Review of proton and nuclear shape fluctuations at high energy Heikki M¨ antysaari 1, 2 1 Department of Physics, University of Jyv¨ askyl¨ a, P.O. Box 35, 40014 University of Jyv¨askyl¨ a, Finland 2 Helsinki Institute of Physics, P.O. Box 64, 00014 University of Helsinki, Finland Determining the inner structure of protons and nuclei in terms of their fundamental constituents has been one of the main tasks of high energy nuclear and particle physics experiments. This quest started as a mapping of the (average) parton densities as a function of longitudinal momentum fraction and resolution scale. Recently, the field has progressed to more differential imaging, where one important development is the description of the event-by-event quantum fluctuations in the wave function of the colliding hadron. In this Review, recent developments on the extraction of proton and nuclear transverse geometry with event-by-event fluctuations from collider experiments at high energy is presented. The impor- tance of this fundamentally interesting physics in other collider experiments like in studies of the properties of the Quark Gluon Plasma is also illustrated. I. INTRODUCTION Determining the structure of protons and nuclei in terms of their fundamental constituents and their mu- tual interactions is one of the long term quests in parti- cle physics. In the last decades, more and more detailed pictures of the (especially) proton structure have been obtained. The most important input for these studies is provided by deep inelastic scattering (DIS) experiments, in which simple pointlike leptons are used to probe the proton substructure. Traditionally, the partonic struc- ture of the proton is presented in terms of the parton distribution functions that describe the quark and gluon densities as a function of longitudinal momentum frac- tion x of the proton carried by the parton. In particu- lar, thanks to the large amount of precise deep inelastic scattering data from HERA [1, 2], the quark and gluon distribution functions for the proton are known down to low x 10 -5 ... 10 -4 with good precision. Beyond the one dimensional distributions (that depend on the longitudinal momentum fraction), it is fundamen- tally interesting to reveal the geometric structure of pro- ton. In addition to the average size and shape, also the shape fluctuations are basic properties of the proton and should be determined. This knowledge is also crucial for the proper interpretation of many other experimen- tal measurements. The average spatial distribution of partons is encoded in the generalized parton distribution functions [36]. In this Review, however, a step beyond these distributions is taken and the event-by-event fluctu- ations of the proton (and nuclear) shape are considered, concentrating on the gluonic structure at small x. There are two different venues that have been recently used to access the geometric shape and shape fluctua- tions. One can look at particle correlations in high mul- tiplicity collisions generated by the (possible) hydrody- namical response to the initial state spatial anisotropies. In heavy ion collisions, collective phenomena have been used to show the formation fo the Quark Gluon Plasma, and to determine its fundamental properties. In heavy ion collisions the geometry is dominated by the shapes of the colliding nuclei, and the effects sensitive to the nucleon shape (and shape fluctuations) are less impor- tant. In proton-lead and proton-proton collisions the ini- tial state geometry is controlled by the single proton, and the shape fluctuations can potentially be observed more clearly assuming that a hydrodynamically evolving fluid is produced. However, the applicability of hydrodynam- ics when describing such a small systems produced in proton-proton or proton-lead collisions is not completely established and is currently under an intensive research. An another approach is to look at observables that directly probe the event-by-event fluctuations in the tar- get wave function. As will be discussed in detail in this Review, one of these processes is incoherent diffraction in deep inelastic scattering. In these events, the target proton or nucleus dissociates and a rapidity gap exists between the target remnants and the diffractively pro- duced system (e.g. a vector meson). In addition, one can consider fully elastic scattering processes to obtain more indirect evidence of the proton shape fluctuations. In this review the focus in on the proton and nu- clear shape fluctuations at high energy (small momen- tum fraction x). In Sec. II it is shown how diffractive processes can be used to constrain the average shape of the target, as well as probe the event-by-event fluctua- tions at different distance scales. A theoretical frame- work used to describe these high energy processes based on the Color Glass Condensate effective theory of QCD is shortly introduced in Sec. III. Based on this discus- sion, in Sec. IV we review the recent progress in using the diffractive vector meson production to constrain the proton shape fluctuations. Elastic proton-proton scatter- ing, and particle correlations in high-multiplicity proton- proton collisions, are discussed in the context of fluctu- ating proton structure in Sec. V. Fluctuating nucleons in nuclei in the context of diffractive vector meson produc- tion and hydrodynamical simulations of the Quark Gluon Plasma production in proton-lead collisions are reviewed in Sec. VI. arXiv:2001.10705v2 [hep-ph] 4 Aug 2020

arXiv:2001.10705v1 [hep-ph] 29 Jan 2020 · Review of proton and nuclear shape uctuations at high energy Heikki Mantysaari1,2 1 Department of Physics, University of Jyv askyl a, P.O

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Page 1: arXiv:2001.10705v1 [hep-ph] 29 Jan 2020 · Review of proton and nuclear shape uctuations at high energy Heikki Mantysaari1,2 1 Department of Physics, University of Jyv askyl a, P.O

Review of proton and nuclear shape fluctuations at high energy

Heikki Mantysaari1, 2

1 Department of Physics, University of Jyvaskyla,P.O. Box 35, 40014 University of Jyvaskyla, Finland

2 Helsinki Institute of Physics, P.O. Box 64, 00014 University of Helsinki, Finland

Determining the inner structure of protons and nuclei in terms of their fundamental constituentshas been one of the main tasks of high energy nuclear and particle physics experiments. This queststarted as a mapping of the (average) parton densities as a function of longitudinal momentumfraction and resolution scale. Recently, the field has progressed to more differential imaging, whereone important development is the description of the event-by-event quantum fluctuations in thewave function of the colliding hadron.

In this Review, recent developments on the extraction of proton and nuclear transverse geometrywith event-by-event fluctuations from collider experiments at high energy is presented. The impor-tance of this fundamentally interesting physics in other collider experiments like in studies of theproperties of the Quark Gluon Plasma is also illustrated.


Determining the structure of protons and nuclei interms of their fundamental constituents and their mu-tual interactions is one of the long term quests in parti-cle physics. In the last decades, more and more detailedpictures of the (especially) proton structure have beenobtained. The most important input for these studies isprovided by deep inelastic scattering (DIS) experiments,in which simple pointlike leptons are used to probe theproton substructure. Traditionally, the partonic struc-ture of the proton is presented in terms of the partondistribution functions that describe the quark and gluondensities as a function of longitudinal momentum frac-tion x of the proton carried by the parton. In particu-lar, thanks to the large amount of precise deep inelasticscattering data from HERA [1, 2], the quark and gluondistribution functions for the proton are known down tolow x ∼ 10−5 . . . 10−4 with good precision.

Beyond the one dimensional distributions (that dependon the longitudinal momentum fraction), it is fundamen-tally interesting to reveal the geometric structure of pro-ton. In addition to the average size and shape, also theshape fluctuations are basic properties of the proton andshould be determined. This knowledge is also crucialfor the proper interpretation of many other experimen-tal measurements. The average spatial distribution ofpartons is encoded in the generalized parton distributionfunctions [3–6]. In this Review, however, a step beyondthese distributions is taken and the event-by-event fluctu-ations of the proton (and nuclear) shape are considered,concentrating on the gluonic structure at small x.

There are two different venues that have been recentlyused to access the geometric shape and shape fluctua-tions. One can look at particle correlations in high mul-tiplicity collisions generated by the (possible) hydrody-namical response to the initial state spatial anisotropies.In heavy ion collisions, collective phenomena have beenused to show the formation fo the Quark Gluon Plasma,and to determine its fundamental properties. In heavy

ion collisions the geometry is dominated by the shapesof the colliding nuclei, and the effects sensitive to thenucleon shape (and shape fluctuations) are less impor-tant. In proton-lead and proton-proton collisions the ini-tial state geometry is controlled by the single proton, andthe shape fluctuations can potentially be observed moreclearly assuming that a hydrodynamically evolving fluidis produced. However, the applicability of hydrodynam-ics when describing such a small systems produced inproton-proton or proton-lead collisions is not completelyestablished and is currently under an intensive research.

