The Communications and Marketing team has developed this editorial style guide for Cairn University faculty and staff, especially those who write for an external or formal audience. Relevant documents include print and electronic materials designed to promote Cairn, its departments, and its programs; and materials providing information about or accountability for Cairn and its activities. In August 2014, we modified our Cairn editorial style guidelines to ensure that our communication style is consistent across campus, whether we’re writing news releases for the media, content for the Web, or copy for print publications. The main change is that we have adopted the Associated Press Stylebook as our official style guide, in place of the Chicago Manual of Style. There are a few cases where we depart from AP style, however. Please click here for a list of those exceptions. Our primary focus with this guide is to provide universityspecific information such as the official names of our schools and departments, a list of our buildings, the abbreviations for our major fields of study, and our nondiscrimination statements. For any style questions not addressed in this guide, please refer to the Associated Press Stylebook. For other spelling or usage questions not addressed in the AP guide, we encourage you to refer to Webster’s New World College Dictionary. A web version, Webster’s New World Online, is available with the AP Stylebook Online subscription. Our goal is to present a consistent and highquality standard of writing that appropriately reflects Cairn’s standard of excellence. We encourage University faculty and staff to become familiar with these guidelines and to follow them whenever possible. However, this guide is not intended to replace other writing style guides used for specific purposes or for publications such as scholarly journals. Please direct questions or comments about this style guide to the Managing Editor of Cairn Magazine at [email protected]. Many thanks to the Communications department at University of Colorado – Boulder for granting permission to adapt the wording and table of contents of their style guide when appropriate.

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The  Communications  and  Marketing  team  has  developed  this  editorial  style  guide  for  Cairn  University  faculty  and  staff,  especially  those  who  write  for  an  external  or  formal  audience.  Relevant  documents  include  print  and  electronic  materials  designed  to  promote  Cairn,  its  departments,  and  its  programs;  and  materials  providing  information  about  or  accountability  for  Cairn  and  its  activities.  

In  August  2014,  we  modified  our  Cairn  editorial  style  guidelines  to  ensure  that  our  communication  style  is  consistent  across  campus,  whether  we’re  writing  news  releases  for  the  media,  content  for  the  Web,  or  copy  for  print  publications.  The  main  change  is  that  we  have  adopted  the  Associated  Press  Stylebook  as  our  official  style  guide,  in  place  of  the  Chicago  Manual  of  Style.  There  are  a  few  cases  where  we  depart  from  AP  style,  however.  Please  click  here  for  a  list  of  those  exceptions.  

Our  primary  focus  with  this  guide  is  to  provide  university-­‐specific  information  such  as  the  official  names  of  our  schools  and  departments,  a  list  of  our  buildings,  the  abbreviations  for  our  major  fields  of  study,  and  our  nondiscrimination  statements.  For  any  style  questions  not  addressed  in  this  guide,  please  refer  to  the  Associated  Press  Stylebook.  For  other  spelling  or  usage  questions  not  addressed  in  the  AP  guide,  we  encourage  you  to  refer  to  Webster’s  New  World  College  Dictionary.  A  web  version,  Webster’s  New  World  Online,  is  available  with  the  AP  Stylebook  Online  subscription.  

Our  goal  is  to  present  a  consistent  and  high-­‐quality  standard  of  writing  that  appropriately  reflects  Cairn’s  standard  of  excellence.  We  encourage  University  faculty  and  staff  to  become  familiar  with  these  guidelines  and  to  follow  them  whenever  possible.  However,  this  guide  is  not  intended  to  replace  other  writing  style  guides  used  for  specific  purposes  or  for  publications  such  as  scholarly  journals.  

Please  direct  questions  or  comments  about  this  style  guide  to  the  Managing  Editor  of  Cairn  Magazine  at  [email protected].    










Many  thanks  to  the  Communications  department  at  University  of  Colorado  –  Boulder  for  granting  permission  to  adapt  the  wording  and  table  of  contents  of  their  style  guide  when  appropriate.    

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• In  general,  avoid  unnecessary  capitalization.  • In  general,  formal  titles  are  capitalized  only  when  they  precede  a  name,  not  after.  

o Dr.  Todd  Williams,  president  of  Cairn  University,  spoke  in  today’s  chapel.  • Cairn  does  not  adhere  to  AP  Style’s  use  of  periods  regarding  abbreviation  of  academic  degrees.  

Rather,  it  omits  periods:  BA,  BS,  MA,  PhD,  MBA,  MDiv).  • Use  figures  for  numbers  of  10  or  higher,  except  when  they  begin  a  sentence.  • Use  a  comma  before  the  last  item  in  a  series  (Oxford  comma).  • Periods  and  commas  are  always  placed  within  quotation  marks,  never  outside.  • Use  figures  with  am  or  pm  (small  caps  or  lowercase  letters)  to  indicate  specific  times.  Use  noon  

and  midnight  in  place  of  12  pm  and  12  am,  respectively,  for  clarity.  o The  ceremony  will  begin  at  10  am.  o The  meeting  starts  at  2:30  pm.  

-­‐ Em  dashes  are  used  to  denote  a  sudden  break  in  thought  that  causes  an  abrupt  change  in  sentence  structure.  Use  no  space  before  or  after  an  em  dash.  

• Use  an  en  dash  rather  than  a  hyphen  between  numbers.  o 1947–2011  o 2007–12  o pages  483–511  

• Capitalize  only  the  complete  and  official  names  of  schools,  departments,  offices,  and  official  bodies.  Lowercase  informal  and  shortened  versions  of  all  such  names.  

o The  School  of  Liberal  Arts  and  Sciences  now  offers  five  undergraduate  majors.  In  addition,  the  school  offers  three  of  the  University’s  nine  minors.  

o Exception:  “the  University”  is  capitalized  whenever  “Cairn  University”  could  be  substituted.  


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-­‐ Abbreviations:  May  follow  an  organization’s  full  name  with  its  abbreviation  in  parentheses.  -­‐ advisor  –  Use  this  spelling  when  referring  to  academic  advising;  otherwise,  use  adviser  (AP).  -­‐ Capitalize  department  names  (Department  of  Counseling)  when  a  proper  noun.  For  less  formal  

uses,  use  “the  counseling  department.”  -­‐ Capitalize  “professor”  before  the  person’s  name:  Professor  Cheyney.  -­‐ Capitalize  Web  only  when  it’s  a  noun.  When  used  as  an  adjective,  lowercase  it.  -­‐ Commas  in  a  series:    Use  a  comma  before  the  last  item  in  a  series  (Oxford  comma).  -­‐ Em  dash:  No  space  before  or  after  an  em  dash.  -­‐ homepage,  not  home  page  (AP)  -­‐ http://  -­‐  Omit  at  the  start  of  a  URL  unless  needed  for  clarity  -­‐ State  abbreviations:  Use  the  two-­‐letter,  capitalized  zip  code  abbreviation  (PA,  NJ,  AZ)  without  

periods.  -­‐ Titles:  Italicize  titles  of  books,  periodicals,  journals,  movies,  television  and  radio  programs,  

musicals,  plays,  long  poems,  works  of  art,  and  campus  publications.  -­‐ webpage,  not  Web  page  (AP)  


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The  following  list  includes  easily  confused  words,  as  well  as  the  preferred  spelling  and  capitalization  for  words  frequently  used  in  Cairn  writing.  For  words  not  included  here,  consult  a  good  dictionary  or  the  AP  Style  guide.  Typically,  US  spellings  are  preferred  over  British.  

