APAC Processes v Updated July 2019 (JP) 1 of 58 Assessment, Progression and Awarding Committee (APAC) processes 1. PROCESS MAPS AND OTHER RESOURCES FOR AWARDING AND PROGRESSION .............................................. 3 2. KEY SCREENS — PROGRESSION AND AWARDING PROCESSES ......................................................................... 3 3. HOW TO CHECK THE STUDENT’S MODULE RESULTS (SMR) HISTORY ............................................................... 4 HOW TO CHECK OVERALL MODULE RESULT RECORDS: ....................................................................................................... 4 HOW TO CHECK THE DETAILED ASSESSMENT RECORDS / VIEW COMPONENT MARKS:................................................................ 4 4. REPORTS RELATING TO RESULTS AND AWARDS .............................................................................................. 5 LIST OF MARKS AND MODULE STATISTICS ........................................................................................................................ 5 STUDENTS WHO HAVE REPEATED THE YEAR OR A TERM...................................................................................................... 6 AWARD-RELATED ...................................................................................................................................................... 6 5. FINALISTS — CALCULATING THE AWARD (PSA OPTION 18) ...................................................................... 7 HOW TO CALCULATE AWARDS PSA OPTION 18: .......................................................................................................... 7 TO VIEW THE SAW RECORD(S) AFTER PSA OPTION 18 IS RUN: .......................................................................................... 8 TO VIEW THE STUDENT CALCULATION RECORD(S) AFTER PSA OPTION 18 IS RUN: .................................................................. 9 STATUS FIELD IN SAW SCREEN ................................................................................................................................... 10 6. RECORDING THE PROGRESSION DECISION — STUDENT PROGRESS INFO (SPI) SCREEN .......................... 11 WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF THE SPI SCREEN? ................................................................................................................. 11 PROGRESSION DECISIONS / PIT CODES......................................................................................................................... 13 HOW TO UPDATE THE STUDENTSSPI RECORDS WITH THE PROGRESSION DECISION ............................................................... 14 BATCH DATE CONFIRMING THE PROGRESSION/PIT CODE ............................................................................................ 15 What date should I enter in the Batch Date field? ........................................................................................ 15 MINUTES FIELD ....................................................................................................................................................... 16 HOW WILL I KNOW IF I CAN MODIFY THE INFORMATION IN THE SPI SCREEN?....................................................................... 16 WHICH FIELDS CAN I MODIFY IN SPI? .......................................................................................................................... 16 7. NON-FINALIST FULL-TIME UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS — CALCULATING THE PROGRESSION DECISION VIA CSP ............................................................................................................................................................. 16 USING THE CSP SCREEN: .......................................................................................................................................... 17 8. PRODUCING EXAM BOARD DOCUMENTATION — XREP ......................................................................... 21 ACCESS AND LOGIN PAGE .......................................................................................................................................... 21 HOMEPAGE ............................................................................................................................................................ 22 HOW TO RUN A REPORT: ........................................................................................................................................... 22 EXTRA FEATURES..................................................................................................................................................... 25 BATCHING.............................................................................................................................................................. 25 INVALID STYLE SELECTION WARNING MESSAGE:......................................................................................................... 26 WEIGHTINGS: ......................................................................................................................................................... 27 ERROR: NO DATA MESSAGE ...................................................................................................................................... 27 PROGRESSION DECISIONS ON XREP REPORT .................................................................................................................. 27 9. POST-EXAM BOARD TASKS............................................................................................................................ 28 UNDERGRADUATES .................................................................................................................................................. 28 Dealing with held results (e.g. Alleged Offence) ........................................................................................... 28 POSTGRADUATES..................................................................................................................................................... 29 Dealing with held results (e.g. Alleged Offence) ........................................................................................... 29 Marks in the Condonable fail (FC) range: ..................................................................................................... 30 RESULTS/GRADES WHICH HAVE BEEN CHANGED AT THE APAC ......................................................................................... 32 1. Change in grade ................................................................................................................................. 32 2. Change in the assessment component mark ..................................................................................... 32

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Assessment, Progression and Awarding Committee (APAC) processes

1. PROCESS MAPS AND OTHER RESOURCES FOR AWARDING AND PROGRESSION .............................................. 3

2. KEY SCREENS — PROGRESSION AND AWARDING PROCESSES ......................................................................... 3

3. HOW TO CHECK THE STUDENT’S MODULE RESULTS (SMR) HISTORY ............................................................... 4

HOW TO CHECK OVERALL MODULE RESULT RECORDS: ....................................................................................................... 4 HOW TO CHECK THE DETAILED ASSESSMENT RECORDS / VIEW COMPONENT MARKS:................................................................ 4

4. REPORTS RELATING TO RESULTS AND AWARDS .............................................................................................. 5

LIST OF MARKS AND MODULE STATISTICS ........................................................................................................................ 5 STUDENTS WHO HAVE REPEATED THE YEAR OR A TERM...................................................................................................... 6 AWARD-RELATED ...................................................................................................................................................... 6

5. FINALISTS — CALCULATING THE AWARD (PSA OPTION 18) ...................................................................... 7

HOW TO CALCULATE AWARDS — PSA OPTION 18: .......................................................................................................... 7 TO VIEW THE SAW RECORD(S) AFTER PSA OPTION 18 IS RUN: .......................................................................................... 8 TO VIEW THE STUDENT CALCULATION RECORD(S) AFTER PSA OPTION 18 IS RUN: .................................................................. 9 STATUS FIELD IN SAW SCREEN ................................................................................................................................... 10


WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF THE SPI SCREEN? ................................................................................................................. 11 PROGRESSION DECISIONS / PIT CODES ......................................................................................................................... 13 HOW TO UPDATE THE STUDENTS’ SPI RECORDS WITH THE PROGRESSION DECISION ............................................................... 14 BATCH DATE — CONFIRMING THE PROGRESSION/PIT CODE ............................................................................................ 15

What date should I enter in the Batch Date field? ........................................................................................ 15 MINUTES FIELD ....................................................................................................................................................... 16 HOW WILL I KNOW IF I CAN MODIFY THE INFORMATION IN THE SPI SCREEN? ....................................................................... 16 WHICH FIELDS CAN I MODIFY IN SPI? .......................................................................................................................... 16

7. NON-FINALIST FULL-TIME UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS — CALCULATING THE PROGRESSION DECISION VIA CSP ............................................................................................................................................................. 16

USING THE CSP SCREEN: .......................................................................................................................................... 17

8. PRODUCING EXAM BOARD DOCUMENTATION — XREP ......................................................................... 21

ACCESS AND LOGIN PAGE .......................................................................................................................................... 21 HOMEPAGE ............................................................................................................................................................ 22 HOW TO RUN A REPORT: ........................................................................................................................................... 22 EXTRA FEATURES ..................................................................................................................................................... 25 BATCHING .............................................................................................................................................................. 25 INVALID STYLE SELECTION — WARNING MESSAGE:......................................................................................................... 26 WEIGHTINGS: ......................................................................................................................................................... 27 ERROR: NO DATA MESSAGE ...................................................................................................................................... 27 PROGRESSION DECISIONS ON XREP REPORT .................................................................................................................. 27

9. POST-EXAM BOARD TASKS ............................................................................................................................ 28

UNDERGRADUATES .................................................................................................................................................. 28 Dealing with held results (e.g. Alleged Offence) ........................................................................................... 28

POSTGRADUATES..................................................................................................................................................... 29 Dealing with held results (e.g. Alleged Offence) ........................................................................................... 29 Marks in the Condonable fail (FC) range: ..................................................................................................... 30

RESULTS/GRADES WHICH HAVE BEEN CHANGED AT THE APAC ......................................................................................... 32 1. Change in grade ................................................................................................................................. 32 2. Change in the assessment component mark ..................................................................................... 32

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3. Change in overall module result mark (without change in assessment component mark) ............... 32 ADDING OR CHANGING THE PROGRESSION DECISION ....................................................................................................... 33

All postgraduate students, all part-time students and undergraduate finalists: .......................................... 33 Progressing full-time undergraduate students: ............................................................................................ 34

RE-CALCULATING THE AWARD CLASSIFICATIONS FOLLOWING MARK/GRADE CHANGES – FINALISTS ONLY .................................... 35 PSA OPTION 7 — SETTING AWARD FROM CALCULATED (C) TO PROVISIONAL (P), POST-EXAM BOARD ..................................... 36 DEALING WITH STUDENTS WHO ARE NOT ELIGIBLE FOR AN AWARD .................................................................................... 38 BATCH DATE / CONFIRMING DATE OF SPI COMPLETION — ALL STUDENTS .......................................................................... 39

What is the Batch Date? ............................................................................................................................... 39 How to update the Batch Date field ............................................................................................................. 40

APPENDIX 1: VSP — VALIDATE STUDENT PROGRAMME (OPTIONAL) ............................................................... 41

TO VALIDATE A STUDENT’S PROGRAMME:..................................................................................................................... 41 SAMPLE OUTPUTS FROM VSP .................................................................................................................................... 42

Brief/no award rules ..................................................................................................................................... 42 Brief/with award rules .................................................................................................................................. 43 Full or Debug/no award rules ....................................................................................................................... 43 Full or Debug/with award rules .................................................................................................................... 44

APPENDIX 2: PASS/FAIL LISTS (OPTIONAL — COLLEGE USE ONLY) .................................................................... 45

UNDERGRADUATE ................................................................................................................................................... 45 Initial Assessment (June): .............................................................................................................................. 45 Re-Assessment (September): ........................................................................................................................ 46

