MARCH 2020 THE WAY VOLUME 46 - NUMBER 3 EAST FAIRFIELD PUBLISHED MONTHLY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Working, playing, and praying together on our faith journey to share Jesus Christ with everyone. Page 1 THE WAY — March 2020 Pastors Notes Lent begins Wednesday February 26 with Ash Wednesday. I want to provide you with a daily devotion that together we can draw closer to God as we walk with Jesus to the cross this Lent. See the Lenten Calendar on page 2 of this newsletter. Each day there is scripture. I encourage you to take time each day to read the daily reading and then spend time with God in prayer and meditation as you ponder the passage youve read. Each day also contains a focus for you as you go through the day. You will find these next to the date in parentheses. (P) stand for pray. Pray for others. Pray for the world, our leaders, our church. There can never be too much prayer in our lives. (F) stands for fast. On that day fast from your favorite indulgence, or coffee, or electronics like TV, your phone, or tablet. The point of fasting is to remove a barrier that exists between you and God. Open a channel of communication and adoration for our loving Lord. (G) stands for give. Give something that day. Ideas might be clean out that drawer or closet and give away those things that might be useful to someone else. Give to an organization that you support their mission efforts. Or even have a jar or bowl where you can through your leftover change and on Easter Sunday bring it to church to donate to our monthly mission. Its my prayer that by all of us participating during these 40 days, we will all draw closer to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Ash Wednesday Service On Wednesday, February 26 at 6:00PM, we will have an Ash Wednesday service. Come to receive the ashes of repentance and enter into the Holy season of Lent.

Ash Wednesday Service...2020/02/04  · 3 Kelsi Garwood, Hunter Gotch, Weston Hodder 5 Elizabeth Cusick 6 Adam Cattrell, Nicholas Magill 8 Perri Smith, Virginia Van Kirk 9 Gary Schmidt,

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Page 1: Ash Wednesday Service...2020/02/04  · 3 Kelsi Garwood, Hunter Gotch, Weston Hodder 5 Elizabeth Cusick 6 Adam Cattrell, Nicholas Magill 8 Perri Smith, Virginia Van Kirk 9 Gary Schmidt,

MARCH 2020




Working, playing, and praying together on our faith journey to

share Jesus Christ with everyone.

Page 1 THE WAY — March 2020

Pastor’s Notes Lent begins Wednesday February 26 with Ash Wednesday. I want to provide you with a daily devotion that together we can draw closer to God as we walk with Jesus to the cross this Lent. See the Lenten Calendar on page 2 of this newsletter. Each day there is scripture. I encourage you to take time each day to read the daily reading and then spend time with God in prayer and meditation as you ponder the passage you’ve read. Each day also contains a focus for you as you go through the day. You will find these next to the date in parentheses. (P) stand for pray. Pray for others. Pray for the world, our leaders, our church. There can never be too much prayer in our lives. (F) stands for fast. On that day fast from your favorite indulgence, or coffee, or electronics like TV, your phone, or tablet. The point of fasting is to remove a barrier that exists between you and God. Open a channel of communication and adoration for our loving Lord. (G) stands for give. Give something that day. Ideas might be … clean out that drawer or closet and give away those things that might be useful to someone else. Give to an organization that you support their mission efforts. Or even have a jar or bowl where you can through your leftover change and on Easter Sunday bring it to church to donate to our monthly mission. It’s my prayer that by all of us participating during these 40 days, we will all draw closer to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Ash Wednesday Service

On Wednesday, February 26 at 6:00PM, we will have an Ash Wednesday service. Come to receive the ashes of repentance and enter into the Holy season of Lent.

Page 2: Ash Wednesday Service...2020/02/04  · 3 Kelsi Garwood, Hunter Gotch, Weston Hodder 5 Elizabeth Cusick 6 Adam Cattrell, Nicholas Magill 8 Perri Smith, Virginia Van Kirk 9 Gary Schmidt,

Page 2 THE WAY — March 2020

Page 3: Ash Wednesday Service...2020/02/04  · 3 Kelsi Garwood, Hunter Gotch, Weston Hodder 5 Elizabeth Cusick 6 Adam Cattrell, Nicholas Magill 8 Perri Smith, Virginia Van Kirk 9 Gary Schmidt,

