How NOT To Evaluate Your Dialogue System: An Empirical Study of Unsupervised Evaluation Metrics for Dialogue Response Generation Chia-Wei Liu 1* , Ryan Lowe 1* , Iulian V. Serban 2* , Michael Noseworthy 1* , Laurent Charlin 1 , Joelle Pineau 1 1 School of Computer Science, McGill University {chia-wei.liu,ryan.lowe,michael.noseworthy}@mail.mcgill.ca {lcharlin, jpineau}@cs.mcgill.ca 2 DIRO, Universit´ e de Montr´ eal [email protected] Abstract We investigate evaluation metrics for end- to-end dialogue systems where supervised labels, such as task completion, are not available. Recent works in end-to-end dialogue systems have adopted metrics from machine translation and text sum- marization to compare a model’s gener- ated response to a single target response. We show that these metrics correlate very weakly or not at all with human judge- ments of the response quality in both tech- nical and non-technical domains. We pro- vide quantitative and qualitative results highlighting specific weaknesses in exist- ing metrics, and provide recommendations for future development of better automatic evaluation metrics for dialogue systems. 1 Introduction Significant progress has been made in learning end-to-end systems directly from large amounts of text data for a variety of natural language tasks, such as question answering (Weston et al., 2015), machine translation (Cho et al., 2014), and dia- logue response generation systems (Sordoni et al., 2015), in particular through the use of neural net- work models. In the case of dialogue systems, an important challenge is to provide a reliable eval- uation of the learned systems. Typically, evalu- ation is done using human-generated supervised signals, such as a task completion test or a user satisfaction score (Walker et al., 1997; M¨ oller et al., 2006). We call models that are trained to op- timize for such supervised objectives supervised dialogue models, while those that are not unsuper- vised dialogue models. * Denotes equal contribution. While supervised models have historically been the method of choice, supervised labels are diffi- cult to collect on a large scale due to the cost of human labour. Further, for free-form types of di- alogues (e.g., chatbots), the notion of task com- pletion is ill-defined since it may differ from one human user to another. Unsupervised dialogue models are receiving in- creased attention. These models are typically trained (end-to-end) to predict the next utterance of a conversation, given several context utterances (Serban et al., 2015). This task is referred to as response generation. However automatically eval- uating the quality of unsupervised models remains an open question. Automatic evaluation metrics would help accelerate the deployment of unsuper- vised dialogue systems. Faced with similar challenges, other nat- ural language tasks have successfully devel- oped automatic evaluation metrics. For exam- ple, BLEU (Papineni et al., 2002a) and ME- TEOR (Banerjee and Lavie, 2005) are now stan- dard for evaluating machine translation models, and ROUGE (Lin, 2004) is often used for auto- matic summarization. Since the machine transla- tion task appears similar to the dialogue response generation task, dialogue researchers have adopted the same metrics for evaluating the performance of their models. However, the applicability of these methods has not been validated for dialogue- related tasks. A particular challenge in dialogues is the significant diversity in the space of valid re- sponses to a given conversational context. This is illustrated in Table 1, where two reasonable pro- posed responses are given to the context; however, these responses do not share any words in common and do not have the same semantic meaning. We investigate several evaluation metrics for dialogue response generation systems, includ- ing both statistical word based similarity met- arXiv:1603.08023v1 [cs.CL] 25 Mar 2016

arXiv:1603.08023v1 [cs.CL] 25 Mar 2016

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How NOT To Evaluate Your Dialogue System: An Empirical Study ofUnsupervised Evaluation Metrics for Dialogue Response Generation

Chia-Wei Liu1∗, Ryan Lowe1∗, Iulian V. Serban2∗,Michael Noseworthy1∗, Laurent Charlin1, Joelle Pineau1

1 School of Computer Science, McGill University{chia-wei.liu,ryan.lowe,michael.noseworthy}@mail.mcgill.ca

{lcharlin, jpineau}@cs.mcgill.ca2 DIRO, Universite de Montreal

[email protected]


We investigate evaluation metrics for end-to-end dialogue systems where supervisedlabels, such as task completion, are notavailable. Recent works in end-to-enddialogue systems have adopted metricsfrom machine translation and text sum-marization to compare a model’s gener-ated response to a single target response.We show that these metrics correlate veryweakly or not at all with human judge-ments of the response quality in both tech-nical and non-technical domains. We pro-vide quantitative and qualitative resultshighlighting specific weaknesses in exist-ing metrics, and provide recommendationsfor future development of better automaticevaluation metrics for dialogue systems.