• A.D.  • advisor  -­‐  Use  this  spelling  when  referring  to  academic  advising.  • All-­‐Steinway  —  always  hyphenate  • alum  –  Abbreviation  for  alumnus  or  alumna.  Avoid  this  abbreviation  in  formal  copy.  • alumna  –  Singular  for  female  graduate;  alumnae  is  the  plural  when  referring  to  only  female  

graduates.  • alumni  –  Plural  for  male  graduates  or  combination  of  male  and  female  graduates.  • alumnus  –  Singular  for  male  graduate.  Also  used  as  a  generic  reference  for  male  or  female  

graduate  (“If  you  are  a  Cairn  alumnus…”)  • athletic  /  athletics  –  The  term  “athletic”  is  an  adjective  (athletic  department);  “athletics”  is  a  

noun  (Director  of  Athletics).  • B.C.  • biblical  –  lowercase  (unless  part  of  a  proper  noun  or  title  –  i.e.,  Philadelphia  Biblical  University)  • biblically  minded  —  No  hyphen  • biblical  world  and  life  view  —  phrase  long  used  historically  by  the  University,  although  less  

recently  • bilingual  • biweekly  • Board  of  Trustees  –  Use  the  full  name  for  first  reference.  Subsequent  references  may  be  styled  

the  trustees  or  the  board.  “Board  of  Trustees”  is  singular;  “trustees”  takes  a  plural  verb.  • campuswide  • cancel,  canceling,  canceled,  cancellation  (American  English)  • check-­‐in,  check  in  –  Hyphenated  as  a  noun,  two  words  as  a  verb  • checkout,  check  out  –  One  word  as  a  noun,  two  words  as  a  verb  • co-­‐  -­‐  Use  a  hyphen  when  forming  nouns,  adjectives,  and  verbs  that  indicate  occupation  or  

status.  Do  not  hyphenate  in  other  combinations.  o co-­‐author,  co-­‐teacher  o coeducational,  cooperate,  cocurricular  o Exceptions:  coworker  

• commencement  –  Capitalize  only  when  referring  to  a  specific  one.  • compose/comprise/constitute  –  Compose  means  to  create  or  put  together.  Comprise  means  to  

be  made  up  of.  Comprised  of  is  redundant.  Constitutes  means  to  be  the  elements  of  and  may  work  best  when  neither  compose  nor  comprise  seem  to  fit.  

• course  load  —  two  words  • coursework  

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• cross-­‐cultural  • cum  laude  –  No  italics  for  this  or  other  commonly  used  Latin  terms.  (If  it’s  in  Webster’s  or  

another  standard  dictionary,  it’s  common  enough  to  not  require  italics.)  • data  –  Both  a  plural  noun  and  a  collective  noun—i.e.,  that  represents  a  unit—that  can  take  a  

singular  verb  • database  • day  care  —  two  words,  no  hyphen,  for  all  uses  • Degree  Completion  Program  • decision-­‐making  • dodgeball  • dual-­‐degree  programs  • dual-­‐level  • eBook  • eLearning  • email  –  Capitalize  the  e  only  when  the  term  appears  at  the  beginning  of  a  sentence,  in  a  

heading,  or  on  a  form  where  other  entries  (such  as  Address  and  Phone  Number)  are  capitalized.    • emeritus  –  Honorary  title  for  retired  professor,  whether  male  or  female.  Emeriti  is  plural.  • eNews  • every  day/everyday  –  The  single  word  everyday  is  an  adjective.  • extracurricular  • faculty  –  A  collective  noun  referring  to  an  institution’s  entire  teaching  staff.  It  takes  a  singular  

verb.  To  refer  to  an  individual  who  is  part  of  the  faculty,  faculty  member  is  preferred.  • federal  —  lowercase  unless  beginning  a  sentence  or  part  of  a  proper  noun  • fellowshipping  • female/woman  –  For  clarity,  use  female  as  an  adjective  only  and  woman  as  a  noun  only.  • fieldwork  • First  Year  Programs  • flatwater  • full  time  –  Hyphenate  only  when  used  as  an  adjective  immediately  before  a  noun.  • fundraising  • gospel  —  Capitalize  “Gospel”  when  referring  to  any  or  all  of  the  first  four  books  of  the  New  

Testament.  Lowercase  in  other  references.  See  “Religious  References”  for  examples.  • GPA  –  Needs  not  be  spelled  out  on  first  use  • gray  –  Rather  than  grey  (British  spelling),  unless  part  of  a  proper  noun  • head-­‐on  —  Always  hyphenate,  whether  adj.  or  adv.  • homepage  • homeschool  • Honors  Program  • HTML  —  all  caps  • its/it’s  –  Its  is  the  possessive  pronoun  (his,  her,  its).  It’s  is  the  contraction  of  “it  is.”  

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• J  Term  –  no  hyphen  • JAM  —  Junior  High  Adventures  in  Ministry  —  Name  of  annual  YFM  summer  outreach  event.  No  

periods  in  the  acronym.  No  hyphen  in  the  event  name.  • JavaScripting  • junior  high  —  adjective  does  not  need  to  be  hyphenated  or  capitalized.  Do  not  abbreviate  

“junior”  as  “jr.”  • lifelong  • login/log-­‐in  –  One  word  when  used  as  a  noun  or  adjective;  two  words  when  used  as  a  verb.  “Log  

in”  is  preferred  over  “log  on.”  • low  impact  skills  —  no  hyphen,  per  LNT.org  • magna  cum  laude  –  No  italics  necessary  • middle  level  —  no  hyphen  when  referring  to  education  • midsemester  • midterm  • mission  trip  (not  “missions  trip”)  • more  than/over  –  Over  generally  refers  to  spatial  relationships.  More  than  is  preferred  with  

numerals  or  amount.  • multicultural  /multidisciplinary  /  multinational  /mutlimedia  • non-­‐  -­‐  Most  words  beginning  with  non-­‐  do  not  use  a  hyphen  (nonprofit,  nonrefundable).  

Exceptions  include  where  the  following  word  is  a  proper  noun  or  when  the  resulting  word  would  be  unclear  or  confusing.  

• off  campus  /off-­‐campus  –  Two  words  when  preposition  plus  noun;  one  word  when  adjective  immediately  preceding  a  noun  

• on  campus/on-­‐campus  -­‐  Two  words  when  preposition  plus  noun;  one  word  when  adjective  immediately  preceding  a  noun  

• off-­‐hours  —  hyphenate  for  all  usages  • online  • para-­‐church  • part  time  –  Only  hyphenate  when  used  as  an  adjective  immediately  before  a  noun.  • post-­‐  -­‐  Most  words  formed  with  the  post-­‐  prefix  are  styled  without  a  hyphen,  unless  the  word  

begins  with  a  capital  or  unless  confusion  would  result  (post-­‐World  War  II).  • powder-­‐puff  football  —  per  Webster’s  dictionary  • pre-­‐  -­‐  Most  words  formed  with  the  pre-­‐  prefix  are  styled  as  a  hyphen.  (Exceptions:  

preprofessional,  prequalify,  preregister,  prerequisite,  preschool)  • problem  solving  –  No  hyphen  when  used  as  a  noun.  Hyphenate  only  when  used  as  an  adjective  

before  a  noun.  • question-­‐and-­‐answer  session  • re-­‐  -­‐  In  general,  use  a  hyphen  in  compounds  beginning  with  re-­‐  only  if  the  word  following  the  

prefix  begins  with  an  e  or  if  confusion  would  result  (re-­‐elect,  re-­‐establish,  redo,  rewrite,  recover/re-­‐cover)  

