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  • 7/30/2019 Artistry CD Sample


    Excerpt:Watercolor Portraits Tutorial

    PO Box 57516, Sherman Oaks, CA 91413phone: (818) 981 2803 [email protected]

    Bonus CD

    Painting by Karen Sperling from a photo at To see a list of the tutorials included on the Artistry Bonus CD, visit

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    Painting for Photographers Bonus CD Tutorials Page 23

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    I created this watercolor painting from this photo withthe SperlingWC1 variants available here on the Artistry

    Bonus CD.This tutorial shows you how I did it.


    Painting by Karen Sperling from a photoby

  • 7/30/2019 Artistry CD Sample


    Traditional watercolor artists paint from light to dark,vs. oil painters who paint from dark to light.

    Watercolor painters start with the white paper, leavesome of it showing through as highlights and thenpaint colors, building up tones gradually.To start with white paper in Painter, start with a blank

    canvas and turn on Tracing Paper.1. Open a photo in Painter.

    2. Choose File: Clone and save the clone (File: SaveAs).

    3. Clear the clone (Select: All, press delete, Mac; back-space Windows).

    4. Click the Tracing Paper icon in the image windowstop, right-hand corner to turn on Tracing Paper.(Click it again to turn Tracing Paper off).

    The source photo is visible in the clone, but its just aghost. If you were to print now, the page would beblank.

    For more information about clones and Tracing Paper,see Painting for Photographers, pages 26-27.

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    Choose the SperlingWC1 variant. Turn on TracingPaper and begin to paint to define the figure based onthe colors and tones you see in the photograph. Shutoff Tracing Paper to check your progress and turn

    Tracing Paper back on again and continue to paint.Raise the Size slider in the Property Bar to paint wider

    strokes, like in the cheeks, and lower the Size slider topaint thinner strokes, like near the eyes.

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    Adjust the Size slider to paint wider strokes on largerareas like the hair.

    Dont worry about details for now. Youre just creatingwashes of light and dark color based on the tones inthe photo. Paint with Tracing Paper turned on, then

    shut off Tracing Paper to see your progress.Press lightly with the stylus while you paint to blend

    colors together. Also, if you start on a light area anddrag youll get a lighter color, start on a darker area andthe brush stroke will be darker.

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    Continue to paint tones based on what you see in thephoto.You paint by building up all the areas of the painting

    at the same time. You dont, for example, paint an eyeuntil its completely done and then paint the other one.The idea is to build up the tones throughout the paint-

    ing, and as you do so, details will emerge.

    The SperlingWC variants are based on Painters DigitalWatercolors, which paint in what I call the mezzanine,

    an area that I think of as between the canvas and alayer. You can easily fix or blend strokes by simplypainting over them while the strokes are still in thismezzanine wet layer. They remain wet until you drythem (Layers menu: Dry Digital Watercolor). They alsostay wet if you save in Painters native .rif (RIFF) for-mat. They dry if you save in any other file format. You

    cant open .rif files in Photoshop, by the way.

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    Paint and lift and paint and lift to get strokes withedges, like around the lips and eyes; paint without lift-ing to get blended strokes, like on the face.Another way to create an edge is to paint a dark

    stroke, then paint a light stroke next to it, overlapping

    the edge of the dark stroke slightly. Thats how I filledin the collar.To get the look of traditional watercolor, dont blend

    everythingleave some brush stroke edges showing.

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    Paint with light colors or white to lighten.You can also paint with the Digital Watercolors Wet

    Eraser to lighten areas and to create highlights.

    Paint shadows to show folds in clothing, like you seein the above image.

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    To paint the eyes, start by filling in the entire iris witha dark tone with the SperlingWC1 variant.

    Continue to paint with Tracing Paper turned on, then

    check your progress with Tracing Paper turned off,then turn it back on again to paint.

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    Paint the bottom of the irises with the SperlingWCIrisvariant to lighten them a little based on the art conceptthat the tops of the eyes are darker because theyre inshadow.Add dark tones around the iris and for the pupil with

    the SperlingWC1 variant on a low Size slider setting inthe Property Bar.

    Paint catch lights with the SperlingWCCatchlight vari-ant with the idea of showing the light source hitting theeyes.

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    With the Sperling WCBlender, blend a little, againadjusting the Size slider based on the width of the area

    you wish to paint. Dont go overboard. The image willlook more painterly the less you blend.

