354) 540 55 19E-Mail: [email protected]

Securities and Exchange Board of IndiaMr M. S. Ray – OSD ExecutiveDirectorPlot No C4-A, "G” Block, Bandra KurlaComplexBandra (East)Mumbai 400 051IndiaTelephone: (91) 22 26449993Telefax: (91) 22 40459015E-Mail: [email protected]

PT Kustodian Sentral EfekMs Astanti Puji Mulyani – Research &Business Development DivisionJakarta Stock Exchange BuildingTower 1, 5th FloorJl. Jend.Sudirman Kav. 52-53Jakarta 12190IndonesiaTelephone: (62) 21 529 91140Telefax: (62) 21 529 91052E-Mail: [email protected]

The Irish Stock ExchangeMr James FergusonOperations Manager28 Anglesea StreetDublin 2IrelandTelephone: (353) 1 617 4200Telefax: (353) 1 677 6045E-Mail: [email protected]

The Tel-Aviv Stock ExchangeMr Robby Goldenberg54 Ahad Ha’am St.Tel-Aviv, 65202IsraelTelephone: (972) 3 567 76 60Telefax: (972) 3 560 70 78E-Mail: [email protected]

Banca d´ItaliaMr Mario PalazzoLargo Carlo Guidi 100044 FrascatiItalyTelephone: (39) 06 479 24041Telefax: (39) 06 479 28542E-Mail: [email protected]

Tokyo Stock ExchangeMr Michinori YadaHead of Information Products2-1, Nihombashi - Kabuto-ChoChuo-Ku/Tokyo 103-8220JapanTelephone: (81) 3 3665 2564Telefax: (81) 3 3663 0626E-Mail: [email protected]

Securities Depository Center ofJordanMr Samir JaradatChief Executive OfficerP.O. Box 212465Amman 11121JordanTelephone: (962) 567 2550Telefax: (962) 567 2622E-Mail: [email protected]

Korea Exchange - KRXMr Jung Min SuhAssociate33, Yoido-Dong, Youngdeungpo-KuKR-Seoul 150 - 977KoreaTelephone: (822) 3774 8684Telefax: (822) 6234 2102E-Mail: [email protected]

Kuwait Clearing CompanyMr Salah Al-MarzoukP.O. Box 22077Safat – 13081KuwaitTelephone: (965) 246 7867Telefax: (965) 246 9457E-Mail: [email protected]

OMX - Latvian Central DepositoryMr Raitis VancansSenior Specialist, Clearing andSettlementValnu Iela 1Riga, LV 1050LatviaTelephone: (371) 721 2431Telefax: (371) 722 9411E-Mail: [email protected]

MidclearMr Fouad E. El-KhouryPresident Directeur GeneralSanayeh – Centre Aresco – 15th FloorB.P. 11-7971BeirutLebanonTelephone: (961) 1 347 910Telefax: (961) 1 347 956E-Mail: [email protected]

Libyan Stock Market Mr Suliman Salem Alshahoumy Chairman of Board of Directors andGeneral ManagerBenghazi - Islamic Building CenterAlshatea Street Hai Aljazeera (Juliana) LibyaTelephone: (218) 21 336 5050 Telefax: (218) 21 336 5025 E-Mail: [email protected]

Central Securities Depository ofLithuaniaSaulius BudzinauskasVice PresidentKonstitucijos pr. 231805 VilniusLithuaniaTelephone: (370) 698 35756E-Mail: [email protected]

Clearstream BankingMr Arnaud DelestienneHead of International MarketsManagement42, Avenue JF Kennedy1855 LuxembourgLuxembourgTelephone: (352) 243 3 2119Telefax: (352) 243 63 2119E-Mail: [email protected]


Central Securities Depository ADSkopjeDarinka DamjanovicHead of Legal DepartmentKuzman Josifivski Pitu 11000 SkopjeRepublic of MacedoniaTelephone: (389) 2 3299 810Telefax: (389) 2 3227781 E-Mail: [email protected]

Kuala Lumpur Stock ExchangeMs Jothimani K. MuniandyHead, Research & External Affairs8th Floor, Exchange SquareBukit Kewangan50200 Kuala LumpurMalaysiaTelephone: (603) 2034 7350Telefax: (603) 2026 3661E-Mail: [email protected]

Malta Stock ExchangeMs Stephanie GaleaGarrison ChapelCastille PlaceValletta CMR01MaltaTelephone: (356) 21244051Telefax: (356) 25696316 E-Mail: [email protected]

S.D. Indeval, SA de C.VMr Arturo NavarroPaseo De La Reforma N°255 - 3 PisoCol. CuauhtemocMexico 06500 D.F.MexicoTelephone: (5255) 5726-6973Telefax: (5255) 5726 6927E-Mail: [email protected]

Central Depository Agency ofMontenegroMr Miomir JovanovicDeputy CEONovaska Miloseva bb81000 PodgoricaMontenegroTelephone: (382) 81 23 17 55Telefax : (382) 81 23 17 53E-Mail: [email protected]

MaroclearMr Rachid HaboubSecretary General216, Boulevard ZerktouniCasablancaMoroccoTelephone: (212) 22 48 49 49Telefax: (212) 22 48 66 65E-Mail: [email protected]

Euroclear NIECMr Peter BakkerP.O. Box 191631000 GD AmsterdamThe NetherlandsTelephone: (31) 20 530 1588Telefax: (31) 20 530 1555E-Mail: [email protected]

Central Securities Clearing SystemLtdMr. Joe MekiliuwaDeputy General Manager2/4 Customs Street, Off MarinaLagosNigeriaTelephone: +234 1 2668594Telefax: +234 1 2664058

VPSMs Vigdis DiesenP.O. Box 140 – VollebekkN-0520 OsloNorwayTelephone: (47) 22 63 53 00Telefax: (47) 22 63 52 00E-Mail: [email protected]

Muscat Depository & SecuritiesRegistration Co.Mr. Abdulla A. Suliman Al-NabhaniGeneral ManagerP.O. Box 952 - PC. 112RuwiSultanate of OmanTelephone: +968 24822245

Central Depository Co. of Pakistan Ltd.Mr Aftab Diwan – Chief OperatingOfficerCDC House – 99-B, Bloch ”B”,S.M.C.H.S.Main Shahra-E-FaisalKarachi – 74400PakistanTelephone: (9221) 432 6032Telefax: (9221) 432 6034E-Mail: [email protected]

