MARSIPAN: management of really sick patients with anorexia nervosa Paul Robinson & William Rhys Jones SUMMARY Anorexia nervosa is a potentially fatal illness that affects women and a smaller proportion of men. When a patient becomes so severely ill that admis- sion to a medical unit is required, the risk of a poor outcome is high. Most medical services do not have sufficient expertise, without psychiatric help, to manage the nutritional, medical, behav- ioural and family problems that often appear. These problems interact and this can adversely affect outcome. This article discusses, with refer- ence to the MARSIPAN report, the procedure that should be followed when such a patient pre- sents to an acute medical service. It considers diagnosis, risk assessment, consent, re-feeding syndrome, underfeeding syndrome and treat- ment-sabotaging behaviours. It stresses the importance of collaboration between expert med- ical and psychiatric staff, and involvement of the family. When these issues are adequately addressed, the outcome for the patient is more likely to be positive. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Be confident in diagnosing individuals with anorexia nervosa and identify when urgent in- patient medical treatment is required Be confident in assessing and managing phys- ical risk in individuals with anorexia nervosa Be aware of the Royal College of PsychiatristsMARSIPAN report and its implications for the management of individuals with eating disor- ders in medical settings DECLARATION OF INTEREST None. A fictitious case Jane is 18. She has done well in her exams and has secured a place at a university 200 miles from her par- ental home. During the summer she goes on a diet and exercises in a gym to try to get tter for her move to university. She loses weight, but the weight loss goes out of control and she rapidly reaches a very low weight, with a BMI of only 12. She collapses in the street while jogging and is brought to the nearest acci- dent and emergency (A & E) department. There she is examined by the A & E doctor, who asks the on-call physician to see her. Her blood pressure is a bit low (95/70), as is her pulse (44). All her bloods are normal and her electrocardiogram (ECG) shows just sinus bradycardia. The physician examines her and concludes that she can go home as long as she pro- mises to eat more. By this time her parents have arrived and they help her leave the hospital. However, because of the weakness of her legs she is unable to walk to their car and her parents carry her back to hospital, threatening to complain if she is not admitted. She goes to a general medical admission ward where none of the staff have looked after a patient with anorexia nervosa. Finger-prick glucose measurements show low levels (2.5 mmol/L) and she refuses a glucose drink. She is given a small diet but disposes of it in the en-suite toilet. She is observed to be wiggling her toes and ngers continu- ously and rejects offers of food. Her parents become increasingly concerned about her. She continues to engage in micro-exercising and after 4 days is found in the toilet, unconscious. She is resuscitated with intravenous glucose. Her parents demand a psychi- atric opinion and the liaison psychiatrist is called. She diagnoses anorexia nervosa and recommends cautious re-feeding, with frequent monitoring of elec- trolytes, especially potassium and phosphate. As Jane is resisting nutritional treatment, the psychiatrist arranges an assessment under the Mental Health Act 1983 and she is detained for treatment. Nurses trained in managing both the physical and psycho- logical problems of patients with severe anorexia nervosa are employed to provide one-to-one care and, on nasogastric feeding, she begins to improve. The parents meet regularly with the ward staff so that they can be informed of their daughters progress. Introduction Janes case exemplies many of the problems with which this article is concerned. Severe anorexia nervosa is uncommon, and the average medical intake unit may see perhaps two such patients a year. Hence, skills at managing the situation are often inadequate. These patients present the chal- lenges of serious physical disorder, which can be fatal, combined with behavioural patterns that can make recovery less likely. Only a combined medical and psychiatric approach can start to address their many needs. In Janes case, fortu- nately, that collaboration eventually materialised. However, in many cases it does not, and medical teams attempting to work alone can run into serious difculties in the treatment of such a patient. There may also be reluctance on the part of psychiatric teams to engage with such a physically ill patient. However, waiting until a patient such as Jane is physically in better shape may be waiting ARTICLE Paul Robinson is an honorary research consultant psychiatrist at St Anns Hospital, London, and a senior teaching fellow and honorary senior lecturer at University College London. His research interests are community treatment of eating disorders, severe and enduring eating disorders (SEED), management of really sick patients with anorexia nervosa (MARSIPAN) and mentalisation-based therapy in eating disorders. William Rhys Jones is a consultant psychiatrist and clinical lead at the Yorkshire Centre for Eating Disorders in Leeds. He is an elected member of the Faculty of Eating Disorders at the Royal College of Psychiatrists and chairs the national MARSIPAN dis- semination group. His research interests include early intervention in eating disorders, severe and enduring eating disorders, dual diagnosis and family and carer interventions. Correspondence Dr Paul Robinson, Eating Disorders Service, Barnet, Enfield and Haringey Mental Health Trust, St Anns Hospital, St Anns Road, London N15 3TH, UK. Email: [email protected] Copyright and usage © The Royal College of Psychiatrists 2018 BJPsych Advances (2018), vol. 24, 2032 doi: 10.1192/bja.2017.2 20 BJPsych Advances (2018), vol. 24, 2032 doi: 10.1192/bja.2017.2 Downloaded from https://www.cambridge.org/core. 06 Oct 2020 at 07:29:54, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use.

ARTICLE MARSIPAN: management of really sick patients with ...€¦ · reading the medical management of severe anorexia nervosa we recommend Birmingham & Treasure (2010) and Robinson

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Page 1: ARTICLE MARSIPAN: management of really sick patients with ...€¦ · reading the medical management of severe anorexia nervosa we recommend Birmingham & Treasure (2010) and Robinson

MARSIPAN: management of reallysick patients with anorexia nervosaPaul Robinson & William Rhys Jones


Anorexia nervosa is a potentially fatal illness thataffects women and a smaller proportion of men.When a patient becomes so severely ill that admis-sion to a medical unit is required, the risk of a pooroutcome is high. Most medical services do nothave sufficient expertise, without psychiatrichelp, to manage the nutritional, medical, behav-ioural and family problems that often appear.These problems interact and this can adverselyaffect outcome. This article discusses, with refer-ence to the MARSIPAN report, the procedurethat should be followed when such a patient pre-sents to an acute medical service. It considersdiagnosis, risk assessment, consent, re-feedingsyndrome, underfeeding syndrome and treat-ment-sabotaging behaviours. It stresses theimportance of collaboration between expert med-ical and psychiatric staff, and involvement of thefamily. When these issues are adequatelyaddressed, the outcome for the patient is morelikely to be positive.


