arXiv:2108.12330v1 [cs.AI] 27 Aug 2021 SMT-Based Safety Verification of Data-Aware Processes under Ontologies (Extended Version) Diego Calvanese 1,2 , Alessandro Gianola 1 , Andrea Mazzullo 1 , and Marco Montali 1 1 KRDB Research Centre for Knowledge and Data Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy surname @inf.unibz.it 2 Computing Science Department, Ume˚ a University, Sweden Abstract. In the context of verification of data-aware processes (DAPs), a formal approach based on satisfiability modulo theories (SMT) has been considered to verify parameterised safety properties of so-called artifact-centric systems. This approach requires a combination of model- theoretic notions and algorithmic techniques based on backward reacha- bility. We introduce here a variant of one of the most investigated models in this spectrum, namely simple artifact systems (SASs ), where, instead of managing a database, we operate over a description logic (DL) ontol- ogy expressed in (a slight extension of) RDFS. This DL, enjoying suit- able model-theoretic properties, allows us to define DL-based SASs to which backward reachability can still be applied, leading to decidability in PSpace of the corresponding safety problems. 1 Introduction Verifying and reasoning about dynamic systems that integrate processes and data is a long-standing challenge that attracted considerable attention, and that led to a flourishing series of results, within business process management [29,9,20] and data management [31,8,4,17,18]. Among the several conceptual models stud- ied in this area, data-centric systems and in particular artifact-centric systems have been brought forward as a principled approach where relevant (business) objects are elicited, then defining how actions evolve them throughout their life- cycle [24]. Different formal models have been proposed to capture artifact sys- tems and study their verification [8]. One of the most studied settings considers artifact systems as being composed of: a read-only database storing background information about artifacts that does not change during the evolution of the sys- tem; a working memory, used to store data that can be modified in the course of the evolution; and transitions (also called actions or services ) that query the read-only database and the working memory and use the retrieved answers to update the working memory. Verification of such systems is particularly challeng- ing, not only because the working memory in general evolves through infinitely

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SMT-Based Safety Verification of

Data-Aware Processes under Ontologies(Extended Version)

Diego Calvanese1,2, Alessandro Gianola1,Andrea Mazzullo1, and Marco Montali1

1 KRDB Research Centre for Knowledge and DataFree University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy

surname @inf.unibz.it

2 Computing Science Department, Umea University, Sweden

Abstract. In the context of verification of data-aware processes(DAPs), a formal approach based on satisfiability modulo theories (SMT)has been considered to verify parameterised safety properties of so-calledartifact-centric systems. This approach requires a combination of model-theoretic notions and algorithmic techniques based on backward reacha-

bility. We introduce here a variant of one of the most investigated modelsin this spectrum, namely simple artifact systems (SASs), where, insteadof managing a database, we operate over a description logic (DL) ontol-ogy expressed in (a slight extension of) RDFS. This DL, enjoying suit-able model-theoretic properties, allows us to define DL-based SASs towhich backward reachability can still be applied, leading to decidabilityin PSpace of the corresponding safety problems.

1 Introduction

Verifying and reasoning about dynamic systems that integrate processes anddata is a long-standing challenge that attracted considerable attention, and thatled to a flourishing series of results, within business process management [29,9,20]and data management [31,8,4,17,18]. Among the several conceptual models stud-ied in this area, data-centric systems and in particular artifact-centric systemshave been brought forward as a principled approach where relevant (business)objects are elicited, then defining how actions evolve them throughout their life-cycle [24]. Different formal models have been proposed to capture artifact sys-tems and study their verification [8]. One of the most studied settings considersartifact systems as being composed of: a read-only database storing backgroundinformation about artifacts that does not change during the evolution of the sys-tem; a working memory, used to store data that can be modified in the courseof the evolution; and transitions (also called actions or services) that query theread-only database and the working memory and use the retrieved answers toupdate the working memory. Verification of such systems is particularly challeng-ing, not only because the working memory in general evolves through infinitely

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many different configurations, but also because the desired verification proper-ties should hold regardless of the specific content of the read-only database, thuscalling for a particular form of parameterised verification [15,18,10,11].

In this paper, we study for the first time semantic artifact systems wherethe read-only database is substituted by a Description Logic ontology, whichstores background, incomplete information about the artifacts. In this setting,two possible notions of parameterisation may be studied: one where the evolutionof the system is verified against all possible choices for the ABox, another whereverification is against all possible models of a fixed ABox. In this work, we adoptthe latter hypothesis, and thus verify whether the artifact system enjoys desiredproperties irrespectively of how the information explicitly provided by the ABoxis completed through the TBox assertions.

More in detail, we consider an extensively studied, basic model of suchartifact-centric systems, called simple artifact system (SAS ) in [11], where theartifact working memory consists of a fixed set of artifact variables [16,15,11].On top of this basis, we study the verification of safety properties in the casewhere the ontology is specified in (a slight extension of) RDFS [6], a schemalanguage for the Semantic Web formalized by the W3C, and we make use of theontology signature to express the transitions that update the working memory.For this setting, we show that we can decide safety properties in PSpace byrelying on an SMT-based backward reachability procedure.

In spirit, our approach is reminiscent of previous works studying the veri-fication of dynamic systems (in particular, Golog programs) operating over aDL ontology, such as [14,33]. In fact, both in their settings and ours, the dy-namic system evolves each model of the ontology, and verification propertiesare assessed over all the resulting evolutions. This is radically different fromapproaches where the ABox itself is evolved by the process, with an executionsemantics following Levesque’s functional approach, in which query entailmentover the current state is used to compute the successor states [3,5]. However,we differ from [14,33] in that our goal is not only to derive foundational results,but also to transfer such results into practical algorithms and thus obtain amodel that is readily implementable by relying on a state-of-the-art SMT-basedmodel checker such as MCMT [22]. As customary in the formal literature onartifact-centric systems, our approach is based on actions that manipulate theartifact variables, coupled with condition-action rules that declaratively definewhich actions are currently executable, and with which parameters. Alternativechoices could be seamlessly taken, by adapting approaches that rely on an ex-plicit description of the control-flow, e.g., based on state machines [26] or Petrinets interpreted with interleaving semantics [20,28].

This paper is the extended version of [12]. All the detailed proofs can befound in the appendix.

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SMT-Based Verification of DAPs under Ontologies (Ext. Vers.) 3

2 Preliminaries

In this section, we first recall the syntax and semantics of first-order logic (FO).We then define the syntax of the DL RDFS

+considered in this paper, which is a

slight extension of RDFS [6]. Its semantics is provided by means of the standardtranslation, mapping RDFS

+ontologies into equivalent sets of FO formulas.