Page 3

United Methodist Women News

Joy Circle UMW Joy Circle met on January 27 with 14 members present. Zelda Cook and Barb DePillo were hostesses. After lunch the minutes were read and treasurer’s report was given. Cards were sent and prayers asked for those in need. Joanie Ready reported on the reading program. New books will be ordered at the spring district meeting. Sue Kariher reported that 42 prayer blankets were given out in 2019. Two baby quilts were given for baptisms and we donated two baby blankets to charities. Prayer blanket workers are taking February off but meet again in March. The upstairs ladies restroom project is underway. We have raised plenty of money to complete it. Thanks for the hard work. The new program brochure for the year will be out soon listing our events for 2020. A vote was taken to do a Spring Rummage Sale on April 30 and May 1 & 2. Watch for plans on this. Our annual membership drive will soon be underway. If you want to remain a member or you would like to join us, look for signs and members asking for your yearly dues. We ask for $5.00 yearly. New members are always welcome. Get to know us. We do good work! Next meeting is Monday, February 24 with Joyce Ward as hostess.

Hope Circle Hope Circle met on February 6 at the church to set dates and discuss plans for the choir dinner on May 17, the Mother-Daughter Banquet on May 9, the Father’s Day breakfast on June 21, the concert in Firestone Park on July 19, and the Ice Cream Festival on August 8. Our next meeting will be on Thursday, March 26 at 6:00 at the church. We welcome new members. See Denise Webber or Charlotte Vollnogle if you would like to join us.

Youth Fundraiser

The youth have been asking to have a cook-off. Miranda and I came up with an idea that will let the youth compete against one another. YOU will be the judges.

During coffee time you can taste their culinary creations and vote by putting money in the basket of the one you like best. The date is pending but keep your eyes open for an announcement in the bulletin.


Page 4: Ash Wednesday Service...2020/02/04  · 3 Kelsi Garwood, Hunter Gotch, Weston Hodder 5 Elizabeth Cusick 6 Adam Cattrell, Nicholas Magill 8 Perri Smith, Virginia Van Kirk 9 Gary Schmidt,

Page 4

Prayer, Care, and Share

To start the prayer chain, call Thelma 330-424-5434

If you desire a visit, call Pastor Deb 330-234-6009, the office 330-457-2465, or Barb DePillo 330-692-3805 Prayer Blankets: Sue Kariher 330-692-2277 and Joyce Ward 330-692-3346.

Prayer Requests Dale Gorby Evalyn Morris Betty Beight Harold Baker Ed Feezle Brett Roberts Shameika Cuff Lucille Fitzsimons Paul Wright Rev. Jeff Corbett Rev. Dan Wilcox Rev. Jim Spatholt

As a Reminder ... Hospitals no longer contact churches. If you or a family member are hospitalized please call the church office or Pastor Deb. Please do not count on Pastor Deb seeing posts on Social Media.

If you have something you want her or the office to know please call, text, or email. Thank you.

Office: 330-457-2465 Pastor Deb: 330-234-6009 Email: [email protected]

In the Mail Heartfelt thank you for the beautiful prayer quilt. It is very much appreciated. - Jack & Joyce Waggle, Destiny, Kaylee, and Adyn I want to thank everyone for the cards, calls, and visits. I want to also thank everyone who took part in the

Caroling. It touched my heart. God bless you all. - Dorothy Featherstone

Our Sympathy

Our sympathy to the family of Pete Test. Pete passed away February 9. Keep his wife Kim and the family in your prayers.

Things turn out best for the people who make the best of the way things turn out.

Art Linkletter

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Anniversary of East Fairfield UMC Mark your calendars NOW! On Sunday April 26 we will hold an Anniversary celebration for our church. We are inviting previous pastors, previous District Superintendents, those folks who went into the ministry from this church, as well as other dignitaries and friends of the church. The day will include special worship, a lunch, and a chance to reunite with friends. “The organization of the Methodist Church at East Fairfield came as a result of a revival held in the village by some circuit riders prior to 1835 but no organization was attempted until a few years later.” This information came from the “History of East Fairfield Methodist Church” printed July 1, 1963. One of the things we know about these early revivals is that often a small group would begin to meet. That group would grow. Out of that revival a church was begun. That happened 185 years ago. So let’s celebrate God’s faithfulness to the Methodist Church in East Fairfield and the faithful members who have kept the mission and outreach of Christ alive and flourishing all these years.