• residence  halls  –  Rather  than  dorms  

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• resume  –  No  accents  • SAT  –  Never  spell  out  or  use  periods.  It  is  no  longer  an  acronym  –  it  does  not  refer  to  anything  

but  itself.  • Self-­‐Service  • sight-­‐read,  sight-­‐reading  (but  sight  reader)  —  per  Webster’s  dictionary  • small-­‐group  /  small  group  —  hyphenated  when  used  as  an  adjective,  unhyphenated  when  used  

as  a  noun  • SPSS  Statistics  software  —  lowercase  software  (SPSS  Statistics  is  the  official  name  of  the  

program)  • Statewide  • story  line  —  two  words  • student-­‐athlete  –  Always  hyphenate,  whether  used  as  a  noun  or  adjective.  • summa  cum  laude  –  No  italics.  • theater  –  Use  this  spelling  except  when  it  is  spelled  Theatre  in  a  proper  name.  • travel,  traveling,  traveled  (American  English)  • triquetra  • toward  –  Not  toward,  which  is  the  British  spelling  • underway  • University,  the  (when  referring  to  Cairn)  • US,  USA  —  no  periods  • viewbook  • wait  list,  wait-­‐list  –  Two  words  as  a  noun,  hyphenated  as  a  verb  or  adjective  • web  –  Used  whether  noun  or  adjective  • webpage  • website  • weeklong  —  per  AP  Style  guidelines,  one  word  as  an  adjective;  an  exception  to  Webster’s  • whitewater  • the  Word  –  Capitalized  when  referring  to  the  Bible  • workload  • work-­‐study  –  Always  hyphenate,  whether  used  as  a  noun  or  adjective  • worldview  –  one  word  • worshiping  –  American  spelling  (not  British  “worshipping”)  • year-­‐end  


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Abbreviations  should  be  restricted  to  situations  where  they  enhance  readability  and/or  comprehension  –  for  example,  when  your  copy  refers  repeatedly  to  a  lengthy  name  or  term  that  has  a  commonly  accepted  abbreviation.  

In  General  

• Use  abbreviations  sparingly  unless  your  audience  is  familiar  with  them.  • Spell  out  the  full  entity  or  term  on  its  first  occurrence  and  follow  with  the  abbreviation  in  

parentheses  to  prepare  readers  for  your  subsequent  use  of  only  the  abbreviation.  • Avoid  using  periods  in  abbreviations,  unless  confusion  may  result.  

o VP  rather  than  V.P.  • If  using  periods  in  an  abbreviation,  do  not  add  a  second  period  if  the  abbreviation  ends  a  


Articles  (a,  an,  and  the)  with  Abbreviations  

The  choice  between  using  a  or  an  is  determined  by  how  the  abbreviation  is  pronounced.  

o She  is  enrolled  in  an  MBA  program.  

Abbreviations  that  Stand  Alone  

GPA  and  SAT  are  not  spelled  out.  In  fact,  SAT  is  no  longer  an  abbreviation;  it  is  a  trademark.  

State  Abbreviations  

When  standing  alone  in  a  text,  spell  out  the  names  of  the  50  US  states.    

When  used  in  conjunction  with  the  name  of  a  city,  county,  town,  village,  or  military  base,  use  the  two-­‐letter,  capitalized  zip  code  abbreviation  (PA,  NJ,  AZ)  without  periods.  

Do  not  put  a  comma  between  the  state  and  the  zip  code.  

• The  class  of  12  included  students  from  Connecticut,  Delaware,  Florida,  Maine,  Massachusetts,  New  Jersey,  and  Pennsylvania.  

• The  Outdoor  Action  First  Year  Program  went  to  Speculator,  NY,  to  learn  ice  climbing  and  environmental  science.  

• Alumni  donations  came  in  from  Harrisburg,  PA;  Washington,  DC;  and  La  Mirada,  CA.  • Download  and  mail  the  printable  form  to:  Cairn  University,  School  of  Music,  200  Manor  Ave,  

Langhorne  PA  19047.  

United  States  

Do  not  use  periods  with  the  three-­‐letter  abbreviation  for  the  United  States  of  America  or  for  the  United  States.  

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• The  US  government  requires  academic  institutions  to  meet  certain  requirements  in  order  to  qualify  for  federal  funds.  

• Most  of  their  products  were  made  in  the  USA.  


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Cairn  does  not  adhere  to  AP  Style’s  use  of  periods  regarding  abbreviation  of  academic  degrees.  Rather,  it  omits  periods:  BA,  BS,  MA,  PhD,  MBA,  MDiv  

When  spelling  out  degrees,  lowercase  bachelor’s  degree,  master’s  degree,  and  doctorate;  but  capitalize  Bachelor  of  Arts,  Master  of  Sciences,  etc.  

The  title  Dr.  is  used  only  for  those  with  earned  doctorates,  not  recipients  of  honorary  doctorates.  



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Noting  Accreditation  Status  in  Institutional  Print  and  Electronic  Communications  

The  Middle  States  Commission  on  Higher  Education  (hereafter,  “the  Commission”)  receives  many  questions  about  the  appropriate  wording  institutions  should  use  when  describing  their  accreditation  status.  In  addition,  some  institutions  may  not  be  aware  that  there  are  federal  requirements  associated  with  reference  to  accreditation  status.  

For  example,  under  federal  regulations  (CFR  602.23[d]),  when  an  institution  notes  its  accredited  status,  it  must  name  the  accreditor  and  provide  the  accreditor’s  mailing  address  and  telephone  number.  This  practice  provides  students,  employees,  and  the  public  with  the  necessary  information  to  contact  the  accreditor  to  verify  the  institution’s  accreditation  or  file  a  complaint  against  the  institution.    

Thus,  the  correct  statement  for  MSCHE  institutions  is  as  follows:  

Cairn  University  is  accredited  by  the  Middle  States  Commission  on  Higher  Education,  3624  Market  Street,  Philadelphia  PA  19104.  Phone:  267.284.5000.  

• The  use  of  the  MSCHE  logo  is  also  subject  to  the  Commission’s  regulations.  • The  phrase,  “fully  accredited”  should  never  be  used,  since  partial  accreditation  is  not  possible.  


Institutional  Accreditation  Statements  • Middle  States  Commission  on  Higher  Education*  (1967)  

o *MSCHE,  3624  Market  Street,  Philadelphia,  PA  19104,  Phone:  267.284.5000  • Association  for  Biblical  Higher  Education  Commission  on  Accreditation+  (1950)  

o +  ABHE,  5850  T.  G.  Lee  Blvd.,  Ste.  130,  Orlando,  FL    32822,  407.207.0808    Middle  States  Commission  on  Higher  Education  (MSCHE)  3624  Market  Street  Philadelphia,  PA  19104  267.284.5000    Association  of  Biblical  Higher  Education  (ABHE)  5850  T.  G.  Lee  Blvd.,  Ste.  130  Orlando,  FL    32822  407.207.0808    

Programmatic  Accreditations  • Association  of  Christian  Schools  International  (1981)  • Council  on  Social  Work  Education  (1974)  • International  Assembly  for  Collegiate  Business  Education  (2000)  • National  Association  of  Schools  of  Music  (1979)  

o NOTE:  NASM  gave  associate  membership  to  the  program  in  1972.  Full  membership  was  given  in  1979.  Use  1979  date  as  the  standard,  unless  a  footnote  is  included.  (Per  TJW  –  100826)  

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ADDRESSES  Abbreviations  

Abbreviate  Avenue,  Boulevard,  and  Street  only  with  a  numbered  address.  Spell  them  out  and  capitalize  them  when  part  of  a  formal  street  name  without  a  number.  

• 1800  Arch  St  • the  former  Arch  Street  location  

Per  USPS  standards,  do  not  use  periods  in  abbreviations.  

Address  Order  

Campus  addresses  should  begin  with  Cairn  University,  followed  by  the  name  of  the  school  or  office,  followed  by  the  name  of  the  department  (if  applicable),  followed  by  the  street  address.  Mail  to  individuals  (including  students  and  employees)  should  include  their  first  and  last  name  (and  middle  initial,  if  possible),  followed  by  the  street  address.  

NOTE:  Per  USPS  standards,  please  do  not  include  any  punctuation  in  the  address  block  –  including  periods  at  the  end  of  abbreviations  and  commas  between  the  city,  state,  or  zip  code.    (Although  USPS  suggests  that  addresses  be  in  all-­‐caps,  the  University  standard  is  to  use  mixed  case  in  the  address  block.)  

Please  use  street  abbreviations;  the  first  letter  should  be  capitalized  and  the  rest  lowercase:  St,  Ave,  Rd  Click  here  to  download  a  list  of  all  street  abbreviations.  