An another approach is to look at observables thatdirectly probe the event-by-event fluctuations in the tar-get wave function. As will be discussed in detail in thisReview, one of these processes is incoherent diffractionin deep inelastic scattering. In these events, the targetproton or nucleus dissociates and a rapidity gap existsbetween the target remnants and the diffractively pro-duced system (e.g. a vector meson). In addition, onecan consider fully elastic scattering processes to obtainmore indirect evidence of the proton shape fluctuations.

In this review the focus in on the proton and nu-clear shape fluctuations at high energy (small momen-tum fraction x). In Sec. II it is shown how diffractiveprocesses can be used to constrain the average shape ofthe target, as well as probe the event-by-event fluctua-tions at different distance scales. A theoretical frame-work used to describe these high energy processes basedon the Color Glass Condensate effective theory of QCDis shortly introduced in Sec. III. Based on this discus-sion, in Sec. IV we review the recent progress in usingthe diffractive vector meson production to constrain theproton shape fluctuations. Elastic proton-proton scatter-ing, and particle correlations in high-multiplicity proton-proton collisions, are discussed in the context of fluctu-ating proton structure in Sec. V. Fluctuating nucleons innuclei in the context of diffractive vector meson produc-tion and hydrodynamical simulations of the Quark GluonPlasma production in proton-lead collisions are reviewedin Sec. VI.








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As discussed above, the total cross section in DIS canbe studied to measure the total partonic densities in pro-tons and nuclei. To obtain a more detailed picture of thetarget, more differential observables are needed. One es-pecially powerful process is exclusive production of a vec-tor meson with the same quantum numbers JPC = 1−−

as the photon in deep inelastic scattering:

γ∗ + p/A→ V + p/A. (1)

Here V refers to a vector meson (V = ρ, φ, J/ψ,Υ, . . . ),and the target can be a proton p or a nucleus A. An ex-perimental signature is a rapidity gap (empty detector)between the produced vector meson and the target. Thetarget can either remain in the same quantum state ordissociate, these processes will be later considered sepa-rately. In general, these processes are called diffractive.

There are two main advantages that make vector me-son production powerful. First, in order to produce thevector meson and nothing else, there can not be a netcolor charge transfer to the target. This requires at leasttwo gluons to be exchanged with the target, and the crosssection consequently scales approximatively as the gluondensity squared [7]. The other advantage is that only inthe exclusive scattering process it is possible to measurethe total momentum transfer ∆T , and interpret that asthe Fourier conjugate to the impact parameter. Conse-quently, these processes probe not only the density ofpartons, but also their spatial distribution.

Let us first consider coherent diffraction, in which thetarget remains in the same quantum state after the inter-action. In this case, the cross section is calculated by ap-plying the Good-Walker formalism [8], which states thatthe cross section is determined by the average interactionof the states that diagonalize the scattering matrix withthe target. At high energies, these states are the Fockstates of the incoming virtual photon with a fixed num-ber of partons (at leading order a quark-antiquark pair)at fixed transverse coordinates, probing a fixed configu-ration of the target. This formalism can then be gen-eralized to also include fluctuating target configuration.The cross section then reads [9] (following the notationof Ref. [10])

dσγ∗A→V A




∣∣∣⟨Aγ∗A→V A⟩∣∣∣2 , (2)

where A refers to the target proton or nucleus, t is thesquared four momentum transfer (at high energies t ≈−∆T

2) and A is the amplitude for the diffractive scat-tering (the same amplitude also enters in the calculationwhere the target dissociates, as demonstrated shortly).As the average is taken over all possible configurationsof the incoming proton or nucleus, the scattering ampli-tude is sensitive to the average interaction of the quarkdipole with the target. This, in turn, is controlled by

the average distribution of small-x gluons in the targetwave function. Thus, the coherent cross section gener-ally probes the average structure of the target. We willreturn to the calculation of A later in Sec. III.

Let us then consider the class of events in which theoutgoing proton or nucleus is not in the same quantumstate as the incoming particle following Ref. [11]. Theseevents are called incoherent, and the experimental man-ifestation is that the target dissociates into a system ofparticles, maintaining the rapidity gap to the producedvector meson. To describe these events, the scatteringamplitude in the case where initial state is |i〉 and thefinal state is |f〉 is expressed as 〈f |A| i〉 (we use a short-hand notation A to refer to the diffractive scattering am-plitude Aγ∗A→V A). The initial and final states are re-quired to be different. The squared transition amplitude,which enters in the cross section, reads∑

f 6=i

|〈f |A| i〉|2 =∑f

〈i|A∗| f〉〈f |A|i〉−〈i |A| i〉 〈i |A∗| i〉

= 〈i|A∗A|i〉 − |〈i|A|i〉|2. (3)

To get the last line the completeness of states,∑f |f〉〈f | = 1, is used. Note that the sum over final

states includes all possible states for the final state pro-ton, and not only the different spatial configurations of itsground state. To get the cross section, the squared am-plitude must be averaged over the possible initial states|i〉. The first term in Eq. (3) then becomes the squareddiffractive scattering amplitude Aγ∗A→V A averaged overthe initial configurations, and the second term gives theaverage of the diffractive scattering amplitude squared.The resulting incoherent cross section then reads

dσγ∗A→V A∗




(⟨∣∣∣Aγ∗A→V A∣∣∣2⟩

−∣∣∣⟨Aγ∗A→V A

⟩∣∣∣2 ) . (4)

Here A∗ denotes the final state proton or nucleus in astate which differs from the initial state. Due to thedifferent ordering of the squaring and averaging of theamplitude Aγ∗V→V A, the incoherent cross section mea-sures how much the scattering amplitude fluctuates be-tween the different possible initial state configurations.Because the total momentum transfer ∆T ≈

√−t is mea-surable and the Fourier conjugate to the impact param-eter, this property can be used to constrain the geome-try fluctuations in the target at different length scales asdemonstrated shortly. When applying Eq. (4) away from|t| 1/R2

A where it is strictly applicable [12] (RA be-ing the target size), a specific model for the fluctuatingstructure in the transverse plane is needed, as originallypresented in Ref. [9]. Additionally, one has to assumethat the non-zero momentum transfer does not mix thestates with different transverse structure that are usedto diagonalize the scattering matrix. Up to how large |t|this extension is valid is not yet completely determined.

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FIG. 1: Exclusive J/ψ production in virtual photon-protonscattering. The grey blob refers to the multiple scatteringin the target color field, described by the dipole scatteringamplitude NΩ.

An analogous process to the exclusive vector mesonproduction is deeply virtual compton scattering (DVCS),in which a real photon is produced. At high energieswhere the target is dominated by gluons, the DVCS pro-cess is also sensitive to the small-x gluons and their spa-tial distribution in the target. The difference to the exclu-sive vector meson production is that one does not need tomodel the non-perturbative vector meson formation pro-cess, and the mass of the meson does not provide a hardperturbative scale. On the other hand, one can also workin terms of the generalized parton distribution functionsor GPDs (see Ref. [13] for a review), that depend both onthe longitudinal momentum fraction and transverse co-ordinate. For the possibilities to use DVCS to constrainthe quark and gluon GPDs in the future Electron-IonCollider, see e.g. Ref. [14].

To summarize, the diffractive processes provide uniqueconstraints on the target structure. First, the coherentcross section measures the average parton distribution.In exclusive scattering where the impact parameter de-pendence is probed, coherent vector meson productiongives access to the spatial distribution of small-x partons(dominantly gluons). Simultaneously, incoherent vectormeson production where the target dissociates measuresthe degree of fluctuations in the scattering amplitude(at the length scale controlled by the inverse momentumtransfer) is measured. In Sec. IV it is show how the pro-ton geometry fluctuations can be obtained by applyingthese two constrains simultaneously1.


