Message From: LOWE Michelle [/o=OrgArtelia/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=LOWE Mich el leb32] on behalf of L OWE Michelle Sent : 1/18/2016 1:49:37 PM To : 'Cia i re Williams' [[email protected]] CC: [email protected]; REED Neil ([email protected]) [/o=OrgArtelia/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=Neil Reed5d7]; MALCOLM Andrew [/o=OrgArtelia/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=Andrew MalcolmfSb] Subject: Grenfel l Tower - Financial Statement nr 15, January 16. Attachments: Grenfell Financial Statement 15a.pdf; Grenfell Financial Statement 15a.xlsx Importance: High Dear Claire Please find attached our latest updated financial statement for your issue. I have made a clear reference to those EOT/Ciaims costs not included within our summary at this stage. I have prepared a brief delay analysis as bel ow for your information at this time, as I have advised the burden of proof at this stage is wholly on the Contractor, whom have failed to provide any substantiation or supporting evidence to date. We are therefore not in any position to fully analyse, or respond to their delay notices. We must also be mindful of the delays to the programme as caused by the Contractor themselves. As such the details below are largely arbitrary, but give an indication of best and worst case scenarios for you r risk analysis. We should also note that the Contract Pr ogramme has currently slipped a further 8 weeks from that as advised at the time of the notices issued in October 2015, therefore the delay period, over and above EOT awarded, now stands at 28 weeks. I would also advise that the delay notices for the HIU units and the AOV works run concurrently, and therefore prolongation costs for both cannot be claimed. There are also minor anomalies in the time periods claimed, and the notified PC date of the accompanying programmes. I have calculated dates from the ti me periods claimed. Contract Completion EOT Granted- 7w Rydon Claim 1- HIU Units +lOW Rydon Claim 2- AOV Units+ 20W (programme notes 18/03/15) Rydon Revised Programme issued 21/12/15 04/09/15 23/10/15 Ow 01/01/16 +lOw 11/03/16 +20W 06/05/16 +28w 0 W EOT awarded 28 W LA&D's £203,840 deducted 11 W EOT awarded +£111,000 L&E awarded. 17 W LA&D's- £123,760 deducted. 20W EOT awarded +£222,000 L&E awarded. 8 W LA&D's- Artelia 00008933 ART00007417 _0001 ART00007417/1

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From: LOWE Michelle [/o=OrgArtelia/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=LOWE Michel leb32]

on behalf of LOWE Michelle Sent : 1/18/2016 1:49:37 PM To: 'Cia ire Will iams' [[email protected]] CC: [email protected]; REED Neil (neil [email protected]) [/o=OrgArtelia/ou=Exchange Administrat ive

Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=Neil Reed5d7]; MALCOLM Andrew [/o=OrgArtelia/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=Andrew MalcolmfSb]

Subject: Grenfel l Tower - Financial Statement nr 15, January 16. Attachments: Grenfell Financial Statement 15a.pdf; Grenfell Financial Statement 15a.xlsx

Importance: High

Dear Cl a ire

Please find attached our latest updated financial statement for your issue.

I have made a clear reference to those EOT/Ciaims costs not included within our summary at this stage.

I have prepared a brief delay analysis as below for your information at this time, as I have advised the burden of proof at this stage is wholly on the Contractor, whom have failed to provide any substantiation or supporting evidence to date. We are therefore not in any position to fully analyse, or respond to their delay notices. We must also be mindful of the delays to the programme as caused by the Contractor themselves. As such the details below are largely arbitrary, but give an indication of best and worst case scenarios for you r risk analysis.

We should also note that the Contract Programme has currently slipped a further 8 weeks from that as advised at the time of the notices issued in October 2015, therefore the delay period, over and above EOT awarded, now stands at 28 weeks.

I would also advise that the delay notices for the HIU units and the AOV works run concurrently, and therefore prolongation costs for both cannot be claimed. There are also minor anomalies in the time periods claimed, and the notified PC date of the accompanying programmes. I have calculated dates from the t ime periods claimed.

Contract Completion

EOT Granted- 7w

Rydon Claim 1- HIU

Units +lOW

Rydon Claim 2- AOV Units+ 20W (programme notes 18/03/15)

Rydon Revised Programme issued



23/10/15 Ow

01/01/16 +lOw

11/03/16 +20W

06/05/16 +28w 0 W EOT awarded 28 W LA&D's

£203,840 deducted

11 W EOT awarded +£111,000 L&E


17 W LA&D's­£123,760 deducted.

20W EOT awarded

+£222,000 L&E awarded.

8 W LA&D's-

Artelia 00008933

ART00007417 _0001 ART00007417/1

£58,240 deducted.

We discussed the possibility of issuing a Partial Possession Practical Completion at the end of February for the majority of works, this would negate the ability for the Contractor to claim for delays past th is point, but would also reduce the Contractors exposure to LA&D's.

In order to assess this fully, we would need to establish the exact date of Partial Possession, and the extent of works fully complete at this time. I can then review and advise accordingly.

This should provide some comfort in the meantime, but please treat this as confidential at this stage.

We await the full submission from the Contractor to review.

If you have any queries, please feel free to give me a call.

Kind regards




Michelle Lowe Senior Consultant Artelia UK

High 'ljiilliiililil High H11ol.bcil)rlinl· IL.cjmjdoiln••• Tel.: • · Mob: • www.arteliagroup.com

Artelia 00008933

ART00007417 _0002 ART00007417/2