Q 1: Transformational leadership strives to make the subordinates aware of the importance of their jobs and their performances to the organisation by giving feedback to them. Through the transformational leadership, it helps to bring the organisation forward by making changes. Transformation leaders are able to guide the subordinate through their idealised influence where they provide vision and sense of mission thereby gaining respect and trust from the subordinates. They have strong inspiration where they communicate high expectation, motivating the subordinates to leave their comfort zone and help them to develop strong sense of purpose. They conduct intellectual stimulation by promoting intelligence, rationality and careful problem solving, and encouraging the subordinates to be innovative and creative. They possess individualised consideration by treating each employee individually, give employees personal attention and advise them appropriately, hence creating an open communication. (John Hall, Shannon Johnson, Allen Wysocki, and Karl Kepner2, 2002). Through the development of the transformation leadership, the employees are able to gain more confident in their abilities, pursuing goals over self-interest and achieving higher employee satisfaction, thus better organisation performance. One of the transformational leaders is Mr Tan Pheng Hock, ST Engineering’s President and CEO.. He is a leader who possesses idealised influence where he provides strong vision and sense of mission. He came up with strategic directions in order to achieve long term sustainability and further growth for the organisation. Through his vision and inspiration, he led the company by penetrating into new markets and ST Engineering recorded a 5% improvement in turnover to $2.95 billion and profit after tax growth of 10% to S$358 million. (International Management Action Award ) With his leadership, , he is able to stir the whole organisation moving in the right direction together as a team. He gives personal attention and listens to his colleagues, customers and competitors as he believes that in sharing and learning from one and another. “No company succeeds because of one man, and I am aware that whatever I achieve as CEO, it is the sum of excellence of our Board, management and staff,” said Mr Tan in the interview. (Poa, 2014) He is able to bring his team together through good

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Q 1:

Transformational leadership strives to make the subordinates aware of the importance of their jobs and their performances to the organisation by giving feedback to them. Through the transformational leadership, it helps to bring the organisation forward by making changes. Transformation leaders are able to guide the subordinate through their idealised influence where they provide vision and sense of mission thereby gaining respect and trust from the subordinates. They have strong inspiration where they communicate high expectation, motivating the subordinates to leave their comfort zone and help them to develop strong sense of purpose. They conduct intellectual stimulation by promoting intelligence, rationality and careful problem solving, and encouraging the subordinates to be innovative and creative. They possess individualised consideration by treating each employee individually, give employees personal attention and advise them appropriately, hence creating an open communication. (John Hall, Shannon Johnson, Allen Wysocki, and Karl Kepner2, 2002). Through the development of the transformation leadership, the employees are able to gain more confident in their abilities, pursuing goals over self-interest and achieving higher employee satisfaction, thus better organisation performance.

One of the transformational leaders is Mr Tan Pheng Hock, ST Engineering’s President and CEO.. He is a leader who possesses idealised influence where he provides strong vision and sense of mission. He came up with strategic directions in order to achieve long term sustainability and further growth for the organisation. Through his vision and inspiration, he led the company by penetrating into new markets and ST Engineering recorded a 5% improvement in turnover to $2.95 billion and profit after tax growth of 10% to S$358 million. (International Management Action Award ) With his leadership, , he is able to stir the whole organisation moving in the right direction together as a team. He gives personal attention and listens to his colleagues, customers and competitors as he believes that in sharing and learning from one and another. “No company succeeds because of one man, and I am aware that whatever I achieve as CEO, it is the sum of excellence of our Board, management and staff,” said Mr Tan in the interview. (Poa, 2014) He is able to bring his team together through good communication and trust and good relationship with his employees. Therefore through his transformational leadership, it results in good performances that exceed the organisational expectations.