At high energies, the lifetime of the quark-antiquarkfluctuation is much longer than the timescale of the

1 In these analyses no constraints on the impact parameter are im-posed. However, as proposed in Ref. [15], it may also be possibleto analyze incoherent diffraction at different centrality classes.

dipole-target interaction. Consequently, the produc-tion cross section factorizes, and it becomes naturalto describe the scattering processes in the dipole pic-ture [16, 17]. First, the incoming photon splits to aquark-antiquark dipole, which is a simple QED pro-cess [18]. Subsequently, the dipole scatters elastically offthe target. Long after the interaction, non-perturbativevector meson formation from the quark dipole takesplace. This factorization makes it possible to write thediffractive scattering amplitude in the Color Glass Con-densate framework (for a review, see e.g. Refs. [19–22])as [10]

Aγ∗A→V A = 2i



4πd2bT e

−ibT ·∆T−(1−z)rT ·∆T

×Ψ∗(rT , z,Q2)ΨV (rT , z,Q

2)NΩ(rT ,bT , xP) (5)

illustrated in Fig. 1. Here, the virtual photon wave func-tion Ψ describes the photon to dipole splitting, and itsoverlap with the vector meson wave function ΨV controlsthe contribution of different dipole sizes rT and longitu-dinal momentum fractions z at fixed virtuality Q2. Thedipole-target scattering is described by the dipole ampli-tude N , which depends on the particular configurationof the target Ω. The transverse momentum transfer ∆T

is the Fourier conjugate to the impact parameter (centerof the dipole) bT as discussed earlier, with the correc-tion (1 − z)rT ·∆T taking into account that the vectormeson wave function is not taken in the forward kine-matics [23]2. The target structure is probed at the lon-gitudinal momentum fraction

xP =M2V +Q2 − t

W 2 +Q2 −m2N

, (6)

which is analogous to the Bjorken-x of DIS. Here W is thecenter-of-mass energy for the photon-nucleon scattering,MV the vector meson mass, Q2 the photon virtuality andmN the nucleon mass.

The connection to the transverse geometry is appar-ent in Eq. (5), as the dipole-target scattering ampli-tude NΩ is Fourier transformed from the coordinatespace to the momentum space. When the coherentcross section is calculated, one first takes the averageof Aγ∗A→V A over different target configurations. Thisaveraging results in average dipole-target scattering am-plitude N(rT ,bT , xP) = 〈NΩ(rT ,bT , xP)〉. As the dipoleamplitude is approximatively proportonal to the gluondensity at the given impact parameter bT , the t distri-bution of the coherent cross section is approximativelythe 2-dimensional Fourier transform of the spatial gluon

2 It has recently been argued in Ref. [24] that the conjugate tothe momentum transfer should be bT +

(12− z

)rT , instead of

bT + (1 − z)rT . However, numerical results are almost identicalin both cases.

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distribution. The extraction of the impact parameter de-pendence of the dipole amplitude was discussed for thefirst time in Ref. [25] (see also Ref. [26]), inspired bythe determination of the proton density profile based onelastic proton-proton collision measurements presentedin Ref. [27].

It is customary to include two corrections in phe-nomenological studies of exclusive vector meson produc-tion following Ref. [10]. First, one usually assumes thatthe dipole amplitude is purely real and consequently thevector meson production amplitude (5) imaginary. Byrequiring that the scattering amplitude is an analyticalcomplex function, the real part can be recovered and in-cluded as a numerically small (generally ∼ 10% at thecross section level) correction. Additionally, the so calledskewedness correction which takes into account the factthat in the two-gluon exchange limit the two gluons carrya different fraction of the target longitudinal momen-tum [28]. This correction is numerically large (genericallyup to ∼ 40%, see e.g. Ref. [29]), and its applicability inthe dipole picture discussed here where the two quarksundergo multiple scattering in the target color field is notcompletely established.

A major advantage of the CGC approach is that bothinclusive and diffractive observables can be described inthe same framework in terms of same degrees of freedom.This is not the case in collinear factorization approach,as the parton distribution functions are by definition in-clusive, and relating them to exclusive processes is notstraightforward (see however [30]). In CGC, the QCDdynamics is described in terms of the dipole-target scat-tering amplitude N which includes all information aboutthe target structure. As an illustration, let us considerEq. (5) in the case where the final state is a virtual pho-ton, and write ΨV = Ψ where Ψ is the photon wavefunction. Now, the optical theorem states that the totalphoton-proton cross section is related to the imaginarypart of the forward scattering amplitude (∆T = 0). Asthe dipole amplitude N is generally assumed to be realand the cross section is obtained by averaging over allpossible target configurations, the total photon-proton(or photon-nucleus) cross section becomes

σγ∗p = ImAγ∗A→γ∗A(∆T = 0)

= 2



4πd2bT |Ψ(rT , z,Q

2)|2〈N(rT ,bT , xP)〉. (7)

We immediately note that unlike diffractive cross sec-tions, inclusive cross section entering e.g. in the structurefunctions is only sensitive to the gluon density integratedover the whole target. As such, it can not distinguishbetween different impact parameter distributions of thesame overall gluon density. In general, determining thecollision centrality in deep inelastic scattering is challeng-ing, see however Ref. [31] where the forward neutron mul-tiplicity is proposed to act as a proxy for the centralityin the future Electron Ion Collider.

In the Color Glass Condensate framework, the dipole-target scattering amplitude satisfies perturbative evolu-

tion equations, such as the JIMWLK [32–35] equation(named aver Jalilian-Marian, Iancu, McLerran, Weigert,Leonidov and Kovner). This equation, or its NLO ver-sion [36, 37], is equivalent to the infinite hierarchy or cou-pled differential equations known as the Balitsky hierar-chy, which reduces to a closed equation in the mean fieldand large-Nc limit, known as the Balitsky-Kovchegov(BK) equation [38, 39] also available at the NLO ac-curacy [36, 40]. The initial condition, describing e.g.the dipole amplitude N at the initial Bjorken-x, is anon-perturbative input to the evolution and is usuallyobtained by fitting the HERA deep inelastic scatter-ing data as in Refs. [41–43]. A challenge in this ap-proach is to describe the evolution of the target geome-try, as the perturbative evolution equations produce long-distance Coulomb tails that result in cross sections grow-ing much faster than seen in the measurements. Thisgrowth should be tamed by confinement scale effects,whose implementation is challenging, see e.g. [44, 45].Consequently, in phenomenological applications one of-ten applies parametrizations for the dipole amplitudethat include dependence on the proton geometry, andare matched to perturbative QCD in the dilute region.A common choice is the IPsat parametrization [46] withfree parameters fitted to HERA data in [47, 48]. In thisparametrization the dipole amplitude is written as

N(rT ,bT , x) = 1− exp(−rT

2F (rT , x)Tp(bT ))



F (rT , x) =π2


2)xg(x, µ2). (9)

Here Tp is the proton density profile with possi-ble event-by-event fluctuations (normalized such that∫

d2bTTp(bT ) = 1), and xg the gluon distribution whichsatisfies the DGLAP equation [49–52] to guarantee asmooth matching to perturbative QCD at small dipolesrT corresponding to the dilute region.

Finally, to conclude this Section let us briefly mentionthe connection to the collinear factorization. In the non-relativistic limit, where the quark and antiquark carrythe same longitudinal momentum (z = 0.5) and when themultiple interactions with the target are neglected, onerecovers the so called Ryskin result [7] for the coherentcross section as shown explicitly in Ref. [53]:



sM3V ΓV→e+e−



(2q2)2xg(x, q2)


FN (t)2.

(10)In this form the sensitivity on the small-x gluons is ap-parent, as the cross section is proportional to the squaredgluon density xg (although the skewedness correction dis-cussed above could be applied), and the t dependence isparametrized in terms of the target form factor FN . How-ever, this simple treatment neglects the fact that the in-clusive structure functions can not be directly used whendescribing exclusive processes. Here ΓV→e+e− is the lep-tonic decay width of the vector meson V having massMV , and q = M2

V /4 the momentum scale of the process.