Bolsa de Valores de Panama, S.A.Ms Myrna E. PalomoDeputy General ManagerP.O. Box 87-0878PanamaRepublic of PanamaTelephone: (507) 269 1966Telefax: (507) 269 2457E-Mail: [email protected]

Bolsa de Valores de LimaMs Silvia OliveraPasaje Acuna 106 - AP 1538Lima 100PeruTelephone: (51) 1 426 0714Telefax: (51) 1 426 7650E-Mail: [email protected]

Philippine Stock Exchange, Inc.Mr Roy Joseph M. Rafols2/F PSE Centre, Exchange RoadOrtigas Centre, Pasig City 1605Metro ManilaPhilippinesTelephone: (632) 819 4400Telefax: (632) 634 50 31E-Mail: [email protected] Depository for SecuritiesKDPW S.A.Ms Elzbieta PustolaPresident4, Ksiazeca Street00-498 WarsawPolandTelephone : (48) 22 656 235Telefax : (48) 22 656 2340E-Mail:[email protected] Jyrki LeppanenAvenida da Boavista, 3433PT-4100-138 PortoPortugalTelephone: (351) 22 615 84 22Telefax: (351) 22 610 30 29E-Mail:[email protected]

S.C. Depozitarul Central S.A.Ms Adriana TanasoiuGeneral Manager & Ceo25 Fagaras StreetBucharest 1RomaniaTelephone: (40) 21 408.58.38Telefax: (40) 21 408.58.14E-Mail: [email protected] National Depository CenterMs Elena Ulianova1/13, Sredni Kislovski Per.125009 – MoscowRussiaTelephone: (7095) 232 5253Telefax: (7095) 956 09 38E-Mail: [email protected] Financial Market (Tadawul)Mr Ayed Al-Ayed Head of Research and DevelopmentDept. P.O. Box 60612Riyadh 11555Saudi Arabia Telephone: (966) 1 218 9121Telefax: (966) 1 218 9133 E-Mail: [email protected] Central Securities Depository of SerbiaMs Vesna KorosecTrg Nikole Pasica No 5(Entrance From Decanska No 14)BelgradeSerbiaTelephone: (381) 11 3331 352Telefax: (381) 11 3331 381E-Mail: [email protected]

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Singapore Exchange SecuritiesTrading LtdMr Lai Kok Leong Vice President & Head, Data Services,Market Services Group 2 Shenton Way 19-00Sgx Centre 1Singapore 068804SingaporeTelephone: (65) 623 683 44Telefax: (65) 653 664 95E-Mail: [email protected]

Central Securities Depository SR,Inc.Ms Dagmar KopunkovaUl.29. Augusta 1/A814 80 BratislavaSlovakiaTelephone: (421) 2 5939 5125Telefax: (421) 2 5296 8755E-Mail: [email protected]

KDD-Central Securities Clearing Corp.Mr Iztok KlemencTivolska Cesta 481542 – LjubljanaSloveniaTelephone: (386) 1 307 35 51Telefax: (386) 1 307 35 07E-Mail: [email protected]

JSE LtdDr Jannie ImmelmanSenior General Manager ListingDivisionPrivate Bag X991174Sandton 2146South AfricaTelephone : (27) 11 520 7702Telefax : (27) 11 520 8702E-Mail : [email protected]

Comision Nacional del Mercado de Valores Agencia Nacional de CodificacionMr Jose M. AlonsoPaseo de la Castellana 1928046 MadridSpainTelephone: (34) 91 585 1537Telefax: (34) 91 585 1630E-Mail: [email protected]

Colombo Stock ExchangeMs. Priyani Perera4-01 West BlockWorld Trade Center – Echelon SQColombo 1Sri LankaTelephone: (94) 1 448 921Telefax: (94) 1 445 279E-Mail: [email protected]

VPC ABMr Eric SylvenDeputy Head of Issuer & SecuritiesServicesBox 7822S-103 97 StockholmSwedenTelephone: (46) 8 402 91 18Telefax: (46) 8 20 84 92E-Mail: [email protected]

SIX Telekurs LtdMr Nourredine YousMember of Senior ManagementHardturmstrasse 201 - Postfach 80218005 ZürichSwitzerlandTelephone: (41) 1 279 5450Telefax: (41) 1 446 7122E-Mail: [email protected]

Taiwan Stock Exchange CorporationMs May YuSenior Vice President – Trading Dept.10/F – 7, Xinyi Road, Section 5TaipeiTaiwanTelephone: (886) 2 8101 3566Telefax: (886) 2 8101 3547E-Mail: [email protected]

Thailand Securities Depository Co,Ltd.Ms Kongkenw PiamduaythamThe Stock Exchange of ThailandBuilding62, Rachadapisek Road, KlongtoeyBangkok 10110ThailandTelephone: (66) 2229 2900Telefax: (66) 2654 59 15E-Mail: [email protected]

SticodevamMs Zeineb Slim92-94, Avenue Hedi Chaker (8th Floor)1002 Tunis BelvedereTunisiaTelephone: (216) 71 285 634Telefax: (216) 71 286 842E-Mail:[email protected]

TakasbankMs Filiz Kaya – Head of Intl DeptAbide-I Hurriyet CaddesiMecidiyekoy Yolu Sokak N°286Sisli 80260 – IstanbulTurkeyTelephone: (90) 212 315 2187 Telefax: (90) 212 315 2526E-Mail: [email protected]

National Depository of UkraineMs. Olga DolgopolovaDirector of Numbering Department3, B.Grinchenka Str.Kiev 01001UkraineTelephone: (38044) 279 1278Telefax: (38044) 279 6075E-Mail: [email protected]

London Stock ExchangeMr Terry Allison10 Paternoster SquareLondon EC4M 7LSUnited KingdomTelephone: (44) 207 797 1924Telefax: (44) 207 410 6848E-Mail: [email protected]

Standard & Poor’sCUSIP Service BureauMr Jim Taylor55 Water Street, 45th FloorNew York/N.Y. 10041United States of AmericaTelephone: (1) 212 438 4007Telefax: (1) 212 438 6581E-Mail: [email protected]

Bolsa de Valores de Caracas, C.A.Board of DirectorsEdificio Atrium – Calle SorocaimaEntre Av. Tamanaco y Av. VenezuelaA.P. 62724 – A El Rosal1000-A-CaracasVenezuelaTelephone: (58) 212 905 5827Telefax: (58) 212 905 5829E-Mail: [email protected]

ANNA Secretariat – c/o WM DatenserviceMr Uwe MeyerDüsseldorfer Strasse 1660329 Frankfurt am MainGermanyTelephone : (49) 69 27 32 226Telefax : (49) 69 27 32 7226E-Mail: [email protected]


