Artigo - Solid Freeform Fabrication (SFF) - Spectrum 1999

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  • 7/26/2019 Artigo - Solid Freeform Fabrication (SFF) - Spectrum 1999


  • 7/26/2019 Artigo - Solid Freeform Fabrication (SFF) - Spectrum 1999



    A COMPUTER, a designer has just com pleted a rendition of an exo tic shape for an equally exotic application

    or art ist ic object . I t is now time t o create th e real thing. Sh e clicks

    o n

    the hard cop y comma nd, and minutes later

    the object materializes beside her de sk. Is this the manufacturing environment


    the future?

    his dream portrays an ideal method of manu-

    facturing, one in whic h


    part , component, or

    entire subsystem would be designed electron-

    ically, relying on the power of present c omp uter-

    aided design (C AD ) systems and then output

    immediately at a push of a butto n. Thou gh it may seem

    fanciful, th e me tho d is reminiscent of a well-established

    conc ept, desktop publishing, in which print and graphics

    are laid out on a com puter and automatically printed by

    dot matrix, ink jet, or laser printers.

    In many ways, printing is a good two-dimensional

    analogy of three-dimensional manufacturing. Lettering

    or drawing by han d is analogous to low-volum e manual

    manufacturing meth ods using standard machines and

    tools. Offset printing is analogous to high-volume auto-

    m a t e d m a n u f a c t u r i n g u s i n g s p e c i a l i z e d m a c h i n e s .

    Desktop printing, however, lacks an analogy in present

    manufacturing. While it does not compete with offset

    printing for large numbers of copies, i t is eminently

    practical for small numbers. Its analogy is with an up-

    and-co ming area of manufacturing under development

    fo r severa l years a t the Massachuse t t s Ins t i tu te o f

    T e c h n ol o g y , C a r n e g i e M e l l o n U n i v e rs i t y, a n d T h e

    University of Texas at Austin, among other places.

    Researchers here in Austin have been working on tech-

    nologies termed solid freeform fabrication (SFF) or, as

    reported in the popular press, desktop manufacturing,

    rapid prototyping, and layered manufacturing.

    Such processes have the potential to produce accu-

    r a t e , s t r u c t u r a l ly s o u n d 3 - D r e n d i t i o n s of o b j e c t s

    designed with computers and manufactured directly from

    a CAD database, without part-specific tooling



    intervention, and to make them available to the user in

    minutes or hours [Figs. 1 and 21. The benefits include

    greatly reduced prototyping cost and design time and

    the ab i li ty to ach ieve , in one opera t ion , shapes tha t

    would otherw ise require multiple operations or in some

    cases be impossible to produce w ith standard techniques.

    Automated manufacturing technologies in general

    are well suited to large production numbers, but i l l suit-

    ed to low-volume runs. In th e latter case, the com po-

    nents are too few to adequately amortize the cost of

    part-specific tooling, instead, they are typically made

    by hand at much greater unit cost and longer comple-

    tion times. No r is it a completely desirable low-volume

    option to interface CAD systems with numerically con-

    trolled (NC) machining centers-in essence, computer-

    controlled m aterial removal systems-because so much

    human intervention is involved in producing NC pro-

    grams and setting up and supervising MC systems. In

    fact, the low -volume production arena is exactly where

    SFF s lashes cos t and t ime to comple t ion . Obvious ly ,

    too, these new manufacturing technologies fit well into

    computer-integrated manufacturing environments.

    Developmen t cy cles for complex systems can be dra-

    matically shortened by desktop manufacturing, which

    breaks the bottleneck between model-making and pro-

    totyping. In addition, the geometric information about

    a part's shape that can be captured digitally in a CAD

    da tabase can a l te rna t ive ly be t ransmi t ted over te le -

    phone lines, radio signals, and by satell i te . Coupling

    this information with an SFF machine may make large

    inventories a thing of the past by enabling parts to be

    produced on demand in remote locations or allowing

    replacement parts to be produced on the sp ot. Again,

    couple this solid freeform fabrication technology with

    modern 3-D digitizing techniques in which geometric

    information on existing parts can be scanned w ith lasers

    or X-rays and captured, and the means to create 3-D

    copy or fax machines is at hand. In fact, a 3-D fax was

    i m p l e m e n t e d f o r t h e f i r st t i m e i n A u g u s t 1991 in

    Austin, Texas, when a part was digitized at Scientific

    Measurement Systems Inc., an Austin-based technology

    company that manufactures high-power X-ray scanning

    systems. Th e data was then sent over telephone lines to

    the Labo ratory for Freeform Fabrication at Th e Univer-

    sity of Texas, in Austin, where a selective laser-sintering

    system was used to recreate the part.