POSTGRADUATE (TAUGHT)........................................................................................................................................ 47 Finalists ......................................................................................................................................................... 47

APPENDIX 3: SAMPLE XREP BOARD REPORT (BLOCK STYLE) ............................................................................. 48

APPENDIX 4: SAMPLE XREP BOARD REPORT (GRID STYLE) ................................................................................ 49

APPENDIX 5: SPI SCREEN ................................................................................................................................... 50

APPENDIX 6: PSA SCREEN ................................................................................................................................. 51

APPENDIX 7: MARK SCHEMES ........................................................................................................................... 52

GENERAL UG COMPONENT MARK SCHEME: UCOM01 (AUTOMATIC CONDONEMENT) AND UCOM02 (AUTOMATIC REFERRAL) .. 52 Initial assessment.......................................................................................................................................... 52 Reassessment................................................................................................................................................ 52

GENERAL UG MODULE MARK SCHEME: UMOD01 (AUTOMATIC CONDONEMENT) AND UMOD02 (AUTOMATIC REFERRAL) ....... 53 Initial assessment.......................................................................................................................................... 53 Reassessment................................................................................................................................................ 53

NEW PGT MARK SCHEMES – COMPONENT MARK SCHEMES ............................................................................. 55

PCOM01 (AUTOMATIC CONDONEMENT) AND PCOM02 (AUTOMATIC REFERRAL) .............................................................. 55 Initial assessment.......................................................................................................................................... 55 Reassessment................................................................................................................................................ 55

NEW PGT MARK SCHEMES – MODULE MARK SCHEMES .................................................................................... 56

PMOD01 (AUTOMATIC CONDONEMENT) AND PMOD02 (AUTOMATIC REFERRAL) — NEW PGT MODULE MARK SCHEME ......... 56 Initial assessment.......................................................................................................................................... 56 Reassessment................................................................................................................................................ 57

UG AND PGT COMPONENT MARK SCHEMES: PFCOM (PASS/FAIL ONLY, NO NUMERICAL MARK ENTERED) ............................... 58 Initial assessment or reassessment ............................................................................................................... 58

APPENDIX 8 — LIST OF COMPONENT AND MODULE GRADES (MANUAL ENTRY) .............................................. 58

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The high level steps that need to be performed in order to award and progress undergraduate and postgraduate taught students are set out in the following process maps:

Pre and APAC process for non-finalists — UG and 12-month PGT students

Pre and APAC process for finalists — UG and 9-month PGT

Cheat sheets highlighting the standard progression/award, condonement, classification and preponderance rules:

Undergraduate standard progression and awarding rules

Postgraduate standard progression and awarding rules

The above documents can all be found in the Awarding and Progression Documentation section of the SITS Course Notes site — http://as.exeter.ac.uk/it/systems/sits/howdoi/coursenotes/


PSA (Process Student Award) — where the students’ award records are created and calculated for finalists for consideration by the Assessment, Progression and Awarding Committee (APAC). Once the awards are approved by the APAC, the records are set to a provisional status in PSA, at which point Student Records retrieves the students to complete the awarding process. SAW (Student Awards) — student award records that are created/calculated and provisionally agreed via PSA. Student award type, title, classification, average mark and award date are listed here. SPI (Student Progress Info) — for each year that a student is active (i.e. record not completed, a SPI record is generated. It is where the Colleges record the annual progression decision for each student by inputting a PIT code, which informs Student Records as to how the student will progress / what action to take against the student record (e.g. progress student into next academic year, award student, indicate student has referrals, etc.). A PIT code needs to be applied to each student’s record by August 1st, when Progression takes place. CSP (Progression Tool-Bar Overview) — calculates and adds the suggested progression/PIT code into the SPI record for undergraduate full-time non-finalist students based on their SMR records at the time CSP is run. SMRU (Undo Multiple SMR Records to an Earlier State) — allows agreed marks and/or grades to be modified (e.g. change grade from FC to FR for an undergraduate student in order to generate a reassessment record, increase a component mark but retain the original recorded/actual mark) or to undo the result agreeal process (SAS option 6) in order to correct an error against the student’s module result record.

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How to check overall module result records: 1. SMR screen (direct to SMR or via SPR > Other > Module > Results for 1 student). 2. Retrieve the module result records for a student or entire module. 3. The following screen will appear. This example shows a more complex history – notice the

difference between the actual and agreed grades (these have been manually modified):

For a description of the SMR fields, see the mark entry notes (understanding the SMR screen).

How to check the detailed assessment records / view component marks: 1. SMR (SMR direct or via SPR> Other > Module > Results for one student’s results). 2. Retrieve the module result records for the student or module.

3. Highlight the module you wish to focus on, and from the Other menu, select Assessment Status.

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4. This screen will appear:

a. Top section — displays the current module result (after initial attempt/before reassessment

or after reassessment).

b. Left side — displays the initial assessment marks, by component.

c. Right side — displays the reassessment (deferred and referred attempts) marks, by component.

For a description of the SMR fields, see the mark entry notes (understanding the SMR screen).


List of marks and module statistics Reports that you can run from the MAV screen (once you have retrieved the module/year you wish to run the report for):

List of missing marks

Lists, in Excel, all students with missing component marks, per module. To run, go to SMR and retrieve your module codes in the correct academic year. If you are trying to retrieve all of the LAW modules in 2014/5, search on the following criteria:

Run EX-MISSMARKS (from the All menu > Gen+Print Letters).

List of marks entered in SAS

List of the final module and/or individual assessment marks, in candidate number order, run from MAV:

EX-MODMARKSA (module results not calculated — displays

component results)

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EX-MODMARKS (module results calculated — displays

component and module results)

Module statistics

These are run via MAV once the marks for the entire module have been set in SITS. All reports exclude interrupted and withdrawn students, as well as superseded modules. Stats given as percentage of students:

PGT — EX-MODSTATPG (need to open via Excel)

UG — EX-MODSTATP (prints directly from SITS) or

EX-MODSTATEP (opens via Excel)

Stats given as numbers of students (UG students):

EX-MODSTATS (prints directly from SITS)

EX-MODSTATE (open via Excel)

Summary (UG or PGT):


You can also run options 11 or 12 in SAS to produce lists of marks that were entered into SAS option 3:

Option 11 will display component marks prior to calculation (SAS option 6).

Option 12 displays calculated results with component results.

The display and sort order of the above SAS reports can be altered as follows: MAV > double –click on value in Ass Pattern field > Say Yes > bring you to MAP > Go to Other > More Details > modify the Print Name fields and the Sort Options and Sort Criteria fields in the bottom of the screen. Details are in the Module Assessment and Reassessment Set Up notes on the SITS Course Notes website.

Students who have repeated the year or a term Run EX-REPEATYR from SPR on all current students. This will report back any student that repeated a stage of study. It orders the data by programme first, then by student’s surname. Data is taken from the progression code (APAC Decision field on SPI screen) from the previous academic year.

Award-related Run AWD-DETAILS from SAW — Retrieves various details from SAW and average mark displayed in SAW and in SCR (Award Calculations). When the student's award is based on preponderance calculation, the average mark is not populated in SAW.

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This process should only be performed for finalists (students in their final year) as it creates the award record (SAW). In order for the recommended award name and classification (as recommended by SITS) to appear on the exam board report, you will need to calculate it. Using the rules set-up in the award rule table and the students’ SMR records, SITS will calculate a suggested degree and classification for each specified student. The degree classification is only suggested and can later be overwritten. NB: It is important that ALL finalists have a SAW record as the recommended award (even if a student is not being awarded and the SAW is held) is used to determine the eligibility for the Graduation ceremony. It should accurately reflect what the student is currently eligible for (e.g. no award, Ordinary, full award), even if they are not being awarded now – these SAW records are set to H (held).

How to calculate awards — PSA option 18: 1. Go to the PSA [Process Student Award] screen:

2. Complete the following fields:

Field name Action required

Year of award Complete with current academic year (e.g. 2014/5)

Award Programme Complete with the programme code

Award status Complete with C (for calculated)

SPR Code Optional – enter if you only want to run an individual student’s award, rather than a group of students

3. Run option 18 by clicking on green arrow.

This will calculate the suggested award classification for the group of students/individual student based on their current results and will produce a report which will enable you to investigate which module results have been used and which rules were failed for what reason.

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The output looks similar to the output shown below, but will be different according to your award rules:

4. Running PSA option 18 will create a Student Awards (SAW) record for the student(s) and will set the

Status of that SAW record to C (calculated).

To view the SAW record(s) after PSA option 18 is run: To view an individual student’s record, go to SPR and retrieve the record(s) > Other menu > Award

> Awards.

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Alternatively, you can navigate directly to the SAW screen. While the view is different, the same

information (and more) appears. You can retrieve one student’s record by searching by the SPR code.

You can also retrieve all of the award records for an entire programme that have been calculated, for a given year:

To view the Student Calculation Record(s) after PSA option 18 is run: The award calculation process (PSA option 18) will also have created/updated the students’ SCR [Student Calculation Result] records. You can check these records as follows: 1. Go to SPR and retrieve the student record(s) 2. From the Other menu select Award > Calculations.

This screen shows you the outcome of the award classification calculation (average and preponderance calculations).

In this example, the student was awarded a 1st based on preponderance (increased from 68.92 = 2:1).

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Status field in SAW screen When a student’s award is calculated, a SAW [Student Award] record is created.