1. (John Hall, Shannon Johnson, Allen Wysocki, and Karl Kepner2, 2002)http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/hr020through

2. (International Management Action Award )http://www.imaa.org.sg/en/imaa-winners/tan-pheng-hock

2. (Poa, 2014)http://www.stengg.com/press-centre/press-releases/tan-pheng-hock-named-outstanding-ceo-of-the-year-at-the-29th-singapore-business-awards

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In order to ensure corporate sustainability, one should possess organisational commitment where the employee is able to show loyalty to, identification with and involvement in the organisation. Employees that have high levels of organisational commitment shows high pride and loyal to the organisation and they are willing to go extra mile. A leader should also able to understand a diverse workforce with different perspectives and approaches to work. The leader must be impartial and able to truly value different opinion and insight. Through this way, the workforce is able to work in harmony and the employees enjoy equal treatment and good working relationship with low turnover rate.

I would like to in GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) in the future. I would be willing to go extra miles for the company by helping others in one’s work team, avoiding unnecessary conflicts and making constructive comments about the work team. I would also encourage my employees and teammates to come up with good creative innovative ideas plus overcoming insurmountable obstacles in tough economic times. Through this, my employees and I are working as a team together and creating a learning organisation where we exchange ideas and learn from each other. I also will encourage my employees to sign up activities for personal growth and motivate them to work for the good for the organisation, not just for themselves. In addition GSK is a multinational corporation which is a diverse workforce. The workforce consists of people come from different nationalities with different backgrounds. I must promote equal opportunities for all individuals and also able to understand and acknowledge cultural differences. In the diverse workforce, the organisation is able to learn and grow because of the diversity among the employees as we are able to come up with innovative and creative ideas. Therefore, I must make sure that my employees are satisfied with the jobs as satisfied workers are less likely to quit and able to improve in the company efficiency and effectiveness.

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Authentic leadership are individuals who are aware of their own strengths and weaknesses and their emotions. They behave as their real selves in a way such that they do not act one way in private and another in public. (Kruse, 2013) They are positive leaders who promote openness as they are genuine and honest as they never try to hide their weaknesses and mistakes. Authentic leaders have strong vision and solid base of values such that they are very mission driven and want to achieve the organisation goals and results instead of own personal interest. They have rational transparency by leading the team with their heart such that they are not afraid to show their real emotions, their weaknesses and able to communicate and connect with their employees, hence gaining support and trust from the employees. By gaining trust and support from the employees, the organisation is able to improve individual and team performance which will increase the company efficiency and effectiveness. Authentic leaders have rich moral fiber as they work in their character. They do not try to behave what is being taught to be a good leader in textbook but they carry out their characters which deeply reflect on their core values. And in doing so, employees respect and listen to them and creating workplaces that are able to foster human linkage and lasting friendships. (Sharma)

Servant leadership is a set of practices that focuses the lives of individual and decentralised organisational structure. Servant leadership also emphasize on the development of the leaders to have the desire to be a servant first. Servant -leaders are able to seek identify and clarify the will of the organisation as they have make a deep commitment to listen intently to the employees. Through listening, the servant leaders are able to encompass getting in touch and understand one’s inner voice. Servant leaders have empathy by striving to understand others as people need to be recognised and accepted for their contribution and they have the potential to heal one’s self and others. Servant leaders rely on persuasion instead of using their positional authority in making decisions. They involve others in decision making and seek to convince others; hence this is very effective in building consensus within groups. They also possess great foresight which enables them to understand lessons from the past which enable to understand the likely consequence of a decision in the future. They also have the abilities to look at the problem from conceptualising perspectives meaning that they are able to visualise and plan ahead instead of daily operation. Servant leaders have the capabilities to improve the quality of life of the followers as they are able to lead the spiritual growth of the every individual in the organisation. (Greenleaf)

My deep values are to strive for growth and accomplishment and able to listen to others. Having these core values, they enable me to strive for accomplishment in my leadership position such that I have a sense of vision in my mind and I will work towards to achieve my goal. Besides that, I also need to listen to my colleagues and employees and involve them in my decision making, making them to feel involved and create a sense of belonging. With that, we are able to commit and understand each other hence working together as a team. Not only so, I will also encourage my colleagues and employees for personal growth as we must constantly upgrade and learn new skills. Not forgetting to create a learning environment such that everyone can learn from each other and encourage openness.