    Different processes

    Today, about


    technologies address the rapid cre-

    ation of models, prototypes, patterns, and limited man-

    ufacturing runs. Many


    methods are based upon lay-

    ered manufacturing. In this appro ach,


    computer repre-

    sentation of an object's geometry is decomposed into

    slices of 1 - 1 0 dimensional information. A slice is a pla-

    nar cross-section of an object w ith an associated small,

    but finite, thickness. During processing, each slice is

    physically deposited and its interior is fused to t he pre-

    vious layer to create an object sequentially. While a

    slice's interior region demarcates the geometry of the

    object, its exterior also serves an important function in

    SFF technologies. In most processes, it becomes a struc-

    ture that serves as an implicit fixture for the part as well

    as a suppo rting matrix upon w hich regions that o ccur in

    overhangs can be constructed. The overhangs require

    this support since they are not joined with the main

    bod y until subsequent layers are deposited.


    layer's sup port areas are hand led in distinctly


    ferent ways by many of the process methods. In some,





    The Universi ty


    Texas at ustin


  • 7/26/2019 Artigo - Solid Freeform Fabrication (SFF) - Spectrum 1999


    explicit supp ort structures use the same

    mater ial as the object being formed,

    but are deposited in such a way as to


    easily removed, usually manually. In

    others, the ent i re exter ior of the slice

    becom es a sac r i f ic i a l po r t i on of t he

    layer that is subsequently removed and

    discarded or recycled, of ten, the sup-

    port material is different from the part

    m a t e r ia l a n d c a n be can se l ec t i ve ly

    r emoved by d i sso lu t i on , me l t i ng , o r

    e t ch ing . S t i ll o the r p r ocess m ethods

    use base materials that are the same as

    the part but are in a powder form that

    i n t ri n s ica l ly suppor t s t he p a r t wh i l e

    remaining removable.

    Solid freeform fabrication te chnolo -

    gies use a computer graphic represen-

    tation and simple stock material (pow-

    der , l iquid, gas, sheets, an d


    o n ) t o

    fabricate complex parts. Photopolymer

    s y s t e m s b ui l d s h a p e s u s i n g l i g h t t o

    selectively solidify liquid ph otocura ble

    resins. A number of other systems pre-

    f e r powder s a s t he i r s t ock mate r i a l .

    Som e examples of powder-based tech-

    n i q u e s a r e s e l e c t i v e l a s e r s i n t e r i n g

    [Fig. 31,

    3- D p r in t i ng , and 3 - D l ase r

    cladding. Lamination systems opera te

    with a variety


    feedstock from paper

    sheets to metal plates. SFF deposi t ion

    techniques include extrusion, ink-jets,

    3 - D weld ing , gas , and p l asma sp r ay



    T h e c a p a b i l it i e s a n d c o s t s of


    processes are rapidly changing. Cur-

    rently, SFF workstations cost between

    US 50 a n d 500 000. W o r k -

    stations such as those from Z -C orp and

    S t r at asys a r e on t he l ow en d of t h a t

    spec t r um, wh i l e l a r ge r wor ks t a t i ons

    f rom 3 D Systems and


    Cor p . t end

    toward the high e n d of the range. Parts

    made b y service bureaus average



    t o 2000, d e p e n d i n g o n p a rt s i z e,

    m a t e r ia l , a n d p r o c e s s . T h e a v e r a g e

    build volume for SFF workstations is a

    c u b e of a b o u t

    2 5 0

    m m o n a s i d e .

    Accuracy and sur face roughness vary

    wide ly , depe nd in g on t h e pa r t i cu l a r

    SFF technology and precursor material.

    Typical numbers for dimensional errors

    a r e 25 pm t o 380 pm. Surface rough-


    varies with the orientation


    t he

    par t for layer -based techniques.


    b e s t r e p o r t e d s u r f a c e r o u g h n e s s is

    a b o u t 100 nm o n


    t op su r f ace, and

    about 170 nm o n a side surface (assum-

    ing a vertical build).

    Contrast this with computer numeri-

    cally controlled


    milling, which

    can eas i l y p r oduce pa r ts w i th d imen-

    sional errors in th e range of 13 pm and

    su r f ace r oughness


    400 t o 800 nm.

    While CNC offen





    tude improvement in the accuracy


    t he

    part, the required accuracy of the par t

    must be weighed against the time sav-

    ings offered by SFE Man y examples arc

    reported in the literature that document

    six- to eight-week savings i n lead time

    compared to conventional manufactur-

    ing processes. This leads to thousands of

    dollars in savings over the design cycle


    a product.

    M a n y applications


    it is true that a picture is worth a

    thousand words, then a physical model

    is wor th a t housand p i c tu r es . Wh en

    designers employ the latest

    3-D CAD

    systems, they see and under s tand the

    physical nature


    t he i r wor k - in - p r o -

    g r e s s i n w a y s u n i m a g i n a b l e i n t h e

    wor ld


    or thogr aph ica l l y p r o j ec t ed

    2 - D d r a w i n g s . Ye t t h e s e 3-D CA D

    objects remain onl y abstractions, virtu-

    al representations


    yet- to-be- real ized

    artifacts, because their world



    g r av ity , f r i c t i on , o r r e l a t i ona l sca l e .

