Ascendant Lord through Different Houses Posted on October 29, 2011 by venoastrology The position of the Ascendant Lord in the chart is very important, as it will show the main direction or area of activity the person pursues in life. Even if other houses are prominent in the chart, the position of the Ascendant Lord is the main outlet through which the person finds expression. 1st Lord in the 1st House The Ascendant lord placed in its own house strengthens the first house as it will also be occupying its own sign. The native’s life path will be primarily focused on developing their own unique individuality through their personality, appearance and self interests. Everything concerning themselves is of the utmost importance. They are very self-involved and self-reliant. The person is interested in achieving personal recognition, which if most factors are strong they will get easily. They have a high degree of self-importance, self-confidence and strong character. They live very self-centred lives and are quickly noticed by others. If the planet is afflicted one will suffer from identity and self esteem problems. There will be suffering in early childhood and health problems. 1st Lord in the 2nd House The 2nd house can be said to be similar to the sign of Taurus. This placement makes the native naturally resourceful. Their life path is strongly connected to second house matters such as speech, foods, family, knowledge, seeing/visionary capacity and wealth/financial affairs. The person possesses good foresight and is interested in acquiring money or gaining knowledge. They enjoy reading and study and can show interest in mathematics, astrology or poetry. They are attached to the family and find expression through their speech. They feel happy when they utilise their earning potential. 1st Lord in the 3rd House This shows a communicative and restless person. Life path is

Ascendant Lord

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Ascendant Lord through Different HousesPosted on October 29, 2011by venoastrology

The position of the Ascendant Lord in the chart is very important, as it will

show the main direction or area of activity the person pursues in life. Even

if other houses are prominent in the chart, the position of the Ascendant

Lord is the main outlet through which the person finds expression.

1st Lord in the 1st House

The Ascendant lord placed in its own house strengthens the first house as it

will also be occupying its own sign. The native’s life path will be primarily

focused on developing their own unique individuality through their

personality, appearance and self interests. Everything concerning

themselves is of the utmost importance. They are very self-involved and self-

reliant. The person is interested in achieving personal recognition, which if

most factors are strong they will get easily. They have a high degree of self-

importance, self-confidence and strong character. They live very self-

centred lives and are quickly noticed by others. If the planet is afflicted one

will suffer from identity and self esteem problems. There will be suffering in

early childhood and health problems.

1st Lord in the 2nd House

The 2nd house can be said to be similar to the sign of Taurus. This

placement makes the native naturally resourceful. Their life path is strongly

connected to second house matters such as speech, foods, family,

knowledge, seeing/visionary capacity and wealth/financial affairs. The

person possesses good foresight and is interested in acquiring money or

gaining knowledge. They enjoy reading and study and can show interest in

mathematics, astrology or poetry. They are attached to the family and find

expression through their speech. They feel happy when they utilise their

earning potential.

1st Lord in the 3rd House

This shows a communicative and restless person. Life path is connected to

self expression and communication. They are impulsive, courageous, proud

and possess a lot of motivation. They are highly independent and will have a

great deal of movement or short travels/ wanderings throughout life. They

possess either mental or physical dexterity and great curiosity. They can

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make good musicians, producers, organizers, sportsmen, dancers and

cooks. They generally have talent with their hands if Mercury is also well

placed in the chart. They have a strong desire nature and are acquisitive.

Younger siblings may play a prominent role in their destiny. Due to the 3rd

house association with writing and communication, these natives may

pursue writing, singing or public speaking.

1st Lord in the 4th House

This shows a person who is attached to the home, mother and their place of

birth. The mother or maternal relatives have a strong influence on the

person’s life. The person is interested in acquiring property, vehicles and

other possessions which come easily to them if the planets involved are well

placed. The 4th house is an emotional and secluded house making the

person highly emotional and secretive. As the 4th house is also a Moksha

house, the person may be interested in spiritual subjects, along with history

and classical education. The person tries to act from the heart. If there are

no afflictions this placement can give good and stable character. A powerful

Ascendant lord here can give popularity on a mass scale. Many celebrities

have this type of placement.

