Arterial Hypertension Management

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  • 7/29/2019 Arterial Hypertension Management


    Arterial hypertensionmanagement. Clinical

    pharmacology of hypotensivedrugs.

    Butranova O.I. PhD


  • 7/29/2019 Arterial Hypertension Management


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    Blood pressure levels

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    Stratification of cardiovascular risk.

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    The main tasks at treatment of

    arterial hypertension:

    1. Protection of organs - targets:

    myocardium, in order to prevent hypertrophy

    of the left ventricle of heart, coronary heart

    disease, cardiac insufficiency, kidneys, in order to prevent renal


    brain, in order to prevent stroke.2. Improvement of life quality.

    3. Reduction of death and sickness rate.

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    Initiation of antihypertensive


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    Combination of antihypertensive


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    combinations of



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    Clinical pharmacology of diuretics

    1) High Efficacy


    (Inhibitors of

    NA+-K+- 2Cl-Cotransport)

    i) Sulphamoyl




    ii) Phenoxyacetic Acid

    Derivative: Ethacrynic


    iii) Organomercurials:


    2) Medium



    (Inhibitors ofNa+-CI- Symport)

    i) Benzothiadiazines







    ii) Thiazide Like




    Metolazone, Xipamide,Indapamide.

    3) Weak or Adjunctive


    i) Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitors:


    ii) Potassium Sparing Duretics:

    a) Aldos terone Antagonis t :


    b) Direct ly Act ing (Inhib i tors of Renal

    Epithelial NA+ Chann el):

    Triamterene, Amiloride.

    iii) Osmotic Diuretics:

    Mannitol, Isosorbide, Glycerol.

    iv) Xanthines:


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    Renal PhysiologyOverview

    1/5 of plasma water passes into tubule through glomerulus

    99% of water and 90+% of electrolytes recovered metabolically useful compounds are recovered

    Sites of diuretic action

    1. Proximal tubule high metabolic activity (secretion/resorption)Recovery of:

    65% to 80% of sodium and water (Na/Cl co-transport, water follows)

    99% of glucose, protein, amino acids recovered2. Descending limb - Loop of Henle

    passive diffusion of urea, H2O, Na (thin wall)

    source of counter-current multiplier

    3. Ascending limb - Loop of Henlestrong active transport - Nanot permeable to H2O, urea

    4. Distal tubule - diluting segmentas for ascending limb - loop

    5. Distal tubule / Collecting tubulenot permeable to urea

    active sodium resorption

    sodium / potassium exchange

    water permeability under ADH influence

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    Thiazide diureticsChlorothiazide, Hydrochlorothiazide

    Mechanism(s) of Action

    1. Block facilitated Na/Cl co-transport in the early distal tubule. This is a relatively

    minor Na absorption mechanism and the result is modest diuresis2. Potassium wasting effect

    Blood volume reduction leads to increased production of aldosterone

    Increased distal Na load secondary to diuretic effect

    a + b = increase Na (to blood) for K (to urine) exchange which produces indirect K wasting

    3. Increase in distal Ca re-absorption (direct effect)causes an increase in plasma calcium.

    This is unimportant NORMALLY but makes thiazides VERY inappropriate choice forhypercalcemic patients.

    4. Anti-diuretic effect in nephrogenic diabetes insipidus patients secondary to depletionof Na and Water.


    Electrolyte imbalance (particularly hypokalemia)


    Allergic reactionsHyperuricemia



    Onset in 2 hours

    Peak in 4 hours

    Duration 6 - 12 hours

    Eliminated unchanged in the urine

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    Loop (High Ceiling) DiureticsMechanism(s) of Action

    1. Diuretic effect is produced by inhibition of active 1 Na+, 1 K+, 2 Cl- co-

    transport (ascending limb - Loop of Henle). This produces potent diuresis asthis is a relatively important Na re-absorption site.

    2. Potassium wasting effectBlood volume reduction leads to increased production of aldosterone

    Increased distal Na load secondary to diuretic effect

    a + b = increase Na (to blood) for K (to urine) exchange which produces indirect Kwasting (same as thiazides but more likely)

    3. Increased calcium clearance/decreased plasma calciumsecondary to passive decreases in loop Ca++ reabsorption.

    This is linked to inhibition of Cl- reabsorption.

