ASPIRE INTERNATIONAL GROUP & INfRASTRUcTURE TOdAy MAGAzINE PRESENT  An International conerene: Infrastructure today IndIa opportunIty 2012 fria, Ma 11, 2012 Toronto Here’s WHy you sHouLd attend l India is expected to be the world’s largest economy by 2050, surpassing the United  States by 2040, and China by 2050. l The Indian economy is expected to be nearly $85.97 trillion on a PPP basis by 2050, from $3.92 trillion in 2010. l India to spend $1 trillion on infrastructure in the next five years of which 50 per cent needs to be contributed by the private sector. tHeme  alizig h gig ii i Ii xill gwig i www.ASPIREinternationalGROUP.com Contact: Kiran at info@ASPIREinternationalGROUP.com +91 22 2419 3000 Supporting Organization

ASPIRE Toronto Conference-Brochure

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 An International conerene:

Infrastructure today

IndIa opportunIty 2012fria, Ma 11, 2012Toronto

Here’s WHy you sHouLd attend

l India is expected to be the world’s largest economy by 2050, surpassing the United  States by 2040, and China by 2050.l The Indian economy is expected to be nearly $85.97 trillion on a PPP basis by 2050,

from $3.92 trillion in 2010.l India to spend $1 trillion on infrastructure in the next five years of which 50 per cent

needs to be contributed by the private sector.

tHeme alizig hgig iii Ii’ xillgwig i


Contact: Kiran at [email protected]+91 22 2419 3000

Supporting Organization

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RationaleIndia is expected to be the world’s

largest economy by 2050,surpassing China and the UnitedStates, report has said. “China shouldovertake the US to become the largesteconomy in the world by 2020, thenbe overtaken by India by 2050.”

The Indian economy is expected tobe nearly $85.97 trillion up by 2050,

from $3.92 trillion in 2010. Going bythe report, India would surpass theUS – currently the world’s largesteconomy – to become the secondlargest by 2040.

 All this is not possible unless Indiacan invest over 9 per cent of its GDPin infrastructure to keep the growthengine of the GDP accelerating at9 per cent pa. The ideal time for thesunrise opportunities in infrastructureis NOW. In the Twelfth Five Year plan which commences from 2013,an investment of $1 trillion has beenenvisaged in infrastructure of which,50 per cent would have to becontributed by the private sector presenting a huge opportunity for the sector to play an integral role inleveraging this opportunity.

FormatThe Inrastruture Toa Inia Opportunit 2012 onerene will

aress issues an evolve speii solutions. The onerene is eliberatel struture in the orm o relative brie speehes an longer panel isussionsan interations. This ormat will allow speakers to make presentations anthen return to the table to isuss among session peers an later with theelegates. The ormat also ailitates more etaile interation or elegatesto share experienes an ask questions to the panellists.

Eah session will inlue a Session chair who will make a etaile

introution to the topis in his/her session.

Issues to be discussedIt will oer the most timel opportunit or Inia to showase its

unshakle setors like airports, ports, roas, railwas, urban evelopment,real estate an inane, thereb oering elegates an attenees a haneto resolve their apprehensions reate reentl ue to ontroversies rangingrom the environment to sams.

The ierent sessions reate omprise:

• Roas

• Ports

• Airports

• Railwas

• finane

• Urban development

• Real Estate

• Power


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Key Issues

Roa to Progress

• Senario in the Inian roas setor

• PPP in roa projets

• Latest tehnologies

Experienes in Airport development

• Senario in the Inian airport setor

• challenges an learning in eveloping existing major Inian airports

• developing a greeniel airport: A ase stu 

development o Seaports an Logistis

• Global experiene in the port setor

• Logistis an port operations: A business senario

• Experienes in eveloping ports uner PPP

Real Estate Senario in Inia Toa - Panel disussion

Urban development - Poliies, opportunities an experienes

• Government poliies an initiatives in eveloping metro rail• State initiatives in water management

• Initiating SEz Projets: Pros an ons

Powering Inia’s uture

• Opportunities in power generation in Inia

• Unerling potential o power transmission

• Laing the roamap or power

PPP & inaning moels in inrastruture projets

• Role o finaning Inrastruture Projets

• Soures o Inrastruture finane

• Twelth five year Plan - Souring Private Setor finane or

uning inrastruture

• Alternative finaning Options or Inrastruture Projets


 Who should attendThe conference will be attended by150 plus delegates comprising of 

bankers, fund managers, corporateinvestors, academicians, industrialistsand media from the US; andbureaucrats, ministers, industrialists,bankers and planners from India.

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exellene an ASAPP Meia is one o the ore elements o its strateg in builing exellene in inrastruture. The ASAPP Meia moel will berepliate b ASPIRE roun the worl through its uture initiatives. www. ASPIREinternationalGROUP.om

 ASAPP Meia is a 14-ear-ol multinational B2B meia inormationgroup with iverse meia properties in print, web an event spae. It is

ommitte to proviing the most authenti an timel inormation onthe various onstrution, inrastruture an realt setors. ASAPP Meiaprovies a 360-egree experiene o inormation an insights through itsspeial interest business publiations, onerenes, seminars, inustr re-ognition awars, inustr portals, iretor servies, researh reports annewsletters.

The publiations inlue: constrution Worl, Inrastruture Toa,cW Interiors, cW Propert Toa, Equipment Inia, Power Toa,Projets Ino, Projet Reporter, Inian cement Review.

Inustr awars: constrution Worl Annual Awars, cW Arhitet& Builer Awars, Inrastruture Toa Awars.

Portals: www.ASAPPmeia.om

 ASAPP CONFERENCES  ASAPP conerenes is a ivision o ASAPP Meia that organies

seminars an onerenes. ASAPP’s events oster the growing network o proessionals an business owners intereste in inrastruture, onstru-tion an realt setors, an enourage the exhange o poli, operational,tehnial an ommerial expertise an knowhow. The are esigne toprovie a platorm to all stakeholers within the setors to isuss, eliber-ate, exhange, share an ollaborate.

Some o our well known onerenes are: Inia Roas, Inia coal,Inia Rail, Equipment Inia, Inia Realt, Inia H2O, Inia Ports, IniaMetro Rail, Inrastruture finane, Inrastruture Toa International

conerene, an Inia Airports. All o these are annual in perioiit,exept Inia Roas, whih is hel ever six months.

INFRAStRuCtuRE tOdAy Inia’s Premier Magazine for Naion Bilers

Sine 2003, our monthl business magaine has grown to a stature o leaership. The magaine overs phsial inrastruture an relate on-strution ativities in roas, railwas, ports, airports, water, energ an tele-om. The magaine’s objetive analses are aime at inluening poli.

Our reaer proile inlues polimakers an publi oiebearers, townplanners, investors, ontrators, evelopers, onsultants, utilit proviers,engineers, banks an inanial institutions, euators an researhers, an

eision makers in the inrastruture organisations. The magaine is pres-ent in high-power seminars an onerenes, is reerre to b business lea-ers, an isplae on man a orporate boarroom oee table.


For elegae regisraions dlg@aspIreiilGroup.

For speaking opporniiesp@aspIreiilGroup.

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pik [email protected]: 1-917-558-1529

For general enqiries [email protected]@aspIreiilGroup.

Conslan  ah phli ah@aspIreiilGroup.

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 a-303, nvbh eZki B r, sw (W)mbi-400 015, Ii.tl: 91-22-2419 3000

Kl c BhgiKl.B@asappi.

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