Please  use  state  abbreviations.  Although  USPS  suggests  two  spaces  between  the  state  and  ZIP  code,  the  University  standard  is  to  use  only  one.  Do  not  use  a  comma  between  the  state  and  zip  code.  Click  here  to  download  a  list  of  all  state  abbreviations.  

Secondary  unit  designators  (such  as  Apartment  or  Suite  numbers)  should  appear  on  the  first  address  line.  Example:  255  E  Lincoln  Hwy  Apt  555  or  255  E  Lincoln  Hwy  #255    Click  here  to  download  a  list  of  all  secondary  unit  designators.  

• Sentence  form:    o Checks  and  money  orders  can  be  sent  to  Cairn  University,  Office  of  Advancement,  200  

Manor  Ave,  Langhorne  PA  19047.    o Download  and  mail  the  printable  form  to:  Cairn  University,  School  of  Music,  200  Manor  

Ave,  Langhorne  PA  19047.    

• Stacked  address:  o Cairn  University  

Communications  and  Marketing  200  Manor  Ave  Langhorne  PA  19047  

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o Marissa  A.  Rumpf  200  Manor  Ave  Langhorne  PA  19047    

Campus  Box  Numbers  

Student  mail  should  no  longer  include  Cairn  box  numbers  in  the  address  block.  

• Joe  C.  Schmo  200  Manor  Ave  Langhorne  PA  19047  




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Cairn  University  may  be  shortened  to  Cairn  or  the  University,  never  CU.  

Buildings  and  Rooms  

Safety  and  Security  building  (NOT  the  Carriage  House)  

Ellwood  Cook  Biblical  Learning  Center  (BLC)–Shortening  to  Biblical  Learning  Center  is  also  acceptable.  

• Classrooms  –  BL  ###  (with  a  space)  • Connie  A.  Eastburn  Gallery–Shortening  to  Eastburn  Gallery  is  also  acceptable.  • Lewis  Holmes  Hall–Shortening  to  “Holmes  Hall”  is  acceptable.  “BL210”  is  not.  

Fairview  Manor  

maintenance  building  (lowercase)  

Masland  Library  (NOT  Masland  Learning  Resource  Center  or  LRC)  

Mason  Activity  Center  (MAC)  

• Campus  Store  (NOT  Cairn  Bookstore)  • Furman  Dining  Commons  –Shortening  to  “the  dining  commons”  is  acceptable.  • gymnasium  (lowercase)  • Highlander  Café  (NOT  the  Eagles  Nest)–Shortening  to  Café  after  initial  reference  is  acceptable.  • Office  of  Safety  and  Security  

music  building  (lowercase)  

Smith  Administration  Building  (SAB)  

• Chatlos  Chapel  (Shortening  to  “the  chapel”  is  acceptable.)  • Smith  Administration  Education  Wing  (NOT  “Education  Building”)  

Technology  Services  


University  Housing  

Collectively,  these  are  referred  to  as  “residence  halls,”  not  “dorms.”  

Manor  Residence  Halls  

• Souder  Hall  • Stillman  Hall  • Schofield  Hall  

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• Memorial  Hall  • Davis  Hall  

Penndel  Apartments  (with  a  capital  A)  

Heritage  Hall  


Offices  and  Departments  

For  a  full  list  of  offices  &  departments,  visit  http://cairn.edu/resources/.    

Office  of  Admissions  /  admissions  office  

Academic  Resource  Center  (ARC)  

Athletics  /  Athletic  Department  

Office  of  Business  Services  /  business  services  office  

Center  for  University  Studies  (CUS)  

Communications  and  Marketing  

Degree  Completion  Program  (with  a  capital  P)  

Office  of  Financial  Aid  /  financial  aid  office  

First  Year  Programs  (with  a  capital  P)  

Office  of  Alumni  Relations  /  alumni  office  

Safety  and  Security  

School  of  Liberal  Arts  and  Sciences  (SLAS)  

Technology  Services  (TS)  (NOT  IT)  

University  Ministry  Center  


Academic  Leadership  Team  (the  ALT)  

Board  of  Trustees  (Shortened  to  “the  board”)  

President’s  Advisory  Council  (the  PAC)  

Women’s  Ministries  Bible  Study    

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See  also  Religious  References.  

In  General  

In  general,  avoid  unnecessary  capitals  –  both  Initial  Caps  and  ALL  CAPS.  

Official  names  and  proper  nouns  are  capitalized.  In  subsequent  references,  any  common  nouns  are  lowercased.  Use  the  full,  official  name  the  first  time  it  appears  in  a  document  or  section  of  a  document.  

• Cairn’s  Wisconsin  Wilderness  Campus  opened  in  1987  at  Lake  Owen  in  Cable,  WI.  After  25  years,  the  campus  closed  and  four  new  First  Year  Programs  were  begun  on  the  Langhorne  campus.  

Do  Not  Capitalize  

• bachelor's  degree  • department,  the  • doctorate  • form  names,  unofficial  (e.g.,  drop/add  form,  admission  form)  • master’s  degree  • orientation  • program,  the  • school,  the  • spring  break  • spring,  summer,  fall,  winter  • state  of  Pennsylvania,  the  • university,  the  (when  not  referring  to  Cairn  University)  

Academic  and  Nonacademic  Units  and  Bodies  

Capitalize  only  the  complete  and  official  names  of  schools,  departments,  offices,  and  official  bodies  (such  as  the  Board  of  Trustees,  President’s  Advisory  Council,  etc.).  Lowercase  informal  and  shortened  versions  of  all  such  names.  See  also  “Ampersand  (&)”  in  the  Abbreviations  section.  

• All  of  the  trustees  were  present  at  the  Board  of  Trustees  meeting  last  week.  • The  School  of  Liberal  Arts  and  Sciences  now  offers  five  undergraduate  majors.  In  addition,  the  

school  offers  three  of  the  University’s  nine  minors.  • The  Department  of  Social  Work  has  four  full-­‐time  faculty  members.  • Brenda  Ebersole  of  arts  and  sciences  recently  earned  her  doctorate.  

Exception:  “University”  is  capitalized  whenever  “Cairn  University”  could  be  substituted.  

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• Cairn  University  is  committed  to  educating  students  to  serve  Christ  in  the  church,  society,  and  the  world.  To  that  end,  the  University  provides  opportunities  for  students  to  grow  both  academically  and  spiritually.    

• Cairn  is  the  only  university  in  Bucks  County.  

Academic  Degrees  

Capitalize  the  names  of  degrees  unless  they’re  referred  to  generically,  as  in  the  second  example.  

• Julie  earned  a  Bachelor  of  Arts  degree  at  Cairn  University.  • Marissa  earned  a  master’s  degree  in  education  in  2012.  

Committee,  Center,  Group,  Program,  and  Initiative  Names  

Unless  a  committee,  center,  group,  program,  or  initiative  is  officially  recognized  and  formally  named,  avoid  capitalizing.  Do  capitalize  the  official,  proper  names  of  long-­‐standing  committees  and  groups,  as  well  as  formally  developed  programs  and  initiatives.  

• The  Degree  Completion  Program  provides  working  adults  with  a  flexible  and  convenient  way  to  earn  a  bachelor’s  degree.    

• The  Teacher  Education  Academic  Standards  Committee  provides  a  process  for  evaluating  the  arts  and  sciences  curriculum  component  of  the  teacher  education  programs.  

• The  Grace  Livingston  Hill  Collection  showcased  the  life  and  work  of  a  prolific  Christian  novelist.  The  collection  was  located  on  the  third  floor  of  the  Masland  Library  until  May  2013.  

• Cairn’s  First  Year  Programs  give  students  the  opportunity  to  pursue  their  interests  in  a  cohort  setting.  Each  program  is  a  dynamic  one-­‐year  accredited  university  experience.    

