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Publisher: AUSCIC2014

ISSN: 2407-5981 (print) Publication Frequency 1 every 2 years

AUSCIC Proceeding

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Published: 11 December 2014.

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!EDITOR!! Prof.!Dr.!Anuar!bin!Hasan!(AUSC)!! !ASSOCIATE!EDITORS!! Prof.!Dr.!Mulyana!(UNJ/IUSC/BAPOMI)!! Prof.!Dato'!Dr.!Abdullah!Moh.!Said!(UITM/MASUM)!! Prof.!Dr.!dr.!Hj.!Fauziah!Nuraini!Kurdi,!SpKFR,!MPH.!(UNSRI)!!ADVISORY!BOARD! !! Dr.!Mahenderan!Appukutty!(Malaysia)!!! Prof.!Dr.!Moch.!Asmawi,!M.Pd.!(Indonesia)!!! Dr.!Alongkone!(Laos)!!! Preecha!Prayoonpat!(Thailand)! !!SECRETARIAT!! Eva!Julianti,!SE,!M.Sc.!(Indonesia)!! Farahiza!Razali!!PARALEL!SESSION!! Dr.!Meirizal,!M.!Kes!!! Dr.!Iyakrus,!M.Kes!!! !!PROCEEDING!! Heni!Widyaningsih,!SE,!M.SE.!! Ayu!Ratna!Wulandari,!S.Pd.!! Susilo!Nugroho,!S.Pd.!! Rasyono,!S.!Pd.,!M.!Pd.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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ASEAN!SPORT!UNIVERSITY!COUNCIL!!Once! every! two! years,! ASEAN! University! Sport! Council! holds! an!International! conference! on! sport! science! in! conjunction! with! ASEAN!University!Games.!!!The!2nd!AUSC!International!Conference,!titled!“Nation!Character!Building!through!Sport”,!will!be!held!at!Politeknik!Sriwijaya!in!Palembang.!It!will!deal!with!various!topics!on!the!sports!agenda!!The! reasoning! is! that! moral! behavior! is! acquired! through! social!interaction!that!occurs!through!sport!and!physical!activity!conducted!in!a! collective.!Whether! or! not! sport! has! a! positive! impact! on! character[!building!in!individual!is!highly!dependent!on!the!context!of!the!program!and!the!values!promoted!and!developed.!!In! this! respect,! physical! educators,! coaches,! trainers! or! community!leaders! have! a! determining! influence! on! a! young! person’s! sporting!experience! and! on! the! degree! of! “character! building”! that! can! arise.!Some! research! also! indicates! that! physical! activity! outside! of!competitive! sport! may! be! more! effective! in! promoting! mutual!understanding!and!empathy!among!young!people.!!2#! AUSC! International! Conference! (AUSCIC)! then! focuses! in! the! issue!about!how!sports!could!develop!character!of!a!nation.!!AUSC!President!!!!Prof.!Dr.!Anuar!bin!Hasan!!!!!

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Asean University Sports Council International Conference 2014 !


Exercise Load Capability Using Pulleys Cast Of Discs On Student Activities Extracurricular Sabar Surbakti Universitas Negeri Medan Email: Abstract This study aims to determine whether there was an effect of weight training using a pulley on the ability of throwing in extra-curricular activities of students PE Medan State University. This type of quasi-experimental study . Where the student population in extracurricular activities PE son Medan State University totaling 20 students son wholly into the experimental group treated with weight training using a pulley . The instrument used was a throw discs with ratings measured using a meter . Before given weight training using the pulley 20 extracurricular student pre - test with the highest value and lowest value 11:23 7:08 Meters Meters with an average pretest throwing abilities 8.96 meters , after 20 male students extracurricular pre - test is then treated using a weight training pulley for 6 weeks with a frequency of 3 days in one week , after 6 weeks of untreated and exercise do posttest to see the level of throwing with the highest value and lowest value 14:27 9:22 Meters Meters , with an average posttest throwing ability 11.97meter . This study shows that weight training using a pulley can affect the ability of the disc throws before treated with exercise , so that experienced an average increase in the ability of throwing 2:42 Meter . Data analysis technique used is the normality test and test hepotesis . The results of the t test = 5.90 , while t table = 1.73 . Thus there is the influence of " exercise Charges Against Using Pulleys Discus Throw Ability In PE Student Extracurricular Activities Medan State University" . Keywords : Weight Training Using Pulleys , Discus Throw ability .