(Kruse, 2013)http://www.forbes.com/sites/kevinkruse/2013/05/12/what-is-authentic-leadership/

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Shared leadership is where the individuals among the groups have a dynamic, interactive and influence process for which the objective is to lead one another for the achievement of the group or organisational goals or both. Shared leadership refers to leadership which involved team property and the leadership is shared or distributed among the team members. This is very different from heroic leadership which focused on a single dominant or designated leader. The concept of shared leadership is through the practice of having team level phenomenon where the behaviours are influence through many individuals rather than those single leadership styles. (Kocolowski, 2010). In order for shared leadership to be successful, team members must be oblige to give constructive and useful feedbacks to the team with the objective to motivate and direct the direction of the group. ( Boundless., 2014) To facilitate for a better shared leadership, the team members must have same goal, giving social support and voicing out. The team members must be able to accept and trust on the feedbacks given by the team members. The team must possess the same common objectives and goals so that they are able to have mutual understanding and work towards the goals together. Team members are able to provide social support by offering encouragement and assistance hence taking care of each other’s emotional and psychological well-being. The team members are able to participate and feel involved in the activities. Therefore, through the share leadership, each member is able to foster a sense of trust and belongingness and obligation to support each other. Shared leadership can be carried out even in small businesses, such as creating an office meeting where the employees are able to talk about the differences of ideas and where they are able to reach consensus rather than arguing which is the best idea or there is a single-designated leader that will make the decision without any discussion. Shared leadership is favoured when making decisions are spread across many individuals because employees are satisfied and felt involved and able to invest in the outcome and goals of the organisation. (Mulvey, 2010)

Chief Executive of Cisco systems recounts that the organisation was facing serious financial difficulties during 2001. The organisation structure and decisions were made by the top 10 people in the company; hence there is leapse time for the decisions to be made and the employees are not involved in the decision making. Then Cisco chose to change their leadership style through deliberative strategy of shared leadership. They achieved impressive results and increased in speed and obtaining more innovation ideas. The production of the business plan is significantly reduced in time from 6 months to 1 week. (Academy of medical royal colleges)

Heroic leadership is totally different from shared leadership. Heroic leadership is where an individual will jump or insert into the situation when he/she sees a crisis regardless whether he/she hols responsibility for solving the crisis. It will be a never ending cycle- such that the hero will jump into the crisis and save the day where the followers will back off and passive about solving the crisis. This cause the employees to become compliant and disempowered as the leader feels that the employees are unable to handle or unwilling to solve the crisis. Heroic leaders are often promoted due to their functional proficiency as they have the knowledge and the desire to know what is going on. They have strong desire for correctness where they always need to be right instead of empowering the staffs. They will never apologise for their mistakes by maintain a positive image as they are afraid of looking weak. (Rosenberg) Heroic leaders are needed when we need them for solutions or answers, as they know what to do and leaders are able to pass down the instructions so the people are given good plans and instructions to follow. Heroic leaders are also needed when there is an involvement of high ricks which in turn require high control. Leaders are able to give

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instructions and know what to do as the situations grow complex hence power needs to shift to the top. (Frieze, 2011)

The most well-known leader who possessed heroic leadership is Steve Job. His leadership style was multifaceted. He had strong self-confidence and strongly focused in achieving his goals. He was very committed and confident enough to make risky decisions such that enlisting massive of employees and customers in persistent search of his goals. Through achieving small accomplishment, the leader is able to develop confidence. the heroic leaders attract fellowship as they progress in their lives and use influence and strategies to develop self-confidence, and also train and motivate the team. (BABAR)

(Kocolowski, 2010)http://www.regent.edu/acad/global/publications/elj/vol3iss1/Kocolowski_ELJV3I1_pp22-32.pdf

( Boundless., 2014)https://www.boundless.com/management/textbooks/boundless-management-textbook/leadership-9/other-leadership-perspectives-73/shared-leadership-363-10556/