2.1 First-Order Logic Preliminaries

The alphabet of first-order logic (FO) consists of: countably infinite and pairwisedisjoint sets NP of predicate symbols (with ar(P ) ∈ N being the arity of P ∈ NP),NF of function symbols (with ar(f) ∈ N being the arity of f ∈ NF), NI of individualsymbols (or individual names), and Var of variables ; the equality symbol ‘=’; theBoolean operators ‘¬’ and ‘∧’; and the existential quantifier ‘∃’. An (FO) formulais an expression ϕ ::= P (t) | s = t | ¬ϕ | (ϕ ∧ ϕ) | ∃xϕ, where x ∈ Var, P ∈ NP,s, t are terms, and t = (t1, . . . , tar(P )) is a (possibly empty) tuple of terms, whereterms are defined inductively as follows: t ::= x | a | f(t), where x ∈ Var, a ∈ NI,f ∈ NF, and t = (t1, . . . , tar(f)). A formula of the form P (t) is called an atom,and a literal has the form P (t) or ¬P (t). We adopt the usual abbreviationsand conventions: in particular, ϕ ∨ ψ = ¬(¬ϕ ∧ ¬ψ) and ∀xϕ = ¬∃x¬ϕ, where∀ is the universal quantifier. We write ϕ(x) to indicate that the free variables(defined as usual) of ϕ are included in x, and we write ϕ(a) for the formulaobtained from ϕ(x) by substituting a to x. Similar notions and notation areadopted for terms. A sentence is defined as a formula without free variables,while we call quantifier-free a formula without any occurrence of existential oruniversal quantifiers. A formula is existential if it has the form ∃xϕ(x), where ϕis a quantifier-free formula, and it is universal if it has the form ∀xϕ(x), whereϕ is quantifier-free. A (FO) theory T is a set of FO sentences, and T is said to beuniversal if every ϕ ∈ T is universal. A signature Σ is a subset of NP ∪NF ∪ NI.For a set Γ of formulas, the signature of Γ , denoted ΣΓ , is the set of predicate,function, and individual symbols occurring in Γ . Given a signature Σ, we saythat Γ is a set of Σ-formulas if ΣΓ = Σ (we will use Σ-formula, Σ-theory, etc.,in an analogous way).

An (FO) interpretation is a pair I = (∆I , ·I), where ∆I is a non-emptyset, called domain of I, and ·I is an interpretation function such that: P I ⊆(∆I)ar(P ), for every P ∈ NP; fI : (∆I)ar(f) −→ ∆I , for every f ∈ NF; andaI ∈ ∆I , for every a ∈ NI. An assignment in I is a function a : Var −→ ∆I .We define the value of a term t in I under a as follows: a(t) = a(x), if t = x;a(t) = aI , if t = a ∈ NI; and a(t) = fI(a(t)), if t = f(t), where f ∈ NF and,for an m-tuple t = (t1, . . . , tm) of terms, we set a(t) = (a(t1), . . . , a(tm)). Thenotion of a formula ϕ being satisfied in an interpretation I under an assignment

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a, or of I being a model of ϕ under a, written I |=a ϕ, is inductively defined as:

I |=a P (t) iff a(t) ∈ P I ,

I |=a s = t iff a(s) = a(t),I |=a ¬ψ iff not I |=a ψ,

I |=a ψ ∧ χ iff I |=a ψ and I |=a χ,

I |=a ∃xψ iff I |=a′

ψ for some a′ that can differ from a on x.

For a formula ϕ(x), we write I |= ϕ[d] in place of I |=a ϕ(x), with a(x) = d.We say that a set Γ of formulas is satisfied in an interpretation I under anassignment a, or that I is a model of Γ under a, written I |=a Γ , if I |=a ϕ, forevery ϕ ∈ Γ (we refer to a singleton Γ = {ϕ} simply as ϕ). For a sentence ϕ,the satisfaction of ϕ in I under a does not depend on a, thus we write I |= ϕ inplace of I |=a ϕ, and we say that ϕ is satisfied in I. For a theory T , we say thatT is satisfied in an interpretation I (or that I is a model of T ), written I |= T ,if every sentence of T is satisfied in I. A formula ϕ is satisfiable w.r.t. T (orT -satisfiable) if there exist an interpretation I and an assignment a in I suchthat I |= T and I |=a ϕ. Moreover, we say that T logically implies a formula ϕ,or that ϕ is a logical consequence of T , written T |= ϕ, if, for every interpretationI and every assignment a in I, I |= T implies that I |=a ϕ. Finally, formulas ϕ,ψ are equivalent w.r.t. T (or T -equivalent) if T |= ϕ↔ ψ.

2.2 Description Logics Preliminaries

Let NC, NR, and NI be countably infinite and pairwise disjoint sets of concept,role, and individual names, respectively (with NC ∪ NR ⊆ NP, i.e., concept androle names are predicate symbols, with arity 1 and 2, respectively).

The DL we consider here is an extension of RDFS [6] with disjointness be-tween concepts and roles, conjunction and (one-level) qualified existential quan-tification on the left-hand side of inclusions, and inclusion of direct and inverseroles. We denote such DL RDFS

+, and we define it below.

In RDFS+, concepts C and roles R are defined according to the grammar

R ::= P | P−,

C ::= A1 ⊓ · · · ⊓ An | ∃R.⊤ | ∃R.A,

where P ∈ NR, n ≥ 1, and A,A1, . . . , An ∈ NC.A concept inclusion (CI) has the form C ⊑ A or C ⊑ ¬A, and a role inclusion

(RI) has the form R ⊑ R′ or R ⊑ ¬R′, where C is an RDFS+concept, A ∈ NC,

and R, R′ are roles. An RDFS+

TBox T is a finite set of CIs and RIs. Anassertion has the form A(a), ¬A(a), P (a, b), ¬P (a, b), (a = b), or ¬(a = b),where A ∈ NC, P ∈ NR, and a, b ∈ NI. An ABox A is a finite set of assertions.(We point out that in an ABox we allow for negated assertions, which is a featurethat is not always supported in DLs.) An RDFS

+ontology O is a pair (T ,A),

where T is a TBox and A is an ABox.We observe that RDFS

+is incomparable in expressive power with the DLs

of the popular DL-Lite family [7,2]. Indeed, while DL-Lite allows for the use of

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SMT-Based Verification of DAPs under Ontologies (Ext. Vers.) 5

existential quantification on the right-hand side of CIs, these are ruled out inRDFS

+. On the other hand, in RDFS

+one can locally type the second com-

ponent of a role through the use of qualified existential quantification on theleft-hand side of CIs, while this is not possible in DL-Lite. As we will see later,differently from what happens for DL-Lite, the FO translation of an RDFS


ontology is a universal theory.

