f, :J'Vl , ' rr, HiJl"1[ ...J \ C(]riING L Nov.13 ... STUDENTS GET N.EW CONCEPT I I OF PERSONALITY j ! F' I -' f < - '-., " , , I MRS. MYHTLE PHILIPS OF 0 1 P.W.A. APPROPRIATION ENLARGES BUILDING PROGRAM : ,m;,: .. j '. "'-..' ! ARlJ SPEAKS AT RmULAR . I 'i V'ie are very gl&d to DAY -"JITI'I II If 1/ II __ announce thbt our build- I F:"Ctt ' j/ I, f] 17 --t 'ff i ing program will begin in . Mrs. Myrtle f .. _"" i! i ' r I .. the very nee::: future. professor ln ed- t,Lttf: . J;,-:; ! I I iijj &J±I The progre.m lncludes ex- ucation nnd director of ", t :, penditures of nee.rly , \'''. ,'I · practice te aching at How- 1_) ,/ ' ' ",,') ,,' $300,000. The Federtcl ard University, in a stir- 1 Governme:nt through the ring messag e, portrayed in f 'i . >*1{--- ;t t ,: : :0, P. Vi. A. recently mude a speech a nd mm1Iler the.t grant of $1]2,545 to our m,mic personality needed BOVHE HAS RECOED iflSti tution. Thi::; a- for succ e ssful te a ching, ENROLLMENT mount will be added to the at th8 regular assembly State approprivtion of exercises on Friday, Oct- When the school doors $162,000. The architect 9ber 22. were reopened this fall tho has prHctically completed Decl a ring that D. def- l [j .rge st freshman class in the the plans for our build- inition of successful . history of our school wes ad- ings: a new dining room teaching must be agreed up- mitted. The fresrilllan roster and kitchen vdth cafe- on at the outs e t, Mrs. consists of 14 boys and 49 teri a service to take Philips characterized suc- girls mhking a total of 63 CQre of a capacity of 200 , 1 t . ' , ., 1 ce ssfu teliCrll.ng as that and swelling the entire en- l.VluUa s; a new dorm- teaching which "brings 0. - rollment to 138 students. l.tory for girls, modernly bout a modification of Of th e counties represented equipped in every way to one 's actions, a modifica- by the newcomers Prince house lldequLtely over 150 tion of one's re a ctions. George's the girls; additional clnss- A good personality", she largest number with Anne rooms, y:hich include a continued, "inspirEOs con- Arund el ranking second. chemistry le.bore.t ory; D- cort ed action, wholehearte rending room ['end st£!ck cooperation. II Che.rlotte Andrews '38 room for the library; aa- Taking issue with di tional dormitory space those who hold that "good al background, gained through for boys, including [; teachers e.re born, not mad developing interests so cial room and infirmary; Mrs. Philips emphasized th and ho bbies, poise, Ltne being a nd a four-room building fCtet thJ.lt much c<m be done fa ir and honest with our'- f er ['. demonstrati on to develop £, bD 'ood Ot} . schoel. "0 " ,_ leI' ag s ty and gr,v8 the nec e ssary for d eveloping A f eur-year te&chers following as contributing these fLtctors th[ ,t re sult in college c(mrse vdll prob- f[ . LCtors: a br o'ld cl1ltur'- "bly be s't ., rt Q" 1- tl , dync.mic, functiomd, teach U c, 1 - 1 1e fall of 1938. Continued on page L. S. Ja mes, Prin. I

as - Bowie State University · t o the girls' recreation.r oom, Miss Hill ViLS ['.bl e t o obtain another bedr oom never Gr eamed of before. The doubling up of some of the t eb.chers

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Page 1: as - Bowie State University · t o the girls' recreation.r oom, Miss Hill ViLS ['.bl e t o obtain another bedr oom never Gr eamed of before. The doubling up of some of the t eb.chers

f, :J'Vl, ' rr, HiJl"1[ ...J \ ~ C(]riING L Nov.13

~r~~]~w'· ... _~·()crobBr.193L---p~i~:-tO~_ STUDENTS GET N.EW CONCEPT I l-:::' -~~~\ I

OF PERSONALITY j ! F' i'I~\~i , I

-' f < - '-., ", , I MRS. MYHTLE PHILIPS OF HOVH~, --~,==-:'-:/r~':'~'i7-'--"-0 1



: ,m;,: .. j V~-I";''::-'':::' ' . -./ ,i.~ "'-..' ! ARlJ SPEAKS AT RmULAR FRI~ . I..E~ "2':'.-:::~!\~,~:-~, I ;~~"! 'i V'ie are very gl&d to

DAY ASSEMBLYk~!. -"JITI'I II If 1/ II JLUJi~ __ ~~-A'..: announce thbt our build-IF:"Ctt' j/ I, f] 17--t 'ff i ing program will begin in

. Mrs. Myrtle Phi~ips ) f -~u I~ .. _""i! i ' r I .~.J .. 1:=I::tJI~i~: the very nee::: future. nss~stant professor ln ed- t,Lttf:.J;,-:; ! I I iijj &J±I The progre.m lncludes ex-ucation nnd director of ", t :, .J~. :'''1~' :-f;~- . penditures of nee.rly

, ~ - \'''. ,'I· ,~-.

practice t eaching at How- 1_) ,/ ' ' i\~., ,'~ ",,') ,,' $300,000. The Federtcl ard University, in a stir- 1 , .: :~)_ili\,> Governme:nt through the ring messag e, portrayed in f ' i -:::~~'" .>*1{---;tt ,:::0, P. Vi. A. recently mude a speech and mm1Iler the.t dy- · " -'-~ grant of $1]2,545 to our m,mic personality needed BOVHE HAS RECOED iflSti tution. Thi::; a-for successful tea ching, ENROLLMENT mount will be added to the at th8 regular assembly State approprivtion of exercises on Friday, Oct- When the school doors $162,000. The architect 9ber 22. were reopened this fall tho has prHctically completed

Declaring that D. def- l [j.rg est freshman class in the the plans for our build-inition of successful .history of our school wes ad- ings: a new dining room teaching must be agreed up- mitted. The fresrilllan roster and kitchen vdth cafe-on at the outset, Mrs. consists of 14 boys and 49 teria service to take Philips characterized suc- girls mhking a total of 63 CQre of a capacity of 200

, 1 t . ' , • d· ., 1 c essfu teliCrll.ng as that and swelling the entire en- ~n l.VluUa s; a new dorm-teaching which "brings 0. - rollment to 138 students. l.tory for girls, modernly bout a modification of Of the counties represented equipped in every way to one 's actions, a modifica- by the newcomers Prince house lldequLtely over 150 tion of one's reactions. George's contrib~tes the girls; additional clnss-A good personality", she largest number with Anne rooms, y:hich include a continued, "inspirEOs con- Arundel ranking second. chemistry le.bore.tory; D-

corted action, wholehearte rending room ['end st£!ck cooperation. II Che.rlotte Andrews '38 room for the library; aa-

Taking issue with di tional dormitory space those who hold that "good al background, gained through for boys, including [; teachers e.re born, not mad ~reflding, developing interests s ocial room and infirmary; Mrs. Philips emphasized th and hobbies, poise, Ltne being and a four-room building fCtet thJ.lt much c<m be done f a ir and honest with our'- f er ['. demonstration to develop £, bD'ood te ~ ! chir,,:r sel'~ <', s. Ot} . schoel. "0 " ,_ leI' ag E;nc~c s persom~li ty and gr,v8 the necessary for developing A f eur-year te&chers following as contributing these fLtctors th[,t r esult in college c(mrse vdll prob-f[.LCtors: a bro'ld cl1ltur'- "bly be s't ., rt€Q" 1· 1- tl , ~, dync.mic, functiomd, teach U c , ~ 1 - 1 1e

fall of 1938.

