Asian International Private School Ruwais Grade VIII Holiday Home-work NAME:___________________________________________ STD: _____VIII____ SEC: ___________ SCIENCE

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Page 1: Asian International Private School · PDF fileAsian International Private School Ruwais ... Salma or Abdullah ... paste a picture depicting its meaning accordingly and make a sentence

Asian International Private School


Grade VIII Holiday Home-work


STD: _____VIII____ SEC: ___________


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1. Prepare a report on India’s mission to moon. Chemistry:

2. Report on Water pollution: a. Locate the major rivers in the Map of India. Identify and also locate the

industrial cities situated near them. (Use the Map of India for this activity and include it as a part of your report).

b. Which of these cities are major sources of water pollution? c. Suggest ways to reduce this water pollution. d. What values do the owners of industries lack?


1. Locate the 14 biosphere reserves in the political map of India. 2. Find out names of any 2 endangered and 2 endemic species which are

facing a threat of extinction due to pollution in India (Correlate with the pollution in major rivers).

3. Show the location of any 2 National parks or Sanctuaries in your own native state map and find 2 major species of plants and animals found there. Draw a picture of the forest showing any/all of these organisms.

4. Reasons for biodiversity loss: (Optional) To study the effect of polluted water and oil spills on bird population. a) Take three feathers of a bird. b) Dip one feather in the water, another in oil and the third one in soap water. c) Note down the observations in the following table and interpret. d) The feather dipped in water retains their structure and their water repelling properties whereas the feathers dipped in oil and soap water loses them. Dipped in water Dipped in Oil Dipped in Soap

water Feathers

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1) Independent learning 2) Environmental awareness 3) Problem solving 4) Digital competence

UAE Social Science – Holiday Homework

Title of the Project: “Historical Personality”

Prepare a Scrap Book on any one of the following.

3. “Mother of Humanity” – H.H. Sheikh Fatima bint Mubarak

4. “Maker of the Modern Arab State Model” – Muhammad Ali Pasha

The following topic should be included

Location on map of country and relevant pictures.

Research on their achievements.

Compare them with any other personality in the world..

It will be marked on following criteria or rubric (5 marks)

Content – Organization of facts

Relevance to the topic - pictures

Presentation – map work



It has to be done on half A4 size paper – 4 to 5 sheets to form a booklet.

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Last date for submission is on Tuesday12th September 2016. UAE ( ARABS)

صمم مخططا عن النظم االقتصادية العالمية يشتمل على - .تعريف كل نظام - .ايجابيات كل نظام - .سلبيات كل نظام -

.وايضا كتابه نبذة بسيطه عن النظام االقتصادي بدوله االمارات العربية المتحدة


1) Independent learning 2) Cultural awareness 3) Problem solving 4) Digital competence

Social Science – Holiday Homework

Title of the Project: “History of Industry”

Prepare a File Report on any one of the following.

5. Cotton

6. Oil

7. Dates

8. Silk

The following topic should be included

Location on map of country and relevant pictures

Research on industry found and its uses, data on progress and trade.

Research on conservation.

Any innovation to improve production.

It will be marked on following criteria or rubric (5 marks)

Content – Organization of facts

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Relevance to the topic - pictures

Presentation – map work

Analysis – Data or graph


It has to be done on A4 size paper – 4 to 5 sheets to form a booklet.

Last date for submission is on Tuesday12th September 2016.


1) Independent learning 2) Global awareness 3) Problem solving 4) Digital competence 5) Creativity


ENGLISH:-Your holiday homework this year is a fun mix of all the aspects of the language. It has been designed to ensure that you enjoy and learn at the same time.



a) Use an A4 size pastel sheet of green, yellow or light blue color.

b) Paste the picture of any one of the following personalities- Kiran Shaw, Rudyard Kipling, Stephen King and William Shakespeare. Below it provide the following information about the people-

Date of birth Popular works Awards received, Laminate the card and present it beautifully.

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Theme of the Story;-Based on Charity / Year of giving


Salma or Abdullah

Here’s how to make one:

1. Step 1: Create a Template. Draw a series of rectangles on a piece of paper, as if you were creating a comic strip. …

2. Step 2: Add the Script. Under each rectangle, write the line of script or dialogue that corresponds to that scene.

3. Step 3: Sketch out the story. … 4. Step 4: Add Notes. 5.

III. BOOK REVIEW: (INDEPENDENT LEARNING, PROBLEM SOLVING) The students are expected to read two books by William Shakespeare during their summer break. For one of the books they have to make an oral presentation in the class. It will be 3 minutes presentation. The presentation should be like a book review, which must include� The character sketch of the main characters, Plot, Story Setting and the era in which the book had been written, major events of the story, identify the cross-curriculum links

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1. Read headlines daily and pick out 5 words of English from it:

2. Take 10 A4 sheets and cut them into two halves.

3. Now get these 20 half A4 sheets spiral bound. 4. Write the word, paste a picture depicting its meaning accordingly and make a sentence of it. Likewise do the same on all other pages.

5. Use your own creativity to decorate your picture dictionary- Pictionary. A Sample of the same has been given below.

Practice your grammar skills throughout the holidays. Use some or all of the following websites:




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اكتب عن عطلتك الصيفية و كيف قضيتھا مع دعم الموضوع بالصور Write about your summer holiday and how did youspend your holiday with photos.