1st Lord in the 5th House

This gives a strong sense of destiny and life purpose. This is a highly

fortunate placement and shows a life destined to reap the karmic rewards of

the past. Creativity is important to the person and they may be a creative

artist, actor or creative writer. As the 5th house is the house of love, it

shows a person in the pursuit of true love. They are romantically inclined

and have a flirtatious and childlike nature. They get on well with children

and may find self fulfillment through their experiences with them. If the

horoscope is spiritually inclined, the native may become expert in spiritual

or occult practices, ritual and mantra. They have strong advisory capacity

and like to offer their advice. They make good students and are always

ready to learn. They may show an interest in speculation and are not afraid

to take risks. This placement can give a refined and spiritual nature or good


1st Lord in the 6th House

This placement indicates a militant and fighting spirit and shows a naturally

argumentative person. These natives only feel happy when they can be of

service to others. As the 6th House is an Upachaya House natives with this

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placement takes a long time to find themselves. They have to overcome

many obstacles, debts, enemies, diseases and competitors along the way.

The person may show a natural interest in health matters, hygiene or self-

improvement techniques. If the 1st house is much weaker than the 6th

house, the person may suffer many debilitating health problems. They are

absorbed in details and like routine, discipline and should adopt regular


1st Lord in the 7th House

This placement indicates a person interested in all types of

relationships/partnerships, especially marriage. They find themselves

through others, especially the marriage partner. They have a talent for

business due to their ability to handle people well. This is a very extroverted

placement and puts one in the public sphere.

1st Lord in the 8th House

As the 8th House is a Dusthana house, there will be difficulties in life, along

with a difficult or somewhat reclusive childhood. Much depends on how well

the planet in the 8th house is placed by sign and the aspects it receives

from other planets. The person is deeply investigative, has a great deal of

liveliness about them and is highly secretive. They are somewhat mysterious

for others to figure out. They may have psychic gifts and are interested in

the occult. They may possess strong sexual or hypnotic aura. If the 1st Lord

is weakened by other factors the person may have weak longevity, suffer

chronic illness and psychological imbalance. They may be the victim of acts

of violence or they themselves have a violent temperament. As the 8th

House signifies death and sudden endings the person has to explore issues

of death in life, along with many sudden and important transformational


1st Lord in the 9th House

The 9th House is a highly fortunate house and shows some kind of divine

protection or blessing on the person. They either live an enjoyable life on

the material plane or are highly spiritual, philosophical types. Their life

connects them to foreigners, travel and higher education. They have a

naturally inbuilt law of wisdom and can look at things from a very broad

perspective. They are interested in religion and enjoy higher knowledge.

They find good teachers and have talent for teaching others. This placement

can give a good, benevolent character and make one generous.

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1st Lord in the 10th House

The career is most important to this person, along with professional

achievement, status, fame and activities which effect society. It gives an

authoritative disposition and strong influence of the father figure on their

life. The person may find their career early in life. The person is very

hardworking and goal orientated. Career improves with time as the 10th

House is an Upachaya House. The personality and use of the body is directly

linked with the career. The person is conscious of how they appear in

public. If the house is strong the person will be highly respected.

1st Lord in the 11th House

This placement gives a highly ambitious nature and makes one interested in

finances and profits. They are always in pursuit of a particular goal. The

native mixes in wide social circles. They want to achieve things on a grand

scale. Their destiny connects them to groups, societies and cooperative

ventures. If the native is philosophically inclined they will be interested in

humanitarian concerns.

1st Lord in the 12th House

As this house is a Dusthana House one can expect a person with this

placement to experience some losses in life. They may have difficulty finding

themselves and can scatter their energies. They can be very unstable

characters. This placement can give an unhappy or lonely childhood, or one

may have been brought up in much seclusion. Periods of solitude and

relaxation are important to these natives and are essential for their sense of

wellbeing. They need to withdraw from the mainstream of life. Their

interest is directed towards spiritual concerns or other 12th house matters

including sex, indulgence, foreign travel, dream life and astral experiences.

They usually move far away from their place of birth. They can do much

charity. Their real purpose in life is to learn to give freely without expecting

reward. They may spend time in temples, charity organizations, hospitals,

even prison as the 12th house rules confinement. As the 12th house is a

hidden house personal recognition comes to these natives more as a

byproduct of their capacity for service and helpfulness. These natives will

often have a hard time finding where they belong until they begin to pursue

a spiritual path in life.