As OCR Mechanics questions

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  • 7/24/2019 As OCR Mechanics questions


    1. Draw a line from each unit on the left-hand side to the correct equivalent unit on theright-hand side.

    j o u l e ( J )

    k g m s 2

    w a t t ( W )


    n e w t o n ( )

    J s !

    "#otal 2 marks$

    2. #his question is a%out estimating the &ressure e'erted % a &erson wearing shoesstanding on a floor see the figure %elow.

    (i) *stimate the weight in newtons of a &erson.

    weight + ......................................................


    Villiers High School 1

  • 7/24/2019 As OCR Mechanics questions


    (ii) *stimate the total area of contact in square metres %etween the shoes of this&erson and the floor.

    area + .................................................... m2


    (iii) ,ence estimate the &ressure in &ascals e'erted % this &erson standing on thefloor.

    &ressure + .................................................... a


    "#otal marks$

    3. #he figure %elow shows two masses Aand Btied to the ends of a length of string. #hestring &asses over a &ulle. #he mass Ais held at rest on the floor.

    B! . / 0 k g

    A! . 2 0 k g

    2 . 1 0 m

    f l o o r

    & u l l e

    #he mass Ais !.20 kg and the mass Bis !./0 kg.

    Villiers High School 2

  • 7/24/2019 As OCR Mechanics questions


    (a) alculate the weight of mass B.

    weight + ......................................................


    (%) 3ass Bis initiall at rest at a height of 2.10 m a%ove the floor. 3ass Ais then

    released. 3ass Bhas a constant downward acceleration of !.04 m s2

    . 5ssumethat air resistance and the friction %etween the &ulle and the string arenegligi%le.

    (i) 6n terms of forces e'&lain wh the acceleration of the mass Bis less thanthe acceleration of free fall g.




    (ii) alculate the time taken for the mass Bto fall !.70 m.

    time + ...................................................... s


    (iii) alculate the velocit of mass Bafter falling !.70 m.

    velocit + ................................................ m s!


    Villiers High School 3

  • 7/24/2019 As OCR Mechanics questions


    (iv) 3ass Bhits the floor at a s&eed of 2.78 m s!

    . 6t reboundswith a s&eed of

    !./0 m s!

    . #he time of contact with the floor is .0 9 !02

    s. alculate themagnitude of the average acceleration of mass Bduring its im&act with thefloor.

    acceleration + ................................................ m s2


    "#otal 4 marks$

    4. 5 lift has a mass of /00 kg. 6t is designed to carr a ma'imum of 1 &eo&le of total mass

    /:0 kg. #he lift is su&&orted % a steel ca%le of cross-sectional area .1 9 !07


    When the lift is at ground floor level the ca%le is at its ma'imum length of !70 m as

    shown in the figure %elow. #he mass &er unit length of the ca%le is .0 kg m!



    g r o u n d f l o o r

    l i f t s h a f t

    s t e e l c a % l e

    ! 7 0 m

    Villiers High School 4

  • 7/24/2019 As OCR Mechanics questions


    (a) ;how that the mass of the !70 m long steel ca%le is 720 kg.


    (%) (i) #he lift with its 1 &assengers is stationar at the ground floor level. #he

    initial u&ward acceleration of the lift and the ca%le is !.1 m s2

    . ;how that

    the maximumtension in the ca%le at &oint Pis !.8 9 !07.


    (ii) alculate the ma'imum stress in the ca%le.

    stress + .................................................... a


    "#otal 8 marks$

    Villiers High School 5

  • 7/24/2019 As OCR Mechanics questions


    5. 5n electron in a &article accelerator e'&eriences a constant force. 5ccording to onestudent the acceleration of the electron should remain constant %ecause the ratio offorce to mass does not change. 6n realit e'&eriments show that the acceleration of theelectron decreases as its velocit increases. Descri%e what can %e deduced from suche'&eriments a%out the nature of accelerated electrons.





    "#otal 2 marks$

    6. #he figure %elow shows the velocit vector for a &article moving at an angle of !< tothe hori=ontal.

    ! n the figure a%ove show the hori=ontal (x-direction) and vertical (y-direction)com&onents of the velocit.


    Villiers High School 6

  • 7/24/2019 As OCR Mechanics questions


    (ii) alculate the hori=ontal (x-direction) com&onent of the velocit.

    velocit + ................................................ m s!