Composition  Titles  

Capitalize  the  following  in  titles:  

• the  first  word  • the  last  word  • the  first  word  after  a  colon  • all  nouns,  verbs  (including  short  verbs,  such  as  is/are/be),  pronouns,  adjectives,  prepositions  of  

four  or  more  letters  (with,  before,  through),  and  conjunctions  of  four  or  more  letter  (that,  because).  

Do  not  capitalize  the  following  in  titles  (unless  they  fall  into  one  of  the  previously  listed  categories):  

• articles  (a,  an,  the),  unless  they  are  part  of  a  proper  noun  • conjunctions  of  fewer  than  four  letters  (and,  but,  or,  for,  nor,  so,  yet)  • prepositions  of  fewer  than  four  letters  (on,  of,  to,  by)  


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• By  Design:  Developing  a  Philosophy  of  Education  Informed  by  a  Christian  Worldview  by  Marti  MacCullough  was  published  by  Cairn  University  in  2012.  

• The  Masland  Library  provides  access  to  thousands  of  eBooks,  such  How  to  Laugh  Your  Way  Through  Life:  A  Psychoanalyst’s  Advice.  

Course  Titles  

Style  official  course  titles  with  initial  capitals  but  without  quotation  marks,  italics,  or  any  other  formatting.  

• Students  should  consider  taking  Global  Economics,  as  well  as  Global  Business  Environments.  

Geographical  and  Related  Terms  

Capitalize  geographical  terms  commonly  accepted  as  proper  nouns.  In  general,  capitalize  words  that  designate  regions,  but  lowercase  words  that  indicate  compass  directions.  

• the  Schuylkill,  the  Adirondacks,  the  Jersey  Shore  • the  West,  the  Midwest,  the  East  Coast,  a  Southern  accent,  the  Western  culture,  Eastern  

influence  • The  storm  is  moving  east.  


Capitalize  and  italicize  letter  grades,  and  use  two  numerals  after  the  decimal  point  in  GPAs.  

• She  got  an  A  in  Macroeconomics,  which  brought  her  overall  GPA  up  to  3.89.  

Job  and  Position  Titles  

Capitalize  formal  titles  only  when  they  immediately  precede  the  individuals’  names  or  when  they  are  named  positions  or  honorary  titles.  

• President  Todd  Williams  has  two  children,  Caitlin  and  Connor.  • The  president,  Dr.  Todd  Williams,  was  inaugurated  in  January  2008.  • The  president  of  the  United  States  serves  a  four-­‐term  term  of  office.  • Barack  Obama,  president  of  the  United  States,  is  serving  his  final  term  in  that  office.  • Have  you  been  reprimanded  by  Dean  Sherf?  • Tom  Sherf,  the  dean  of  students,  loves  to  surf.  • Dr.  Sherrill  Babb  is  the  first  chancellor  of  Cairn  University.  • In  his  commencement  speech,  Chancellor  Dr.  Sherrill  Babb  quoted  Bob  Sjogren’s  book  Cat  and  

Dog  Theology.  • During  the  annual  open  enrollment  period,  the  vice  president  of  human  resources  conducts  

annual  meetings  reviewing  employee  benefits.  • Paula  Gossard,  School  of  Education,  has  been  promoted  to  the  rank  of  professor.  

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• Alumnus  Allen  Guelzo  serves  as  Henry  R.  Luce  Professor  of  the  Civil  War  Era  at  Gettysburg  College,  where  he  coordinates  the  college’s  Civil  War  Era  Studies  program.  

Titles  in  Addresses  and  Display  Format  

When  a  title  appears  in  an  address  or  other  display  format  (such  as  email  signature  or  a  directory),  as  opposed  to  running  text,  the  title  can  be  capitalized  even  if  it  appears  after  the  name.  

• John  Mulvaney,  Creative  Director  • Kevin  McFadden,  Assistant  Professor  of  New  Testament  

Long  Titles  

When  a  person  has  a  very  long  title,  put  the  title  after  the  name  to  avoid  clumsy  syntax  and  too  much  capitalization.  

• Scott  Cawood,  senior  vice  president  for  enrollment  and  student  affairs,  is  concerned  with  both  prospective  and  current  students’  experience  with  Cairn.  

Job  Descriptions  

Use  lowercase  at  all  times  for  terms  that  are  job  descriptions  rather  than  formal  titles.  

• Before  teaching  at  Cairn,  Ann  Rivera  was  a  teacher  and  administrator  in  Philadelphia  for  25  years.  

Seasons  and  Semesters  

Seasons,  semesters,  and  terms  should  all  be  lowercase.  

• spring  semester  • summer  2014  • the  spring  2015  semester  (no  commas)  • summer  classes  • spring  break  


The  symbols  ®  and  ™  (which  often  appear  on  product  packaging  and  advertisements)  need  not  be  used  in  running  text.  



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Graduation  Dates  

When  referring  to  a  graduation  year  in  running  text,  use  all  four  digits.  When  you  abbreviating  the  year,  use  the  final  two  digits  of  the  graduation  year  (or  expected  graduation  year)  preceded  by  an  apostrophe,  and  enclose  the  year  in  parentheses.  Be  sure  that  the  apostrophe  is  facing  away  from  the  year.  

• Grace  Note,  who  graduated  in  2010  with  a  bachelor’s  degree  in  music  performance,  was  the  guest  soloist.  

• At  The  Gallery  event  last  April,  Art  Smith  (’11)  was  awarded  a  one-­‐year  student  membership  to  the  Philadelphia  Museum  of  Art.  

Inclusive  Dates  

Use  an  en  dash  for  continuing  or  inclusive  numbers  (NOT  a  hyphen).  Do  not  use  a  dash  as  a  substitute  for  the  word  “to.”  

• The  2013–2014  academic  year  concluded  with  the  usual  graduation  ceremonies.  • He  taught  in  the  School  of  Liberal  Arts  and  Sciences  from  2001  to  2014.  

o NOT  He  taught  in  the  School  of  Liberal  Arts  and  Sciences  from  2001–2014.  

Punctuation  with  Dates  

No  comma  is  needed  between  a  month  and  a  year.  Commas  are  required  before  and  after  a  year  when  month,  day,  and  year  are  used.  

• She  began  her  studies  in  September  2009  and  completed  them  in  May  2013.  • She  began  her  studies  on  August  23,  2009,  and  completed  them  on  May  2,  2013.  • She  began  class  on  Tuesday,  Sept.  1,  at  8  a.m.  


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Lists  Within  Sentences  

Within  a  sentence,  separate  items  in  a  list  with  commas  (or  semicolons,  if  the  items  in  the  list  include  commas).  

• The  roommates  came  from  Boise,  ID;  Akron,  OH;  and  Lancaster,  PA.  

Vertical  Lists  

Introduce  items  in  a  vertical  list  with  numbers  only  when  the  order  matters.  Otherwise,  use  bullets  or  other  typographical  symbols.  If  items  are  numbered,  each  entry  begins  with  a  capital  letter—whether  or  not  the  entry  forms  a  complete  sentence.  Avoid  putting  long  sentences  or  consecutive  sentences  in  list  form;  rather,  set  them  as  numbered  paragraphs  and  indent  only  the  first  line.  

Follow  the  posted  fire  emergency  procedures:  

1. Shut  off  all  equipment  in  immediate  area.  2. Close  windows  and  doors.  3. Calmly  and  quietly  evacuate  your  department  area.  Use  the  posted  evacuation  routes.  Do  

not  use  elevators  4. Assemble  in  designated  location  at  least  75’  away  from  the  building.  5. Take  class  attendance,  if  possible.  6. Report  whether  all  employees  and  students  are  accounted  for  to  security  personnel.    

This  course  covers  four  genres  of  theological  writing  and  thinking:  

• Theological  reflection  • Theological  argument  • Theological  critique  • Theological  construction  

If  any  or  all  of  the  items  in  a  vertical  list  are  complete  sentences,  punctuate  all  items  in  the  list  with  periods.    