Example 1. To represent part of the domain knowledge on job hiring processesfor university personnel, we define the RDFS

+ontology O = (T ,A), where T

consists of the following concept inclusions:

AcademicPosition ⊑ JobPosition AcademicPosition ⊑ ¬AdminPosition

AdminPosition ⊑ JobPosition User ⊑ ¬JobPosition∃appliesFor.⊤ ⊑ User ∃appliesFor−.⊤ ⊑ JobPosition

∃suitableFor.⊤ ⊑ User ∃suitableFor−.⊤ ⊑ JobPosition

∃suitableFor.⊤ ⊑ PositivelyEvaluated EligibleUser ⊑ User

User ⊓ Graduate ⊑ EligibleUser EligibleUser ⊑ Graduate

while A, which stores data on available job positions, contains the assertions



Moreover, we assume that A contains all the assertions of the form ¬A(u),¬P (u, a) and ¬P (a, u), for a distinguished individual name u ∈ NI and everyA,P, a ∈ ΣO, so that u can be used to represent an undefined value. The CIs ofT formalise the following facts: there are both academic and administrative jobpositions and these are disjoint; users and job positions are disjoint; appliesForrelates users to job positions; to be suitable for something one has to be a userthat is positively evaluated; the range of suitableFor is included in the extensionof JobPositions; an eligible user is defined as a graduate user. ⊳

We define now the standard translation from RDFS+expressions to FO for-

mulas, which maps concepts to FO formulas with one free variable, and rolesto FO formulas with two free variables. Specifically, the translation T generatesformulas that contain just two variables x, y ∈ Var, and is defined as follows:

T(A1 ⊓ · · · ⊓ An) = A1(x) ∧ · · · ∧ An(x),T(P ) = P (x, y), T(P−) = P (y, x),

T(∃R.⊤) = ∃yT(R), T(∃R.A) = ∃y(T(R) ∧ A(y)),T(¬A) = ¬T(A), T(¬R) = ¬T(R),

where A,A1, . . . , An are unary predicates and P is a binary predicate. Moreover,we map CIs and RIs into universal FO sentences in the following way:

T(C ⊑ D) = ∀x(T(C) → T(D)), T(R ⊑ S) = ∀x∀y(T(R) → T(S)),

where D stands for either A or ¬A, and S stands for either R′ or ¬R′. Wealso set T(T ) =

β∈T {T(β)}. Assertions α are (identically) mapped into FO

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literals without free variables (i.e., ground), as T(α) = α, and we set T(A) =⋃

α∈A{T(α)}. Finally, T(O) = T(T ) ∪ T(A). It is easy to see that the set of FOsentences obtained as the translation T(O) of an RDFS

+ontology O, can be

equivalently rewritten into a universal Horn theory [25,23]. Such a theory, whichwe identify with T (O), can be obtained from T (O) by simply putting formulasinto prenex normal form.

The semantics for RDFS+

expressions can be given in terms of their FOtranslation [25]. For an interpretation I = (∆I , ·I) and a concept C, we definethe extension of C in I as CI = {d ∈ ∆I | I |= T(C)[d]}. Similarly, for a roleR, we define its extension in I as RI = {(d, e) ∈ ∆I ×∆I | I |= T(R)[d, e]}. Wesay that C and R are satisfied in I if CI 6= ∅ and RI 6= ∅, respectively.

Moreover, given a CI, RI, assertion, TBox, ABox, or ontology Γ , we say thatΓ is satisfied in I (or that I is a model of Γ ), written I |= Γ , iff I |= T(Γ ).Given an ontology O and (a concept, role, CI, RI, or assertion mapped, viaits FO translation, into) an FO formula ϕ, we say that ϕ is satisfiable w.r.t.O (or O-satisfiable) if there exists a model I of O that satisfies ϕ under someassignment in I. Finally, we say that O logically implies an FO formula ϕ, orthat ϕ is a logical consequence of O, written O |= ϕ, if, for every model I of Oand every assignment a in I, we have that I satisfies ϕ under a.

3 Basic Model-Theoretic Properties

In this section, we prove the model-theoretic properties that will be used lateron to develop our verification machinery. Specifically, we show here that thestandard translation of the RDFS

+ontologies introduced in the previous section

admits model completion, and has the constraint satisfiability problem decidable.These properties will allow us, in the subsequent sections, to verify suitablydefined DL-based data-aware processes by employing a variant of the SMT-basedbackward reachability procedure introduced in [10]. To present our results, werequire the following preliminary notions.

A formula that is a conjunction of Σ-literals is called a Σ-constraint. Given aΣ-theory T , we define the constraint satisfiability problem for T as follows: givena formula ∃yϕ(x, y), where ϕ(x, y) is a Σ-constraint, decide whether ∃yϕ(x, y)is satisfiable w.r.t. T . A theory T has quantifier elimination iff, for every ΣT -formula ϕ(x), there exists a quantifier-free formula ψ(x) such that T |= ϕ(x) ↔ψ(x). Finally, we will use the following definition of model completion, whichis restricted to cover the case of universal theories (the ones considered in thiswork) and that is nonetheless known to be equivalent (for universal theories) tothe usual one from model theory [13,19,10]. Let T be a universal Σ-theory andlet T ∗ ⊇ T be a further Σ-theory. We say that T ∗ is a model completion of Tiff: (i) every Σ-constraint satisfied in some model of T is also satisfied in somemodel of T ∗; (ii) T ∗ has quantifier elimination.

We now state the main technical result of the section.

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Theorem 2. Given an RDFS+ontology O, T(O) is a finite universal FO theory

that (i) has a decidable constraint satisfiability problem, and (ii) admits a modelcompletion.

Proof (Sketch). To prove Point (i), we reduce to RDFS+(seen as a fragment of

ALCHI, [30]) ontology satisfiability. For Point (ii), since there is no functionsymbol in ΣT (O), it is sufficient to show that T (O) enjoys the amalgamationproperty: this is proved by explicitly constructing a T (O)-amalgam for everypair of models I1 and I2 of T (O) sharing a submodel I0. See the appendix fordetails.

Remark 3. For every RDFS+ontology O, the model completion T (O)∗ of T (O)

admits quantifier elimination. The algorithm for quantifier elimination in T (O)∗

follows from the proof of Theorem 2: to eliminate ∃x from a ΣT (O)-formula∃xϕ(x, y), it is sufficient to take the conjunction of the clauses χ(y) impliedby ϕ(x, y), which are finitely many for T (O), up to T (O)-equivalence. Thisprocedure is used in Algorithm 1 below and is crucial to get the decidabilityresults of Theorem 6. ⊳

Properties (i) and (ii) from Theorem 2 are in line with the foundationalframework of [10,11], where a third property is additionally assumed: the finitemodel property for constraint satisfiability (see the references for the definition).However, differently from [10,11], this property is not needed anymore for theresults of our paper. This is an important difference from [10,11], since theartifact systems studied there require to interact with finite structures (i.e.,databases), whereas in the context of the present work we admit that the modelsof the knowledge base of our artifact systems can be infinite.