    Th e virtual models viewed within this

    environment rout inely defy the laws


    physics, require interpretation , and can

    engen der a false sense


    certainty in

    the design team.


    contrast, by using the rapid cap-

    abilities of solid freeform fabrication,

    people of all disciplines can use their



    sight and touch to thorough-

    l y c o m m u n i c a t e a n d u n d e r s t a n d t h e

    basic mechanical implications of num-

    erous design solut ions. Many product

    deve lopmen t com pan ies a r e r ea li z ing

    the benef i ts


    solid freeform fabrica-

    t ion prototypes, as the fol lowing case

    studies show.

    Integrat ing







    Design Edge Inc.

    ne of t he ha r des t - t o - communi -

    cate aspects of a product devel-

    opm ent ef for t is the integrat ion


    elect ronic components into a mechan-

    ical system. Design E dge Inc. , a prod-

    uct development firm in Austin, Texas,

    employs solid freeform fabrication to help

    br idge


    gap betwee n electrical engi-

    neers, who


    2 - D


    and mechan-

    ical engineers and industrial designers,

    w h o u s e 3 - D C A D . T h e


    tools of

    these discipl ines di f fer not only in the



    dimensional axes (3-D vs.


    but also often cross com puter plat-

    forms. Complicat ing things fur ther, the

  • 7/26/2019 Artigo - Solid Freeform Fabrication (SFF) - Spectrum 1999


    design activity


    these two disciplines can

    be located far apart , even when the groups

    are within th e same organization.

    A 2-D

    board outline drawing, provided

    by a mechanical engineer, is the formal

    mode of comm unication with the electri-

    cal engineers responsible for the layout

    and componen t se lec t ion of printed-cir-

    cu i t boards . The d rawing desc r ibes the



    the board and p rov ides a



    m a p


    i t , to dictate the allowable

    physical dimensions of an electronic com-

    p o n e n t s l o c a t i o n . T h e c r e a t io n of th is

    o u t l i n e d r a w i n g i s a g i v e - a n d - t a k e e x -

    change be tween the board des igners and

    the mechanical designers. In the process,

    an electrical engineer, in an effort to meet

    e lec t romagne t ic in te rfe rence



    goals, may wish t o posit ion connectors or

    other com ponents o n the circuit board in

    a location the mechanical design team has

    d e e m e d


    l imi ts . Converse ly, the me-

    chanical team may b e trying to reduce the

    package size


    to mee t a s ty l i s t ic goa l

    that m ight require moving electrical com-

    ponents from their electronically desired

    locations. In either case, it is difficult



    [2] Selective laser sintering was used to c reate these mo ckups o f


    thermostats housing [ left] and

    printed-circuit board [righ t]. The models help designers iden tify and resolve pot ential m echanical,

    and even electrical, interf erence problems early in t he d esign cycle.

    t e a m s t u c k w i t h t h e t r a d i t i o n a l 2-D o r

    3-D CAD t o o l s t o see


    a compromise

    may be reached.

    Solid freeform fabrication can vastly

    improve design communication between

    disciplines with con flicting design goals.

    The physical model,


    perhaps multiple

    models in far-flung locations, is excellent

    as a common tool with which to discuss

    an d mediate a design concepts potential

    1 D e ve l o p ed u n d e r N A S A R a p i d P ro t o t yp i n g p ro g ra m .

    Technolo gy i censed f rom t he Massachuset t s inst i t u te of Technology.


    Technology l i censed f rom the Univ ers i t y o f Texas at Aust in.

    C R A W F O R D B E A M A N




    N E W M A N U F A C T U R I N G I A R A I I I G M


  • 7/26/2019 Artigo - Solid Freeform Fabrication (SFF) - Spectrum 1999


    mechanical and electromagnetic interfer-

    enc e i s sues . Physica l m ode ls of circuit

    boards , wi th the s ign i f ican t e lec t ron ic

    compo nents represented, help to visualize

    d e s i g n c h a l l e n g e s .


    p h y s i c a l m o d e l

    assists all the parties in exploring, feeling,

    and see i ng the ir mechan ica l impac t on

    the system in a way that electrical design-

    ers working in 2-DCAD may find hard to



    enables mechanical design-

    ers to crea te more accurate volumetric cri-

    teria in the board outline drawing because

    it lets them test their designs

    i n

    a true

    physical space. Also, beyond the design

    of the circuit board, the approach i s help-


    in exploring t he effects



    t h a t a r e v e r y h a r d t o d e s c r i b e in 3- D

    CAD , such


    flexible cables and wire har-

    nesses. This is done by having t he design-

    ers mock up flat designs


    flexible cables

    or by routing actual wire assemblies into

    the freeform physical model with their

    own hands.

