Nov 11, 2011 · by Cheryl M. Jorgensen Cheryl M. Jorgensen, Ph.D., is a member of the affiliate faculty with the National Center on Inclusive Education at the Institute on Disability at the University of New Hampshire . In 2008 she received the National Down Syndrome Congress Education Award for her leadership and pioneering research supporting the inclusion of students with Down syndrome. She has written this open letter to Shael Polakow-Suransky, the chief academic officer for New York City schools. It’s time to restructure all of our schools to become inclusive of all of our children. We have reached the tipping point where it is no longer educationally or morally defensible to continue to segregate students with disabilities. We shouldn’t be striving to educate children in the least restrictive environment but rather in the most inclusive one. Inclusion is founded on social justice principles in which all students are presumed competent and welcomed as valued members of all general education classes and extra-curricular activities in their local schools — participating and learning alongside their same-age peers in general education instruction based on the general curriculum, and experiencing meaningful social relationships. We know inclusion works. In the Individuals With Disabilities Education Act of 2004Congress found: “Disability is a natural part of the human experience and in no way diminishes the right of individuals to participate in or contribute to society. Improving educational results for children with disabilities is an essential element of our national policy of ensuring equality of opportunity, full participation, independent living, and economic self-sufficiency for individuals with disabilities." The largest study of educational outcomes of 11,000 students with disabilities, the National Longitudinal Transition Study, showed that when students with disabilities spent more time in a general education classroom they were more likely to score higher on standardized tests of reading and math; have fewer absences from school; experience fewer referrals for disruptive behavior; and achieve more positive post-school outcomes such as a paying job, not living in segregated housing, and with having a broad and


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Nov 11, 2011 · by Cheryl M. JorgensenCheryl M. Jorgensen, Ph.D., is a member of the affiliate faculty with the National Center on Inclusive Education at the Institute on Disability at the University of New Hampshire. In 2008 she received the National Down Syndrome Congress Education Award for her leadership and pioneering research supporting the inclusion of students with Down syndrome. She has written this open letter to Shael Polakow-Suransky, the chief academic officer for New York City schools.

It’s time to restructure all of our schools to become inclusive of all of our children.

We have reached the tipping point where it is no longer educationally or morally defensible to continue to segregate students with disabilities. We shouldn’t be striving to educate children in the least restrictive environment but rather in the most inclusive one.

Inclusion is founded on social justice principles in which all students are presumed competent and welcomed as valued members of all general education classes and extra-curricular activities in their local schools — participating and learning alongside their same-age peers in general education instruction based on the general curriculum, and experiencing meaningful social relationships.

We know inclusion works. In the Individuals With Disabilities Education Act of 2004Congress found: “Disability is a natural part of the human experience and in no way diminishes the right of individuals to participate in or contribute to society. Improving educational results for children with disabilities is an essential element of our national policy of ensuring equality of opportunity, full participation, independent living, and economic self-sufficiency for individuals with disabilities."

The largest study of educational outcomes of 11,000 students with disabilities, the National Longitudinal Transition Study, showed that when students with disabilities spent more time in a general education classroom they were more likely to score higher on standardized tests of reading and math; have fewer absences from school; experience fewer referrals for disruptive behavior; and achieve more positive post-school outcomes such as a paying job, not living in segregated housing, and with having a broad and supportive social network. These results were true regardless of students’ disability, severity of disability, gender or socioeconomic status.

Furthermore, as the recent WNYC story states, the achievement of students without disabilities is not compromised by the presence of students with disabilities in their classrooms. Some studies even show that implementing inclusion on a school wide basis improves achievement for all students.

And just as important as academic outcomes are the attitudes and values that all students learn when they are educated together.

The Autistic Self Advocacy Network says, “How children are treated in schools often mirrors how they will be treated in later life. As with other minorities, segregated school placements lead to a segregated society, whereas inclusion in the earliest years promotes increased opportunity and greater understanding of differences for all involved. A society that separates its children [during their school years] is likely to maintain those separations indefinitely, reinforcing attitudinal barriers to disability in all aspects of life.”

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Not only do we know inclusion works, we know how to make it work.There are resources for teachers and administrators from large, urban schools on how to implement inclusive education. You can find hundreds of books, research articles, guidelines for inclusive practice, testimonials from students with and without disabilities, teaching strategies, and strategies for designing instruction and assessment for all learners to help guide you and your teachers.

