Assessing for Student Success TCC Learning Effectiveness Council Convocation 2010 August 11, 2010

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Assessing for Student Success

TCC Learning Effectiveness CouncilConvocation 2010 August 11, 2010

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Purpose of Assessment

“The overriding purpose of assessment is to understand how educational programs are working and to determine whether they are contributing to student growth and development. Hence, the ultimate emphasis of assessment is on programs rather than on individual students.” 

Palomba & Banta, 1999Assessment Essentials

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Overview of Assessment

Student Learning Assessment is the process of collecting information that will tell us whether the services, activities or experiences offered at TCC have allowed students to gain skills, knowledge, and aptitudes

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Overview of Assessment

• There are lots of intrinsic reasons to be curious about student learning.

• There are extrinsic reasons, too.

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Overview of Assessment

• Back to the Drawing Board– Past assessment practices that were course imbedded were too fragmented.  

– 400 assessment projects with n=1

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Overview of Assessment

• Assessment of student learning will now be driven by discipline/program goals.

• This means that disciplines and programs that have more than one campus will have to collaborate to complete this assessment process.

• Associate Deans will facilitate  discipline/program clusters through the assessment process.

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Overview of Assessment

• This process is structured to engage all discipline faculty directly in the assessment activity as well as the discussion related to the process.  

• This process belongs to the faculty and is facilitated by the Associate Dean.  The Learning Effectiveness Committee members will be available for consultation if needed.

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Effective Colleges 

• Hold Conversations about Learning• Identify and Agree on Learning Outcomes• Assess and Document Learning Outcomes

O’Banion, Community College Journal,Aug/Sept 2000

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Defining Student Learning Outcomes

• Faculty collaborate and determine specific student outcomes based on discipline/program goals.

• The outcomes describe what students will be able to do during the progress toward or at the completion of the discipline/program.

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Example:  Business Program

• Program Goal:  Upon completion of the Business Program at TCC, students will be able to communicate proficiently and effectively in the business world.

• Outcomes (SKAs) Students will effectively write a business plan to persuade funders to finance start‐up costs of a new business– Skills:  communication (both written and oral), critical thinking, technology, persuasion

– Knowledge:  marketing, accounting, finance– Aptitudes:  Appreciation for entrepreneurial thinking

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Closing the Loop

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STEP  1Review and revise discipline/program goals as necessary; if outcomes are already established, review these.”

STEP 2Select one or more discipline/program goals to direct assessment of student learning.

STEP 3Describe or define what skills, knowledge, aptitudes students need to demonstrate progress toward the discipline/program goal(s) selected in Step 2.

Faculty Discipline/Program Timeframe

September 2010

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STEP 4Choose one or more skills, knowledge, aptitudes identified in Step 3 to be measured.

STEP 5Choose the course(s) that represent the skills, knowledge, and aptitudes identified in Step 4.   

Faculty Discipline/Program Timeframe

September 2010

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STEP 6Develop and/or identify one or more common activities that will demonstrate the skills, knowledge, aptitudes in Step 4. In addition, discuss how this outcome also demonstrates one of TCC’s general education goals.

STEP 7Determine common criteria and scoring that will measure student learning, (i.e., skills, knowledge, aptitudes identified in the common activity identified in Step 6.

Faculty Discipline/Program Timeframe

October-December 2010

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Faculty Discipline/Program Timeframe

October-December 2010

STEP 8Determine the level of proficiency based on SKA criteria.

STEP 9Determine the % of students expected to demonstrate the established level of proficiency.

STEP 10Determine a process for accurate, consistent, and secure data collection and analysis that is sustainable and replicable.

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STEP 11ADs submit Form A, Discipline/Program Outline,to UT and WD Deans.

STEP 12Schedule sessions, if necessary, to pilot scoring process to ensure consistency and validity.

STEP 13Schedule LEC help sessions, if necessary.

Faculty Discipline/Program Timeframe

February-March 2011

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STEP 14Implement assessment process, as defined by the discipline/program in Step 10

Assessment Cycle One Ends

Faculty Discipline/Program Timeframe

April-May 2011

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Assessment Cycle Two Begins

STEP 15Faculty meet to review spring data results at Convocation. 

STEP 16Repeat spring data collection and analysis cycle: Steps 14 and 15

Faculty Discipline/Program Timeframe

Fall 2011

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Assessment Cycle Two Begins

STEP 17Aggregate and analyze spring and fall 2011 data and make discipline/program  recommendations.  ADs submit Forms B and C to UT and WD Deans

Faculty Discipline/Program Timeframe

January 2012

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STEP 18Response from Learning Effectiveness Council to ADs for implementing recommendations through appropriate TCC entities, e.g., Faculty Development Committee, Curriculum Committee, Academic Council.

Faculty Discipline/Program Timeframe

February 2012

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STEP 19Faculty meet to review responses from LEC and update Discipline/Program Assessment process.

STEP 20Learning Effectiveness Council submits executive summary to Cabinet and Board of Regents and reports to OSRHE and HLC Assessment Academy.

Faculty Discipline/Program Timeframe

March-April 2012

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Fall:  Data Collection and Analysis

Spring:  Recommendations and Resource Requests

Assessment Cycle on an Annual Basis

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Program Assessment:  Three Pathways for Change

TCC Board of Regents

Program Measurement, Assessment and 


Faculty/AD/Provost Results/ 


Academic Council

Vice President for Academic Affairs

WF/UT Deans/AVPAALearning Effectiveness 


Curriculum Committee

Programs, or other Faculty‐Determined Course Groupings

Instructional ChangeFaculty Development 


Curricular Change

Inter‐Divisional Changes(Placement tests, advising, scholarships, financial aid, etc.)


Info Opps



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Q & A

TCC Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Plan• http://www.tulsacc.edu/51190.pdf• On Academic Affairs webpage on Home Page and on Academic Affairs tab on My TCC portal