WHAT IT TAKES TO WIN…! Today I look back when this journey of automotive passion and experience started and what it taught me. I remember the time when in my childhood I was fully thrilled and amazed to see the model, design and making of SUBARO WRX and had a small dream that when I grow older I would like to make something similar to that vehicle. Today this thought brings a smile on my face because my small innocent dream was not simple and easy as I thought it would have been. My journey in this automotive world started when I was the suspension head of the BAJA car team of Manipal University Jaipur. Trust me guys a boy who dreams to build something similar to SUBARO and he is given suspension that when I realized the real time situation, but while working the challenges to design the system brought the thrill and that was the first time when I actually applied my engineering mind in past 3 years and that was the moment that brought kick inside me to work and excel in this domain. Coordination was something new for me and I have to say it is not at all easy specially working with a team of rookies just like me. But I have to say this small journey taught me a lot and made me realize that a vehicle of my dream is not a work of a single guy or a small group but it requires hard work and a shear coordination of dozens of groups. After this the bigger journey was waiting for me and the day came when we came to know about the go-karting competition I still had that fire going inside my hearts & the passion to work ,this time I was not the department coordinator but the main coordinator (CAPTAIN) of the team. The name captain sounds really good but with the name comes a huge amount of responsibilities. The first responsibility was to recruit a bunch of crazy automotive freak in the team, the main


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What it takes to win

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WHAT IT TAKES TO WIN!Today I look back when this journey of automotive passion and experience started and what it taught me. I remember the time when in my childhood I was fully thrilled and amazed to see the model, design and making of SUBARO WRX and had a small dream that when I grow older I would like to make something similar to that vehicle. Today this thought brings a smile on my face because my small innocent dream was not simple and easy as I thought it would have been.My journey in this automotive world started when I was the suspension head of the BAJA car team of Manipal University Jaipur. Trust me guys a boy who dreams to build something similar to SUBARO and he is given suspension that when I realized the real time situation, but while working the challenges to design the system brought the thrill and that was the first time when I actually applied my engineering mind in past 3 years and that was the moment that brought kick inside me to work and excel in this domain. Coordination was something new for me and I have to say it is not at all easy specially working with a team of rookies just like me. But I have to say this small journey taught me a lot and made me realize that a vehicle of my dream is not a work of a single guy or a small group but it requires hard work and a shear coordination of dozens of groups.After this the bigger journey was waiting for me and the day came when we came to know about the go-karting competition I still had that fire going inside my hearts & the passion to work ,this time I was not the department coordinator but the main coordinator (CAPTAIN) of the team.The name captain sounds really good but with the name comes a huge amount of responsibilities. The first responsibility was to recruit a bunch of crazy automotive freak in the team, the main idea was to introduce them into this technical world and wanted to channelize there automotive brain and spirit to work day & night together . Planning is the key to success, if you plan well success will automatically come to you. With the phase 1 of project everyone was geared up & was ready to tackle the situation and the hardship of this journey. We started our work with the practical knowledge we had and our best friend Google, later all the ideas were put forward and discussed. Sharing of thoughts & ideas are very important and my prime responsibility was to make sure that this 2 way process was properly practiced in the team. Managing a group of young passionate boys is not an easy job . Every person has some innovative & fascinating idea but we have to consider the idea which is feasible and practically possible.The whole journey of making this go kart was full of ups & downs. There were days when the team was on a low tone where there used to be discussions & arguments on few points , where we would get stuck on the work but then after that low phase when the project was reaching the next phase and those heavy arguments and discussions would give us fruitful results and the shower of happiness use to fill the team back with the new passion and thrill again. This course of working has taught me big lessons in engineering as well as management and those late nights of hard work and fabrication has made our dream into reality.Today I am a hardworking young man who understands that achieving success in life requires a lot of coordination between management and engineering put together .This has played a bigger part in shaping my knowledge and working style.You will find yourself to be happier person when your dream matches your intensions & when your action matches your reality. As your dreams become more & more powerful your reality will begin to reflect that. As you speak from the place of hard work & innovation and use your knowledge in the service of your dream you start to realize that those choices have come to reality as you have described them & when that happens you know you are on the right paths & headed in the best possible directions THE DIRECTIONS WHICH TAKES YOU TO THE WIN!