1676 J. G. Nagaraju and L. Singh Javare Gowda Nagaraju' LaJji Singh2 £IeClropllOreIiI 1997, 18, 1676-1681 Assessment of genetic diversity by DNA profiling and its significance in silkworm, Bombyx mori 'Seribiotech Research Laboratory, Bangalore, India 2Centre for DNA Fingerprinting and Diagnostics, CCMB Campus, Hyderabad, India Silkworm genetic resources that are being maintained in different countries are yet to be adequately tapped to develop elite varieties that are suited to dif- ferent agro-eco-climatic conditions of countries like India. This is mostly due to unavailability of efficient protocols that could uncover usable genetic varia- bility in silkworms, Molecular markers are known to provide unambiguous estimates of genetic variability of populations since they are independent of confounding effects of environment. The DNA fingerprinting assays, based on random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAP D) and banded krait minor satellite DNA (Bkm) 2(8) multilocus probes, which successfully characterise the diverse silkworm genotypes at their DNA level, are described. The use of these two DNA fingerprinting assays in estimation of within- and between-popula- tion genetic diversity is discussed, .. 1 Introduction The assessment of genetic variation is a major concern in plant and animal improvement programmes, This is important for several reasons: first, the ability to distin- guish reliably different genotypes is important for design- ing the breeding programmes and population-genetic analysis, Second, an estimation of the amount of varia- tion within genotypes and between genotypes is useful for predicting potential genetic gain in a breeding pro- gramme and in setting up appropriate cross-breeding strategies. Traditionally, morphological and phenotypic characteristics have been used for these purposes. Since such characteristics are often controlled by multiple genes and subject to varying degrees of environmental modification and interaction, the differences between genotypes are not always absolute and reliable [1]. Selec- tively neutral molecular markers are considered to pro- vide the best estimates of genetic diversity since they are independent of the confounding effects of environ- mental factors [2]. DNA fingerprinting analysis has proved to be a sensitive method for determining genetic polymorphism. In the first report of DNA fingerprinting, Jeffreys et al. [3] demonstrated that highly variable repet- itive DNA sequences could be detected by hybridization with specific probes. Since then, a large number of varia- tions of southern hybridization has been published [4-7]. The advent of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) also resulted in the development of a large number of molec- ular techniques which have already made rapid impact in population genetics, analysis of biodiversity, genetic map- ping, and studies of relationships among populations at different levels. One of the PCR approaches is the appli- cation of random amplified polymorphic DNAs (RAPD) in which genomic DNA is amplified with single short Correspondence: Dr. J. G. Nagaraju, Seribiotech Research Laboratory, No.8, W. C. Road, Mahalaxmipuram Post, II Stage, Bangalore-560 086, India (Tel: +080-3324179, Fax:' +080-3320752) Nonstandard abbreviations: Bkm, banded krait minor satellite DNA; RAPD, random amplified polymorphic DNA Keywords: DNA fingerprinting / Genetic diversity / Silkworm geno- types @ VCH Verlagsgesellschafl mbH, 69451 Weinheim, 1997 (ca. 10 nucleotides) primers of arbitrary nucleotide se- quence [8, 9]. Different sequences may be amplified in different organisms, depending on the nucleotide se- quences of the primer used and the source of template DNA, resulting in a multilocus DNA fingerprint patterns which could be scored for their genotype specificity. Because of technical advantages, RAPD markers have been extensively used in genetic analysis of various plant and animal species [10]. However, there are limita- tions in the applications of RAPD technology that in- clude the dominant nature of the RAPD markers, chance comigration of bands at different loci and re- quirement of stringent standardisation of protocol to ensure reproducibility [11, 12]. Another class of PCR- based markers, the microsatellite markers, take ad- vantage of the abundant and ubiquitously distributed simple sequence repeats (SSR) in the eukaryotic genomes [13-17]. This technique, however, requires prior characterisation of sequences flanking the repeats to allow primer design for PCR amplification. As PCR tech- nology is finding its increased use in genetic analysis, more and more novel variations of this technique are emerging, which promise precision, economy and speed [18-20]. The silkworm Bombyx maTi, an economic silk-secreting insect, comprises a large number of ecotypes and inbred lines that are distributed in temperate and tropical coun- tries. These different genotypes display large differences in their qualitative and quantitative traits that ultimately control silk yield. The non-diapausing varieties that are available in tropical countries are poor silk yielders al- though they are known to survive and reproduce effi- ciently under tropical conditions. On the other hand, the temperate varieties are invariably diapausing and are endowed with higher silk yield of better quality. How- ever, they fail to attain normal yield levels under tropical conditions because of high levels of heat, humidity, diseases, and inadequate sanitary conditions during silk- worm rearing [21-23]. Although classical silkworm breeding approaches have resulted in an overall increase in silk productivity by virtue of harnessing hybrid vigour in the hybrids of tropical and temperate silkworm strains, they have been unsuccessful in complementing high-yielding traits of temperate genotypes with the robustness of low-yielding tropical genotypes. It is esti- 0173-0835/97/0909-1676 $17.50+.50/0