There are 7 possible SAW statuses (see highlighted field above), which tell you at what point in the process a particular student is:

Status Code Status Name Description

C Calculated

Pre-exam board status. Colleges set award records to this status by running PSA option 18 (which is also what creates the SAW record). See screen shot above. Award can be re-calculated (PSA option 18 run again) as long as the award is still at calculated status.

If changes made to SMR records — SAW record will be refreshed/updated as needed.

If no changes made to SMR records — SAW record will remain unchanged even if PSA option 18 is run again.

P Provisional Post-exam board but not processed by Student Records yet. Colleges set an award to this status by running PSA option 7 once the award has been approved by the APAC. The award is only provisionally agreed as the student may still owe fees. If award needs to be re-run (as incorrect), the SAW record would need to be deleted and then the process restarted at option 18. The SAW can be deleted as long as the Batch date field in the SPI screen is tomorrow or later. If date is today or in the past, contact [email protected].

A Agreed Award

Indicates that the student’s award has been sent for approval to the Dean of the Faculty of Taught Programmes and the VC, on behalf of Senate. Student Records sets this status.

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SAW can no longer be modified and should never be deleted.

CONF Conferred Award has been approved and allows a certificate to be produced. Student Records sets this status. SAW can no longer be modified and should never be deleted.

H Held Back Used to hold an award, to ensure it is not processed by Student Records. Used by the College when an outcome is pending, until the final award outcome is decided. Students who have ‘failed all rules’ and are ineligible for award should be held during PSA option 7.

DEBTOR Debtor – Award held – For Student Records use only

This is for Student Records use only. It is used to hold awards for students that have an academic debt as advised by Accounts Receivable. These students cannot be awarded until their debt is cleared. Student Records liaise with Accounts Receivable on a regular basis to determine if any debtors awards can be processed (Student Records would handle and contact the College as needed). Colleges are to treat suspected and known debtors as any other student, i.e. Colleges are to process their awards as usual. It is up to Student Records to flag the debtors and award them/hold their awards.

Q College query

This is for Student Records use only. SAW record is being held by Student Records due to a query on the SAW and/or SPI screens. Student Records will contact College for clarification prior to setting the status back to P.


What is the purpose of the SPI screen? SPI is the screen where a student’s yearly progression is recorded by the College following a decision taken by the Assessment, Progression and Awarding Committee (APAC). Every student that is active (i.e. record not completed) at the start of each academic year (August 1st) will have a SPI record for that year. Examples:

A 3-year UG student will have 3 SPI records with a blank Period field, one for each year that the student is active.

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It is possible that 2 SPI records exist for one academic year, one where the Period field is blank and another where the Period field contains a value of REASS, indicating that the student had to complete referred/deferred assessments.

The REASS SPI record is to be completed after the August reassessment period and is generated at progression after August 1st if the College has indicated in the main SPI record that the student will be taking referred/deferred assessments.

The yearly progression/completion decision is recorded in the form of a code added in the APAC Decision field and is confirmed by the presence of a date (DDMMYY format) in the Batch Date field. These progression codes are referred to as PIT codes.

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Each PIT code triggers certain actions by the Student Records team. It is the College’s way of letting Student Records know what action must be taken against the student’s record/what the student’s status in the next academic year will be. For a guide to the SPI screen and which fields that the College must (and can only) update, see Appendix 5.

Progression decisions / PIT codes A PIT code indicates what the student’s next status should be and it is input in the APAC Decision field in the SPI screen for the current academic year.

It is vitally important that the correct progression decision is entered against each student because the PIT code used is translated into a message to the student, which is visible when they view their interim transcript through SRS. The message attached to each PIT code can be found in the Progression Messages document on the SITS website > Module Results Online page. It is also important to use the correct code because this impacts on other key University processes, such as Progression in August and how Student Records will process the student’s record. A complete list of all Progression (PIT) codes and when to use them can be found in the Progression (PIT) codes – complete guidance document in the Module results online section of the SITS website.

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How to update the students’ SPI records with the progression decision Because there are no clear-cut rules as to when or how a student progresses to the next academic year (there are many possibilities which will be decided by the APAC), the progression code needs to be manually entered into the students’ SPI records during the reassessment period. There are 2 ways to update student records with the progression decision: 1. Go into each student’s SPI record individually via SPR > Other > Award > Progress. Hit Page Down

and navigate to the correct SPI record (i.e. correct year and Period= blank).

2. Go directly to the SPI screen and retrieve groups of your students by completing the following fields:

Field name Value to be entered

Year Complete with the academic year (e.g. 2015/6)

Period Leave blank as there will only be main SPI records prior to August 1st

Stage (optional) Complete with the level you are entering the progression decision for (e.g. 1 for stage 1 students). If left blank, the search will retrieve students from all levels.

Programme Complete with the programme code or multiple programmes (e.g. U*PHY* to find all UG Physics programmes)

Process status Select “Incomplete” from the dropdown This means that Student Records have not processed/completed the record yet. You do not want to update records whose Process Status = Agreed or Complete as Student Records are processing/have processed these records.

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No matter the method of student(s) record(s) retrieval, to add the PIT code: 1. Update the APAC Decision field with the appropriate progression code (see list in the Progression

(PIT) codes – complete guidance notes). 2. Store (F6).

Batch Date — confirming the progression/PIT code The PIT code entered in the APAC Decision field is considered as being confirmed by the College once a date (DDMMYY format) is entered in the Batch Date field, alerting Student Records that a decision has been taken on a student’s progression and that the Student Records team can process the record.

The Student Records team will never process a SPI record until the batch date has passed.

For example: If today is 010515, Student Records will not process the record until 020515 or later.

What date should I enter in the Batch Date field?

It is recommended that College staff input the date that the PIT code (in APAC Decision field) is being confirmed in the Batch Date field.

Use today’s date or later but do not to use dates too far ahead in the future. o Should you wish to give yourself a buffer as the record will not be processed any

earlier than the day after the batch date (allowing you to alter the PIT code as needed), it is recommended that you use a date a day or two in advance.

Never use a date in the past (as the records risk not getting picked up by Student Records until much later)

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Minutes field

Any non-standard PIT codes should be accompanied by a minute.

Standard format is detail + initials + date.

Most recent notes should always be added at the top.

How will I know if I can modify the information in the SPI screen?

If Process Status is set to any value other than Incomplete — contact [email protected] as the record has been processed by Student Records and any changes you make to the record will not be processed.

If the Batch Date is: o in the past — contact [email protected] as the record may be about to be processed

by Student Records. o today’s date or later — ok to modify

Which fields can I modify in SPI? College users should only update the following fields:

Batch Date

APAC Decision


QCA Session For a guide to the SPI screen and which fields that the College can/must update, see Appendix 5.



In order for the progression decision (PIT code inserted into APAC Decision field in SPI screen) to appear on the exam board report against your students’ records, you will need to calculate it before running and printing the exam board reports via Xrep. You can have SITS calculate it for you, which will avoid you having to manually and individually update the SPI records in the first instance. This should only be done for non-finalist full-time undergraduates. This will not work for PGT or UG part-time students (progression of part-time students is a process which can’t easily be translated into rules — some part-time students progress to the next stage after accumulating 120, some 130, etc.). The progression calculation should only be done after all component marks have been entered and after all module results have been calculated, to ensure it calculates it based on all of the students’ SMR records. If it is done beforehand, the progression decision calculated by SITS may be incorrect. Based on the student’s SMR records, the progression calculation will calculate whether the student:

1. progresses to the next stage — PP (Progress pass).

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2. does not progress to the next stage, but has to take: a. one or more referred assessments (grade = FR) — REF (Referral – without attendance); b. one or more deferred assessments (grade = MI) — DEF (Deferral — without

attendance); or c. a mixture of referred and deferred assessments — REF (Referral – without


3. progression cannot be determined at the time CSP is run because there are marks still outstanding (SMR records still in SAS or RAS state) — HOLD (Progression on hold)

This process will automatically populate the above progression codes / PIT codes (PP – DEF – REF - HOLD) into the APAC Decision field for the current year SPI record. Any non-standard progression decisions must be manually input (e.g. COP-REP, REPY, etc.) Note: This is only a suggested progress decision based on the SMR records and, as with any other decisions calculated by SITS, can be overwritten. Using the CSP screen:

1. Go to the CSP screen and click on the button. 2. The following screen will appear:

3. Complete the following fields:

Field Value to input

Year Complete with the current academic year (e.g. 2016/7)

Enrolment RCE and RDB (separate by the OR wildcard)

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Programme Complete with a specific programme code (e.g. UFA4SBESBE25)

Block/Occ Complete the block field with the stage you wish to run the progression calculation for (e.g. 1)

* Students with enrolment statuses other than RCE/RDB/RPR (e.g. RHL_R, RHL_I, RHL_M) must be manually updated. This process will not populate the APAC Decision field, i.e. will leave it blank.

4. Check that the No of SCEs (bottom left on CSP screen – circled above) is the same to the number of students you expected on that programme and stage (with the enrolment statuses that you specified).

5. Optional: Specify the save location of the output file, which will provide you with feedback, by

clicking on the Open folder button.

Specify where you want the file to be saved and input a filename.

6. Do you want to run a trial first?

a. No — skip to step 8.

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b. Yes — click on the button. Once completed, a message will appear in the message line at the bottom of the screen:

7. Once the test process has run, open the output file. The output file will tell you, for each student, what the suggested progression/PIT code SITS suggests.