    "#otal marks$

    7. #he figure %elow shows a shi& S%eing &ulled % two tug-%oats.

    / / n the figure a%ove draw an arrow to show the direction of the acceleration ofthe water at &oint P.(3ark this arrow A).


    (%) Descri%e the energ conversion that takes &lace as the water travels from theend of the hose &i&e to the ground.

    I yo!r "s#er$ yo! sho!l% !se "&&ro&ri"te techic"l terms$ s&elle% correctly'






    Villiers High School 22

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    (c) *'&lain wh the hori=ontal com&onent of the velocit remains constant at

    8.0 m s!






    (d) ;how that the water takes a%out 0./ s to travel from the end of the &i&e to theground.


    (e) ;how that the s&eed of the water when it hits the ground is 1.: m s!.

    "$"#otal 1 marks$

    Villiers High School 23

  • 7/24/2019 As OCR Mechanics questions


    19. Define the e#to.



    "#otal ! mark$

    20. ;tate wh the equation G) + m" cannot %e a&&lied to &articles travelling at s&eeds verclose to the s&eed of light.



    "#otal ! mark$

    21. #he figure %elow shows the hori=ontal forces acting on a car of mass 400 kg when it istravelling at a &articular velocit on a level road.

    #he total forward force %etween the tres and the road is 200 and the air resistance(drag) is 10 .

    Villiers High School 24

  • 7/24/2019 As OCR Mechanics questions


    (i) alculate the acceleration of the car.

    acceleration + ................................................ m s2


    (ii) *'&lain wh we cannot use the equation v + ! "t to &redict the velocit of thecar at a later time even when the forward force is constant.




    "#otal marks$

    Villiers High School 25

  • 7/24/2019 As OCR Mechanics questions


    22. #he figure %elow shows a &erson %eing lifted verticall u&wards % a ro&e.

    * r o & e

    #he mass of the &erson is 82 kg. #he u&ward vertical acceleration of the &erson is

    !.7 m s2

    .alculate the tension * in the ro&e.

    * + ......................................................

    "#otal marks$

    23. Define tor(!e o+ " co!&le.



    "#otal ! mark$

    Villiers High School 26

  • 7/24/2019 As OCR Mechanics questions


    24. (a) *'&lain wh momet o+ " +orce and tor(!e o+ " co!&le have the same unit m.




    (%) #he figure %elow shows an irregular sha&ed metal &late of constant thicknessthat can swing freel a%out &oint P.


    0 . 0 m

    0 . 7 0 m

    : . 0

    (i) #he weight of the &late is :.0 . With the &late in the &osition as shown in

    the figure calculate the clockwise moment of the weight of the &late a%outan a'is through &oint P.

    moment + .................................................. m


    Villiers High School 27

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    (ii) *'&lain wh the moment of the weight reduces to =ero when the &latereaches the %ottom of the swing.




    "#otal marks$

    25. Descri%e an e'&eriment to determine the centre of gravit of the metal &late shown inthe figure %elow.


    0 . 0 m

    0 . 7 0 m

    : . 0






    "#otal marks$

    Villiers High School 28

  • 7/24/2019 As OCR Mechanics questions


    26. #he figure %elow shows a section of the human forearm in equili%rium.

    o % j e c t

    % i c e &

    e l % o w

    ! 7 c m

    . / c m

    2 c m ! 1

    : 0


    #he weight of the o%ject in the hand is :0 . #he centre of gravit of this o%ject is2 cm from the el%ow. #he %ice& &rovides an u&ward force of magnitude ). #hedistance %etween the line of action of this force and the el%ow is ./ cm. #he weight ofthe forearm is !1 . #he distance %etween the centre of gravit of the forearm and theel%ow is !7 cm.

    H taking moments a%out the el%ow determine the magnitude of the force ) &rovided% the %ice&.

    ) + ......................................................

    "#otal marks$

    Villiers High School 29

  • 7/24/2019 As OCR Mechanics questions


    27. #he figure %elow shows a 20 force acting at an angle of 1< to the hori=ontal.