INTRODUCTION Sport is a requirement of every human being , the relationship they can not be separated. Currently the sport is an activity that is very important, because the sport is a physical movement and useful for health . Humans who have a definite sense in everyday life passed with such a positive thing to maintain a healthy body , usually they always do sports . Sports taught early either in formal or non-formal education . In everyday life such as children are taught by their parents to walk, run , jump , jumping and throwing . Once children enter school , the subjects taught by the teacher is an effort to improve the health of the body such as physical education and recreation are the foundation for the overall development and sustainable sport , a process which can not be separated to cultivate a positive attitude toward school and education , in order to stimulate exercise and physical activity . According Sjarifoeddin (1985 : 10 ) sports are forms of physical activity which is present in games or contests , and intensive physical activity in order to gain the victory recreation and optimal performance . According Khomsin (2011 : 2 ) athletics is one of the most important sport in the implementation of the modern Olympics , athletics dilaksanankan in all countries because of the values contained therein education , plays

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a very important in the development of the physical condition , often also be the principal basis for the achievement of optimal development for other sports and even can be considered as a measure of the progress of a country . Athletics could be grouped into a number , that number street , running, throwing and jumping . Fourth race number has branches respectively . Discus throwing is one belonging athletics throwing events and individuals , throwing a component part of the basic movements performed limbs . Throwing an athletic exercise carried out in the lateral direction of the throw . According Sjarifoeddin (1985 : 67 ) there are two ways of throwing the prefix menyampingi direction of the throw . Good discus thrower to achieve a peak performance can only be produced by a coaching program organized way of gradual and sustainable in the long run . Based on the association to support the ability of throwing the necessary training programmed , to get maximum results , the existence of special exercises according to their needs such as weight training . Based on observations and observations in PE University of Medan on student extracurricular activities , amounting to 20 student son son menggalami trouble doing throw discs caused by lack of motor coordination and lack of body balance arm muscle strength , so that the PE extracurricular activities Medan State University during throwing less than the maximum . Therefore, this study intends to provide weight training using a pulley for discus throwing ability , So PE Medan State University who follows the extracurricular activities totaling 20 male students at the time of throwing ability in order to obtain maximum results . Pulley comes from the Greek Quattuor . Pulley is a solid wheel or disc which rotates on its axis . Pulleys in Indonesian called hoist or hoist , who skipped rope or chain for lifting weights , pulleys benefits in daily life is quite diverse , for example, to lift objects , fetching water from the well . Pulleys are also typically used in a circuit that is designed for the force required to lift a load . Someone training using weights , but not get the desired results , as happens in weight training with one and only technique that mimics the movement of people without knowing their true purpose . The exercises will be given that the load using the pulley by hand pull mine / rope is loaded via a pulley . After doing weight training and then do the test by doing throwing the measured away . So after being given the expected mahamahasiswa weight training can increase throwing as expected . If the student can perform throwing as expected , it will be easier to exercise mahamahasiswa throwing well . Based on the background of this research is very interested in conducting research related to athletics in particular discus throwing events , as a step to encourage students to be more active and love athletics , the researchers gave weight training using a pulley to mahamahasiswa PE University of Medan which amounted to 20 students with aim to determine the ability of discus throwing , hence the title of researchers will study titled , "The Effect of Weight Training Using Pulleys Against discus Throw ability in PE student Extracurricular Activities University of Medan Identification Problem Based on the description of the background of the above problems , it can identify

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problems in the research include: a. The poor ability of throwing . b . Strength of arm and shoulder muscles are still not good . c . Weight training using a pulley that is done regularly and systematically improve the ability of throwing Restrictions Problem. of the identification problem, so restrictions on the problem in this research is to use weight training pulley on the ability of throwing in extra-curricular activities of students pe medan state univeristy Problem Formulation. Based on the background , problem identification and restriction of the above problems , the formulation of the problem of this research is : Is there an effect of weight training using the pulley on the ability of throwing on the activities of PE student esktrakurikuler State University of Medan ? Research Purposes. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of weight training using the pulley on the ability of throwing in extra-curricular activities Benefits Research a. For researchers of this study is useful to determine the effect of weight training on the ability to use traditional pulley throwing in extra-curricular activities of students son PE Medan State Univeristy . b . For the coaches and PE teachers can provide input in drafting the form of exercises to improve athletic performance in sports , especially throwing branch number . c . This study is expected to be used as reading material and a kind of reference for researchers in the future Discus Throw Athletic sports , especially throwing in principle not much different from the number shot put . Discus throwing athlete does have great posture , muscular and strong as a reflection of the power of throwing or reject owned by the big and burly . But not the athlete shall mean the thrower must have a large and stocky body , it's all they do not guarantee success in the throw . Possible , one athlete who has a moderate posture , but he has the power of a strong throw . Therefore thrower athlete must have the ability dexterity elements , timeliness , besides the main factors that force ( kriston , 1987 : 17 ) Thus the above opinion of a discus thrower must have the agility , kecapatan , body balance and strength , according to ( Sjariffudin 1987 : 54 ) Sport throwing has been around since the ancient Olympics . In discus throwing competition , athletes compete throwing a disc-shaped object as far as possible to follow the regulations . Discus Throw raced for both men and women . Discus Throw is also one race athletic throwing events .