8. Once you are happy with the output file, you can run the process for real by clicking on the

button. Once complete, the message line at the bottom of the screen will display a similar message:

9. This calculation process will update the student’s current year SPI record with a progression/PIT code. You can check the records as follows:

In the SPI screen, search on the following criteria (criteria you ran CSP on):

Field Value to input

Year Complete with the current academic year (e.g. 2016/7)

Programme Complete with a specific programme code (e.g. UFA4SBESBE25)

Stage Complete with the stage that you ran the progression calculation on (e.g. 1)

Process Status

Select Incomplete from dropdown. This is to ensure that you are retrieving records that have not already been processed and been completed by Student Records.

If you want to view an individual student’s record only:

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you could input the SPR code in the above search (and ignore the Programme and Stage fields, simply input the academic year)

navigate to the SPI record via SPR > Other > Award > Progress — this will retrieve all of the student’s SPI records. Navigate to the correct one.

The following screen will appear:

You will have to amend some of the PIT codes following the APAC and/or after any changes you will bring to the students’ grades.

Example: CSP may have generated a progression decision of PP (progress pass) but the APAC may subsequently decide that the student is to be referred in certain modules, requiring the PIT code to be manually updated to REF (referral – without attendance) in the APAC Decision field.

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Any students who do not automatically get a progression decision as part of the CSP process (i.e. finalists, PGT and part-time UG students) will need to have a decision entered manually into SPI. Colleges may find this easiest by going into SPI directly and retrieving a group of students (for example on a particular Programme and Stage) and either globally updating the APAC Decision field, or by going through each student individually.

Important! When retrieving a group of students to perform a global update, remember to retrieve them by specifying the year and a Process Status of Incomplete, to ensure that you are not overriding any records that have already been completed by Student Records.

A complete list of all Progression (PIT) codes and when to use them can be found in the Progression (PIT) codes – complete guidance document in the Module results online section of the SITS website.


Access and login page Web address: https://xrep4j.exeter.ac.uk

There is an XRep link on the SITS intranet site: http://as.exeter.ac.uk/it/systems/sits/howdoi/ Use your normal University username and password to login into XRep4J and select SITS LIVE as the SITS system to run reports against current data.

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How to run a report: Complete the following fields:

1. Programme Codes — Mandatory field. You can run the report on one or more programmes. Either manually enter the programme code (if selecting more than one, separate each by a semi-colon) or select each programme by ticking them in the list below.

Users can select to view programmes at College level

Or users can click on the tree menu to expand and collapse the menu to view or hide departments and view programmes at department level

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If you run it on multiple programmes at once, you will be asked to enter a name for the batch, which you can then rerun at a later time by clicking on the Load link next to the Batch Name field (see below).

2. Student SPR Code — Only complete this field if you wish to run the report on a single student.

3. Stage/Block — Enter them manually via the dropdown provided or select them from the lists below (tick the stage in the table). The stage is looking at the Level field in the SMR records for the academic year specified, which represents the student’s current level in SPR. Run one level at a time.

4. Document Style — represents the type of report you wish to run:

block-x-x-x PDF type layout grid-x-x-x Excel type layout x-exam-x-x non-finalists (produces report for one year, with no award info) x-award-x-x finalists (produces all relevant years and award info) x-x-mod-x module results given at module level only x-x-comp-x module results as above, but with component marks too x-x-x-sh single hons programmes x-x-x-ch combined hons programmes x-x-x-pg postgrad programmes

Specialist grid-award-mod styles: grid-award-mod-fin final stage only grid-award-mod-st2 stage 2 only grid-award-mod-st3 stage 3 only

e.g. for BA Drama second year report, would select option block-exam-mod-sh

5. Style option (optional, default = standard)

o Standard = standard alphabetical order, with student names, numbers & candidate numbers printed

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o Anonymous = anonymous as in blind-marking, candidate number order, no student name


For the grid reports:

o Standard = standard alphabetical order o Optional = optional modules as module/mark column pairs o Optional Ranked = optional module/mark pairs, and ranked by overall result o Mitigation = include an overall student mitigation code column o Status = include Status column for the module, e.g. OP, FC, F etc. o Status & Notes = include Status column, and extra notes rows o SPR Code = include student University (SPR) code number o SPR Code & Status = include student University (SPR) code number, Status column,

and extra notes rows o Full = combination of standard, plus Uni.no., Mitigation, Status

6. Academic Year — select current academic year from the dropdown (or academic year where most recent SMRs record are located or year that student being awarded in – see SAW).

7. Primary Sort — you can specify the order that the students appear on the reports (default = name order).

8. Secondary Sort — should you wish to apply a 2nd sort.

9. Specify the output type:

This will open up a new window and will open the report either Adobe Reader or Excel (you will see a prompt asking you to open up the document in Excel).

Select output type: XLS Excel for grid style reports. PDF or XHTML for block style reports

Then click the Run Report button

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Extra Features


Download – when users select this option and then save the document it will give the file a suitable name

Check Report Cache – If you just wish to re-run a copy of the same report click this option to run a cached version. This will make the report run much quicker because it does not go and get fresh data from SITS.

Student SPR Code- Enter an individual student’s SPR code to run a report on just one


Primary Sort — Select as appropriate, default is by student name. Secondary Sort — Select as appropriate, default is no secondary sort. Exclude Debtors – Tick this box to remove RDB status students. One student per page – Tick this box for block type reports to display one student per page.

2- Select the Stage/Block required

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Invalid Style Selection — warning message:

If users try to select an incompatible Document Style and Output Type the Run Report button will be greyed out and the user sees a warning message stating ‘Invalid style selection’. The user should either alter their Document Style or Output Type to run the report correctly. NB: The main thing to remember is to have the PDF radio button selected for Block Type Document styles and XLS Excel for the Grid Type Document styles.

1- Select the programmes required. At the top users can choose ‘Select All’ to select all programmes in the list or select ‘None’ to deselect all selected programmes in the list.

3- Give the group a ‘Batch Name’. By doing this users can then click the ‘Load’ button to view all batches previously run by that user to enable them to quickly recall batches.

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Error: No Data message

See the appendices for sample Xrep outputs.

Progression decisions on XRep report The following progression decisions will appear on the XRep report, depending on the report run:

This shows the Weighting by Home and Joint College (where appropriate) for stages 1, 2, 3 and 4. These weightings are used in the Credit Distribution Grid on all block type Document Styles. For example for Philosophy and French it states that the weighting for the Home College (SSISOC) is (1/4/2/8) and for the Joint College (HUMMLF) is (1/4/2/8). This means that SSIS is the Home College and for their part of the programme the weighting ratio is 1 (for Stage 1), 4 (for Stage 2), 2 (for Stage 3) and 8 (for Stage 4), or a ratio of 4:2:8. Russian is the Joint College and for their part of the Programme the ratio is 1 (for Stage 1), 4 (for Stage 2), 2 (for Stage 3) and 8 (for Stage 4), or a ratio of 4:2:8. NB: If you notice any of the weightings are incorrect please get in touch with your SITS Support Contact. Please note that these weightings are held in an external table to SITS and if the weighting shown is incorrect in XRep this WILL NOT impact on the Award Calculation calculated by SITS.

If you see any programmes with Error: No data this means that the weightings have not been fully entered into the external table. It is advisable not to run reports against programmes which have this warning and to get in touch with your SITS contact.

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Type of report Progression decision

Award Recommended award, if SAW record generated

Exam APAC Decision code, if entered against SPI record


Undergraduates Dealing with held results (e.g. Alleged Offence)

Marks in entered as AO are put on hold until a decision has been taken. Once the decision has been made, you need to update SITS accordingly. To deal with these held results after the Board of Examiners:

1. Go to SAS

2. Complete the following fields:

Field name Action required

Academic year Enter the academic year the student took the module in, e.g. 2012/3

Module Code Enter module code

Occurrence Optional - enter specific module occurrence student on, e.g. A, B.

Assessment sequence number

Optional – if wish to pull up one specific assessment

3. Option 9 — Process held module results for student(s) — enter the student’s 6-digit candidate


4. A screen similar to this will come up:

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In the ‘Agree? (Y/N)’, enter N (this means you disagree with the displayed grade and mark combination) and press tab. This will take you to the Agreed Mark and Grade for the component with the Alleged Offence.

If the Board of Examiners has decided that: Student is to fail and re-take the module:

1. Change the Agreed Mark field as needed and change the Grade field to F 2. Hit Tab until you get to the Module Result and Grade and double click to recalculate the

overall Module Result and Grade. 3. Store (F6).

Student is to be referred in the module:

1. Update the Mark field as is and change the Grade field to FR 2. Hit the tab key until you get to the Module Result and Grade fields and double-click within

them to recalculate the overall Module Result and Grade. 3. Keep hitting the tab key until you pass the Minutes field, which will generate the reassessment

records based on the module’s reassessment pattern. 4. Hit Store (F6)

5. You will see a message pop up saying that records are incomplete. Keep clicking the Continue option until these stop appearing.

Postgraduates Dealing with held results (e.g. Alleged Offence)

Marks entered as AO are put on hold until a decision is made on how the student will be treated. Once the decision has been made after the Board of Examiners:

1. Go to SAS.

2. Complete the following fields:

Field name Action required

Academic year Enter the academic year the student took the module in, e.g. 2012/3

Module Code Enter module code

Occurrence Optional - enter specific module occurrence student on, e.g. A, B.

Assessment sequence number

Optional – if wish to pull up one specific assessment

3. Option 9 — Process held module results for student(s) — enter the student’s 6-digit candidate


4. A screen similar to the below will come up. The actual and agreed component/module marks and grades are populated.

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5. In the ‘Agree? (Y/N)’ field, enter N (this means you disagree with the displayed grade and mark combination) and press Tab.