It’s Time to Update our Church Directory Because we have a Lifetouch Community Connect Directory, we can update it as necessary, but we need to have 25 families/people who want to schedule a photography session. We have 16 signed up so far. This is also open to family and friends, who can choose to have their photo included in our directory if they want, but it is not required. If you would like to be added to the directory or update your previous photo, there is a sign up sheet in the foyer of the church. You can also call or email the office to let us know to add your name. We would like to schedule a date in July with the photographer .

All families who participate will receive a free 8x10 portrait and a printed directory.

With a Lifetouch photography purchase, the family will receive 2 free gifts from Shutterfly.

Lifetouch will make a donation to the church of $2 for each family that is photographed.

REMEMBER…we need to schedule a minimum of 25 sessions !!!!

East Fairfield UMC

Feeling gratitude and not expressing it,

Is like wrapping a present and not giving it.

William Arthur Ward

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MARCH 2020 ~ East Fairfield United Methodist Church

Page 6 THE WAY — March 2020

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 Communion 9:30-10:30 Worship Service

10:30-11:00 Coffee Time 10:45-11:45 Sunday School

4:00- 5:30 Boy Scouts

5:00- 6:00 Confirmation Class

6:00- 7:30 Youth Group

2 10:00 Prayer Blankets 6:30-8:00 Bible Study (Holy Week) 6:30-7:30 Cub Scouts


8:30 AM Men’s Coffee Group 7:00 TRUSTEES


7:00 Choir Prac-tice

5 6-7:00 Children’s Choir 6:30 4H County-Wide (Gary Fieldhouse) 7:30 Student Ambassadors



Turn Clocks Ahead


9:30-10:30 Worship Service 10:30-11:00 Coffee Time 10:45-11:45 Sunday School

4:00- 5:30 Boy Scouts

5:00- 6:00 Confirmation Class 6:00- 7:30 Youth Group

9 10:00 Prayer Blankets

6:30-8:00 Bible Study (Holy Week) 6:30-7:30 Cub Scouts

10 8:30 AM Men’s Coffee Group



7:00 Choir Practice


6-7:00 Children’s Choir


5:00 PM Cub Scout Lock-In

14 9:00 AM End Cub Scout Lock-In 5:00-6:00 4H (Jamie Stacey)


9:30-10:30 Worship Service 10:30-11:00 Coffee Time 10:45-11:45 Sunday School

4:00- 5:30 Boy Scouts

5:00- 6:00 Confirmation Class 6:00- 7:30 Youth Group

16 10:00 Prayer Blankets 6:30-8:00 Bible Study (Holy Week) 6:30-7:30 Cub Scouts 7:00 H&H Board meeting at Paul’s

17 (Voting) 8:30 AM Men’s Coffee Group 6:30-7:30 4-H (Susan Baker)


6:00 NAMI Support 7:00 Choir



6-7:00 Children’s Choir


6:00 PM Guardian Angels Family Fun Night



9:30-10:30 Worship Service 10:30-11:00 Coffee Time 10:45-11:45 Sunday School

4:00- 5:30 Boy Scouts

5:00- 6:00 Confirmation Class

6:00- 7:30 Youth Group

23 10:00 Prayer Blankets 6:30-8:00 Bible Study (Holy Week) 6:30-7:30 Cub Scouts


8:30 AM Men’s Coffee Group Newsletter Deadline


7:00 Choir Practice


9:00 Mailing Committee 6-7:00 Children’s Choir 7:00 Mission Team Fellowship Membership Education



1:00-4:00 Fellowship Hall in Use (Kellner)


9:30-10:30 Worship Service (Children’s Choir) 10:30-11:00 Coffee Time 10:45-11:45 Sunday School

4:00-5:30 Boy Scouts

5:00-6:00 Last Confirmation Class 6:00-7:30 Youth Group

30 10:00 Prayer Blankets 12:00 Joy Circle 6:30-8:00 Bible Study (Holy Week) 6:30-7:30 Cub Scouts


8:30 AM Men’s Coffee Group

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1 Jett Hudson, Sherri Shadle, Cathy Smith 3 Kelsi Garwood, Hunter Gotch, Weston Hodder 5 Elizabeth Cusick 6 Adam Cattrell, Nicholas Magill 8 Perri Smith, Virginia Van Kirk 9 Gary Schmidt, Nicole Steele 11 Sandra Payne 12 John Chamberlin, Lynn Hill 13 Vicki Crook, Cary Hum, Katelyn Hodgin, Courtney Hodder 14 Jonathan Miller 16 Harriet Carlisle 17 Aaliyah Baker, Stephanie Davner 18 Nina Colian, Terry McCoy, Cindy Ridzon 19 Jonathan Harding, Aaron Rankin 20 Ali Cusick 21 Gerald Wilhelm 23 Wade (Buz) Payne 24 Haley Sipe 25 Barb Crook, Kailey DaLonzo, Emma Keslar 26 Tracy Greenamyer 27 Steve Cross, Bob Thorne 28 Joann Garwood, Kayla Burtner 29 Lori Bankert, Tommy Cope, Tim Gorby 31 Jon Esenwein

