Asking For Suggestion and Advice

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  • 8/7/2019 Asking For Suggestion and Advice


    Asking For Suggestion and Advice.

    Social Issue

    2 students from University Malaysia Sabah (UMS) is asking Chief department of Education about

    social issue in School that involve students.

    Student 1: Good Morning Mr Bryan, Chief Department of Education. Thank you Sir for giving us some

    time to get valuable information about social issue that happens today in school.

    Chief: Good morning and you welcome to you two. Alright lets direct to our discussion about social

    issue in school. For you information Social Issue mean Social issues are matters which directly

    or indirectly affect many or all members of a society and are considered to be problems,

    controversies related to moral values, or both.

    Student2: From the definition I can imagine what social issue is about. Sir, usually at school

    what an example social problem occurs?

    Chief: Usually problem that we face like Bully, Smoking and escape from school or classes.

    Studet1: I see that a bad problem happen in school today. So what a suggestion that you

    Department give to school and PIBG?

    Chief: For your information, our department already suggest school to make some serious

    move. For example about bullying we suggest to school to find the bully and give some

    counselling. Usually when the counselling doesnt work school, will suspension that bully to

    give him/she a lesson.

    Student1: If the student been suspension that will grantee that him/she will not bully


    Students2: I also want ask the same question to.

    Chief: Alright like this, when the students have been suspension from school now the time

    parent make move. As we know parent is the person who close to student. Our department

    already agree in the meeting with YDP PIBG that parent will monitor and give a lesson to

    student that has been suspension from school. School suspension not only for bully but also

    for student that been caught for smoking and escape from school.

    Student1: Oh I see now I can understand how the department handle social problem in


    Student2: Sir. Do you have any advice t o any parent that didnt care about their own son and

    to school that keep secret social issue from knowing by public.

    Chief: My advice to parent, give some a little time talk to their son so they will know any

    problem that happen in school. Besides that, p arent also must sharp in notice any changes

    to their children . For school, dont secret about social problem that happen. Principal or

    Headmaster should take an action to prevent social issue occur in school. School also must

    always meet with student paren t in PIBG meeting or informal meet.

    Studet2: Thank you Sir for you some advice.

  • 8/7/2019 Asking For Suggestion and Advice


    Student1: We want to say thank you again to you sir for giving as some time to let we know

    about social issue in school today. With this we can make our newsletter.

    Chief: No Problem. Its my pleasure.

    Student1: So I hope we can meet again Sir and once again thank you sir and nice to meet


    Chief: Youre welcome