RESPECT Give respect Get respect C u s t o m e r A p p r o v e d J a r g o n F r e e with the Social Landlords Crime and Nuisance Group Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) A guide to approaching your neighbour ASB will be tackled not tolerated

ASB - A guide to approaching your neighbour

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ASB will be tackled not tolerated

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RESPECT Give respectGet respect


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with the Social Landlords Crime and Nuisance Group

Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB)

A guide to approaching your neighbour

ASB will be tackled not tolerated

Anti-Social Behaviour - A guide to approaching your neighbour2

Accessing our services

This leaflet gives you information about Anti-SocialBehaviour. If you would like a copy in large print, Braille, on audiotape or CD, please contact the Social Inclusion Team on 0161 474 2860, email: [email protected], text: 07891 949 399 or fax: 0161 474 2869.

Anti-Social Behaviour - A guide to approaching your neighbour 3


This guide is intended to help people who are experiencing problems with their neighbours. It offers practical advice and tips on how to best approach your neighbour to solve problems.

To contact Stockport Homes to report ASB during office hours, please contact your Area Housing Office on the numbers below:

East Area Housing Office 0161 474 4372 Fax: 0161 406 8377

West Area Housing Office 0161 474 4371 Fax: 0161 477 4879


Be courteous, calm and polite, as you are far more likely to receive a courteous response yourself.

• Chose a time that’s convenient for everyone. Avoid meal times or late at night.

• Try to create the right atmosphere to discuss the problem such as inviting your neighbour to discuss the problem over coffee.

Anti-Social Behaviour - A guide to approaching your neighbour4


• If you are on reasonable terms with your neighbour, and the nuisance involves loud noise, invite them round to your house to hear this.

• Describe the nuisance and be prepared to quote some examples of the disturbance if asked, particularly times and dates and how it affects you in your home or garden.

• Bring all the relevant issues into the open from the start. Keep to the relevant issues.

• Give them plenty of time to express their views. • You may need to accept that there may be something

that you do that causes your neighbour a problem too.• Listen carefully. • Accept difference on attitudes and ways of life.• Be open to suggestions for resolving the problem.• Come to an agreement that is suitable to all of you.• Make a compromise on both sides, the situation is a

shared problem. Take the view that together you can sort the problem out.

• Avoid exaggerating the problem. This will make your neighbour defensive and less likely to compromise with you.

• Make sure that when you approach your neighbour that you are safe at all times.

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Do not retaliate - this will only worsen the problem and increase tension with your neighbours, who may also complain to Stockport Homes. It will undermine any legal action that Stockport Homes may want to take on your behalf, even if you have a justified complaint.

• Do not go round when you are angry. • Do not wait until you are at the end of your tether. You will be angry and less likely to be willing to

compromise.• Never use threatening behaviour. If this is used

against you, walk away immediately. • Do not become involved in an argument or

retaliate if threatened. • Do not go round with the sole intention of getting

an apology and making them feel guilty and inadequate.

• Do not use the opportunity to drag up every other issue that you may have with your neighbours. Avoid raising past problems. Remember, you are trying to find a solution to a specific problem that you and your neighbours can live with, and are relying on your neighbour’s cooperation to achieve this.

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• Do not go round when the nuisance is occurring. They may not be in the best condition to appreciate your points of view. If they are hosting a party, they may be resentful of being embarrassed in front of their guests, or they may have been drinking. However, if you feel the situation is safe enough to approach your neighbours, limit your request to simply asking for the volume to be turned down, and call round on another occasion to discuss the incident as a whole.

• Avoid ganging-up on your neighbour. If other people are bothered by the same problem, ask one of them to accompany you.


If you go round on your own let someone know where you are going, how long you expect to be and arrange for them to call you on your mobile if you’re not back before a certain time.

If you don’t want to go round to the person’s property you could try and arrange to bump into them when they are in their garden, or look for them returning to their house.

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The other option is to write to them. Make sure you keep a copy for your records. It is useful evidence that you have tried to resolve the matter on your own and offered the perpetrator the opportunity to address the problem. It may be useful to Stockport Homes if they are involved in investigating your complaint and need to resort to legal action.

Before you approach your neighbour, it is important to think about the risk to your personal safety and property. If you feel frightened or intimidated by your neighbour and you are worried that they may be aggressive, approaching them to complain may not be the best option for you.

If your attempts to resolve the problem are unsuccessful, or you would like further advice, please contact your Area Housing Office. You can also report Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) out of office hours on 0161 474 3840Email: [email protected]

(For reporting only - in an emergency where there is a threat to life or a crime in progress, please contact Greater Manchester Police (GMP) on either 999 or 0161 872 5050.

Anti-Social Behaviour



Ref: 785/February 2011