1 Introduction

Significant progress has been made in learningend-to-end systems directly from large amounts oftext data for a variety of natural language tasks,such as question answering (Weston et al., 2015),machine translation (Cho et al., 2014), and dia-logue response generation systems (Sordoni et al.,2015), in particular through the use of neural net-work models. In the case of dialogue systems, animportant challenge is to provide a reliable eval-uation of the learned systems. Typically, evalu-ation is done using human-generated supervisedsignals, such as a task completion test or a usersatisfaction score (Walker et al., 1997; Moller etal., 2006). We call models that are trained to op-timize for such supervised objectives superviseddialogue models, while those that are not unsuper-vised dialogue models.

∗Denotes equal contribution.

While supervised models have historically beenthe method of choice, supervised labels are diffi-cult to collect on a large scale due to the cost ofhuman labour. Further, for free-form types of di-alogues (e.g., chatbots), the notion of task com-pletion is ill-defined since it may differ from onehuman user to another.

Unsupervised dialogue models are receiving in-creased attention. These models are typicallytrained (end-to-end) to predict the next utteranceof a conversation, given several context utterances(Serban et al., 2015). This task is referred to asresponse generation. However automatically eval-uating the quality of unsupervised models remainsan open question. Automatic evaluation metricswould help accelerate the deployment of unsuper-vised dialogue systems.

Faced with similar challenges, other nat-ural language tasks have successfully devel-oped automatic evaluation metrics. For exam-ple, BLEU (Papineni et al., 2002a) and ME-TEOR (Banerjee and Lavie, 2005) are now stan-dard for evaluating machine translation models,and ROUGE (Lin, 2004) is often used for auto-matic summarization. Since the machine transla-tion task appears similar to the dialogue responsegeneration task, dialogue researchers have adoptedthe same metrics for evaluating the performanceof their models. However, the applicability ofthese methods has not been validated for dialogue-related tasks. A particular challenge in dialoguesis the significant diversity in the space of valid re-sponses to a given conversational context. This isillustrated in Table 1, where two reasonable pro-posed responses are given to the context; however,these responses do not share any words in commonand do not have the same semantic meaning.

We investigate several evaluation metrics fordialogue response generation systems, includ-ing both statistical word based similarity met-








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Context of ConversationSpeaker A: Hey John, what do you want to do tonight?Speaker B: Why don’t we go see a movie?Potential ResponsesResponse 1: Nah, I hate that stuff, let’s do something active.Response 2: Oh sure! Heard the film about Turing is out!

Table 1: Example showing the intrinsic diversityof valid responses in a dialogue.

rics such as BLEU, METEOR, and ROUGE,and word-embedding based similarity metrics de-rived from word embedding models such asWord2Vec (Mikolov et al., 2013). The BLEU met-ric, in particular, has been used recently to evalu-ate dialogue models (Li et al., 2015a; Galley et al.,2015a; Sordoni et al., 2015; Ritter et al., 2011a; Liet al., 2016).

We study the applicability of these metrics byusing them to evaluate a variety of end-to-enddialogue models, including both retrieval mod-els such as the Dual Encoder (Lowe et al., 2015)and generative models that incorporate some formof recurrent decoder (Serban et al., 2015). Weuse these models to produce a proposed responsegiven the context of the conversation and comparethem to the ground-truth response (the actual nextresponse) using the above metrics.

When evaluating these models with theembedding-based metrics, we find that eventhough some models significantly outperformothers across several metrics and domains, themetrics only very weakly correlate with humanjudgement, as determined by human evaluation ofthe responses. This is despite the fact that metricssuch as BLEU have seen significant recent use inevaluating unsupervised dialogue systems (Ritteret al., 2011a; Sordoni et al., 2015; Li et al., 2015b;Li et al., 2016). We highlight the shortcomingsof these metrics using: a) a statistical analysisof our survey’s results; b) a qualitative analysisof examples taken from our data; and c) anexploration of the sensitivity of the metrics.