Appendix A: ISO 6166 – an outline of the standard

Securities - International securities identifi-cation numbering system (ISIN)

Introduction The standard provides a uniform structure fora number, known as the ISIN, that uniquelyidentifies securities. It details organisations,known as National Numbering Agencies(NNA’s) that are responsible for issuing theISIN in each country. In those countries whereno NNA is in operation, three NNA’s haveagreed, on a regional basis, to act asSubstitute Numbering Agency (SNA). Detailsof these are included in Appendix C. The follo-wing NNAs are designated as SNA:– CUSIP Service Bureau (US) for the

Americas– Wertpapier-Mitteilungen (Germany) for

Eastern Europe, Asia-Pacific and Africa– National Depository Center NDC (Russia)

for countries of AECSD (Association ofEurasian Central Securities Depositories)provided agreement has been given by theSupervizory Authorities of respective coun-tries

– Telekurs Finanz (Switzerland) for remainingcountries

ISINISIN consists of a total of 12 characters as follows:

The first two digits are reserved for the alpha-2 country code as issued in accordance withthe international standard ISO 3166 of thecountry where the issuer of securities, otherthan debt securities, is legally registered orwhere it has its legal domicile. For debtsecurities, the relevant country is the one ofthe ISIN – allocating NNA. In the case ofdepository receipts, such as ADRs, thecountry code is the one of the organisationwho issued the receipt instead of the one who issued the underlying security.

The next nine digits are taken up by the localnumber of the security concerned. Where thenational number consists of fewer than ninecharacters, zeros are inserted in front of thenumber so that the full nine spaces are used.

The final space is a check digit computedaccording to the modulus 10 “Double-Add-Double” formula.

Who issues the ISIN In the case of securities, other than debtsecurities, where a NNA recognised by ANNAoperates, this organisation issues the ISIN forsecurities whose issuer is registered ordomiciled in the country where the NNAoperates. For debt securities the NNA whoissues the ISIN is either one of theinternational securities clearing organisationsor the responsible NNA in accordance withISO 6166.

ISIN structure� � Country code

2 digitsalphabetical

� � � � � � � � � NSIN*9 digitsalpha-numerical

� Check digit1 digit numerical

*National Securities Identification Number

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Appendix B: ANNA Guidelines for ISO 6166, Version 9, November 2006

1. Introduction The standard ISO 6166 describes the structu-re of the ISIN codes and which organizationsare allowed to allocate ISIN codes to whichsecurities.

The aim of the guidelines is to obtain a uni-form process among the various NationalNumbering Agencies for the allocation of ISINcodes.

This document is a live document which shallbe reviewed periodically.

1.1 General definition of fungibility Set of goods which are equivalent, substituta-ble, and interchangeable and which are notindividualized.

Since securities can be individualized bynumbers or through a registered form, we willuse the following definition.

1.2 Definition of fungibility in thesecurities industry

Fungible means that a security ranks paripassu in all respects with a different versionof the same security and can be exchangedinto the other form and vice versa at anytime. The fungible securities will be identifiedby one ISIN.

1.3 Rights potentially attached to fungiblesecurities

– Right to sell– Right to vote– Right to receive a payment (coupon,

redemption) on the same date– Right to participate in a corporate action

in the same way– Right for any holder to hold any form



Appendix B: ANNA Guidelines for ISO 6166, Version 9, November 2006

2.1 Specific cases relating to Should the securities be considered as fungible in thisfungibility case?

2.1.1 Different market places YES, if the security is tradeable in different market places.

2.1.2 Rights difference between YES, if it is only a technical difference.different market places in Technical differences are already managed by depositories case of corporate action, and clearing organization for their deliveries.payment interest/dividends NO, if the securities are lodged in different codes to

distinguish the different rights between holders of the variousmarket places.

2.1.3 Subsequent tranches YES, if the securities have identical terms and may be used to settle trades in either tranches, forms or markets without any delay because of possible actions.

NO, in other cases until the assimilation.

2.1.4 Securities issued in bearer YESand registered form fullyexchangeable

2.1.5 Securities issued in bearer NOor registered form not fullyexchangeable

2.1.6 Change of issue from bearer NO, if the holder does not have the same rights until theto registered form or from exchange.registered to bearer form at the initiative of the issuer

2.1.7 Representative certificates YES, in France it is allowed to rematerialize French securities tobe delivered in some foreign countries. Euroclear France acts insubstitution to the issuer and in fact replaces the dematerializedsecurities by a materialized form. Holders of representative certifi-cates have the same rights than the previous ones.

Where share certificates are issued, two general rules will apply:

NO, if dematerialized (i.e. German, Swiss, Dutch certificates) or materialized (i.e. IDR, ADR) secondary paper is issued.

YES, if no secondary paper is issued. An NNA may assign a “Dummy“ (i.e. “Q“ range of ISIN's) ISIN for use within their local market.

2.1.8 Corporate actions YES, if the securities confer to the new holders the same rights as to the previous ones (e.g. subscription of shares with the same rights as the old shares).

YES, if the securities confer to the new holders the same rights as to the previous ones (e.g. subscription of shares with the same rights as the old shares).

NO, if the new shares are not fully exchangeable or if anexchange or a future assimilation is required. Another code permits a distinction between the old and the new securities and the rights attached to those.

2.1.9 Partly paid/fully paid/nil paid NO, until the full payment if an additional payment is required.

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Appendix B: ANNA Guidelines for ISO 6166, Version 9, November 2006

2.2 Special cases relating to assignment rules2.2.1 Allocation of ISIN's in terms Debt instruments cum and ex warrant(s) must be registered

of debt instruments, issued separately by the depository bank. Accordingly, the financial with warrant(s) (i.e.cum of instruments should get at least 3 ISINs:technical cum) - 1 for the debt instrument cum warrant(s)

- 1 for the debt instrument ex warrant(s)- 1 for each warrantN.B.: If several kinds of warrants are attached, the number of ISINs assigned increases accordingly. Moreover, ail the above ISINs have the same prefix as the one used for the related debt instruments as stipulated in ISO 6166.

2.2.2 Issues composed of both The assignment rules for international issues have beena domestic and an integrated in the fifth edition of the ISO 6166 standard.international tranches lf domestic and international tranches are not fungible, then two

ISINs should be assigned.- Criteria of non-fungibility: transfer restrictions- Domestic means: depot in one country upon issuance.

