ASSIST Information Borchure

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ASSIST ERC information brochure.

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  • NSF NaNoSyStemS eNgiNeeriNg reSearch ceNter For

    AdvAnced Self-Powered SyStemS of IntegrAted SenSorS And technologIeS

  • education ProgramASSIST continues to develop adaptive and innovate graduate and un-dergraduate engineering and science students through an interactive community culture.

    Programs like the Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) and Translational Engineering Skills Program (TESP) expand on the funda-mental knowledge of engineering and science while exposing stu-dents to significant research opportunities.

    The ASSIST Center continues to expand its graduate programs by adding rigorous certificate coursework at each institution involved. These graduate programs train students to be capable of providing leadership in nanosystem engineering while providing strategic moti-vation to a diverse group of students.

    NSF NaNoSyStemS eNgiNeeriNg reSearch ceNter For

    AdvAnced Self-Powered SyStemS of IntegrAted SenSorS And technologIeS

    Our Center envisions a paradigm shift in health informatics

    enabled by wearable nanotechnologies that monitor

    individual health parameters and environmental exposures.

    Long-term sensing enables patients, doctors, and

    scientists to make direct correlations between health and

    environmental toxins leading to chronic disease prediction, management and treatment. ASSIST accelerates environmental health research and clin-ical trials as well as inform environmental policy.

    Our mission is to use nanotechnology to improve global health by enabling a correla-tion between personal health and personal environment, and by empowering patients and doctors to mange wellness and improve quality of life.

    Working on a National Science Foundation grant of $18.5 million for 5 years with supplemental support from industry partners, our Center of Excellence pushes toward innovation within a number of research areas:

    Energy Harvest and Storage

    Low Power Emerging Nanoelectronics

    Low Power Wearable Sensors

    Low Power System-on-Chip

    Wearability and Data

    Pre-college education ProgramThe Center is devoted to the enrichment of pre-college students and teachers through strategic outreach programs with partner middle and high schools along the East Coast.

    Programs like the Research Experiences for Teachers (RET) and Young Scholars provide teachers and students with enhanced engi-neering content knowledge, teaching methods, research opportuni-ties and excitement about engineering and science.

    Middle and high school students are frequently engaged through summer camps, nano clubs and NanoDays activities on univer-sity campuses. ASSIST is committed to encourage diversity and increased interest in science and engineering majors and careers with pre-college students.

  • researchProgramASSIStS SyStem-drIven reSeArch IS AccomPlIShed through fIve IntegrAted reSeArch thruStS:

    Energy Harvesting and Storage - Developing efficient ways to harness en-ergy from the human body and convert it to usable forms, and store it in ultra-high-density capacitors

    Low Power Emerging Nanoelectronics - Designing and building low-power electronics and antennae

    Low Power Wearable Sensors - Developing low-power nanosensors and wearable interfaces

    Low Power System-on-Chip - Integrating enabling nanotechnologies with intelligent chip power management strategies for computation, wireless communication and sensing

    Wearability and Data - Proving and improving the technologies through hierarchical and heterogeneous integration and testing in a wearable, com-fortable, biocompatible, self-powered sensor system (e.g. wrist band, patch and tooth cap.)






    Multimodal correlation of health and environmental parameters to help elucidate the causes of exposure-related respiratory illnesses.

    Battery-less, open architecture sensor platform using continuous energy harvest-ing to ensure vigilant cardiac monitoring.

    health and environmental tracker (het)

    Self-Powered and Adaptive low Power Sensing Platform (SAP)


  • Industry engagement ProgramASSIST partners with many outside companies and public health professionals, including industry leaders, such as: Samsung and Nike. Ranging from small start up companies to large scale operations, ASSIST partners help guide the directional path of Center re-search.

    Partnership provides valuable benefits for both industry and the ASSIST Center. Tech-nology collaboration, sponsored research and industry engagement provides enriching experiences for the Center, its students and industry partners.

    ASSIST works to enhance the U.S. industrial competitiveness by helping faculty craft useful research questions, helping industry partners improve innovation practices, train-ing talented students in commercial innovation breakthroughs and stimulating start-up ventures and job creation.