Continued on page ~ L. S. J ames, Prin.


Page 2: as - Bowie State University · t o the girls' recreation.r oom, Miss Hill ViLS ['.bl e t o obtain another bedr oom never Gr eamed of before. The doubling up of some of the t eb.chers

EDITORIAL STAFF Editor-in-Chief. • • • • • James Bryant Associate ~itor Charlotte Andrews Assistant Editor • • • • • Omega Brown Li ter&ry wi tor • • Mary Jenkins Art Editor • • • • • James Via tki.ns Assistant Art Editor • Dorothy Tate r 'eature Editor •• Agatha Jones Sport .t.ditor • • • • • • Charles Frisby hssistant Sport Editor Gladys Jones Jokes •••• Elizabeth Duvis Practical Guidb.nce •••• Holen Chase

BUSINESS STAFF Business Manager • • • • Vaughn Anderson CirculeJ.tion Manager •• Gladys Williams Advertising Manager. James kl.ters Assistant Publisher • • Calvertia Berry

Junior Class freshman I . Freshman II


• • • • Hollis Posey • • • •• Arcines Queen

FACULTY ADVISORS Lditorial Staff •••• Mrs. Mary W. Law business Staff •• • • Mr. Edgar Ewing Art • • • • • • Mr. Joseph Wisem1:n Publisher. • . • Mrs. Florence Jackson

-2. __ ~ ____ .' __ . ___ ~_ .. _~_. __ .. _______ .. ______ . _____ ~ _____ .. PAHLIAMENTARY PHOCEDURE

From recent instruction in parlia­mentary procedure the senior class had realized that in our own schooL there is serious need for [, better unc.erstanding of its operLtion.

Occi;lsions arise fotT the use of p~rliar,18ntary procedure vJhen the business of our various organizations and assem­blies ·is conducted. Parliamentary pro­cedure is the best procedure to use be­cause it is ~ medium through which order, courtesy &n~ justice, &nd the rule of the majority, and the protection of the rights of the minority become guiding principles, E.nd 10YEtlty, cooperation, and harmony the ruling spirit.

For ordinary business the method of voting by viva voce may be employed, tut for elections, balloting is in general use. An instLnce in which the latter method was effectively used took place when the staff officers for the school paper were elected. A nominating com-· mittee submitted tentative ccndido.tes for eEleh office [mQ placed thE.: memes on bEd.­lots which were presented to each individ­ual in the class. A mCl.rk placecl in the block beside the candidate's

Continued on Pnge 3

treme plensure to do·' Z:ll we can to aid ------------------------------------------iyou in becoming orientated to the routine

Published bi-monthly by the students of the school.


of the Maryland Normal School, Bowie, Md., All of our f[.cilities are open to to create and develop school spirit, you. The numerous organizations will be loyulty tina. sch 01 patriotism; to foster delighted to enlist you as a member. Our leadership, initiutive, Coope~ation, and ~thletic equipment is sufficient to af-bU:.';iness responsibility; to inform stu- ford development in mnny lines. Our ef-dents, parents, pa trons and Ifriends what ficient library ,,;ill [,fford opportunities the school stands for and what it accom- for those who desire to delve in the plishes; and to c~ea te increased interest li teru.ry re(,lm. There BTl; numerous other in ttll the activities of the school, ed- [,gents tm:t v;ill provide untertainment uCE,tioD<:cl athletic [Ind social. f' 11 ~~~~::...t....::::...::=:..::;.;::;;!:.:::...z......:=:....!:::..:::.:::=::..:.. ____ .......,. or E:. •

WELCOME TO BOWIE To extreme of Class of r40 - Allow

me to convey to you greetings and best wishes of Bm,ie Normal.

Since the time of your arrival we have been greatly impref:lsed. ~Ve are in­deed delighted to hnve you in our midst. l'rom observations Vie have concluded that you hhve unlimited potentialities End Vie s11[:11 expect great thingf: of you. \'e feel that such 5. group is reu.lly an as­set to the institution. It is cur ex-

lis the year pcsses tve trust that you vlill tnke [,dwmtr..ge of the o.ctivi ties ex­tended to :>"OU, thereby build up contacts rnd r,;;ln tionships thE! t Vi ill be of ever­lasting significcnce. It is desirous thut we become f:S £c closely knit fF<mily unit ",nd nlDnifest those u.ttributes thfJt I.ill identify us as all ideel group. ThOll Yie shE.ll be worthy to be cLlled true sons ~ma. dLughters of Bowie.

.Ag&in I must SHY, in behBlf of mem­bers <end friends of Bo·wi.e Normal School, Vie v;elcome you most cordinlly.

J1.imes Brycent '38

Page 3: as - Bowie State University · t o the girls' recreation.r oom, Miss Hill ViLS ['.bl e t o obtain another bedr oom never Gr eamed of before. The doubling up of some of the t eb.chers

- . l he ",-\ ,- lq3I.o

t )UU,.:riN G I I ~


The heads of t he girls' dorm vio-· I a t ed s ome l aws in physics when a build­i% whose capacity Vias 90 per s ons is now uccommodating over .l llO, tea chers und s tu­

The \'iEtlls i.no.y be buleed in pla c es, but t ht; g irls f eel t ha t with ro. little co-­oper ati on, which hns nIro[ccy 1!1cmii'est ed itsGl f a mong them, t hey'll be ['.bIe t o \'I'[, i t i n perfect ha rmony f or t he new c.:Cl'n

brma Hollnnd '38

d ents. Mis s Hill, with supcrhum&n hydraul 1--------------------­ic press, hus forc ed beds , ~urecus, t ables, che irs, etc. ;, her e befor e v;hlking spa c e be t \";een beds could not h elVe been o btb. ineci . Moving "the m~,- j ori ty of the furni ture fr om t he teci.chers' r es t rc om in-­t o the g irls' recreation .r oom, Miss Hill ViLS ['.bl e t o obta in another bedr oom never Gr eamed of before. The d oubling up of s ome of the t eb.chers g ave the d orm an­ot her spare r oom whi ch was quickly f 111ed by entering students .