4 Ontology-Based Data-Aware Processes

In this section, we present our main contributions. We first define our model,called RDFS

+-based simple artifact systems, or RDFS

+-SASs for short, to for-

malise data-aware processes under RDFS+ontologies. These systems are a vari-

ant of the artifact-centric systems studied in [10]. RDFS+-SASs read data from

a given RDFS+ontology, used to store background information of the system,

and manipulate individual variables, called artifact variables, which representthe current state of the process. We then study the parameterised safety prob-lems of such models by adopting a symbolic version [21,11] of the well-knownbackward reachability procedure [1].

4.1 DL-Based Simple Artifact Systems

We first require the following preliminary notions. For an RDFS+ontology O,

an O-partition is a finite set P = {κ1(x), . . . , κn(x)} of ΣO-literals such thatO |= ∀x


i=1 κi(x) ∧ ∀x∧

i6=j ¬(κi(x) ∧ κj(x)). Given an ontology O, an O-partition P = {κ1(x), . . . , κn(x)}, and ΣO-terms t(x) = (t1(x), . . . , tn(x)), (the

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value of) a case-defined function F based on P and t, for a fresh function symbolF ∈ NF, is defined as follows: for every model I of O, every assignment a in I,and every tuple x of variables, a(F (x)) = a(ti(x)), if I |=a κi(x).

In order to introduce verification problems in a symbolic setting, one firsthas to specify which formulas are used to represent (i) the sets of states, (ii) thesystem initialisations, and (iii) the system evolution. To capture these aspects,we provide the following definitions.

An RDFS+-based simple artifact system (RDFS

+-SAS) is a tuple

S = (O, x, ι(x),⋃m

j=1{τj(x, x′)}),

where m ∈ N, and

– O = (T ,A) is an RDFS+ontology;

– x = (x1, . . . , xn) is a tuple of variables, called artifact variables, and x′ is atuple of variables that are renamed copies of variables in x;

– ι(x) =∧n

i=1 xi = ai, with ai ∈ NI, is an initial state formula;

– τj(x, x′) = ∃y(γj(x, y) ∧

∧ni=1 x

′i = F

ji (x, y)), for 1 ≤ j ≤ m, is a transition

formula, where γj(x, y) is a conjunction of ΣO-literals called guard of τj ,

and x′i = Fji (x, y), where each F j

i is a case-defined function based on someO-partition and list of ΣO-terms, is an update of τj .

Given an RDFS+

ontology O, we call state (ΣO-)formula a quantifier-freeΣO-formula ϕ(x). A state formula constrains the content of the artifact variablescharacterising the current states of the systems. Notice that a state formula canrepresent a (possibly infinite) set of states, because of the presence of (possiblyinfinitely many) different elements in a model of the ontologyO. A safety formulafor S is a state ΣO-formula ν(x), used to describe the undesired states of thesystem. We say that S is safe w.r.t. ν(x) if there does not exist k ≥ 0 and aformula of the form

ι(x0) ∧ τj0(x0, x1) ∧ · · · ∧ τjk−1

(xk−1, xk) ∧ ν(xk), (⋆)

that is satisfiable w.r.t. O, where 1 ≤ j0, . . . , jk−1 ≤ m and each xh, with0 ≤ h ≤ k, is a tuple of variables that are renamed copies of variables in x. Thesafety problem for S is the following decision problem: given a safety formulaν(x) for S, decide whether S is safe w.r.t. ν(x). This verification problem isparametric on the models of a fixed RDFS

+ontology, since safety is assessed

irrespectively of the choice of such a model. This implies that, when the systemis safe, it is so for every execution of the process under every possible model(which in principle are infinitely many) of the given ontology.

Example 4. We develop a simplified job hiring process for university personnelbased on the domain knowledge formalised in Example 1. Each application iscreated using a dedicated website portal, where users that are potentially inter-ested in applying need to register in advance. When a registered user decidesto apply, the data created by this single application do not have to be stored

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persistently and thus can be maintained just by using artifact variables (de-scribed below) that can interact with the knowledge base. All these variablesare initialised with an undefined value u. In the first transition of the system,an application is created by a registered user, which falls into the extension ofthe concept User: the information about this user is then stored in the artifactvariable xapplicant. At this point, the application website asks the user whetherthey hold a university degree: in case of an affermative answer, the website ac-cepts the user as eligible, the information about the user is stored using xapplicantand the process can progress. Then, the user picks up a job position (assigned toxjob) and applies for it. The following steps of the process involve the evaluationof the application: for both academic and administrative positions, if the eligiblecandidate is suitable for the chosen position, they are declared winner (assignedto xwinner), otherwise they are declared loser (assigned to xloser). To formalise this

process, we define the RDFS+-SAS S = (O, x, ι(x),

⋃7j=1{τj(x, x

′)}) so that:

– the ontology O is the RDFS+ontology given in Example 1;

– the artifact variables are x = (xapplicant, xjob, xeligible, xwinner, xloser);– the initial state formula is

ι = (xapplicant = u) ∧ (xjob = u) ∧ (xeligible = u) ∧ (xwinner = u) ∧ (xloser = u);– the transition formulas areτ1 = ∃y1(User(y1) ∧ x′applicant = y1),

τ2 = EligibleUser(xapplicant) ∧ x′eligible = xapplicant,

τ3 = ∃z1(JobPosition(z1) ∧ appliesFor(xeligible, z1) ∧ x′job = z1),

τ4 = AcademicPosition(xjob) ∧ suitableFor(xeligible, xjob) ∧ x′winner = xeligible,

τ5 = AdminPosition(xjob) ∧ suitableFor(xeligible, xjob) ∧ x′winner = xeligible,

τ6 = AcademicPosition(xjob) ∧ ¬suitableFor(xeligible, xjob) ∧ x′loser = xeligible,

τ7 = AdminPosition(xjob) ∧ ¬suitableFor(xeligible, xjob) ∧ x′loser = xeligible.