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A. Constraining the fluctuations at small x

In Sec. II it was discussed how the coherent cross sec-tion is sensitive to the average structure of the target, andhow the incoherent cross section measures the amountof event-by-event fluctuations. In this section, the re-cent progress in constraining the fluctuating transversegeometry of the proton based on HERA vector mesonproduction data is reviewed.

Coherent and incoherent vector meson production hasbeen extensively measured at HERA (where the incoher-ent process is usually called proton dissociation), whereelectrons and positrons were collided with protons atcenter-of-mass energy

√s = 318 GeV. This translates

into photon-proton center-of-mass energies W in therange W = 30 . . . 300 GeV. Both H1 and ZEUS mea-sured diffractive J/ψ production in the photoproduction(Q2 . 1 GeV2) and electroproduction (Q2 & 1 GeV2)regions [54–60]. In addition to J/ψ, exclusive produc-tion of lighter ρ [61–64] and φ [64, 65] mesons as well asheavier upsilons [66–68] has also been measured.

The possibility to constrain the event-by-event fluctu-ations in the proton was pioneered in Ref. [69] based onideas discussed in Refs. [9, 11], first by using the IPsatparametrization, Eq. (8), to describe the dipole-protoninteraction. In this case, if there are no fluctuations inthe proton density profile Tp(bT ), the incoherent crosssection (4) vanishes. On the other hand, the coherentspectrum is sensitive to the proton profile. As the massof the vector meson suppresses contributions from largedipoles |rT | & 1/MV , one can approximatively linearizethe IPsat dipole (8), substitute that to the diffractivescattering amplitude (5) and obtain an estimate for thet dependence of the coherent cross section:

dσγ∗p→V p

dt∼ e−Bp|t|, (11)

when the proton density profile is assumed to be Gaus-sian:

Tp(bT ) =1


2/(2Bp). (12)

Thus, the t slope directly measures the size of the pro-ton: the transverse proton radius is

√2Bp. In practice,

as the impact parameter profile is more complicated inthe IPsat parametrization, the Fourier transform resultsin diffractive minima at large |t| (outside the range whereH1 and ZEUS were able to measure the spectra), see dis-cussion in Ref. [70]. This is a general feature in diffractivescattering, and the location of the first minimum is con-trolled by the size of the target R as tfirst dip ∼ 1/R2.

To obtain also a non-zero incoherent cross section, theproton density profile Tp was taken to have event-by-event fluctuations in Ref. [69]. The simplest ansatz, mo-tivated by the picture where the three constituent quarks

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0

|t| [GeV2]










Geometry and Q2s fluctuations

Geometry fluctuationsNo fluctuationsH1 coherentH1 incoherent

FIG. 2: J/ψ photoproduction cross sections at W =75 GeV as a function of squared momentum transfer as mea-sured by H1 [58], compared to calculations using the IPsatparametrization for the dipole-target scattering. Geometricshape fluctuations and overall normalization fluctuations (Q2


fluctuations) are needed to describe the data. Figure basedon Ref. [72].

emit small-x gluons around them, is to assume that theproton consists of Nq hot spots at random locations bT i(see also Ref. [71] for a more detailed discussion of possi-ble ways to sample constituent quark structure). In thiscase, the density profile is written as

Tp(bT )→ 1




2πBqe−(bT−bT i)

2/(2Bq). (13)

In a simple case, inspired by the constituent quark model,one can take Nq = 3, but other choices are also possi-ble [72, 73]. The distances for the hot spots from thecenter of the proton are sampled from a Gaussian distri-bution whose width Bqc is a free parameter, as is the sizeof the hot spot Bq. Requiring a simultaneous descriptionof both coherent and incoherent J/ψ production data,optimal values for these parameters can be determined.

Coherent and incoherent J/ψ photoproduction (Q2 =0) spectra computed using a spherical proton (in whichcase the incoherent cross section vanishes) and a fluctuat-ing proton with the optimal parameters Bq = 0.7 GeV−2

and Bqc = 3.3 GeV−2 from Ref. [72] are shown in Fig. 2.Note that the Bjorken-x probed here is approximativelyxP ≈ 10−3. As the characteristic hot spot separation Bqcturns out to be much larger than the hot spot size Bq,large spatial geometry fluctuations are needed to obtain agood fit to the HERA data. Although the structure fluc-tuations mostly affect the incoherent cross section (whichwould otherwise vanish in this calculation), the coherentcross section is also somewhat modified by the substruc-ture fluctuations. As the coherent cross section is onlysensitive to the average structure of the target, or to theaverage dipole-target scattering amplitude, it would also

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be possible in principle to construct a parametrizationfor the fluctuating proton structure which leaves the av-erage dipole-target interaction intact. Note that Eq. (13)modifies the average proton shape, due to the non-lineardependence on the density function Tp in the dipole am-plitude (8). Consequently, the different results for the co-herent cross section should not be taken to quantify theeffect of proton shape fluctuations on coherent J/ψ pro-duction.

At large |t| the slope of the incoherent spectrum iscontrolled by the size of the smallest object that fluctu-ates as shown explicitly in Ref. [74]. At small |t|, on theother hand, one is sensitive to the fluctuations at long dis-tance scale ∼ 1/

√|t|. With only geometry fluctuations

included in the model, the small-|t| part of the incoherentspectra is underestimated. To improve the description ofthe HERA data, in Ref. [69] additional density fluctua-tions were implemented following Ref. [75], by allowingthe density of each of the hot spots to fluctuate inde-pendently. As can be seen in Fig. 2, when the density(labeled as Q2

s) fluctuations are included on top of geom-etry fluctuations, an improved description of the HERAdata is obtained at all |t|.

It is crucial to note that the hot spot picture appliedabove is only one possible fluctuating density profile forthe proton compatible with the HERA vector meson pro-duction data. The incoherent cross section measures howlarge fluctuations there are in the diffractive scatteringamplitude, and the distance scale probed is set by∼ 1/|t|.There are multiple different fluctuating geometries thatresult in the same variance. This was explicitly demon-strated in Ref. [72] where instead of a hot spot structure,the proton density profile was constructed based on a lat-tice QCD inspired picture where the constituent quarksare connected via color flux tubes that merge at a specificpoint inside the proton [76]. Fixing again the free param-eters, the tube width and the width of the distributionfrom which the constituent quark positions are sampled,it is possible to obtain an equally good description ofthe coherent and incoherent J/ψ production data. Thismeans that the average proton shape and the amount offluctuations are approximatively the same as in the hotspot parametrization.

In addition to geometry and density fluctuations, oneexpects to have individual color charge fluctuations inthe proton. To estimate their contribution to the in-coherent cross section, one needs to go beyond the IP-sat parametrization. One possible approach is to applythe McLerran-Venugopalan model in the CGC frame-work [77]. Here, the fluctuating color charges are in-cluded by assuming that the color charges are local ran-dom Gaussian variables, with the width of the distribu-tion proportional to the local density, characterized bythe saturation scale Q2

s. The color charge density ρa

(where a is the color index) in the MV model is thussampled from a distribution

〈ρa(x−,xT )ρb(y−,yT )〉 = δabδ(2)(xT−yT )δ(x−−y−)g2µ2


with the expectation value zero. The color charge den-sity µ2 is taken to be directly proportional to the localsaturation scale Q2

s(bT ) which can be extracted from theIPsat parametrization. The geometry and density fluc-tuations can thus be included by introducing them in theIPsat parametrization as discussed above.

In practice, in this approach one samples the colorcharges for each event, and then solves the classical Yang-Mills equations to obtain the Wilson lines V (xT ) at eachpoint on the transverse plane. The Wilson lines describethe color rotation of a high energy quark when it prop-agates through the target at fixed transverse coordinatexT , and the dipole-target amplitude is obtained as a traceof two Wilson lines:

NΩ(rT ,bT ) = 1− 1

NcTrV †(bT − rT /2)V (bT + rT /2).