2.2.3 Partial reimbursement of There is no need to allocate new ISINs, even if the payment capital when repayment effects a change of denomination amount.equally to all holders atthe same time

2.2.4 Issues with different Sharesdenominations If different categories of shares were issued, then each value

should receive its own ISIN. If certificates consist of multiple of shares, only one ISIN should be assigned.BondsOnly one ISIN for different denominations if fungible.

2.2.5 Taxable/Non-taxable Tax considerations may not affect the allocation rules of ISINs,securities if the securities are fungible.

Special case: Different tranches of Italian debt securities subjectto pro rata temporis taxation under the provisions of LegislativeDecree 239 of 1 April 1996 (LD 239/96) are only fungible, and canonly bear the same ISIN, if the issue price, redemption price,issue date and redemption date to be used for tax purposes areidentical (e.g. through application of Article 11 (2) of LD 239/96).“

2.2.6 ISINs for rights ISINs should be allocated for rights (according to ISO 6166).2.2.7 Depository receipts The rules for debt securities have to be applied.

representing a debt security2.2.8 Issues with 2 or more Tranches with different issue prices get different ISINs upon

tranches issuance, but have to be assimilated after the first couponpayment.

2.2.9 Warrants issued by foreign When such branches have no separate legal entity the ISIN-prefixbranches of banks will be the one of the headquarters country. If the branch is a

separate legal entity (i.e. within a specific local market), the coun-try of the branch should be considered for the allocation and theprefix accordingly (e.g. warrants issued by foreign bank bran-ches).

2.2.10 Issues of the European Financial instruments issued by the European Union but not rela-Union ting to a specific EU country jurisdiction (e.g. European indices,

European interest rates etc.) would be allocated an ISIN with EU-prefix by WM Datenservice.


Appendix B: ANNA Guidelines for ISO 6166, Version 9, November 2006

2.2.11 Preferred shares Preferred shares issued in unit form (that are being treated asdebt) will be assigned the relevant ISIN by the NNA located in theissuer’s country of incorporation and set up as equity.Preferred shares issued in nominal form (that are being treated asdebt) will be assigned an XS ISIN (if being held directly with theICSDs) and set up as bond.Preferred shares that are being treated as equity will be assignedthe relevant ISIN by the NNA located in the issuer’s country ofincorporation and set up as equity.

2.2.12 RegS/144A debt issues The RegS and/or 144A portion is deposited with a US CSD (only),it will bear the US prefix.The RegS and/or 144A portion is deposited with EuroclearBank/Clearstream Banking, it will bear an XS-ISIN.In case of a bifurcated structure or split note, a minimum of 2 andmaximum of 4 unique ISINs will be allocated by the relevant num-bering agency in accordance with the place of deposit as descri-bed in Annex A entitled "ISIN allocation rules for debt instrumentsissued under rule 144A and Regulation S” which forms an integralpart of these guidelines.

2.2.13 RegS/144A for warrants When RegS/144A rules apply to warrants they will exceptionallybear a US prefix without reference to the country of the issuer, asthis is normally the case for instruments referenced under thecategory "Rights".

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3.1 Currencies

3.2 Indexes

3.3 Interest rates

3.4 Commodities

3.5 Traded Options

3.6 Financial Futures

The ISIN should bear the pre-fix of the issuer country incase of sin-gle currency. lncase of cross rates, the prefixshould correspond to theissuer country of the fixed cur-rency of the ratio:

Stock exchange indexes: Theallocation of ISINs shouldoccur with the prefix of thedomicile of the exchange.Other referential indexes: Theallocation of ISINs shouldoccur with the prefix of thecountry of the calculatingagent.

Referential interest rates asdefined by term and currency,used in the financial sectorand calculated by financialinstitutions.The ISIN should bear the pre-fix of the originator's country.

One ISIN per good andexchange, even if severalexchanges exist in the samecountry. The different qualitydegrees within the same goodshould not be taken intoaccount.The description should inclu-de the name of the concernedstock exchange (by means ofMIC-code).

Each contract defined by expi-ration month, striking priceand underlying instrumentswill get an ISIN. The ISIN getsthe prefix of the country of theexchange issuing the specificderivative instrument.

Each contract defined by expi-ration month, striking priceand underlying instrumentswill get an ISIN. The ISIN getsthe prefix of the country of theexchange issuing the specificderivative instrument.

Swiss Francs CH0002748082

FT-SE 100 Index GB0001383545IBEX 35 ES0SI0000005

6-Month MIBOR ES0S00000075PIBOR FR00039811333-Month LlBOR GB0009950436

Aluminium Alloy GB0009950659Five tons of ES0SM0032018 “Navel-Navelina“, 2-5 calibre, firstcategory, washed, unwaxed andpacked.

All contracts traded at theEuronext.liffe should bear the prefix“GB“.

All contracts traded at theEuronext.liffe should bear the prefix“GB“.


3. Financial Instruments other than Securities

Appendix B: ANNA Guidelines for ISO 6166, Version 9, November 2006


Appendix B: ANNA Guidelines for ISO 6166, Version 9, November 2006

Event and Definition ISIN rules for paperless securities ISIN rules for physical certificates

4.1 Change of No change of ISIN for securities A new ISIN only if the old securitycountry already existing was exchanged for a new onedomicileDomicile ofcompanyheadquarterschangesto anothercountry

4.2 Merger ISINs of shares of the former ISINs of shares of the formerMerger by companies must become inactive companies must become inactiveabsorption: after a certain period after a certain periodOne of thecompaniesincorporatesthe other(s)which legallydisappear

Merger by A new ISIN has to be allocated for A new ISIN has to be allocated foramalgamation: the stock of the new company and the stock of the new company andThe two com- the former ISINs must become the former ISINs must becomepanies merge inactive inactiveto form a newlegal entity after N.B. In both cases, for bonds,a certain period a new ISIN is created only it the old

certificates are exchanged fornew ones

4.3 Assimilation The ISIN of the new stock has to The ISIN of the new stock has toEvent, which become inactive when old and new become inactive when old and newmakes the use shares become fungible unless a shares become fungible unless aof an existing re-use is planned re-use is plannedseparate ISINsuperfluous.For example:full dividendrights for newshares, call ofoutstandingamount on part-ly paid shares

4.4 Redemption The ISIN has to become inactive The ISIN has to become inactiveRepayment of after redemption date, unless the after redemption date, unless thecapital debt bonds are in default bonds are in defaultsecurities orredeemable N.B. For convertible bonds, at the N.B. For convertible bonds, at theshares (fully end of the conversion period, when end of the conversion period, whenredeemed) last conversion day is after the maturity last conversion day is after the maturity