MARCH ANNIVERSARIES 1 Jim & Carol Bable 5 Jim & Vicki Freeman 5 Bryan & Ashley Foerster 11 Mike & Karen Namy 12 William & Desiree Marriner 14 Harvey & Carol Smith 18 Tim & Marna Cross 22 Max & Mary VanBuren (50) 23 John & Jodie Grazier 24 Tony & Nancy Setinsek

4C’s item for March ~ Toilet Tissue

9:30 AM Sunday Morning Worship Services

Date Nursery Jr. Church Greeters Liturgist Acolytes

Mar. 1 Courtney Hodder No Jr. Church Deann Davis Toby Sell & Mitch Auer

Mar. 8 Susan Baker Tammy Saphore Helen Gorby Emily Saphore Kailey & Brianna Baker

Mar. 15 Anita Cusick Sparky Vollnogle Harvey & Carol Smith Grant Roberts Emily & Victoria Saphore

Mar. 22 Courtney Hodder Cindy Ridzon Larry & Maralyn Porter Grace Auer Addie Sell & Gracie Baker

Mar. 29 Susan Baker Sparky Vollnogle Thelma Adams & Janet Logan Addie Sell Chase McCoy & Kara Porter

Special Outreach for March

Used Towels and Blankets for Animal Shelters

Mission of the Month for March Kathy Dickreide, UM Missionary ~ Fund # 57

Rev. Kathy Dickriede is an ordained Deacon in the United Methodist Church, who serves as the Confer-ence United Methodist Volunteers in Mission (UMVIM) coordinator. She promotes local, national, and in-ternational UMVIM trips, trains UMVIM team leaders, encourages partnerships across the global connec-tion of The United Methodist Church, and invites others to join this journey. She and her husband Danny have served in the mission field since 2008. Their call led them to the Camphor Mission Station in Liberia, West Africa. There they have built relationships at the school, the clinic, the church, and in the agricultural fields of the Mission.

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THE WAY — March 2020

Return Service Requested

East Fairfield United Methodist Church

Rev. Deborah L. Quillen, Pastor 45675 State Route 558 New Waterford OH 44445-9754

Phone 330-457-2465 Fax: 330-457-1116 Email: [email protected]


Issue: MARCH 2020 Printed: Feb. 19, 2020 Editor: Denise M. Webber

Working, playing, and praying together, on our faith journey, to share Jesus Christ, with everyone.”

Cookbook Corner

Page 8

Inside this Issue

Ash Wednesday Service 1 Lenten Devotions Lenten Calendar 2 Joy Circle News 3 Hope Circle News Youth Cookoff Fundraiser Prayer, Care, Share 4 In the Mail 185th Anniversary 5 Directory Update March Calendar 6 Birthdays, Anniversaries, 7 Mission of the Month 4C’s Item, Liturgists, Greeters, Nursery, Etc. Cookbook Corner 8

Baked Sweet Potato Fries (submitted by Joyce Ward)

Heat oven to 425 degrees.

One pound of sweet potatoes - one large sweet potato will do it. Peel and cut fries evenly. Soak in cold water at least 30 minutes. Rinse and dry off.

2 Tbs. olive oil or canola oil. Coat dried potato fries in oil. 2 Tbs cornstarch ½ tsp garlic powder ½ tsp paprika ½ tsp black pepper Sea salt to taste

Sunday Morning Schedule

9:30 - 10:30 AM Worship Service 10:30 - 11:00 Coffee Time 10:45 - 11:45 Sunday School for all ages

Deadline for the

APRIL 2020 issue is Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Email articles to: [email protected]

Mix together cornstarch and seasonings. Toss potatoes into seasoning mixture. Spread evenly on baking sheet.

Bake at 425 degrees for 15 minutes then turn them over and bake another 15 minutes. Bake until crispy.

Remove from oven and sprinkle with salt Let rest 5 minutes before serving.