6. This will take you to the Agreed Mark and Grade for the component with the Alleged Offence.

7. If the Board of Examiners has decided that:

Student is to fail the module: 1. Update the Agreed Grade field for the component to F if needed. 2. To retain the original mark and grade for any other components, hit F2 in the Actual

Mark field. 3. Hit Tab until you get to the Module Result fields and hit F2 to calculate the overall

Module Result and Grade based on the components marks and grades. 4. Change the Module Grade from FC to F as needed. 5. Store (F6).

Please note: This process will create reassessment records and will not complete the module. Please email the Student Records Team ([email protected]) to request the deletion of the reassessment record(s), which will complete the module(s) for you.

Student is to be referred in the module:

1. Update the Agreed Mark field as needed and change the Grade field to F 2. To retain the original mark and grade for any other components, hit F2 in the Actual

Mark field. 3. Hit Tab until you get to the Module Result fields and hit F2 to calculate the overall

Module Result and Grade based on the components marks and grades. 4. Change the Module Grade from FC to F as needed. 5. Keep hitting the tab key until you pass the Minutes field, which will generate the

reassessment records based on the module’s reassessment pattern. 6. Hit Store (F6). 7. You will see a message pop up saying that records are incomplete. Keep clicking the

Continue option until these stop appearing.

Marks in the Condonable fail (FC) range: If a module is condonable (PGTMFC mark scheme), marks in the condonable fail range are automatically set to Failed Condoned (FC).

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If, as a result of the exam board, a result needs to be:

referred (F) instead of condoned (FC), or

set to fail (F) without a referral (as too many failed credits in the condonable range)

You need to modify the Agreed Module Grade using the SMRU screen using the Modify (M) option. To do this: 1. Go to SMRU screen:

2. Complete the following fields:

Field name Action required

Module Complete with the module code

Academic year Complete with the academic year the module was taken in

Candidate key Complete with the student’s candidate number (use SCN [Student Candidate Number] to find the candidate number)

3. Retrieve record (F5).

4. Select Modify option ( ), set ‘Undo selected SMRs back’ to Previous State

and then click on the arrow to run. 5. A screen similar to this one will appear:

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6. In the ‘Agreed? (Y/N)’ field, enter N (this means you disagree with the overall module result). 7. Component marks — re-type the Actual Mark and Grade in the Agreed Mark/Grade or press F2 on

blank Agreed Mark field to re-use Actual Mark. 8. Click on F2 in the Module result field to re-calculate the overall module result. Change the FC to F

(fail) in Grade field.

9. Keep pressing Tab until you create the reassessment records. 10. Tab to the end of the reassessment records and say No to ‘Add another Re-Assessment record

[Y/N]’ and hit Continue to any messages referring to ‘Not all fields filled in’. 11. If you do not want a reassessment (RAS) record to be created as a result of a genuine failure in

the module / student is not to be referred in it, contact the Student Records Team ([email protected] to have the reassessment (RAS) record deleted, thereby completing the module (set to Status COM in SMR).

Results/Grades which have been changed at the APAC There are 3 types of changes you would make: 1. Change in grade

e.g. mitigating circumstances put forward by a student were rejected, module mark to be condoned instead of referred, or vice versa.

2. Change in the assessment component mark e.g. exam mark to be increased following appeal

3. Change in overall module result mark (without change in assessment component mark)

e.g. final module mark to increase to 40%, from 39%. To change any of these items of data, first follow below steps (steps 1 and 2, then locate change you wish to make for further instructions): Step 1 – Rollback the results: 1. Go to SMRU screen:

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2. Complete the following fields:

Field name Action required

Module Complete with the module code

Academic year Complete with the academic year the module was taken in

Candidate key Complete with the student’s candidate number (use SCN [Student Candidate Number] to find the candidate number)

3. Retrieve record (F5).

4. Select the appropriate option (undo or modify ), click on Undo

Selected SMRs back dropdown , select the correct option and then Run (click on green arrow).

5. Make the appropriate changes — see the following documents on the SITS How To page for detailed guidance:

a. Modifying and undoing calculated marks — SMRU screen (process map) b. Using the SMRU screen to modify or undo calculated marks — process notes

6. In all of the above scenarios, if the change of mark and/or grade results in reassessment record

being created and you do not want a reassessment (RAS) record to be created as a result of a failure in the module (or student has chosen not to be referred), email the Student Records Team ([email protected]) to have the RAS record deleted, thereby completing the module (set to Status COM in SMR).

Adding or changing the progression decision All postgraduate students, all part-time students and undergraduate finalists: Adding the progression code: All postgraduate, part-time students and undergraduate finalists need to have a progression (PIT) code manually entered against their record. For full-time undergraduate non-finalists, this is handled by the CSP process. To manually add a progression code to a student’s record: 1. Go to SPI and retrieve the student record(s) by a combination of the following fields: SPR code,

Year, Programme, Process status = Incomplete, APAC Decision = blank (i.e. place = wildcard in field to only retrieve SPI records where APAC Decision is blank).

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2. Add the appropriate value in the APAC Decision field with the correct code and store (F6).

Progressing full-time undergraduate students: During the APAC, the progression code suggested by SITS (when running CSP for progressing undergraduate students), may be overridden by academic discretion, or because the marks for that student have been amended. To change the progression code that the student was allocated by CSP: 1. Go to SPI and retrieve the student record(s) by a combination of the following fields: SPR code,

Year, Programme, Process status = Incomplete, APAC Decision (place * gold star in field to retrieve records that have a PIT code populated in it).

Progression/PIT code is entered here. To view a list of PIT codes, place your cursor in the data entry portion of the field and hit F2.

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2. Amend the value in the APAC Decision field with the new/correct code and store (F6).

Re-calculating the award classifications following mark/grade changes – finalists only As some of the module marks upon which the classification is based will have changed after the exam board, the first step in dealing with the award classification is to recalculate the award classification. To do this: Note: To view the ‘Award Status’, go to SPR > retrieve student (F5) > Other menu > Award > Awards OR go to SAW screen and retrieve student record(s). If the award status is calculated (C), i.e. only PSA option 18 has been run on the student by this point:

1. You can simply re-run PSA option 18 on the student and it will re-calculate the award based on the current SMR record. a. A duplicate SAW will not be created. b. Calculate new award record by following initial instructions earlier in the How to calculate

awards – PSA option 18 section of this document. If the award status is provisional (P) or held (H), this implies that PSA option 7 has been run and you must first delete the existing award record, otherwise a duplicate award record (SAW) will be created:

1. Go to SPR 2. Retrieve student (F5) 3. From Other menu > Award > Awards (you should only have one record appear) 4. Delete this award record (File > Delete) 5. Then calculate new award record by following initial instructions earlier in this document

[‘How to calculate awards – PSA option 18’ on page 771]

If the award status is agreed (A) or conferred (CONF), do not delete the SAW as the student is in the process of / has been awarded. Contact Student Records ([email protected]) for guidance.

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PSA option 7 — Setting award from Calculated (C) to Provisional (P), post-exam board This is done post-exam board, once the award /classification has been confirmed by the exam board. 1. Go to PSA [Process Student Award]. 2. Complete the following fields:

Field name Action required

Year of award Complete with the academic year that the student is being awarded in (2015/6)

Award Programme Complete with the programme code

Award status This is very important! Complete with C (for calculated) — this will retrieve all students whose awards were ‘calculated’ via PSA option 18.

SPR code Optional – enter if you only want to run an individual student’s award, rather than a group of students

3. To set an award to Provisional, run option 7 (click on green arrow). A screen similar to the one

below will be displayed:

4. Complete the following fields:

Field name Action required

Award Date Up until end of day Friday, enter the following Monday’s date. This will always be a Monday unless the next Monday is a holiday, in which case it will be a Tuesday.

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Exception! There will be one award date to be used in the summer (June) awarding period, which will be communicated to you by your SITS contact.

Set Award Status to

Enter P (for provisional) — this will set all of the retrieved records’ SAWs to a provisional status.

All Rs? Tick this field. This will automatically populate the following fields:

Status — values of C (calculated) against each entry will be updated to a P (provisional), based on value of P entered into the Set Award Status To field. See step 5 below for instructions on how to deal with students who should not be awarded at this time (SAW records should be held).

Class — the award classification recommended by SITS will appear. Note: Ordinary UG awards (e.g OUFA3, OUFS3, etc.) are not classified.

5. Before storing (F6), check whether any of your students fall within one of the below categories as the Status and Class fields may require amending as a result:

Note: The majority of your students will have successfully completed the programme and will be awarded an Honours programme or the equivalent. Some will obtain an Ordinary or lesser (e.g. Diploma or Certificate in case of Masters degree) awards; will need to take another referred or deferred assessment; or repeat the year.

For students who will have to take a referred/deferred assessment, retake the year or for whom an additional decision needs to be taken (e.g. the student needs to decide whether s/he will accept an ordinary award or will retake the year):

o Tab to the Status field and update value to H. This will put the award on hold and will ensure that no degree certificate will be printed for that student.

For students who have passed the programme and will be awarded their intended degree, but whose classification recommended by SITS is different from the one agreed by the board of Examiners:

o Tab to the Class field, clear the field (F7) and complete with the correct class. o A message will appear in the Message Line stating: “Agreed classification is not the

same as recommended or upgraded”, which warns you that you are overwriting

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the classification recommended by SITS. As long as the class you are entering is the one approved by the Examiner’s board, you can ignore the message.