    Industry Advisory Board ASSIST Industry Members leverage research funds, havie early access to ASSIST inventions and (highly collaborative relationships) with ASSIST students and gradu-ates. ASSIST Industry Members comprise a board of advisors to the Center that have voting ability to:

    Guide the Centers research agenda

    Review Center reports and operating budgets

    Make policy recommendations

    Review internal proposals for research funding

    Recommend priorities to the Director and Leadership Team

    Recommend projects of mutual interest to be funded from membership fees

    Authorize Intellectual Property Protection Fund support for provisional patents

    transformational Impact The ASSIST Team is passionate about developing new, integrated tech-nologies that are enabling a new era of data-driven medicine, tying cause to effect and permitting revolutionary and affordable advances

    in quality of healthcare. We aim to:

    Empower patients and doctors with relevant and rapid individual health data leading to more rapid diagnoses, optimized treatments and post-treatment decisions

    Enable more accurate correlations between health and individual environmental exposures

    Arm doctors with safe alternatives to unnecessary hospitalizations and expensive medical tests

    Excite a new and diverse generation of engineers for a globally aware society

    Produce engineering graduates who will be creative innovators and entrepreneurs

  • FacultyInterim Deputy Director

    mehmet ozturk Professor of electrical engineering and Director NcSU Nanofabrica-tion Facility Nc State University

    Medical DirectorDr. David Peden, m.D. Senior associate Dean for transla-tional researchUNc School of medicine

    Partner Campus Directors

    Dr. John LachProfessor and head of electrical and computer engineering University of Virginia

    Dr. Shekhar BhansaliProfessor and head Department of electrical and computer engineering Florida international University

    Interim Education Director

    Dr. elena Veety teaching assistant Professor, Dept. electrical and computer engineeringNc State University

    Diversity Director

    Dr. roy charles Diversity Director, aSSiSt center and FreeDm Systems centerNc State University

    Pre-College Education Director

    Dr. gail JonesProfessor of math, Science and technology educationNc State University

    Industry Collaboration and Innovation Director

    tom SnyderNc State University

    Thrust 1

    Energy Harvesting & StorageLeader: Dr. Susan trolier-mcKinstryProfessor of ceramic Science and engineer-ing; Director, Keck Smart materials integration Laboratory Penn State University

    Thrust V

    Wearability and DataLeader: Dr. Jesse Jur assistant Professor, college of textilesNc State University

    Center DirectorDr. Veena Misra

    Dr. Mehmet Ozturk Tom Snyder Dr. Rajinder Khosla Dr. Roy Charles

    Dr. Gail Jones Dr. Elena Veety

    Thrust III

    Low Power Wearable SensorsLeader: Dr. omer oralkanassociate Professor of electrical and computer engineering Nc State University

    Thrust II

    Low-power Emerging NanoelectronicsLeader: Dr. Suman Dattamonkowski Professor of electrical engineering Penn State University

    Thrust VI

    Low Power System-on-ChipLeader: Dr. Benton calhounassociate Professor of electrical and computer engineering University of Virginia

    Crosscutting Metrology and Multiscale Modeling

    Crosscutting Medical Physiology and Environmental Metrics

    co-Leader: Dr. David Peden, m.D. Senior associate Dean for translational researchUNc School of medicine

    co-Leader: Dr. John LachProfessor and head of electrical and computer engineeringUniversity of Virginia

    ASSISTDr. Benton Calhoun Dr. Jesse Jur Dr. John Lach Dr. Shekhar Bhansali

    Dr. David Peden Dr. Susan Trolier-McK-instry

    Dr. Suman Datta

    Dr. Omer Oralkan

  • Core Partner InstitutionsNC State UniversityPenn State UniversityUniversity of Virginia Florida International University

    Collaborating InstitutionsUniversity of Michigan UNC Chapel Hill Kaist Tokyo Tech University of Adelaide

    Leadership Team

    Veena Misra, Ph.D. Center Director / Professor

    Mehmet Ozturk, Ph.D. Interim Deputy Director

    Elena Veety, Ph.D. Interim Education Director

    Roy Charles, Ph.D. Diversity Director

    Tom Snyder Industry Liaison

    Malakai Erskine Administrative Director

    North carolina State Universitycampus Box 7564 | monteith engineering research center 2410 campus Shore Drive | raleigh, Nc 27695-7564

    [email protected] | phone: 919-515-1450 | Fax: 919.515.3024twitter: @aSSiSt_NcSU