    This is an important clinical effect in patients with ABNORMAL High Ca++

    Pharmacokinetics (Furosemide)

    Absorption - oral bioavailability = 60 - 70 %.

    Bioavailability is reduced with renal failure and chronic severe congestive heartfailure (bowel edema?)

    Protein binding = 90% or more

    Elimination - half-life 1 - 2 hours. Half-life is prolonged with hepatic and renalfailure (especially the combination).

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    Loop (High Ceiling) Diuretics


    Relatively frequent

    electrolyte imbalances

    Relatively rare

    allergic reactions

    leukopenia or agranulocytosis



    Drug Interactions

    Effect of loop diuretic reduced by non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

    Potentiate hypotensive effects of"ACE" inhibitors

    Potentiated ototoxicity or nephrotoxicity ofamphotericin B, aminoglycosides, many

    othersPotentiate hypokalemia associated with amphotericin B, mineralocorticoids, some

    synthetic penicillins, many others (that induce hypokalemia)

    Decreased activity oforal anticoagulants, heparin, enzymes, insulin

    Potentiateneuromuscular junction blockers (hypokalemia)

    Distal (Potassium Sparing)

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    Distal (Potassium Sparing)

    DiureticsSpironolactone, triamterene

    Mechanism of action

    Inhibition of Na/K exchange at aldosterone dependent distal tubular site

    Spironolactone - competes with aldosterone for regulatory site

    Triamterene - decreases activity of pump directly

    Either mechanism decreases potassium wasting

    Either mechanism produces poor diuresis (when used alone)

    relatively unimportant Na recovery site

    Diurectic activity increased if:

    sodium load (body) is high

    aldosterone concentrations are high

    sodium load (tubule) is high - secondary to diuresis

    Other electrolytes unaffectedDrug interactions

    interact with any other drugs affecting:sodium balancepotassium balancerenin-angiotensin-aldosterone see other references - interact with any other drugs affected by:electrolyte balance


    spironolactone may produce adrenal and sex hormone effects with LONG-TERM useBoth drugs may produce electrolyte imbalance

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    Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors

    Acetazolamide, Dichlorphenamide, Methazolamide,

    EthoxzolamideMechanism of Action

    Carbonic anhydrase (CA) facilitates excretion of H+ andrecovery of bicarbonate by the proximal renal tubule andciliary epithelium of the eye. Sodium is recovered inexchange for H+.

    Inhibitors block CA block sodium recovery. A very milddiuresis is produced (this is really a side effect of theiruse in glaucoma) because relatively unimportantmechanism for Na recovery and because proximal

    tubule site means that other sodium recoverymechansims continue to process their normal fraction ofthe sodium load.

    O ti di ti

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    Osmotic diureticsGlucose (metabolizable), Mannitol, Urea, Glycerin (non-metabolizable), Iodine Radiocontrast Agents


    Mechanism(s) of Action

    1. Reduce tissue fluid (edema) by creating osmotic draw from tissue to blood stream

    2. Reflex cardiovascular effect by osmotic retention of fluid within vascular space which increasesblood volume (contraindicated with Congestive heart failure)

    3. Diuretic effect

    Makes H2O reabsorption far more difficult for tubular segments insufficient Na & H2O capacityin distal segments

    Increased intramedullary blood flow (washout)

    Incomplete sodium recapture (asc. loop). this is indirect inhibition of Na reabsorption (Na stays intubule because water stays)

    Net diuretic effect:

    Tubularconcentration of sodium decreases

    Total amount of sodium lost amount increases

    GFR unchanged or slightly increased


    Fluid and electrolyte imbalance

    produces over-expansion of extracellular fluid and circulatory overload.Circulatory overload may be accompanied by dilutional hyponatremia.

    Hyperkalemia is possible


    may cause edema and skin necrosis. (Be careful with mannitol).