    T h a n k s t o t h e r a p id m o d e l i ng t e c h -

    niques available today for solid freeform

    fabr ica t ion , modif ica t ions to these de -

    signs can be made quickly and assessed in

    the most effective manner.



    are often created overnight. Design Edge

    CO, laser

    Las er - beam

    s c a n n i n g m i r r o r

    Lev e l i ng r o l l e r

    P o w d e r bed

    C h a m b e r f o r

    b u i l d i n g p a r t s

    P o w d e r c a r t r i d g e

    [ ] In a typ ical selective laser sintering process, a laser beam fuses particles of

    powdered plastic, metal,


    ceramic to b ui ld a th ree-dimensional object, laye; by

    layer, in a chamber. The beam is activated in accordance with 3 D computer-

    aided design data of t he objects geometry.

    uses prototype services, which can quick-

    ly provide models from its 3- D computer

    files of componen t pa r t s . These p r o t o -

    typ in g se rv ices supp ly phys ica l p ro to -

    types made with selective laser sintering


    o r s t e r e o l i t h o g r a p h y a p p a r a t u s

    (SLA) , a n d e m p l o y f a s t I n t e r n e t f i l e -

    t r a n s f e r p r o t o c o l (FTP) file e x c h a n g e

    m e t h o d s t o s p e e d t h e c o m m u n i c a t i o n

    process. Th e cost of these services varies

    w i t h t h e q u a l i t y of f i n is h d e s i r e d a n d

    with turnaround times. In a t ime crunch,

    it is not uncommon for Design Edge to

    h a v e t h e p r o t o t y p e s c r e a t e d o v e r n i g h t

    l r E E SPEC


    FFURUARY 1999


  • 7/26/2019 Artigo - Solid Freeform Fabrication (SFF) - Spectrum 1999


    and delivered the next m orning, counter

    to cou nter, by an airline package service.

    Although it may seem expensive to the

    un in i t ia ted , the numerous i te ra t ions of

    physical models cost far less than do the

    m i s t a k e s , m i s se d o p p o r t u n i t i e s , a n d

    u n d e r - o p t i m i z e d d e s i g n s t h a t c a n b e

    avoided by physical m odel reviews.

    W he n Honeywel l Inc . , Minneapo l i s ,

    Minn. , asked Design Edge to develop a

    huge volume of thermosta t devices for the

    Asian market, the design had above all to


    r e f in e d a n d o p t i m i z e d t o m e e t : t h e

    small package size required, production



    approximately IO0



    p e r m o n t h , v e r y l o w c o m p o n e n t c o s t s,

    an d a long production life. The se require-



    to a very close integration of

    the m echanical and electrical teams. Both

    SLA a n d SLS physical models were used

    to review and explore early design con-

    cepts [again, Figs. an d 21. Printed-circuit

    boards a nd the i r e lec t ron ic compone n ts

    were modeled in to the CAD assemblies

    and refined to help meet assembly, elec-

    t r i ca l d e s i g n , a n d b o a r d p a n e l i z a ti o n

    goals. Witho ut the aid of physical models

    early on and regularly through the design

    process, the communication and verifica-

    141 After evaluatin g

    several prototypes

    using sol id freeform

    fabr ication technol-

    ogy, engineers wi th


    Telecom Systems

    Division, in Austin,

    Texas, develo ped this

    protective housing-

    the FibrDome-for

    optic al-fiber cables.