An undesired situation of the system is the one where an applicant registereduser is declared winner even if they were not eligible. This situation is formallydescribed by the following safety formula for S:

ν = User(xwinner) ∧ ¬EligibleUser(xwinner). ⊳

4.2 Backward Search for RDFS+-SASs

Algorithm 1 shows the SMT-based backward reachability procedure (or backwardsearch) for handling the safety problem for an RDFS

+-SAS S. An integral part

of the algorithm is to compute symbolic preimages (Line 5). The intuition behindthe algorithm is to execute a loop where, starting from the undesired states ofthe system (described by the safety formula ν(x)), the state space of the systemis explored backward : in every iteration of the while loop (Line 2), the current setof states is regressed through transitions thanks to the preimage computation.For that purpose, for any τ(z, z′) and φ(z) (where z′ are renamed copies of z), wedefine τ :=


h=1 τh and Pre(τ, φ) as the formula ∃z′(τ(z, z′) ∧ φ(z′)). Let φ(x)be a state formula, describing the state of the artifact variables x. The preimageof the set of states described by the formula φ(x) is the set of states described by

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Algorithm 1: SMT-based backward reachability procedure

Function BReach(ν)1 φ←− ν; B ←− ⊥;2 while φ ∧ ¬B is T (O)-satisfiable do

3 if ι ∧ φ is T (O)-satisfiable then

return (unsafe, unsafe trace of form (⋆));

4 B ←− φ ∨ B;5 φ←− Pre(τ, φ);6 φ←− QE(T (O)∗, φ);

return safe;

Pre(τ, φ) (notice that, when τ =∨

τ , then Pre(τ, φ) =∨

Pre(τ , φ)). We recallthat a state formula is a quantifier-free ΣO-formula. Unfortunately, because ofthe presence of the existentially quantified variables y in τ , Pre(τ, φ) is not astate formula, in general. As stated in [10,11], if the quantified variables werenot eliminated, we would break the regressability of the procedure: indeed, thestates reached by computing preimages, intuitively described by Pre(τ, φ), needto be represented by a state formula φ′ in the new iteration of the while loop.In addition, the increase of the number of variables due to the iteration of thepreimage computation would affect the performance of the satisfiability testsdescribed below, in case the loop is executed many times. In order to solve theseissues, it is essential to introduce the subprocedure QE(T (O)∗, φ) in Line 6.

QE(T (O)∗, φ) in Line 6 is a subprocedure that implements the quantifierelimination algorithm of T (O)∗ and that converts the preimage Pre(τ, φ) of astate formula φ into a state formula (equivalent to it modulo the axioms ofT (O)∗), so as to guarantee the regressability of the procedure: this conversionis possible since T (O)∗ eliminates from τh the existentially quantified variablesy. Backward search computes iterated preimages of the safety formula ν, untila fixpoint is reached (in that case, S is safe w.r.t. ν) or until a set intersectingthe initial states (i.e., satisfying ι) is found (in that case, S is unsafe w.r.t. ν).Inclusion (Line 2) and disjointness (Line 3) tests can be discharged via proofobligations to be handled by SMT solvers. The fixpoint is reached when the testin Line 2 returns unsat : the preimage of the set of the current states is includedin the set of states reached by the backward search so far (represented as theiterated application of preimages to the safety formula ν). The test at Line 3is satisfiable when the states visited so far by the backward search includes apossible initial state (i.e., a state satisfying ι). If this is the case, then S isunsafe w.r.t. ν. Together with the unsafe outcome, the algorithm also returns anunsafe trace of the form (⋆), explicitly witnessing the sequence of transitions τhthat, starting from the initial configurations, lead the system to a set of statessatisfying the undesired conditions described by ν(x).

Theorem 5. Backward search (Algorithm 1) is correct for detecting whether anRDFS

+-SAS S is safe w.r.t. ν(x).

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Proof (Sketch). First, we require the following claim, which follows immediatelyfrom the definitions.

Claim 1. For every safety formula ν(x) for S and every k ≥ 0, a formula ϑ ofthe form (⋆) is satisfiable w.r.t. O iff ϑ is satisfiable w.r.t. T (O).

Then, we need to show that, instead of considering satisfiability of formulas ofthe form (⋆) in models of T (O), we can concentrate on satisfiability w.r.t. T (O)∗

(T (O)∗ exists thanks to Property (ii) of Theorem 2). Then, by exploiting thealgorithm for quantifier elimination in T (O)∗ described in Remark 3, formulasof the form (⋆) can be represented via backward search by using quantifier-freeformulas. We finally conclude by noticing that safety/unsafety of S w.r.t ν(x)can be now detected invoking the satisfiability tests (which are effective thanksto Property (i) of Theorem 2) over those quantifier-free formulae.

Backward search for generic artifact systems is not guaranteed to termi-nate [11]. However, in case S is unsafe w.r.t. ν(x), an unsafe trace—which isfinite—is found after finitely many iterations of the while loop: hence, in theunsafe case, backward search must terminate. Together with the theorem above,this means that the backward reachability procedure is at least a semi-decisionprocedure for detecting unsafety of RDFS

+-SASs. Nevertheless, we show in the

following theorem that, in case of RDFS+-SASs, backward search always termi-

nates : thus, it is a full decision procedure, for which we also provide a PSpace

upper bound.

Theorem 6. For an RDFS+

ontology O and an RDFS+-SAS S =

(O, x, ι(x),⋃m

j=1{τj(x, x′)}), the safety problem for S is decidable in PSpace

in the combined size of x, ι(x) and⋃m

j=1{τj(x, x′)}.

Proof (Sketch). For every RDFS+

ontology O, there are only finitely manyquantifier-free ΣT (O)-formulas, up to T (O)-equivalence, that can be built outof a finite set of variables x. Thanks to the availability of the quantifier elim-ination procedure QE(T (O)∗, ϕ), the overall number of variables in ϕ is neverincreased. This implies that globally there are only finitely many quantifier-freeΣT (O)-formulas that Algorithm 1 needs to analyse. Hence, Algorithm 1 termi-nates. Concerning complexity, we first note that the translation T (O) requirespolynomial time. Then, we need to eliminate the occurrences of case-definedfunctions (creating an equivalent SAS whose size is polynomial in the size of theoriginal one), and to modify Algorithm 1 by making it nondeterministic with anNPSpace complexity. The claim follows by applying Savitch’s Theorem.

We observe that Algorithm 1 is not yet implemented in the state-of-the-artmodel checker MCMT (Model Checker Modulo Theories [21]), which is basedon SMT solving. Such an implementation, however, can be obtained by extend-ing MCMT with the quantifier elimination algorithm for T (O)∗ (described inRemark 3), required in Line 6, together with a procedure for RDFS+ ontologysatisfiability (seen as a fragment of ALCHI, [30]), required in Lines 2 and 3.

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5 Conclusions

We have studied the problem of verification of data-aware processes underRDFS

+ontologies, where the process component can interact with a knowledge

base specified by means of the DL RDFS+, underpinning the RDFS constructs.