(Mulvey, 2010)http://www.businessnewsdaily.com/135-shared-leadership-social-media-fuel-business-growth.html

(Academy of medical royal colleges)https://www.leadershipacademy.nhs.uk/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/776bc9c27b6e8741d0ff42e593ba44cf.pdf


(Frieze, 2011)http://www.margaretwheatley.com/articles/Leadership-in-Age-of-Complexity.pdf


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Guan Xi is the network of personal contacts which also refer as social capital. (Llamazares) This social network consists of relatives, family, university acquaintances, and ex-colleagues etc and used for professional advancement. The principle of Guan Xi is reciprocity, which Chinese refer to as hui bao. This means that when someone does me a favour, it is expected that I should return a favour. This returning of favour may not be returned immediately but return it at some point during the personal relationship that the favour must be returned. Mostly all of the Chinese executives do keep track of the accounting record of the favours they had done and received in their personal contact network. This is because if someone does not return the favours that they have received, the people will label that person as wangen fuyi which is known as someone who forgets to return favour and not loyal. This will affect that someone reputation and remain a negative stigma for future business.

Zhongjian means intermediary person. It is hard to gain trust from the Chinese and they are extremely aware of foreigners coming to China to make business. They still carry a sense of superiority as they used to label themselves as the central empire, plus their behaviour is further enhanced by China growing economic and political power. Therefore, Zhongjian ren is needed in order for the foreign companies to negotiate and come with terms with the Chinese businesses due to their mistrust and superiority. The Zhongjian ren must have a good Guanxi such as whether must be a Chinese and have good connections in the business field so that the business can be successful. However, the role of the intermediary varies, such as to establish first contact and to organise the meet up; be translator and able to interpret the responses and gestures of the Chinese businessman. The intermediary also must be able to resolve any differences in the ideas that may occur and constantly follow up agreements that have been reached.

Renji Hexie means that harmony in relations. Agreements can only be successful and achieved by the development of respect, friendship and positive feelings based on personal relationships. Usually, it requires plenty of time and effort to establish these good personal relationships. In order to achieve that good personal relationship, one must travel numeral times and engage in many meetings. By having lunch and dinner meeting during which conservation on any topic but business take place helps to build on the good personal relationships. Therefore, it is important to establish good guanxi and create a climate of trust and good friendship which are important element for success.

In order to achieve a good and right kind of guanxi , I must show that my company is trustworthy and have strong qualities of dependability and respect. And I also must have strong moral obligation to uphold a certain standards of business. I have the ability to speak Chinese which put me in a good condition. However, linguistic fluency is one thing, intercultural fluency is another issue. Have the ability to speak the local language; I must also need a real understanding of the international business cultures and ways of working in order to succeed in the global economy. (Warren, 2012)In addition, I will spend time by having lunch and dinner meet up and money by buying gifts to establish a strong network. I will treat them with decency and also able to meet the promise I gave to prove the company trustworthiness and also establish frequent contacts so as to foster understanding.


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We are always influenced by those around us no matter who we are. Some of us are leaders, but all of us are followers. Effective leaders may end up making the wrong or poor decisions because of toxic followers such as if the followers are united and persuasive about a course of action. This is a big problem or issue for the leader if the followers are too empowered. In addition, as the companies are relying less on hierarchy and focus on influencing the employees to get work done, this in turn give followers to exert a malevolent influence on the leaders.

Examples of toxic followers can be fooled by flattery such that the faltterers will play on the leaders’ weakness or vanity to push through personal agendas.. Leaders like those people who like them and are more apt to let those they are fond of to influence them. This will cause them to insulate themselves from receiving the real feedback or any bad news. Flattery works on bosses as they are able to get on the good side of the boss and gives them job security or job promotion. The influence of the toxic followers can also be in form of decision making such as giving destructive comment than constructive comment, silent obedience also will put fallible leaders beyond question and they will also create a false sense of urgency about specific issues, rushing through uniformed decisions and obscuring what is really important to the company. (bulletpoint)

Leaders who use referent power which uses interpersonal skills and charisma that inspire respect and trust will be most susceptible to the flattery by followers issue, they need to make an extra mile to unearth disagreement and also need to find followers that are not afraid to pose hard questions.