4.5 BankruptcyForced liquida-tion of a com-pany – Full or partial compen- The ISIN has to become inactive The ISIN has to become inactivesation ofshare- after deletion of the company in after deletion of the company inholders/creditors the register of commerce the register of commerce

4. Consequences of corporate actions

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Event and Definition ISIN rules for paperless securities ISIN rules for physical certificates

– Discontinua- The ISIN has to become inactive The ISIN has to become inactivetion of the after deletion of the company in after deletion of the company inlegal the register of commerce the register of commerceproceedingsbecause of lack of assets

4.6 Change ofshare capitalChange ofissued capital(issued stock)of a company A new ISIN has only to be allocated A new ISIN has only to be allocated– Increase by for stocks with different rights for stocks with different rights

issue ofadditionalstock

– Increase by The ISIN code remains unchanged A new ISIN is required in case ofchange of exchange of the old certificatesthe nominalvalue

– Decrease by The ISIN code remains unchanged A new ISIN is required in case ofchange of exchange of the old certificatesthe nominalvalue

4.7 Liquidation The ISIN has to become inactive The ISIN has to become inactiveVoluntary dis- after deletion of the company in after deletion of the company insolvement of the register of commerce the register of commercea company

4.8 Change of – For shares: – For shares:name The ISIN code remains unchanged A new ISIN is allocated for shares Renaming of a except in the United States. in case of exchange of the old company certificates

– For debt securities: – For debt securities:The ISIN code remains unchanged If the bonds have to be exchanged except in the United States. for new certificates, the ISIN must

be changed.

4.9 Stock split The ISIN code is changed only if A new ISIN is required in case ofnecessary for technical reasons. exchange of the old certificates

4.10 Reverse split The ISIN code is changed only if A new ISIN is required in case of Consolidation necessary for technical reasons. exchange of the old certificates

4.11 Renewal of Not applicable. No new ISIN will be allocated in such coupons a case provided that the certificate

does not need to be exchanged.

Appendix B: ANNA Guidelines for ISO 6166, Version 9, November 2006


Event Definition Allocation rules

4.12 Official In case of official stripping, the issue The ISIN should bear the prefix of the stripping designates the underlying issue as country in which the stripper is legally Separate eligible for stripping and appoints strip domiciled.trading of dealers.registeredinterest andprincipal of securities.

4.13Unofficial Unofficial stripping are generally The ISIN should bear the prefix of the stripping issued by a Trust or SPV (special country in which the stripper is legally

purpose vehicle) which repackages domiciled.the underlying issue without the In this case, evidence of ownership is in the form of a certificate issued by the Trust or the SPV. The certificates are not the primary obligation of the issuer of the underlying security and in the event of default of the Trust or the SPV no claim can be made by certificate holders against assets of the issuer of the underlying bond in order to recoup their principal and interest.

5. RE-USE OF ISIN CODESAs a general rule, ISINs should never be re-used. Where this is unavoidable, such a re-use shall notoccur before expiration of a 10-Years-period following the inactivation of the ISIN (e.g. after the matu-rity date of bonds, or bankruptcy date of the issuer in case of shares for instance). This rule applies toall kinds of financial instruments, except for options, futures and other short term money market instru-ments for which the re-use may occur one year after the expiration date.

6. NUMBERING AGENCIES NOT IN LINE WITH THE GUIDELINESThe Letter of Understanding will govern all ISIN allocations. Should this not be possible for certainevents, the long term goal should be to come in line with the guidelines as soon as practical.

7. BANKING INSTRUMENTS/FACILITIESAll banking instruments or facilities such as:– Bills for discount– Bank loans– Credit facilities (overdraft, revolving)– Documentary credits– Collection items, etc…are outside of the scope of the ISO-6166 standard and should not be identified by ISIN codes.

Appendix B: ANNA Guidelines for ISO 6166, Version 9, November 2006

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Appendix C: International Securities Identification Numbers (ISIN) Geographical divisionof countries among substitute agencies as per April 2009Countries which have a national numbering agency are in bold.

Substitute Agencies

CUSIPEntity (Short name in English) Alpha-2 Service WertpapierOfficial Name in English code Bureau Mitteilungen Telekurs NDC Russia Remarks

Afghanistan AF XThe transitional Islamic State of Afghanistan

Åland Islands AX X

Albania AL XPeople’s Socialist Republicof Albania

Algeria DZ XPeople’s Democratic Republicof Algeria

American Samoa AS X

Andorra AD X

Angola AO X Includes Cabinda LandanaPeople’s Republic of Angola

Anguilla AI X

Antarctica AQ X The territory of 60 south latitude

Antigua and Barbuda AG X Includes RedondaPrevious entry: Barbuda

Argentina AR XArgentine Republic

Armenia AM X

Aruba AW X

Australia AU X Includes Lord Howe Island, Commonwealth of Australia Macquarie Islands, Ashmore

and Cartier Islands

Austria AT XRepublic of Austria

Azerbaijan AZ X

Bahamas BS X Turks and Caicos not includedCommonwealth of the Bahamas

Bahrain BH XState of Bahrain

Bangladesh BD XPeople’s Republic of Bangladesh

Barbados BB X

Belarus BY X

Belgium BE XKingdom of Belgium

Belize BZ X

Benin BJ X Previous entry: Dahomey DYRepublic of Benin Numbering by Cote d’Ivoire

Bermuda BM X

Bhutan BT XKingdom of Bhutan

Bolivia BO XRepublic of Bolivia

Bosnia and Herzegovina BA X

Botswana BW XRepublic of Botswana


Bouvet Islands BV X Also called BouvetoyaNumbering Agency is Norway

Brazil BR X Includes Rocas, Fernando de Federative Republic of Brazil Noronha Archipelago, Trinidad,

Ilhas Martim Vaz and SanPedro e Sao Paulo

British Indian Ocean Territory IO X Chagos Archipelago

Brunei Darussalam BN X

Bulgaria BG XPeople’s Republic of Bulgaria

Burkina Faso BF X Previous entry: Upper VoltaNumbering by Cote d’Ivoire

Burundi BI XRepublic of Burundi

Cambodia KH X

Cameroon CM X Previous entry: Cameroon, Republic of Cameroon United Republic of

Canada CA X

Cape Verde CV X Previous entry: Cape VerdeRepublic of Cape Verde Islands. Includes Boa Vista,

Brava, Fogo, Maio Sal, SantoAntao, Sao Nicolau, Sao Tiagoand Sao Vicente

Cayman Islands KY X Includes Grand Cayman,Cayman Bracand Little Cayman

Central African Republic CF X

Chad TD X ISIN alloation by Central Republic of Chad African Republic

Chile CL X Includes Easter Island, Juan Republic of Chile Fernandez Islands, San Felix

and Sala y Gomez

China CN X See also Taiwan, People’s Republic of China Province of China

Christmas Island CX X Australian Christmas Island

Cocos (Keeling) Islands CC X

Colombia CO X Includes San Andres yRepublic of Colombia Providencia, Malpelo Islands,

Roncador Bk., Serrana Bk.and Serranilia Bk.