(15)The color charge fluctuations result in a finite inco-

herent cross section even if no geometry fluctuations areintroduced. However, this contribution is small (sup-pressed by 1/N2

c ) [78, 79] and in practice results in anincoherent cross section significantly underestimating theHERA data on J/ψ photoproduction as shown by dashedlines in Fig. 3.

In Ref. [72], geometry and density fluctuations wereadded to the CGC framework described above. Usingthe hot spot geometry with three hot spots and fittingthe hot spot size and their average separation it is pos-sible to obtain an excellent description of the H1 photo-production spectra as shown in Fig. 3 (solid lines). Theresulting proton fluctuations (at xP ≈ 10−3 correspond-ing to the kinematics of the H1 data) are illustratedin Fig. 4, where four examples of the sampled protonsare shown. The proton density is illustrated by show-ing 1 − ReTrV (xT )/Nc. Note that as individual Wil-son lines are not gauge invariant (unlike TrV †V ), thisshould be considered only as an illustration in arbitraryunits. However, the conclusion is similar as in the sim-pler framework where the IPsat parametrization is used:large event-by-event fluctuations are needed to describethe incoherent vector meson data from HERA, even whenthe color charge fluctuations are included. Additionally,it is shown that by just introducing large overall densityfluctuations it is not possible to obtain a correct incoher-ent spectrum [72].

This relatively simple geometry has been further de-veloped in Ref. [80] using an explicit quark model calcu-lation for the wave function of the valence quarks, wherecorrelations between the constituent quarks have beentaken into account. The spin dependence of the forcesbetween the quarks results in both attractive and re-pulsive interactions. All parameters except the size ofthe small-x gluon cloud around the valence quark canbe fixed by the low energy proton and neutron struc-ture data, and consequently only one parameter (size ofthe gluon cloud) needs to be adjusted to simultaneouslydescribe the coherent and incoherent vector meson pro-duction data from HERA. The proton shape fluctuations

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0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0

|t| [GeV2]











With shape fluctuationsOnly color charge fluctuations

H1 coherentH1 incoherent

FIG. 3: Coherent and incoherent J/ψ photoproduction spec-tra at W = 75 GeV compared with the H1 data [58]. In thedashed lines only the color charge fluctuations contribute tothe fluctuations, and in solid lines additional geometry anddensity fluctuations are included with the parameters con-strained by this data. Figure based on [72].






−1 0 1x[fm]






−1 0 1x[fm]







FIG. 4: Example proton density profiles (illustrated by thetrace of the Wilson lines, plotting 1−Re TrV (x, y)/Nc), whenthe geometry is fixed by the HERA J/ψ production data atxP ≈ 10−3. Figure from Ref. [72].

extracted in Ref. [80] are very similar to the results sum-marized above.

B. Energy dependence of the fluctuating structure

In the discussion above the proton shape fluctuationswere constrained at fixed Bjorken-x, without consider-ing the x dependence of the proton structure. On theother hand, there are clear measurements that show that

the transverse size of the proton grows with decreasingx. For example, when the t slope Bp of the coherentphotoproduction cross section, see Eq. (11), is extractedat different center-of-mass energies W (corresponding todifferent x), a clear logarithmic dependence on the energyis observed:

Bp ≈ B0 + 4α′ lnW

90 GeV. (16)

The parameters measured by H1 [58] are B0 = 4.630 ±0.060+0.043

−0.163 GeV−2 and α′ = 0.164±0.028±0.030 GeV−2.In addition to the growing proton size, fluctuations

should evolve in energy. At asymptotically large ener-gies, where the black disc limit is excepted to be reachede.g. as a result of the small-x evolution described in theColor Glass Condensate framework, the probability forthe dipole to scatter saturates to unity, and there are noevent-by-event fluctuations. In this limit, the incoherentcross section is expected to be suppressed, as event-by-event fluctuations are only possible at the dilute edgeof the proton. The energy dependence of the coherentand incoherent cross section measured at HERA [60]show that the incoherent-to-coherent cross section ra-tio decreases with increasing center-of-mass energy. Re-cently, the ALICE collaboration has studied J/ψ photo-production at different photon-proton center-of-mass en-ergies [81, 82] in ultraperipheral collisions [83, 84]. Theenergy dependence of the incoherent cross section is notmeasured so far, but the two muon (decay products ofJ/ψ) transverse momentum distributions are compatiblewith the incoherent cross section being suppressed com-pared to the coherent one at high energies.

In phenomenological calculations different approacheshave been taken to describe the energy dependence of thefluctuations. In the framework developed in Ref. [73] andfurther applied in Refs. [85, 86] the proton is assumed toconsist of hot spots, whose number Nhs depends on theBjorken-x as

Nhs = p0xp1(1 + p2

√x). (17)

This functional form is motivated by a generally usedparametrization of the gluon distribution at the initialscale used in parton distribution function fits (see alsoRefs. [87, 88] for a recent discussion of the gluon densityfluctuations in dilute hadrons). The number of gluons isthen related to the number of hot spots, and the locationsfor the hot spots are sampled randomly similarly as de-scribed in Sec. IV A. The model parameters p0 = 0.011,p1 = −0.58 and p2 = 250 have been fixed by comparingto energy dependence of the incoherent J/ψ photopro-duction data form H1 [60]. In this approach a good de-scription of the energy dependence of both coherent andincoherent H1 data is obtained [73].

A genuine prediction of this framework is that as thenumber of hot spots in a fixed transverse area increases,the event-by-event fluctuations will eventually disappear.This results in an incoherent cross section which has amaximum at the center-of-mass energy W ∼ 700 GeV

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(GeV)pγW210 310

X) (n













H1 data


FIG. 5: Energy dependence of the incoherent J/ψ photopro-duction cross section from the model where the number of hotspots in the proton increases with increasing energy. Figurefrom Ref. [73].

(in case of J/ψ photoproduction), after which it decreaseswith increasing energy, as shown in Fig. 5. In ultrape-ripheral proton-lead collisions at the LHC, center of massenergies in the TeV range for the photon-proton systemcan be achieved. A future measurement of the energydependence of the cross section ratio will be a crucialtest for the model. However, as the proton size evolutionis not included in this framework, the model would notreproduce the experimentally observed evolution of thet slope of the coherent cross section shown in Eq. (16).

A different approach to the energy evolution was takenin Ref. [45], where the perturbative JIMWLK evolutionequation describing the Bjorken-x dependence was ap-plied. There, using the Color Glass Condensate frame-work described above the proton fluctuating structure atinitial Bjorken-x was constrained by comparing with theJ/ψ production data at W = 75 GeV. On top of geome-try fluctuations, also overall density fluctuations for eachof the three hot spots sampled at initial x are included.Then, the different proton configurations were separatelyevolved to smaller x by solving the JIMWLK equation,and using the evolved protons the cross sections at highercenter-of-mass energies were obtained.

The calculated incoherent-to-coherent cross section ra-tio as a function of photon-proton center-of mass energyW is shown in Fig. 6. The decreasing ratio shows thatthe evolution washes out the initial hot-spot structure.This can be seen from the actual evolution of a one par-ticular proton configuration illustrated in Fig. 7. Thefree parameters in the evolution, the value for the fixedQCD coupling constant αs and the infrared regulatorlimiting the unphysical growth of the proton size due

102 103

W [GeV]












FIG. 6: Incoherent-to-coherent J/ψ photoproduction crosssection ratio as measured by H1 [60], compared with theprediction based on JIMWLK evolution. Figure based onRef. [45].