    Extravasation may also occur into central nervous system Be careful with cranial traumacases (hemorrhage leads to extravasation)


    Onset= 1 - 3 hours (diuresis)= 15 - 30 minutes (cerebral edema)Duration= 3 - 6 hoursElimination is 80 - 90% renal

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    ACE inhibitors ACE inhibitors produce vasodilation by inhibiting the formation of

    angiotensin II. This vasoconstrictor is formed by the proteolyticaction of renin (released by the kidneys) acting on circulatingangiotensinogen to form angiotensin I. Angiotensin I is thenconverted to angiotensin II by angiotensin converting enzyme.

    ACE also breaks down bradykinin (a vasodilator substance).

    Therefore, ACE inhibitors, by blocking the breakdown of bradykinin,increase bradykinin levels, which can contribute to the vasodilatoraction of ACE inhibitors. The increase in bradykinin is also believedto be responsible for a troublesome side effect of ACE inhibitors,namely, a dry cough.

    Angiotensin II constricts arteries and veins by binding toAT1receptors located on the smooth muscle, which are coupled to a Gq-protein and the the IP3 signal transduction pathway. Angiotensin IIalso facilitates the release of norepinephrine from sympatheticadrenergic nerves and inhibits norepinephrine reuptake by thesenerves. This effect of angiotensin II augments sympathetic activityon the heart and blood vessels.
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    Mechanisms for maintaining

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    Fall in blood pressure (hypotension)

    The release of a protein renin from cells in the kidney (thejuxtaglomerularapparatus).

    Angiotensin I

    Angiotensin II


    Mechanisms for maintaining

    the blood pressure

    cuts off all but the first 10amino

    acidresidues ofangiotensinogen

    angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE),

    n ors ave e o ow ng
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    n ors ave e o ow ngactions:

    Dilate arteries and veins by blocking angiotensin II formation andinhibiting bradykinin metabolism. This vasodilation reduces arterialpressure, preload and afterload on the heart.

    Down regulate sympathetic adrenergic activity by blocking thefacilitating effects of angiotensin II on sympathetic nerve release andreuptake of norepinephrine.

    Promote renal excretion of sodium and water (natriuretic and diureticeffects) by blocking the effects of angiotensin II in the kidney and byblocking angiotensin II stimulation ofaldosterone secretion. Thisreduces blood volume, venous pressure and arterial pressure.

    Inhibit cardiac and vascular remodeling associated with chronichypertension, heart failure, and myocardial infarction

    Cardiorenal Effects of ACE
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    Cardiorenal Effects of ACE


    Vasodilation (arterial & venous)

    - reduce arterial & venous pressure

    - reduce ventricular afterload & preload

    Decrease blood volume

    - natriuretic

    - diuretic

    Depress sympathetic activity

    Inihibit cardiac and vascular hypertrophy

    Therapeutic Use of

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    Therapeutic Use of

    ACE Inhibitors


    Heart failure

    Post-myocardial infarction

    ACE inhibitors can be divided into

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    ACE inhibitors can be divided into

    three groups based on their

    molecular structure Sulfhydryl-containing agentsCaptopril (trade name Capoten), the first ACE inhibitor


    Dicarboxylate-containing agentsThis is the largest group, including:

    Enalapril (Vasotec/Renitec)

    Ramipril (Altace/Prilace/Ramace/Ramiwin/Triatec/Tritace)

    Quinapril (Accupril)

    Perindopril (Coversyl/Aceon)

    Lisinopril (Listril/Lopril/Novatec/Prinivil/Zestril)

    Benazepril (Lotensin)

    Imidapril (Tanatril)Zofenopril (Zofecard)

    Trandolapril (Mavik/Odrik/Gopten)

    Phosphonate-containing agentsFosinopril (Fositen/Monopril) is the only member of this group
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    Adverse drug reactions include






    renal impairment.

