Byram, M. ed.) 1993) Germany. Its representation in textbooks for teaching German in Great Britain, Frankfurt: Diesterweg. Doye Â, P. ed.) 1991) Groûbritannien. Seine Darstellung in deutschen Schulbu Èchern fu Èr den Englischunterricht Great Britain. Its representation in textbooks for teaching English in Germany), Frankfurt: Diesterweg. Kramer, J. 1983) English cultural and social studies, Stuttgart: Metzler. Kramer, J. 1990) Cultural and intercultural studies Frankfurt: Peter Lang. Kramsch, C. 1993) Context and culture in language teaching, Oxford: Oxford University Press. JU È RGEN KRAMER Assessment and testing The term `assessment' is generally used to cover all methods of testing and assessment, although some teachers and testers apply the term `testing' to formal or standardised tests such as the Test of English as a Foreign Language TOEFL), and `assessment' to more informal methods. In this entry, however, the terms `assessment' and `test' are used interchangeably. Recent history In Britain, assessment of foreign languages was mostly conducted by means of traditional exam- inations until well into the twentieth century Spolsky, 1995). However, in the USA, influences from the field of PSYCHOLOGY , together with concerns about the fairness of subjective EVALUA- TIONS, led to the wide use from the 1920s onwards of objectively marked tests. Such tests were ideally suited to the structural language SYLLABUSES of the 1950s and 1960s with their emphasis on the teaching of separate elements of language, and discrete point multiple choice questions became common in many parts of the world Lado, 1961). Objective tests had many advantages: apart from being easy to mark, the internal RELIABILITY of the tests could be calculated, and item analysis could tell test constructors not only how difficult individual items had been for their examinees, but also how well these items discriminated between the strong and the weak students. See Alderson, Clapham and Wall, 1995, for informa- tion about item analysis and reliability indices.) In the 1970s, however, concerns that the answers to these discrete point items provided no evidence of students' more global linguistic SKILLS led to Oller's unitary competence hypothesis, and the wide use of integrative tests such as CLOZE and DICTATION to assess general linguistic proficiency see Oller, 1979). Although Oller later concluded that language proficiency consisted of more than one underlying factor Oller, 1983) and although cloze tests were later shown to be less valid and reliable than had originally been thought Cohen, 1998), cloze tests have remained a popular method of testing around the world. In recent years, the move towards the COMMU- NICATIVE approach to teaching has encouraged testers to make their test items more integrated less discrete), and the tasks more AUTHENTIC in both content and purpose. Interest has swung from reliability to validity, and more researchers are turning their attention once again to direct tests of SPEAKING and WRITING see McNamara, 1996). In recent years, too, differing test philosophies have moved closer together: American test constructors are more concerned with test content than they were, while British examination boards use statis- tical procedures to analyse the validity and reliability of their tests. Theories of language testing Test content is linked to theories of language learning and testing, and at present such theories relate to communicative principles. Canale and Swain 1980) included sociolinguistic and STRATE- GIC COMPETENCE in their description of the domains of language knowledge, and Bachman 1990) added psychophysiological mechanisms. Bachman and Palmer 1996) elaborated on this model further to include both affective and metacognitive factors. This model of communica- tive language ability is used as the theoretical basis for tests such as the International English Lan- guage Testing System IELTS) test, and also provides the theoretical basis for many current research projects. See McNamara, 1996, for a discussion of recent language testing models.) 48 Assessment and testing

Assessment and Testing

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Page 1: Assessment and Testing

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Page 7: Assessment and Testing