We addressed this problem by introducing a suitable model of DL-based artifact-centric systems, called RDFS

+-based SASs, and by leveraging the SMT-based

version of the backward reachability procedure, which is a well-known techniqueto employ for verifying systems of this kind. Specifically, we showed that thisprocedure is a full decision procedure for detecting safety of RDFS

+-based SASs,

and we also provided a PSpace complexity upper bound.This work opens several directions for future work. First, we notice that the

choice of RDFS+ontologies is not intrinsic to our approach. Indeed, motivated

by conceptual modelling and data integration issues in OBDA applications, weare currently working on the DL-Lite family of DLs, to define suitable DL-Lite-based SASs with analogous decidability and complexity results. The maindifference we have to account for is that, for a DL-Lite ontology O, we have anequisatisfiable (but not equivalent) translation into a universal one-variable FOsentence T (O), and Claim 1 in the proof of Theorem 5 has to be modified to show

that a trace ϑ is satisfiable w.r.t. O iff a suitably translated trace ϑ is satisfiablew.r.t. T (O). In general, nonetheless, we point out that any DL satisfying thetwo conditions stated in Theorem 2 can be chosen for our purposes, and thatthe same theoretical guarantees can be obtained over the SMT-based backwardreachability procedure. As future work, we thus intend to introduce a moregeneral framework for DL-based SASs that is able to account for different DLs.We also intend to extend the results obtained here to more sophisticated artifact-centric models, such as the relational artifact systems (RASs) studied in [10,11].Moreover, it could be worth investigating in this setting also properties that gobeyond safety, such as liveness and fairness.


This research has been partially supported by the Wallenberg AI, AutonomousSystems and Software Program (WASP) funded by the Knut and Alice Wal-lenberg Foundation, by the Italian Basic Research (PRIN) project HOPE, bythe EU H2020 project INODE (grant agreement 863410) by the CHIST-ERAproject PACMEL, by the project IDEE (FESR1133) funded by the Eur. Reg.Development Fund (ERDF) Investment for Growth and Jobs Programme 2014-2020, and by the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano through the projects KGID,GeoVKG, STyLoLa,VERBA and MENS.

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A Appendix

Proofs for Section 3

In the following, given a signatureΣ, we call a Σ-interpretation an interpretationI = (∆I , ·I), where the domain of ·I is restricted to Σ. Let I and J be Σ-interpretations. A Σ-homomorphism (or simply homomorphism) from I to Jis a function µ : ∆I −→ ∆J , denoted by µ : I −→ J , satisfying the followingconditions, for every d in ∆I :

(1) for every individual symbol a ∈ Σ, µ(aI) = aJ ;(2) for every function symbol f ∈ Σ, µ(fI(d)) = fJ (µ(d));(3) for every predicate symbol P ∈ Σ, if d ∈ P I , then µ(d) ∈ PJ .

We say that a homomorphism µ : I −→ J is an embedding from I to J if µ isinjective and such that:

(3′) for every predicate symbol P ∈ Σ, d ∈ P I iff µ(d) ∈ PJ .

We say that I is a substructure of J , and that J is an extension of I, writtenI ⊆ J , iff ∆I ⊆ ∆J and the identity inclusion i : ∆I −→ ∆J is an embeddingfrom I to J .

A theory T has the amalgamation property if, for every pair of embeddingsµ1 : I0 −→ I1, µ2 : I0 −→ I2 between models I0 and I1, I2 of T , there exist amodel I of T and embeddings ν1 : I1 −→ I, ν2 : I2 −→ I, such that ν1 ◦ µ1 =ν2 ◦ µ2. The triple (I, ν1, ν2) (or, with an abuse of notation, just I) is called aT -amalgam of I1, I2 over I0.

Theorem 2. Given an RDFS+ontology O, T(O) is a finite universal FO theory

that (i) has a decidable constraint satisfiability problem, and (ii) admits a modelcompletion.

Proof. Concerning Property (i), we have that the constraint satisfiability prob-lem for T(O) can be reduced to the RDFS

+ontology satisfiability problem,

seen as a fragment of ALCHI, for which this problem is known to be decid-able [30]. Indeed, let


i=1 αi(x) be a conjunction of ΣT(O)-literals. We havethat

∧ni=1 αi(x) is satisfiable w.r.t. T(O) iff T(O) ∪

⋃ni=1{αi(x)} is satisfiable.

Since each αi(x) is a ΣT(O)-literal, the previous set of formulas is in turn satis-fiable iff T(O) ∪


i=1{αi(a)} is satisfiable, with fresh a ∈ NI \ΣT(O). By defini-tion, αi(a) is the image under the standard translation of an assertion, and thusT(O) ∪


i=1{αi(a)} is the image under the standard translation of an ALCHIontology, for which satisfiability can be decided.

To show Property (ii), we first require the following claim.

Claim. Given a signature Σ without function symbols, every universal Σ-theoryT that has the amalgamation property admits a model completion.

Proof. Cf. [32,27,11].

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By the previous claim, since ΣT (O) does not contain function symbols andT (O) is universal, to prove that T (O) admits a model completion, it is enoughto show that T (O) has the amalgamation property. We prove this as follows.Consider ΣT (O)-interpretations I1 and I2 that are models of T (O), and let I0be a substructure of both I1 and I2 that is a model of T (O) (we assume w.l.o.g.that ∆I1 ∩ ∆I2 = ∆I0). We define the ΣT (O)-interpretation I = (∆I , ·I) asfollows:

– ∆I = ∆I1 ∪∆I2 ;– for every individual symbol a ∈ ΣT (O), a

I = aI1 ;– for every (1- or 2-ary) predicate symbol P ∈ ΣT (O), P

I = P I1 ∪ P I2 .

Observe that aI = aI1 = aI0 = aI2 . Moreover, if d ∈ P I , where P is n-ary, forn ∈ {1, 2}, then d ∈ (∆I1)n and d ∈ P I1 , or d ∈ (∆I2)n and d ∈ P I2 : this followsfrom the definition of P I := P I1∪P I2 . Clearly, given embeddings µ1 : I0 −→ I1,µ2 : I0 −→ I2, the (inclusion) embeddings i1 : I1 −→ I, i2 : I2 −→ I are suchthat i1 ◦ µ1 = i2 ◦ µ2. Thus, to show that (I, i1, i2) is a T (O)-amalgam of I1, I2over I0, we have to prove that I is a model of T (O). A formula ϕ of T (O) hasone of the following forms (we recall that formulas of T (O) are given in prenexnormal form):

(1) ∀x(A1(x) ∧ . . . ∧An(x) → λ(x));(2) ∀x∀y(R1(x, y) → λ(x));(3) ∀x∀y(R1(x, y) ∧A(y) → λ(x));(4) ∀x∀y(R1(x, y) → R2(x, y));(5) ∀x∀y(R1(x, y) → ¬R2(x, y));

where: Ak ∈ NC, for k ∈ {1, . . . , n}; λ ∈ {B,¬B}, with B ∈ NC; Ri(x, y) =Pi(x, y), if Ri = Pi, and Ri(x, y) = Pi(y, x), if Ri = P−

i , with Pi ∈ NR andi ∈ {1, 2}. We now show, reasoning by cases, that for every j ∈ {1, . . . , 5} andevery formula ϕ ∈ T (O) of the form (j), I is a model of ϕ.

(1) Given d ∈ ∆I , suppose that I |= Ak[d], i.e., d ∈ AIk , for all k ∈ {1, . . . , n}.