The city's Department of Education has been screening videos like "Including Samuel" for staff members as part of its special education reform.

Every single barrier you can think of has been addressed by others, and that knowledge is there for the taking.

Imagine what you could do for the children in the 1,700 New York City schools if the resources you are currently spending on out-of-district placements and separate special education schools and classrooms were allocated to create well-supported inclusive classrooms. It’s the right thing to do and it works for all students.

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Achieving learning for all through inclusive education perspectives and practices

© Rolando Jr. C. Villamero

Rolando Jr. C. Villamero, conducting advocacy activities in the Philippines to educate the community about inclusive education.

By Rolando Jr. C. Villamero (Philippines)Member, Global Education First Initiative Youth Advocacy Group  

Gabriel’s story

“Ayaw rana siya ug ipasulod dinhi sa regular class kay nag wheelchair man siya. Adto rana siya ibutang sa Special Education class.” (“Since he is a wheelchair-user, it will be good if we place him in a Special Education class, not in the regular class.”)

This was the statement we heard from a public elementary school teacher when we asked her to accommodate Gabriel, a child with cerebral palsy, during an enrolment process. Upon hearing those remarks, Januaria, Gabriel’s 54-year old mother, could not help but cry because of disappointment. 

Due to courage and persistence of Gabriel’s mother and staff at GPRehab, a non-governmental organization working with and for children with disabilities, Gabriel was later able to enroll in a general education class. 

However, more challenges came. Gabriel’s teacher seemed hesitant in accommodating the child. She had a hard time working with Gabriel especially during writing and reading sessions. Sometimes, she forced him to write even if he could not hold the pencil because of spasticity. He was left with no choice but to follow what the whole class was doing without accommodations. Consequently, Gabriel’s class performance was poor. 

As a child with cerebral palsy, Gabriel was also struggling in terms of his school’s physical accessibility. His classroom was located on the second floor and there was no ramp. Twice a day, morning and afternoon, his mother had to carry him with his wheelchair all the way to the second floor. This also hindered Gabriel’s participation in school activities because most of them were held on the ground floor. 

Gabriel’s experience exemplifies the struggles and challenges that children with disabilities face in accessing meaningful and inclusive education. It all starts with the prevailing negative attitude of society about disability; in this case, with the school community. This is demonstrated through how some teachers accommodate children with disabilities in their respective classes. A lack of capacity building opportunities for teachers in accommodating children with disabilities in inclusive settings is a big factor. Furthermore, inaccessible learning environments also present challenges for students with disabilities.

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© Rolando Jr. C. Villamero

Photo of Gabriel, who has cerebral palsy. His experience exemplifies the struggles and challenges many children with disabilities face in accessing meaningful and inclusive education.

Inclusive education and the MDGs

In 2010, the Department of Education in the Philippines released data stating that 81 percent of identified children with disabilities are out of school. This is an alarming statistic. If this continues, how can the Philippines achieve the second Millennium Development Goal of achieving universal primary education? Also, how can this country be true to its laws of providing access to quality education to all Filipino children?

I strongly believe that one best way of responding to the challenges of educating children with disabilities is inclusive education.

What is inclusive education?

According to UNESCO, inclusive education is, “a process of addressing and responding to the diversity of needs of all learners through increasing participation in learning, cultures and communities, and reducing exclusion from education and from within education.”

The goal is that the whole education system will facilitate learning environments where teachers and learners embrace and welcome the challenges and benefits of diversity. Within an inclusive education approach, learning environments are fostered where individual needs are met and every student has an opportunity to succeed. 

Abigail’s Story

Meet Abigail, a child with visual impairment (total blindness). She became blind when she was four years old because of a brain tumor. She lives in a remote area in Negros Oriental, Philippines. Her first four years in elementary were spent in a Special Education class that was located in the downtown area. She and her mother had to travel over an hour every day to go to school, and they had to spend 3 US Dollars per day for transportation. Her mother does not have a job and her father is a farmer. Money was a big issue and her mother could not look for job opportunities because she had to stay with Abigail for the whole school day. The process of sending her to school became very challenging not only to Abigail, but to the whole family.