1,11 g irls ad!!li tted t.o the dOl'u i t or y :fter the t hird day of school v;er o f orc ed t v bunk with Svfll8on8 else until a b ed COUld be pushed in SODe obscured corner. The healis wer e f or Ged t o s eck s till ot her places to push the students who wer e l ' ter than n week ontori ng . The cottag e proved t o be a n excellent pla c e a ncc t he • , eek foll owing, f our studentB t ook up res idence there.

PARLIAMENTARY PROCEDUHE Ccntd . from p.2 nuLlO would indica t e t he choice . This systeo '/:1::;'S unanimously pref erred t o tha t of vi V H vOC\'l .

The end of parlir"-mentv..ry usage is defeat ed when ",ll individua l is unable t o g e t his rights , du e t r.\ l e ck of knowl edg e uf correct procedures. So l e t us t ake auvnntage of a ll opportunit i es t o put p&.rliam(;nt~.ry 1[, v; into prr;ctice c.md there­by c onduct mor e intelligent [(nc or derly meeting s amont: v::.~rious or gc.niza tions (,n the C&I.lpUS.

J ames Brynnt '38 Charlotte J1.ndrev;s '38

\va teh f or n ows of our Essay Contest t o be conduc ted 2,l:10 Dg the, hi gh school loenior r; of M",r y l a ncl . A pri:-;e will be 0ffer ed by the "Eye " f or tho bes t esscy • Deta ils will be s ent t o r e spective prin­cipEi.ls.

Page 4: as - Bowie State University · t o the girls' recreation.r oom, Miss Hill ViLS ['.bl e t o obtain another bedr oom never Gr eamed of before. The doubling up of some of the t eb.chers


\'e, as students and teachers 0f the State Nor­m<~l School, should consider ~nd realize tho real value of tine. ~o often Vie have been t uld tl1L,t the same lost Illinutes cannot be found. luhy not L8gin now and say to yourself, ".L.ivery minute of the db.Y, I aJ:l going to be found doing something worth while, both for Dy-

If " " GO . /lnG my race • The thrifty persoll

t~kes the day and divides it into periods so thl1t his or her v,ork can go on dur­ing the day without having to pause and wonder VlhlJt is next tu be done. Thi s vwrk can be E:ccom}Jlished only by the carGful divisiun of tilile.

Mildred Ad.s,ms '40


Our .t'reshman Class is quite a large class this year and it seems to be nec.rly saturated with talent. ArJong us Vie find musicians, lively jokers, athletes, llancers, 1mblic speakers, romance seekers, and even the old maid type. That, my friends, is variety.

The n'J.'alent Show1l which our class is sponsoring will bE; the talk of the cmnpus; At le&st wa hope so.

Cleemingly the Freshmen he,ve applied themselves very ailigently to the very he&vy curriculum. Evidently e[:ch has come with an honest purpose and a strong deter­mination to d u e,ood. The ChlSS as Cl ,~hole );las been hic)lly cOILl}Jlir.lented on its genen,l behavior and prompt-ness.

Our class officers [..re: President, agnes Queen; Vice President, .t..ugene Brown; \;iecret&ry, ~velyn Brown; ~~t. Secretary, Joyce Hudson lr~surer, Berthu Viushints ton

Contd. Coluran 2


Six of Ee class of twelve freshmen Lays, upon spacial request, gave their ilJIJression c:f this insti­tution. LEXiIS JONES, €;rad­uate of Sc,lisbury High, and GEOItGE SMITH, grcduntc of Douglass High, state that bec[cuse of the friendly students [end f[<cul ty, var­ied social privileges, Dnd the tener[;.l arra.ngement of tuilclints, they have es­t ablished fG.vord.le irnpres­siuns of this school. These iJal)ressicns are streIlLthenecl by the f'let tha t this schc;ol offers opportunities for pnrtici­potion in many phC!ses of athletics.

Llbining fCJ.voraLle im­pressions cf l~lsting v~,-lue

upon visits !;lace to this school Leforo ma triculat­ing, EUGENE BHm~'N, e:;raduate Gf BE~tes Hibh, HOLLIS POSEY graduate of Pomonkey High, ODYSSEY GRAY Dnel VERNON WHEADEN, Graduates of Doug­lass High, assert that they hEtel formed ii:lpressions of a favcrnLlt~ nature upon their visits. These i1.1-pressinns WGre retainea e.f­ter beccming a part of the


September 7 found many nevi students enter­lng the Bowie Norml';l School. What were their first impressions of our school? Were they dis7 appointed or did they see what they expected to see? j.\fter being here 8. week, what were they thinking? Well, liB shall find out \f1ihat b. fe'iv of them thought. "I don't like it. There should be more entertain­ments rmd fewer lessons. II Berth;:. viashingtcn: "I [,m perfectly contented ~ RE.chel D~;,vis:Joyce Hudson: liThe students Eire not [:s soci&ble ['s they should be. At the d~nces the boys won't dance with 0.11 the girls, end I don't think thDt is nice ll •

Dorothy Dickersor;: "I am satisfied with thiIl?P I can tC1ke it". Dorothy Somerville: "I VI EIS somm~htJ.t disEppoint­ed. The school is too far from H city". Doris Grcly: "I wHnt to go home".

Dorothy TElylor '38 STUDENTS BEG IN G FJiDE

PRACTICE school.

Jar.les k . tkins '3S One group of seniors began their practice

In coopera ti t)n with 'Leaching in the various the f ore-mentioned officers the centers September 13, 1937.

cla ss hLVS I:'w.de up So far they seem to be their winds to Lmke this a b taking their work quite anner yei1T. seriously. The summer

. Ccn_ fidentially sDe~:k- I ., tl • (:~lc.~en y ~icl.not.put. e ~ng, ('nly c~ very few of us ' . -liked th' , _ l ' lew_mper on ('he1r vnll1ng-

13 Cear 0 G pla ce ness to teach. at first, but Hday by d,,,·11 M f it seems more like IlHom:J I F.ny a t~18 pn,ctice Sweet Ho " B . __ . . ' I te~~chers say t.l1<. t they w.i.TI.

~e. ()Vv~e ~s our be sorry when their time home: Lnn even &ft.er our al~ expires - they [. re tht. t in­to~ ohort ~hree y ears arelterested in their y.ork. oVer, we vnll ever come ~ Tl t ". -b " ck';' B . ' f' t' Ie nex brouP plLns

<c, ('0 mne {'~ he in"'Tll t h , .. ~ ~'';. ,.. 1. 0 c<:trry on t 8 v.ork enee of 'Chat "homey" ".t- I .,', , ' mosphere. AJw.) nd,~ Molock 38

Joyce Hudson & Agnes Queenl i


Page 5: as - Bowie State University · t o the girls' recreation.r oom, Miss Hill ViLS ['.bl e t o obtain another bedr oom never Gr eamed of before. The doubling up of some of the t eb.chers


Ro bert Hr.,rvey; junio:t, jumps into Pe.ul Scott's shoes in football.