    1 ne &ossi%le reason wh our answer to (c)(i) is smaller than the acce&ted

    value of 4.1! m s2

    is the reaction time of the student. ;tate another reason

    wh the answer is smaller than 4.1! m s2





    "#otal 8 marks$

    Villiers High School 38

  • 7/24/2019 As OCR Mechanics questions


    38. 5 skdiver jum&s from a stationar hot-air %alloon several kilometres a%ove the ground.

    (a) 6n terms of acceleration and forces e'&lain the motion of the skdiver

    immediate$&after jum&ing ...............................................................................






    at a time be'oreterminal velocit is reached ...................................................






    atterminal velocit. ..........................................................................................







    Villiers High School 39

  • 7/24/2019 As OCR Mechanics questions


    (%) 6n the final stage of the fall the skdiver is falling through air at a constant s&eed.#he skdivers kinetic energ does not change even though there is a decreasein the gravitational &otential energ. ;tate what ha&&ens to this loss ofgravitational &otential energ.




    (c) #he figure %elow shows a sketch gra&h of the variation of the velocit v of theskdiver with time t.

    v C m s

    t C s

    / 0

    2 /


    02 0! 00

    - !

    ;uggest the changes to the gra&h of the figure a%ove if an for a more massive(heavier) skdiver of the same sha&e.






    "#otal 4 marks$

    39. Define #ork %oe % a force.



    "#otal 2 marks$

    Villiers High School 40

  • 7/24/2019 As OCR Mechanics questions


    40. Define&o#er.



    "#otal ! mark$

    41. *'&lain wh the efficienc of a mechanical device can never %e !00@.



    "#otal ! mark$

    42. 5 car has a total mass of 1!0 kg. 6ts s&eed changes from =ero to 0 m s!

    in a time of!2 s.

    (i) alculate the change in the kinetic energ of the car.

    change in kinetic energ + ....................................................... J


    Villiers High School 41

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    (ii) alculate the average &ower generated % the car engine. 5ssume that the&ower generated % the engine of the car is entirel used in increasing the kineticenerg of the car.

    &ower + ......................................................W


    (iii) #he actual efficienc of the car is 2/@. #he car takes !1 kg of &etrol to fill its

    tank. #he energ &rovided &er kilogram of &etrol is 7: 3J kg!

    . #he drag force

    acting on the car at a constant s&eed of 0 m s!

    is /00 .

    ! alculate the work done against the drag force &er second.

    work done &er second + .................................................. J s!


    Villiers High School 42

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    2 alculate the total distance the car can travel on a full tank of &etrol when

    travelling at a constant s&eed of 0 m s!


    distance + ......................................................m


    "#otal 8 marks$

    43. #he figure %elow shows a wooden %lock motionless on an inclined ram&.

    % l o c kr a m &


    #he angle %etween the ram& and the hori=ontal is -.

    (i) #he weight , of the %lock is alread shown on the figure. om&lete the diagram% showing the normal contact (reaction) force . and the frictional force ) actingon the %lock


    (ii) Write an equation to show how ) is related to , and -'




    "#otal marks$

    Villiers High School 43

  • 7/24/2019 As OCR Mechanics questions


    44. #he figure %elow shows a kitchen cu&%oard securel mounted to a vertical wall. #hecu&%oard rests on a su&&ort at A.

    w a l l


    s u & & o r t

    s c r e w

    c u & % o a r d

    8 / c m

    ! 2 c m

    2 0 0


    #he total weight of the cu&%oard and its contents is 200 . #he line of action of itsweight is at a distance of !2 cm from A. #he screw securing the cu&%oard to the wall isat a vertical distance of 8/ cm from A.

    (i) ;tate the &rinci&le of moments.

    I yo!r "s#er$ yo! sho!l% !se "&&ro&ri"te techic"l terms$ s&elle% correctly'





    Villiers High School 44

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    (ii) #he direction of the force ) &rovided % the screw on the cu&%oard is hori=ontalas shown in the figure a%ove. #ake moments a%out A. Determine the value of ).

    ) + ......................................................


    (iii) #he cross-sectional area under the head of the screw in contact with the

    cu&%oard is :.0 9 !0/

    m2. alculate the &ressure on the cu&%oard under the

    screw head.

    &ressure + .....................................................a


    (iv) ;tate and e'&lain how our answer to (iii) would change if at all if the samescrew was secured much closer to A.