The interesting thing is, there is a public elementary school located a few meters away from Abigail’s house. So why wasn’t she enrolled there? The school said they were not ready to accommodate her. 

Luckily, with the help of GPRehab, Abigail was eventually able to enroll in the elementary school near her home. 

How does inclusive education work in schools?

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First, teachers and staff of Abigail’s new school were oriented about disability issues through a Disability Sensitivity Seminar (DAS). This was followed by a Workshop on Accommodating Children with Visual Impairment where teaches were taught how to use Braille and how to differentiate and modify classroom instructions.

Second, during the first few weeks of classes, Abigail’s classmates were taught how to be sensitive towards the needs of children with disabilities through a film showing and disability simulation activities. This was also the time when her classmates were assigned to be Abigail’s buddies for classroom activities.

© Rolando Jr. C. Villamero

Abigail (centre) who has total blindness, is able to learn in an inclusive setting with the help of her teacher (left) and her sister (right). 

Third, Abigail’s family members also underwent a series of empowerment and skills workshops for them to be able to assist in her education. Her mother said, “More than anything else, Abigail needs me, she draws strength from me. She grew up to be a child without a bitter heart.

Fourth, the curriculum was modified to fit Abigail’s needs. Though she was included in a general education class, her teachers employed differentiation and management strategies so she could cope with the pace of class lessons. 

Fifth, it was recognized that aside from Abigail, there were students enrolled in the same school who manifested signs of learning disabilities. Through the inclusive education initiatives, a project known as “Kaalam” (“Wisdom”) was formed and was run by young people who shared their time and skills to Abigail and other children through a reading remediation program.

Finally, inclusive education initiatives were extended outside the school community. A series of advocacy activities such as parades and radio and TV exposure helped educate the community about disability.

Abigail learned in an inclusive environment

Abigail’s story is solid proof that a culture of negativity toward children with disabilities can be transformed into a culture of care, concern, and inclusivity.

Due to all these efforts, Abigail graduated from elementary school last March 2013 with flying colors. Now she is ready for high school. 

Inclusive education is a critical element that everyone, especially governments, have to adopt in order to fully realize the rights of all children to access and quality learning, especially for those children who are marginalized. As Cardinal Roger Mahony once said, “Any society, any nation is judged on the basis of how it treats its weakest members – the last, the least, the littlest.” 

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School brings hope to Ata Manobo childrenPosted on Aug 23, 2012 

http://davaotoday.com/main/2012/08/23/school-brings-hope-to-ata-manobo-children/These lumad children long for knowledge.  Not even their parents can stop them from going to school, even if it means they have to contend with their empty stomachs.By JOHN RIZLE L. SALIGUMBADavao TodayTALAINGOD, Davao del Norte, Philippines — 15-year-old Asenad Bago, an Ata-Manobo, has made his school his home.

This is because Asenad’s sub-village (sitio) is three hours away by foot from the Salugpungan Ta ‘Tanu Igkanugon (Unity in Defense of Ancestral Land) Community Learning Center, located in Sitio Dulyan, Palma Gil Village.  He asked his teachers that he could stay with the school staff.  In return to their kindness, he wakes up early “to clean around the school grounds and do other errands for the teachers.”

For the Ata Manobo youth and children like Asenad, the school has been a great help for them in learning basic literacy.  Without such school, youths like him would have to travel greater distance to public schools in town proper.

Another reason why Asenad prefers this school is that “the teachers provide me with what I need for school like my bag, notebooks and pencil and most especially, food.”This Salugpungan Community Learning Center is running for nine years and taught 558 Ata Manobo students.

The school started nine years ago in 2003, as a non-formal school of the religious organization Rural Missionaries of the Philippines (RMP) in Southern Mindanao.

The tribal leaders of Salugpungan thought that education is key for the future generation, especially in learning how to defend their culture and their land against the encroachment of mining and other industries.

Their hopes were supported by the RMP especially through the efforts of the slain Italian missionary Father Fausto ‘Pops’ Tentorio, PIME (Pontifical Institute for Foreign Missions), who was then the chair of the RMP Board of Directors.

Fr. Tentorio, who runs literacy programs in North Cotabato province, extended support to Talaingod.