Assessment of genetic diversity by DNA profiling and its

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1676 J. G. Nagaraju and L. Singh

Javare Gowda Nagaraju'LaJji Singh2

£IeClropllOreIiI 1997, 18, 1676-1681

Assessment of genetic diversity by DNA profiling andits significance in silkworm, Bombyx mori

'Seribiotech Research Laboratory,Bangalore, India2Centre for DNA Fingerprinting andDiagnostics, CCMB Campus,Hyderabad, India

Silkworm genetic resources that are being maintained in different countriesare yet to be adequately tapped to develop elite varieties that are suited to dif-ferent agro-eco-climatic conditions of countries like India. This is mostly dueto unavailability of efficient protocols that could uncover usable genetic varia-bility in silkworms, Molecular markers are known to provide unambiguousestimates of genetic variability of populations since they are independent ofconfounding effects of environment. The DNA fingerprinting assays, based onrandom amplified polymorphic DNA (RAP D) and banded krait minor satelliteDNA (Bkm) 2(8) multilocus probes, which successfully characterise thediverse silkworm genotypes at their DNA level, are described. The use of thesetwo DNA fingerprinting assays in estimation of within- and between-popula-tion genetic diversity is discussed,..

1 Introduction

The assessment of genetic variation is a major concernin plant and animal improvement programmes, This isimportant for several reasons: first, the ability to distin-guish reliably different genotypes is important for design-ing the breeding programmes and population-geneticanalysis, Second, an estimation of the amount of varia-tion within genotypes and between genotypes is usefulfor predicting potential genetic gain in a breeding pro-gramme and in setting up appropriate cross-breedingstrategies. Traditionally, morphological and phenotypiccharacteristics have been used for these purposes. Sincesuch characteristics are often controlled by multiplegenes and subject to varying degrees of environmentalmodification and interaction, the differences betweengenotypes are not always absolute and reliable [1]. Selec-tively neutral molecular markers are considered to pro-vide the best estimates of genetic diversity since they areindependent of the confounding effects of environ-mental factors [2]. DNA fingerprinting analysis hasproved to be a sensitive method for determining geneticpolymorphism. In the first report of DNA fingerprinting,Jeffreys et al. [3] demonstrated that highly variable repet-itive DNA sequences could be detected by hybridizationwith specific probes. Since then, a large number of varia-tions of southern hybridization has been published[4-7].

The advent of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) alsoresulted in the development of a large number of molec-ular techniques which have already made rapid impact inpopulation genetics, analysis of biodiversity, genetic map-ping, and studies of relationships among populations atdifferent levels. One of the PCR approaches is the appli-cation of random amplified polymorphic DNAs (RAPD)in which genomic DNA is amplified with single short

Correspondence: Dr. J. G. Nagaraju, Seribiotech Research Laboratory,No.8, W. C. Road, Mahalaxmipuram Post, II Stage, Bangalore-560 086,India (Tel: +080-3324179, Fax:' +080-3320752)

Nonstandard abbreviations: Bkm, banded krait minor satellite DNA;RAPD, random amplified polymorphic DNA

Keywords: DNA fingerprinting / Genetic diversity / Silkworm geno-types

@ VCH Verlagsgesellschafl mbH, 69451 Weinheim, 1997

(ca. 10 nucleotides) primers of arbitrary nucleotide se-quence [8, 9]. Different sequences may be amplified indifferent organisms, depending on the nucleotide se-quences of the primer used and the source of templateDNA, resulting in a multilocus DNA fingerprint patternswhich could be scored for their genotype specificity.Because of technical advantages, RAPD markers havebeen extensively used in genetic analysis of variousplant and animal species [10]. However, there are limita-tions in the applications of RAPD technology that in-clude the dominant nature of the RAPD markers,chance comigration of bands at different loci and re-quirement of stringent standardisation of protocol toensure reproducibility [11, 12]. Another class of PCR-based markers, the microsatellite markers, take ad-vantage of the abundant and ubiquitously distributedsimple sequence repeats (SSR) in the eukaryoticgenomes [13-17]. This technique, however, requires priorcharacterisation of sequences flanking the repeats toallow primer design for PCR amplification. As PCR tech-nology is finding its increased use in genetic analysis,more and more novel variations of this technique areemerging, which promise precision, economy and speed[18-20].