2 Related Work

Evaluation methods for supervised dialogue sys-tems include the PARADISE framework (Walkeret al., 1997), which simultaneously optimizes fortask completion and alternative costs, such asnumber of utterances and agent response delay.Similarly, MeMo (Moller et al., 2006) evaluatesdialogue systems through interactions with simu-lated users. An extensive overview of such metrics

can be found in (Jokinen and McTear, 2009).We focus on metrics that are model-

independent, i.e. where the model generatingthe response does not also evaluate its quality;thus, we do not consider word perplexity, althoughit has been used to evaluate unsupervised dialoguemodels (Serban et al., 2015). This is becauseit is not computed on a per-response basis, andcannot be computed for retrieval models. Further,we only consider metrics that can be used toevaluate proposed responses against ground-truthresponses, so we do not consider retrieval-basedmetrics such as recall, which has been used toevaluate dialogue models (Schatzmann et al.,2005; Lowe et al., 2015).

Several recent works on unsupervised dialoguesystems adopt the BLEU score for evaluation. Rit-ter et al. (2011b) formulate the unsupervisedlearning problem as one of translating a contextinto a candidate response. They use a statisti-cal machine translation (SMT) model to gener-ate responses to various contexts using Twitterdata, and show that it outperforms information re-trieval baselines according to both BLEU and hu-man evaluations. Sordoni et al. (2015) extend thisidea using a recurrent language model to generateresponses in a context-sensitive manner. They alsoevaluate using BLEU, however they produce mul-tiple ground truth responses by retrieving 15 re-sponses from elsewhere in the corpus, using a sim-ple bag-of-words model. Li et al. (2015b) evaluatetheir proposed diversity-promoting objective func-tion for neural network models using BLEU scorewith only a single ground truth response. A mod-ified version of BLEU, deltaBLEU (Galley et al.,2015b), which takes into account several human-evaluated ground truth responses, is shown to havea weak to moderate correlation to human judge-ment using Twitter dialogues. However, such hu-man annotation is often infeasible to obtain inpractice. Galley et al (2015b) also show that, evenwith several ground truth responses available, thestandard BLEU metric correlates at best weaklywith human judgements.

3 Evaluation Metrics

Given the context of a conversation and a pro-posed response, our goal is to automatically evalu-ate how appropriate and relevant the proposed re-sponse is to the conversation. We focus on metricsthat compare it to the ground truth response of the

conversation. In particular, we investigate two ap-proaches: word based similarity metrics and word-embedding based similarity metrics.

3.1 Word Overlap-based Metrics

We first consider metrics that evaluate the amountof word-overlap between the proposed responseand the ground-truth response. We examine theBLEU and METEOR scores that have been usedfor machine translation, and the ROUGE scorethat has been used for automatic summarization.1

While these metrics have been shown to correlatewith human judgement in their target domains (Pa-pineni et al., 2002a; Lin, 2004), they have not beenevaluated for dialogue systems.2

We denote the set of ground truth responses asR and the set of proposed responses as R. Thesize of both sets is N (that is we assume that thereis a single candidate ground truth response) andindividual sentences are indexed using i (ri ∈ R).The j’th token in sentence ri is denoted wij .

BLEU. BLEU (Papineni et al., 2002a) analyzesthe co-occurences of n-grams in the ground truthand the proposed responses. It first computes an n-gram precision for the whole dataset (we assumethat there is a single candidate ground truth re-sponse per context):

Pn(R, R) =


∑k min(h(k, ri), h(k, ri))∑


∑k h(k, ri)

where k indexes all possible n-grams of lengthn and h(k, ri) is the number of n-grams k inri. To avoid the drawbacks of using a precisionscore, namely that it favours shorter (candidate)sentences, the authors introduce a brevity penalty.BLEU-N where N is the maximum length of n-grams considered is defined as:

BLEU-N := b(R, R) exp(N∑


βn logPn(R, R))

βn is a weighting that is usually uniform, and b(·)is the brevity penalty. Note that BLEU is usually

1We only provide summaries of the metrics; we will addthe mathematical details of all metrics using the extra pageavailable at publication time.

2To the best of our knowledge, only BLEU has been eval-uated in the dialogue system setting quantitatively by Galleyet al. (2015a) on the Twitter domain. However, they carriedout their experiments in a very different setting with multipleground truth responses, which are rarely available in practice,and without providing any qualitative analysis of their results.

calculated at the corpus-level, and has been shownto correlate with human judgement in the transla-tion domain when there are multiple ground truthcandidates available.