Later in 2007, the Salugpungan Council and RMP established a primary school.  Now there are 10 Ata-Manobo schools.  Fr. Tentorio had supported the schools through donations and financial support from his friends in Italy.

Now, the Salugpungan Community Learning Center has become a full-fledged elementary school, offering primary education — for free — up to Grade Six.

But, the religious and the lumads’ initiative to gain access to basic education had been undermined with lack of government support.

Even if the Salugpungan school offers free education, the Department of Education (DepEd) has continuously denied its accreditation. 

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“That’s because we were not able to meet all the department’s requisites; requirements which we think are not practical for a school situated in the mountains,” laments Ronnie Garcia, the school’s first teacher.

He added, they were only given a permit to operate which they have to renew every year.Garcia, a Mansaka lumad from Mabini, Compostela Valley province, was an RMP scholar himself who took up education course in college.  After his graduation, he volunteered to teach the Ata-Manobos here in Talaingod.

He shared that this year has been more difficult for the school as DepEd required them to submit electrical, building and Bureau of Fire Protection permits, among others.

Garcia also noted that they have modified the school’s curriculum so that it will fit the community’s needs, especially on their culture and tradition.  He added, the school has yet to discuss how to effectively implement DepEd’s new program, the K to 12.

As a teacher and a student once, Garcia said that requiring them to comply with the numerous requirements is tantamount to denying the indigenous peoples’ right to education, an added burden in the midst of their suffering from severe poverty.

Bago himself has witnessed how some of his classmates come to school with an empty stomach.

“Because of hunger, some of them cannot concentrate on the day’s lesson and many just fall asleep,” he said.

Students here bring with them root crops and yams, whenever it’s possible.  They also look for food very early in the morning, which most of the time, stretches until school time.  “That’s why some of them come to school late,” Bago said.

These lumad children long for knowledge.  Not even their parents can stop them from going to school, even if it means they have to contend with their empty stomachs.

“I’m really happy because since he goes to school, he has learned how to speak Bisaya, and to read and count,” said Bago’s father, Dolfo.

But for Bago, he hungers for more knowledge, not only for him but for his fellow lumad children, as well.

“I hope a Salugpungan High School will be established.  We want to reach high school, also, and eventually graduate” Bago said with full of hope.  (John Rizle L. Saligumba/ davaotoday.com)

Sumber : http://www.philippinesbasiceducation.us/2012/08/inclusive-education-that-promotes.html#ixzz3tGAfXjWE

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A long way to go for special educationIdeally, every public school should have a special education program – but the DepEd still has a long way to go

Jee Y. Geronimo

@jeegeronimoPublished 9:30 AM, February 23, 2014Updated 9:30 AM, February 23, 2014

PASSION FOR SPED. Feliciano Sante, 36, says his love and passion for SPED make him stay. Photo by Lizly Edralin Pimentel Ventura, retrieved from Sante's Facebook

MANILA, Philippines – He almost got hit by a chair on his first day on the job.

After getting briefed by more experienced colleagues, Feliciano Sante knew more or less what to do should a kid throw a tantrum. But left to his own, the scene still took him by surprise.

Teaching in special education (SPED), he learned, is worlds different from the usual teaching he knew.

That was 6 years ago, in 2008, when Sante had to learn from scratch how to teach 15 children with special needs in Malaybalay City Central School. (READ: Step up for Down)

Together with a few SPED teachers, he used to have the biggest classroom in the school – the gymnasium – which housed about 90 pupils.

Since then, the school has provided 6 more classrooms, but the gymnasium today still accommodates quite a number of children with special needs from Malaybalay City, Bukidnon.

State of special education

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CHALLENGES AHEAD. DepEd SPED division chair Mirla Olores talks to Rappler about the state of special education in public schools in the country. Photo by Jee Geronimo/Rappler

With the “zero reject” policy, any parent can enroll their children in public schools – even SPED pupils.

Unfortunately, not all public schools in the country has a SPED center, or at least a SPED program.

“Every school should have a program for SPED, kasi lahat ng bata, makikita mo sa lahat ng eskwelahan (you will see all kinds of children in schools),” Department of Education (DepEd) SPED division chief Mirla Olores told Rappler.

