Workshop assignments Student submitting their individual work ID # Other Team members if a group process was used. ID # Lecturer’s name: Mike Elkin Qualification: EDSML Unit number, title and code Unit Strategic Project Development & Implementation Unit level QCF 4/5: Assignment number : 1 Assignment title: Hand out: Week/Day Formative deadlines 23:59 Tuesday 16 th June Date for feedback Immediate /by... Summative / DEADLINE week /Day Hand in mechanism Date for feedback Student to complete: Date submitted Comment: Student to complete: Date submitted Comment: Student(S) comment on assignment in terms of engagement, relevance and difficulty.

Assignment 1 (3)

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Page 1: Assignment 1 (3)

Workshop assignments

Student submitting their individual work ID #

Other Team members if a group process was used. ID #

Lecturer’s name: Mike Elkin

Qualification: EDSMLUnit number, title and code

Unit Strategic Project Development & Implementation

Unit level QCF 4/5:

Assignment number : 1 Assignment title:

Hand out: Week/Day

Formative deadlines23:59 Tuesday 16th June

Date for feedback

Immediate /by...

Summative / DEADLINE week /Day

Hand in mechanism

Date for feedback

Student to complete: Date submitted

Comment: Student to complete: Date submitted


Student(S) comment on assignment in terms of engagement, relevance and difficulty.

Student declaration: I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own and research sources are fully acknowledged using the Harvard system

Student signature / Electronic….

Page 2: Assignment 1 (3)

Notes for Tutor and Learners: The assignment is likely to offer some specified opportunities for Merit and Distinction.

Within the whole unit is necessary to cover the range of M1-M3 descriptors for a Merit award to be made, but only when having completed all the basic pass criteria. For a distinction to be awarded, distinction descriptors D1-3 have to be covered across the unit. The Distinction can only be awarded if all the Pass and Merit criteria have been successfully passed. The indicative characteristics show a generic performance and the context note breaks it down into applications to the task and a specific performance allied to that contextualised task. Not all the Descriptors for M or D will be covered in any one assignment. Merit and Distinction performances can be clustered together for a particular task and may address single criterion or multiple criteria within reason. See below for an example for Merit.

Tutors see link and pages 13-21 for extra details.


LO /ACs covered

LO 1/AC 1.1-1.2

Descriptor for Merit or Distinction

E.g. MERIT 1: Identify and apply strategies to find appropriate solutions

Indicative characteristics

E.g. Complex problems with more than one variable have been explored

Context note / reference: Put in the task number/Assessment criteria reference.

Describes specifically and without ambiguity what the learner needs to do in order to meet the performance criteria for Merit or Distinction ( Task performance and level)

E.g. Task 1: LO 1-1.1 and 1.2. This is met by carrying out in- depth interviews which contain relevant questions based on knowledge of quality systems. To gain a Merit, learners will show exploration of the different degrees of role and interrelationships between them in ensuring quality for each function. Evaluation will show bottle-necks and offer solutions.

Actual Assignment Details

Learning outcomes /ACs

Task match / assessed on this assignment

Assessment criteria covered in this assignment. Tutor to complete and to write tasks assessment to cover Pass, together Merit and Distinction where allocated. Include resources as necessary.

P/ M/D Met? Feedback

LO 1 Be able to develop a project specification

1.1 Analyse the factors that contribute to the process of project selection.

1.2 Develop outline project specifications for the implementation of a new product, service or process

1.3 Produce a specification for an agreed project to implement a new product, service or process.

Identify a number of possible projects that you could choose to plan and implement.

Discuss the factors which caused you to select them. (1.1)Write an outline specification for two of them and of those, select one and develop a much more detailed specification. (1.2, 1.3)

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Learners can utilise this space to submitted written or other work. Ensure referenced supporting evidence is included.

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