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    Paint the hair with the SperlingWCHair variant.This brush is an eraser and only works if you want to

    create white/blonde hair because its erasing thin linesin the watercolor level. It wont work on non-watercol-or strokes.And because its an eraser, it wont work on white,

    only on areas with color.To paint any other color hair, choose the SperlingWC1

    variant, lower the Size slider in the Property Bar,choose the desired color in the Colors palette, andpaint.

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    Paint some darker tones in the hair, under the chinand in the collar with the SperlingWC1.

    Paint with the SperlingWCEraser on the cheeks tolighten them a bit because theoretically, the light source

    shines on them.When done, choose Layers: Dry Digital Watercolor.And thats how I created a watercolor portrait in Corel


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    Learn Karen Sperlings painting techniques withoutleaving home by watching the videos on The Paintingfor Photographers Volume 1: Portraits DVD.The DVD tutorial movies show Karen painting stepby step in Corel Painter a classic photo portrait byrenowned photographer Phillip Stewart Charis.

    The Bonus tutorial movies show how to create back-grounds with Painters brushes and how to combine fig-

    ures with backgrounds in Photoshop.The movies include not just the software steps but alsothe art theories and concepts to help you know the whyin addition to the how for painting from photos.The Painting for Photographers DVD includes: 1:15 hours of tutorial movies

    3 bonus movies with additional instruction Bonus materials including brushes and backgrounds

    Watch Painting Demonstrations,Without Leaving Home!

    Karen SperlingsPainting for Photographers

    DVD Volume 1: PortraitsAvailable at

    Painting by Karen Sperling from a photo by Phillip Stewart Charis

  • 7/30/2019 Artistry CD Sample


    others and have been using them for awhile.

    The Artistry Retreats get rave reviews like these:

    I have taken other classes in painting that were taught by peo-ple well known in the world of professional photography andalthough I did gain knowledge from every class I have taken, Ifeel Karen Sperlings method of teaching and deep understand-ing of the nuts and bolts of the program mixed with her true

    artistic talent gave memore than I have gottenfrom any other class.-Marsha Cairo, photog-rapher and artist,Chicago

    Karen Sperling showedthings that I have notseen in any other books.

    I can remember think-ing more than once,when she gave a certaintip, that this is worth theprice of admission!-Julie, Austin, Texas

    Karen Sperling'sArtistry Retreat wasinteresting, fun and easyto keep up the pace. Ican now offer fine artpainterly portraits as adeluxe product, and mycustomers love it!-

    Robin Swanson,Treasurer, ProfessionalPhotographers ofCalifornia

    Karen Sperling notonly taught me the mostimportant techniquesthat I could incorporateinto my photography,

    but she also did it withpatience and profession-

    alism. The way she teaches is fantastic. She made sure we under-stood everything before we went on to something else and sheshared her many talents with us. It was a blessing to be a student

    in her classroom. -Kim Lemaire, photographerKaren Sperling was a marvelous and patient teacher who Ithought presented a complex program in a way that made gettingstarted that much easier. -Gary McLaughlin

    Artistry Retreats: WherePhotographers Learn to Paint

    Hands-on, step-by-step lessonsLearn Painter or CS5/Los Angeles (Sherman Oaks)

    Visit for details!

    Karen Sperling, the original Corel Painter expert, wrote the pro-grams f irst several manuals, beginning when the softwaredebuted in 1991. She went on to teach Painter in just aboutevery venue there is,from individual privatelessons to lectures at thenational PPA and WPPIconventions. And shehas written four Painterbooks. Karen has beenwriting about and teach-ing Painter longer than

    anyone, and her currentbook, Painting forPhotographers, is highlyacclaimed by reviewersand readers alike.

    And now you can learnto use Painter or CS5 inperson from Karen inher Artistry Painting forPhotographers Retreatsin Los Angeles (ShermanOaks).

    Karen is a patientteacher and artist who

    explains art and softwareclearly and entertaining-ly. You learn the paintingtechniques and the artconcepts behind turningphotos into paintings inPainter or CS5, and evenif youve never paintedbefore, you will leave theArtistry Retreat being ableto paint.

    Of course, painting also requires practice, and you will get betterwith experience, but professional photographers and hobbyistsalike are able to paint photos during the Artistry Retreat.

    The Artistry Retreats are for beginners and more experiencedPainter and Photoshop users. Each teacher has different tech-niques, and you will benefit from the Artistry Retreat whetheryouve never opened Painter or CS5 before or have learned from

    Painting by Karen Sperling from a photo by


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    While YoureLearning

    Youll be painting portraitsfor your clients or friendsand family at some point.

    While youre learning,Karen Sperling can do it

    for you.

    Karen SperlingPhotography andPainted Portraits