METEOR. The METEOR metric (Banerjee andLavie, 2005) was introduced to address severalweaknesses in BLEU. It creates an explicit align-ment between the candidate and target responses.The alignment is based on exact token matching,followed by WordNet synonyms, stemmed tokens,and then paraphrases. Given a set of alignments,the METEOR score is the harmonic mean of pre-cision and recall between the proposed and groundtruth sentence.

ROUGE. ROUGE (Lin, 2004) is a set of eval-uation metrics used for automatic summariza-tion. We consider ROUGE-L, which is a F-measure based on the Longest Common Subse-quence (LCS) between a candidate and target sen-tence. The LCS is a set of words which occur intwo sentences in the same order; however, unliken-grams the words do not have to be contiguous,i.e. there can be other words in between the wordsof the LCS.

3.2 Embedding-based MetricsAn alternative to using word-overlap based met-rics is to consider the meaning of each wordas defined by a word embedding, which as-signs a vector to each word. Methods such asWord2Vec (Mikolov et al., 2013) calculate theseembeddings using distributional semantics; that is,they approximate the meaning of a word by con-sidering how often it co-occurs with other words inthe corpus3. These embedding-based metrics usu-ally approximate sentence-level embeddings usingsome heuristic to combine the vectors of the indi-vidual words in the sentence. The sentence-levelembeddings between the candidate and target re-sponse are compared using a measure such as co-sine distance. This does not depend on exact word-overlap between generated and actual responses,but still allows a quantitative comparison betweenresponses generated by a dialogue system and theactual response of the conversation.

3To maintain statistical independence between the taskand each performance metric, it is important that the wordembeddings used are trained on corpora which do not over-lap with the task corpus. Otherwise the assumptions of in-dependent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) training and testdata examples are incorrect, which could lead to spurious andpotentially misleading correlations between data examples.

Greedy Matching. Greedy matching is the oneembedding-based metric that does not computesentence-level embeddings. Instead, given two se-quences r and r, each token w ∈ r is greedilymatched with a token w ∈ r based on the cosinesimilarity of their word embeddings (ew), and thetotal score is then averaged across all words:

G(r, r) =

∑w∈r; maxw∈r cos(ew, ew)


GM(r, r) =G(r, r) +G(r, r)


This formula is asymmetric, thus we must aver-age the greedy matching scores G in each direc-tion. This was originally introduced for intelligenttutoring systems (Rus and Lintean, 2012). Thegreedy approach favours responses with key wordsthat are semantically similar to those in the groundtruth response.

Embedding Average. The embedding averagemetric calculates sentence-level embeddings usingadditive composition, a method for computing themeanings of phrases by averaging the vector rep-resentations of their constituent words (Foltz et al.,1998; Landauer and Dumais, 1997; Mitchell andLapata, 2008). This method has been widely usedin other domains, for example in textual similar-ity tasks (Wieting et al., 2015). The embeddingaverage, e, is defined as the mean of the word em-beddings of each token in a sentence r:

er =

∑w∈r ew


w′∈r ew′ |.

To compare a ground truth response r and re-trieved response r, we compute the cosine simi-larity between their respective sentence level em-beddings: EA := cos(er, er).

Vector Extrema. Another way to calculatesentence-level embeddings is using vector ex-trema (Forgues et al., 2014). For each dimensionof the word vectors, take the most extreme valueamongst all word vectors in the sentence, and usethat value in the sentence-level embedding:

erd ={

maxw∈r ewd if ewd > |minw′∈r ew′d|minw∈r ewd otherwise

where d indexes the dimensions of a vector; ewd isthe d’th dimensions of ew (w’s embedding).

Similarity between response vectors is againcomputed using cosine distance. Intuitively, this

can be thought of as prioritizing informative wordsover common ones; words that appear in similarcontexts will be close together in the vector space.Thus, common words are pulled towards the ori-gin because they occur in various contexts, whilewords carrying important semantic informationwill lie further away. By taking the extrema alongeach dimension, we are therefore more likely toignore common words.

4 End-to-End Dialogue Models

We now describe a variety of models that can beused to produce a response given the context ofa conversation. These fall into two categories:retrieval models, and generative models. Whilewe do not consider all available models, those se-lected cover a diverse range of end-to-end modelsthat appear in recent literature, and provide a goodsample of models for illustrating evaluation withexisting metrics.

