Asanas for doshas.doc

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  • 8/13/2019 Asanas for doshas.doc


    Good Asanas for the Doshic Types

    The following are generally good postures for the different doshic types, but again

    remember that the particularities of an individual's body structure and organic condition are moreimportant than the doshic type in asana practice.


    Key Words for Practice

    Calm, slow, steady,. grounding, strengthening and consistent


    !itting poses li"e lotus Pose #!iddhasana$, %iamond Pose #&arasana$, (ion Pose,


    !un !alutation done slowly and consciously.

    !tanding poses li"e the &r"sasana #Tree Pose$, Tri"onasana #Triangle$, &irabhadrasana

    #Warrior Poses$, Parighasana #)ate Pose$ and all standing forward bends. *nverted poses li"e +eadstand, &iparita"arani #a relaing inversion$.

    Cobras and (ocusts #simple bac" bending$, done consciously and carefully

    -orward bends of all types, especially anu !irsasana #head"nee forward bend$ and

    Paschimottanansana #full forward bend$.

    -etal position, Kurmasana #Tortoise$, Parivrtta anu !irsasana #turning head/"nee$, 0avasana#1oat Pose$, 2oga 3udra #2ogic !eal$.

    !pinal twists, especially lying twists, 1haradvaasana ** #!age Twist$, Pasasana #0oose twist$.

    Corpse pose4 vatas need to do a long and comfortable relaation of at least 56 minutes.


    Key Words for Practice Cooling, relaing, surrendering, forgiving, gentle, diffusive


    !itting postures in general, ecept lion Pose.

    3oon salutation #Chandra 0amas"ar$.

    !tanding poses, especially hips open poses li"e the Tree Pose, Tri"onasana #Triangle Pose$,

    and rdha Chandrasana #+alf 3oon$.

    (egs open standing forward bends li"e Prasarita Padottanasana * #etended spread legs$.

    !houlder stand,. &ipariti"arani, 1oat Pose, -ish Pose, Cobra Pose, 1ow Pose, -etal Pose

    ll sitting forward bends, especially 7pavistha Konasana, and Kurmasana #Tortoise$,


    Twists li"e rdha 3atsyendrasana 88 and 3aricyasana.

  • 8/13/2019 Asanas for doshas.doc


    2oga 3udra #2ogic !eal$, Corpse Pose.


    Key Words for Practice

    !timulating, moving, warming, lightening, energi9ing, releasing


    (ion pose or sitting poses with pranayama.

    !un salutation, strong vinyasas or 'umpings.' &irabhadrasana, 7tthita +asta Padangusthasana #etended hand toe$, 7rdhva Prasarita

    :"apadasana #etended foot above$, rdha Chandrasana #+alf 3oon$,

    %ownward %og #dho 3u"ha !vanasana$, 7pward %og #7rdhva 3u"ha !vanasana$.

    -ull inverted balancing poses li"e handstand #dho 3u"ha &r"sasana$, Pinca 3ayurasana

    #Peacoc" -eather pose$.

    +eadstand and shoulder stand with variations. Plow pose, all bac"bends li"e 7pward 1ow Pose, Camel Pose #7strasana$, and (ocust Pose,

    athara Parivartanasana #lligator Twist$ or 3aricyasana followed by a short !avasana.

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