English Newsletter February 2014

Asia 2000 english news february 2014

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Official English News from Mission: Asia 2000

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Page 1: Asia 2000 english news february 2014

English Newsletter

February 2014

Page 2: Asia 2000 english news february 2014

Dearest Mission friends,

How wonderful it is to start a new year knowing that He who is love and

is abundant in grace, will go with us in this year. He will also show Him

truly as the Faithful One. He will particularly be with us every day if we

ask for it; if we desire it with our whole heart and give time to Him and

seek His will.

May it be a wonderful year to all of you who are near to our wonderful

Guide, Christ Jesus. Maybe we must remind ourselves that it does not

inevitably mean that it will be an easy year. But, with Christ, the rock

which we build on and stand, the storms en challenges is not terrifying,

but opportunities to see His greatness and power. Matt 7:24-25.

Thank you very much for your love and support of last year and thank

you also that you are undertaking this mission’s task for the glory of the

Lord with us. We appreciate every prayer which is being sent up and

every donation how big or small. Your reward will be great.


Since the secretary of Mission Asia 2000, cannot cope any longer to do

the Mission’s work together with her own business the two Conradies,

namely Yvonne and Gretna have to return a bit earlier out of the Philip-

pines to South Africa and the office must be moved to another place.

So, the Conradies are now looking for a place to stay: Preferably a gar-

den flat with two bedrooms and also enough space for an office. If it is

at all possible the flat must not cost more than R4000 per month. They

will return by the 2nd of May 2014 to South Africa. If there is anyone

who may have information about such a place, preferably in the Oos-

Moot part of Pretoria, please be so friendly to phone our office number

at the end of the newsletter, or e-mail to one of the two e-mail ad-

dresses. This will be much appreciated.

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The news of Past Joel Isang when he went and helped on the island of

Mindanao after the one typhoon named Pablo. There were many of those

who survived but who had nothing. He arrived together with a group to dis-

tribute food hampers and also to proclaim the gospel.

Maria with whom the Conradies

could meet again

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He writes the following: “The damage caused by typhoon Pablo was

enormous. We were not able to give the relief directly to the people

but had to pass it on to the pastors and leaders of the community to

distribute as we met with strong winds and terrible rain while we were

there. The areas where we visited was flooded. The Sunday I was

asked to preach in a church that was partly destroyed by Pablo, just re-

covered in a way and directly hit again by the next typhoon, namely

Yolanda. To my greatest shock I found while on my way to the church

to preach the gospel I passed by areas that were greatly devastated.

Even as we travelled home, we passed by areas in Leyte where not only

the houses laid in splinters but how many lives of people were taken

and bodies laid openly on the road. Coconut and Banana plantations

were also plantations were also totally destroyed and flooded. There is

really nothing left there for those who survived.”

Yes, here were really have the report of a man who did up firsthand

knowledge of the most terrible damage and misery which hit the island

of Leyte and a part of Mindao also and Cebu. The greatest and strong-

est typhoon in the history of man.

Children’s Ministry

Gretna and Virgie got a chil-

dren’s club started on Satur-

day mornings in Beleng, just

outside Baguio. The little

children are reacting beauti-

fully to the explanation of

the Gospel, and are enjoying

the activities tremendously.

On the 1st photo on page 1

we see Virgie, Gretna and

the children where the little

children are happily busy col-

ouring the pictures which Gretna brought them. They don’t have col-

ouring crayons which was provided for them. These children all


Virgie, Gretna and the Children

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accepted as Lord and Saviour. The previous time when they were to-

gether before the holiday, some made a recommitment. The ages vary

from 4 years to 12 years. One of the grandmothers also stood there

with her grandchild on her arm, then Virgie and Gretna.

Julie, one our staunchest workers on whom we can depend has a in-

teresting report. We quote a part of it: “In the Bible Study we have

with my Aunt Rita and a few of her neighbours we had just finished the

‘Nature of God’s Word, it’s importance, it’s power and authority. My

aunt has so many questions, but I appreciated the way she accepts the

wrong beliefs she had and now does her best to live a changed life the

way God wants it.”