4.1 Retrieval ModelsRanking or retrieval models for dialogue systemsare typically evaluated based on whether they canretrieve the correct response from a corpus of pre-defined responses, which includes the ground truthresponse to the conversation (Schatzmann et al.,2005). Such systems can be evaluated using recallor precision metrics. However, when deployed ina real setting these models will not have access tothe correct response given an unseen conversation.Thus, in the results presented below we removethe correct response from the corpus and ask themodel to retrieve the most appropriate responsefrom the remaining utterances.

We then evaluate each model by comparing theretrieved response to the ground truth response ofthe conversation. This closely imitates real-life de-ployment of these models, as it tests the ability ofthe model to generalize to unseen contexts.

TF-IDF. We consider a simple Term Frequency- Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF) retrievalmodel (Lowe et al., 2015). TF-IDF is a statis-tic that intends to capture how important a givenword is to some document, which is calculated as:tfidf(w, c, C) = f(w, c) × log N

|{c∈C:w∈c}| , whereC is the set of all contexts in the corpus, f(w, c)indicates the number of times word w appearedin context c, N is the total number of dialogues,and the denominator represents the number of di-alogues in which the word w appears.

Ubuntu Dialogue Corpus Twitter CorpusEmbedding Greedy Vector Embedding Greedy VectorAveraging Matching Extrema Averaging Matching Extrema

R-TFIDF 0.536 ± 0.003 0.370 ± 0.002 0.342 ± 0.002 0.483 ± 0.002 0.356 ± 0.001 0.340 ± 0.001C-TFIDF 0.571 ± 0.003 0.373 ± 0.002 0.353 ± 0.002 0.531 ± 0.002 0.362 ± 0.001 0.353 ± 0.001DE 0.650 ± 0.003 0.413 ± 0.002 0.376 ± 0.001 0.597 ± 0.002 0.384 ± 0.001 0.365 ± 0.001LSTM 0.130 ± 0.003 0.097 ± 0.003 0.089 ± 0.002 0.593 ± 0.002 0.439 ± 0.002 0.420 ± 0.002HRED 0.580 ± 0.003 0.418 ± 0.003 0.384 ± 0.002 0.599 ± 0.002 0.439 ± 0.002 0.422 ± 0.002

Table 2: Models evaluated using the vector-based evaluation metrics, with 95% confidence intervals.

In order to apply TF-IDF as a retrieval modelfor dialogue, we first compute the TF-IDF vectorsfor each context and response in the corpus. Wethen produce two models: C-TFIDF computes thecosine similarity between an input context and allother contexts in the corpus, and returns the re-sponse from the context with the highest score,while R-TFIDF computes the cosine similarity be-tween the input context and each response directly.

Dual Encoder. Next we consider the recurrentneural network (RNN) based architecture calledthe Dual Encoder (DE) model (Lowe et al., 2015).The DE model consists of two RNNs which re-spectively compute the vector representation ofan input context and response, c, r ∈ Rn. Themodel then calculates the probability that thegiven response is the ground truth response giventhe context, by taking a weighted dot product:p(r is correct|c, r,M) = σ(cTMr + b) where Mis a matrix of learned parameters and b is a bias.The model is trained using negative sampling tominimize the cross-entropy error of all (context,response) pairs. To our knowledge, our applica-tion of neural network models to large-scale re-trieval in dialogue systems is novel.

Spearman p-value Pearson p-valueBLEU-1 0.1580 0.12 0.2074 0.038BLEU-2 0.2030 0.043 0.1300 0.20

Table 4: Correlation between BLEU metric andhuman judgements after removing stopwords andpunctuation for the Twitter dataset.

4.2 Generative ModelsIn addition to retrieval models, we also considergenerative models. In this context, we refer to amodel as generative if it is able to generate entirelynew sentences that are unseen in the training set.

LSTM language model. The baseline modelis an LSTM language model (Hochreiter andSchmidhuber, 1997) trained to predict the next

Mean score∆w <= 6 ∆w >= 6 p-value

(n=47) (n=53)BLEU-1 0.1724 0.1009 < 0.01BLEU-2 0.0744 0.04176 < 0.01Average 0.6587 0.6246 0.25METEOR 0.2386 0.2073 < 0.01Human 2.66 2.57 0.73

Table 5: Effect of differences in response lengthfor the Twitter dataset, ∆w = absolute differencein #words between a ground truth response andproposed response

word in the (context, response) pair. During testtime, the model is given a context, encodes it withthe LSTM and generates a response using a greedybeam search procedure (Graves, 2013). Duringtest time, the model is given a context, encodesit with the LSTM and generates a response usinga greedy beam search procedure (Graves, 2013).