1 0 1x[fm]






1 0 1x[fm]







1.0 1Nc

Re Tr V (x, y), y = [0.0, 1.8, 3.5, 5.3]

FIG. 7: Example of the proton shape evolution from x0 =0.01 to small x = x0e

−y at rapidities y = 0.0, 1.8, 3.5 and y =5.3 from Ref. [45]. The density is illustrated by calculating1.0− Re TrV (x, y)/Nc.

to the missing confinement scale effects, are fixed by re-quiring a compatible evolution speed with the inclusivecharm structure function data. However, a disadvan-tage of this approach is that the simultaneous descrip-tion of both inclusive and exclusive observables is notpossible without introduction of a non-perturbative con-tribution, due to the numerically large contributions fromnon-perturbatively large dipoles (see [48] for a detailedanalysis of large dipole contributions).

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So far it has been discussed how the proton shape fluc-tuations can be constrained based on exclusive vector me-son production in deep inelastic scattering. Qualitativelysimilar results have been obtained based on analyses ofother observables, and these findings support the picturedeveloped above where the proton shape has large event-by-event fluctuations.

A. Elastic scattering

In Ref. [89] elastic proton-proton scattering at smallmomentum transfer |t| is studied. This process is mea-sured at

√s = 2.76, 7 and 13 TeV center-of-mass en-

ergy at the LHC [90–92] (only 7 TeV data is used in theanalysis of Ref. [89]), and at smaller

√s = 62.5 GeV at

ISR [27]. As there is no hard scale, perturbative calcula-tions can not be applied to describe this process. Instead,the real and imaginary part of the scattering amplitudecan be parametrized, and the values for the unknownparameters can be constrained by fitting the t spectraand requiring that that the real-to-imaginary part ratiosatisfies the measured value3.

A striking observation in elastic scattering processes isthe so called Hollowness or grayness effect [95–98]: theinelasticity density describing how different impact pa-rameters contribute to the inelastic cross section has amaximum at a non-zero impact parameter at LHC en-ergies4. On the other hand, at lower ISR energies themaximum is at bT = 0 at ISR energies. The inelastic-ity density is defined in terms of the elastic scatteringamplitude Tel as

Gin(√s,bT ) ≡ d2σinel

d2bT= 2ImTel(

√s,bT )−|Tel(

√s,bT )|2.


Access to the proton geometry is obtained by assumingthat the proton consists of Nhs = 3 hot spots, and whenthe two hot spots collide, the scattering amplitude is as-sumed to be Gaussian in the transverse distance betweenthe two hot spots. The positions for the hot spots aresampled from a Gaussian distribution, on top of whichcorrelations are included. The distribution for the hot

3 In case of LHC, the authors use an extrapolated value ρ =0.14+0.01

−0.08 from [93] which is compatible with the more recentTOTEM measurement ρ = 0.09/0.10 ± 0.01 (depending onphysics assumptions) [94].

4 The hollowness effect could be seen to suggest that the blackdisk limit discussed in Sec. IV B it not necessarily reached atasymptotically high energies.






4 ] 102







s=62.5 GeVLHC:

√s=7 TeV








b [fm]








FIG. 8: Inelasticity density at low and high center-of-massenergies. The panel at the bottom shows the t spectra fromwhich the density profile is extracted. Figure from Ref. [89].

spots is given as

D(bT i) = C


d(bT i)

]δ(2)(bT 1 + bT 2 + bT 3)



(1− e−|bT i−bT j |2/r2c


where bT i are the transverse positions for the hot spots,d(bT i) is a Gaussian distribution and rc parametrizes therange of short-range repulsive correlations. Note that inthe limit rc → 0 this is similar to the hot spot structureparametrization of Eq. (13).

In Ref. [89] it is shown that it is only possible to re-produce the Hollowness effect in this picture if there arerepulsive short range correlations between the hot spots.The extracted inelasticity densities at ISR and LHC en-ergies are shown in Fig. 8, using the proton geometrywith rc = 0.3 fm parameter to set the scale for repulsiveinteractions. Compared to the exclusive J/ψ photopro-duction discussed above, the proton size is much largerin Ref. [89] which is obtained mainly by having a muchlonger distance between the hot spots. A larger pro-ton is required, as the elastic proton-proton spectrum ismuch more steep than the coherent J/ψ spectrum.Theparameters can not be directly compared, however. TheJ/ψ photoproduction probes the gluon density at per-turbative scales, whereas elastic proton-proton scatteringis a non-perturbative process in the applied kinematics.Additionally, these processes are sensitive to the protonstructure at different Bjorken-x. However, the hot spotsare constrained in Ref. [89] to be much smaller than theproton size which is qualitatively compatible with thelarge event-by-event fluctuations constrained by study-

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ing the J/ψ photoproduction.

B. Symmetric cumulants

The same proton geometry that is constrained by elas-tic proton-proton data discussed above was applied instudies of symmetric flow cumulants in a hydrodynami-cal model in Ref. [99]. The (normalized) symmetric cu-mulant NSC(n,m) is defined as

NSC(n,m) =〈v2nv

2m〉 − 〈v2



m〉, (20)

and it measures how the flow harmonics vn character-izing collective features of the event are correlated. Inthe absence of correlations, NSC(n,m) = 0. The flowharmonics vn are obtained when the azimuthal angle φdistribution of particles is written as a Fourier decompo-sition


dφ= v0(1 + 2v2 cos[2(φ−Φ2)] + 3v3 cos[3(φ−Φ3)] . . . ).

(21)Here Φn refers to the event plane angle, defined as thefirst angle where the nth harmonic has its maximumvalue. In heavy ion collisions, the initial state spa-tial anisotropy can be translated into momentum spaceanisotropies (quantified by the vn coefficients) as a resultof the hydrodynamical evolution of the produced QuarkGluon Plasma.

The approach in Ref. [99] is to calculate the initial statespatial eccentricities and relate those to the final statemomentum space anisotropies. To determine the eccen-tricities, one first samples which hot spots collide. Thecollision probability is obtained from the inelasticity den-

sity, Eq. (18), with the scattering amplitude ∼ e−d2/R2


where Rhs is the hot spot size constrained by the elas-tic proton-proton scattering data. Subsequently, eachcollided hot spot deposits a random amount of entropyaround it. The eccentricities are then calculated from thetotal entropy deposition profile. These initial state geo-metric anisotropies are then translated into momentumspace by assuming that the hydrodynamical response tothe initial state anisotropies is linear. In case of lowestharmonic coefficients v2 and v3, this is a good approxi-mation in high multiplicitly nuclear collisions [100], andan approximatively linear relation is found also in hydro-dynamical simulations of proton-lead collisions [101] (seealso Ref. [102]) .

The ALICE and CMS collaborations have observedthat the correlation between v2 and v3 becomes nega-tive in proton-proton collisions in the highest multiplicitybins [103, 104]. In Ref. [99], the total entropy productionis taken to serve as a proxy for the experimental multi-plicity (or centrality) classes. The calculated symmetriccumulants NSC(2, 3) are shown in Fig. 9. The calcula-tion rc = 0 corresponds to the case where there are norepulsive short range correlations in the proton structure.







1-5% 0.1-1%0-0.1%












> fixed1<s


FIG. 9: Normalized symmetric cumulant in proton-protoncollisions as a function of centrality. The rc = 0.4 calculationincludes repulsive short range correlations not included in theresults labeled as rc = 0 and 〈s1〉. In the latter case thedistribution in Eq. (19) is adjusted to result in the same rootmean square radius for the proton as in the case with repulsivecorrelations. Figure from Ref. [99].

As a result, the correlation between the second and thirdorder cumulants is always positive. Instead, when a rela-tively large short range repulsive correlation rc = 0.4 fmis included, the correlation becomes negative in most cen-tral collisions, which is qualitatively compatible with theCMS data. Note that the same repulsive correlation wasrequired to describe the Hollowness effect as discussedabove. Including the full hydrodynamical evolution inthe framework is underway [105].