Lempar Cakram Techniques will be throwing prefix when done in the form of standing sideways movement throws the disc sectors . Mechanical prefix throw this disc should be done well because it will determine the outcome of the maximum throw . According Sjarifoeddin (1979 : 113 ) How do prefix current techniques will throw discs are as follows : 1. Take a good position , standing sideways direction of the throw discs , legs wide apart and slightly bent body weight rests on both legs .

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2. Concentrate on doing prefix throw so steady , then the disc is swayed back and forth back and left to right . This movement is repeated two or three times a prefix followed the movement , how to perform are as follows : a) The arm holding the right rear disc swung laterally followed choose body movement , arm also follow the movement of the body slightly bent in front of the front of the chest , one leg slightly bent and body weight at the foot of the bent portion and then follow the movements of the body with the heel slightly raised . b ) Then , the disc swung laterally right or left followed by the body as well , weight kekaki moved left , right foot loose and slightly raised heel . c ) Further movement laterally disc swing right and left rear is repeated until the disc followed by the throwing motion . Doing throw is standing upright with stepped forward then the position of one foot behind , then followed by the position of the body facing the direction of the throw or where the disc will fall after being thrown . Right hand or left hand holding the disc properly and not raw , hands one hand while keeping the balance of the body . Ways To achieve the maximum distance in discus throwing , must balance the three components, namely speed , technique and strength . ( Surayin 1986: 18 ) . Katrol According to Pate et al (1993 : 317 ) Exercise can be defined as the systematic participation in exercises aimed at improving the physical functional capacity and endurance exercises . Exercise pulley is a technique that promotes the ability of the arm muscles . Pulley is a tool to pull the load . According Harsono (1988 : 183 ) in addition to the barbell can also be used alal - tool with rubber , load using pulleys and tools that can be applied for the purposes of the load . Thus pulley is one of the ways or techniques that prioritize helping hand strength capability / throws with one arm in arm , like a discus throwing . Based on the understanding pulley , an engineering tool for lifting the pull motion mine or rope which contains a load of sand put in sacks weighing 4 kg and instructions as for training , namely : Standing towards the throw or back to the pulley 1. One of the fore foot point in keeping the balance 2. Arm aligned to the rear side to hold mine / rope that contains the load , with as if ready to throw the disc 3. Movement interesting performed repeatedly According Harsono (1988 : 196 ) weight training is the basis and is to be a coach and athlete . Weight training is a fundamental principle of training to gain increased workability . The ability of a person can be increased if it gets stimulation in the form load enough practice . Hyphotesize Based on the study of theory and frameworks above can be hypothesized as follows : Ho : There is no effect of weight training using a pulley on the ability of throwing in extra-curricular activities of students son PE Medan State Univeristy . Ha : There is the effect of weight training using the pulley on the ability of throwing in extra-curricular activities of students son PE Medan State Univeristy

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METHODS Type and Design Research The research is a quasi-experiment , which is aimed to determine the effect of weight training using the pulley on the ability of throwing in extra-curricular activities of students PE Medan State Univeristy Study Design In this research study design experimentation using pseudo ( qausi - experimentation ) with pre - test and post - test group design can be seen as follows : Table 1. Study Design Pre - test and Post - test One Group Design ( Arikunto 2010: 84)