HRED. Finally we consider the HierarchicalRecurrent Encoder-Decoder (HRED) (Serban etal., 2015). In the traditional Encoder-Decoderframework, all utterances in the context are con-catenated together before encoding. Thus, infor-mation from previous utterances is far outweighedby the most recent utterance. The HRED modeluses a hierarchy of encoders; each utterance inthe context passes through an ‘utterance-level’ en-coder, and the output of these encoders is passedthrough another ‘context-level’ encoder. This en-ables the handling of longer-term dependenciescompared to a conventional Encoder-Decoder.

4.3 Conclusions from an Incomplete AnalysisWhen evaluation metrics are not explicitly corre-lated to human judgement, it is possible to drawmisleading conclusions by examining how themetrics rate different models.

To illustrate this point, we compare the perfor-mance of selected models according to the embed-ding metrics on two different domains: the UbuntuDialogue Corpus (Lowe et al., 2015), which con-

Twitter UbuntuMetric Spearman p-value Pearson p-value Spearman p-value Pearson p-valueGreedy 0.2119 0.034 0.1994 0.047 0.05276 0.6 0.02049 0.84Average 0.2259 0.024 0.1971 0.049 -0.1387 0.17 -0.1631 0.10Extrema 0.2103 0.036 0.1842 0.067 0.09243 0.36 -0.002903 0.98METEOR 0.1887 0.06 0.1927 0.055 0.06314 0.53 0.1419 0.16BLEU-1 0.1665 0.098 0.1288 0.2 -0.02552 0.8 0.01929 0.85BLEU-2 0.3576 < 0.01 0.3874 < 0.01 0.03819 0.71 0.0586 0.56BLEU-3 0.3423 < 0.01 0.1443 0.15 0.0878 0.38 0.1116 0.27BLEU-4 0.3417 < 0.01 0.1392 0.17 0.1218 0.23 0.1132 0.26ROUGE 0.1235 0.22 0.09714 0.34 0.05405 0.5933 0.06401 0.53Human 0.9476 < 0.01 1.0 0.0 0.9550 < 0.01 1.0 0.0

Table 3: Correlation between each metric and human judgements for each response. Correlations shownin the human row result from randomly dividing human judges into two groups.

tains technical vocabulary and where conversa-tions are often oriented towards solving a particu-lar problem or obtaining specific information, anda non-technical Twitter corpus collected follow-ing the procedure of Ritter et al. (2010), wherethe dialogues cover a diverse set of topics oftenwithout any particular goal. We consider thesetwo datasets since they cover contrasting dialoguedomains, i.e. technical help vs casual chit-chat,and because they are amongst the largest publiclyavailable corpora, making them good candidatesfor building data-driven dialogue systems.

Results on the proposed embedding metrics areshown in Table 2. For the retrieval models, we ob-serve that the DE model significantly outperformsboth TFIDF baselines on all metrics across bothdatasets. Further, the HRED model significantlyoutperforms the basic LSTM generative model inboth domains, and appears to be of similar strengthas the DE model.

Based on these results, one might be temptedto conclude that there is some information beingcaptured by these metrics, that significantly dif-ferentiates models of different quality. However,as we show in the next section, the embedding-based metrics correlate only weakly with humanjudgement on the Twitter corpus, and not at all onthe Ubuntu Dialogue Corpus. Although this maynot come as a surprise to some researchers in thedialogue system community, the fact remains thatBLEU has been frequently used to evaluate unsu-pervised dialogue systems (Li et al., 2015a; Li etal., 2016; Galley et al., 2015a; Ritter et al., 2011a).

5 Human Correlation Analysis

5.1 Data collection

We conducted a human survey to determine thecorrelation between human judgement on the

quality of responses, and the score assigned byeach metric. We aimed to follow the procedure forthe evaluation of BLEU (Papineni et al., 2002a).25 volunteers from the Computer Science depart-ment at the author’s institution were given a con-text and one proposed response, and were asked tojudge the response quality on a scale of 1 to 5 4 ;in this case, a 1 indicates that the response is eithernot appropriate or sensible given the context, anda 5 indicates that the response is very reasonable.