A. Vector meson production

So far the in this Review the focus has been on therole of proton shape fluctuations on exclusive, elastic andcollective observables. However, there is nothing spe-cial about the proton target, and similar analyses canbe performed with both light and heavy nuclei. In nu-clei, fluctuations are excepted to take place at multipledifferent distance scales. At longest distances, the po-sitions of the nucleons fluctuate, following the Woods-Saxon distribution in heavy nuclei. At shorter scales,the nucleon shape fluctuations as discussed above can be-come visible. Additionally, there are color charge fluctua-tions in the hadrons, and the color charges are correlatedover the distance scale 1/Qs, where Qs is the saturationscale. At high energies or in heavy nuclei where the sat-uration scale is large (we have an approximate scalingQ2s ∼ A1/3x−0.2), the color charge fluctuations manifest

themselves at distance scale much smaller than the hotspot size.

Taking into account the nucleon shape fluctuations, ex-

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0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7

|t| [GeV2]









Geometric and Qs fluctuations in the nucleonsNo subnucleon fluctuations

Pb + Pb→ J/Ψ + Pb + Pb,√s = 5.02 TeV, y = 0

FIG. 10: Predictions for the coherent (thick lines) and inco-herent (thin lines) J/Ψ photoproduction in ultraperipheralPb+Pb collisions at the LHC. Solid curves correspond tothe case where nucleons consist of fluctuating hot spots, anddashed curves the case where nucleons have no substructure.Figure from Ref. [29].

clusive vector meson production off light nuclei (deteuronand helium) has been studied in Ref. [106]. Heavy nu-clei, gold and lead, were first considered in Ref. [29] byextending the calculations of Refs. [11, 74, 107, 108] to in-clude the nucleon shape fluctuations on top of the fluctu-ating nucleon positions from the Woods-Saxon distribu-tion. Additional contribution to the incoherent cross sec-tion from the fluctuating nucleon shape was found to im-prove the simultaneous description of both the coherentand incoherent cross sections measured in ultraperiph-eral collisions at the LHC. Later the framework wherethe number of hot spots depends on Bjorken-x was alsogeneralized to this setting [85, 86].

In exclusive vector meson production the distance scaleis set by the momentum transfer t. As shown in Ref. [74],if the incoherent cross section is parametrized as e−B|t|,then the slope B is set by the size of the object that isfluctuating. As discussed above, there are (at least) twodifferent distance scales at which fluctuations take place:the nucleon size, and the substructure size. In Fig. 10 thepredicted J/Ψ photoproduction cross section is shown asa function of t, with (black solid lines) and without (bluedashed lines) nucleon substructure.

The coherent cross section is found to be similar withand without nuclear substructure fluctuations as ex-pected, as the average shape of the nucleus does notchange significantly when the nucleon substructure fluc-tuations are included, see discussion in Sec. IV A. Thefact that the average density profiles are not exactly iden-tical result in some deviations in the coherent spectra atlarger |t|. On the other hand, in incoherent scatteringthe t slopes are clearly different at |t| & 0.25 GeV2, whichcorresponds to the distance scale ∼ 0.4 fm, which is thescale of the hot spots (see Fig. 4).


5−10 4−10 3−10 2−10 1−10









310Extracted from ALICEGG-hsGG-nGS-hsGS-n

(GeV) PbγW 10210

FIG. 11: Bjorken-x dependence of the incoherent J/Ψ photo-production. Predictions shown as solid lines (label hs) includenucleons consisting of x dependent number of hot spots, anddashed lines have no nucleon shape fluctuations. Different col-ors refer to different models for the dipole-proton interaction.Figure from Ref. [85].

The LHC experiments have only measured the t inte-grated cross sections, as the experimental methods arebased on template fits. For the incoherent J/Ψ photo-production, there exists only one datapoint from ALICEat√s = 2760 GeV at midrapidity [109]. At midrapid-

ity there is no ambiquity in determining the Bjorken-x,and the J/Ψ photoproduction cross section at x ≈ 10−3

can be extracted as the photon flux is known. In Fig. 11the predicted incoherent J/Ψ photoproduction cross sec-tion as a function of x is shown, based on Ref. [85]. Thepredictions from the calculations that both include anddo not include nucleon substructure fluctuations (wherethe number of hot spots depends on x, see Eq. (17))are shown. The substructure is shown to enhance theincoherent cross section almost by a factor of 2, whichis consistent with the ALICE data. It is important tonote that the predicted absolute normalization dependsstrongly on the applied J/Ψ wave function, and simulta-neous comparison to both coherent and incoherent datais necessary. Cross section ratios are theoretically morerobust. In Ref. [29] it was shown that the wave functionuncertainty almost cancels in the incoherent-to-coherentratio, and the nucleon substructure fluctuations improvethe description of the ALICE data, which still has a quitelarge uncertainty (see also Ref. [110]).

B. Nucleon substructure and flow in heavy ioncollisions

Collective phenomena are traditionally seen as a proofof the formation of the Quark Gluon Plasma (QGP)in heavy ion collisions at high energy. However, re-cently similar signals have been also observed in highmultiplicity proton-proton and proton-nucleus collisions.

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This suggests that a hydrodynamically evolving mediummay be produced also in smaller collision systems. Asthe proton shape fluctuations result in initial stateanisotropies [111], the event-by-event fluctuating protonstructure can in principle be constrained by comparinghydrodynamical simulations including proton shape fluc-tuations with experimental data. However, there are ad-ditional sources of momentum correlations that do notrequire a medium formation and could contribute signif-icantly to the measured collective effects. Also, not alleffects traditionally associated with the QGP productionare seen in small system collisions. For example, produc-tion of high transverse momentum particles is suppressedin heavy ion collisions, and this effect is understood tobe caused by partons losing energy when propagatingthrough the medium. Similar effects are not seen ineven the highest multiplicity proton-proton and proton-nucleus collisions. For a review, the reader is referred toRef. [112].

Theoretically it is also not a priori clear if a locallythermalised fluid can be produced in such a small sys-tems. The applicability of hydrodynamics can also belimited by the presence of large density gradients [113],at least if the multiplicities are not very high. The high-est multiplicity events, on the other hand, may only beproduced by a subset of rare proton configurations [114].

In Sec. IV A it was shown how the Wilson lines, en-coding all the information about the small-x structure,can be constrained based on diffractive vector meson pro-duction data. This can be taken as an input for hy-drodynamical simulations of the proton-nucleus (and inprinciple proton-proton) collisions e.g. in the frameworkdeveloped in Ref. [115]. There, the developed IP-Glasmamodel is first used to determine the initial state after thecollision, and to solve the early time evolution (see alsoRefs. [116, 117] for a recent develompent of the fluctu-ating initial condition for the hydrodynamical evolutionfrom the CGC framework). When the system is closeto the local thermal equilibrium, hydrodynamical evo-lution is applied using the relativistic viscous hydrody-namic simulation MUSIC [118, 119]. After the hydro-dynamical phase the final final stages of the evolutionfor the produced particles are simulated by using theUrQMD model which implements the microscopic Boltz-mann equation [120, 121].

In general, as the hydrodynamical evolution translatesspatial anisotropies into the momentum space correla-tions, if the colliding proton is spherical, only small mo-mentum space anisotropies can be expected. In the IP-Glasma+hydrodynamics framework this expectation wasconfirmed in Ref. [122]. When the proton shape fluctua-tions determined in Sec. IV A were used, a good descrip-tion of the measured elliptic and triangular flow coeffi-cient v2 and v3 defined in Eq. (21) in high-multiplicityproton-lead collisions were obtained [123]. Similarly, inRef. [124] it was found that a three valence quark struc-ture for the nucleons is necessary in hydrodynamical sim-ulations of proton-proton, proton-lead and lead-lead col-

lisions. For the effect of proton substructure on the initialstate structure (e.g. eccentricities), see Ref. [111].

Another approach to determine the proton shape fluc-tuations is to first consider hydrodynamical simulationsof lead-lead and proton-lead collisions with different nu-cleon shape fluctuations, and by comparing with experi-mental measurements to deduce the preferred shape fluc-tuations. A major complication in this approach is thatthe hydrodynamical simulations are computationally in-tensive, and it is in practice not possible to produceenough statistics with different descriptions of the fluc-tuating initial state to perform a straightforward mini-mization procedure.