The silkworm Bombyx maTi, an economic silk-secretinginsect, comprises a large number of ecotypes and inbredlines that are distributed in temperate and tropical coun-tries. These different genotypes display large differencesin their qualitative and quantitative traits that ultimatelycontrol silk yield. The non-diapausing varieties that areavailable in tropical countries are poor silk yielders al-though they are known to survive and reproduce effi-ciently under tropical conditions. On the other hand, thetemperate varieties are invariably diapausing and areendowed with higher silk yield of better quality. How-ever, they fail to attain normal yield levels under tropicalconditions because of high levels of heat, humidity,diseases, and inadequate sanitary conditions during silk-worm rearing [21-23]. Although classical silkwormbreeding approaches have resulted in an overall increasein silk productivity by virtue of harnessing hybrid vigourin the hybrids of tropical and temperate silkwormstrains, they have been unsuccessful in complementinghigh-yielding traits of temperate genotypes with therobustness of low-yielding tropical genotypes. It is esti-

0173-0835/97/0909-1676 $17.50+.50/0

Electrophoresis 1997, 18, 1676-1681

mated that more than 3000 silkworm genotypes, whichcomprise geographically distinct ecotypes and inbredlines derived from cross-combinations of several silk-worm genotypes of diverse origin, are being maintainedin six countries [24]. The countrywise silkworm geneticstocks are given in Table 1.

In spite of such a wide silkworm genetic base, hardly anyinformation is available either on the unique features ofmany of these genotypes, or on the extent of geneticdiversity between or within the genotypes, which, inturn, limit their use in the production of elite stocks forthe benefit of improving quality and productivity of silk.Besides, many of the genotypes phenotypically look alikealthough they are endowed with unique genetic features.Conversely, the same genotype when raised under dif-ferent eco-climatic conditions also gives rise to many sig-nificantly different phenotypic features. These kinds ofphenotypic similarity of divergent genotypes and dissimi-larity of closer genotypes prove to cause difficulties forthe silkworm breeders when choosing parental geno-types for cross-breeding programmes. Hence it is impor-tant that the vast genetic resources of silkworms avail-able in different countries are genetically characterisedand optimally used for synthesising elite genotypes toupgrade the productivity levels in the sericulture in-dustry. In addition, precise characterisation of genotypesis extremely important in sericulture to protect the silk-worm breeders' rights. To date, new varieties are usuallydescribed on the basis of their morphological characteris-tics which, as stated earlier, are highly variable and envi-ronmentally dependent, thus requiring reliable tech-niques for genotype characterisation. These limitationscall for harnessing the recent developments in molecularbiology for rational utilization of silkworm geneticresources. Such an attempt would also enhance ourability to gain deeper insight into the genome of thiseconomic insect. Earlier attempts to screen for allozymevariations in silkworm resulted in the identification ofthe polymorphic form of only one enzyme, digestivealpha amylase. This enzyme is polymorphic only be-tween diapausing and non-diapausing genotype groupsand different genotypes within the group show littlevariation [25]. Only recently have attempts been initiatedto construct molecular linkage maps based on RAPD[26] and RFLP [27] and to the fingerprint silkwormgenome using the M13 probe [28, 29], silkworm transpo-sons [30], RAPDs [21], and a banded krait minor satelliteDNA (Bkm)-2{8) minisatellite probe [31]. In the presentcommunication we review the work on DNA finger-printing and its significance in silkworm improvementprogrammes.

