Asanas or Exercises

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  • 7/29/2019 Asanas or Exercises



    'Asanas' in Sanskrit means posture. There are around 84 asanas - each one has a special

    name, special form and a distinct way of performing. Asanas are designed to promote, astate of mental and physical well-being or good health. This may be defined as the

    condition that is experienced when all the organs function effectively under the intelligentcontrol of the mind. Asanas have an extraordinary capacity to overhaul, rejuvenate and

    bring the entire system into a state of balance.


    Surya Namaskar

    Surya Namaskar means greeting or bowing the sun. Usually all sessions of Yogaasanas begin with the 'Surya Namaskar' or sun salutation. It nourishes and energizes

    the upper part of the body.

    Utthan Pada Asana (Leg Lifting Posture)

    'Utthan' means to raise up and 'Pada' means legs. In this posture the legs

    are lifted upwards. It strengthens the spinal code and removes disorders

    of the back.

    Paschimothan Asana (The Forward Bend)

    Paschimothan Asana also known as touching toes posture, means stretching

    the back. It brings flexibility and corrects disorders of the spine.

    Bhujanga Asana (The Cobra)

    'Bhujanga' means serpent or snake. This asana is named after the king of thesnakes, Cobra. It provides a youthful appearance and for women, makes child

    birth easy.

    Salabha Asana (The Locust)
  • 7/29/2019 Asanas or Exercises


    'Salabha' or locust is a type of grass hopper. It is a reverse of cobra posture. It

    is strenuous and can be practiced in parts at the initial stage. It favourably

    activates all the organs of the lower part of the body.

    Sarvanga Asana (The shoulder Stand)

    'Sarva' means all and 'Anga' means body, so Sarvanga is the posture of the whole

    body. As the whole body weight in this posture rests on the shoulders, it is alsocalled 'Shoulder Stand Posture'. It is a purifying, nourishing and energizing asana

    beneficial to the whole body.


    Matsya Asana is so called because in its perfect posture, one is supposed to

    float like a fish in water. It is beneficial to perform this asana after Sarvanga

    Asana. It has corrective effects for the neck and shoulder troubles.

    Dhanur Asana (The Bow Posture)

    The body form in this asana resembles a bow or 'dhanur'. It is one of the bestasana for activating and strengthening the joints of the body. It has some special

    benefits for women.

    Hala Asana (Plough Posture)

    The plow or Hala Asana is an extreme forward bending exercise. It hassome excellent benefits and occupies a very prominent place in asanas. It is

    a unique asana for gaining sexual powers.

    Shava Asana (Relaxation Posture)

    'Shava Asana' means posture of a dead body. Also known as 'Yoga Nidra'which means yogic method of sleep. It is an asana which claims to

    provide a satisfactory relaxation of both the body and the mind.