Leader who use legitimate power who utilize formal authority over people may be influence by the toxic ( unscrupulous and ambitious )follower to the extent that the leader become little more than a figurehead who has responsibility but no power as the leader will always be push over. (1George Washington University, 2004)

Leader who use reward power or coercive power are those leaders who like to control rewards or apply punishment will most likely to have toxic followers. They focus on praise, rewards and negative motivation cause the followers to focus on negative feedback, as the followers are afraid of losing their job if they give comments or feedback that the leaders may not like, hence the followers turn to destructive feedback in order to secure their job, plus the culture becomes manipulative instead of having open communication and participation.

Leader who has strong expert power who has knowledge, skill or experience that are valued by others are better protected as the leader is able to communicate and live by a positive set of values, such that this will cause the followers to model themselves after the leader, therefore this kind of leader is less likely to have manipulative followers.

If my followers keep constantly praising on my leadership, I will begin to reflect on how they respond to both flattery and criticism. I will open channels of communication so that I can be far better grounded. I will rely on longtime associates or family members for honest feedback in order for me to improve on my leadership. I will also be skeptical of the followers view and will push them to examine their opinions more closely and also encourage views from everywhere by expanding input from independent observers so I can obtain more helpful input that can find out the root of

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potential problems.. I will also use constructive 360 degree feedback system and executive coaching to get the truth within the companies as this will create transparency in the company.

(1George Washington University, 2004)http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/14723177


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Social intelligence is also referring as ‘people skills’ which is the ability to get along well with people and also getting them to cooperate with you. People with social intelligence have strong situation awareness and they possess knowledge of good interaction styles and strategies that allow them to achieve their goals when dealing with people. They also have good self-insight and have consciousness of their own perceptions and reaction patterns. Interestingly, social intelligence can be developed through learned behaviour such that gaining experience with people and also learning success and failures in social settings. It is important to have social intelligence as high social intelligence person has strong conservational skills such that they are able to carry out conversations with a wide variety of people hence creating good connection, they are also aware of what is appropriate in what to say. (Riggio, 2014) They also know how to play various social roles and good listeners, being that they can get along well in the company and being seen as socially sophisticated and having good social connection in the company. Therefore, it is important social intelligence is important as having this set of skill enables the workers to feel comfortable in working with diverse types of people in the company and decreasing conflict and also allow individuals to feel self-confident and effective. However, highly social intelligence people are very concerned with the impression that they made on others. They must managed a delicate balance between the image they portray out to people and being ‘authentic’ by letting people to see their true self.

On the other hand, emotional intelligence is the ability to identify, understand and manage emotions in a positive way through the means of relieving stress, communicating effectively, overcoming challenges and most importantly defuse conflict. (Riggio, 2014) High emotional intelligence people are able to recognise their own emotional state and also the emotional states of others. Similarly to social intelligence, they have high self-awareness and social awareness by recognising own emotions and know their own strengths and weaknesses and they concern for others, feel comfortable socially and able to recognise the power dynamics in the organisation. The difference is that high emotional intelligence people have strong self-management by controlling impulsive feelings and behaviours in healthy ways and able to adapt to changing circumstances. They also have strong relationship management by developing and maintain good relationship with people as they are able to inspire and influence others, work well in a team and manage conflict. It is important to have strong emotional intelligence as it can navigate the social complexities in the workplace, motivate and lead others. Plus strong emotional intelligence can reduce stress levels, anxiety and depression. Strong emotional intelligence can create openness in the team and form strong relationship with people hence creating a sense of belongingness in the company. Strong emotional intelligence people are able to express clearly how they feel and also understand how others are feeling, hence forming stronger bond and improve on communication effectively.