• Be confident in diagnosing individuals withanorexia nervosa and identify when urgent in-patient medical treatment is required

• Be confident in assessing and managing phys-ical risk in individuals with anorexia nervosa

• Be aware of the Royal College of Psychiatrists’MARSIPAN report and its implications for themanagement of individuals with eating disor-ders in medical settings



A fictitious caseJane is 18. She has done well in her exams and hassecured a place at a university 200miles from her par-ental home. During the summer she goes on a diet andexercises in a gym to try to get fitter for her move touniversity. She loses weight, but the weight loss goesout of control and she rapidly reaches a very lowweight, with a BMI of only 12. She collapses in thestreet while jogging and is brought to the nearest acci-dent and emergency (A & E) department. There she isexamined by the A & E doctor, who asks the on-callphysician to see her. Her blood pressure is a bit low(95/70), as is her pulse (44). All her bloods arenormal and her electrocardiogram (ECG) shows just

sinus bradycardia. The physician examines her andconcludes that she can go home as long as she pro-mises to eat more. By this time her parents havearrived and they help her leave the hospital.However, because of the weakness of her legs she isunable to walk to their car and her parents carry herback to hospital, threatening to complain if she isnot admitted. She goes to a general medical admissionward where none of the staff have looked aftera patient with anorexia nervosa. Finger-prickglucose measurements show low levels (2.5 mmol/L)and she refuses a glucose drink. She is given a smalldiet but disposes of it in the en-suite toilet. She isobserved to be wiggling her toes and fingers continu-ously and rejects offers of food. Her parents becomeincreasingly concerned about her. She continues toengage in micro-exercising and after 4 days is foundin the toilet, unconscious. She is resuscitated withintravenous glucose. Her parents demand a psychi-atric opinion and the liaison psychiatrist is called.She diagnoses anorexia nervosa and recommendscautious re-feeding, with frequent monitoring of elec-trolytes, especially potassium and phosphate. As Janeis resisting nutritional treatment, the psychiatristarranges an assessment under the Mental HealthAct 1983 and she is detained for treatment. Nursestrained in managing both the physical and psycho-logical problems of patients with severe anorexianervosa are employed to provide one-to-one careand, on nasogastric feeding, she begins to improve.The parents meet regularly with the ward staff sothat they can be informed of their daughter’s progress.

IntroductionJane’s case exemplifies many of the problems withwhich this article is concerned. Severe anorexianervosa is uncommon, and the average medicalintake unit may see perhaps two such patients ayear. Hence, skills at managing the situation areoften inadequate. These patients present the chal-lenges of serious physical disorder, which canbe fatal, combined with behavioural patterns thatcan make recovery less likely. Only a combinedmedical and psychiatric approach can start toaddress their many needs. In Jane’s case, fortu-nately, that collaboration eventually materialised.However, in many cases it does not, and medicalteams attempting to work alone can run intoserious difficulties in the treatment of such apatient. There may also be reluctance on the partof psychiatric teams to engage with such a physicallyill patient. However, waiting until a patient such asJane is physically in better shape may be waiting


Paul Robinson is an honoraryresearch consultant psychiatrist at StAnn’s Hospital, London, and a seniorteaching fellow and honorary seniorlecturer at University College London.His research interests are communitytreatment of eating disorders, severeand enduring eating disorders (SEED),management of really sick patientswith anorexia nervosa (MARSIPAN)and mentalisation-based therapy ineating disorders. William RhysJones is a consultant psychiatristand clinical lead at the YorkshireCentre for Eating Disorders in Leeds.He is an elected member of theFaculty of Eating Disorders at theRoyal College of Psychiatrists andchairs the national MARSIPAN dis-semination group. His researchinterests include early intervention ineating disorders, severe and enduringeating disorders, dual diagnosis andfamily and carer interventions.Correspondence Dr Paul Robinson,Eating Disorders Service, Barnet,Enfield and Haringey Mental HealthTrust, St Ann’s Hospital, St Ann’sRoad, London N15 3TH, UK. Email:[email protected]

Copyright and usage© The Royal College of Psychiatrists2018

BJPsych Advances (2018), vol. 24, 20–32 doi: 10.1192/bja.2017.2

20 BJPsych Advances (2018), vol. 24, 20–32 doi: 10.1192/bja.2017.2Downloaded from https://www.cambridge.org/core. 06 Oct 2020 at 07:29:54, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use.

Page 2: ARTICLE MARSIPAN: management of really sick patients with ...€¦ · reading the medical management of severe anorexia nervosa we recommend Birmingham & Treasure (2010) and Robinson

too long. Her compulsion to avoid weight gain maylead to behaviours that sabotage attempts at nutri-tional resuscitation and repair. This is a primeexample of a situation in which psychiatric andmedical services working closely together can savea patient’s life. In the following article, we aim toshow the different physical and psychological pro-blems presented by such patients, and how theycan be addressed by collaborative work betweenmedical and psychiatric services. For furtherreading the medical management of severe anorexianervosa we recommend Birmingham & Treasure(2010) and Robinson & Nicholls (2015).

The high mortality rate of anorexia nervosaAnorexia nervosa is a serious disorder which hasthe highest mortality of any psychiatric condition(Suokas 2013). Estimates of the death rate in anor-exia nervosa vary. Steinhausen (2002), reviewing119 studies, reported an overall mortality of 5%,with an increased rate of 9.4% in studies withover 10 years follow-up. The standardised mortal-ity ratio (SMR) is defined as ‘quantifying theincrease or decrease in mortality of a studycohort with respect to the general population’.Nielsen et al (1998), reviewing the literature,reported an SMR of 9.9 for females aged 20–29with anorexia nervosa, similar to the SMR of 9.6for anorexia nervosa in general found in a reviewby Hoek (2006). Nielsen et al also reported anSMR of 30 for females (all ages) in the first yearafter diagnosis. Emborg (1999) found that thehighest SMR (14.92) was for women aged 25–29.More recently, Arcelus et al (2011) reviewed mor-tality literature and found an SMR of 5.86 foranorexia nervosa. This compares with SMRs of1.91 in adult females with asthma (Ringbaek2005) and 5.5 in females with early-onset insulindependent diabetes mellitus (all ages) (Harjutsalo2011). In a study of 572 out-of-hospital cardiacarrests in young adults (Deasy 2011), 1 in 200was found to be due to anorexia nervosa.This excess mortality appears to have a number of

causes. Anorexia nervosa affects every organ system(Mehler 2015) and the heart has been found to becompromised in a high proportion of cases ofsevere anorexia nervosa (Sachs 2016). In the latterreview, abnormalities of pericardial and valvularfunction, left ventricular mass and function, conduc-tion abnormalities, low heart rate and blood pres-sure and dysregulation of the peripheral bloodvessels were all reported. Westmoreland et al(2016), reviewing medical complications, concludedthat cardiac causes, together with other medicalcomplications and suicide, accounted for 60% ofdeaths in anorexia nervosa.