    "#otal 1 marks$

    Villiers High School 45

  • 7/24/2019 As OCR Mechanics questions


    45. 6n Be%ruar !444 5;5 launched its ;tardust s&acecraft on a mission to collect dust

    &articles from the comet #em&el !. 5fter a journe of /.0 9 !0!2

    m that took :.4 ears;tardust returned to *arth with sam&les of the dust &articles em%edded in a s&eciallow-densit gel. When a dust &article hits the gel it %uries itself in the gel creating a

    cone-sha&ed track as shown in the figure %elow. #he length of the track is t&icall 200times the diameter of the dust &article.

    g e l

    c o n e - s h a & e d t r a c k

    n o t t o s # a $ e

    (a) alculate the average s&eed in m s!

    of ;tardust during its voage.

    s&eed + .................................................m s!


    Villiers High School 46

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    (%) alculate the average sto&&ing force &roduced % the gel for a dust &article of

    diameter 0.80 mm and mass 7.0 9 !0:

    kg travelling at a velocit of

    :.! 9 !0m s

    !relative to ;tardust.

    force + .......................................................


    "#otal / marks$

    46. >n the a'es of the figure %elow sketch a stress against strain gra&h for a t&ical ductilematerial.

    s t r e s s


    s t r a i n0

    "#otal 2 marks$

    47. ircle from the list %elow a material that is ductile.

    jell co&&er ceramic glass

    "#otal ! mark$

    Villiers High School 47

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    48. Define !ltim"te tesile stregth of a material.



    "#otal ! mark$

    49. ;tate Hooke/s l"#.



    "#otal ! mark$

    50. #he figure %elow shows a mechanism for firing a ta%le tennis %all verticall into the air.

    % a l l & l a t f o r m

    s & r i n g

    & l a t e

    & u l l a n d r e l e a s et o f i r e % a l l

    s & r i n g f i ' e dt o & l a t e

    Villiers High School 48

  • 7/24/2019 As OCR Mechanics questions


    #he s&ring has a force constant of 8/ m!

    . #he %all is &laced on the &latform at theto& of the s&ring.

    (i) #he s&ring is com&ressed % 0.01/ m % &ulling the &latform. alculate the forcee'erted % the com&ressed s&ring on the %all immediate$&after the s&ring isreleased. 5ssume %oth the s&ring and the &latform have negligi%le mass.

    force + .......................................................


    (ii) #he mass of the %all is 2./ 9 !0

    kg. alculate the initial acceleration of the %all.

    acceleration + .................................................m s2


    Villiers High School 49

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    (iii) alculate the ma'imum height that could %e gained % the %all. 5ssume all theelastic &otential energ of the s&ring is converted into gravitational &otentialenerg of the %all.

    height + ......................................................m


    "#otal : marks$

    51. (i) Define s&ee%of an o%ject. *'&lain how ou would determine the constant s&eedof a conker at the end of length of string %eing whirled in a hori=ontal circle.










    (ii) Define velocityof an o%ject.

    I yo!r "s#er$ yo! sho!l% !se "&&ro&ri"te techic"l terms$ s&elle% correctly'




    Villiers High School 50

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    (iii) H reference to s&eed and velocit e'&lain the difference %etween a scalarquantit and a vector quantit using as an e'am&le the terms s&ee%and velocity.






    "#otal : marks$

    52. Big. ! shows a long ro&e that is tied at one end to a high su&&ort. 5 girl swings forwards

    and %ackwards across a &ool using the other end of the ro&e.

    B A

    s u & & o r t

    r o & e

    Fig. 1

    Villiers High School 51

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    Big.2 shows the variation with time t of the dis&lacementx of the girl fromA to B and %ack to A.

    2 . /

    2 . 0

    ! . /

    ! . 0

    0 . /

    00 ! . 0 2 . 0 . 0 7 . 0 / . 0 : . 0

    x C m

    tC s

    Fig. 2

    (i) ;tate what the gradient of the gra&h re&resents and e'&lain wh the gra&h shows%oth &ositive and negative gradients.






    (ii) 3ark on Big.2 with a cross a &osition where the s&eed of the girl is =ero(la%el this ().


    Villiers High School 52

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    (iii) !. *'&lain how ou can determine using Bigure 2 that the ma'imum s&eed of the

    girl is a%out !.7ms!