For UG students who have not passed enough credits to receive the BA with Honours award, but who will be awarded an Ordinary award, there will be no classification completed (the Award code will start with an O) and if this is a true reflection of the student’s award, then you can simply leave the record as is.

For students who have ‘failed all rules’ and cannot be awarded — tab to the Status field and update value to H. This will put the award on hold and will ensure that no degree certificate will be printed for that student.

For students, who according to SITS will obtain an Ordinary or lesser award (e.g. Diploma or Certificate for PGT students), but who will, according to the APAC, obtain a higher award than what SITS suggested (e.g. Honours or Masters):

o Tab to the Award field, clear the field and complete with the appropriate award code. o The award code can be found by going to PRG [Programme] > Other menu > Award.

This will give you a list with all valid award codes for that programme.

Note: Valid classes for undergraduates are 1, 2:1, 2:2 and 3. Valid classes for postgraduates are D, M or P.

6. Don’t forget to Store (F6) — applies to all scenarios in PSA option 7.

7. Before you close the screen, print the screen (Misc > Print > Select All). Use the print-out to check that you have not made any data entry mistakes (compare against your exam board reports).

Dealing with students who are not eligible for an award A minority of finalists do not manage to pass enough credits for any type of award and few of these students will be asked to withdraw. Their award would have been held in PSA option 7. In order to deal with these students, you should delete the SAW record and empty the Award Year field on SPR. 1. Go to SPR [Student Programme Route] and retrieve the student.

2. Remove the value in the Award Year field and store your changes (F6).

3. From the Other menu, choose Award. The following screen will appear:

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4. To delete the record, File > Delete. Note — SAW records:

A student should only ever have one SAW record (for a single programme), however it is possible for a student to accumulate multiple SAW records over a number of academic years.

If multiple records exist for one programme ensure that you remove all obsolete/incorrect records. Failure to do this will impact and have repercussions on a variety of SITS processes.

Note — SPR award year:

It is vitally important that the Award Year in SPR in correct otherwise finalists will not be picked up when calculating and provisionally agreeing the awards in PSA.

Incorrect award years also have repercussions on HESA returns, Graduation and other important SITS processes.

If you come across an incorrect Award Year in SPR please amend it accordingly.

Batch Date / Confirming date of SPI completion — all students This is recorded in the student’s current SPI record in the Batch Date field where the College will enter a date of completion in the format DDMMYY, i.e. 090616 is June 19th 2016.

What is the Batch Date?

The presence of a Batch Date lets Student Records know that a record is ready to be awarded or progressed. It is important to note that:

Student Records processes records with a Process Status field set to Incomplete and a Batch Date of the previous day. For example, a record with a Batch Date of 130617 will be processed by Student Records on 140617.

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Enter the date that you are confirming the previously entered progression (PIT) code or a date in the near future.

Never add a date in the past.

Dates entered in the wrong format will cause delays as they will not be picked up by Student Records.

Finalists — if any changes are made after the completion date that affect a finalist’s classification, award or progression, the College will need to inform Student Records ([email protected]) immediately.

For non-finalists — their records will not be progressed until August 1st so there is no need to inform Student Records if there is a change to a SPI record up until August 1st.

See the Process Maps section on the SITS Course Notes website for instructions on how to deal with changes to marks, progression decisions, award titles, etc.

How to update the Batch Date field

Colleges will be able to globally update their students’ SPI records by going to SPI directly and typing in the following and then press F5 to retrieve:

Check that you have retrieved all the relevant records (you can use the ‘Drop Records’ option to remove any students you do not wish to globally update – notes on how to ‘Drop Records’ can be found on the SITS > How To and FAQs page). Click in the Batch Date field and then use Global Update to update all the records (notes on how to use Global Update can be found on the SITS > How To and FAQs page) .

For a guide to the SPI screen and which fields that the College must update, see Appendix 5.

Field name Action required

Year Current academic year (e.g. 2015/6)

Programme Programme code or part of programme code, e.g. UF·?3PHY·* for 3-year UG Physics programmes, UF·?4·* for any 4-year UG programmes, PT·?·?SML·* for PGT Modern Language programmes, etc.

Process status Select Incomplete — this is to ensure that you’re only retrieving records that haven’t been processed by the Student Records team (you must not alter records where status = Agreed or Complete).

APAC Decision Either input a gold star in order to retrieve records that have values in them (do not want to add a batch date to a record that does not have a PIT code) or input specific progression codes, e.g. PP·|DEF·|REF·|INT etc.

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The VSP screen can be used at any time and allows you to check that a student is ‘on course’ and following a valid programme regarding their module choice. This means that when they come to the end of their course, when you are calculating awards, you shouldn’t get any surprises (for example, if a student has not taken enough credits within a specific level). The VSP screen checks that a student’s module selections will pass the:

Overall award rules — i.e. to check that any specified minimum number of credits has been satisfied and any specified maximum has not been exceeded, that the correct number of credits at the correct level have been passed.

Specific rules defined where there are specific pre-, co- or post-requisite modules (these are currently unused).

NOTE: If a student has superseded modules (i.e. where they have repeated a year and the previous year’s results should not count), these will unfortunately also show in VSP, giving false output.

To validate a student’s programme:

1. Go to VSP [Validate Student Programme]

2. To run the validation on one student, complete the following fields:

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Field name Action required

Student code Enter the student SPR number

Planning mode Tick this box — this will allow you to run the validation in test mode

Use award prog/route

Tick this box — this will validate the award rules

Include Module Taking

Tick this box — this allows you to include the student’s SMO records into the calculation

Report mode Select ‘debug’ or ‘brief’, depending on the amount of information you require (please refer to Appendix 1 for example output)

3. Or to run the validation on a group of students, complete the following fields:

Field name Action required

Programme code Enter the appropriate programme code

Award Enter the academic year in which the student will be awarded (runs from August 1 – July 31)

Planning mode Tick this box — this will allow you to run the validation in test mode

Use award prog/route

Tick this box — this will validate the award rules

Include Module Taking

Tick this box — this allows you to include the student’s SMO records into the calculation

Report mode Select ‘debug’ or ‘brief’, depending on the amount of information you require (please refer to Appendix 1 for example output)

4. Click on the ‘Validate selection’ option (green arrow). SITS will then collate the student’s

programme and validate the programme. Please note that this could take some time.

5. When the programme is finished the results will be shown in the message buffer (see sample outputs below).

Sample outputs from VSP Brief/no award rules

Student Programme Planning ==========================

Planning mode with Study programme route Student 98XXXXXXX/1 J BLOGGS Study Programme BA Archaeology Route Archaeology Award Programme BA Archaeology Route Archaeology

Year of Award 2011/2

Intended Award Bachelor of Arts with Honours (U019) Scheme EXETER SCHEME Total credits 360

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Brief/with award rules

Student Programme Planning ==========================

Planning mode with Study programme route Student 98XXXXXXX/1 J BLOGGS Study Programme BA Archaeology Route Archaeology Award Programme BA Archaeology Route Archaeology

Year of Award 2011/2

Intended Award Bachelor of Arts with Honours (U019) Scheme EXETER SCHEME Total credits 360 Rule AWD HUFA3GOAGOA/001 HUFA3GOAGOA - Credit rule (Counting total no of credits) -**FAILED ... Rule AWD OUFA3GOAGOA/01 OUFA3GOAGOA - Credit rule (counting numbers of credits) -**FAILED ... Award is HELD AWARD Failed all rules - Award on hold

Full or Debug/no award rules

Student Programme Planning ==========================

Planning mode with Study programme route Student 98XXXXXXX/1 J BLOGGS Study Programme BA Archaeology Route Archaeology Award Programme BA Archaeology Route Archaeology

Year of Award 2011/2

Intended Award Bachelor of Arts with Honours (U019) Scheme EXETER SCHEME

Programme Generation Report Pathway Scheme Level Specific Acceptable ------------ ------ ------ -------- ---------- UFA3ARCS-07 EX 0 0.00 0.00 EX 1 0.00 0.00

EX 2 0.00 0.00 EX 3 0.00 0.00 EX 4 0.00 0.00 EX 5 0.00 0.00 EX 6 0.00 0.00

None EX 0 0.00 0.00 EX 1 120.00 0.00 EX 2 120.00 0.00 EX 3 120.00 0.00 EX 4 0.00 0.00 EX 5 0.00 0.00 EX 6 0.00 0.00 Total credits 360

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Student Programme Module List Crd Module Level Year Period Result Credits UFA3AR

HIA1000 1 2009/0 SEM1 P 30.00 N HIA1002 1 2009/0 SEM1 P 30.00 N HIA1004 1 2009/0 SEM1 P 30.00 N HIH1215 1 2009/0 SEM1 P 15.00 N HIH1245 1 2009/0 SEM1 P 15.00 N ARC2000 2 2010/1 SEM1 P 15.00 N ARC2106 2 2010/1 SEM1 P 15.00 N ARC2200 2 2010/1 SEM1 P 15.00 N ARC2201 2 2010/1 SEM1 P 15.00 N ARC2303 2 2010/1 SEM1 P 15.00 N ARC2504 2 2010/1 SEM1 P 15.00 N ARC2505 2 2010/1 SEM1 P 15.00 N ARC2507 2 2010/1 SEM1 P 15.00 N

ARC3000 3 2011/2 SEM1 30.00 N

ARC3100 3 2011/2 SEM2 15.00 N

ARC3102 3 2011/2 SEM2 15.00 N

ARC3202 3 2011/2 SEM1 15.00 N

ARC3300 3 2011/2 SEM1 15.00 N

ARC3301 3 2011/2 SEM2 15.00 N

ARC3302 3 2011/2 SEM1 15.00 N

Full or Debug/with award rules

Student Programme Planning ==========================

Planning mode with Study programme route Student 98XXXXXXX/1 J BLOGGS Study Programme BA Archaeology Route Archaeology Award Programme BA Archaeology Route Archaeology