    A persistent dry cough is a relatively common adverse effectbelieved to be associated with the increases in bradykinin levelsproduced by ACE inhibitors, although the role of bradykinin in

    producing these symptoms remains disputed by some authors.Patients who experience this cough are often switched toangiotensin II receptor antagonists.
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    Contraindications and precautions

    The ACE inhibitors are contraindicated inpatients with:

    Previous angioedema associated with ACE inhibitor therapy

    Renal artery stenosis (bilateral, or unilateral with a solitary functioningkidney)

    Hypersensitivity to ACE inhibitors

    ACE inhibitors should be used with cautionin patients with:

    Impaired renal function

    Aortic valve stenosis or cardiac outflow obstruction

    Hypovolemia ordehydration

    Hemodialysis with high-flux polyacrylonitrile membranes

    ACE inhibitors areADECpregnancy category D
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    Angiotensin Receptor Blockers

    (ARBs) Similar effects to angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors Used for the same indications (hypertension, heart failure, post-

    myocardial infarction).

    Their mechanism of action, however, is very different from ACEinhibitors:

    ARBs are receptor antagonists that block type 1 angiotensin II (AT1)receptors on bloods vessels and other tissues such as the heart.

    These receptors are coupled to the Gq-protein and IP3 signaltransduction pathway that stimulates vascular smooth musclecontraction.

    Because ARBs do not inhibit ACE, they do not cause an increase inbradykinin, which contributes to the vasodilation produced by ACEinhibitors and also some of the side effects of ACE inhibitors (coughand angioedema).

    Distribution of angiotensin
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    Distribution of angiotensinreceptors in the body

    AT1 receptors are mainly found in the heart,adrenal glands, brain, liver and kidneys. Theirmain role is to regulate blood pressure as wellas fluid and electrolyte balance.

    AT2 receptors are highly expressed in thedeveloping fetus but they decline rapidly afterbirth. In the adult, AT2 receptors are present

    only at low levels and are mostly found in theheart, adrenal glands, uterus, ovaries, kidneysand brain.

    R i i t i th
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    Renin angiotensin pathway

    ARBs have the following actions

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    ARBs have the following actions,which are very similar to ACE

    inhibitors: Dilate arteries and veins and thereby reduce arterial

    pressure and preload and afterload on the heart.

    Down regulate sympathetic adrenergic activity byblocking the effects of angiotensin II on sympatheticnerve release and reuptake of norepinephrine.

    Promote renal excretion of sodium and water (natriureticand diuretic effects) by blocking the effects ofangiotensin II in the kidney and by blocking angiotensinII stimulation ofaldosterone secretion.

    Inhibit cardiac and vascular remodeling associated withchronic hypertension, heart failure, and myocardialinfarction.
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    ARBs include the following drugs:








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    Table 1: Comparison of ARBpharmacokinetics


    half-life [h]







    clearance [%]Food effect




    Losartan 2 98.7 33 10/90 Minimal 50-100

    EXP 3174 6-9 99.8 - 50/50 - -

    Candesartan 9 >99 15 60/40 No 4-32

    Valsartan 6 95 25 30/70





    Irbesartan 11-15 90-95 70 1/99 No 150-300Telmisartan 24 >99 42-58 1/99 No 40-80

    Eprosartan 5 98 13 30/70 No 400-800

    Olmesartan 14-16 >99 29 40/60 No 10-40

    ARBs Side Effects and

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    ARBs Side Effects andContraindications

    As a drug class, ARBs have a relatively low incidence of side effectsand are well-tolerated. Because they do not increase bradykininlevels like ACE inhibitors, the dry cough and angioedema that areassociated with ACE inhibitors are not a problem. ARBs arecontraindicated in pregnancy. Patients with bilateral renal arterystenosis may experience renal failure if ARBs are administered. The

    reason is that the elevated circulating and intrarenal angiotensin II inthis condition constricts the efferent arteriole more than the afferentarteriole within the kidney, which helps to maintain glomerularcapillary pressure and filtration. Removing this constriction byblocking angiotensin II receptors on the efferent arteriole can causean abrupt fall in glomerular filtration rate. This is not generally aproblem with unilateral renal artery stenosis because the unaffected

    kidney can usually maintain sufficient filtration after AT1 receptorsare blocked; however, with bilateral renal artery stenosis it isespecially important to ensure that renal function is notcompromised.

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    Beta-Adrenoceptor Antagonists

    (Beta-Blockers) Beta-blockers bind to beta-adrenoceptors and thereby block the binding of

    norepinephrine and epinephrine to these receptors.