    C R A W F O K D B E A M A N



  • 7/26/2019 Artigo - Solid Freeform Fabrication (SFF) - Spectrum 1999


    tion of concepts would not have been as

    effective Th e product is now successfully

    up and running in


    production in the

    People's Republic of China

    Symbol Technologies Inc , Holtsville,

    N Y gave Design Edge a contract to cre-

    ate a han d-held laser scanning system with

    s t r i ct e r g o n o m i c , f u n c t i o n a l , a n d c o s t

    requirements Because


    the organic form

    of these highly integrated components, it

    was a l l bu t im poss ib le to v isua lize the

    i m p l i c a t io n s o f c o m p o n e n t p l a c em e n t

    strategies without a physical model review

    Design Edge tested various electronic lay-

    outs in physical model form in order to

    develop and optimize flexible circuits, con -

    nector placements, and switch locations

    T h e s p e e d o f o b t a i n in g s o l i d f r ee f o r m

    m o d e l s e n a b l e d t h e t e a m t o r e f i n e t h e

    design many times over without holding

    up t he extremely aggressive schedule

    W h e n m o d e l i n g e le c t r o n i c co i n p o -

    nen ts and c i rcu i t boards in 3 D AD,

    mechanical designers can either represent

    the topographic boundaries indicated in

    the board ou t l ine d rawing , o r they can

    create libraries of key electronic compo-

    n e n t s a n d a c t u al l y p l ac e t h e m o n t h e

    board in the desired locations Th e elec-

    t r ica l and mechan ica l teams mus t w ork

    toge ther c lose ly to be su re tha t the 3 -D

    CAD mechan ica l rep resen ta t ion o f the

    electrical layout is accurate

    A new method of ensuring accuracy is

    the mechanical design package that can

    read the da ta f rom an e lec t r ica l layou t

    program and automatically create a 3-D

    CAD file as the electrical engineer has d e-

    signed it This can now be undertaken by

    a n E-CAD s o f t w a r e m o d u l e c a l l e d

    P r o / E n g i n e e r) f ro m P a r a m e t r i c T e c h -

    n o l og y C o r p , W a l t ha m , M a s s , w h i c h

    w o r k s w i t h e l e c t ri c a l l a y o u t p r o g r a m s

    such as Allegro To profit from this capa-

    b i l i ty , a 3 -C CAD l ibrary, t ied in with

    bo th the 3 -D CAD program and the e lec -

    trical layout design program , must be cre-

    a t e d a n d m ai n ta i n ed W i t h


    too ls

    l ike- thes e in p lace , o rga n iza t ions can

    exploit solid freeform fabrication further,

    to represent their current design thinking

    in a faster and more accurate fashion

    Reduced time to

    market and

    higher quality


    D. A C K S O N ,


    ith the growth of th e Internet, the

    dema nd for bandwidth from the

    hom e has soared To handle the

    dema nd quickly, local telephone com panies

    and various other com munication providers

    need to upgrade much of their networks from

    copper wire to glass f iber. O ne of the ele-

    ments vital to this developm ent is a low-cost

    housing to prote ct the optical-fiber cable

    splices from the outside environment. The

    3M Telecom Systems Division, Austin, Texas,

    responded by starting he FibrDome project.

    From t he begmning, the project team under-

    stood that a short product development cycle

    was critical for success. Th ey d eterm ined

    that the best way to reduce cycle t ime was

    to use solid freeform fabrication to quickly

    generate prototyp es for design ev aluation.

    The FibrDome Closure system consists

    of a sealed, external housing to protect the

    fiber splices, plus a fiber management sys-

    tem that organizes the fibers without dam-

    age [Fig.

    4 ].

    As the external housing had

    already been developed, the team focused

    on the fiber management system, which

    had to store up to


    splices in four sepa-

    rate trays, and had to include a spare tray

    for slack fiber storage. However, the most

    cha l leng ing requ i rements were tha t the

    fiber could not be bent with a radius less



    mm a t any t ime , and any f ibe r

    splice must be accessible without disturb-

    ing the o ther fibers.

    Once the design process started, SFF

    prototypes were used for f ive purposes:

    customer presentations, design form an d

    fit tests, functional tests, product installa-

    tion tests , and supplier communication.

    For customer presentations, a 3 -D repre-

    s e n t a t i o n c o m m u n i c a t e s b e t t e r t h a n a

    d e s i g n o n p a p e r a n d i s a g o o d w a y t o

    impress cus tomers w i th respons iveness ,

    For example, after one FibrDome presen-

    tation, the customer concerned requested

    severa l des ign changes tha t o the r p ro -

    cesses would take weeks to p ro to type .

    Th e team qu ick ly made the changes on

    t h e 3 - D c o m p u t e r m o d e l , g e n e ra t e d a

    n e w SFF p r o t o ty p e , a n d s h o w e d t h e

    d e l i g h te d c u s t o m e r t h e u p d a t e d m o d e l

    just a few days after the initial request.

    Solid freeform fabrication prototypes

    are an excellent means of checking for

    in te r fe rence p rob lems wi th mechan ica l

    designs. In an earlier design, interference

    occur red a t the h inge when two o f the

    splice trays were pivoted. A feature on one

    tray was flexing more than expected and it

    was hitting the other tray.


    identify the

    exac t in te r fe rence , the h inge a rea was

    modeled at four times actual size [Fig. 51.

    These prototypes helped the team identify

    the exact nature of the problem , and it was

    rectified easily and quickly.

    For most of th e prototype s for this pro-

    jec t , the s te reo l i thography p rocess was

    used because of i ts f inish, dimensional

    accuracy, and cost. Nonetheless, in one

    i n st a n ce t h e p a r t n e e d e d t o b e t e s t e d

    functionally, to determine whether i t con-

    formed a round an optical-fiber cable. As

    luck would have it, the streng th and flexi-

    bil i ty of the SLA po lymer were inade-

    quate For this reason, the selective laser

    sintering process was employed because it

    usually overlooked is the improved com-

    this case, the injection

    lid freeform prototypes

    was t ru ly a t remendous success fo r the

    t T h e t e a m e st i m a te s






    form fabrication, in thei r

    les of th e use of solid

    urgical plann ing tools





  • 7/26/2019 Artigo - Solid Freeform Fabrication (SFF) - Spectrum 1999


    screen, requiring abstract interpretation.

    Worse yet, noise is present in the data, as

    medical imaging relies on processing sen -

    s o r s i g na l s r a t h e r t h a n t h e r e l a t i ve l y

    noise-free input from a keyboard and a

    mouse that


    designers use.

    Even so, many doctors f ind that 3-D

    models of


    o r


    data allow them t o

    study subtle features that are difficult to

    detec t otherwise. Th e result is better pre-

    operation planning.


    models are also

    u s e fu l i n e x p l a i n i n g p r o c e d u r e s t o

    patients, for training physicians, and for

    practicing difficult techniques. T he results

    a re tha t su rgeons ca r ry ou t opera t ions

    more accurately, with more confidence,

    and in less time, all of which benefit the

    patient tremendously.