Employees in google undergo emotional intelligence training to find their inner peace through Search Inside Yourself (SIY) program. They learned about the five crucial skills of empathy, motivation, social skills, self-awareness and self-regulation. The program trained the employees to build on power of attention where it will create mindfulness that can contribute to emotional well-being and also improving memory and attention (Gregoire, 2013). By cultivating mindfulness, inner peace and joy can be obtained hence will get kindness and compassion. By developing emotional intelligence in the organisation can improve happiness in one life and boost business creative output and bottom line.

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(Gregoire, 2013)http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/09/29/googles-jolly-good-fellow_n_3975944.html

(Riggio, 2014)https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/cutting-edge-leadership/201407/what-is-social-intelligence-why-does-it-matter

(Jeanne Segal, and Melinda Smith, 2014)http://www.helpguide.org/articles/emotional-health/emotional-intelligence-eq.htm

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Q8Decision making with diverse culture requires a good understanding of different cultures. What may work in your country might not be essentially useful or work well in another and might even be interpreted as an insult.

The challenges faced for group decision making with diverse culture is that there is also a limit to how much information an individual can process and how many perspectives one person can see. Full group participation is required when doing decision making in order to find a solution and making final decision. People see issues differently as they all have different experiences, values, personalities, styles and needs. In addition, the workers or leaders lack of knowledge and unable to understand culturally determined differences in communication, practices, tradition and thought processing. Plus, problem may arise when one or more people in the group cling to an ethnocentric view when conducting the meetings and put other people’s ideas down or not listening to other opinions. Team decision making strategies should be implemented in order to achieve consensus.

Cultural differences have a significant impact in the communication process when conducting meetings. Firstly, the accents and dialects used in the meeting will create barrier in communication such as the workers used Singlish when conducting meeting, this caused the foreign workers having difficulties in understanding what is being said and unable to catch up. Another challenge is the context in which communication is set. the more information the sender and receiver share in common, the higher the context of the communication and lesser the need to communicate through words or gestures. In a high context situation, many of the people choose not to say is essential to understand what is the transmitted message, even though the person may not have said anything directly, others are still expected to understand the unspoken message. Therefore, to people from lower context cultures, having meeting with people in high context cultures, they will find the meeting needlessly vague. Conversely, people from high context culture may view the low context counterparts as impersonal and confusingly literal. Hence, it is important to assess the level of contexting inherent in communication of the culture in which one conducting the meeting to have good understanding what is being conveyed. Hence, the disadvantages of group decision makings are too time consuming, some individuals may dominate, and negative conflict may occur and can be over-emphasis on reaching an agreement.

If I were the leader of the group, I will prepare ahead of time by having a purpose and objective of the meeting, establish the goals of the meeting. Identify if any is expertise in that area, I will also to ask individual to write down their ideas first before going around to her their ideas and justification. I will also expect the team members to be quiet while other member is sharing. I will also invite any further challenges and debate about the opinions. Multi-voting can be used to allocate the various options anyway they want as they can weigh their choices. I will also take note of the language and context being used in the meeting to ensure every members are able to follow up. More diversity of information and creative ideas are generated with diverse group members and greater acceptance of final decision can be achieved. Through the process of group decision making and the coherent of the decision allow the group members to learn knowledge and skills too.

David A. Victor Cross-cultural/International CommunicationReference for Business Encyclopedia of Business, 2nd ed. http://www.referenceforbusiness.com/encyclopedia/Cos-Des/Cross-Cultural-International-Communication.html


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The first secret is the One minute goals. This is done by setting goals that are agreed on with the manager and the employee's, written down in brief statement and occasionally reviewed to ensure that productivity is occurring. This whole process takes a ‘minute’, which is a really quick meeting. The objective of this one minute goal setting is to confirm that the responsibilities of each members is clear and understood and to avoid confusion as it will result in inefficiency, discouragement and lower productivity.