    2. *stimate the uncertaint in the value of the ma'imum s&eed o%tained in thiswa.





    "#otal / marks$

    53. (a) Define "cceler"tio.



    Villiers High School 53

  • 7/24/2019 As OCR Mechanics questions


    (%) 5n aircraft of total mass !./ 9 !0/kg accelerates at ma'imum thrust from the

    engines from rest along a runwa for 2/ s reaching the required take-off s&eed

    of :/ m s!


    5ssume that the acceleration of the aircraft is constant. alculate

    (i) the net force acting on the aircraft to &roduce this acceleration

    force + .....................................


    (ii) the distance travelled % the aircraft in this time.

    distance + ................................. m


    (c) 5t a &articular air&ort the length of the runwa for the same take-off s&eed is lessthan our answer in (%)(iii). ;tate and e'&lain what change could %e made to theaircraft to ena%le it to reach the required take-off s&eed on this shorter runwa.






    "#otal 1 marks$

    Villiers High School 54

  • 7/24/2019 As OCR Mechanics questions


    54. (a) Define

    (i) &o#er




    (ii) a o!le'




    (%) 5 force )acts on an o%ject. #he o%ject moves at an angle M to this force. *'&lainwh the work done ,% the force in the direction of motion of the o%ject is notjust

    ,+ )x

    %ut is equal to

    ,+ )xcos-

    6n our answer ou should use a&&ro&riate technical terms s&elled correctl.




    "#otal marks$

    Villiers High School 55

  • 7/24/2019 As OCR Mechanics questions


    55. #he diagram %elow shows a &art of a fairground ride with a carriage on rails.

    3 0 o

    3 . 9 m

    #he carriage of mass /00 kg is travelling towards a slo&e inclined at 0< to thehori=ontal. #he carriage has a kinetic energ of 2/ kJ at the %ottom of the slo&e. #hecarriage comes to rest after travelling u& the slo&e to a vertical height of .4 m.

    (i) ;how that the gravitational &otential energ gained % the carriage is !4 kJ.


    (ii) alculate the total work done against the resistive forces as the carriage movesu& the slo&e.

    work done + ........................................... kJ


    Villiers High School 56

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    (iii) alculate the magnitude of the resistive force acting against the carriage as itmoves u& the slo&e.

    resistive force + .......................................


    "#otal / marks$

    56. (a) ;tate ,ookes law.




    Villiers High School 57

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    (%) #he diagram %elow shows the variation of the a&&lied force ) with the e'tensionx for a &articular s&ring.

    ' o r # e ) *

    e x t e n s i o n )

    x + x 1 0 , 3 m -

    ! 2

    ! 0





    00 2 0 7 0 : 0 1 0 ! 0 0

    (i) ?se the diagram to determine the force constant of the s&ring.

    force constant + .................................. m!


    Villiers High School 58

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    (ii) Determine the elastic &otential energ stored in the s&ring when a force of20 is a&&lied.

    energ stored + ......................................... J


    (iii) ;tate one assum&tion made in our calculation of the energ in (ii).




    (iv) #he energ stored in the s&ring is used to &ro&el a metal %all of mass mhori=ontall. #here is !00@ transfer of energ from the s&ring to the %all.;how how the s&eed v of the metal %all is &ro&ortional to the e'tensionxof

    the s&ring. Bind the constant of &ro&ortionalit.





    "#otal 4 marks$

    Villiers High School 59

  • 7/24/2019 As OCR Mechanics questions


    57. *'&lain the following terms in relation to motion of a road vehicle.

    (i) r"kig %ist"ce




    (ii) thikig %ist"ce




    "#otal 2 marks$

    58. 5 car of mass 100 kg is travelling at a s&eed of 20 m s!

    . alculate

    (i) the kinetic energ of the car

    kinetic energ + ......................................... J


    (ii) the deceleration of the car when the %raking distance is 27 m.

    deceleration + ...................................... m s2


    "#otal 7 marks$

    Villiers High School 60

  • 7/24/2019 As OCR Mechanics questions


    59. Descri%e in terms of the forces acting on the driver how wearing a seat %elt and havingan air%ag in a car can hel& to &rotect the driver from injur in a head on collision.