Each volunteer was given 100 questions foreach of the Ubuntu and Twitter datasets. Thesequestions correspond to 20 unique contexts, with5 different responses: one utterance randomlydrawn from elsewhere in the test set, the responseselected from each of the TF-IDF, DE, and HREDmodels, and a response written by a human anno-tator. These were chosen as they cover the rangeof qualities approximately uniformly, as seen inFigure 1. The questions were randomly permutedwithin each dataset during the experiments. Out ofthe 25 respondents, 23 had Cohen’s kappa scoresκ > 0.2 w.r.t. the other respondents, which is astandard measure for inter-rater agreement (Co-hen, 1968). The 2 respondents with low kappascores were excluded from the analysis below.

5.2 Survey Results

We present correlation results between the humanjudgements and each metric in Table 3. We com-pute the Pearson correlation, which estimates lin-

4Studies asking humans to evaluate text often rate dif-ferent aspects separately, such as ‘adequacy’, ‘fluency’ and‘informativeness’ of the text (Hovy, 1999; Papineni et al.,2002b). Our evaluation focuses on adequacy. We did notconsider fluency because 4 out of the 5 proposed responsesto each context were generated by a human. We did not con-sider informativeness because in the domains considered, itis not necessarily important (in Twitter), or else it seems tocorrelate highly with adequacy (in Ubuntu).

(a) Twitter

(b) Ubuntu

Figure 1: Scatter plots showing the correlation between metrics and human judgement on the Twittercorpus (a) and Ubuntu Dialogue Corpus (b). The plots represent BLEU-2 (left), embedding average(center), and correlation between two halves of human respondents (right).

ear correlation, and Spearman correlation, whichestimates any monotonic correlation.

The first observation is that in both domains theBLEU-4 score, which has previously been usedto evaluate unsupervised dialogue systems, showsvery weak if any correlation with human judge-ment. In fact we found that in our analysis, theBLEU-3 and BLEU-4 scores were near-zero fora majority of response pairs; for BLEU-4, onlyfour examples had a score > 10−9.5 Some of theembedding metrics and BLEU-2 show some pos-itive correlation in the non-technical Twitter do-main. However there is no metric that significantlycorrelates with humans on the Ubuntu DialogueCorpus, quite possibly because the correct Ubunturesponses contain specific technical words, whichare less likely to be generated or retrieved by alearned model.

Figure 1 illustrates the relationship betweenmetrics and human judgements. We include onlythe best performing metric using word-overlaps,i.e. the BLEU-2 score (left), and the best perform-ing metric using word embeddings, i.e. the vectoraverage (center). These plots show how weak thecorrelation is: in both cases, they appear to be ran-

5The reason BLEU-3 and BLEU-4 have any correlation isbecause of the smoothing constant, which gives a tiny weightto unigrams and bigrams despite the absence of higher-ordern-grams. Thus, they behave as a scaled version of BLEU-2.

dom noise. It seems as though the BLEU scoreobtains a positive correlation because of the largenumber of responses that are given a score of 0(bottom left corner of the first plot). This is instark contrast to the inter-rater agreement, whichis plotted between two randomly sampled halvesof the raters (right-most plots).

We also calculated the BLEU scores after re-moving stopwords and punctuation from the re-sponses. As shown in Table 4, this weakensthe correlation with human judgement for BLEU-2 compared to the values in Table 3, and sug-gests that BLEU is sensitive to factors that do notchange the semantics of the response.

Finally, we examined the effect of responselength on the metrics, by considering changes inscores for the cases where the response length dif-fer in terms of words, between the ground truth re-sponse and the proposed response. Table 4 showsthat BLEU and METEOR are particularly sensi-tive to this aspect, compared to the Embedding Av-erage metric and human judgement.

5.3 Qualitative Analysis

In order to determine specifically why the metricsfail, we examine some qualitative samples wherethere is a disagreement between the metrics andhuman rating. We present in Figure 2 two exam-ples where all of the embedding-based metrics and

Context of ConversationA: dearest! question. how many thousands of peoplecan panaad occupy?B: @user panaad has <number> k seat capacity while rizalhas <number> k thats why they choose rizal i think .Ground Truth ResponseA: now i know about the siting capacity . thanks for theinfo @user great evening.Proposed ResponseA: @user makes sense. thanks!

Context of ConversationA: never felt more sad than i am nowB: @user aww why ?A: @user @user its a long story ! sure you wanna knowit ? bahaha and thanks for caring btw <heart>Ground Truth ResponseA: @user i don ’t mind to hear it i ’ve got all day andyoure welcome <number>Proposed ResponseA: @user i know , i ’m just so happy for you ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Figure 2: Examples where the metrics rated the response poorly and humans rated it highly (left), andthe converse (right). Both responses are given near-zero score by BLEU-N for N> 1.