Citing an estimate from the World Health Organization, Olores said children with special needs comprise 15% of the population in a given community. Back in 2012, they were estimated to be more or less 13% of the country's youth and children, with only 2% receiving government support. (READ: Special kids get higher DepEd budget)

But today, only 416 SPED centers nationwide are funded by the government, with 4 more waiting for recognition. Aside from this, Olores estimated around 200 public schools offer a SPED program, but without a center.

That is 620 out of 34,000 public elementary schools nationwide – a long way to go, obviously, for special education in the Philippines.

Based on enrollment alone, there are 239,000 SPED pupils in public elementary schools today, and only 6,000 pure SPED teacher-items.

But since the ultimate goal of special education is the child's integration or “mainstreaming” into regular school – and eventually, in the community – Olores said every teacher should have an orientation in special education.

“Kasi akala ng teacher bobo lang [yung estudyante], 'yun pala may specific disability. Ang teacher gagawa ng maraming sulat saboard, 'yun pala 'yung bata nagsasayaw lang yung mga letra [para sa kanya] kasi reading disability, iba-brand ngayon sya na bobo.Kaya lahat ng teacher dapat alam ang SPED,” she said.

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(What teachers call stupidity is actually a specific disability. As the teacher writes on the board, and the letters seem to be dancing for the child with reading disability, the teacher might brand him as stupid. That is why all teachers must know SPED.)

Marching on

In reality, not all teachers are and will be brave enough to choose what Sante did. He was offered to go back to regular school to teach pre-schoolers, but he turned it down.

“Ma'am, sorry Ma'am,” he recalled as saying, “'Di ko talaga iiwan yung SPED. Yung passion ko, yung love ko nandoon na talaga sa mga SPED na bata. Yung challenge nandun sa SPED at yung awa sa mga bata, mga estudyanteng walang-wala talaga.”

(Ma'am, sorry Ma'am. I will never leave SPED. My passion and love is already for the SPED children. The challenge is in SPED, and the mercy for children, students who really have nothing.)

On February 17, DepEd announced the 19 winners of the 2013 Outstanding SPED teachers nationwide – among them, Sante, who ranked third among teachers teaching children with intellectual disability (ID).

Despite the recognition, he does not paint the job with rainbows and butterflies, admitting even that in some days, he gets tired of it all.

“'Di talaga maiwasan – tao lang tayo. Tapos minsan hindi talaga maiwasan na mag-explode patience mo lalo sa bata, iba't ibang klase 'to. May time na nakakasawa kasi paulit-ulit lang yung klase, yung tinuturo mo sa mga bata...Pero 'pag naisip ko yung pangangailangan ng mga bata, 'pag nag-stop ako, sino naman kaya [ang gagawa]? Dun na lang ako humuhugot [ng lakas]” he said.

(It can't be helped – we're just humans. And sometimes you can't help but be impatient towards children with different needs. There are times you get tired because the classes and the lessons you teach the children are repetitive. But when I think of the needs of the children, if I stop, who else will help them? That's where I get my strength.)

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HONOR. Sante looks at his award during the regional awarding of outstanding SPED teachers. Photo from Sante's Facebook

Still, he celebrates the little victories: a pupil who kept repeating grade 1 finally passed with honors, while another who was diagnosed with a learning disability will soon be graduating with honors from elementary this coming March.

“Pangarap ko [para] sa lahat ng [SPED] pupils: makapag-aral silang lahat...at [matupad] ang mga pangarap sa buhay [dahil] may pangarap talaga [sila] sa buhay. Pangarap kong matanggap sila sa lipunan [nang] walang diskriminasyon,” Sante said.

(My dreams for all SPED pupils: education for everyone, and for all their dreams to come true because they really have dreams in life. I also dream of their acceptance in society without discrimination.)

These dreams could come true if teachers like him are no longer a rarity. (READ: When passion-driven teaching succeeds) – Rappler.com

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1 May 2011


By: Dang U. Koe, ASP Chair Emeritus

Our expert shares tips on how to look for regular schools that offer SpEd

MANILA, Philippines — Swimming lessons, art classes, cooking classes and all sorts of summer activities will be over by next week. It will be back to school once again. By this time, parents are done scouting schools for their children. Some will stay in their comfort zone by sticking with their old schools; while some would bravely scout for new schools that they think would best address their kids’ needs.