Comoros KM X Previous entry: Comoro Isl.Federal Republic of Comoros Includes Anjouan, Grande

Comore Moheli and otherIslands

CongoThe Democratic Republic of CD X

Congo CG X ISIN alloation by Central People’s Republic of the Congo African Republic

Cook Islands CK X

Costa Rica CR X Includes Cocos IslandsRepublic of Costa Rica

Substitute Agencies

CUSIPEntity (Short name in English) Alpha-2 Service WertpapierOfficial Name in English code Bureau Mitteilungen Telekurs NDC Russia Remarks

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Cote d’Ivoire CI X Previous entry: Ivory CoastRepublic of Cote d’Ivoire

Croatia HR X

Cuba CU XRepublic of Cuba

Cyprus CY XRepublic of Cyprus

Czech Republic CZ X

Denmark DK XKingdom of Denmark

Djibouti DJ X Previous entry: French AfarsRepublic of Djibouti and Issas AI AFI

Dominica DM XCommonwealth of Dominica

Dominican Republic DO X

Ecuador EC X Includes Galapagos IslandsRepublic of Ecuador (Archipelago Colon)

Egypt EG XArab Republic of Egypt

El Salvador SV XRepublic of El Salvador

Equatorial Guinea GO X Includes Rio Muni, Bioko, Republic of Equatorial Guinea Annobon Corisco, Elobey

Chico and Elobey Grande;ISIN allocation by CentralAfrican Republic

Eritrea ER X

Estonia EE X

Ethiopia ET XPeople’s Democratic Republicof Ethiopia

Falkland Islands (Malvinas) FK X Includes West Falkland andEast Falkland, South Georgiaand South Sandwich Islands

Faroe Islands FO X

Fiji FJ X Includes Viti Levu and RotumaRepublic od Fiji Islands

Finland FI XRepublic of Finland

France FR XFrench Republic

French Guiana GF XDepartment of Guiana

French Polynesia PF X Includes Society Archipelago,Tuamotu Archipelago,Marquezas Islands, GambierIslands, Austral Islands andClipperton Islands

French Southern Territories TF X Includes Kerguelen Islands,Amsterdam, St. Paul, CrozetIsland (ile des Apotres, ile auxCochons, ile de la Possesion,ile des Pinqouins, ile d l’Est)

Substitute Agencies

CUSIPEntity (Short name in English) Alpha-2 Service WertpapierOfficial Name in English code Bureau Mitteilungen Telekurs NDC Russia Remarks


Gabon GA X ISIN allocation by Central Gabonese Republic African Republic

Gambia GM XRepublic of Gambia

Georgia GE X

Germany, Federal Republic of DE – XX –

Ghana GH XRepublic of Ghana

Gibraltar GI X

Greece GR X Includes Aegean Islands, Hellenic Republic Ionian Islands, Dodecanese

Islands, Crete and MountAthos autonomous area

Greenland GL X NNA via Denmark

Grenada GD X Includes Southern GrenadineIslands

Guadeloupe GP X Includes Grande Terre, BasseTerre, Marie Galante, Les Saintes, Iles de la PetiteTerre, Désirade, SaintBarthélémy and Northern St. Martin

Guam GU X

Guatemala GT XRepublic of Guatemala

Guernsey GG X ISIN allocation by GB

Guinea GN XRepublic of Guinea

Guinea-Bissau GW X Numbering by Cote d’IvoireRepublic of Guinea-Bissau

Guyana GY XRepublic of Guyana

Haiti HT XRepublic of Haiti

Heard and McDonald Islands HM X

Holy See VA X(Vatican City State)

Honduras HN X Includes Swan IslandsRepublic of Honduras

Hong Kong HK X Also called Hisiangkang andXianggang

Hungary HU XRepublic of Hungary

Iceland IS XRepublic of Iceland

India IN X Includes Amindivis,Republic of India Laccadives, Minicoy, Andaman

Islands, Nicobar Islands and Sikkim

Indonesia ID XRepublic of Indonesia

Iran IR X Previous entry: IranIslamic Republic of Iran

Substitute Agencies

CUSIPEntity (Short name in English) Alpha-2 Service WertpapierOfficial Name in English code Bureau Mitteilungen Telekurs NDC Russia Remarks

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Iraq IQ XRepublic of Iraq

Ireland IE X

Isle of Man IM x ISIN allocation by GB

Israel IL XState of Israel

Italy IT XItalian Republic

Jamaica JM X Includes Morant Cays andPedro Cays

Japan JP X

Jersey JE X ISIN allocation by GB

Jordan JO XHashemite Kingdom of Jordan

Kazakhstan KZ X

Kenya KE XRepublic of Kenya

Kiribati KI X Includes Fanning Islands,Washington Island andChristmas Island in the LineIslands, Ocean Islands, PhoenixIsland (Birnie, Gardner, Hull,McKean, Phoenix Sydney,Canton and Enderbury)

Korea, Democratic People’s KP XRepublic of Korea

Korea KR XRepublic of Korea

Kuwait KW XState of Kuwait

Kyrgyzstan KG X

Lao People’s Democratic LA XRepublic

Latvia LV X

Lebanon LB XLebanese Republic

Lesotho LS XKingdom of Lesotho

Liberia LR XRepublic of Liberia

Libyan Arab Jamahiriya LY X Previous entry: LibyaSocialist People’s Libyan ArabJamahiriya

Liechtenstein LI X ISIN allocation by CHPrincipality of Liechtenstein

Lithuania LT X

Luxembourg LU XGrand Duchy of Luxembourg

Macao MO X Previous entry: Macao. Alsocalled Ao-men

Macedonia MK X

Substitute Agencies

CUSIPEntity (Short name in English) Alpha-2 Service WertpapierOfficial Name in English code Bureau Mitteilungen Telekurs NDC Russia Remarks