BLEU-1 score the proposed response significantlydifferently than the humans.

The left of Figure 2 shows an example wherethe embedding-based metrics score the proposedresponse lowly, while humans rate it highly. It isclear from the context that the proposed responseis reasonable – indeed both responses intend to ex-press gratitude. However, the proposed responsehas a different wording than the ground truth re-sponse, and therefore the metrics are unable toseparate the salient words from the rest. Thissuggests that the embedding-based metrics wouldbenefit from a weighting of word saliency.

The right of the figure shows the reverse sce-nario: the embedding-based metrics score the pro-posed response highly, while humans do not. Thisis most likely due to the frequently occurring ‘i’token, and the fact that ‘happy’ and ‘welcome’may be close together in the embedding space.However, from a human perspective there is a sig-nificant semantic difference between the responsesas they pertain to the context. Metrics that takeinto account the context may be required in orderto differentiate these responses. Note that in bothresponses in Figure 2, there are no overlapping n-grams greater than unigrams between the groundtruth and proposed responses; thus, all of BLEU-2,3,4 would assign a score near 0 to the response.

6 Discussion

We have shown that many metrics commonly usedin the literature for evaluating unsupervised dia-logue systems do not correlate strongly with hu-man judgement. Here we elaborate on importantissues arising from our analysis.

Constrained tasks. Our analysis focuses onrelatively unconstrained domains. Other work,which separates the dialogue system into a di-

alogue planner and a natural language genera-tion component, for applications in constraineddomains, may find stronger correlations with theBLEU metric. Wen et al. (2015) provide an ex-ample of this, when they propose a model to mapfrom dialogue acts to natural language sentencesand use BLEU to evaluate the quality of the gen-erated sentences. Since the mapping from dia-logue acts to natural language sentences is moreconstrained and more similar to the machine trans-lation task, it seems likely that BLEU will corre-late better with human judgements. However, anempirical investigation is still necessary to justifythis.

Incorporating multiple responses. Our corre-lation results assume that only one ground truthresponse is available given each context. Indeed,this is the common setting in most of the re-cent literature on training end-to-end conversationmodels. There has been some work on using alarger set of automatically retrieved plausible re-sponses when evaluating with BLEU (Sordoni etal., 2015). However, there is no standard methodfor doing this in the literature. Future work shouldexamine how retrieving additional responses af-fects the correlation with word-overlap metrics.

Searching for suitable metrics. While we pro-vide evidence against existing metrics, we do notyet provide good alternatives for unsupervisedevaluation. We do believe that embedding-basedmetrics hold the most promise, if they can be ex-tended to take into account more complex modelsfor modeling sentence-level compositionality. Forexample, the skip-thought vectors of Kiros et al.(2015) could be considered. Metrics that take intoaccount the context of the conversation, or otherutterances in the corpus could also be considered.Finally, a model could be learned using the data

collected from the human survey in order to pro-vide human-like scores to proposed responses.

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Appendix: Full scatter plots

We present the scatterplots for all of the metricsconsider and their correlation with human judge-ment, in Figures 3-7 below. As previously empha-sized, there is very little correlation for any of themetrics, and the BLEU-3 and BLEU-4 scores areoften close to zero.

Figure 3: Scatter plots showing the correlation between two randomly chosen groups of human volun-teers on the Twitter corpus (left) and Ubuntu Dialogue Corpus (right).



Figure 4: Scatter plots showing the correlation between metrics and human judgement on the Twittercorpus (left) and Ubuntu Dialogue Corpus (right). The plots represent ROUGE (a) and METEOR (b).

(a) Vector Extrema

(b) Greedy Matching

(c) Vector Averaging

Figure 5: Scatter plots showing the correlation between metrics and human judgement on the Twit-ter corpus (left) and Ubuntu Dialogue Corpus (right). The plots represent vector extrema (a), greedymatching (b), and vector averaging (c).

(a) BLEU-1

(b) BLEU-2

(c) BLEU-3

(d) BLEU-4

Figure 6: Scatter plots showing the correlation between metrics and human judgement on the Twittercorpus (left) and Ubuntu Dialogue Corpus (right). The plots represent BLEU-1 (a), BLEU-2 (b), BLEU-3(c), and BLEU-4 (d).