In a previous Angels Talk years ago, several mothers gave tips on how to select a good special school for their children with autism (CWA). Our Angel Talker this week is a teacher who shares tips on how to shop for regular schools that offer special education (SpEd) programs.

Kismette J. Cepe is a faculty of De La Salle Health Sciences Institute. She also serves as SpEd consultant of the Neurodeveopmental Center of De La Salle University Medical Center. Teacher Kismette is an active professional member of the Autism Society Philippines and a volunteer of the UST Psychotrauma Clinic.***

School shopping is a big task most especially for parents with first time students. Add to that, each special school will offer different programs which can overwhelm a neophyte school shopper.

Here are some practical pointers which parents need to know when school shopping.


Children with autism (CWA) are placed in special schools under the recommendation the developmental pediatrician, neurologist, clinical psychologist or SpEd diagnostician. These professionals administer assessment and recommend interventions for the CWA. At this point, parents should do their homework by knowing some terminologies used in SpEd.

It is best to ask the schools regarding their programs. Do not relay on brochures and other marketing paraphernalia.

SpEd programs differ in each school but they can be classified into:

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a. MAINSTREAMING, which can be partial or full. For partial mainstreaming, the CWA is enrolled in SpEd class, but attends regular classes in one or more subjects, say art classes to have the opportunity to interact with neuro-typical children.

Full mainstreaming is for CWAs who meet admission requirements for placement in regular classes. It has provision for “pull-outs” for one-on-one instruction, or a shadow teacher in classes where the CWA finds it difficult to cope. To sum it up, partial or full mainstreaming means the school provides adjustments for the CWA’s special needs.

b. INCLUSION refers to the placement of a CWA in the regular class using his/her age as the sole criterion for placement, given he passes all admission requirements. There are no provisions for pull-out and shadow teaching.

c. SELF-CONTAINED classes focus on functional curriculum for CWA to learn necessary behaviors and skills that can help them either cope or deal with daily and lifelong activities. These are for students who may not yet be ready or may not be fit for mainstreaming.

All programs may include tutorials and/or therapists (physical, occupational, speech), counselors and psychologists employed inside or outside school.


SpEd involves services of specially trained personnel — like teachers, administrators, and even paraprofessionals who possess additional competencies for serving exceptional students.

Ask about the background of the teachers in terms of their education, training and exceptional students handled. Ask who will handle your child? Have they handled a CWA (in class/school) before?


CWA have specific needs which can be addressed in modifying the contents of the curriculum. Pacing of the curriculum can be faster or slower compared to others depending on the capacity of the CWA. Functional reading, language and math should be emphasized for CWA. Provision for life skills (eating, dressing, cleaning-up, following directions, cooking, crossing the street, using money, etc) is also equally important to be included in their curriculum.


What is the size of their classrooms? How many students can be accommodated inside the room? What materials are inside the Resource Room? Where are the rest rooms located? Where are the picture or words system (for procedures and task to be completed) located? What is the layout of the classroom? What are the different areas in the classroom? All these should be able to address the need of a CWA for a structured environment.

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The smaller the student-teacher ratio is, the better. So ask: How many students in a class? How many teachers will handle a class? How many students with disabilities will be accommodated in a class?


What are the class requirements? What type of tests will be given? How will they be graded? Can your CWA handle these? Will there be adjustments for him?


Successful implementation of SpEd programs includes readily available services in the form of the following professionals: counselors, medical practitioners, therapists. Does the school have these support services?


How far is the school from your house? Traveling time is crucial for the child to be motivated to go to school. We do not want a child to wake up way too early to catch the school bus or to arrive very late in the afternoon.

A complete list schools for CWA sorted per geographical area can be found in the “Directory of Resources for Persons with Autism” produced and distributed by the Autism Society Philippines.


How will you know your child’s progress?

What programs does the school offer for parents? Who will you contact in case you have concerns about your child’s education?


Would it suit your budget? This factor is very crucial especially if there are other siblings of the CWA who also go to school.

There are other factors to consider, but this list can be a quick guide for parents who are school shopping. It is best to take time off from work or other chores and to attend personally into checking the best school for your child. Exchange notes with other parents of CWA about their school experiences.

Enjoy with your child his/her first day in school…it can be very exciting!

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