    Therefore, beta-blockers are sympatholytic drugs. Some beta-blockers,when they bind to the beta-adrenoceptor, partially activate the receptorwhile preventing norepinephrine from binding to the receptor. Thesepartialagonists therefore provide some "background" of sympathetic activity whilepreventing normal and enhanced sympathetic activity.

    These particular beta-blockers (partial agonists)are said to possess intrinsic sympathomimeticactivity (ISA).

    Some beta-blockers also possess what is

    referred to as membrane stabilizing activity(MSA).

    This effect is similar to the membrane stabilizing activity ofsodium-channels blockers that represent Class I antiarrhythmics.
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    Generations of beta-blockers

    The first generation of beta-blockers werenon-selective, meaning that they blocked bothbeta-1 (1) and beta-1 (2) adrenoceptors.

    Second generation beta-blockers aremore cardioselective in that they are relativelyselective for 1 adrenoceptors. Note that thisrelative selectivity can be lost at higher drugdoses. Finally, the third generation beta-blockers

    are drugs that also possess vasodilator actionsthrough blockade of vascularalpha-adrenoceptors.
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    Functioning of beta-adrenoreceptor

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    Beta2-receptor in the vessel

    B t Bl k

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    Cardiac Effects

    Decrease contractility(negative intropy)

    Decrease relaxation rate

    (negative lusitropy)Decrease heart reat

    (negative chronotropy)

    Decrease conduction velocity(negative dromotropy)

    Vascu lar Effects

    Smooth muscle contraction(mild vasoconstriction)

    B t bl k d H t i
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    Beta-blockers and Hypertension Beta-blockers decrease arterial blood pressure by

    reducing cardiac output.

    Many forms of hypertension are associated with anincrease in blood volume and cardiac output.

    Acute treatment with a beta-blocker is not very effectivein reducing arterial pressure because of a compensatoryincrease in systemic vascular resistance. This may occur

    because of baroreceptor reflexes working in conjunctionwith the removal of 2 vasodilatory influences thatnormally offset, to a small degree, alpha-adrenergicmediated vascular tone.

    Chronic treatment with beta-blockers lowers arterial

    pressure more than acute treatment possibly because ofreduced renin release and effects of beta-blockade oncentral and peripheral nervous systems.

    Hypertension in some patients is caused by emotionalstress, which causes enhanced sympathetic activity.Beta-blockers can be very effective in these patients

    Theraputic Use of
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    Theraputic Use ofBeta-Blockers



    Myocardial infarction


    Heart failure

    Clinical Uses

    Class/Drug HTN Angina Arrhy MI CHF Comments

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    Abbreviations: HTN, hypertension; Arrhy, arrhythmias; MI, myocardial

    infarction; CHF, congestive heart failure; ISA, intrinsic

    sympathomimetic activity.

    Class/Drug HTN Angina Arrhy MI CHF Comments



    carteolol X ISA; long acting; also used for glaucoma

    carvedilol X X -blocking activity

    labetalol X X ISA; -blocking activitynadolol X X X X long acting

    penbutolol X X ISA

    pindolol X X ISA; MSA

    propranolol X X X X MSA; prototypical beta-blocker

    sotalol X several other significant mechanisms

    timolol X X X X primarily used for glaucoma


    acebutolol X X X ISA

    atenolol X X X X

    betaxolol X X X MSA

    bisoprolol X X X

    esmolol X X ultra short acting; intra or postoperative HTN

    metoprolol X X X X X MSA

    nebivolol Xrelatively selective in most patients; vasodilating

    (NO release)

    Side Effects and

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    Side Effects andContraindications

    Cardiovascular side effectsbradycardia,reduced exercise capacity,

    heart failure,hypotension,

    atrioventicular (AV) nodal conductionblock.

    Beta-blo ckers are therefo re

    contraindicated in patients w i th s inus

    bradycardia and part ial AVblock

    Side Effects and Contraindications

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    Side Effects and Contraindications

    Other side effects

    Bronchoconstriction can occur, especially when non-selective beta-blockers areadministered to asthmatic patients.