J·claes Brye nt, senior, fJ.nc.lly ciecidecl to t cke a few kicks L.tlG blm!s froD footbc.ll.

Even Jar;18s k~ tel's, with his hurt shouldur, is running after the old pig­skin.

Moses JOilnson devel­oped [, taste feT £'00',,11',11, but it lb.stcd only H shert time.

Agcth::;. Juned v,ill sldllfully occupy lVlceJ:: Jen­kins I position ns Ct:'l;t[~in

of the girls' Lc,sLetLo11 te[Ll~ •

lViary Jenldn:3, l\;L-TI

Di6gs, lieorge Collins, rfl181IilB. Hav,kins, ChClr1es yrisby, Ine z Johnson &nel iJ[,phiL8 haisin arc our clKer le[cdel s.

VEcuglFl Anderson is t:lt:; :!to~m'E;e:c c: L th12tics; his [,ssistLnt is V;il[lOl~e Hill, UK Ollyssey Gruy is the tr:..iner.

On Octobf.:;r 2, the Bowietes laokeu in v~in for the L:ppe£lr;:;nce of the hOYLi.l A. C. to plGy the ir first foottLll F;ane.

VL.UE;hn .itnd~r;~on is the president uf the AU8r­ct:.n L€~'GU8 <l11(; rt;..)fttha Jones i s the presid0nt of the Ne' ticnal League fc'r Intrc.-


\',ill BG'lvi8 win in foot­bLll this Y8c,r? V.ell, our c()[)ch, Mr. VJillit:.m St~~nf0r6, ':-11ei 11is c.ssj.strnt, Nlr. Frank VeDY, nrc· strucgling haro. '~o lJiIJ.ke the ,-. nSW81' "yes!!. fjpe­cibl provisicns are Leing mrde for the gl'i:'iders. Ev­ery uorning fr cl!a 5: 30 to 6:45 th~ f00tb~11 players &rc, pructicing, r"nd [,gain from 4: 00 to 5:30 p.m.

As SOOI] n8 study· is over the pigskin boys meet f : ;1' 3kull pruct:i.ce. During Llis tLJe specir,l blr, ck­bOI.rci drj.ll uf pll<Y s, both offensive Gnd c:ef8nsive, are Given; grou[) [lDC; ind i vidual V!8bknesses observ8Ci in the sc:ril,lTiv::l.t,e '.,-r8 discusf'E::c., ::~ncl ·t,he rules 2 1'8 review8el.

C,,; 1 VOl-tiE Berry '38 murr,ls. ties which Viill be o)f in-____ l,_. :.::b.;:;lc.:.v.:;e:.::r-,t::.::i:.:~:::.' .-:};:...\e:::.T~rJ..Y-__ --+teres t {, nd prc1Vice recrea­

BGLIE HAS A WELL-ROUNDED tion f or Ell. Our boys are SPORT MENU quite enthusiastic [l~out

foctb<:..ll. Ninet8en toys c '.'m Since one phase of eelu ')nse the foctbnll SqUDI.:,

CL. tion h[cs to tl.lk8 CL.r(:;) C1 .:. 1.1;" l' bOI ~ f . J 11. _,-. u vi l' il ,.,re r ,::;:; "neD. our recI'e;:~tiunal siCe uf "'·h 1. C G,,:mes Einnouncoel life, the BOlivie Norr;lEl SChrYh,..;Te .· B . t B' ~ft~._ _ oraen own VS. JC~l8-

h;;,s skillfully [trrEmgeo. for Oct. 23; DOimingtov.n vs. r \.icle sclect:i.cn of l1.cti vi- Bowie-Oct.)O; Cheyney vs.

Contd. Column 2 .bm~ i€-Nov .6; PrincesG Anne


IL~R /~-, \S/~ On Thursd[-'Y night,

Septer:l1JE;r 16, the 1\ thletes v:e:.rioi'> symbols cf the f\ch(Jol or [lw[,ros liiet cocch St",nfcJrd for the; pur­}loso of organizing [l va.I'­sity cluL.

ThE: ,)fficers elected for tilt;' club [Ire:

Abc. tIE' JC'nes-President hillic.~w EisLop·-V .Pres. Geor:;E3 Ccllins-SeCrel.1:.ry Jr:cmes Bry,- nt - Captain of boys' LI.iskeU..'£,.ll tGUll

A,;[,th<.' JcnefJ- Ccpt&in of girls' t&skett~ll tc~m

Other DemLers are : Florenc<:; Li.,k e El:1erson Holl o\,[;y he'll.net IJ[,shidds

The 1.1am,.:;crs are: Vuughn !_nderS I !l1-Senior Y;ilIilz..,re Hill - Junior Oc;yssey Gruy -- Fresl:ir::(Hl

The Ll&nugers will re-­ceive a sch0ul enbleL ct th6 en~ of their senior ye~r for the service ren­dered.

SUW8 cf the ~;rC'~ uc tes cf 1937 h~,v!:j ~lsc' receiveo eLblel:ls. They c,re: Gentie Brown, Rotert Bruvn, PLul Scott, }'n,ncis Nllsl, Edm' BlE'.ct , 1:.11ison C1Eig·­~8tt, C18.ude Prc-ether, Nice Jenkins, Esther Archer, l~laricn SUl!lpscn, S[,r&11 Mec.J;es. MrthilliL Fuller VS. Bu~i e - Nov.20 GaLle s DWL;,r;

Bowie VS. Dover-Oct. 9 Bowie vs. Hr:rpers Ferry-

Oct. 16 Our h'.l sket r;[ 11 t8(. las

1',ill pL,y tHE:: SU;i8 teems [nc!. l)rdj;~lly otLers.