By what already observed, we have that d ∈ ∆Ii and d ∈ AIi

k , for i = 1 ori = 2, and thus Ii |= Ak[d]. Since Ii is a model of T (O), and hence of ϕ,we have Ii |= λ[d]. Given that λ(x) is a literal and Ii is embedded in I, weobtain that I |= λ[d], and thus I |= ϕ.

(2) Let R1(x, y) = P (x, y). Given a pair (d, e) with d, e ∈ ∆I , suppose thatI |= R1[d, e], i.e., (d, e) ∈ RI

1 . By what already observed, we have thatd, e ∈ ∆Ii , (d, e) ∈ RIi

1 , for i = 1 or i = 2, and thus Ii |= R1[d, e]. Since Iiis a model of T (O), and hence of ϕ, we have Ii |= λ[d]. Given that λ(x) is aliteral and Ii is embedded in I, we obtain that I |= λ[d], and thus I |= ϕ.The case of R1 = P (y, x) is analogous.

(3) Let R1(x, y) = P (x, y). Given a pair (d, e) with d, e ∈ ∆I , suppose thatI |= R1[d, e] and I |= A[e], i.e., (d, e) ∈ RI

1 and e ∈ AI . By what alreadyobserved, we have that d, e ∈ ∆Ii , (d, e) ∈ RIi

1 , and e ∈ AIi , for i = 1 ori = 2, and thus Ii |= R1[d, e] and Ii |= A[e]. Since Ii is a model of T (O),

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and hence of ϕ, we have Ii |= λ[d]. Given that λ(x) is a literal and Ii isembedded in I, we obtain that I |= λ[d], and thus I |= ϕ. The case ofR1 = P (y, x) is analogous.

(4) Let Ri(x, y) = Pi(x, y), for i ∈ {1, 2}. Given a pair (d, e) with d, e ∈ ∆I ,suppose that I |= R1[d, e], i.e., (d, e) ∈ RI

1 . By what already observed, wehave that d, e ∈ ∆Ii and (d, e) ∈ RIi

1 , for i = 1 or i = 2, and thus Ii |=R1[d, e]. Since Ii is a model of T (O), and hence of ϕ, we have Ii |= R2[d, e].Given that R2(x, y) is a literal and Ii is embedded in I, we obtain thatI |= λ[d], and thus I |= ϕ. The cases with Ri = Pi(y, x), for i = 1 or i = 2,are analogous.

(5) This case is analogous to the previous one, since ¬R2(x, y) is a literal andIi is embedded in I.

Thus, we conclude that I |= ϕ, for every ϕ ∈ T (O), i.e., I |= T (O). Thiscompletes the proof that I is a T (O)-amalgam of I1, I2 over I0, hence T (O) hasthe amalgamation property. By the claim above, we obtain that T (O) admits amodel completion.

Following an analogous argument to the one used in [11, Proposition 3.2], onecan also exhibit the algorithm for quantifier elimination in the model completionof T(O): given a formula ∃xϕ(x, y), take the quantifier-free formula ψ(y) as theconjunction of the set of all quantifier-free formulae χ(y) such that ϕ(x, y) →χ(y) is a logical consequences of T(O) (they are clearly finitely many, up toT(O)-equivalence).

Proofs for Section 4

Lemma 7. The safety problem for an RDFS+-SAS S can be reduced to the safety

problem for an RDFS+-SAS S ′ (the size of which is polynomial in the size of S)

without any occurrence of case-defined functions.

Proof. We first require the following claim.

Claim. For every RDFS+-SAS S = (O, x, ι(x),


j=1{τj(x, x′)}), there exists an

RDFS+-SAS S ′ = (O, x, ι(x),


j=1{τ′j(x, x

′)}) such that: (i) the transition for-mulas τ ′j , for 0 ≤ j ≤ m′, do not contain any case-defined function; and (ii)

for every safety formula ν(x), there exists a formula ϑkS,ν of the form (⋆) that

is satisfiable w.r.t. O, for some k ≥ 0, iff there exists a formula ϑk′

S′,ν of theform (⋆) that is satisfiable w.r.t. O, for some k′ ≥ 0. The construction of S ′ ispolynomially long in the size of S (i.e., O(n2), when n is the overall size of S).

Proof of Claim. First, concerning Point (i), we observe that, given an RDFS+

ontology O and a formula ϕ containing a case-defined function F (based on someO-partition and list of ΣO-terms), there exists a formula ϕ† not containing anyoccurrence of F and such that O |= ϕ↔ ϕ†. Such a formula ϕ† can be obtainedfrom ϕ by substituting every atom α in which F (x) occurs by the disjunction

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∨ni=1(κi(x) ∧ α(ti(x)). Now, consider S = (O, x, ι(x),

⋃mj=1{τj(x, x

′)}) and let

1 ≤ h ≤ m be such that τh(x, x′) = ∃y(γh(x, y)∧

∧ni=1 x

′i = Fh

i (x, y)), where Fki

are cased-defined functions based on someO-partitions and lists of ΣO-terms. Bysubstituting each x′i = Fh

i (x, y) with∨p

j=1(κh,ji (x)∧x′i = t

h,ji (x, y)) and applying

first-order logic transformations, we obtain the formula∨p

j=1 τ†h,j(x, x

′), where

τ†h,j(x, x

′) = ∃y(n∧


(γh(x, y) ∧ κh,ji (x)) ∧n∧


x′i = th,ji (x, y)),

which is equivalent to the original τh(x, x′) in all models of O. Notice that the

size of each τ†h,j is clearly O(n), where n is the overall size of the input S, and,

since p = O(n), there are O(n2) such τ†h,j . Hence, the size of S ′ is O(n2), as

wanted. By taking, for all the relevant 1 ≤ h ≤ m,




{τj(x, x′)} \ {τh(x, x




{τ†h,j(x, x′)},

we obtain an RDFS+-SAS S ′ = (O, x, ι(x),


j=1{τ′j(x, x

′)}) that does not con-tain any case defined function. Moreover, concerning Point (ii), it is straightfor-

ward to see that, since O |=∨m

j=1 τj ↔∨m′

j=1 τ′j , for every safety formula ν(x),

there exists a formula ϑkS,ν of the form (⋆) that is satisfiable w.r.t. O, for some

k ≥ 0, iff there exists a formula ϑk′

S′,ν of the form (⋆) that is satisfiable w.r.t. O,for some k′ ≥ 0.

The statement of the lemma then follows from the previous claim: it is suf-ficient to notice that, for every safety formula ν(x), there is no k ≥ 0 and noformula ϑkS,ν of the form (⋆) that is satisfiable w.r.t. O iff there is no k′ ≥ 0 and

no formula ϑk′

S′,ν of the form (⋆) that is satisfiable w.r.t. O. This implies that Sis safe w.r.t. ν(x) iff S ′ is so, where S ′ does not contain case-defined functions.