    "#otal 7 marks$

    Villiers High School 61

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  • 7/24/2019 As OCR Mechanics questions


    (%) #he diagram %elow shows a com&uter resting on a ta%leto& that is hinged at&oint A.

    0 . 1 0 m

    c o m & u t e r

    t a % l e t o &

    2 0 0

    0 . 2 / m


    5 H

    #he ta%leto& has a mass of /.0 kg and its centre of gravit is 0.70 m from the a'isof the hinge A. #he com&uter has a weight of 200 acting through a &oint 0.2/m from the hinge A. #he ta%leto& is su&&orted to maintain it in a hori=ontal&osition % a force ) acting verticall at B. #he distance 5H is 0.10 m.

    alculate the force ) a&&lied at B that is required to maintain the ta%leto& inequili%rium.

    force ) + ..................................................


    (c) *'&lain wh the force ) and the 200 force shown in the figure a%ove cannot %ea cou&le.




    "#otal : marks$

    Villiers High School 63

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    62. (a) Define the o!g mo%!l!sof a material.




    (%) *'&lain wh the quantit strain has no units.




    "#otal 2 marks$

    63. (a) *'&lain what is meant % a %rittle material.




    (%) Define the ultimate tensile strength of a material. ;uggest wh an engineerdesigning a sus&ension %ridge should know the value of this quantit for all hismaterials.




    "#otal marks$

    Villiers High School 64

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    64. #he figure %elow shows the &ath of a %all thrown from Aand &assing through &ositionsB %and .

    #he %all is thrown from Awith a velocit v. 5 vector arrow on the figure. re&resents themagnitude and direction of the velocit of the %all at A.

    (a) >n the figure draw arrows to re&resent the hori=ontal and vertical com&onents ofthe velocit of the %all at A.


    (%) ;tate how the com&onents of the velocit of the %all at B %and com&are withthe com&onents at A. 5ssume air resistance is negligi%le.

    (i) #he vertical com&onent at B ............................................................

    #he hori=ontal com&onent at B .........................................................


    (ii) #he vertical com&onent at % ...............................................................

    #he hori=ontal com&onent at % .........................................................


    (iii) #he vertical com&onent at ............................................................

    #he hori=ontal com&onent at .........................................................


    Villiers High School 65

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    (c) *'&lain the answers ou have given for the com&onents of the velocit of the %allat &ositions B %and .








    "#otal 1 marks$

    65. *'&lain with reference to a car the quantities

    (i) r"kig +orce





    (ii) r"kig %ist"ce'




    "#otal 2 marks$

    Villiers High School 66

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    66. 5 car of mass !10 kg travelling at !.! m s!

    is %rought to rest % the %rakes in71.2 m. alculate

    (i) the initial kinetic energ of the car

    kinetic energ + .............................. J


    (ii) the average deceleration of the car

    deceleration + .............................. m s2


    (iii) the average %raking force.

    %raking force + ..............................


    "#otal 8 marks$

    67. Define the quantities

    (i) #ork



    Villiers High School 67

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    (ii) &o#er.




    "#otal 2 marks$

    68. #he figure %elow shows a crane that is used to move heav o%jects.

    #he motor in the crane lifts a total mass of !/00 kg through a height of 2/ m at a

    constant velocit of !.: m s!



    (i) the tension in the lifting ca%le

    tension + ..............................


    (ii) the time taken for the mass to %e raised through the height of 2/ m

    time + .............................. s


    Villiers High School 68

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    (iii) the rate of gain of &otential energ of the mass

    rate of gain of &otential energ + .............................. J s!


    (iv) the minimum out&ut &ower of the motor used to raise the mass.

    &ower + .............................. W


    "#otal 8 marks$

    69. Define

    (i) the mometof a force




    (ii) the tor(!eof a cou&le.




    "#otal marks$

    Villiers High School 69

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    70. #he figure %elow shows a uniform rectangular %eam su&&orted % two stra&s. #he%eam is in equili%rium.

    0 . / 0 m

    w e i g h t + : 0 0

    A B

    3 2

    ! . 0 m

    7 . 0 m

    #he weight of the %eam is :00 and its length is 7.0 m. #he stra& Ais &ositioned0./0 m from one end of the %eam and the stra& Bis &ositioned !.0 m from the otherend.

