THE IDENTIFICATION OF AMINO ACID IN CHICKEN EGG, SPECIFIC SOLUTION, AND UNKNOWN SOLUTION Ni Wayan Krisna Dewi Chemistry Education Department Ganesha University of Education Abstract Basically, chicken egg is always founds in our daily life. Chicken eggs are foods we can eat directly or through the process beforehand. Egg is important food in this era, because many disease now is caused by protein deficiency. On the egg chicken, there are 12.8 % and egg chicken is cheaper than other animal protein. The experiment was conducted to determine the types of amino acids found in egg albumin. In the experiments have been conducted, the types of amino acids contained in the egg albumin are tyrosine, tryptophan, phenylalanine, glycine and other free amino acids. Keywords: The protein of egg chicken, testing protein. A. Introduction: Protein is the macromolecule that formed by amino acid that composed by nitrogen, carbon, oxygen and hydrogen, some of amino acid contains sulfur (methionine, cystine, and cysteine) that connected by peptide bond. On the living organism, protein has

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Ni Wayan Krisna Dewi

Chemistry Education Department

Ganesha University of Education


Basically, chicken egg is always founds in our daily life. Chicken eggs are foods we can

eat directly or through the process beforehand. Egg is important food in this era, because many

disease now is caused by protein deficiency. On the egg chicken, there are 12.8 % and egg

chicken is cheaper than other animal protein. The experiment was conducted to determine the

types of amino acids found in egg albumin. In the experiments have been conducted, the types of

amino acids contained in the egg albumin are tyrosine, tryptophan, phenylalanine, glycine and

other free amino acids.

Keywords: The protein of egg chicken, testing protein.

A. Introduction:

Protein is the macromolecule that formed by amino acid that composed by nitrogen,

carbon, oxygen and hydrogen, some of amino acid contains sulfur (methionine, cystine, and

cysteine) that connected by peptide bond. On the living organism, protein has function to

construct cell structure and some protein has function in physiological aspect (Bintang,2010).

Amino acids are organic molecules with low molecular period (between 100-200 Da) that

contain at least one carboxyl group (-COOH) and an amino group (-NH2). These amino acids are

essential components for protein biosynthesis. In the protein there are about 20 types of amino

standard amino acids. All items are a α-amino acids, except proline. Variations that occur

between amino acids is located in the R group or side chain. Based on its R groups will be able

to predict the properties of an amino acid. Instead, based on the properties identified will be

known to the R groups are contained in the amino acid or amino acid type will be known (Tika,





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The structure of α-amino acids. R groups representing the side chain has a different

structure for each amino acid. Carboxyl and amino groups can be used to analyze a general

amino acid in the mixture. R groups used in analyzing the specific amino acid.

Based on its structure, amino acids are classified into seven groups, where the

classification is based on the chemical nature of its R group that will facilitate in given the

general properties of each amino acid. The seven groups were included in the table below:

Table 1: The classification of amino acid based on the structure

R-group properties Example of amino acid

Aliphatic Gly, Ala, Val, Leu, ILe

Aromatic Phe, Tyr, Trp, His

Hydro cyclic Ser, Thr, Try

Carboxylic Asp, Glu

Contain sulfur Cys, Met

Imines Pro, Hyp

Amino Lys, Arg

Amide Asn, Gln

Source: Murray.et.al, 1995: 29-30

Besides that, amino acids are also classified into two major groups of the amino acids

essential and nonessential amino acids.

Table 2: Classification of amino acid based on essential and nonessential

Essential amino acid Nonessential amino acid

Arginine Alanine

Histidine Asparagine

Isoleusine Aspartic acid

Leusine cystein

Lysine Glutamic acid

Metionin Glutamine

Phenylalanine Glisine

Treonin Proline

Tryptophan Serine

Valine Tyrosine

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Qualitative test is can be done for knowing the protein that contain on protein solution.

To find out the types of amino acids in a protein that already found in foods such as egg albumin

can be identified with several test reactions such as reaction Millon test, Hopkins-Cole,

ninhydrin, PbS and Test Nitropruside.