If  the  list  completes  a  sentence,  lowercase  each  item  &  follow  each  item  with  a  comma  or  omit  punctuation  at  the  end  of  each  item  (including  the  last  one).    Be  consistent  within  a  document  in  how  you  treat  similar  types  of  lists.  

When  you  move  to  college  for  the  first  time,  you  usually  

• bring  too  many  items  for  your  dorm  room,  • forget  a  few  essential  items,  and  • end  up  sharing  some  items  with  your  roommate.  

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If  the  sentence  introducing  the  list  is  a  complete  sentence,  it  can  end  in  a  period  or  colon,  whichever  seems  appropriate.  (Exception:  following  and  as  follows  must  be  followed  by  a  colon.)    If  the  introductory  material  is  not  a  complete  sentence,  use  the  punctuation  mark  appropriate  for  the  context,  whether  that’s  a  comma,  colon,  semicolon,  dash,  or  nothing  at  all.  

Use  a  line  space  (or  partial  line  space)  before  and  after  all  vertical  lists.  


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Government  Programs  

Following  the  general  rules  of  capitalization,  full  formal  or  official  names  of  plans,  policies,  laws,  and  similar  documents  or  agreements,  together  with  the  programs  resulting  from  them,  are  usually  capitalized.  Incomplete  names  are  lowercased.  

• The  Family  Educational  Rights  and  Privacy  Act  (FERPA)  affords  students  certain  rights  with  respect  to  their  education  records.  The  act  guarantees  the  following:  

Names  with  Degrees  

Use  a  comma  between  a  person’s  name  and  degree.  

• Martha  MacCullough,  EdD,  is  the  author  of  By  Design.  

Names  with  Initials  

No  space  between  initials.  If  an  entire  name  is  abbreviated,  spaces  and  periods  are  omitted.  

• The  Four  Quartets  by  T.S.  Eliot  was  chosen  by  the  members  of  the  book  club.  • Franklin  Delano  Roosevelt,  often  referred  to  as  FDR,  is  the  only  U.S.  president  to  have  served  

more  than  two  terms.  

Names  with  Jr.,  Sr.  

Omit  commas  before  and  after  Jr.,  Sr.,  and  the  designations  I,  II,  III,  and  IV.  

• Each  year,  Cairn’s  Martin  Luther  King  Jr.  Day  of  Service  is  organized  by  Evan  D.  Curry  III.  

Names  with  Titles  

Capitalize  formal  titles  only  when  they  immediately  precede  the  individual’s  name.  Use  lowercase  for  titles  that  serve  as  occupational  descriptions.  

• Professor  Christopher  Palladino  OR  Christopher  Palladino,  professor  of  history  • Dean  Tom  Sherf  OR  Tom  Sherf,  dean  of  students  • conductor  Joseph  Caminiti,  astronaut  John  Glenn,  tour  guide  Giovanni  Antoine    

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Cairn  is  legally  required  to  include  the  following  statement  in  all  publications  intended  for  external  audiences.    

Equal  Opportunity  Admissions  Policy  (used  in  catalogs,    

Cairn  University  admits  students  of  any  race,  gender,  color,  age,  handicap,  and  national  or  ethnic  origin  to  all  rights,  privileges,  programs,  and  activities  generally  accorded  or  made  available  to  students  at  the  University.  It  does  not  discriminate  on  the  basis  of  race,  gender,  color,  age,  handicap,  or  national  or  ethnic  origin  in  administration  of  its  educational  policies,  admissions  policies,  scholarship  and  loan  programs,  and  athletic  and  other  school-­‐administrated  programs.  

Equal  Opportunity  Employer  (for  use  on  employment  advertisements)  

Cairn  University  is  an  equal  opportunity  employer  and  does  not  discriminate  against  any  person  because  of  race,  gender,  color,  age,  national  or  ethnic  origin,  veteran  status,  or  known  disability  except  as  such  conditions  may  constitute  a  bona  fide  occupational  qualification.  



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The  following  guidelines  apply  to  University  for  most  purposes,  excepting  writing  about  certain  fields  (scientific,  statistical,  technical,  mathematical,  etc.).  

In  General  

Spell  out  one  to  nine.  Use  figures  for  10  and  above,  except  when  they  begin  a  sentence.  (Alternatively,  you  may  wish  to  rephrase  a  sentence  so  that  it  no  longer  begins  with  a  number.)  

• Last  November,  Highlanders  teams  earned  two  of  the  seven    3-­‐D  Awards  presented  by  the  Colonial  States  Athletic  Conference.  They  were  chosen  for  these  awards  above  the  other  11  members  in  CSAC.  

• Twenty-­‐four  different  academic  degrees  were  awarded  at  the  final  Centennial  commencement.  

Use  a  combination  of  figures  and  words  with  numbers  in  the  millions  and  larger.  

• The  new  campaign  seeks  to  raise  $2.5  million  for  the  Cairn  Fund.  

Use  a  comma  for  numbers  with  more  than  three  digits  unless  they  represent  SAT  scores  or  years.  

• Full-­‐time  tuition  for  the  2014–15  is  $23,035  per  year.  • The  book,  which  was  published  in  2006,  has  2,260  pages.  • Her  combined  SAT  score  was  2200.  

Use  figures  for  percentages,  decimals,  credit  hours,  GPAs,  book  sections  and  pages,  ages,  distances  and  dimensions,  quantities  combining  whole  numbers  and  fractions,  and  when  symbols  rather  than  abbreviations  are  used  for  units  of  measure.  

• We  printed  the  first  draft  on  8.5”  x  11”  paper.  • In  her  third  semester,  she  carried  21  credits  and  earned  a  3.72  GPA.  • The  answer  is  found  in  Chapter  2  on  page  31.  • Her  brother  gave  $5  to  the  Cairn  Fund.  • Her  sister  gave  $1  million  to  the  Cairn  Fund.  • He  is  22  years  old.  • She  ran  3  miles.  • She  is  5  feet  2  inches  tall.  

Use  the  word  percent  in  running  text.  Use  the  percent  sign  in  tables,  charts,  scientific  and  statistical  copy,  and  some  informal  and  promotional  copy.  Most  importantly,  be  sure  to  be  consistent  throughout  a  document.    

• They  spend  nearly  60  percent  of  their  budget  on  printing  projects.  


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Use  the  U.S.-­‐preferred  styling:  month,  day,  and  year.  Do  not  use  ordinal  numbers  in  dates.  When  listing  a  month,  day,  and  year,  set  off  the  year  with  commas.  When  listing  only  a  month  and  a  year,  do  not  separate  the  year  with  commas.  

• Spring  commencement  will  be  held  on  May  2,  2015.  • Undergraduate  course  registration  begins  on  March  23,  2015,  at  8  a.m.  • The  awards  were  announced  in  November  2014.  


Spell  out  fractions  less  than  1,  using  hyphens  between  the  words.  

• Two-­‐thirds  of  the  class  was  late.  • A  four-­‐fifths  majority  voted  in  favor  of  the  proposal.  

Inclusive  Numbers  

When  dealing  with  ranges  of  numbers  (such  as  page  numbers  and  years),  carry  over  all  the  digits  that  change  and  include  at  least  two  digits  for  the  second  number.  Use  an  en  dash  rather  than  a  hyphen  between  the  numbers.  

• Pages  1,004–05  • 2013–14  

Unless  the  century  changes,  inclusive  years  should  be  styled  with  only  the  last  two  digits  of  the  second  number.    

• 2007–12,  but  1947–2011  

In  running  text,  the  en  dash  is  not  an  acceptable  substitute  for  the  word  to  unless  the  numbers  are  in  parentheses.  

• He  taught  piano  from  1972  to  2011.  • He  taught  composition  courses  at  Writing  Community  College  (1992–2002),  Reading  University  

(2000–2010),  and  The  School  of  Really  Liberal  Arts  (2010–present).  

Units  of  Money  

Do  not  include  .00  for  even  dollar  amounts  (without  cents).    

