The team of local cooperaƟon of Arquitectura Sin Fronteras in Madrid has been working in Cañada Real district sector 5, since 2011, with neighbor hood associaƟon “Alshorok” and Cañada residents. Cañada Real is one of the largest informal seƩle ments in Europe. It began to develop in the ‘50s and it has been growing unƟl to reach a populaƟon of 8.000 people in an area distributed along 14 km., divided in 6 sectors where different ethnic groups live together. In In this years the residents have shown their interest in the place where they have been living and they have fought against the demoliƟons, they have worked to redefine the principal access, to improve some services and they have created new meeƟng places to compensate the governements indifference. F From this, the residents have shown the need to have a protected meeƟng place, a place to speak about their legalizaƟon problems, to make creaƟve acƟviƟes, a place to give arabic lessons to children that don’t know where to go to do this. “La Casita” is the response to these needs and it is the place that demonstrates the interest of Cañada’s resi de dents to conƟnue to live there.

Asf-la Casita Del Pueblo-Madrid

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La Casita del Pueblo en la Cañada Real, Madrid. Arquitectura Sin Fronteras-España

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  • The team of local cooperaon of Arquitectura Sin Fronteras in Madrid has been working in Caada Real district sector 5, since 2011, with neighbor-hood associaon Alshorok and Caada residents.

    Caada Real is one of the largest informal sele-ments in Europe. It began to develop in the 50s and it has been growing unl to reach a populaon of 8.000 people in an area distributed along 14 km., divided in 6 sectors where dierent ethnic groups live together.

    InIn this years the residents have shown their interest in the place where they have been living and they have fought against the demolions, they have worked to redene the principal access, to improve some services and they have created new meeng places to compensate the governements indierence.

    FFrom this, the residents have shown the need to have a protected meeng place, a place to speak about their legalizaon problems, to make creave acvies, a place to give arabic lessons to children that dont know where to go to do this. La Casita is the response to these needs and it is the place that demonstrates the interest of Caadas resi-dedents to connue to live there.