Acute presentation of anorexia nervosa inmedical settingsThe A & E department may be the first place inwhich a patient with anorexia nervosa comes incontact with a healthcare professional. A review byCampbell & Peebles (2014) demonstrated thatmany children and adolescents with eating disordersare undiagnosed and untreated. Consequently, theymay become extremely ill and require medicaladmission. Once in hospital, patients with severeanorexia nervosa present major challenges. In areview of complications seen during preparationfor surgery in patients with anorexia nervosa(Hirose 2014), hypoglycaemia, leukopaenia andother potentially fatal complications were seen fre-quently, and Gaudiani & Mehler (2016) point tothe difficulty medical units face in diagnosing andtreating rare medical complications of anorexianervosa. One potentially fatal complication in thetreatment of severe anorexia nervosa is re-feedingsyndrome. There are diverse views on how toavoid this condition, which usually arises in aseverely ill, malnourished patient who is re-fed toorapidly. A systematic review reported that provisionof calories in the initial phase of re-feeding in differ-ent services ranged from 125 to 1900 kcal/day; theaverage rate of re-feeding syndrome was 14%(O’Connor 2013). Sachs et al (2015) recommendstarting at 1500 kcal/day; the NICE guideline onnutritional support for adults (National Institute forHealth and Care Excellence 2006: para. 1.4.8),although stating that it does not cover patients witheating disorders, recommends 5 kcal/kg/day if theBMI is under 14.5, which equates to 150 kcal/dayfor a 30 kg patient. Despite the statement that itexcludes eating disorders, this NICE guideline isnevertheless used as a guide for the treatment ofanorexia nervosa in some medical units in the UK.Not surprisingly, with this extreme diversity ofadvice, the management of patients with anorexianervosa in medical units raises uncertainties in thestaff, and this may contribute to an adverse outcome.

Addressing the problems: the MARSIPANprocessThe MARSIPAN working group arose out of con-cerns about the acute care of patients with severeanorexia nervosa admitted, because of rapid phys-ical deterioration, to general medical in-patients ser-vices, usually through the A & E department. Oncein hospital, the aim of the staff will usually be toimprove nutrition by means of re-feeding and thiscan be life-saving. However, the patient may be ter-rified of weight gain and resist re-feeding, eventhough this behaviour may well be life-threatening.It is the care of this challenging group of patients

MARSIPAN: management of really sick patients with anorexia nervosa

BJPsych Advances (2018), vol. 24, 20–32 doi: 10.1192/bja.2017.2 21Downloaded from https://www.cambridge.org/core. 06 Oct 2020 at 07:29:54, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use.

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that the MARSIPAN report, first published in2010 and revised in 2014 (Royal College ofPsychiatrists 2014), primarily addresses. Thereport includes the MARSIPAN checklist (Fig. 1),an aide-mémoire for the points that require attentionwhen a severely ill patient with anorexia nervosa isadmitted to a medical unit.

Diagnostic issuesThe diagnosis of anorexia nervosa is quite oftenknown before presentation to hospital. However, anumber of other conditions can mimic anorexianervosa because body image disturbance and valu-ation of thinness may occur in the presence ofweight loss due to physical diseases such as Crohn’sdisease, Addison’s disease, malabsorption syndromeand various forms of malignancy, and these andother conditionsmust be ruled out.Medical investiga-tions to follow up findings (such as raised liverenzymes) can divert attention from the patient’snutritional needs, which may be neglected.

Treatment issuesTreatment of patients with severe anorexia nervosa(Robinson 2015) involves attention to physical, psy-chological and social aspects of the disorder. Thesepatients, fearful of weight gain, may sabotage nutri-tional treatment by discarding food or nasogastricfeed, vomiting, taking laxatives or over-exercising.They may become depressed and suicidal and mayself-harm. Family members are extremely anxiousand that anxiety may lead to interventions that maynot fit with the treatment programme, for examplecalling in a medical relative for an informal ‘secondopinion’. Management therefore needs to includenutritional rehabilitation, mental health nursingsupport, supportive psychotherapy, close psychiatricliaison and help for the family and the staff group.

Deaths of patients with anorexia nervosa inmedical settingsThe epidemiology of this group of patients, includ-ing the number of deaths that occur, is unknown,


Not sure and psychiatric review requested

BMI <13 (adults) or <70% median BMI for age(under 18)?

Recent loss of ≥1 kg for two consecutiveweeks?

Little or no nutrition for >5 days?

Acute food refusal or <500 kcal/day for >2 daysin under 18s?

Pulse <40?

BP low with postural dizziness?

Core temperature <35°C?

Na <130mmol/L?

K <3.0mmol/L?

Raised transaminase?

Glucose <3 mmol/L?

Raised urea or creatinine?

EGG: e.g. bradycardia? QTc >450ms?


No and assessment for compulsory detentionrequested

Is the patient consenting to treatment?

Are there significant risk factors?

Does the patient have anorexianervosa?

Is intensive medical care needed?Yes



No and regular risk monitoring in place

Increased risk of refeedingsyndrome?

Low initial electrolytes

Low BMI (<13 or mBMI <70%)

Significant comorbidities (e.g. infection,cardiac failure, alcoholism, uncontrolleddiabetes)

Start at 5–10 kcal/kg/day

Monitor electrolytes twice daily and build upcalories swiftly: avoid underieeding

Lower risk of refeeding syndrome?Start at 15–20 kcal/kg/day and build upswiftly

Avoid underfeeding syndrome

Give all adults oral thiamine andPabrinex®

MonitorElectrolytes (especially P, K)


Vital signs


Are medical and psychiatric staffcollaborating in care?

No and psychiatric consultation awaited

Are nurses trained in managingmedical and psychiatric problems?

No and appropriately skilled staffrequested/training in place

Are there behaviours that increaserisk?

Purging behaviours

Falsifying weight

Disposing of feed


Self-harm, suicidality

Family distress/anxiety

Safeguarding concerns

Mobilise psychiatric team to advise onmanagement

© 2015 The Royal College of Psychiatrists. To request permission for republication (in print, online or by any othef medium), please write to [email protected] full report: Royal College of Psychiatrists, Royal College of Pathologists, Royal College of Physicians. MARSIPAN: Management of Really Sick Patients with Anorexia Nervosa, 2nd edition (College Report CR189).Royal College of Psychiatrists.

MARSIPAN checklistfor Really Sick Patients with Anorexia Nervosa

Assessing Refeeding Managing

FIG 1 The MARSIPAN checklist: this should be used in conjunction with the full MARSIPAN report (Royal College of Psychiatrists 2014).

Robinson & Rhys Jones

22 BJPsych Advances (2018), vol. 24, 20–32 doi: 10.1192/bja.2017.2Downloaded from https://www.cambridge.org/core. 06 Oct 2020 at 07:29:54, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use.

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and surveys of medical units are required in order toestimate the prevalence and incidence of admissionsof patients with severe anorexia nervosa, and theproportion giving rise to serious management pro-blems and a fatal outcome. A number of deathshave occurred in UK hospitals and are attributedto problems with medical or psychiatric manage-ment and particularly to shortfalls in adequateliaison between the two. It is likely that thisproblem, identified in the UK, is one that affects allcountries in which patients with anorexia nervosaare treated in medical units.In this article, advice is provided for front-line staff

dealing with severely ill patients with anorexianervosa. For brevity, the patient is referred to as‘she’, although a significant proportion of suchpatients will be male.