Table 1. Countrywise silkworm genetic stocks

Country Silkworm genetic stocks

ChinaFranceIndiaItalyJapanRepublic of Korea




Source: [24]

Genetic diversity in silkworm Bo/nbyx /nori by DNA profiling 1677

2 RAPD-based silkworm characterisation

Williams et al. [8] and Welsh and McClelland [9] de-scribed the use of short oligonucleotide primers ofarbitrary sequence for the amplification of genomicDNA. These techniques are based on the amplificationof short inverted repeats scattered throughout thegenome and have already provided innovative methodsfor DNA profiling and related research [10, 32-34].RAPDs have been used to examine genetic variation inboth geographically distinct ecotypes and highly inbredlines of silkworm accessions [21].The study, interestingly,resulted in diapausing and non-diapausing genotype-specific PCR products. The dendrogram based on datafrom amplification using 40 oligonucleotides in thirteenhighly divergent silkworm genotypes was consistentwith the known geographical and breeding history ofsilkworm populations. The 40 primers tested revealed216 PCR products, of which 206 were polymorphic.The primers OPA-Ol and OPA-02 detected diapausingand non-diapausing genotype-specific amplified products(Fig. 1). Mendelian inheritance of the polymorphicRAPD markers was confirmed using the segregatingbackcross progeny. The RAPD-based dendrogram result-ed in a clear separation of two groups, one comprisingdiapausing and the other non-diapausing genotypes [Fig.2]. Among the diapausing genotypes, all the 'Chinesetype' genotypes such as KA, NB) and NB1, which spinoval cocoons, grouped separately while the 'Japanese

aM1 2 34567 891011121314M




Figure 1. RAPD fingerprints obtained for diapausing and non-diapausing silkworm genotypes using (a) OPA-Ol and (b) OPA-02.Lanes (1) to (14) are HU2O4,KA, NB" NB1s, N134D2,c.nichi, Gung-nong, Moria, Nistari, Pure Mysore, Diazo, Sarupat and control, respec-tively. M is a lambda EcoRI- HindIII digest. Arrows indicate dia-pausing and non-diapausing genotype-specific amplified products.

1678 J. G. Nagaraju and L. Singh


D I Hu204KA


lIDI Pure MysoreDiazoC.nlchlGungnongNlatari


r5 10 15 20

Nel's genetic distance

Figure 2. Dendrogram of diapausing (D) and non-diapausing (ND)silkworm genotypes based on RAPD analysis of pooled DNA samples.

type' genotypes NB18 and NB4D2, which spin peanut-shaped cocoons, were found in another group. The tro-pical genotypes, Sampat and Moria, which share thesame geographical origin (Assam, India) were groupedin the same cluster. RAPD analysis therefore is powerfulin resolving the genotypes based on yield, geographicalorigin, voltinism and morphological differences. RAPDanalysis thus shows potential to become a valuable toolfor analysis of genetic variation among populations andfor identifying molecular markers for economic traits ofsilkworm.

3 Bkm 2(8)-based silkworm DNA profiling

A banded krait minor (Bkm) satellite DNA, consisting ofhighly conserved GATA repeats, has been found to bescattered all over the genome of a wide range of highereukaryotes and to reveal extensive RFLP [35-37]. It hasbeen used as a multilocus probe in DNA fingerprintingof humans, crocodilians, etc. [38-40]. Using the Bkm2(8) probe we demonstrated the utility of this probe ingenerating DNA fingerprints of 13 divergent genotypesof silkworm and also examined the intra- and inter-popu-lation genetic diversity.The DNA fingerprinting revealed9-31 discrete bands depending on the two restrictionenzymes, BstNI and Hinfl used. The Hinfl profilesrevealed well-resolved DNA fragments in the molecularweight range of 9-1.6 kbp and were more informativethan the BstNI-generated DNA profiles. The genotype-specific fingerprint profile was evident in almost all thir-teen genotypes examined. A sample of DNA fingerprintprofiles of four genotypes is shown in Fig. 3. Forexample Pure Mysore, Nistari, and NB18revealed majordiagnostic bands of 8, 6.3 and 7.4 kbp after digestionwith Hinfl enzyme, whereas NB4D2showed a 12.5 kbpband in the BstNI profile.

The phenetic analysis of RFLP data separated thirteenstrains into three groups (Fig. 4). One group consisted ofall the diapausing genotypes (except HU2o4);the secondgroup consisted of all non"diapausing genotypes (exceptPure Mysore and Nistari) and also the diapausing geno-type HU2o4'The third group consisted exclusivelyof PureMysore and Nistari. The clustering pattern obtained wascomparable to the phenogram resulting from RAPDanalysis. The sister lines of NB4D2and NB18genotypes,which are derived from the same Japanese double-crosshybrid, shared the same group. Similarly, Moria andSampat, which share the same geographical locale, were

Electrophoresis 1997, 18, 1676-1681

grouped in the same cluster as observed in the RAPDanalysis. Nistari and Pure Mysore were also grouped inthe same cluster as observed in the RAPD analysis, butunlike RAPD assay, they were delineated into separateclusters. These studies show that Pure Mysore is possi-bly evolved from Nistari, which was introduced to Indiathrough Thailand almost 500 years ago [41].