The second secret is one minute praising where it involves being honest and open to people with the employee's’ performance. For an instance, if you see someone doing something right or correct, the goal of the second secret is to praise them immediately; informing them specifically on what did they do correctly. This allow the employees to feel good of themselves regarding on their work performances and their importance to the organization. Although the second secret- one minute praising may be similar to the third secret - one minute reprimand, but there is a lot of difference. If the manager too focus on catching people on doing something wrong, the workers main aim is to not to do wrong, they are not willing to go beyond and produce great results.

The third secret is the one minute reprimand. This is to being honest with the employees when a wrong has occurred. The manager must reprimand immediately and specifically on the area what is being done wrong. In this third secret is the same as the second secret, and similar it holds an important aspect of the first secret such that it enables the employees to understand the responsibilities and also allowing them to complete the tasks correctly. However, the manager must also remind the employees the importance of them and it was just their performance they did it incorrectly not personally. The third secret similarity between the first and second secrets is that it consists of reprimanding and also reassurance, where both are equally important. If the manager is unable to fulfill both, the manager will not be liked by the employees and they will attribute mistakes to them being worthless.

Kenneth Blanchard and Spencer Johnson The One Minute Manager http://www.bruinleaders.ucla.edu/documents/BLP_samplebookreview.pdf

One minute goal setting is an important tool because it provides immediate feedbacks for the workers. This feedback in turns becomes an motivation. It works in a manner such that the manager and employees know what is expected from the beginning of the task. Therefore, by following the one minute goals allow them to periodically review their performances and progress against the goal set, hence helping the workers to perform better and produce efficient results.

One minute praising also show that the manager is actually showing genuine interest in the employees and their success. One minute praising allows the workers to feel good about their performances and encouraging them to strive even harder to achieve better results.

Lastly, one minute reprimand is highly effective as the feedback is immediate. For an instance, if the worker is being reprimand for a mistake committed 8-9 months back, it would hardly create an impact, whereas it the manager is able to pointed out the mistake as soon as it is made it can be easily corrected. Plus, this enables the manager able to point out one mistake at one time, the workers can hear it seriously and the message can be clearly conveyed.

By SJW on December 31, 2008 in Productivity

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3 Key Lessons We Can Learn From the One Minute Manager http://www.dumblittleman.com/2008/12/3-key-lessons-we-can-learn-from-one.html-As a team leader, I will speak to the team member individually but not reprimanding him/she, but to understand why he/she is feeling that way. I will try to understand what the team member is feeling and try to consult him/her to be aware of his/her emotion as it will influence the others performance and emotion too. I will also ask the team member to confide and seek support.

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The Four Drive theory of motivation show the four underlying drives which are – the drive to Acquire & Achieve, to Bond & Belong, to be Challenged & Comprehend and lastly to Define & Defend.

The drive to Acquire & Achieve is to drive to collect goods, status and achievements that can lead to excellent performance and detrimental competition. This drive of motivation will cause the employees to focus on gathering of necessities for survival and concern on the acquisition of status, accomplishment and strive for more power. As a result, this drive of motivation provides direct connection between the job performances and also recommended to serve as a core component for building a satisfying job. However, the downside of this drive will cause a competitive environment in the workplace as the employees will want to exceed each other in order to acquire and achieve power and accomplishment. This drive can be modified by mixing with the drive to bond to lessen the competition in the organization.

The drive to bond is the motivation of finding and engaging with others and establishing relationship and showing of mutual care. If the employees are good in establishing individual relationships, the connections can grow and expand into group bonding. The organization can use this drive to bond by motivating the employees to create a sense of attachment to each other and even to the organization. Hence, the drive to bond can create connection and support among workers.

The drive to learn is when the employees have achieve work satisfaction in the work environment yet simulate curiosity and wanting to explore and develop new understand. This drive to learn plays an important role in the organization as this allow the employees to understand their impotence of their roles. The experienced knowledge workers are able to enjoy significant degree of job satisfaction due to the learning process of the challenges in the workplace. This drive to learn can promote continuous learning environment and able to function well in a group context.