    Solid freeform


    par ts

    W h i l e t h e a p p l ic a t i on s d e s c r i b e d

    a b o v e p r o d u c e m o d e l s , m u c h o n g o i n g

    research into this technology focuses on

    searching for new processes and materi-

    al systems that will allow the creation of

    functional parts . On e promisin g area of

    application is fabrication of rep lacem ent

    biological parts , whose complex shapes

    are well served by solid freeform tech-

    nologies. Research at The University of

    Texas at Austin is focused on the selec-

    t ive la se r s in te r ing (SLS) p r o c e s s a n d

    t h e d e v e l o p m e n t o f b i o c o m p a t i b l e

    material systems that can be processed

    wi th SLS. In particular, a new material

    system has been created for fabricating

    bone implan ts .

    T h e p r o c e ss f o r d e v e l o p i n g b o n e

    implants uses a calcium phosphate pow-

    d e r t h a t i s c o a t e d w i t h p o l y - m e t h y l -

    methacry la te




    spray dryer.

    T h e


    acts as a binder. During the


    process, the


    coating is melted

    by the laser and binds the calcium phos-

    phate particles to form a "gree n" part-a

    part that has not reached its



    or dens i ty . (T he term der ives f rom the

    color of ceramic parts prior to their firing

    in a kiln .) Laser power, scan spe ed, scan

    spacing, and powder bed temperature are

    c a re f u ll y c o n t r o l l e d t o o p t i m i z e g r e e n

    part stre ngth. The SLS-fabricated green

    parts are subsequen tly infil trated with a

    calcium phosphate solution, fired in a fur-

    nace to remove the


    binder, and

    then fired at higher temperature to sinter

    the calcium phosphate powder.

    P re l iminary s tud ies in an imals have

    b e e n c a r r i e d o u t a t B i o M e d i c al E n t e r -

    prises Inc., San A ntonio, Texas. On e set

    of studies involved oral implants in dogs.

    Radiograph images taken four weeks after

    implan ta t ion sho wed a h igh degree o f

    biocompatibili ty and bon e ingrowth. The

    resul t s suggest tha t , in t ime , the spec i -

    m e n s w o u l d b e c o m p l e t e l y f i l le d w i t h

    mineralized bone.

    Embedded electronics




    Carnegie Mel l on University

    h a p e d e p o s i t i o n m a n u f a c t u r in g

    *% r

    (SD M) is


    solid freeform fabrication

    wm s rocess originally intended t o unite

    the advantages of geometry decomposi

    tion and material addition with the advan-

    tages of processes for removing m aterials

    [Table 1 1 In this meth od, individual seg

    ments of a part and of sup port material

    structure are deposited


    near net-shapes

    (nomina l shapes as des igned) and then

    mach ined to ne t - shape befo re fu r the r

    material is deposited a nd shaped

    Th e rap id p ro to typ ing o f complex

    shapes is clearly possible and, so, too ,

    are the use of selective additive material

    processing to fabricate structures from

    several materials and the embedding of

    p re fabr ica ted componen ts wi th in the

    grow ing shapes For example, an em-

    bedded electronic device can be fabri

    cated by building up a nonconductive

    hous ing package and s imul taneous ly

    embedd ing and in te rconnec t ing e lec -

    tronic components within the housing

    Th e approach lends i tself to produc-

    ing compact, rugged, customized com-

    puter modules in small lots In particu

    lar, it suits such military and industrial

    applications as manufacturing mission-

    specific, conformally shaped "smart" de-

    vices-wearable com put ers are an ex-

    ample. These last might store maps or

    e q u i p m e n t d e s c r i p t i o n s , h e l p t o l o g

    data, or provide communication links.

    The F rogman is a waterproof com-

    puter built with SDM tha t can s to re

    maps for navigational aids or detailed

    assembly drawings for service, mainte-

    nance, or f ield operations. The graph-

    ica l in fo rmat ion , which i s s to red on

    PCMCIA cards [see Defining Terms,



    is displayed o n a he ads-up dis-



    conformal ly shaped rea r su r -

    face is


    requ i red


    tha t the un i t

    c a n b e c o m f o r t a b l y s t r a p p e d t o a

    diver's leg.

    T h e u n i t i s b u i l t u p i n l a y e r s o f

    polyurethane and sacrif icial wax. The

    former is depo sited as


    two-par t the r -

    mose t . The wax can be ex t ruded wi th

    a conventional hot-glue gun, or thick

    layers can be poured from a h o t - m e l t

    p o t . T h e i m p o r t a n t p o i n t s a r e t h a t

    custom tooling is not required to man-

    ufactu re the F rogman and tha t em bed-

    ding facil i tates waterproofing.