During tho s9l'ing Sea­son wu hr'v8 plGY G£:ys v,ith Miner TCbCht)rs Colleg e,

Contd. on ~)e.ge 6

Page 6: as - Bowie State University · t o the girls' recreation.r oom, Miss Hill ViLS ['.bl e t o obtain another bedr oom never Gr eamed of before. The doubling up of some of the t eb.chers


ing personality were named YE[.f; i NCLUDES OUTSTANDING PRO-&s hie h-na tive intelli- DUCTION2, gence, clear t h inking, Will.-j The motion pict1lre s eCl-i~ne8s to face rl;;:alities, son [,t Bowie \w. S introduced thou;:;hV.'ul and f:tudious re- with one of the scrE:.ens f;oul'cefulness -- initintive, grec;test productions, npen-v,illinC)n 'J")' :~~ to learn, COfil- ' , C If J:' th . ~ . - raG ann oam. 'W 0 or pl.C-

more sc;ns (' , [' nd tht! soci::l ture tlw, t has been vie'rH.ld a t ci1'Tuct8risticG - r e spect Bowie has portray ed Guch for a t hol'S, tr'ctfu1ness, fine qur.lities of honesty, emu "mch dcsir .:\tlc temper,- loyolt,y lillC[ lack of preju-fJl<3nk ,l traits a s ::t hClpPY duce o. s (; id this one . dis po s ition, lmthusia sm Other pictures hr.:,ve been a m;, l' ('. sponsivenes f3 . Hav- qui t s a s thrilling , thCll(;h of iIlt; commendable: habits of a diff erent no. turn . Fer in-Y10l'k and the habits of be- st: .nc 8 , "Gr;:.;t.m Light" ~) tar­ing w811-g roomed and r adi- ring thl' Liuc h t <:,lked nbout b tin~ friendliness were BYT C 1 .f.'1y'nn r nc: Ani t o. LOL~ise; e:mpha siz(;;Q. . "Ce;,in LnG. Ma bel ll s tarring

If the sus tuinect ap- I tha t rommtic lover, Clark pl[,usc a t the close of , Bagle, Ec nu Mari(}n Davies :; Mrs. Phili.ps' address Chn !and t hat breathta king picture, be t a ken a s an indica tion I "'1"):' 8' Ch~r"'o c,f' Th ... L" 1- -'[. .... - J .. !" ..... G \,:... ...~v lt~ rl

then we might exp(;:ct s ome Briga(lo", o.r;;r in stnrrint; Errol rr,odifications in the ac-- Flynn ,-nd Olivi", DIHaviL,nci. tions ami r eactions of our The s ocial ca l endar pr0ffi-stuGent group. i8GS nore of the 0utsthnc<ing

ML;rY Jenkins ' 38 populilr pictures a t val' i eu s ' THE RAMBLING ROVER I ti;,,8s . (LuriDb the year. Some

T IT, t'1' &'3.'- bling-' Rov,,·,...1 of these are: "Mid Summor' s ... ,,1 -l W ' , U ' <:: .. f}l' ''- ''.-;- D '>"f' n n' ,~ ' :; , ' ,)" t

I se"" '.11 " nc1 lrpow ,, 11 {;." 1~l.g •• " re<..-."I, l'Il~(.tL~b· · ,J c. , _ (.....L , ... , ) . ....... " '" C.. .tff ttt.'° ::j ("~';l q l f-·--i l1 ~ d

I l ook around ['"rou') two '. n Jur J, .r.l.c. \ .. k <....,1,.u , ..... D --' 1 .L. "C"1'''' '- 'S'' ' 11 the freGhJaan class I see .1- '.' 8.1.un •

W. J. r e r,ciing the Afro in GOW8 anC t.:nj uy the pic-Librar y Scienco class. D.G. tUTes and lTILcke our theatre

life ;j success. ont of our nost popular girls, spenus hle.1£' or her ME.try J enldns '38

, . . SP()RT ::;)'P r,RKS Cl.fl S S f)erl.od sleeping and .. ~ --t he othdr h::l1' talking to Coppin Ncrmcll, [:Del Duuglas8 her neighbor. I Hig h School. Our c,etivitics

Now wandering " into aro : SoftbC\ll fur g ir 1. s, Bnse·-stuG.y hall, I usua lly find bnll fOl" t oys, Golf fer boys, M.h., M.Q. ,E.C., a nd sever- Volleyba ll for girls, Tennis a l others .01 'lcing stud ious- for g irls ~md boy s , Archery. ly, but F.G., D.G. and E.B. Entrance is opeD to ~lll. seem to have quite a n en- Calvertin berry jOJ!able tiL11~ conversing of thE; traffic be cause sconeI' wi tt & c 0rtain frHslman and or 10. tel' I' In [~fl'{~id they'll two senior young men in the be tl'anpled t o dec,th. hall. \.011, g U8DS I'll trot

Rar.1bling a long, I look [..cl ong until next mont,h. If dOli'ill the h[111s as the; s t u- y ou dcn I t ViE_nt t o g e t in dents cor:le from their va r- trou ble, y c}u' (l bettGr wa tch ious clb,ss 8s Hnd wonder '(,hy y our St0P, bec~mse, r emcr;;ber such short people people IlS I :Jee all, hear ul1, e nd kn01rV

J .H, E.1,'; ., anei A.M. don 't all. 8i thu!' grow up or stay ,'out

DAN CUPID SCORES AG AIN Mr. Edg L'.r Ewing vm s

mnrriGG, to Mi s s !'i18rt·;aret Ma tthews, July 31, ;,t Alex[lndria, V irg iniEi • Miss MntthGW8 is a pri­['6 ry tea cher in B& 1 timore City, while Mr. E;win[; is the Business MaDE;ger of our Gvm im ti tu ticrl. The student body w1::.;h88 t o cong r B.tul::: -te them.

Miss Jos ephic R[,n­dull is truly c. bluBhing bride. She; [11.1 S r epeb. t­eeny refused to ;,mneunce hoI' m8rl'iag e which took place a t Che s&peake Beach, J'un8 26, t o Mr. Lowndes Morselle. Miss ~ndcll is primary teacr~ er irl cur demonstraticn school. It is really i mpossible t o keep news. This timE! it hns leaked out frem a reliable s ource to liThe Eye ll •

Best wishes, Mrs. Mor­s elle.

Mr. William S. (Bill) Taylor, former coa ch of Bowie, and Miss Amber Green, f e r mer lihrarian of Bowie , have r ecently announced their marriage. They a re now mLking their home &t Pine Bluff, Arkansas, where he is director of physic~il



Mrs. i<'lorencc Somer­'Tille Jackson, junior stenographer, is succeed­ing Mis~,; Bertha Shidcls. iVlrs. Jacksun vias formen. y employed as Registra r at Barber-Scotia College , Concord, N.C. Her ser­vices there losteC f0ur y ears. She is a gradu­ate of the School of Busines f) , Hampton Insti­tute , hnvinc a bachelor!3 (leg r ee in ccmmerci&l education.

Mildred Dickerson '38

Page 7: as - Bowie State University · t o the girls' recreation.r oom, Miss Hill ViLS ['.bl e t o obtain another bedr oom never Gr eamed of before. The doubling up of some of the t eb.chers


It is impossible for individueh> to D. chieve soc iLl 2.nd emotional bal­ance over night.; for 50-­

cial poise, eootional con­trol, good manners, cenci a LUi ty to get along with people are re;3ul tD of years of experience L.nd practice.