1. Millon Test

Millon reagent prepared from mercury (Hg) is dissolved in nitric acid and diluted with

distilled water. The addition of these reagents on proteins that contain tyrosine will give a

positive test result and is characterized by the formation of red color. The red color is a salt

of mercury from the nitrazed tyrosine. However, this reaction is not specific because it also

gives a positive test (red form) in the presence of phenolic compounds (Anwar, 1996). This

is basically a positive reaction for phenols, due to the formation of mercury compounds with

hydroxyphenyl groups are colored.

2. Hopkins-Cole Reaction

In this test, the reagents used glyoxylate acid (CHO.COOH). Hopkins-Cole reagent

containing glyoxylate acid. This reagent is made of oxalic acid with magnesium powder in

water. The positive test results are indicated the formation of the purple ring at the boundary

between the solution of indole ring-containing compounds and reagents. Ring formation is

due to the formation of condensation of two indole nucleus of tryptophan with aldehydes.

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The assay is specific for the amino acid tryptophan which contains only the tryptophan

indole ring. Of the test compound is an acid complex formed 2,3,4,5-tentrahidro-β-carbonyl-

4-carboxylate. Structural formula is:

3. Ninhydrin Test

This test is used to detect the presence of free amino groups of amino acids at which this

reaction reagents used were ninhydrin (triketohidrindene hydrate). When heated with

ninhydrin amino acid complex is formed at the blue or purple. The reaction is

The overall reaction of amino acids with ninhydrin are as follows:

a. Oxidative Decarboxylation of amino acids and result in a reduced ninhydrin, ammonia

and carbon dioxide.

b. Reduced ninhydrin reaction with ninhydrin molecule to another and with the release of

ammonia molecules form a complex in blue or purple.































CN 2













Complex color (violet or blue)




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For one amino acid can be determined quantitatively by observing the intensity of color

formed is proportional to the concentration of these amino acids. In this case, NH3 and CO2

released so kemingkinan can be measured quantitatively. Some examples of these amino

acids are aniline, vanilina, leucina, isoleusina, and metionina. Proline and hidroxypidine will

produce different complex color with other amino acids.

4. Nitropuside Test (cystein test)

This test is used to detect the amino acid Cysteine in which the reagents used are sodium

nitropruside in aqueous NH3. Positive test results indicated the formation of red color. Here

the reaction between the sulfhydryl group of Cysteine, peptide or protein with a reagent to

form a red colored complex.

For some proteins that give negative results to this test turns out to be positive after

having heated to coagulation and denaturation.

5. PbS Test

In this test reagent used is a solution of NaOH and PbS which the sulfur contained in the

amino acid Cysteine is released as sulfide ion in the presence of NaOH. In contrast, the

sulfide ion reacts with Pb2+ ions form a black precipitate of PbS.

B. Method

This experiment was conducted in Organic Chemistry Laboratory in Ganesha University of

Education on March, 1th 2012.

B.1 Material and Equipments





N +












Blue or violet complex color

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No Materials Concentration Total

1 Egg albumin - 5 mL

2 Larutan Pb(CH3COO)2 - Sufficiently

3 Cystein - Sufficiently

4 Sistine - Sufficiently

5 Millon reagent - Sufficiently

6 Hopkins-Cole reagent - Sufficiently

7 Ninhidrin reagent - Sufficiently

8 Sodium Nitropruside reagent - Sufficiently

9 Ammonia reagent - Sufficiently

10 Concentrated sulfuric acid - Sufficiently

11 Aquades - Sufficiently

12 Phenilalanin - Sufficiently

13 Triptopan - Sufficiently

14 Glycine - Sufficiently

15 Tyrosine - Sufficiently


No Equipments Size Total

1 Test tube - 1 rack

2 Drop pipette - 3 units

3 Funnel - 1 unit

4 Beaker glass 25 mL 2 units

5 Beaker glass 100 mL 3 units

6 Volumetric pipette - 1 unit

7 Graduated cylinder glass 10 mL 1 unit

8 Erlenmeyer 100 mL 1 unit

9 Spatula - 2 units

10 Stirring rod - 1 unit

11 Spiritus burner - 1 unit

12 Matches - 1 unit

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13 Beaker glass 250 mL 1 unit