Clinical assessment of ‘MARSIPAN’patients

DiagnosisThe latest classification for eating disorders, theDSM-5 (American Psychiatric Association 2013),gives clear criteria for anorexia nervosa. These arelisted in Box 1.In a young person with a history of self-imposed

weight loss, sometimes purging food by vomiting,and sometimes engaging in binge eating, the diagno-sis is clear. Physical causes of weight loss such asdiabetes mellitus, endocrine diseases such as thyro-toxicosis and Addison’s disease, and malignant con-ditions should all be excluded. Treatment of theeating disorder should not be delayed while investi-gations for medical conditions continue. Mostpatients brought to A & E departments or admittedto medical units have already received the diagnosisof anorexia nervosa.

Physical examination and investigationsOverview

Assuming that the diagnosis of anorexia nervosa hasbeen made, a patient with severe anorexia nervosacan have a large number of physical problems.Some of the most important are listed here.

• Emaciation: the patient may look cadaverous andbe covered with fine downy ‘lanugo’ hair. Shemay be shivering and be found to have hypother-mia (core temperature <35°C).

• Weakness: the patient may be unable to sit up ormay show weakness on the sit-up/squat–stand(SUSS) test (Fig. 2).

• Bradycardia, low heart rate: a rate of less than 40bpm, while awake, has been thought to indicatehigher risk.

• Postural hypotension: a large drop in blood pres-sure on standing, accompanied by symptoms ofdizziness or faintness, indicates that the cardio-vascular system is severely affected.

• Delayed gastric emptying: the stomach slowsdown in anorexia nervosa, and the patient canhave a very dilated stomach, which occasionallycan rupture if a large meal or a binge isingested.

• Abnormal blood tests: urea and electrolyte abnor-malities (Mehler 2004) are common, with hypo-kalaemia being the most common dangerouscondition. However, sodium, urea, creatinine,magnesium and phosphate can all be dangerouslyabnormal. It is not unusual for transaminaselevels to be elevated in an acutely ill patient withanorexia nervosa (Hanachi 2013), but apartfrom a rise during re-feeding, the levels generallysettle with treatment, and a major search for ahepatic diagnosis is not usually warranted.Levels of haemoglobin, white cells and plateletscan all be low. For further details, see the ‘Bloodtests’ section below.

The role of body mass index (BMI)

There is no doubt that monitoring of body weight isa vital measure of risk in patients with anorexianervosa. Non-medical personnel (e.g. psychothera-pists) seeing patients with the illness need to beable to do some simple physical measures and arisk assessment based on BMI and to get medicaladvice if concerned. BMI is calculated as theperson’s weight in kilograms divided by theirheight in metres squared, i.e. BMI = weight (kg)/height (m2).

BOX 1 DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for anorexianervosa

(a) Persistent restriction of energy intake leading to signifi-cantly low body weight (in context of what is minimallyexpected for age, sex, developmental trajectory, andphysical health).

(b) Either an intense fear of gaining weight or of becomingfat, or persistent behaviour that interferes with weightgain (even though significantly low weight).

(c) Disturbance in the way one’s body weight or shape isexperienced, undue influence of body shape andweight on self-evaluation, or persistent lack of recogni-tion of the seriousness of the current low body weight.


• Restricting type

• Binge-eating/purging type

MARSIPAN: management of really sick patients with anorexia nervosa

BJPsych Advances (2018), vol. 24, 20–32 doi: 10.1192/bja.2017.2 23Downloaded from https://www.cambridge.org/core. 06 Oct 2020 at 07:29:54, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use.

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In adults over 18 years of age, the following rangeshave been suggested for BMI risk in anorexianervosa (Royal College of Psychiatrists 2014):

• low risk: BMI 15–17.5• medium risk: BMI 13–15• high risk: BMI <13

The patient’s BMI should always be worked out.However, some clinicians may have difficulty, evenwith a calculator, and Table 1 may help.In addition to its diagnostic value in eating disor-

ders, BMI is a proxy measure of medical risk anddemonstrates a U-shaped curve when measuredagainst all-cause mortality, with increased mortalityrates noted at a low (<20) and high (>35) BMI(Prospective Studies Collaboration 2009).BMI, however, has its limitations as a risk

measure since it can easily be manipulated byfluid-loading and hiding weights in one’s clothing,and efforts should be made to minimise andcontrol for such behaviours where possible.Likewise, BMI does not account for differences inmuscle:fat ratio, meaning that men in most caseshave a higher level of physical risk for each BMIrange compared with women. BMI is also less reli-able in the following circumstances:

• extremes of height• children and adolescents• rapid changes in weight• regular bulimic behaviour• physical comorbidity• pregnancy.

With this in mind, it is important to rememberthat BMI should always be interpreted in thecontext of the clinical history and physical

examination and that it is not the only measure ofphysical risk in low-weight patients.It should be appreciated, though, that patients are

fully aware that they risk going to hospital if theirBMI is low, and they may go to remarkablelengths to avoid that admission, because it maymean weight gain. Some patients drink copiousamounts of water before weighing. In one case,known to one of us (P. R.), a woman who wasbeing treated as an out-patient had an epileptic fit,which was found to be related to severe hyponatrae-mia (119 mmol/L). She was unconscious for severaldays and her weight in hospital was 9 kg lower thanat her last out-patient appointment, a few daysbefore, suggesting that she had drunk 9 litres ofwater before weighing. After she woke up she hadconfided that she had been placing a shower rosein her mouth and turning on the shower to fill herstomach. Other attempts to increase weight includeplacing objects under clothes and inserting coinsinto the vagina. Hence, other approaches to asses-sing risk need to be adopted. Some involve physicalinvestigations and are discussed below. Othersrequire observation and simple testing.

Monitoring muscle power

As weight goes down, muscle weakness developsand this is likely to be a sign of severe under-nutri-tion (Box 2).In the clinic you may wish to observe whether the

patient has any difficulty with stairs, or with gettingup from a chair. More formally, clinicians can askthe patient to perform the SUSS test (Fig. 2). Thepatient is asked to lie down flat and sit up, then tosquat and stand, without, if possible, using theirhands. The test has a simple scoring scale and itcan be charted during a clinic visit.

Blood testsBlood tests (Mehler 2004) are not uncommonlywithin normal ranges in anorexia nervosa(Table 2). Oddly, this can be dangerous, becausesome physicians, seeing normal biochemistry in apatient who has been admitted to hospital, assumethat it is safe to discharge the patient even if BMIand muscle power indicate severe malnutrition.One patient with a low BMI was discharged from amedical ward. She was able to walk along the pave-ment, but when she reached a kerb, thigh weaknessprevented her from raising her foot to step up. Shefell and was readmitted after a formal complaintby her parents. The lesson is that normal biochemis-try does not always mean low risk.However, the following blood tests can be abnor-

mal in anorexia nervosa and this may increase therisk of death.