Madagascar MG XDemocratic Republic of Madagascar

Malawi MW XRepublic of Malawi

Malaysia MY X Includes Peninsular Malaysia,Sabah and Sarawak

Maldives MV XRepublic of Maldives

Mali ML X Numbering by Cote d’IvoireRepublic of Mali

Malta MT XRepublic of Malta

Marshall Islands MH X Previously part of entryRepublic of Marshall Islands Pacific Islands

Martinique MQ XDepartment of Martinique

Mauritania MR XIslamic Republic of Mauritania

Mauritius MU X Includes Rodriques, AgalegaIsland and Cargados Carajos

Mayotte YT X

Mexico MX XUnited Mexican States

Micronesia FM X Caroline Islands except the Federated States of Micronesia Palau Islands Group (Republic

of Palau). Includes Yap, Truk,Ponape, Kosrae. Previouslypart of the Pacific Islands entry

Moldova MD XRepublic of Moldova

Monaco MC X Numbering AgencyPrincipality of Monaco is France

Mongolia MN XMongolian People’s Republic

Montenegro ME X

Montserrat MS X

Morocco MA XKingdom of Morocco

Mozambique MZ XPeople’s Republic of Mozambique

Myanmar MM X Previous entry: Burma

Namibia NA XRepublic of Namibia

Nauru NR XRepublic of Nauru

Nepal NP XKingdom of Nepal

Netherlands NL XKingdom of Netherlands

Netherlands Antilles AN X Includes Aruba, Bonaire, Saba,Curaçao, St. Eustachius andSouthern St. Martin

Substitute Agencies

CUSIPEntity (Short name in English) Alpha-2 Service WertpapierOfficial Name in English code Bureau Mitteilungen Telekurs NDC Russia Remarks

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New Caledonia NC X Includes Isle of Pines, LoyaltyIslands, Huon Islands, BelepArchipelago, ChesterfieldIslands and Walpole

New Zealand NZ X Includes Antipodes Islands,Auckland Islands, BountyIslands, Campell Island,Kermadec Islands, ChathamIslands and Snares Islands

Nicaragua NI XRepublic of Nicaragua

Niger NE X Numbering by Cote d’IvoireRepublic of Niger

Nigeria NG XFederal Republic of Nigeria

Niue NU X

Norfolk Island NF X

Northern Mariana Islands MP X Includes Mariana IslandsMariana Islands except Guam. Previously part Commonwealth of the Northern of the entry Pacific Islands

Norway NO XKingdom of Norway

Oman OM X Includes Kuria Muria IslandsSultanate of Oman

Pakistan PK XIslamic Republic of Pakistan

Palau PW X Previously part of the entryRepublic of Palau Pacific Islands

Palastinian PS XTerritory, occupied

Panama PA XRepublic of Panama

Papua New Guinea PG X Includes Bismarck Archipelago, LouisiadeArchipelago, Admiralty Islands,d’Entrecasteaux Islands,Northern Solomon Islands(Bougainville, Buka etc.),Trobriand Islands, New Britain,New Ireland, Woodlark andassociated Islands

Paraguay PY XRepublic of Paraguay

Peru PE XRepublic of Peru

Philippines PH XRepublic of Philippines

Pitcairn PN X Includes Henderson, Ducieand Oeno. Previous entry:Pitcairn Island

Poland PL XRepublic of Poland

Portugal PT XPortuguese Republic

Puerto Rico PR X

Substitute Agencies

CUSIPEntity (Short name in English) Alpha-2 Service WertpapierOfficial Name in English code Bureau Mitteilungen Telekurs NDC Russia Remarks


Qatar QA XState of Qatar

Réunion RE X Includes Ile Europa, BassasDepartment of Réunion da India, Juan de Nova,

Ile Glorieuse and Ile Tromelin

Romania RO X

Russian Federation RU X -XX-

Rwanda RW XRwandese Republic

Saint Barthélemy BL X

St. Helena SH X Includes Ascension, GoughIsland, Inaccessible,Nightingale Islands and Tristanda Cunha

St. Kitts and Nevis KN X Previous entry:St. Kitts-Nevis-Anguilla

Saint Lucia LC X Previous entry: St. Lucia

Saint Martin MF X

St. Pierre and Miquelon PM XTerritorial entity of St. Pierreand Miquelon

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines VC X Includes Northern GrenadineIsland

Samoa WS X Previous entry:Independent State of Western SamoaWestern Samoa

San Marino SM XRepublic of San Marino

Sao Tome and Principe ST XDemocratic Republic ofSao Tome and Prinicipe

Saudi Arabia SA XKingdom of Saudi Arabia

Senegal SN X Numbering by Cote d’IvoireRepublic of Senegal

Serbia RS X

Seychelles SC X Includes Alphonse, Bijoutier,Republic of Seychelles St. François Islands, St. Pierre

Islet, Cosmoledo Island,Amirantes, Aldabra, Farquharand Desroches

Sierra Leone SL XRepublic of Sierra Leone

Singapore SG XRepublic of Singapore

Slovakia SK X

Slovenia SI X

Solomon Islands SB X Includes Southern SolomonIslands primarily Guadalcanal,Malaita, San Cristobal, Santa Isabel, Choiseul

Somalia SO XSomalia Democratic Republic

South Africa ZA X Includes Walvis Bay, MarionRepublic of South Africa Island and Prince Edward


Substitute Agencies

CUSIPEntity (Short name in English) Alpha-2 Service WertpapierOfficial Name in English code Bureau Mitteilungen Telekurs NDC Russia Remarks

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South Georgia GS Xand the South Sandwich Iskands

Spain ES XKingdom of Spain

Sri Lanka LK XDemocratic SocialistRepublic of Sri Lanka

Sudan SD XRepublic of the Sudan

Suriname SR XRepublic of Surinam

Svalbard and Jan Mayen SJ X Includes Bear Islands.Islands (Bjornoy) NNA via Norway

Swaziland SZ XKingdom of Swaziland

Sweden SE XKingdom of Sweden

Switzerland CH – XX –Swiss Confederation

Syrian Arab Republic SY X

Taiwan TW X Includes Penghu (Pescadores)Republic of China Islands

Tajikistan TJ X

Tanzania TZ X Includes Zanzibar and PembaUnited Republic of

Thailand TH XKingdom of Thailand

Timor-Leste TL X

Togo TG X Numbering by Cote d’IvoireTogolese Republic

Tokelau TK X Previous entry: Tokelau Island

Tonga TO XKingdom of Tonga

Trinidad and Tobago TT XRepublic of Trinidad and Tobago

Tunisia TN XRepublic of Tunisia

Turkey TR XRepublic of Turkey

Turkmenistan TM X

Turks and Caicos Islands TC X

Tuvalu TV X Includes Funafuti, Nanumanga,Nui Nanomea, Nurakita, Niutao,Nukufetau, Nukulaelae andVaitupu