14 Erlenmeyer 250 mL 1 unit

15 Watch glass - 2 units

B.2 Procedure

a. Millon Test

o Into 3 ml of albumin solution was added 5 drops of Millon. Then the mixture was

heated in a water bath

o Into a standard solution of tyrosine, triptopan, glycine and phenylalanine was

added 5 drops of Millon. Then the mixture was heated in a boiling water batch

b. Hopskin-Cole Test

o Into 2 ml of albumin solution was added a solution of Hopkins-Cole as much as 2

ml. Then a solution of concentrated sulfuric acid solution was added drop wise

through the tube wall as much as 5 ml.

o Into 2 ml of albumin solution was added a solution of Hopkins-Cole as much as 2

ml. Then a solution of concentrated sulfuric acid solution was added drop wise

through the tube wall as much as 5 ml.

o Into a standard solution of tyrosine, triptopan, glycine and phenylalanine was

added a solution of Hopkins-Cole as much as 2 ml. Then a solution of

concentrated sulfuric acid solution was added drop wise through the tube wall as

much as 5 ml.

c. Ninhydrin test

o Into 3 ml of egg albumin solution was added 0.1% ninhydrin solution of 0.5 ml.

then the mixture was heated to boiling.

o Into 3 ml solution of tyrosine, triptopan, phenylalanine and glycine each was

added 0.1% ninhydrin solution of 0.5 ml. then the mixture was heated to boiling.

d. PbS test

o To the 5 ml protein solution was added 2 ml of NaOH solution. Then the Pb-

acetate solution was added 2 drops. After that, the solution was heated on a water

bath to boiling.

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o To the 5 ml solution of tyrosine, triptopan, glycine and phenylalanine was added a

solution of NaOH to 2 ml.Then it was added Pb-acetate solution 2 drops. After

that, the solution was heated on a boiling water bath

e. Nitropuside Test

Some of the crystal grains of cysteine hydrochloride was dissolved in aquades as

much as 5 ml. then added a solution of 0.1% sodium nitropruside of 0.5 ml. This

mixture was added a solution of ammonia of 0.5 ml.

Beside the materials that used above, there are also unknown solution, such as solution A,

solution B, solution C, and solution D. These was tested in each test above.

C. Result and Discussion

In this experiment, carried out the test amino acids found in protein albumin (egg white).

Egg white or albumin previously separated from the egg yolk and then diluted with aquades in

the ratio 1: 5. Then the protein solution was tested with Millon test, Hopkins-Cole test, test

Ninhidfrin, PbS test, and test Nitroprusida with specific reagents. The results of experiments

conducted can be described as follows:

1. Millon Test

In the test Millon, Millon reagent is used which is made of mercury and dissolved

in nitric acid and a little nitrous acid. The use of this acid has the objective to make the

protein is not in basic conditions so that no precipitate is formed Hg (OH) 2. In addition,

the reaction is not advisable to use hydrochloric acid as it can cause the formation of

chlorine radicals that can disrupt the complex will be formed.

In this experiment the standard tests previously conducted tests of tyrosine amino

acid types, triptopan, phenylalanine and glycine. At the amino acid type thyrosin give a

positive tests with the formation of red complex. Thyrosin standard solution is white,

after adding 5 drops of Millon, the white color of the solution immediately thyrosin be

lost and the solution became clear. Subsequently the mixture was heated in a water bath

for several minutes. The results showed changes in color and heating to form a red


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Hg+ -+ ( )HO CH2CH C








White precipitate from protein e salt

The next test of the protein in egg albumin. Albumin solution has a white

colorafter the poured with 5 drops of Millon reagent mixture causes the formation of

white. Further chemical changes in the color changes to red when the mixture is heated.

This indicates the presence of amino acid type thyrosin on egg albumin. The red color

formed is derived from the nitrazed thyrosin made of mercury in nitric acid. The reaction

is as follows:

2. Hopkins-Cole Test

In the Hopkins-Cole tests used Hopkins-Cole reagent containing glyoxylate (HOOC-CHO).