• The  student  activity  fee  is  $210.  • The  toner  for  the  printer  cost  $10.85  cents.  • Printing  charges  are  10  cents  per  page.  • Advancement  hopes  to  raise  $1  million  for  the  Cairn  Fund  by  June  30,  2015.  

Ordinal  Numbers  

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Spell  out  ordinal  numbers  from  first  to  ninth.  Do  not  superscript  the  letters.  

• They  placed  sixth  out  of  150  teams  competing  at  the  national  level.  • The  21st  was  fodder  for  many  imaginative  novelists  and  entrepreneurial  visionaries.  

Room  Numbers  

Campus  room  numbers  should  be  referred  to  with  the  abbreviated  name  of  the  building  and  the  room  number,  in  that  order.  Include  a  space  between  the  abbreviation  and  the  number.  

• The  Faculty  and  Staff  Prayer  Service  is  held  in  BL  210.  • The  office  of  the  magazine  editor  is  in  AD  227.  

In  a  Series  

Apply  the  standard  guidelines.  

• She  has  10  nieces,  six  nephews,  and  15  cousins.  

Telephone  Numbers  

Do  not  put  the  area  code  in  parentheses,  and  use  periods  (not  hyphens):  215.702.4315.  


Use  figures  with  am  or  pm  (small  caps  or  lowercase  letters)  to  indicate  specific  times.  Use  noon  and  midnight  in  place  of  12  pm  and  12  am,  respectively,  for  clarity.  

• The  ceremony  will  begin  at  10  am.  • The  meeting  starts  at  2:30  pm.  

Use  4  pm.,  not  4:00  pm,  etc.  


Use  an  s  without  an  apostrophe  to  indicate  spans  of  decades  or  centuries.  

• the  1800s  • the  ‘80s  

Use  the  correct  placement  for  A.D.  and  B.C.  (all  caps).  

• Hannibal  died  in  183  B.C.  • King  George  IV  died  in  A.D.  1830.  

For  ranges  of  dates,  see  “Inclusive  Numbers”  in  this  section.  


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In  General  

Use  a  single  space  after  punctuation  at  the  end  of  a  sentence  and  after  colons  and  semicolons.  


When  indicating  the  possessive  for  names,  use  an  apostrophe  followed  by  an  s  unless  the  name  ends  in  s.  

• Jesus’  blood  • Arius’  heresy  • Brenda’s  ideas  • Exception:  the  campus’s  newest  addition  

With  a  few  exceptions,  the  possessive  of  a  singular  common  noun  is  formed  with  the  addition  of  an  apostrophe  and  s,  and  the  possessive  of  a  plural  noun  by  the  addition  of  an  apostrophe  only.  

• the  horse’s  mouth  • the  puppies’  tails  • the  children’s  program  

Do  not  use  an  apostrophe  to  indicate  plurals,  including  the  plurals  of  acronyms  and  abbreviations,  unless  confusion  would  result  without  the  apostrophe  (as  in  the  first  example).  

• There  are  five  s’s  in  that  word.  • There  are  five  5s  in  that  number.  • There  are  six  PhDs  in  that  department.  • Five  NGOs  were  represented  at  the  conference.  

Apostrophes  are  required  for  bachelor’s  degree  and  master’s  degree.  

Avoid  apostrophes  in  titles  of  events.  

• Church  Leaders  Conference  • Kids  Day  


Use  a  colon  to  introduce  a  series  or  a  list,  especially  a  list  preceded  by  as  follows  or  the  following.  

Use  a  colon  to  introduce  an  explanatory  phrase  or  sentence.  Capitalize  the  first  word  after  a  colon  only  if  it  is  a  proper  noun  or  the  start  of  a  complete  sentence.  

• Notice  who  is  in  the  boat:  two  figures  wearing  buckskin  trousers  and  moccasins,  an  African  American,  a  man  in  a  Scottish  bonnet,  and  a  woman.  

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• In  addition  to  the  teacher’s  comment,  the  painting  itself  was  a  turning  point  in  Fujimura’s  life:  “By  drawing  this  painting,  I  did  not  realize  I  would  be  literally  drawing  out  my  life’s  calling.”  


  In  a  Series.  Cairn  uses  the  Oxford  comma:  a  comma  before  the  conjunction  and  final  element  in  a  series.  

• The  flag  is  red,  white,  and  blue.  • Master’s  degrees  are  offered  in  divinity,  education,  business  and  leadership,  and  counseling.  

  In  Complex  and  Compound  Sentences.  Use  a  comma  before  a  conjunction  (and,  but,  or,  nor,  because,  etc.)  that  introduces  an  independent  clause.  Note  that  you  do  not  need  a  comma  before  every  conjunction  –  if  what  follows  the  conjunction  is  not  a  complete  clause,  you  do  not  need  a  comma.  See  also  Nonrestrictive  and  Parenthetical  Phrases.  

• The  President’s  Advisory  Council  is  meeting  on  Thursday,  and  the  Board  of  Trustees  will  arrive  on  Monday.  

• I  like  to  go  to  soccer  games  and  watch  the  fans.  

  With  Appositives.  Use  commas  with  appositives  that  are  nonrestrictive  (not  essential  to  the  meaning  of  the  sentence).  Do  not  use  a  comma  with  appositives  that  are  restrictive  (essential  to  the  noun  it  belongs  to).  

• The  former  dean,  Scott  Cawood,  was  promoted  to  vice  president  of  enrollment  and  student  affairs  in  2012.  

• Professor  Palladino  teaches  the  course  American  Pop  Culture.  

  With  Dates.  When  listing  a  month,  day,  and  year,  set  off  the  year  with  commas.  When  listing  only  a  month  and  a  year,  do  not  separate  the  year  with  commas.  

• Spring  commencement  will  be  held  on  May  2,  2015.  • Undergraduate  course  registration  begins  on  March  23,  2015,  at  8  a.m.  • The  awards  were  announced  in  November  2014.  

  With  Introductory  Phrases.  Use  a  comma  to  separate  an  introductory  clause  or  phrase  from  the  main  (independent)  clause.    

• When  students  returned  to  campus  after  the  winter  break,  they  discovered  that  Bookstore  Butler  had  already  delivered  their  textbooks.    

  With  Nonrestrictive  Phrases.  Use  commas  to  set  off  phrases  which  are  non-­‐essential  to  the  meaning  of  the  sentence.  

• The  Global  Mission  Week,  which  takes  place  each  January,  intends  to  educate  students  to  view  their  majors  and  careers  in  the  context  of  God’s  work  around  the  world.  

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• My  office,  located  between  the  President’s  and  Provost’s  offices,  gets  cold  in  the  winter.  

  With  Names  of  States  and  Countries  Names  of  states  (or  countries)  are  enclosed  in  commas  when  they  are  preceded  by  a  city  (or  state).  

• The  international  campus  is  located  in  Kandern,  Germany,  but  students  fly  into  Basel,  Switzerland.  The  vast  majority  of  instructors  fly  in  from  Philadelphia,  PA.  


  En  Dashes  Use  en  dashes  between  inclusive  numbers.  

• You’ll  find  the  examples  on  pages  223–26  of  your  text.  

  Em  Dashes  Em  dashes  are  used  to  denote  a  sudden  break  in  thought  that  causes  an  abrupt  change  in  sentence  structure.    Set  dash  with  a  space  on  either  side.  

• How  much  more  robust  was  every  leg  of  the  hike  —  every  view,  every  water  source,  every  bird  and  flower  and  rock  and  tree  —  for  us  who  know  the  One  who  made  and  sustains  all  things!  


Use  ellipses  to  indicate  that  material  has  been  omitted  from  the  middle  of  a  quotation.  Do  not  use  ellipses  at  the  beginning  or  end  of  a  quotation,  even  if  you  start  or  stop  in  the  middle  of  the  quoted  sentence.  Ellipses  are  created  with  three  period  characters,  with  one  space  on  either  side  of  each  character:  

.  .  .  NOT  …  

• “She  gave  me  a  pack  of  Magic  Markers  and  asked  me  to  copy  .  .  .  Emanuel  Leutze’s  Washington  Crossing  the  Delaware,”  Fujimura  recalled.  