    (i) 1 ?se the &rinci&le of moments to show that the u&ward forceat stra& 5 is!770 .


    2 ,ence determine the force at the stra& B.

    force + ..............................


    (ii) Discuss whether the forcesand &rovide a cou&le.






    Villiers High School 70

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    (iii) #he area of stra& Ain contact with the underside of the %eam is 2. !02


    alculate the average &ressure e'erted on the %eam % stra& A.

    &ressure + .............................. unit ..............................

    "$"#otal 4 marks$

    71. Define the quantities

    (i) stress



    (ii) str"i'



    "#otal 2 marks$

    72. #he results given in the ta%le %elow are o%tained in an e'&eriment to determine theEoung modulus of a metal in the form of a wire. #he wire is loaded in ste&s of /.0 u& to 2/.0 and then unloaded.

    loading unloading

    load C e'tension C mm e'tension Cmm

    0.0 0.00 0.00

    /.0 0.27 0.27

    !0.0 0.78 0.71

    !/.0 0.8! 0.8!

    20.0 0.4: 0.4/

    2/.0 !.20 !.20

    Villiers High School 71

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    (i) ?sing the results in the ta%le and without &lotting a gra&h state and e'&lainwhether the deformation of the wire

    1 is &lastic or elastic





    2 o%es ,ookes law.





    (ii) *'&lain how the e'tension and length of the wire ma %e determinede'&erimentall.






    (iii) #he wire tested is !.82 m long and has a cross-sectional area of !.10 !08


    ?se the e'tension value given in the ta%le for a load of 2/.0 to calculate theEoung modulus of the metal of the wire.

    Eoung modulus + .............................. a


    "#otal 1 marks$

    Villiers High School 72

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    73. 6n this question two marks are availa%le for the qualit of written communication.

    Helow is a gra&h of the dis&lacement against time for the motion of a radio-controlledmodel car.

    0 / ! 0 ! / 2 00

    ! 0

    d i s & l a c e m e n t

    C m

    t i m e C s

    2 0


    ?se the gra&h to descri%e and e'&lain without calculation

    Villiers High School 73

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    (a) how the velocit changes from time t+ 0 to time t+ 20 s














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    (%) how the acceleration changes from time t+ 0 to time t+ 20 s.














    Oualit of Written ommunication "2$

    "#otal !! marks$

    74. 5 cham&ion H3P cclist wishes to %ecome a &rofessional and seeks hel& from an 5-level hsics student in creating an act. #he student suggests two stuntsQ one involvinga hori=ontal take-off on to a slo&ing ram& and the other involving a loo&-the-loo&manoeuvre.

    (a) #he student %egins % finding out the ma'imum s&eed the cclist can &roduce onlevel ground. #wo flags are &ositioned 270 m a&art on a flat road. #he cclist is

    told to accelerate to the first flag and to &edal as hard as he can until the secondflag is &assed. #his is shown in Big. !

    2 7 0 m

    Fig. 1

    Villiers High School 75

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    #he student gets the cclist to re&eat the test three times and records thefollowing resultsF

    !7.1 s !8.2 s !/.: s

    ;how that the mean s&eed the cclist can maintain over the 270 m is a%out

    !/ m s!



    (%) #he student designs the stunt shown in Big. 2 where the cclist must take off at

    !/ m s!

    from a hori=ontal launch &ad and land smoothl just at the edge of aslo&ing ram&.

    l a u n c h & a d

    r a m &

    g r o u n d7 / ne valuehas %een given.

    energ at the to& C J energ at the %ottom C J

    gravitational &otential energof jum&er


    kinetic energ of jum&er

    elastic &otential energ ofelastic ro&e


    Villiers High School 95

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    (%) #he elastic ro&e %eing used has an unstretched length of /0 m and s&ring

    constant of 27 m!

    . alculate the tension in the ro&e when the jum&er sto&s atthe %ottom.

    tension + ....................................................


    (c) Bor a ro&e o%eing ,ookes law show that the elastic &otential energ stored inthe ro&e is given %

    E + 2



    where k is the elastic s&ring constant andx is the e'tension.


    (d) (i) 5nother jum&er has a mass of !00 kg. Bor this %ungee jum& a ro&e of

    unstretched length 7/ m and a s&ring constant 2:.8 m!

    is used. ;howthat this data is valid for the same !/0 m fall %efore sto&&ing for the firsttime.