    Therefore, non-selective beta-blockers are contraindicated inpatients with asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

    Hypoglycemia can occur with beta-blockade because 2-adrenoceptors normally stimulate hepatic glycogen breakdown(glycogenolysis) and pancreatic release of glucagon, which worktogether to increase plasma glucose.

    Therefore, blocking 2-adrenoceptors lowers plasma glucose.1-blockers have fewer metabolic side effects in diabeticpatients; however, the tachycardia which serves as a warningsign for insulin-induced hypoglycemia may be masked.

    Therefore beta-blockers are to be used cautiously in diabetics.

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    Calcium-Channel Blockers (CCBs)

    Currently approved CCBs bind to L-type calcium channels locatedon the vascular smooth muscle, cardiac myocytes, and cardiacnodal tissue (sinoatrial and atrioventricular nodes).

    These channels are responsible for regulating the influx of calciuminto muscle cells, which in turn stimulates smooth musclecontraction and cardiac myocyte contraction.

    In cardiac nodal tissue, L-type calcium channels play an importantrole in pacemaker currents and in phase 0 of the action potentials.

    Therefore, by blocking calcium entry into the cell, CCBs causevascular smooth muscle relaxation (vasodilation), decreasedmyocardial force generation (negative inotropy), decreased heart

    rate (negative chronotropy), and decreased conduction velocitywithin the heart (negative dromotropy), particularly at theatrioventricular node
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    Calcium-Channel Blockers

    Cardiac effects

    Decrease contractility(negative inotropy)

    Decrease heart rate(negative chronotropy)

    Decrease conduction velocity(negative dromotropy)

    Vascular effectsSmooth muscle relaxation


    Th ti U f

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    Therapeutic Use of

    Calcium-Channel Blockers


    (systemic & pulmonary)



    Different Classes of Calcium

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    Different Classes of Calcium-

    Channel Blockers There are three classes of CCBs. They differ not only in

    their basic chemical structure, but also in their relativeselectivity toward cardiac versus vascular L-type calciumchannels. The most smooth muscle selective class ofCCBs are the dihydropyridines. Because of their highvascular selectivity, these drugs are primarily used toreduce systemic vascular resistance and arterialpressure, and therefore are primarily used to treathypertension. They are not, however, generally used to

    treat angina because their powerful systemic vasodilatorand pressure lowering effects can lead to reflex cardiacstimulation (tachycardia and increased inotropy), whichcan dramatically increase myocardial oxygen demand.

    Dihydropyridines include the

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    Dihydropyridines include the

    following specific drugs:








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    Phenylalkylamine class

    Verapamil, is relatively selective for the

    myocardium, and is less effective as a

    systemic vasodilator drug. This drug has a

    very important role in treating angina (byreducing myocardial oxygen demand and

    reversing coronary vasospasm) and


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    Benzothiazepine class

    Diltiazem is intermediate between

    verapamil and dihydropyridines in its

    selectivity for vascular calcium channels.

    By having both cardiac depressant andvasodilator actions, diltiazem is able to

    reduce arterial pressure without producing

    the same degree of reflex cardiacstimulation caused by dihydropyridines.

    Side Effects and

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    Dihydropyridine CCBs can cause flushing, headache, excessivehypotension, edema and reflex tachycardia. The activation ofsympathetic reflexes and lack of direct cardiac effects makedihydropyridines a less desirable choice for angina. Long-actingdihydropyridines have been shown to be safer anti-hypertensivedrugs, in part, because of reduced reflex responses. The cardiac

    selective, non-dihydropyridine CCBs can cause excessivebradycardia, impaired electrical conduction (e.g., atrioventricularnodal block), and depressed contractility. Therefore, patients havingpreexistent bradycardia, conduction defects, or heart failure causedby systolic dysfunction should not be given CCBs, especially thecardiac selective, non-dihydropyridines. CCBs, especially non-dihydropyridines, should not be administered to patients being

    treated with a beta-blocker because beta-blockers also depresscardiac electrical and mechanical activity and therefore the additionof a CCB augments the effects of beta-blockade.

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    Resistant hypertension

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    Resistant hypertension

    List of hypertensive emergencies

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    List of hypertensive emergencies