Theorem 5. Backward search (Algorithm 1) is correct for detecting whether anRDFS

+-SAS S is safe w.r.t. ν(x).

Proof. Thanks to Lemma 7, in the rest of this proof we assume w.l.o.g. thatan RDFS

+-SAS S = (O, x, ι(x),


j=1{τj(x, x′)}) does not contain case-defined

functions. Moreover, we require the following claim, an immediate consequenceof the definitions.

Claim 1. For every safety formula ν(x) for S and every k ≥ 0, a formula ϑ ofthe form (⋆) is satisfiable w.r.t. O iff ϑ is satisfiable w.r.t. T (O).

Now, we show that, instead of considering satisfiability of formulae of theform (⋆) in models of T (O), we can concentrate on T (O)∗-satisfiability. By def-inition, an RDFS

+-SAS S is unsafe iff there is a formula ϑ of the form (⋆)

ι(x0) ∧ τj0 (x0, x1) ∧ . . . ∧ τjk−1

(xk−1, xk) ∧ ν(xk)

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that is satisfiable w.r.t. O, for some k ≥ 0. By the observation above, we get thatS is unsafe iff there is a formula ϑ of the form (⋆) that is satisfiable w.r.t. T (O),for some k ≥ 0. Thanks to Theorem 2, T (O) admits a model completion T (O)∗.Hence, since the formulas of the form (⋆) are existential ΣT (O)-formulas, and byusing the property that every model of an FO theory T embeds into a model ofits model completion T ∗, we conclude that S is unsafe iff, for some k ≥ 0, thereis a formula ϑ of the form (⋆) that is satisfiable in a model of T (O)∗. Thus, forestablishing (un)safety of S, we can concentrate on satisfiability of formulas ofthe form (⋆) in models of T (O)∗.

We now continue the proof by adopting arguments similar to the ones con-tained in the proof of [11, Theorem 4.2]. We want to show the correctness ofAlgorithm 1. First, we preliminarily give some useful remarks on the algorithm.Let us call Bn (resp. φn), with n ≥ 0, the status of the variable B (resp. φ) aftern executions in Line 4 (resp. Line 6) of Algorithm 1 (n = 0 corresponds to thestatus of the variables in Line 1). Notice that we have

T (O)∗ |= φj+1 ↔ Pre(τ, φj) (1)

for all j and that

T (O) |= Bn ↔∨


φj (2)

is an invariant of the algorithm.We now show that if the algorithm returns an unsafe outcome, this outcome is

correct, i.e., S is really unsafe. Since we are considering satisfiability of formulaeof the form (⋆) in models of T (O)∗, we can apply the quantifier eliminationprocedure of T (O)∗: it can be easily seen that the satisfiability of the quantifier-free formula we get in this way is equivalent to the satisfiability of ι∧φn: clearly,this is again a quantifier-free formula (because of line 6 of Algorithm 1). SinceT (O)-satisfiability and T (O)∗-satisfiability are equivalent (by definition of modelcompletion) when dealing with existential (and in particular, quantifier-free)formulae, the T (O)-satisfiability of ι ∧ φn is decidable thanks to Theorem 2.Hence, if Algorithm 1 terminates with an unsafe outcome, then there exists aformula ϑ of the form (⋆) that is T (O)∗-satisfiable. This exactly means that Sis unsafe, as wanted.

We now show that if the algorithm returns a safe outcome, this outcomeis correct, i.e., S is really safe. Consider the satisfiability test in Line 2. This isagain a satisfiability test for a quantifier-free ΣT (O)-formula, thus it is decidable.In case of a safe outcome, we have that T (O) |= φn → Bn; we claim that, if wecontinued executing the loop of Algorithm 1, we would get that

T (O)∗ |= Bm ↔ Bn, (3)

for all m ≥ n. We justify Claim (3) below.From T (O) |= φn → Bn, taking into consideration that T (O)∗ ⊇ T (O)

and that Formula (1) holds, we get T (O)∗ |= φn+1 → Pre(τ, Bn). SincePre commutes with disjunctions (i.e., Pre(τ,

j φj) is logically equivalent to

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j Pre(τ, φj)), we also have T (O)∗ |= Pre(τ, Bn) ↔∨

1≤j≤n φj by the Invari-ant (2) and by Formula (1) again. By using the entailment T (O) |= φn → Bn

once more, we get T (O)∗ |= φn+1 → Bn and also that T (O)∗ |= Bn+1 ↔ Bn,thus we finally obtain that T (O)∗ |= φn+1 → Bn+1. Since φn+1 → Bn+1 isquantifier-free, T (O)∗ |= φn+1 → Bn+1 implies T (O) |= φn+1 → Bn+1. Thisargument can be repeated for all m ≥ n, obtaining that T (O)∗ |= Bm ↔ Bn forall m ≥ n, i.e., Claim (3).

This would entail that ι ∧ φm is always unsatisfiable (because of (2) andbecause ι ∧ φj was unsatisfiable for all j < n), which is the same (as remarkedabove) as saying that all formulae (⋆) are T (O)∗-unsatisfiable. Thus, S is safe.

Theorem 6. For an RDFS+

ontology O and an RDFS+-SAS S =

(O, x, ι(x),⋃m

j=1{τj(x, x′)}), the safety problem for S is decidable in PSpace

in the combined size of x, ι(x) and⋃m

j=1{τj(x, x′)}.

Proof. There are only finitely many quantifier-free ΣT (O)-formulas, up to T (O)-equivalence, that could be built out of a finite set of variables x: this holdsfor every RDFS

+ontology O. Thanks to the quantifier elimination procedure

in Line 6, the overall number of variables in φ is never increased: notice that,without quantifier elimination, computing preimages Pre(τ, φj) would introducein φj+1 new quantified variables, because of the presence of existentially quan-tified variables y in τ . This implies that globally there are only finitely manyquantifier-free ΣT (O)-formulas that Algorithm 1 needs to analyse. Hence, Algo-rithm 1 must terminate: because of (2), the unsatisfiability test of Line 2 musteventually succeed, if the unsatisfiability test of Line 3 never does so.

Concerning complexity, we need to modify Algorithm 1. We first notice that,thanks to Lemma 7, the preprocessing that converts an RDFS

+-SAS with oc-

currences of case-defined functions into its equivalent RDFS+-SAS without any

occurrence of case-defined functions does not increase the overall complexityof the problem. Moreover, the translation of an RDFS

+-ontology O into T (O)

requires polynomial time. Then, we adopt a nondeterministic procedure, anal-ogous to the one in [10, Theorem 6.1], that makes the complexity NPSpace:the main difference from [10, Theorem 6.1] is that in our signatures, instead ofunary functions, we have unary and binary relational symbols, but the argumentworks similarly. By Savitch’s Theorem (PSpace = NPSpace), we conclude theproof.