Scoring (for sit-up and squat–stand tests separately)0: Unable1: Able only using hands to help2: Able with noticeable difficulty3: Able with no difficulty

2 Squat–stand: patient squats down and rises without, if possible, using their hands

1 Sit up: patient lies down flat on the floor and sits up without, if possible, using their hands

FIG 2 The sit-up/squat–stand (SUSS) test (Robinson 2012).

Robinson & Rhys Jones

24 BJPsych Advances (2018), vol. 24, 20–32 doi: 10.1192/bja.2017.2Downloaded from https://www.cambridge.org/core. 06 Oct 2020 at 07:29:54, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use.

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Hypokalaemia (low potassium) may be due tovomiting or laxative misuse. In hypokalaemia dueto vomiting, potassium levels fall not mainlybecause of gastric loss of potassium cations K+,which is minimal, but because of loss of hydrogenions H+. The resulting alkalosis is resisted by thekidneys, which exchange H+ for K+. This helpslower the pH, but potassium is lost. Most potassiumis intracellular and a reduced serum level suggests aprofound body deficit.Sodium may be reduced as a result of water-

loading to falsify weight.Urea and creatinine may be raised owing to kidney

failure, which can develop because of dehydration(some patients restrict fluids as well as calories)and chronic hypokalaemia, which damages thekidneys. A patient with a normal urea level and vir-tually no protein intake may in fact have renalimpairment, masked by low production of urea.

Other blood tests

Creatine kinase (CK), an enzyme contained in skel-etal and cardiac muscle, can be released, leading toraised blood levels. Expect the levels to increasewhen the patient exercises. This can be one sign ofcovert exercise. Both skeletal (CK-MM) andcardiac (CK-MB) isomers may be raised, althoughthis has not been shown to correlate with cardiacdamage in anorexia nervosa.Tests of liver function, such as alanine transamin-

ase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST)levels can be raised. The cause of this is unknown,but it may be a sign of auto-digestion in the starvingstate. It is commonly seen in severe anorexia nervosaand reverses during re-nutrition, sometimes after aninitial increase when nutrition begins. Liver failure isvery rare, although there is a danger that liverdisease may be pursued, at the expense of re-feeding the patient. The effects of liver biopsy in aphysically frail individual can be serious andbiopsy is not usually indicated.

BOX 2 Breakfast in bed

A woman with anorexia nervosa was being seen as an out-patient. Her weight was gradually falling. When her BMIfell below 13, her legs became significantly weak. She wasin the habit of bringing her mother breakfast in bed eachmorning. As her weight fell, she became unable to walk upthe stairs with the tray, so she would place it on a stair thendrag herself, seated, up the stairs one at a time, moving thetray stair by stair ahead of her until she reached hermother’s bedroom.























































































































































MARSIPAN: management of really sick patients with anorexia nervosa

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In bonemarrow dysfunction associated with anor-exia nervosa, the haemoglobin level is often low (e.g.100 g/L), but not dangerously so. Other cell linescan also be reduced and occasionally pancytopaeniais observed, with low white cell, red cell and plateletcounts. This is due to gelatinous degeneration of thebonemarrow (Zhao 2017) and can present with skinhaemorrhages due to a low platelet count.

Electrocardiogram (ECGs)The ECG is quite often abnormal in anorexianervosa. It is thought that QTc interval prolongation(i.e. >450 ms) may be a precursor of sudden death inanorexia nervosa, and for this reason it is regardedas a high-risk finding. Typically, the QTc interval

increases as weight decreases and improves withweight gain. Clinicians should therefore be cautiouswhen prescribing any medication associated withQTc prolongation (e.g. antipsychotics) in low-weight patients. Other findings reported in severeanorexia nervosa that respond to weight gain areslowing of the heart rate (bradycardia) anddecreased left ventricular mass (Mont 2003), aswell as T-wave flattening, which can mimic theECG appearance in angina or a heart attack (Fig. 3).

Mental state examinationA severely ill patient with anorexia nervosa canpresent a complex mental state. Although thepatient may seem to be alert and to understand hersituation, she may paradoxically deny that her lifeis in danger but say that she would rather die thanput on weight. The patient may hide food, get ridof feed being provided via a nasogastric tube, andover-exercise. One type of exercising that can behard for staff to manage has been termed ‘micro-exercising’ (Robinson 2006). The patient may belying in bed, but is observed to be continuallymoving toes and fingers. Insisting on standing upis another variant of this and patients have beenknown to do so for over 24 h. Micro-exercising canbe particularly dangerous when the patient is veryemaciated, because it can be accompanied by hypo-glycaemia (Mayo Clinic 2015), which occursbecause carbohydrate stores (glycogen in liver andmuscle) become entirely exhausted due to negligibleintake associated with exercise.

TABLE 2 Some of the laboratory abnormalities seen in severe anorexia nervosa

Test Change Cause Effect Treatment

Potassium Low Vomiting: H+ retained and K+ lost inkidney due to alakalosis. Laxatives: K+

lost in stools.

Cardiac arrhythmias Reduce vomiting, or laxatives. Giveoral or occasionally IV K+. Protonpump inhibitor.

Sodium Low Water-loading Fits Reduce water intakeUrea Low Low protein intake Nil NoneCreatinine Raised Dietary, or renal dysfunction Effects of renal dysfunction Rehydration, treat renal problemMagnesium Low Laxative misuse Hypokalaemia,

hypocalcaemia, arrhythmiaReduce laxatives, give magnesiumsalts (oral, IV)

Phosphate Low Too rapid re-feeding (re-feedingsyndrome)

Muscle weakness (includingcardiac), confusion, coma

Reduce rate of re-feeding, give oral/IV phosphate

Liver enzymes High Hepatocyte auto-digestion?None. Smallrisk ofhepaticfailure

Wait.Possiblyreducerate ofre-feedingif majorrise.

Blood count Low Gelatinous transformation of themarrow

Infections, purpura Haematology consultation

H+, hydrogen ions; IV, intravenous; K+, potassium cations.

FIG 3 Electrocardiograms before (left) and after (right) re-feeding. The left-hand trace showsT-wave inversion in V3 and V4 and flattening in V5–6. These abnormalities reversed withre-feeding (Robinson 2006: p. 68). © John Wiley and Sons. With permission.

Robinson & Rhys Jones

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CapacityOne question that is frequently asked in the case ofpatients with severe anorexia nervosa is ‘Does thepatient have the capacity to make treatment deci-sions?’ This question must be answered for anypatient receiving care and it can be quite complex(Tan et al, 2015). Decision-making capacity isassessed using the Mental Capacity Act 2005, andfour elements are tested. The British MedicalAssociation (BMA) has published a frameworkand ‘toolkit’ to help the practical assessment of cap-acity (British Medical Association 2016). The fourelements are as follows.