Annu. E. Pierce, Dean un(. aciv:Lsor of \~omel1 and girls hus said, "The great-­est nece.: and gift in the worlci is to get cLlong clr.1i­~tbly [nel plee.sccutly \'.:i th people. H

Miss B. O. Hill, Dean :;, nd [~Qvisor of the g irls of the Normal School, in ana­ly?ing the students who have come here during her stay and in considering the opening s t[, ter,18n ts , thoU£:; h t the course in social usage a necessity. She decided t o open a school of eti­quette. C12ss8s ~Gre h81d for one hour a day for one week. The purpose WElS to c ontribute to the sucial clevelopillent of the individ­littls who attended.

An etiquette club will be f ormed as an outgrowth of the school. The Tilsmbers vvUl be those students who attended the classes regu­I ttrly. Th8 outcorn.es hoped t o b~ gained are: 1. Acquired poise and

know18dg e. 2. A developed sucial con­

science and interest in others. \

3. Cooperat.ive and happy individuu.ls.

Mrs. Lm" te~ l ch8r vf Enc l ish, will v~ork Vii th Miss Hill in the club. The club l~oject is just an ex­periment. The progress and SUCCeSS \",;ill largely de­pend on the members anel the interest they put in it

The first speaker to address th6 school WaS Miss

Conte:.. colUl;m 2

Page 7

n ' .:. Ivi . /'-. . I I. ,( i r.'/ (~ - . . III "I I, I, / . ro. n r-:, W.P.A. ORCHESTRA hESUMES

CONCERTS Septer;Jber 18tL Llarked

the first appearance of the VI.P.I,. orchestra before the facul ty ancI student body this schaul year. As one g lanced a rounG. at, the audience, he could tell that they were pleased with the slectiens rendered. Such selections as "The Evolution of Dixie", "Over 'l'here lf , lfKeep the Horne Fires Burning II , were played by the orchestra in honOT of Constitution Llay. Lighter numLers, BBlue DD.nube Vbl tz!! [(n(l IIGo od Night My Love", brought prolonged [cpplw.lse.

It hr:s been arranged so that the W.P.A. orcheatru 'iiill [~ppear before the stu­dent body on the third Fri­day of each me'nth.

kELCOME, W.P.A. orches-tra!


Tho glee club is l&ri; ely made up of fresh-1:18n and juniors this year, due to the fnct tllO.t the seniors aru out pr&ctice tc~: ching. Hov, ever , Vie are expectillg wonderful things out of them because c f the d istinct t a lent already exhibited in each class .

Mildred 8hm:ell f 3 8


On Saturday evening, OctoLer 23, Todd Duncan, "lVmgnificent Porgy" o.nd instructor of voice in the Howard UniverSity Schoo l of Music, ple[csed a re­sponsive audience in the B[,nneker a uditorium.

Included in his pro­grc:.m were: I1Vcn Ewiger Liebe", "Zueignung", "Vi­sion Fugi tive ll , "Death of

___ -..!:S::.u~::.:s;:.:i::.:e~D::..:a:::..:3:::;h:.:.l:=." ,;;:.8;:::1;:::1_'...:....:; 3:8_---i Ln .. Old See.manl! and "Four Mildred Lewis who spoke on Viindsl!, ·f!t Len I H2ve Sung thQ subject,"How To Be Ch[,rI;1- My Sonr; 8", "Soni; of The ing!! •

The second Nil'. EvdDfJ. His "Convers6.tion" • Registr0r.

speaker 1IlClS

topic wa~;

He is the

Miss Peters, the diet­itian, spoke on lfConduct in Public Pli1ces ll •

Miss Dixon, Home Deu­cnstrator f or Prince GEOrge's County cliscusseu "How t o Im­prove Onels Personality".

Mrs. Lnw close(~ the school with r, discussion of "Currect Social Correspond­ence".

Miss Hill wisLes t o ex­tend. to both speakers £,nd nu­dicnco hoI' c ,ppreci[~tion to tJ:Wf:l for enubling the progrm to go over successfully.

Dorothy T,wlcr '38

Flea "; the spirituals "Hc-nor, Honor ll, "0 Lord Have Mercy", [nd '![ Got Plenty of NuttirR" from "Porgy " Leml Bess"

Two of the numbers, "Der,th c f a n Old. Seaman" ~,nd "Four V,inds" Cere thE., compositions of Mr. Dun­can's accompanist, Mr. Cecil Cohen, a lso of the Heward University School of Music. "The Seng of the Flea" elicited wirth a nd strong applause. "I Got Plenty O'Nuttin'" vms the hit of the evening.

The normal school Glee Club were hosts t o the artists a t (e tea f ol­lowing the recital.

Milc~ed Showell tJ8 Mrs. Louis Vaughn Jones, Mr. Jones in a violin

wile:: ()f the violin instructor recital at our school in of Hov,Drc1 Uni versi ty accoUl- 1935. pcmiecl Mrs. Phillips on Oct- ~'--------.. -.-ober 22, 1937. The present I Senior Class will recall the BEAT LHEY 1~[Y. unusual skill c1. isplayed by

Page 8: as - Bowie State University · t o the girls' recreation.r oom, Miss Hill ViLS ['.bl e t o obtain another bedr oom never Gr eamed of before. The doubling up of some of the t eb.chers



VESPER PROGRAM HAS N}I]'i THEME TablE,s which were built rings for study, the Sunday, Septomber 12, f or four persons in the din- young l udics und gentle-

1937, marked the opening of ing hull Clre now accommodat-:l mHl are wui ting for the Vesper bervices in the Bow- ing five, due te, the large jlibrary door to 1)8 un-ie Norffial School Chapel. studunt body. Every six locked. Before the This year the program will 'Neeks the students will chEnB Librr, riun is a djusted, include prayer and inspir- I to different tables; hence the line hc. s stretched ational talks by out~ta.ndingJthey Wi~l. ht...v~ neVi table mute:::.f. rom",~he l~b~ury desk to speakers throughout t.he The Sem.ors vall be the bosts the.L lle cclbJ..net. For-btate of Maryland, ,'. s well and hostesses. It is hoped merly, this line con-us music a nd short talks fro. thr..t this plan will bring a- oisted of ten or twelve

thP.~ s. tudent body. . ~bout .. g.r .e.:.te~ congeniality students. The books were The vesper s c; rvice ~s 1:l IDong all st.udents. usually checked out be,.,.

an import.s.nt character build Gr(jater Variety in Menu fore 7: 15 p.m. Now,you ing program and affords 8.- The clieti tian hepes to [',r8 luch-y to have your hundant. opportunity for self1Please both f1:lcu~ty and stu- books out at 7:30 p.m. expressJ..on. d(:mt bouy by ha vJ..ng a great- Before 9 0' clock

Prominent spec?kers I e1' variety of foods. the line-up for books scheduled who have Hddress~d I ]:mpr~)Ved '~'Ltble M[m~ers hns grown to its full the student body so far are: It ~s qu~te pleasHJg to l ength agD.in. Vdth the The Reverend Jackson of How- see the fa&rked chc::.ng e in assistance of four co-aru Uni versi ty, Miss Edith t E:.ble ma nners. The young workers the libraria n 'l'hrockruorton, supervisor of men particularly seem to be still finds it impossibJe Dorchester County schools, mo::--e courteous in every 'Nay. to finish checking out and Mr. Willard Allen, Real- Hm,evor, there is still room bnd checking in before tor of Beltimore. We have fOI" improvement. 10 o'clock. Orig inally, a lso had the privileGe of STUDENTS Cooperate this wa s a ha lf hour listening to sever c l stu- The entire student body job; now, it t'.~ kes fully dents from the variou[; class is to be congratulated upon C. n hour.