25 Genetic variability was studied within silkworm geno-types based on DNA fingerprinting with Bkm-2(8). TheDNA profile of individuals within a given genotypeshared more or less identical patterns (Fig. 3, Table 2).These results on molecular similarity are highly valuablein view of the fact that in silkworm, hybrids of inbredlines or ecotypes of diapausing and non-diapausing geno-types are reared for silk production where high geneticsimilarity among individuals of each of the parentalgenotypes is required.

4 Discussion

The bulk of various synthetic inbred lines of silkwormavailable today are evolved by means of classicalbreeding, either for specific traits or for an index of silkyield attributes of economic importance. Reliable esti-mates of genetic diversity within and between genotypesare important both for the maintenance of genotypesand germ plasm stocks and selection of parents for thedevelopment of elite hybrids. We have shown that suchinter- and intra-population similarity can be measured insilkworm by using RAPD and Bkm-based DNA finger-printing analysis. We realise that the estimates of geneticrelatedness may not be fully accurate for several reasons:for example, a Bkm probe detects multiple bands simul-taneously to form a complex DNA fingerprint. Therefore,any fragments that are allelic can not be determined,which introduces obstacle to the interpretation of DNAfingerprint data [42-44]. Hence isolation of single-locusmarkers might help to solve the problem [43]. Forexample, the genotype NB18 reveals a single-locusmarker at 7 kbp position, which could serve as an idealsingle-locus marker (Fig. 3D). Our initial study with theinheritance pattern of this marker on a small number ofprogeny was not adequate to determine the allelic statusof this marker. Since a single silkworm brood yields a400-500 progeny, it may be essential to determine theallelic status of such markers using at least 50-60 pro-geny.

In our hands, RAPD assay was reliable and gave con-sistent results in grouping the genotypes. However, con-sidering the inherent disadvantage of low annealing tem-perature used in the RAPD techique and inconsistentresults encountered by many investigators when dif-ferent thermal cyclers, different sources of Taq polymer-ases, and different concentrations of DNA were used, itmay be worthwhile to convert the RAPD markers intosequence-characterised amplified regions (SCARs) bysequencing the two ends of the RAPD fragments ofinterest and synthesising two longer primers (24 mers)homologous to each end [45]. Such primer informationcan be readily exchanged between laboratories and reli-ably used for quick genetic analysis.

Electrophoresis 1997, 18, 1676-1681

Pure Mysored'








1.6 '

A Hintl

d' NB4D212345678





c BstN I

Genetic diversity in silkworm Bo//lbyx //Iori by DNA profiling 1679








Hint I

d' NB18 ~12345678 12345678

12.2 -



4.0 "


D HintIFigure 3. Bkm 2(8) hybridization pattern of DNA from (A) Pure Mysore, (B) Nistari, (C) NB4D2 and (D) NBI8 silkworm genotypes. Eight maleand eight female moths of each genotype were fingerprinted in a single gel. Restriction enzymes used were Hinf1 (A, B and D) and BslNI (C).Note that individuals within a genotype show more or less similar fingerprint profiles. Numbers on the left indicate DNA fragment size in kbp.

Although the accuracy in estimating the genetic related-ness remains to be determined, the intra- and inter-popu-lation genetic distance estimates obtained from theDNA fingerprint data do reflect the morphological, geo-graphical, and pedigree history of the genotypes. Thus,we believe that the dendrograms depicted in Figs. 2 and4 delineate, in many respects, a genetic relationship of

these genotypes. Thus, DNA fingerprinting should beconsidered a worthwhile approach for studying geneticdiversity in silkworm genotypes and to address questionsrelevant to systematics and breeding. It has been shownin silkworms that both dominance and epistasis areimportant in heterosis for traits of silk production [46].Compared to related genotypes, genetically distant geno-

1680 J. G. Nagaraju and L. Singh





1m SarupatDiazoC.nlchl







Pure Myoora

, ,0.0

r-T0.025 0.05






Nel's genetic dlstence

Figure 4. Dendrogram of diapausing (D) and non-diapausing (ND)silkworm genotypes based on Bkm 2(8) fingerprinting of pooled DNAsamples.