Year of Award 2011/2

Intended Award Bachelor of Arts with Honours (U019) Scheme EXETER SCHEME

Programme Generation Report Pathway Scheme Level Specific Acceptable ------------ ------ ------ -------- ---------- UFA3ARCS-07 EX 0 0.00 0.00 EX 1 0.00 0.00

EX 2 0.00 0.00 EX 3 0.00 0.00 EX 4 0.00 0.00 EX 5 0.00 0.00 EX 6 0.00 0.00

None EX 0 0.00 0.00 EX 1 120.00 0.00 EX 2 120.00 0.00 EX 3 120.00 0.00 EX 4 0.00 0.00 EX 5 0.00 0.00

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EX 6 0.00 0.00 Total credits 360 Rule AWD HUFA3GOAGOA/001 HUFA3GOAGOA - Credit rule (Counting total no of credits) -**FAILED ... Rule AWD OUFA3GOAGOA/01 OUFA3GOAGOA - Credit rule (counting numbers of credits) -**FAILED ... Award is HELD AWARD Failed all rules - Award on hold Student Programme Module List Crd Module Level Year Period Result Credits UFA3AR

HIA1000 1 2009/0 SEM1 P 30.00 N HIA1002 1 2009/0 SEM1 P 30.00 N HIA1004 1 2009/0 SEM1 P 30.00 N HIH1215 1 2009/0 SEM1 P 15.00 N HIH1245 1 2009/0 SEM1 P 15.00 N ARC2000 2 2010/1 SEM1 P 15.00 N ARC2106 2 2010/1 SEM1 P 15.00 N ARC2200 2 2010/1 SEM1 P 15.00 N ARC2201 2 2010/1 SEM1 P 15.00 N ARC2303 2 2010/1 SEM1 P 15.00 N ARC2504 2 2010/1 SEM1 P 15.00 N ARC2505 2 2010/1 SEM1 P 15.00 N ARC2507 2 2010/1 SEM1 P 15.00 N

ARC3000 3 2011/2 SEM1 30.00 N

ARC3100 3 2011/2 SEM2 15.00 N

ARC3102 3 2011/2 SEM2 15.00 N

ARC3202 3 2011/2 SEM1 15.00 N

ARC3300 3 2011/2 SEM1 15.00 N

ARC3301 3 2011/2 SEM2 15.00 N

ARC3302 3 2011/2 SEM1 15.00 N


Pass/Fail lists are now produced directly from SITS via a series of standard letters. There are different reports for UG and PG, finalists and non-finalists, and initial and re-assessment. The group of students retrieve on is very important, ensuring you are producing the report for the correct cohort of students. Undergraduate Examples of the reports can be found on the web at: http://as.exeter.ac.uk/it/systems/sits/howdoi/ You can run all the reports on groups of programmes (if the timing of your APAC allows), there is no need to run them for each individual programme, i.e. run one report for all 3 year programme non-finalists, one for 4 year non-finalists, one for 3 year finalists and one for 4 year finalists. The report will sort the data by programme, then by stage, then alphabetically. There is total flexibility on how you produce the lists within your college, i.e. by groups of programmes/stages down to individual programme/stage. Initial Assessment (June): EX-PFUG1 UG Non-finalists Initial Assessment (June). Run from SCE EX-PFUG2 UG Finalists Initial Assessment (June). Run from SCE

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The reports show:

For non-finalists, the initial (July) progression decision

For finalists, the students award and classification. Where a student has not had an award calculated, the report will show their progression decision (this would be for refers/defers).

[Note: If the progression decision has not been filled in the report will show a blank space] You need to produce the report for all your students, i.e. all students that registered at the beginning of the year need to appear (even those that withdrew or transferred programme during the year). So in SCE enter:

Academic year Enter current academic year e.g. 2007/8

Course Block 3yr progs 1·|2 (for non-finalists report) or 3 (for finalist report) 4yr progs 1·|2·|3 (for non-finalists report) or 4 (for finalist report)

Programme e.g. UF·?3SML·* for 3 yr programmes, UF·?4SML·* for 4 year.

Enrolment status ·!RTC (this is exclude all records that show where a student has transferred)

Notes: If you only have 3 year programmes, you can use the College (and Department) fields instead of the programme field.


All > Gen+PrintLetters

Enter code EX-PFUG1 for non-finalist report or EX-PFUG2 for finalists.

Tab and Preview.

Enter the required data in the user prompt that appears (Academic Year and date of board).

Print. Re-Assessment (September): In September (refers/defers)

EX-PFUGR1 Undergraduate Non-finalists Re-Assessment (September). Run from SPR

EX-PFUGR2 Undergraduate Finalists Re-Assessment (September). Run from SPR The re-assessment reports show the refer/defer module(s), their mark and results, and for:-

non-finalists, the re-assessment progression decision

finalists, the students award and classification. If no SAW record exists, then the re-assessment SPI record will be printed (for those that fail again).

The reports searches within the group of students you have retrieved for students that firstly have a re-assessment progression record (SPI record of had refer/defer modules. For non-finalists, go to SPR and enter:

Status (Enrolment) RCE·|RDB·|RPR·|RHL* (to capture all current students)

Award Year Greater than re-assessment year e.g. ·>2007/8 for Sept 2008

Programme e.g. UF·?·?SML·*

For Finalists, go to SPR and enter:

Status (Enrolment) RCE·|RDB·|RPR·|RHL* (to capture all current students)

Award Year Re-assessment academic year e.g.

Programme e.g. UF·?3SML·* for 3 yr programmes, UF·?4SML·* for 4 year.

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Postgraduate (Taught) Finalists EX-PFPG2 Postgraduate Finalists Initial Assessment. Run from SPR To retrieve all you current finalists, from SPR:

Award Year Enter current academic year e.g. 2004/5

Status (Enrolment) ·!RCO (to capture all potential finalists)

Programme e.g. PT·?·?SML·*

Notes: The 2 single character wildcards in the programme code will ensure you only retrieve programmes where you are the ‘owning’ college i.e. where your college code is the first to appear in the code.

This report can be run at different times of the year. It will look for students award records (SAW). If there is no SAW, the student will not appear on the list. Also, by searching for current students only, students that have already completed their programme that year will not appear.

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Taken from SAW record

Credits taken per stage

Average mark per stage

Weighting per stage

Mode of attendance Enrolment status Candidate number

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Complete the screen as follows when performing step 1 or 2.

omplete student record by running AMP process

1- Pre-exam board — run option 18 to calculate recommended award, to present to exam board. 2- Post-exam board — run option 7 to set provisional award, once award has been agreed by the exam board

1- Pre-Exam Board

2- Post-Exam Board

During the summer awarding period Enter the award date as instructed by your SITS contact (this date will be communicated to you). During the academic year Up until end of day Friday, enter the following Monday’s date. This will always be a Monday unless the next Monday is a holiday, in which case it will be a Tuesday.

Enter C (for calculated) – ALWAYS DO THIS!

Tick the ‘All Rs?’ box and then hit F6 to save if the data populated below is ok.

If award should not be processed, replace the ‘P’ by ‘H’ in the Status field to hold the award. Always enter P (for provisional)

Enter programme code

Enter SPR code if processing one student’s award

Academic year student being awarded in

Running option 18 will generate SAW record(s) and set the status to calculated (C).

Running option 7 will set the SAW status to provisional (P) or held (H), as well as input the award date and confirm the award classification.

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General UG component mark scheme: UCOM01 (automatic condonement) and UCOM02 (automatic referral) * UCOM01 default ** UCOM02 default Initial assessment This table outlines which grade SITS will automatically assign to a component mark when entered in SAS option 3, based on the component mark scheme assigned to each individual component in the MAB screen.

Mark entered in SAS option 3

Default grade assigned by SITS

Meaning Details

40-100 P Pass

0-39 * FC Fail (condoned)

0-39 ** FR Fail (refer) If module is failed overall, student offered 2nd attempt at module, based on reassessment pattern set up, for capped module mark of 40%.

Reassessment This table outlines which grade SITS will automatically assign to a component mark when entered in RAS option 2, based on the component mark scheme assigned to the assessment pattern in the MAP screen > Re-ass MKSCH field.

Mark entered in RAS option 2

Default grade assigned by SITS

Meaning Details

40-100 P Pass

0-39 * FC Fail (condoned)

0-39 ** FR Fail (refer) If this was the student’s deferred attempt (chance to sit assessment again for uncapped mark) — grade of FR will be applied to component as student allowed 2nd attempt at module if failed overall.

0-39 ** F Fail — Credits not awarded to student

If this was the student’s referred (2nd) attempt (chance to resit assessment for capped mark) — grade of F will be applied to the component (no condonement, no reassessment).

For a list of grades that can be manually applied to component/module results, Appendix 8.

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General UG module mark scheme: UMOD01 (automatic condonement) and UMOD02 (automatic referral) * UMOD01 default ** UMOD02 default Initial assessment This table outlines which grade SITS will automatically assign to a module mark when the result is calculated in SAS option 6, based on a combination of the component mark schemes assigned in MAB as well as the module mark scheme assigned to the module in the MAV screen.