When  the  omitted  material  includes  a  period,  use  a  period  plus  ellipses:  

• Crouch  charged,  “We  have  the  dignity  of  representing  something  greater  than  ourselves.  .  .  .  This  [graduation]  is  a  rehearsal,  a  practice.”  


Most  questions  about  whether  to  hyphenate  can  be  readily  answered  by  consulting  a  dictionary.  Compound  adjectives  that  precede  nouns  should  be  hyphenated  when  necessary  to  avoid  ambiguity.  

• dual-­‐level  programs  • dual-­‐degree  students  • on-­‐campus  housing  • on-­‐site  medical  care  • student-­‐led  initiatives  

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• on-­‐site  medical  care  • second-­‐semester  freshman  • second-­‐grade  classroom;  fifth-­‐graders  

Do  not  hyphenate  adjective  phrases  when  used  without  a  noun.  

• She  had  a  part-­‐time  job,  but  her  roommate  worked  full  time.  • Out-­‐of-­‐pocket  expenses  were  limited.  She  could  not  afford  to  pay  for  it  out  of  pocket.  

Do  not  use  a  hyphen  in  a  compound  that  begins  with  an  adverb  ending  in  ly.  

• This  is  a  highly  regarded  program.  

In  general,  use  a  hyphen  in  compounds  beginning  with  re-­‐  only  if  the  word  following  the  prefix  begins  with  an  e  or  if  confusion  would  result  (re-­‐entrant,  re-­‐elect,  re-­‐establish,  redo,  rewrite,  recover/re-­‐cover)  

Quotation  Marks  

Commas  and  periods  always  go  inside  quotation  marks.  Colons  and  semicolons  always  go  outside  quotation  marks.  With  question  marks  and  exclamation  points,  it  depends:  If  the  punctuation  is  part  of  the  quotation,  put  it  inside  the  quotation  marks;  if  it’s  not  part  of  the  quotation,  put  it  outside.  

Use  quotation  marks:  

• to  indicate  the  exact  words  that  someone  spoke  or  wrote  • the  first  time  you  refer  to  a  nickname  • when  you  are  introducing  an  unfamiliar  term  • around  titles  of  articles,  episodes,  short  stories,  book  chapters,  poems,  conference  papers,  

presentations,  musical  compositions,  essays,  pages  within  a  website,  and  individual  blog  posts.  


Use  semicolons  to  separate  closely  related  independent  clauses.  Also  use  to  separate  items  in  a  series  when  at  least  one  item  contains  a  comma.  

• BOT  members  at  the  meeting  included  Ed  Stillman,  Chair  of  the  Advancement  Committee;  Dr.  Jean  MacFadyen,  member  of  Academic  Standards  Committee;  and  Elizabeth  Mason  Givens.  



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Capitalize  all  nouns  referring  to  the  Bible.  Lowercase  related  adjectives.  

• Scripture,  the  Scriptures,  the  Holy  Scriptures,  the  Word  of  God  • biblical,  scriptural  

Capitalize  “Gospel”  when  referring  to  any  or  all  of  the  first  four  books  of  the  New  Testament.  Lowercase  in  other  references.  

• Please  open  to  the  Gospel  of  John…  • the  synoptic  Gospels  • Christians  should  be  eager  to  share  the  gospel.  

Do  not  say,  “The  Bible  should  guide  their  studies  and  careers.”    The  Bible  should  be  presented  at  the  core,  not  just  as  a  guide.  


Most  pronouns  (He/Him/His,  Thee/Thou/Thine/Thy,  You/Your/Yours)  are  capitalized  when  referring  to  God  (or  any  of  the  three  persons  of  the  Trinity).  Who/whom/whose  are  not  capitalized  when  referring  to  God.  

• Praise  God  from  whom  all  blessing  flow.  Praise  His  name!  

Lowercase  words  such  as  godliness  and  godsend.  


Capitalize  as  the  formal  name  of  a  building,  a  congregation,  or  a  denomination;  lowercase  in  other  uses.  

• Cornerstone  Community  Church  • the  Roman  Catholic  Church  • a  Roman  Catholic  church  • the  Catholic  and  Episcopal  churches  • the  universal  church  

Lowercase  in  phrases  where  the  church  is  used  in  an  institutional  sense.  

• She  believes  in  the  separation  of  church  and  state.  • The  pope  said  the  church  opposes  abortion.  

Lowercase  churchgoer.  

Life  of  Christ  

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Capitalize  the  names  of  major  events  in  the  life  of  Jesus  Christ  in  references  that  do  not  use  His  name.  

• The  doctrines  of  the  Last  Supper,  the  Crucifixion,  the  Resurrection,  and  the  Ascension  are  central  to  Christian  belief.  

Use  lowercase  when  the  words  are  used  with  His  name:  

• The  ascension  of  Jesus  into  heaven  took  place  40  days  after  His  resurrection  from  the  dead.  

Religious  Titles  

The  first  reference  to  a  clergyman  normally  should  include  a  capitalized  title  before  the  individual’s  name.  On  second  reference,  use  only  a  last  name.  

• the  Rev.  Billy  Graham  (on  first  reference);  Graham  (on  second  reference)  

Use  the  Rev.  Dr.  only  if  the  individual  has  an  earned  doctoral  degree  (doctor  of  divinity  degrees  frequently  are  honorary)  and  reference  to  the  degree  is  relevant.    

Do  not  routinely  use  pastor  before  an  individual’s  name.    


Capitalize  proper  names  for  rites  that  commemorate  the  Last  Supper:  

• the  Lord’s  Supper  • Holy  Communion  • Holy  Eucharist  

Lowercase  the  names  of  other  sacraments  (baptism,  matrimony,  etc.).  

Word  List  

angel  -­‐  lowercase  apostle  –  lowercase  biblical  -­‐  lowercase  devil  -­‐  lowercase  fellowshipping  (two  p’s)  godly  -­‐  lowercase  Hades  heaven/heavens/heavenly  -­‐  lowercase  hell  -­‐  lowercase  priest    Satan  scriptural  –  lowercase  the  Scriptures  –  capitalize  

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the  Word  –  capitalized  when  referring  to  the  Bible  worshiping  (one  “p”  –  American  spelling)    


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Titles  of  books,  periodicals,  journals,  movies,  television  and  radio  programs,  musicals,  plays,  long  poems,  works  of  art,  and  campus  publications  are  styled  italic  with  initial  caps.  (See  Capitalization  for  more  information.)  

Titles  of  articles,  episodes,  short  stories,  book  chapters,  poems,  conference  papers,  presentations,  musical  compositions,  and  essays  are  styled  roman  (nonitalicized)  and  enclosed  in  quotation  marks.  

Titles  of  forms,  reports,  workshops,  conferences,  etc.,  are  set  in  roman  text  with  initial  caps.  

Titles  of  websites  are  styled  roman  and  without  quotation  marks  or  underlining;  pages  within  a  website  are  placed  in  quotation  marks.  Titles  of  blogs  and  podcasts  are  italicized;  individual  blog  entries  are  placed  in  quotation  marks.  

• “New  Every  Morning”  was  the  feature  story  in  the  Centennial  issue  of  Cairn  magazine.  • Complete  the  Residency  Certification  Form  shortly  after  moving  to  avoid  paying  year-­‐end  taxes.  • The  online  version  of  Cairn  magazine  can  be  found  at  magazine.cairn.edu.  • Dr.  Brian  Luther,  associate  professor  in  the  School  of  Divinity,  presented  a  paper  at  the  66th  

Annual  Meeting  of  the  Evangelical  Theological  Society  on  October  20th.  The  title  of  the  paper  was  “Reading  the  Song  of  Songs  as  Scripture:  The  Necessity  of  Intertexts.”