A powerful approach that can be used to determine theinitial state is based on Bayesian statistics. In the con-text of heavy ion collisions, this approach has been usedrecently to constrain the fundamental properties of theproduced Quark Gluon Plasma (QGP). These propertiesinclude, for example, the temperature dependence of theshear and bulk viscosities and the temperature at whichthe hydrodynamical evolution ends and the medium isconverted into particles whose subsequent evolution isalso included by using the UrQMD model. The methoddeveloped in Ref. [125] (see recent highlights in Ref. [126])uses a Gaussian process emulator that is trained to ef-fectively interpolate in the multi dimensional parameterspace. Applying Bayesian statistics and numerically lightemulator techniques, it becomes possible to construct thelikelihood distributions for the model parameters. As aresult, fundamental properties of the QGP with uncer-tainty estimates are obtained.

To determine the proton shape fluctuations based onhigh-multiplicity proton-nucleus data from RHIC andfrom the LHC, this approach was generalized in Ref. [127]to include a hot spot structure for the nucleons. Thenumber of hot spots, as well as their size, are modelparameters along with the QGP properties mentionedabove. Important observables sensitive to the hot spotstructure that are used to calibrate the Gaussian emula-tor are e.g. mean transverse momenta and flow cumulantmeasurements made in proton-lead collisions. Also, datafrom lead-lead collisions is included in the analysis.

From the obtained posterior distributions, it is possibleto sample the most likely parametrizations describing thenucleon structure fluctuations, as well as QGP propertiesand the correlations between the different parameters. InFig. 12 the centrality dependence of the elliptic (v2) andtriangular (v3) flow coefficients are calculated from 100random parametrizations sampled from the posterior dis-tribution, and compared with the CMS data [128] (alsoused to train the emulator). A reasonable descriptionof the flow harmonics, as well as of the centrality de-pendence of the charge particle yield, are obtained. Si-multaneously, e.g. the flow harmonics measured in lead-lead collisions are described accurately and with a muchsmaller variation between the different parametrizationssampled from the posterior distribution than in the caseof proton-lead collisions.

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For the nucleon, the analysis in Ref. [127] prefers manyhot spots (& 5). For the hot spot size, and for the sizeof the nucleon, the posterior distribution is illustrated inFig. 13. When comparing these results with the protonshapes constrained by diffractive J/ψ production dataand succesfully used to describe proton-lead collisions inthe IP-Glasma+hydrodynamics framework, one noticesthat the obtained protons and hot spot sizes seem to bemuch larger. However, the density profiles can not bedirectly compared. The analysis of Ref. [127] prefers theentropy production to be proportional to the geometricmean of the density profiles of the two nuclei. Thus,in proton-nucleus collisions the initial entropy depositionscales as dS(bT ) ∼

√TA(bT )Tp(bT ), where TA(bT ) and

Tp(bT ) are the transverse density profiles for the nucleusand for the proton, respectively. On the other hand, inthe IP-Glasma framework the initial entropy depositionscales as ∼ TA(bT )Tp(bT ).

In central (high multiplicity) collisions the nucleardensity is approximatively constant and dependence onTA(bT ) is weak. Consequently, one should compare thesquared proton density profile from Ref. [127] to theIP-Glasma density profile. For example, the Gaussianwidth for the hot spot size obtained in Ref. [127] is

v = 0.47+0.20−0.15 fm (when the hot spot profile is e−b

2/(2v2)).The squared density profile then corresponds to a Gaus-sian distribution that has a width parameter v/

√2 =

0.33+0.14−0.11 fm. This should be compared to the hot spot

width√Bq = 0.165 fm obtained by fitting the J/ψ data

as discussed in Sec. IV A. Although the parametrizationsare still not exactly compatible, qualitatively they sug-gest a similar fluctuating substructure for the proton. Onthe other hand, the differences demonstrate the limita-tions of the current approaches to quantitatively extractthe fluctuating nucleon shapes from hadronic collisions,as the results depend on the details of the particle pro-duction mechanism.


Multiple measurements from different collider exper-iments suggest that there are significant quantum me-chanical event-by-event fluctuations in the transverseprofile of the proton at small Bjorken-x. This pictureis obtained by analysing elastic and diffractive scatteringprocesses, as well as correlations observed in high multi-plicity proton-proton and proton-lead collisions.

Even though the qualitative picture pointing towardssizeable event-by-event fluctuations is the same based onall these observables, different processes that probe theproton structure at different scales result in e.g. differentsizes for the hot spots. At this point it is not clear how,for example, results from elastic low momentum trans-fer proton-proton collisions can be related to the protonshape fluctuations extracted by studying exclusive pro-duction of heavy vector mesons which is a perturbativeprocess. Similarly, in analyses of collective phenomena

FIG. 12: Elliptic and triangular flow vn as a function ofcentrality in p + Pb collisions at

√sNN = 5.02 TeV com-

pared with the CMS data [128]. Different curves correspondto different parametrizations sampled from the posterior dis-tributions. Figure from Ref. [127].

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2Constituent position radius rcp (fm)









nt w


wc (f


FIG. 13: Probability distribution for the hot spot (con-stituent) width, and the proton width (parametrized as Con-stituent position radius, based on the Bayesian analysis ofproton-lead and lead-lead data. Figure from Ref. [127].

in high multiplicity collisions one is actually sensitive tothe initial energy density or entropy production beforethe hydrodynamical evolution, which may differ from thetransverse shape of the proton.

In heavy nuclei, the proton and neutron shape fluc-tuations are usually suppressed, and the fluctuating nu-cleonic structure dominates many observables that are

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sensitive to the initial state fluctuations. However, thereare processes such as exclusive vector meson productionat high momentum transfer |t| that probe fluctuations atsmall distance scales ∼ 1/|t| and as such, can be usedto determine if the fluctuating structure of protons andneutrons is modified in the nuclear environment.

In the near future, large amounts of new data is ex-pected to help constraining proton shape fluctuationsin more detail. Detailed correlation measurements formhigh multiplicity proton-proton and proton-nucleus colli-sions at the LHC, as well as proton-light ion or light-heavy-ion collisions at RHIC will provide useful data.Photoproduction studies in ultra peripheral collisions atthe LHC, and DIS experiments in a next generation Elec-tron Ion Collider in the US [14, 129, 130], Europe [131]or China [132] will provide vast amounts of precise dataprobing the structure of protons and nuclei with highprecision.

On the theory side, developments need to stay in pacewith the experimental advances. Existing Monte Carloevent generators, such as Sartre [107, 133] which sim-ulates exclusive vector meson production at the EIC,could be updated to include nucleon shape fluctuations.More generally, there are two important paths for the-ory developments. First, perturbative calculations needto be developed to next-to-leading order accuracy in

the QCD coupling αs to achieve precision level (see e.g.Refs. [36, 37, 40, 134–142] for recent developments in theColor Glass Condensate framework). Additionally, newmore differential observables are needed to probe the pro-ton and nuclear structure in more detail. For example,dijet production at high energies is a promising observ-able in ultraperipheral collisions at the LHC [143] and ina future Electron-Ion Collider [144], as the second mo-mentum vector provides an additional handle to the ge-ometry and potentially enables more precise extractionof the proton and nuclear shape fluctuations. It may evenbe possible to extract properties of the Wigner distribu-tion that describes how partons are distributed both asa function of transverse coordinate and transverse mo-mentum [145–149]. The effect of nucleon substructurefluctuations on multi particle interactions (MPIs) shouldalso be studied, as these processes can potentially providecomplementary constraints on the shape fluctuations.


This work was supported by the Academy of Finlandproject 314764. I thank B. Schenke for useful commentsand T. Lappi for a careful reading of the manuscript.

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