types are more likely to have different fixed alleles at thesame loci and hence their crosses should give a higherdegree of heterosis. Furthermore, heterosis is higher ifboth the parental genotypes involved in the hybridshave a higher degree of homozygosity. In light of this,the information obtained by DNA fingerprinting couldbe valuable in silkwormto plan cross-breeding strategies.Besides, some of the genotype-specific markers, as re-ported in this review, could provide additional markersto increase the density of the molecular map of the silk-worm genome map which is being undertaken by dif-ferent groups. If the economically important traits arefound to have close linkage with the DNA fingerprintpattern, it could be useful in marker-assisted selection.

The work described in this review was supported by a grantfrom the Central Silk Board, Ministry of Textiles, Govern-ment of India.

Received .February 26, 1997

5 References

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Table 2. Similarity coefficients within various diapausing and non-diapausing genotypes of Bombyx mori with respect to sex as well as restrictionenzyme, sex, restriction enzyme and irrespective of sex and restriction enzyme (mean)

Genotypes Sex and restriction enzyme Sex Restriction enzyme MeanBstNI HinfI Male Female BstNI HinfI

Male Female Male Female

HU2o4 0.970 :t 0.02 0.968:t 0.02 0.875:t 0.05 0.866:t 0.06 0.923:t 0.06 0.917:t 0.07 0.966:t 0.02 0.870:t 0.07 0.918:t 0.06KA 0.748 :t 0.14 0.774.:t 0.13 0.760:t 0.11 0.905:t 0.05 0.754:t 0.13 0.837:t 0.12 0.741:t 0.14 0.805:t 0.09 0.773:t 0.12

NB1 0.764 :t 0.12 0.801:t 0.09 0.839:t 0.12 0.725:t 0.11 0.802:t 0.13 0.763:t 0.11 0.780:t 0.10 0.739:t 0.14 0.759:t 0.12NB7 0.881 :t 0.05 0.908:t 0.04 0.922:t 0.04 0.954:t 0002 0.906:t 0.05 0.928:t 0.04 0.887:t 0.05 0.923:t 0.04 0.904:t 0.05NBts 0.973 :t 0.02 0.989:t 0.01 0.924:t 0.04 0.900:t 0.05 0.994:t 0.04 0.945:t 0.06 0.979:t 0.02 0.908:t 0.04 0.944:t 0.05NB4D2 0.885 :t 0.07 0.886:t 0.07 0.946:t 0.05 0.778:t 0.34 0.916:t 0.07 0.832:t 0.25 0.872:t 0.06 0.863:t 0.26 0.867:t 0.19C.nichi 0.961 :t 0.03 0.947:t 0.03 0.978:t 0.02 0.980:t 0.03 0.970:t 0.03 0.964:t 0.04 0.950:t 0.03 0.970:t 0.04 0.960:t 0.03Gungnong 0.886 :t 0.06 0.829:t 0.09 0.900:t 0.09 0.774:t 0.17 0.893:t 0.08 0.802:t 0.14 0.848:t 0.08 0.831:!: 0.14 0.840:t 0.11Moria 0.917 :!: 0.05 0.826:t 0.13 - 0.881 :!: 0.09 0.917:!: 0.05 0.853:t 0.12 0.835:t 0.13 0.881:!: 0.08 0.847:!: 0.12Nistari 0.841 :t 0.10 0.771:t 0.15 0.887:t 0.05 0.640:t 0.31 0.864:!: 0.08 0.706:t 0.25 0.717:!: 0.16 0.672:!: 0.24 0.695:t 0.20

Pure Mysore 0.968 :t 0.01 0.962:t 0.03 0.953:t 0.04 0.895:t 0.07 0.961:t 0.03 0.929:t 0.06 0.948:t 0.03 0.921:t 0.06 0.935:t 0.05Diazo 1.000 :t 0.00 0.722:t 0.16 0.915:t 0.06 0.728:t 0.16 0.958:t 0.06 0.725:t 0.16 0.787:t 0.16 0.796:t 0.15 0.791:t 0.16

Sarupat 0.925 :t 0.05 0.902:t 0.04 0.836:t 0.08 0.873:t 0.10 0.880:t 0.08 0.888:t 0.08 0.888:t 0.05 0.831:t 0.08 0.860:t 0.07

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