Module result as calculated by SAS option 6

Grade Meaning Details Notes

70-100 1 First Class Pass Module completed and student awarded credits

60-69 21 Second Class Div I Pass

50-59 22 Second Class Div II Pass

40-50 3 Third Class Pass

0-39 FC * Fail (condoned) A maximum of 30 credits per year can be condoned if the student’s overall credit-weighted average is 40+. If the component mark scheme is set to UCOM02 on all components on MAB, this will override UMOD01 and module result will be treated as UMOD02.

0-39 FR ** Fail (Refer) Result is treated as a fail and will go into reassessment

If this was the student’s deferred attempt (chance to sit assessment again for uncapped mark) — grade of FR will be applied to component as student allowed 2nd attempt at module if failed overall.

For a list of grades that can be manually applied to component/module results, Appendix 8. Reassessment This table outlines which grade SITS will automatically assign to a module result when calculated in RAS option 5a, based on the component mark scheme assigned to the assessment pattern in the MAP screen > Re-ass MKSCH field. * UCOM01 default ** UCOM02 default

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Module result as calculated by RAS option 5a

Default grade assigned by SITS

Meaning Details Notes

40-100 P Pass Module completed and student awarded credits

0-39 * FC Fail (condoned) Module completed and student awarded credits

A maximum of 30 credits per year can be condoned if the student’s overall credit-weighted average is 40+.

0-39 ** FR Fail (refer) Module completed and student is not awarded credits

If this was the student’s deferred attempt (chance to sit assessment again for uncapped mark) — grade of FR will be applied to component as student allowed 2nd attempt at module if failed overall. Reassessment record will need to be created in next academic year.

0-39 ** F Fail — Credits not awarded to student

Module completed and student is not awarded credits

If this was the student’s referred (2nd) attempt (chance to resit assessment for capped mark) — grade of F will be applied to the component (no condonement, no reassessment).

For a list of grades that can be manually applied to component/module results, Appendix 8.

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PCOM01 (automatic condonement) and PCOM02 (automatic referral) * PCOM01 default ** PCOM02 default Initial assessment This table outlines which grade SITS will automatically assign to a component mark when entered in SAS option 3, based on the component mark scheme assigned to each individual component in the MAB screen.

Mark entered in SAS option 3

Default grade assigned by SITS

Meaning Details

50-100 P Pass

0-49 FC * Fail (condoned)

0-49 FR ** Fail (refer) If module is failed overall, student offered 2nd attempt at module, based on reassessment pattern set up, for capped module mark of 50%.

For a list of grades that can be manually applied to component results, see the Mark Entry notes on the SITS > Course Notes site. Reassessment This table outlines which grade SITS will automatically assign to a component mark when entered in RAS option 2, based on the component mark scheme assigned to the assessment pattern in the MAP screen > Re-ass MKSCH field.

Mark entered in RAS option 2

Default grade assigned by SITS

Meaning Details

50-100 P Pass

0-49 FC * Fail (condoned)

0-49 FR ** Fail (refer) If this was the student’s deferred attempt (chance to sit assessment again for uncapped mark) — grade of FR will be applied to component as student allowed 2nd attempt at module if failed overall.

0-49 F ** Fail — Credits not awarded to student

If this was the student’s referred (2nd) attempt (chance to resit assessment for capped mark) — grade of F will be applied to the component (no condonement, no reassessment).

For a list of grades that can be manually applied to component results, see the Mark Entry notes on the SITS > Course Notes site.

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PMOD01 (automatic condonement) and PMOD02 (automatic referral) — New PGT module mark scheme * PMOD01 default ** PMOD02 default Initial assessment This table outlines which grade SITS will automatically assign to a module mark when the result is calculated in SAS option 6, based on a combination of the component mark schemes assigned in MAB as well as the module mark scheme assigned to the module in the MAV screen.

Module result as calculated by SAS option 6

Grade Meaning Details Notes

70-100 D Distinction Module completed and student awarded credits

60-69 M Merit

50-59 P Pass

0-49 FC * Fail (condoned) A maximum of 45 credits per year can be condoned

for a Masters award if the student’s overall credit-weighted average is 50+. If the component mark scheme is set to PCOM02 on all components on MAB, this will override PMOD01 and module result will be treated as PMOD02.

0-49 FR ** Fail (Refer) Result is treated as a fail and will go into reassessment

If this was the student’s deferred attempt (chance to sit assessment again for uncapped mark) — grade of FR will be applied to component as student allowed 2nd attempt at module if failed overall.

For a list of grades that can be manually applied to module results, see the Mark Entry notes on the SITS > Course Notes site.

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Reassessment This table outlines which grade SITS will automatically assign to a module result when calculated in RAS option 5a, based on the component mark scheme assigned to the assessment pattern in the MAP screen > Re-ass MKSCH field. * PCOM01 default ** PCOM02 default

Module result as calculated by RAS option 5a

Default grade assigned by SITS

Meaning Details Notes

50-100 P Pass Module completed and student awarded credits

0-49 * FC Fail (condoned) Module completed and student awarded credits

A maximum of 45 credits per year can be condoned for a Masters award if the student’s overall credit-weighted average is 50+.

0-49 ** FR Fail (refer) Module completed and student is not awarded credits

If this was the student’s deferred attempt (chance to sit assessment again for uncapped mark) — grade of FR will be applied to component as student allowed 2nd attempt at module if failed overall. Reassessment record will need to be created in next academic year.

0-49 ** F Fail — Credits not awarded to student

Module completed and student is not awarded credits

If this was the student’s referred (2nd) attempt (chance to resit assessment for capped mark) — grade of F will be applied to the component (no condonement, no reassessment).

For a list of grades that can be manually applied to module results, see the Mark Entry notes on the SITS > Course Notes site.

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UG and PGT component mark schemes: PFCOM (pass/fail only, no numerical mark entered) Initial assessment or reassessment This table outlines which grade SITS will automatically assign to a component mark when entered in SAS option 3, based on the component mark scheme assigned to each individual component in the MAB screen.

Grade entered in SAS option 3 Meaning

P Pass

F Fail

For a list of grades that can be manually applied to module results, see Appendix 8.

APPENDIX 8 — LIST OF COMPONENT AND MODULE GRADES (MANUAL ENTRY) When entering component marks into SAS option 3 or RAS option 2a, SITS will automatically assign a grade based on the component mark scheme that is associated to the component in the Module Assessment Body (MAB) record or in the MAP screen. See the ‘Module Assessment and Reassessment Set-Up’ notes on the SITS > Course Notes site for details. When calculating a module result at initial assessment (SAS option 6) or reassessment (RAS option 5a), SITS will automatically assign a grade to the module result based on a combination of the component grades and mark scheme attached to the module in the MAV screen. See the ‘Module Assessment and Reassessment Set-Up’ notes on the SITS > Course Notes site for details. These automatically allocated grades are listed in Appendix 1 (above), according to the mark schemes. It is possible to override the grade assigned by SITS either in SAS option 3 or once the module result has been calculated, via the SMRU screen. Here is a list of valid grades that can be manually applied:

Grade Meaning Details/when used

AB Absent Student did not show up for an assessment (e.g. exam, group presentation).

AO Alleged Offence Student is suspected of/being investigated for an academic offence such as plagiarism, cheating, etc.

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AO is a holding grade and should never be left against a student’s record. Once the outcome of the investigation is known, the grade should be amended to reflect the module outcome (e.g. F, FR, FC, etc.)

F Fail Student will not be awarded the credits and a reassessment record will not be created.

FC Fail Condoned Used at UG level at component and/or module level. Used at PG level at module level only. Student is awarded the credits.

FR Fail Referred Used at UG level only, at component and/or module level. If applying at a module level, you also need to specify which components should be referred, so that SITS knows how to create the reassessment records/how to refer the student. If the module is failed overall (less than 40%), student offered 2nd attempt at module, based on reassessment pattern set up, for capped module mark of 40%. Student is not awarded the credits.

H Held Used to hold the module outcome if awaiting other results. Credits are withheld. Grade will need to be updated once the outcome is known. Example: You do not wish to apply a grade of OP to a PGT module in June until the dissertation result is received in October, at which point you can determine whether the module can truly be condoned (OP).

I Interrupted Placed against component and module marks if student has interrupted his/her studies while enrolled on the module. You may have to apply the grade of I against all components in order for it to be applied at a module level. Student will be awarded/not awarded the credits, according to whether the module is passed or failed. Module should also be superseded in SMRS (apply a value of S to the Selection field for the module/year in question).

LS Late Submission Used to highlight a late submission. This is rarely used.

MI Mitigation Placed against a component that the student has had a deferral approved for. Student is able to re-take the deferred component as if for the very first time, for an uncapped module result. The presence of a grade of MI against one or more components will override the entire module result.

UMOD01/UMOD02 and PGTMOD mark schemes — will automatically defer the student (create a RAS/SRA record at attempt 1) according to the module assessment/reassessment set up,

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Other module mark schemes — will defer the student if the module is failed overall.

NS Non Submission Used if the student does not submit an assessment.

NT Not Taken Can only be used in conjunction with certain mark schemes and can only be used at a component level. Used when a student has not taken an assessment due to failing another component. The placement is this grade will automatically generate a reassessment record (at attempt 1) when the module result (SAS) is calculated.

OP Optional Pass Used at PGT level only. Means that the module is being condoned. Applied at a module level to condone a module if the result is between 40 – 49, thereby awarding the credits to the student.

W Withdrawn Placed against component and module marks if student has withdrawn from his/her programme of studies while enrolled on a module. Student will be awarded/not awarded the credits, according to whether the module is passed or failed. You may have to apply the grade of W against all components in order for it to be applied at a module level.