The drive to defend is stimulated and motivated when a threat is presence. Threats to the individual, group and the entire organization can stimulate the drive to defend. The drive to acquire, bond and to learn are active factors that human seek to fulfill, the drive to defend is latent. The organization can adjust this drive of defend by eliminating sources of unintentional or any misleading threats. This drive of defend can enhance the mean of respond of the workers to legitimate threats in the organization's competitive or regulatory environment.


Zhang Ruimin possessed strong desire to learn by pursuing a higher degree in business administration while keeping his role as general manager in Haier group. He introduced the drive to defend by implementing the 'catfish management' whereby creating a pressure on the division manager such that there is a shadow manager who is ready to take over the position if the manager misses the target. He also demonstrated the drive to bond by sharing dumplings with the workers on a construction site, through this, he sent the message that he actually care about the employees.

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He also had the desire to aquire by putting in concerted effort to expand Haier presence abroad, he wanted Haier to gain power and recognition.

Therefore, it is important to be motivated to succeed, and those goals that are aligned with the organizational goals will have significant impact on assisting the organization for success.




A well rounded knowledge base about age diversity management would positively affect the organizational performance of a company.

Gen Y employees hold incredible skills and carry a sense of competence and are optimism about their future. They are good at multi-tasking and service minded, they do have set of experiences and knowledge. Gen Y are confident and achievement oriented yet desire flexibility. Gen X are independent, self-sufficient generation and they are questioners as they want answers to 'why' and people to follow up. They value time as asset and keep their commitments. However, they don't trust management yet demanding respect, autonomy and skills. Baby boomer are self-fulfillment, individualism and like material wealth. They have strong ideas for their passions of personal and social improvement. They believe in teamwork but they need to have goal attainment in order for them to keep on track.

Organization that employ age diversity can supply a huge variety of creative solutions in problems. A mix of experience & speed in execution can be obtained through age diversity. However , different generations will shape different characteristic and distinctive mind-sets. Varying age generations is an issue managers have to constantly battle more at work as there will be problems stem from the disparity in opinions and approach in communication and workplace attitude.

In the workplace, the younger age group tends to be more proactive and polite when dealing with customers but they are not firm when dealing with troublesome customers. Meanwhile the older age group tends to be hostile when dealing with younger customers. The older age group may not be able o feel connected with the younger generation and may not be able to understand the younger generation's behavior and thinking. This creates a communication problem and barrier in the organization as the differences between the age generation sometimes do cause the message to be lost. Different age groups do reflect different levels of maturity and experience, causing communication to be forgone, costing effectiveness and efficiency of the company.

Generational differences can affect the foundation of and influence work attitudes. Generation X is more concerned with career options, work-life balance while Generation Baby Boomers are reputed to be loyal and competitive workaholics. As a new young employee, work life balance is usually tilted to work as they would want to impress and have a progression in career. As they gets older, family

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and personal life starts to outweigh wealth. This would affect their motivation to work thus affecting efficiency. This resulted in the differences in the employees' work approaches as the age, motivation drivers, experience and maturity levels are different.

Another great problem can be posted by age diversity is that if an older employee works for a younger manager as it causes frequent conflicts. Older employees tend to have a rebellious attitude if management is inexperienced or guided by younger employees, hence it can be problematic. The situation can be worsen if the when a younger leader/manager is unable to deal with his team members who are older and this causes severe polarization between old versus new and causes a lot of damage to the organization.

If I am the manager, i will ward off change resistance with inclusion such that by involving every employees in formulating and executing . i will also create attitude of openness by encouraging employees to express their ideas and opinions and creating a sense of equal value. I will also promote visibility and make the employees to realize the advantages of age diversity in the workplace. Not forgetting to create bonding activities with the employees so that they can establish and foster bond with each other. This will also create interaction and connection which will improve in communication. A good manager must be able to acknowledge and be sensitive when dealing with such issues and able to facilitate better communication and interaction.

Gibson, J. W., Greenwood, R. A. and Murphy, E. F, Jr. (2009): Generational Differences In The Workplace: Personal Values, Behaviors, And Popular Beliefs. Journal of Diversity Management, Third Quarter, Vol. 4 No. 3., pp. 1-7