    Villiers High School 96

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    (ii) 6n fact the ro&e used % the second jum&er is a shorter length of the ro&eused % the first jum&er. *'&lain wh the s&ring constant for the shorterro&e is larger.





    "#otal 4 marks$

    89. #he figure %elow illustrates a conveor %elt for trans&orting oung children u& a snow-covered %ank so that the can ski %ack down.

    Villiers High School 97

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    5 child of mass 20 kg travels u& the conveor %elt at a constant s&eed. #he distancetravelled u& the slo&e is 27 m and the time taken is // s. #he vertical height clim%ed inthis time is 7.0 m.

    (a) Bor the child on the conveor %elt calculate

    (i) her s&eed

    s&eed + ............................ m s!


    (ii) her kinetic energ

    kinetic energ + ............................ J


    (iii) the increase in her &otential energ for the com&lete journe u& the slo&e.

    &otential energ + ............................ J


    (%) (i) #he conveor %elt is designed to take a ma'imum of !/ children at an onetime. alculate the &ower needed to lift !/ children of average mass 20 kgthrough a height of 7.0 m in // s.

    &ower + ............................ W


    (ii) #he %elt is driven % an electric motor. ;tate toreasons wh the motorneeds a greater out&ut &ower than that calculated in +b-+i-.






    "#otal !0 marks$

    Villiers High School 98

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    90. (i) Define velocity'




    (ii) Define "cceler"tio'




    "#otal 2 marks$

    Villiers High School 99

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    91. Big. ! shows a ruler clam&ed at one end. 5 mass is attached to the other end of theruler and is then made to oscillate u& and down.


    Am a s s

    Fig. 1

    Big. 2 shows the variation with time tof the velocit vof the mass as it oscillates fromAto Band %ack to A.

    7 . 0

    2 . 0

    v C c m s

    0 0 . 2 0 0 . 1 00 . ! 0 0 . 2 0 0 . 0 0 . 7 0 0 . / 0 0 . : 0 0 . 8 0 0 . 1 0

    A B At C s

    7 . 0

    2 . 0


    Fig. 2

    (i) Bor the gra&h shown in Big. 2 state what is re&resented %

    ! the area %etween the gra&h and the time a'is



    2 the gradient of the gra&h at a &articular time.



    Villiers High School 100

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    (ii) ?se Big. 2 to determine the distance travelled % the mass from time t+ 0 totime t+ 0.20 s.

    distance + ............................ cm


    (iii) ?se Big. 2 to descri%e how the acceleration of the mass varies as the massmoves from Ato B.






    (iv) ?se Big. 2 to calculate the average acceleration of the mass %etweent+ 0.2/ s and t+ 0.// s.

    acceleration + ............................ cm s2


    "#otal 1 marks$

    92. (i) Define&ress!re'




    Villiers High School 101

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    (ii) Define momet o+ " +orce.





    "#otal 2 marks$

    93. (a) #he figure %elow shows a device used for com&ressing materials.

    1 0 m m ! 2 0 m m

    + 2 0

    l e v e r a r m& l u n g e r

    c r u s h e d m a t e r i a l

    c l i n d e r

    c r o s s - s e c t i o n a l

    a r e a

    7 . 0 ' ! 0 m 2



    5 vertical force Fof 20 is a&&lied at one end of a lever sstem. #he lever is&ivoted a%out a hinge . #he &lunger com&resses the material in the clinder.

    (i) #wo forces acting on the lever arm are its weight and the force F. >n thefigure a%ove draw and la%el toother forces acting on the lever arm.


    (ii) H taking moments a%out show that the force acting on the &lunger is1 . #he weight of the lever arm ma %e neglected.


    Villiers High School 102

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    (%) (i) #he cross-sectional area of the &lunger is 7.0 !0

    m2. alculate the

    &ressure e'erted % the &lunger on the material in the clinder.

    &ressure + ............................ a


    (ii) ;tate tomethods of increasing the &ressure e'erted % the &lunger.








    "#otal 1 marks$

    94. #he figure %elow shows three ro&es attached to a ring . #hree clinders x &and are su&&orted % these ro&es from two &ulles.





    : 0 / + 7 / 0

    4 0