O1 X O2

Keterangan : O1 = Pretest X = Treatment O2 = Postest Time and Place Research. The study, carried out , in February 2014, at the University of Medan PE students Population and Sample. The population of this study is on extracurricular activities amounted to 20 students . Instrument Capabilities Long Jump There are several things that must be considered in conducting tests skills in athletics throwing , as follows : a. preparation tool The tools used are: 1. Preparation of field 2. whistle 3. meter 4. Book recording the results 5. Ribbon / rope b . implementation To obtain the necessary data in this study , the tests were given to students as follows : 1. Initial tests ( pretest ) , which throws test prefix to throw the disc from the disc before the end of the given exercise . 2. Provision of training ( Treatment ) giving treatment for 20 sessions . 3. The final test ( posttest ) , which tests after being given training at the time of the last meeting . c . valuation For the assessment of the results of throwing note of the results of pretest and posttest appropriate level of students' ability to perform well throwing maupn pretest posttest with measured using a meter . While the burden of training method using a pulley after students perform pretest .

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Data Analysis Techniques The method of data analysis is a way in which to obtain or analyze the data obtained . The analysis aims at truth hypothesis has been formulated . A hypothesis will be accepted or rejected depending on the result of the data . Statistical data analysis technique that researchers used in this study is t - test . The steps are as follows : a) test data normality b ) Test the hypothesis RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Discussion From the research that has been done above , it can be concluded that weight training using a pulley affect the ability of throwing . The existence of these effects showed that weight training using a pulley can be used to improve the ability of throwing away . Exercises are used in particular by one hand pull mine strung passes towards the front pulley containing sand or load . Movement of weight training using a pulley carried out in accordance with the technique of doing lempara discs . After doing the exercise with a predetermined period of time , then do a test throwing . Exercises are used to enhance the ability of throwing is the load latiahan mengguanakan pulley . This research has been conducted on student extracurricular activities PE son Medan State Univeristy students numbering 20 men . The entire sample did pretest . The entire 20 male students who perform pretest used experimental group is given a weight training using a pulley for 6 weeks with a frequency of exercise 3 times a week . extracurricular . The results of the initial test ( pretest ) is known that the ability of throwing in extra-curricular activities of students son with the value furthest 11.23 meters and the lowest value of 7.08 meters so that the average ability of the initial test ( pretest ) 8.96 meters . After treatment using a pulley weight training for 6 weeks with a frequency of exercise 3 times a week turns out there is an average increase of differences 2:42 meter final test ( posttest ) to the initial test ( pretest ) , so that the final test ( posttest ) 14:27 meters farthest value while the value of nearest 9.22 meters , so that the average final test ( posttest ) 11.97 meters . Those results that weight training using a pulley there is an influence on the ability of discus throwing . After the test pretest and posttest data is normally distributed , can be done at testing the hypothesis using the " t test " . Criteria for testing hypotheses accept Ho if t <t table ( 1 - α ) and reject Ho t > t table ( 1 - α ) , where t ( 1 - a) is obtained from the t distribution table t with df = and opportunities t ( 1 - a) . At t = 5.90 can while the t table 0.95 = 1.73 so t = 5.90 > t table = 1.73 . Thus the use of weight training pulley significant effect on the ability of throwing on esktrakurikuler activities. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Conclusion Conclusions based on the results and discussion , namely : a. Having given training for 6 weeks with a frequency of 3 a week there is no effect of weight training using the pulley on the ability of throwing in extra-curricular activities of students son PE Medan State Univeristy .

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b . Where pretest nearest throwing 7.08 meters and 11.23 meters farthest in extracurricular student activities Medan State Univeristy PE son with average pretest 8.96 Meters . After being given a weight training using a pulley for 6 weeks 3 days training frequency in 1 week with posttest throwing nearest and farthest 9.22 meters 14.27 meters with an average of 11.97 meters so posttest mean throwing ability is increased of 2,42 meters . c . The testing criteria can t = 5.90 , while t table 0.95 = 1.73 . So t = 5.90 > t table = 1.73 . Thus the weight training using pulleys no significant effect on the ability of throwing on activities esktrakurikuler 5Suggestions After the conclusion drawn from the results of action research , it can be put forward several suggestions in relation a) For sports fans in particular athletic throwing numbers use weight training using a pulley as a form of exercise , because the exercise no influence results discus throw . For athletes or students that aims to improve the ability of throwing according to the desired use weight training using a pulley . b ) For teachers of physical education and health in order to always be creative , innovative and active in providing other forms of exercise in athletic sports , especially throwing numbers . REFERENCES Ateng. 2003. Pembelajaran Bermain Anak. Jakarta Engkos Kosasih. 1985. Olahraga Teknik dan Program Latihan. Jakarta, Akademika

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