1 Can the patient understand the information rele-vant to the decision? Usually, in the case of anor-exia nervosa, the answer is yes, the patient canunderstand, for example, how severe underweightthreatens her life. However, sometimes a patientwill deny the threat to her life, and she maystrongly disagree with the doctor about the sever-ity of her condition, in which case the answer tothis question may be no, she cannot understandthe information relevant to the decision.

2 Can the patient retain the information? Unless shehas serious brain damage, a patient with anorexianervosa is generally able to retain the relevantinformation. As a test, she can be asked torepeat it after 5 min.

3 Can the patient use or weigh the information?Adequate testing of this aspect of capacityrequires training and experience. It is theelement often failed by patients with severe anor-exia nervosa. The patient can understand that herphysical state leads to serious risks to life andhealth, but her fear of weight gain leads her torefuse treatment, such as nutritional rehabilita-tion, because she does not want to gain weight,even though her BMI may be dangerously low.The Mental Capacity Act Code of Practicemakes this point: ‘For example, a person withthe eating disorder anorexia nervosa may under-stand information about the consequences of noteating. But their compulsion not to eat might betoo strong for them to ignore’ (Department forConstitutional Affairs 2007: para. 4.22).

4 Can the patient communicate the decision shewishes to make? Almost always, a patient withanorexia nervosa can communicate her decisionverbally.

Capacity can only be assessed for a particulardecision at a particular time. Capacity can fluctuateand vary depending on the intervention being pro-posed. A person may have capacity to agree to ablood test, but not to a nasogastric feed. The inter-vention must be specified: in anorexia nervosa, it

may for example be the passage of a nasogastrictube, or transfer to a specialist eating disordersunit (SEDU). The date and time that capacity isassessed must be recorded in the patient’s record,and the capacity assessment is valid only for thatdecision at that time.

The familyThe admission of a son or daughter to a medical unitfor treatment of severe anorexia nervosa isextremely stressful for the family. If the patientseems to be sabotaging treatment or does notimprove, the stress escalates. The NICE guidelineon eating disorders (National Collaborating Centrefor Mental Health 2017) recommends that familiesand carers should always be involved in treatment.Moreover, in the case of patients with severeanorexia nervosa being admitted to medical wards,the MARSIPAN guidance (Royal College ofPsychiatrists 2014) recommends that:

• family members should always be involved incare; if an adult patient refuses to allow informa-tion to be passed to the family, family memberscan still be seen and counselled without divulgingprivate information about the patient;

• meetings should be held between a familymember, senior members of the medical and psy-chiatric team and, if appropriate, the patient inorder to explain the situation and its evolutionand to answer questions;

• if the patient is treated compulsorily, contact withthe next of kin is mandatory;

• in rare cases in which family members might tryto sabotage treatment, they can be excludedfrom the care of an adult patient.

Multidisciplinary treatment of patients withsevere anorexia nervosa

Problems facing the medical teamsSevere anorexia nervosa presents very difficultmedical and psychiatric problems to the treatingteam. Hence, a team that is lacking one set of skillsor the other cannot provide an effective service.How to deal with a falling phosphate level in apatient being re-fed is a medical question. How toapproach the problem of micro-exercising or refusalto accept life-saving treatment requires psychiatricskills. The team therefore requires physicians, psy-chiatrists, medical nurses and mental health nurses,dietitians, preferably including one with experienceof managing anorexia nervosa, and, if possible, apsychologist experienced in treating the disorder.This is one situation inwhich a comprehensivemulti-disciplinary approach can be life-saving. The teamneeds to meet soon after the patient’s admission

MARSIPAN: management of really sick patients with anorexia nervosa

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and then at regular intervals. Hospitals in which fewpatients with anorexia nervosa are admitted face adifficult problem: how to make sure that, whensuch a patient does arrive, she receives expert treat-ment. One possible solution to this dilemma is toestablish, for every hospital, a ‘pop-up MARSIPANteam’ (Royal College of Psychiatrists 2014). Thiscomprises a physician, a psychiatrist, a generalnurse, a psychiatric nurse, a dietitian and amanager (and any other interested professional)who have had MARSIPAN training and are readyto advise a treating team at the hospital, should anpatient with anorexia nervosa be admitted.

NutritionPatients with severe anorexia nervosa will have anumber of medical problems, and investigations willreveal which organs and systems are affected. Theprinciples of resuscitation and repair of the severelymalnourished state are given in theMARSIPANguid-ance (Royal College of Psychiatrists 2014). Nutritionof these patients is complicated and is addressedbelow, but first we wish to address the managementof the behavioural and psychological problems thatcan lead to nutrition being sabotaged.

Management of behavioural and psychologicalproblemsThe treatment of a patient with severe anorexianervosa involves striking a balance between trustand suspicion (on both sides). Unless the patienthas trust in the staff providing care, she is unlikelyto improve. She will very likely suspect (rightly)that the aim of the staff is to improve her nutrition,which she is vehemently against. However, shemay also be aware that the staff are intent onsaving her life, and this is usually something shedoes want. On the side of the staff, trust cannot beassumed, and staff will be aware that the patientmay be behaving in ways that sabotage weightgain. Nevertheless, it is usually not helpful toassume that everything the patient says is false.Again, a balance needs to be struck, and that isnot simple or easy, mainly because the real situation(e.g. whether the patient is actually sabotaging herrecovery) is not certain. Letting the patient knowabout the dilemma you face is sometimes quitehelpful, and staff can also convey the idea thatthey understand that the behaviours the patient isexhibiting are driven by irresistible compulsion(rather than wilful badness). Some physicalmeasures can give a clue that the patient is in thegrip of a treatment-sabotaging behaviour. Theseinclude hyponatraemia (due to water-loading),hypokalaemia (due to vomiting or laxative misuse)

and falling scores on the SUSS test when the BMIis rising or staying stable.Box 3 gives a list of systemic precautions that can

be taken in this difficult situation.

Compulsory treatmentHere there is a cultural difference between special-ties. Psychiatrists are quite used to their patientsrefusing essential treatment and to using the lawsgoverning involuntary treatment (e.g. section 12 ofthe Mental Health Act 1983 in England andWales). In contrast, physicians, faced with an intel-ligent and articulate patient, may be very reluctantto ask for a Mental Health Act assessment. Fromthe physician’s point of view, if treatment isrefused then treatment is not given. The support ofthe psychiatric team may be required in order tosuggest, and sometimes insist, that if the patient isjudged not to have capacity to refuse treatmentthen compulsion under mental health legislationsuch as the Mental Health Act may need to be con-sidered, to save the patient’s life. This can be thecase in severe anorexia nervosa. The tests for apply-ing the Mental Health Act to detain a patient forassessment and compulsory treatment are that, inthe opinion of two doctors, one a psychiatrist, sup-ported by an approved mental health professional:

1 the person is suffering from a mental disorder2 and that this is of a nature or to a degree that,

despite her refusal to go to hospital, she ought tobe detained in hospital in the interests of her ownhealth, her safety or for the protection of others.

