Artemisia mexicana – Mexican Wormwood

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  • 7/29/2019 Artemisia mexicana Mexican Wormwood


    Artemisia mexicana Mexican Wormwood

    FAMILY: Compositae: Asteraceae

    GENUS: Artemisia

    SPECIES: Mexicana

    COMMON NAMES: Mexican Wormwood, Agenjo del Pais, Ambfe (Otomi), Artemisia, Cola de

    Zorillo (little tail of the fox), Ensencio de Mata Verde (incense of the green bush), Guitee

    (Zapotec), Hierba de San Juan (Spanish, Saint Johns herb), Hierba Maestra (Spanish, master

    herb), Siisim (Maya), Tlalpoyomatli (Aztec)

    Artemisia mexicana is a perennial upright shrubby herb that can grow up to three feet tall. The

    leaves are whitish grey and covered on both sides with fine hairs. They exude an aromatic-bitter

    scent immediately when crushed. The flowers are small, yellow and clustered (Voogelbreinder

    2009, 93). A. mexicana is so similar to European wormwood in appearance that even experiencedbotanists have a hard time telling them apart. Some botanists even believe that A. mexicana is a

    sub-species ofA. absinthium(Ratsch 1998, 73). A. mexicana is found in both dry and moist areas

    of Mexico and the Yucatan Peninsula. It may also be found in Arizona and New Mexico (Ohno et

    al. 1980).

    TRADITIONAL USES: The Aztecs and other native peoples of Mesoamerica have been using A.

    mexicana for various ritual and medicinal purposes for hundreds of years. The Aztecs used A.

    mexicana as a ritual incense the plant is sacred to Uixtociuatl, the Aztec goddess of salt and salt

    makers. It is sacred to Tlaloc, the rain god, who also holds Argemone mexicana and Tagetes lucida

    as holy this suggests a possible interesting psychoactive incense or smoking mixture. Today in

    Mexico it is used in folk medicine and smoked as a marijuana substitute (Ratsch 1998, 74).TRADITIONAL PREPARATION: The Aztecs consumed the inside of the stem of A. mexicana as

    an intoxicant, as it lightens the mood and improves general well being (Voogelbreinder 2009, 93).

    Fresh A. mexicana herbage may be added to mescal, tequila or other distilled spirits to create an

    alcohol extraction. The herbage is used in the making of the absinthe-like Mexican herbal liquors

    known as yolixpa, which is said to create a state of euphoria in anyone who drinks it. Dried A.

    mexicana herbage may also be smoked 1-3 grams of dried plant material will produce mild

    psychoactive effects (Martnez 1994 cited in Ratsch 1998, 73).

    MEDICINAL USE: The Aztecs used the stems of A. mexica as a tonic and to relieve coughs. The

    flowers were consumed by those with low energy (Voogelbreinder 2009, 93). In Mexican folk

    medicine, which is strongly influenced by Aztec knowledge, an alcohol extract of A. mexicanaherbage is taken for digestive troubles (Martnez 1994 cited in Ratsch 1998, 74). Similarly, a tea

    made from the plant is taken by those who have lost the desire to eat, as well as to treat coughs and
  • 7/29/2019 Artemisia mexicana Mexican Wormwood


    diarrhea. The roots and plant material are used to treat epilepsy and as a form of birth control the

    plant can bring on menstruation and cause abortions (Reza 1994 cited in Ratsch 1998, 74). The

    Yucatec Maya burn the herb as an incense to relieve headaches (Pulido Salas & Serralta Peraza

    1993 cited in Ratsch 1998, 74).

    TRADITIONAL EFFECTS: A. mexicana contains a powerful essential oil, as well as several

    active alkaloids. Thujone is likely present in the plant, as it is so similar to A. absinthium, but the

    compound has not yet been formally detected. Smoking the dried herbage creates mild stimulationfollowed by pleasant euphoria if enough smoke is inhaled. The effects may vary widely from person

    to person, however. The plant contains fewer toxic alkaloids than A. absinthiumand is therefore

    easier to work with (Martnez 1994 cited in Ratsch 1998, 74).


    Ohno, N., J. Gershenzon, C. Roane, and T.J. Mabry. 11,13-dehydrodesacetylmatricarin and Other

    Sesquiterpene Lactones from Artemisia Ludoviciana Var. Ludoviciana and the Idenity of Artecanin

    and Chrysartemin B. Phytochemistry, no. 19 (1980): 103106.

    Ratsch, Christian., The Encyclopedia of Psychoactive Plants: Ethnopharmacology and itsApplications. Rochester: Park Street Press, 1998.

    Voogelbreinder, Snu, Garden of Eden: The Shamanic Use of Psychoactive Flora and Fauna, and the

    Study of Consciousness. Snu Voogelbreinder, 2009.