1 J B t ~, . . 1 d· - t · · C"lvertJ..·::> Berr-." '38 eG, name y: an:es ryan, '1J!l(!~!Lr sp. en ... J..ci coopera .lon ~n u. ~ .L =!.

ane James Waters from the the crowded condition, and senior class; .AgncJS Queen, ,punctuali ty in attending Consb.nco Hill, Evelyn mea ls. Brown, Eugene King and Ver- Mildred Dickerson '38 non vilwwlen from the fresh- SUNDAY SCHOOL SELECTS man class. NEW OFFICEhS

'I'he theme for Vesper Services this semestr:!r is 'I'he opening of Sunday "The Best \Nay of Life11. School was held SundLY, Sep-

Dorothy Jefferson '38 tombor 12, 1937 with the --..::...:::.::..:::..::::..:.r...-=':~~:-"':::'=-":':::~-1!-m;.:> perintendent, Miss J. H.

BOYS I DORM. IS ORGANIZED Brown, presiding. !pis y ear the young men S The officers, elected fm

donli tory ho.s the largest enione SemfJ stor, were installed r ollnent for \ the past three iby Miss Ur::...th Peters. The nov years. The enrollc.ent for !officers are: Moses Johnson the past years has been rela .lAsst. Superintendent; Thelma tively small, about twenty (Ha,"kins, Secretary; Omega y oung !;len. This yea r we haveBro,m, Asst • Secretary; Mary thirty. Plans have been made Turlwr , Treasurer; Mildred for a banner yea.r. The re- Dickerson, hSGt. TrcGsurer: sults of the morning inspec- IGeorge Smith, Pic::.nist; R.omainE tion, which has alreao.y star~Jenkins, First Asst. Pianist; eO. , ha ve been very g ood. !Louis Jones ::lnd Odyssey GrE.Y,

Grenville Furl' '38 ILibra rians. Mercedes Kev '38


Renlizing the over­crowde0 conditions exist­ing at Bowie, both the fc::.cul ty and students fim it necessa ry to cooper­ate in maintuining obso­lute quietness during study periods.

. This will enable each person to a ccomplish his Him. The f, lcul ty ha s orghnizec! whe.t is known as nStudy Hall" from 7 to 9 p.m. at which time everyone c&n study lmder favorable concli tic'ns.

Study hall offers ~l!l opportunity f or form­ing such desirabl e:: c t­ti tudes D.S respect for the rights of others, respect for student

Contd. p. 10

Page 9: as - Bowie State University · t o the girls' recreation.r oom, Miss Hill ViLS ['.bl e t o obtain another bedr oom never Gr eamed of before. The doubling up of some of the t eb.chers

\-_._,- f\ TEel t M ... q·.L: u. JiIll ~,

our principGl, hrs teen e­lected VicE; PreDidont of the Na tional COl~ress of the Colored Parents and Teachers Association? Tht-'.t he also has been appointed L. iileI:lber of the advisory board of the Negro History Bu.l1etin?

Tlu.Lt riliss M.E. LEWIS returned to Bowie sunburnt end tired after £~ tViO weeks' motor trip to Mexico?

She stopped in most of the principal ci tic~s a1011..><: the way, going 600 miles out of the way to ;;et to Oklaho];18. city, ,",here she was impressed with the build­ings and scenic beauty.

MISS LEY:IS spent an 8n·­joynble day sight-oeeing through the quaint little streets of Loredo.

On returning, MISS LEWIS summed her trip up \;i tt 0. sigh, "Medico is c. land of beauty. All o.long the trip a vi1riety of scenic a ttn~c tions b.ns\;ered every v,hi1il I might have l ong ed for~

You know MISS LEWIS tec:.chen a cl<:ss G. t Morgan during the SWllIDcr, or don't you?

This past {3u:mmor she taught a group of BLltimore teachers r.18thods of ter,ch­ing beo~raphy in junior high school.

Tllis class presenteri her with a genuine pigskin bab and a handvmrked hand­kerchief.

I think Vie are very fortum.te in hc.cving a teach­er 'Iv i th such experiences, don't you?

That LOLL DONAHUE receiveCl five pi.!cka~es on her birthday? Inagine thnt. Oh, well, we can f t [~ll be LOLAS.

That MISS JOSEPHIA RANDALL w~~lked the bridal pc.th this Gumaer? Ah, mel


DAVIS are proud parents of a little boy? Little John FHANCIS JR. YiuS born June 22.

MRS. DAVIS WGS forr.:erly the publisher of The Eye and office clerk.

MH • DAVIS vu;"s a melaber of the firot class t o com­plete tr.e thrbe-year course .':t Bovne.

The Normal Eye vilshes theu continued success and heppine.=s.:::;s..=.. _____ _

That I.mS. EVANS, for­rJerly ou.r biology and so­ciology instructor, visited us Octo bel' 14, r.!ld brought her little daughter?

!v1ltS. EVANS is doing secial service v~ ork in Philadelphia "here she and

f her faaily reside.

That ·MISS GOOmlIN, our

I f orner nurse and dietitian .. at the nursery ::ochoal, is net v,ith us this yeu.r? MISS GOOD1.i:IN ha s been appointed night superintendent at the Providence hospital in Bal-timore. -------That MISS C. ROBINSON and her mother went to At­l entic City this summer? Miss Robinson especially enjoyed the bathing.

That EFFICE LIGGANS visited the Adirondacks 1,1Ounta ins this sur;Uiler where she ulll her parents have been guing for six years? Effie's par ents rent 0. cot­tage there. Sune places of importflnce visited in the mountains were Saratoga , Ft. Cht.uplain, Ticonclerog h,

and Crovin Point. .t..ffie also saw White

Face Moun til ins • Says Effie, !lAll I d.id

wns eat, sleep and look a t the mountrcins.

That Vl\UGHN ANDEHSON , GRANVILLE FUR....l1, nnci EMERSON HOLLOWAY reu!..tined on the canpu~l D.l1 sUTJmer? How did

do it~ I say. ___________ _

That ANNE DIXON spent most of her young­er days ill a convent in Baltimore?