This test will give positive tests for forming tryptofan with a purple ring on the tube wall. On

these tests, the standard solution tryptofan which colorless was added with Hopkins-Cole

solution of the brown lead is formed of two layers. At the top layer is light brown solution

and the bottom layer is green solution. However, when was added a solution of concentrated

sulfuric acid cause the tube to form a purple ring.

In the next tests, a solution of albumin was added Hopkins-Cole reagent. The result is

formed of two layers that do not dissolve each other. The solution at the top is colorless

solution and the bottom layer of light brown. Then, after adding a solution of concentrated

sulfuric acid slowly through the tube wall. This is done so that the rings formed are not

broken. On addition of concentrated sulfuric acid solution is formed of three layers where

the upper layer in the form of colorless solution, on the bottom layer of the solution is brown

and the middle layer to form a purple ring. Purple ring formed by condensation of an

aldehyde group of tryptofan by glyoxylate and sulfuric acid.






tirosin Nitrazed tyrosine

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3. Ninhydrin Test

In this experiment performed tests using the ninhydrin reagent ninhydrin. This is done to

identify the presence of free amino acids such as glycine and bergugus phenilalanin. Into a

solution of tyrosine satndar, triptopan, phenylalanine and glycine, respectively was added

colorless solution of ninhydrin. The result is no change in color

The next test is tests for albumin in egg white solution. The addition of a solution of

ninhydrin in albumin cause the solution becomes blue after heating.

4. PbS Test

In this tests, use a solution of NaOH to remove the sulfide ion in the sulfide-containing

amino acid. Subsequently will be identified by the presence of sulfide formation of a black

precipitate of PbS by the addition of lead acetate. On this tests, the solution tirosisn,

triptopan, phenylalanine and glisisn was added a solution of NaOH and the solution of lead

acetate. Mixture does not form changes. After a heated black precipitate is formed which

indicate the presence of PbS. This means there is no sulfhydryl group at the fourth amino

acid. In the test of the protein solution, the addition of 2 mL of NaOH solution and 2 drops

of Pb (CH3COO) 2 does not give changing color. When heated, forming a black precipitate.

This shows the amino acid cysteine or methionine in egg albumin. The reaction is as


S2- + Pb2+ PbS(s)

5. Nitropuside Test

Nitropruside test is used to identify the presence of cysteine sulfhydryl. The reaction

between the sulfhydryl of cysteine, peptides, or proteins with sodium nitropruside in excess

of ammonia produces a red complex. In this experiment, crystal white, cysteine

hydrochloride was dissolved in aquades after forming colorless solution. Further addition of

sodium nitropruside cause the formation of two phases in which the upper layer of the

brown solution and at the bottom of the form of a colorless solution. This indicates that the

solution is not yet reacted. However, the addition of ammonia solution causes the formation

of complexes in maroon. The reaction is as follows:

[Fe(CN)5NC]2- + NH3 + RSH → NH4[Fe(CN)5NOSR]2-

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Testing Unknown Sample

The sample that’s given is 4 samples. The marked of each sample are sample A, sample

B, sample C, and sample D. The result is as follow


Millon TestHopkins-

Cole Test


TestPbS Test



A - - + _ -

B + + - _ -

C + - - - -

D - - - - -

1. Sample A

In Millon test, there gives negative respond, it also negative in Hopkins-Cole test, PbS

test, and Nitropuside Test. From the experiment, the sample A is phenylalanin.

2. Sample B

Sample B gives positives respond in two tests, in Millon test, and Hopkins test. So the

sample B is tryptophan.

3. Sample C

In the sample C, there are one positive respond only in Millon test. So, sample C is


4. Sample D

Sample D gives negative respond in all tests. It show that the solution is not contain

amino acid. So, sample D is water.

D. Conclusion

Based on the experiment above, it can be conclude that:

1. The proteins that contain in egg albumin are cystein, tryptopan, tyrosine, and glycin.

2. On the experiment by using unknown sample, it can be concluded thatL

Sample A is Phenilalanin

Sample B is tryptophan

Sample C is tyrosine

Sample D is water