On the photo Aunt Rita is the one that is having such a good laugh!


Julie and the Bible study at aunt Rita’s

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A tropical cyclone is a rapidly-rotating storm system characterized by a

low-pressure center, strong winds, and a spiral arrangement of

thunderstorms that produce heavy rain. Depending on its location and

strength, a tropical cyclone is referred to by names such as hurricane,

typhoon, tropical storm, cyclonic storm, tropical depression, and simply

cyclone. Tropical cyclones typically form over large bodies of relatively

warm water. They derive their energy from the evaporation of water from

the ocean surface, which ultimately recondenses into clouds and rain

when moist air rises and cools to saturation. Tropical cyclones are typically

between 100 and 4,000 km (62 and 2,485 mi) in diameter. A cyclone is

turned into a hurricane when the wind speed reaches 75 mph. The term

"tropical" refers to the geographical origin of these systems, which usually

form over the tropical oceans. The term "cyclone" refers to their cyclonic

nature, with wind blowing counterclockwise in the Northern Hemisphere

and clockwise in the Southern Hemisphere. The opposite direction of

circulation is due to the Coriolis force. In addition to strong winds and rain,

tropical cyclones are capable of generating high waves, damaging storm

surge, and tornadoes. They typically weaken rapidly over land where they

are cut off from their primary energy source. For this reason, coastal

regions are particularly vulnerable to damage from a tropical cyclone as

compared to inland regions. Heavy rains, however, can cause significant

flooding inland, and storm surges can produce extensive coastal flooding

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up to 40 kilometres (25 mi) from the coastline. Though their effects on

human populations are often devastating. (taken from Wikipedia)

THE PHILLIPINES CONTINUED... Cecile is also a person who puts in

everything for the work of the Lord. She has a baby class and a nursery

school. Except for that she also has a group of young people to whom

she teaches discipleship lessons. She also teaches the parents of the

children who are in her nursery school. This photo were taken over a

weekend and we had to be satisfied to see her working with another

group of children and young people with whom she is busy on Sundays.

She really has to be admired for the fact that she has no idle hour. We

quote also a piece from her report: “at 10.30-1200 noon was our youth

Discipleship class. Our topic was ‘Salvation.’ Result: Their understanding

of being a Christian is getting

clearer. One young lady said:

‘I hope all of us know how to

share to others also. As for

me I want to study more

about this.’ At 2.00-3.30 in the

afternoon was the adult

discipleship class. Four new

Christian parents came. They

were so glad that they were

able to also

have a Bible

class.” And that is how she

goes on. We really have great

respect for her!

Norma is surely, except for

Yvonne Conradie, the oldest

member of our team. On the

photo we see her at her

Biblestudy group which serves

RIGHT: Cecile discipling a children’s Sunday group…


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Several Seniors from Baguio in a retirment village. She sits in the middle

with the pink blouse on. She also has two more places where she goes

to regularly for bible study.

With the other team in Cambodia and also Mercy in China it is going very

well, and they are working with much zeal. Soon we will write more

about their work.

We are trying to give a glimpse of the activities that is taking place in the

Philippines and also Cambodia and China, and all because we have a

gracious God who uses simple people with enormous results: souls who

still get saved, souls that’s saved which grow spiritually and which brings

the message to others. Thank you very much to you who has a part and

makes everything possible. Let’s pray faithfully for every worker and their

tasks, and also their other points that’s been mentioned. Will you once

again pray that the Lord will give an abundance of funds. The Lord loves


With true Christian love

Ben, Yvonne, and the two teams plus Mercy in China.

Telephone: (012) 332 2601 or (012) 332 2602 Fax: (012) 332 3665

Postal Address: P.O. Box 31192, Waverley, 0135

E-mail: [email protected] [email protected]

(RSA Mission Office) (Philipines Mission Office)

Standard Bank: Montana Branch Account No: 020175876 IBT Code: 015945

ABSA Bank: Kempton Park Branch Account No: 9064970731 IBT Code: 50444244

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