That JAIVIES WATKINS of the senior class is a graduate of Bowie? He e'Jll1ploted the two­year course in 1934.

Th~::.t the beautiful painting in the back of the mgsic room is one of his masterpieces?

That he joined the Civilian Conservation Corps January 3, 1935, when he held such of­fices as assistant clerk to the technicai service offices? In the armj[ department he served as an understudy fer supply sergeant and steward of the post exchange •

In the meantime he passed the American Red Cross adminifltr&tion examination. He was then given the position of first aid orderly along with LJost ex­chcmge.

Keep it up, Mr. Wat­ing.

That a group of senior girls gave a sur­prise birthday party for Beatrice Pitts?

That five of the eight freshmen on the football tcwm h[,ve never played before or ever been on the gridiron?

So let us root hard for them.

That EVELYN BROVJN, One of our freshmen, visited BermuclC'c IE. st spring? Thet she, with t ,:enty-four others, left Mnrch 25 at 6 p.m. from New York, arrived on the 27, end residec. at Al­bert Guest House, Hamil­ton, Bermuda?

C-oHlt"J f' 10

Page 10: as - Bowie State University · t o the girls' recreation.r oom, Miss Hill ViLS ['.bl e t o obtain another bedr oom never Gr eamed of before. The doubling up of some of the t eb.chers

, f Page 10 I

HAVE ~OU HEARD contd.p: 9 ~ ·--: ........ JCli K [ s ~..: . "-, EVELYN says she l~ked Iii. . r:. , \' .-. ':..A Ji I ll/' . .l. I .1. '

the stores. "The co.ndy is 1/ ')f~L_'i~ l.,:C".s f-J '/ -- "\rj()\.v<, JVC1!Uj,)(J_ made like that of the Bri t- Yiell, UH? jc'ke is 011 th~/~ During a foottr,ll guE181j

ish. The colored eut in juker this time. Our in- om.: of our beys wus the s:.:.me restaurant ,dth the structor recently appr0£1ched t a ckled. A freshmun white. Most of the . clerks the jeke editor: young lLdy turned c,r,)un:1, bnd proprietors of stores I - "Is your colman re[',(iy? then r,skec.., "Vio.ht L.re [,re colored. J.E. - What colu::m? thl~y falling c: r;YJD for?tI

tlOne lJeculio.r custom I - You:c j c,ke column. In the senior re-of Berr.lUdEl is tlrt all J .t:. -AU I tht3 joke editor?" melaal EIlf,lish class, a stores open at 3p.m. a nd Was I shockeC::? But I young lGdy w,s asked to close at 5 on Sundn.y. treated it as c • .i oke on I;le. conjug~, te the verb "can~i"

"During the week they Hha·t do you think 0f C.B. She resp,mdeli by s[tying, a re op8n fron 8 8.Il:. to (senior) after cOI.ling in "c r me, c ;jming, CO,Je". 5 p.m. Fror.1 5 t.o 6 p.m. froT.l obs(:; rv£ltion on her first Flnsh! J. H., accordinG tc the British dttY of }lracticc 'il'Ork enthusi- freshmm, wishes tc' 60 leew, is the dinner bour. asticDll;;,." o:xc19 il;li l""g to G. V; • ! s omething drc s tic tc The stor8S open agcin at "OL, I dhln't got ccny week h.H., junior, because 6 p.m. Im(; reDLin open Ul1- points ()nd I didn't have :my of his recent interest i til 11:30 p.ru. plans checked this Dorning". }:,. C., fl'eshman.

"Sor,1e other plAces of D.G. cine:. E.B. (fresl'mon) "re interest Viere the 0"OV8rn- very how8sick age,in since (~ TUDY }1 'lI L IC' 8YST '"

t · tt t' "NI" B . u U-. J . u EmP.-. , 1" , ~ ( . • _. ) h" 1 c n ,.:.. rOD r· ment [lcqu<_,riuIn and L2lJ.ing- l1G & ' en l ons 01 r. A.. ~ mrZED t ' f 9

tOll coves, in which a <.-nu H.O. SCnl()rs . cc ve castle was fermod by drip- turne(:~ to E.B. nnce L.D. (frL:sl .. monitors, self-control, ping wBters". l:iCn). Don 't ~,orry, girls, c:.ppreciation for priv--

EVELYN also visited this is only two, so fell', for iloges, i,lUnctulllity, St. Peters Church, the then, [,nd the year he: s just efficiency, and 1'8-

oldest in Bt]rmudn.. stE.l.rted. spom;;ibility. "A 1.10st intsresting \-;hy ure \~.B. ~nc:: A.B. lVloses Johnson '38

thing to note is hov, the s o ncrV1)US aLout 1,E:VJS cun·- .-' I (V: ........ 1 ,\\/' t'" \' "1·,4 people <5 et their Vl':;~ tel'. c C:' rning th Jir campus love I I I 'I j.J L I 1- \ L\ Roofs Ltre made vi' lime aff!L:'rs getting in The bye? I L~ '--' . . l-j" -I

r'!'-' : - . ' 1..1

v;hieh catch the water ond IHO, 'v.(,ll! purify it. Water is also One evening [' s L prac-shipped from New York. ,tice te.".cher Vi[.S .,ri ting h(;r

"There are Illore color- Iless 0n l)la ns sLe <lsked non-ed people than "hi te. chaluntly, "If I ask e. scnsi-They are employed in the ible questi on, CDn I r.et ~~. perfune factory there . !sensib18 reuson?"

"On8 of the lTID.in ~ish·- 1 vihy did h.B., un the es was Plwl'ina rl[HJ8 of fowl !nieht ,>:of the f oru[(l [ffair a nd bread. Onions are !~hr~v.~i!..c·Ler :11 thl~n ~e~,ds of plentiful there and. su is ~,. H. ,.me B.N1.? k "s ~t their anmlCl.. . ealuus" or Y)lwt?

tiThe frlli10us fruit there is Par: Paw. 1 t is r ound. and looks like an apple. then it is ~reen, it is eaten [~s [, vegetable, \i'hen ripe, it is relished as a fruit."

EVELYN says th&t she spent most of her time in speed boats 2nd maCe w.my friends.

Bermuda is the Isle of sunshine and rest. Maybe there wasn't much rest for


VELYN, Gut who c<..ulc' rest in .. pl£:.c e like tLa t <l

1./,118 Non)::,.l ~Yl; ;;j.shes Mrs. Funes " speeuy r.,covcry.

, Hmv[;l'cl ' s Hutr,dena Club meets here Home-CoLing, So turclG.Y , l~ovembc)r 13th.

HUU) t. \:lll\ti ~ ": /-iI\\lCS Orr: . d t:, 0~d IclL\N'~ :i(.II\

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