1. A society collected Rs 92.16. Each member collected as many paisa as there were members. How many Members were there and how much did each contribute.

2. A welfare association collected Rs 202500 as donation from the residents. If each paid as many rupees as there were residents, Find the number of residents.

3. A school collected Rs 2304 as fees from its students. If each student paid as many paisa as there were students in the school, how many students were there in the school?

4. The area of a square field is 5184 m2. A rectangular field, whose length is twice its breadth, has its perimeter equal to the perimeter of the square field. Find the area of the rectangular field.

5. Express the following numbers in standard form: a) 6020000000000000 b) 0.0000000000942 c)3.759 X 10-4

d) 4 ÷ 100000

6. Write the following numbers in the usual form:

a) 4.83 X 107 b) 1.0001 X 109 c)3 X 10-8

d) 5.8 X 102

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7. The size of a red blood is 0.000007 m and the size of a plant cell is 0.00001275 m. Compare these two.

8. Find a rational number between and

9. Find the Square root of 477.4225

10. Verify the property: a x (b+ c) = (a x b) + (a x c)

a= , b= , c=



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1. पत्रलेखन:-

(a) औपचािरकपत्र :- (1) छात्रविृ तहेतुप्रधाना यािपकाकोप्राथर्नापत्रिलिखए I

(2) आपकीकक्षाकेछात्र ‘िव वपु तकमेला’देखनेजानाचाहतेह

इसहेतुिनवेदनकरतेहुएप्रधाना यािपकाकोप्राथर्ना-पत्रिलिखए I

(3) अपनेके्षत्रकेिबजलीसंकटसेउ प नसम याओकंीओर यान

आकिषर्तकरनेहेतुिकसीदैिनकसमाचारपत्रकेसंपादककोपत्रिलिखए I

(b) अनौपचािरकपत्र :- (1) िमत्रकोस संगितकामह वबतातेहुएपत्रिलिखए I

(2) िपताजीकोछात्रावासकेरहन-सहनकीजानकारीदेनेहेतुपत्र

िलिखए I

2. संवादलेखन :- आपिकसीिव यालयमकक्षा 9 मदािखलालेनेजातेहप्राचायर्याकक्षाअ यापक

आपकासाक्षा कारलेतेहइससाक्षा कारकासंवादलेखनिलखे I

3.िचत्रवणर्न :-

4. अनु छेदलेखन:- (1) आमआदमीपरमहंगाईकीमार

(2) कैसाशासनिबनअनुशासन

(3) मेरेजीवनकाल य

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5. िवज्ञापनरचना:- अभीतकदेखायासुनाकौनसािवज्ञापनआपकोसबसेअ छालगताहै ? उस

िवज्ञापनकोिलखो I


1) Independent learning

2) Problem solving

3) Creativity

4) Global awareness



1.Basant key phoolo(FLOWERS) key name lekhin ,un ki pic banana hein.

Flowers doondker chart per laganeyhein.

2.AllamaIqbalkinazmoo key name likhein.

Koi siaiknazam pic key sathlikhni hey.


Khulasagul e abbasaurmaakakhwabkalikhna hey

Pasandeedashakhsiyat per mazmoon


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1. maakakhwab

2. aikmazaydarkahani

3. na hoi koqaroli



6.gul e abbas




1.self confidence

2.global environmental awareness

3.cultural awareness


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Vousavez passé vosdernièresvacancesdanscettemaison(en france). Décrivez-la :saforme, sescouleurs, le paysage tout autour... Vouspouvezaussi imaginer comment elleest à l’intérieur.

A.Faites des dialogues dans les établissementssuivants :

Chez le marchand de fruits etlégumes.

À la crémerie.

À la boucherie

À la boulangerie

Dansunmagasin de vêtements

Dansunmagasin de chaussures

Dialogue dansun restaurant



B.Quemangent les ados ?

Répondez aux questions suivantes :

1. Crois-tuquel’alimentationestimportantedans ta vie ?

2. Tupensesquetu as une alimentation équilibrée ?

3. Selontoi, es-tubieninformésur la nutrition ?

4. Aimerais-tuavoir plus d’informationsur la nutrition ?Où ? Chez-toi, au lycée,.. ?

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5. Qu’est-cequetumangesnormalement ?Décrisun menu type.


Cherchez l’origine du Roquefort.

Cherchez l’origineetl’élaboration dufoiegras.

Cherchel’origine du Champagne.

D.Situezsur la carte les plats typiquessuivants et écrivez le nom de la régioncorrespondante :

1.Les crêpes __________

2. La choucroute __________

3. La fondue bourguignonne________

4. La bouillabaisse __________

5. Le cassoulet __________

6. La fondue savoyarde __________

E.écriver lepoeme (write the poem)de Victor Hugo après la mort de safilleLéopoldine.

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6) Independent learning 7) Global awareness 8) Problem solving 9) Creativity ISLAMIC STUDIES


1. Write about Queen of Sheba and Prophet Suleiman(A.S) 2. Create a poster on the Holy sites in Al Qudus,or Jerusalem 3. UNIT C:ISLAM PREVAILS OVER ARABIA

1. Write a profile about Asmaa’BintOmays,the wife of Jaffar 2. Write a short book about Khalid Ibn-ul-Waleed.


1. Independent learning 2. Critical thinking 3. Cultural awareness



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