BOX 3 Precautions to follow in order to avoidand deal with sabotaging behaviours

• If weight gain is less than expected, suspect treatment-sabotaging behaviours

• Arrange an early meeting between medical and psychi-atric staff to decide on a management plan, includingregular follow-up meetings

• Involve a nutrition team, if one is available

• Involve the patient (and, almost always, the family) in ini-tial and follow-up discussions about the treatment plan

• Arrange to train nurses, including those providing one-to-one care, as soon as they arrive on the ward

• Write a clear care plan to be handed over between shifts

• Arrange follow-up meetings of both medical and psychi-atric staff at least once a week, more if the situationdemands

• Be prepared to use a compulsory treatment order (e.g.under the Mental Health Act) if necessary

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These two criteria can apply to anorexia nervosa,which is recognised to be a mental disorder and,when severe, can cause the death of the sufferer. Itshould be appreciated that, under the 2007 amend-ments to the Mental Health Act, the doctor in chargeof treatment, formerly called the responsible medicalofficer and now called the responsible clinician, musthave generalised training in the use of the Act andalso be approved under section 12 of the Act toconduct such assessments. It would be rare for atreating physician who is not a psychiatrist to havesuch approval, and therefore, in practice, physicianscan no longer fulfil the role they used to fulfil (asresponsible medical officers) before the MentalHealth Act was amended.Sometimes clinicians encounter the opinion that a

patient with anorexia nervosa cannot be treatedcompulsorily because she does not have a psychoticdisorder. This is wrong and the Mental Health ActCommission (1999) cleared up the matter. It statedthat anorexia nervosa is a mental disorder andhence someone with the condition can be subject tocompulsory admission under the Mental HealthAct in appropriate circumstances. It also gave theopinion that feeding is treatment for the eating dis-order and hence can, if necessary, be given againstthe patient’s will. Compulsory feeding may begiven under section 63 of the Mental Health Act(Department of Health 2015; Curtice 2016), whichcovers treatments that have been directed by theapproved clinician (the health professional inoverall charge of the treatment), but to which thepatient has not consented.Thiels (2008, 2009) suggested that compulsory

admission should be contemplated for a patientwho is not cooperating with treatment when theBMI is <13. Thiels also points out that compulsoryfeeding might contravene Article 3 of the HumanRights Act 1998 (as the European Convention onHuman Rights is currently enacted in the UK): ‘Noone shall be subjected to torture or to inhumanetreatment or punishment’. The patients themselves,however, in general endorse the idea that in somecircumstances, compulsory treatment may berequired to save life and, in those circumstances,should be provided (Tan et al, 2010).

Witholding treatmentUnder two circumstances the treating teammay con-sider not providing treatment. First, if it appears thattreatment is extremely unlikely to improve thepatient’s quality of life, the team may regard treat-ment as futile. This is a major decision, and theteam, the patient, the family and an independentopinion all need to be involved. Second, a patientmay have signed an advance directive when in a

better state, indicating their wish not to have treat-ment should they become ill again. This is alsofraught with legal and ethical difficulty and some-times turns on whether the patient is judged tohave had capacity when they signed the advance dir-ective. These difficult issues are discussed by Tan &Richards (2015).

Re-feeding a patient with severe anorexianervosaThe route and rate of re-feeding are critical deci-sions. Oral re-feeding is preferable, as it avoids a dif-ficult transition from the enteral to oral route, and itprobably has a lower risk of inducing re-feeding syn-drome. However, some patients refuse oral feeds,and the decision then is whether to feed the patientorally under legal compulsion, a process that isvery difficult to do, or feed enterally using a

High risk of re-feeding syndrome:Low initial electrolytes

Very low BMI (<12)Significant comorbidity (e.g. infection,

cardiac failure, ECG abnormal)Start with low calories (5–10kcal/kg/

day) but build up as swiftly as twice-dailymonitoring of K and PO4 allows

Lower risk of re-feeding syndrome:Start with 15–20kcal/kg/day

Monitor K, phosphate, Ca, Mg, glucose daily forfirst 7–10 days and act on as appropriate

Maintain thiamine 50 mg four times daily for 7–10 days

Check K, Ca, Mg, phosphateGive full dose thiamine, slow intravenous (e.g. Pabrinex®

(risk of anaphylaxis)) and tablets 50mg four times dailybefore commencing feed, and a balanced multivitamin/trace

element supplement (e.g. Forceval® once daily)

Check electrolytesCorrect levels if low (K <3.2, phosphate <0.6, Mg <0.55)

but do not delay instigating low-level feedingonce correction is underway

Provide generous electrolyte replacement unlessblood levels are high

Start nasogastric feeding 5–20kcal/kg/24 ha

a. First 24 h, limit calorie intake to between 5 and 20 kcal/kg/day, depending on clinical risk factors.For initial feeding at over 15 kcal/kg/day, increase energy intake by 10–20% every 2–3 days until

basal metabolic requirement (BMR) intake is achieved.If low initial calorie levels are used (5–15 kcal/kg/day), clinical and biochemical review should be

twice daily with calories increased in steps to 20 kcal/kg/per day within 2 days unless there is acontraindication.

Once BMR intake is established and the patient is physically stable, it is recommended that 10% isadded if bed-bound and 15–20% if mobile. Once this is achieved, an extra 400 kcal can be addedto facilitate weight gain. Careful monitoring of blood glucose is essential during this period.

Note that hypoglycaemia, pyrexia or hypothermia, and either a rise or fall in white blood count, mayindicate hidden infection rather than lack of food.

FIG 4 Flowchart for re-feeding patients with severe anorexia nervosa (Royal College ofPsychiatrists 2014).

MARSIPAN: management of really sick patients with anorexia nervosa

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nasogastric tube. The rate of re-feeding variesaccording to where the patient is being treated. Ina specialised eating disorder unit (SEDU), re-feeding syndrome with a calorie intake of 20 kcal/kg/day is very rare. However, patients on amedical ward are likely to have risk factors knownto predispose them to re-feeding syndrome:

• very low BMI (<13)• electrolyte or renal abnormalities prior to re-

feeding• infection• other serious medical problems (e.g. cardiac

failure, hepatic failure with major elevation ofliver enzymes).

In those situations, itmay be decided to give caloriesata lower rate, 5–10 kcal/kg/day.However, itmustberecognised that this rate is very low (e.g. 150 kcal/dayfor a patient weighing 30 kg) and carries the risk ofunderfeeding.Thishas been termedunderfeeding syn-drome and has resulted in a number of deaths. TheMARSIPAN group of physicians and psychiatristsadvise that, when this low rate is used, electrolytesshould be measured every 12 h and intake increasedin steps to 20 kcal/kg/day within 2 days, unlessthere is a contraindication such as severe re-feedingsyndrome (Royal College of Psychiatrists 2014).This process is illustrated in Fig. 4.