  • 7/26/2019 Artigo - Solid Freeform Fabrication (SFF) - Spectrum 1999


    The com pany is developing this material


    the hope that


    will on e day be approved

    for use

    i n

    humans. Imagine a scenario


    which , say, a patient suifers an injury to th e

    le f t jaw. Today , o ra l s u rgeons scu lp t a

    replacement implant by hand out of a bone

    replacement material. The implant sewe s as

    a scaffold upon which the bod y rebuilds the

    original bone. Soo n, however, i t may be

    possible to scan the right jaw, reflect

    i t ,

    and create a custom implant automatically.

    Customized prosthet ics

    Medical researchers are also develop-

    ing methods for applying solid freeform

    f a b r ic a t io n t o p r o s t h e t i c s . A t t h e D e -

    par tmen t of Rehabili tation Medicine at

    The University


    Texas Health Science

    C e n t e r i n S a n A n t o n i o , a p r o c e s s h a s

    been developed for manufacturing custom

    prosthetic sockets for below-the-knee am-

    putees. The residual limb is first digitized

    with a high-speed laser scanner.



    ac t ive CAD sys tem then p rocesses the

    da ta an d a l lows a sk i l led p ros the ti s t to

    modify the geo metry to improve its fit, its

    comfort, and the stabili ty


    the socke t .

    The CAD

    data are then transmitted to a

    CNC milling mac hine, which mills a plas-

    ter mold. Finally, the plastic socket is vac-

    uum formed using the mold.


    current process is faster than the

    s tandard manua l approach


    making a

    p las te r cas t


    the res idua l l im b . S t il l ,

    researchers hope that, using solid freeform

    technologies, prosthetic sockets can be

    produced d i rec t l y f rom the



    eliminating the mold fabrication step. The

    San Antonio group has collaborated with

    DTM Co rp. in Austin, Texas, to fabricate a

    nylon socket using the SLS process.


    advantage of using


    is that the

    fitting for attaching the leg pylon to the

    socket can be built as part


    the socket.

    Currently, fittings are attached niechani-

    cally to sockets, and they require exte n-

    sive alignment for each patient. The inte-

    gral socket fitting can potentially include

    the patients specific alignment cha racter-

    istics, resulting in a better product.

    Th e San Antonio group is now collabo-

    r a t i n g w i t h r e s e a r c h e r s f r o m The

    University of Texas at Austin to develop

    sockets with locally variable mechanical

    properties. Such a socket would have areas

    of relative compliance to increase comfort

    near pressure points, and other areas of rel-

    ative stiffness to improve the sockets load-

    bearing capability and stability. T h e goal is

    to allow prosthetists to design and fabri-

    ca te socke ts comple te ly f rom com pute r

    data, with manual intervention.

    171 Intric ate

    3 D

    geo metr ical shapes can be

    generated us ing


    f reeform fabr icat ion

    technology. Artist Brent Collins


    s how n w i th

    the f i r s t wood sculpture he m ade jo int l y

    wit h Car los Sequin and the special program

    Sequin developed.

    Rapid prototyp ing

    o f geometr ic

    scu I

    p tu es


    University o f California a t erkeley

    t is hard to make a sculpture that looks

    good from every side Conceptual flaws

    often cannot be corrected when discov

    ered during the actual sculpting Even an

    artist excellent at 3-Dvisualization will make



    m o c k u p t o j u d g e t h e l o o k of t h e

    intended sh ape from all possible angles and

    to ensure that potential weaknesses in pre-

    sentation from a particular side have not

    been overlooked The creation of th e final

    physical artifact demand s a f irm com mit-

    ment in time and energy, and the dedicated

    artist wants to make sure that it is expended

    toward a promising goal

    For more th an a d ecade , a r t i s t B rent

    C o l l i n s


    C o w e r ,

    M O ,

    has been c rea t -

    i n g a b s t r a c t g e o m e t r i c a l w o o d s c u l p -

    t u r e s M a n y a r e h i g h l y o r g a n i z e d a s -

    sembl ies


    s a d d le s h a p e s t h a t s e e m t o

    f lo w i n t o o n e a n o t h e r a n d t e r m in a t e i n

    r im s t h a t f o r m i n t r i g u i n g p a t te r n s o r

    c o m p l i c a t e d k n o t t e d s p a c e c u r v es T h e

    i n t er n a l s a d d l e s h a p e s o f t e n a r e c l o s e

    to minim al surfaces-the kind formed

    b y s o a p f i l m s s p a n n i n g a c u r v e d w i r e

    f rame-even tho ug h Col l ins heard of

    tha t c once p t severa l years a f te r h is f i rs t

    scu lp tu re of th is typ e


    cons t ruc t th is compl ica ted shape ,

    Col l ins f i r s t dev ises a ske le ton of t h e

    basic to po logy us ing po lyv iny lch lo r ide

    4 2 I E E E SIE(.TRUhl FEKRL I ARY I W J

  • 7/26/2019 Artigo - Solid Freeform Fabrication (SFF) - Spectrum 1999


    p i p e s e c t i o n s a n d e m b r o i d e r y h o o p s .