Uganda UG XRepublic of Uganda

Ukraine UA X

United Arab Emirates AE X

United Kingdom GB X Includes Orkney, Shetland United Kingdom of Great Britain Islands and Northern Ireland

Substitute Agencies

CUSIPEntity (Short name in English) Alpha-2 Service WertpapierOfficial Name in English code Bureau Mitteilungen Telekurs NDC Russia Remarks


United States US – XX –United States of America

United States Minor Outlying UM X Includes Baker Islands, JarvisIslands, Johnston Atoll,Kingman Reef, Midway Islands,Palmyra Islands and WakeIsland.Previously partially covered bythe United States MiscellaneousPacific Islands (PU)

Uruguay UY XEastern Republic of Uruguay

Uzbekistan UZ X Substitute Numbering Agencyis Russia

Vanuatu VU XRepublic of Vanuatu

Vatican City State (Holy See) VA X

Venezuela VE XRepublic of Venezuela

Viet Nam VN X Previous entries: DemocraticSocialist Republic of Vietnam Republic of Vietnam (VD) and

Republic Vietnam

Virgin Islands (British) VG X Includes Anegada, Jost VanDyke Tortola and Virgin Gorda.Previous entry: British VirginIslands

Virgin Islands (U.S.) VI X Includes Saint Croix, Saint Virgin Islands of the United John, Saint Thomas.States Previous entry: United States

Virgin Islands

Wallis and Futuna Islands WF X Includes Iles Wallis (Uvea) andIle de Hoorn (Futuna, Alofi)

Western Sahara EH X Previous entry: Spanish Sahara

Yemen, Republic of YE X

Zambia ZM XRepublic of Zambia

Zimbabwe ZW XRepublic of Zimbabwe

Substitute Agencies

CUSIPEntity (Short name in English) Alpha-2 Service WertpapierOfficial Name in English code Bureau Mitteilungen Telekurs NDC Russia Remarks

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Appendix D: ISO 10962 – Outline of CFI-(Classification of financial instruments-)Code

The CFI code has been developed to adress anumber of problems which have concerned thefinancial community in the past years. Amongothers the following problems have affected thefinancial community:

lack of consistent and uniform approach togrouping financial instrumentsuse of similar terminology for instruments having significantly different features in thedifferent countriesinability to group securities in a consistentmanner leading to reports of holdings beingcategorized differently.

The benefits of the new code are:Definition and description for an internationallyvalid system to classity financial instrumentsprovision of a set of codes to be used by allmarket participants in an EDP environment andpermission of electronic communicationbetween participantsimproved understanding of the characteristics offinancial instruments resulting in to a betterunderstanding by investors.

The structure of the CFI code:The CFI reflects characteristics that are definedwhen a financial instrument is issued and remainunchanged during its entire lifetime. The CFI consists of six alphabetical characters: The first character indicates the highest level ofclassification (categories).

Categories:Equities (E)Debt instruments (D)Entitlements (Rights) (R)Options (O)Futures (F)Others/Miscellaneous (M)

The second character indicates specific groupswithin each category:Groups e.g. for equities:SharesPreferred sharesConvertible preferred sharesUnits, i.e. unit trusts/mutual funds etc.OthersThe third to the sixth characters indicate the mostimportant attributes of each group:

Attributes e.g. for equities:Voting rightOwnership/transfer restrictionsPayment statusForm

Report on CFI developments Requests from some countries (such as the US andSwitzerland as well as from some industry organi-zations) have required ISO TC68/SC4/WG6 toreconvene and discuss these requests for a possi-ble revision of ISO Standard 10962.

After 2 meetings in May and October 2005, WG6came up with some additions to some of the cate-gories, groups and attributes of the CFI.

The proposals for revision have been presented tothe members of ANNA and will now be circulatedamong the ISO members for voting. After approve-ment by the ISO member countries a revised newversion of the standard will be published.

The new version of the standard was voted positi-vely by the ISO members and should therefore bepublished in a few months.

Main changes that will be introduced are:

Two new categories:Structured Products (S)Referential instruments (T) such as currencies,commodities, interest rates, indices

Some new groups will also be added for examplefor debt instruments:Asset-backed securitiesMortgage-backed securitiesMunicipal bonds

Finally some attributes will be updated or addedunder the different groups to provide further granu-larity.


CFI introduction (as of April 2009)Country CFI allocation Planned forArgentina 2003Australia No fixed dateAustria 1999Bangladesh No fixed dateBelgium 1997Brazil 1998Bulgaria 1997Canada Mid 2008Chile 2005China No plans yetCosta Rica 2006Croatia 2001Cyprus 2007Czech Republic 1996Denmark 2002Egypt 2005Estonia 2000Finland 2000France 2005Germany 1997Greece Nov. 2003Hong Kong 2005Hungary 2003Iceland Jan. 2005India No plans yetIndonesia June 2008Iran Nov. 2006Ireland Dec. 2007Israel Dec. 2005Italy 2001Japan Jan. 2007Jordan Mar 2007Korea 2002Kuwait 3rd quarter 2007Latvia 1997Lebanon 2010Libya Planned for 2009Lithuania 2004Luxembourg March 2007 incl. XS-ISINs for

which CB hasallocated ISIN

Macedonia Jan. 2004Malaysia 2008Malta Dec. 2006Mauritius Dec. 2004Mexico No plans yetMontenegro Nov 07Morocco 2006Netherlands Dec 2008Norway 1999Pakistan No plans yetPanama 2005Peru No plans yetPhilippines No plans yetPoland 1997Portugal 1997Romania 2003Russia 2001Saudi Arabia Oct. 2007Serbia Nov. 2001Singapore No plans yetSlovakia 2001Slovenia 2004South Africa Mar 2008Spain 1997Sri Lanka No plans yetSweden Allocation upon

request onlySwitzerland 2001Taiwan May 2006Thailand 4th quarter 2009Tunisia 2003Turkey 2000Ukraine 1999United Kingdom 1999USA 1996Venezuela 2001

International Clearing Systems:Euroclear/Clearstream June 2008

Appendix D: ISO 10962 – Outline of CFI-(Classification of financial instruments-)Code

Association of National Numbering Agencies scrlMr. Uwe Meyer, ANNA SecretariatWertpapier-MitteilungenDüsseldorfer Str. 1660329 Frankfurt am MainGermany