Psychological supportA very sick patient with severe anorexia nervosa isexperiencing an extremely frightening time, andthe urge to lose weight driven by her eating disorderwill sometimes be combined with a fear of death anda wish to be discharged from the general hospitalward. She may also be subject to a compulsory treat-ment order, which presents other stresses, and herrelationship with her family may be difficult. Onemember of the team should be available to spendsome time with her regularly, daily if possible, togive her time to express some of these emotionsand for the team member to convey messages fromthe patient to the team. If, as is often the case, theperson supporting her is a junior medical nurse,then that nurse must also be supported and theirreports about the patient fed through to the rest ofthe clinical team. Often, nursing reports are notread by more senior team members, and valuableinformation is lost (Box 4). The family also needssupport. It is often helpful to invite carers, forexample parents, to attend a meeting with thewhole team and encourage them to ask questions.

Psychotropic medicationMedicating a very sick patient with anorexianervosa is often difficult. The patient may be very

agitated, and treatment with a small oral dose of abenzodiazepine (lorazepam 0.5–1 mg) or an anti-psychotic (olanzapine 2.5–5 mg) can be beneficial.It has been suggested that olanzapine has potentialto augment weight gain in anorexia nervosa(Jensen 2000). However, a number of trials and ameta-analysis (Dold 2015) have not supported itsuse. For more extreme agitation, for example whena very underweight patient is fighting the insertionof a nasogastric tube, the use of parenteral medica-tion can be dangerous, because in such a patienteven a small dose of a benzodiazepine can causefatal hypotension or apnoea. The advice given inthe MARSIPAN report is to treat such a patient ina medical intensive care setting, so that cardiovascu-lar and respiratory support can be given if required(Royal College of Psychiatrists 2014).

Further work required in this clinical areaThe Royal College of Psychiatrists is interested incollating anecdotes and surveys in this area. Pleasesend information to the first author (P. R.). Anonline discussion forum for conferring on theseissues can be accessed by sending a request [email protected].

ConclusionsAnorexia nervosa is a life-threatening condition thatdefies the dualism that has so pervaded health-carethat mental and physical conditions are dealt withby different organisations, often in different build-ings. Very sick patients with severe anorexianervosa challenge these dysfunctional arrangementsand only when medical and psychiatric teams workclosely can the manifold problems of these patients

BOX 4 The importance of reading nursingreports and case notes

A young woman with anorexia nervosa was admitted to apsychiatric ward after gaining over 5 kg in a few days on amedical ward, probably from intravenous rehydration. HerBMI went from 12.5 to 15. She told the nurses that she wasfeeling desperate about weight gain in hospital and thatshe just wanted to get out so she could go back on herlimited diet and lose the weight she had gained. She alsosaid that she felt fat as a pig and would rather die thanremain at this weight. All this was written in the casenotes. In hospital she was losing weight and developedhypoglycaemia, but insisted on leaving. At a Mental HealthAct assessment, the psychiatrist, who made no reference tothe nursing notes, concluded (wrongly) that, as she had fullmental capacity, there were no grounds to treat her againsther will. She was discharged with inadequate support anddied from malnutrition within a week.

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30 BJPsych Advances (2018), vol. 24, 20–32 doi: 10.1192/bja.2017.2Downloaded from https://www.cambridge.org/core. 06 Oct 2020 at 07:29:54, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use.

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be adequately addressed. Since first publication of theMARSIPAN report in 2010, there is some evidencethat such cooperation has begun to happen. Weadvocate strongly that this process should continue,so that patients with severe anorexia nervosa can betreated in an efficient, coordinated and sympatheticway.

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MCQ answers1 b 2 d 3 c 4 c 5 b

MARSIPAN: management of really sick patients with anorexia nervosa

BJPsych Advances (2018), vol. 24, 20–32 doi: 10.1192/bja.2017.2 31Downloaded from https://www.cambridge.org/core. 06 Oct 2020 at 07:29:54, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use.

Page 13: ARTICLE MARSIPAN: management of really sick patients with ...€¦ · reading the medical management of severe anorexia nervosa we recommend Birmingham & Treasure (2010) and Robinson

MCQsSelect the single best option for each question stem

An 18-year-old patient near death with severe anor-exia nervosa is seen in the A & E department. HerBMI is 9.6 and she is unable to sit up. She hassigns of infection in her chest and her liver functionis mildly abnormal. Her breathing is normal, 15breaths per minute, her pulse is 48, blood pressure95/70. ECG shows QTc at the upper limit of normal.A nasogastric tube is passed but she pulls it outwithin 30 min. She is seen to wiggle her toescontinuously.

1 How should treatment be managed?a The physicians get on with managing the acute

illness and involve psychiatry when the patient issitting up.

b Medical and psychiatric staff are all involvedfrom the outset.

c The patient should be moved to ICU and managedthere, initially.

d The patient should be moved to a specialisteating disorders unit immediately.

e As the hospital has no expertise in managinganorexia nervosa, she should be transferredelsewhere.

2 Treatment against her will seems necessary.Under what legal framework should it bedone?

a Under Common Law for the first 48 h.b Using the Mental Capacity Act.c Using the Mental Health Act, with the consultant

physician as responsible clinician.d Using the Mental Health Act, with a liaison

psychiatry consultant as responsible clinician.e Using the consent of the next of kin who has a

lasting power of attorney for health and welfaredecisions.

3 A nasogastric tube is passed. What wouldbe the most appropriate initial re-feedingregime?

a 1800 kcal per day.b Wait for chest infection to clear before giving

nutritionc 5–10 kcal/kg/day, increasing after 12–24 h.d 5–10 kcal/kg/day, increasing after 5 days.e 20 kcal/kg/day with regular bloods to detect re-

feeding syndrome.

4 With regard to the use of psychotropicmedication in very sick patients with severeanorexia nervosa:

a parenteral administration of psychotropic medi-cation should never be used

b benzodiazepines should only be considered inpatients who are resisting nasogastric feeding

c atypical antipsychotics could be considered as ameans of managing distress and agitation

d medication should always be seen as the firstline of management if the patient is distressed

e MARSIPAN recommends that antidepressantsshould be stopped during nasogastric feeding.

5 How should her abnormal liver function testsbe managed?

a Refer for specialist hepatology opinion.b Monitor liver function tests expecting them to

rise during re-feeding and then falling to normallevels in time.

c Slow rate of re-feeding until liver function testsare normal.

d Order a liver ultrasound and isotope scan.e Assume a paracetamol overdose and give N

acetyl cysteine as a precaution.

Robinson & Rhys Jones

32 BJPsych Advances (2018), vol. 24, 20–32 doi: 10.1192/bja.2017.2Downloaded from https://www.cambridge.org/core. 06 Oct 2020 at 07:29:54, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use.