    Th is he covers wi th wire mesh ing and

    b e e s w a x , w h i c h i n t u r n h e m o l d s

    smooth ly to the mos t des i rab le shape .

    The prototyping can take several weeks,

    and often several attempts have to be

    made before a shape is found worth exe-

    cuting in wood-a proce ss tha t will take

    another few months.

    In 1995 , a f te r many concep tua l ex -

    changes over the phone, author Sequin

    started to develop


    custom program to

    generate shapes that hew ed to the particu-

    lar flavor of Collins' recent artwork. The

    idea was to greatly extend this family of

    s h a p e s t o


    leve l o f complex i ty tha t

    Collins' prototyping process simply could

    not handle. The parameterized sculpture-

    generator program was fine-tuned for pro-

    ducing and displaying virtual prototypes

    for this special class of geometric sculp-

    tures. The shape s are displayed fast enough

    for enjoyable interactive e xploration, but

    realistically enough that the viewer can

    properly judge the qua lity of the resulting

    geometry . F rom a menu , the des igner

    selects the basic shape (tower o r ring) and

    then adjusts a variety of parameters inter-

    actively to obtain an artistically interesting

    and p leas ing conf igura t ion . With th is

    medium it is easy to explore


    vast sp ace of

    possible shapes, to concentrate on promis-

    ing topologies, and then to fine-tune a par-

    ticul ar shap e to perfection-all in a mat ter

    of minutes Figure 7 shows a n example

    generated by the program.

    The author's program can also output

    t h e b o u n d a r y r e p r e s e n t a t i o n of t h e s e

    shapes in


    format, the standard data

    e x c h a n g e f o r m a t f o r s o l i d f r e e f o r m

    machines . The STL f i les output by the

    sculpture generator program were trans-

    m i t t e d o v e r t h e I n t e r n e t t o M e t a l c a s t

    Engineering, Plynetics, Malmberg Engin-

    ee r ing, Z -C orp . ,


    Systems, Stratasys,

    and The University of Texas at Austin.

    Small models ranging from


    to 300 mm

    in diameter were fabricated with stere-

    o l i thography , se lec tive la ser s in te r ing ,

    fused deposition modeling, or



    ing. With turnaround times as short as a

    few days, a robust


    artifact was


    tained for inspection and to be shown to

    friends and visitors.

    In some instances, the solid freeform

    model served as more than

    a n

    early de-



    a future sculpture or as the

    final proof of concept before Collins com-

    mitted to months of toil. It also demon-

    strated that a com plex structure was physi-

    cally realizable when even an inspection

    on the computer left some doubt as to its

    freedom from self-intersections.


    f inal word

    Evidently, a variety of uses have al-

    ready emerged for solid freeform fabrica-

    tion. Many examples of improved time-

    to-market and lower-cost product devel-

    opment have been reported.


    users are

    finding ways to use the method for more

    than just gene rating models. For instance,

    the industry is developing th e technolog y

    for rapid tool making, in which either pa t-

    t e r n s f o r m a k i n g m o l d s , o r t h e m o l d s

    themselves, are fabricated by layer-based

    m a n u f a c t u r i n g . R e s e a r c h e r s a r e a l s o

    advanc ing the techno logy to the po in t

    where functional parts can be fabricated

    rapidly with these technologies.

    While solid freeform fabrication will

    p r o b a b l y n e v e r r e p l a c e c o n v e n t i o n a l

    manufac tu r ing fo r mass p roduc t ion , i t

    can easily be imagined


    use at remote

    sites where spare parts are needed but

    are difficult to stockpile . O n e day soo n,

    solid freeform workstations may be i n -

    stalled on aircraft carriers, the space sta-

    tion, or even a Mars base.

    Also worth noting is that the technol-

    ogy can manufacture products in materi-

    a ls o r shapes tha t o the rwise canno t be

    manufactured. For instance, since most

    forms of solid freeform fabrication are

    additive processes, it is possible to con-

    t ro l the mate r ia l compos i t ion a t every

    point in a part. Consequently, function-

    a l l y g r a d i e n t m a t e r i a l s , i n w h i c h t h e

    material properties vary spatially, are on

    the hor iz on , a l lowing t ru ly op t imized

    structures to be fabricated.

    It is worth noting, too, that



    number of researchers and industry prac-

    titioners have spotted similarities between

    solid freeform fabrication and the


    industry. Th e interest here is in standard-

    izing the data exchange formats and in

    developing and codifying design rules to

    allow engineers to develop designs and

    ship them off t o fabrication houses, confi-

    dent that they will work as planned. [See


    support of rapid prototyping stan-

    dards," pp. 38-39]. Ma ny analogies can

    be d rawn be tween even ts tha t a l lowed

    VLSl manufacture to develop alon g these

    l i n e s , a n d w h a t i s n e e d e d f o r s im i l a r

    development for the newer technology.

    Through this effort, the


    industry may

    one day do fo r mechan ica l des ign and

    manufacture what the VLSl industry has

    succeeded in doing for electronics.

    Spect rum edi tor :




    4 3