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As we can see from the picture, we observe a small yellow square in the middle of a black background. In addition, I feel lonely, terror, and scared of someone and having some guilt in my mind. With the picture above, I put myself as if I am the small yellow square surrounded by bad persons which represents the black background, and theyre trying to convince me to join with them and to do also what they are doing and then I refuse it, thats why I told earlier that I feel guilty of something. Also, the small yellow square represents or symbolizes Hope, because yellow the color of our sunlight, meaning once it is fully rises it gives light to the black background which symbolizes darkness, also it means that as long as there is one person who are willing to changed their life, and that person is the only one who are doing good it doesnt mean others are totally bad it implies that everyone has a chance to changed their life and to start again to a new beginning and to have a better living.


With my drawing, we can see the different colors like the combination of blue and white which is the color of the sky, blue the color of water in the sea and white the color of white sand and also brown the color of balsa and on top of it there is a chair and a table in the middle which we consider as the visual elements of my art. Its artistic form, we can see that the visual elements combined with one another such as a brown square, we see horizontal lines, vertical lines, and rectangular shape. In my drawing we cans see a sky, a sea, a hill, a table, a chair, the white sand and the balsa. My drawing expresses different feelings such as the two brown chair represent happiness because I intend to drew them for two persons talking to each other and having closure with what is ought to be fixed with them. Another one is it expresses feelings of excitement because of balsa which we usually use when we in a place surrounded by a sea. Another one is that it expresses love for both of them because of the color of the sky as if its raining they have really a good ambiance in that place. The intellectual meaning of my drawing is very simple because as we observe there are the things which we need to have the talking with our love ones and being with them in a place where you can have privacy and not thinking of what could happen next because you have the balsa which will direct you in anywhere. I can say that with my drawing, I place myself as if Im one of the person sitting in the chair and as balsa is moving in anywhere I can see many things which i had never seen yet in my entire life. Also balsa represent life because it goes on and it follows waves which in life represents problems, though we have tough time we Should always have the fighting spirit to start again and building a new memories only happy with our love ones. Also it can also tell us that balsa would be consider as a saving device because it saves person most especially when there is a flood therefore in connection with my drawing it saves relationship and persons which is very important to your life. It could also tell us that as time pass by we meet different people and we experience different things which make us a better person and with ourselves we both know that the best things in life is that experience without expecting that could possibly happen as we continue and looking forward to a new one. I consider also the square one which is on top my balsa as my shelter because I drew it like my home when I can visit whenever I want since we consider home as the best place for everyone where important person are waiting for you and to give you comfort whenever you have problems and especially when you are sad or simply by way of missing them you can have a place to lean on. Also it implies that TIME is very important because waiting for someone could be very hard for us especially when we are in a place which is isolated or far from our place we used to be. Its like expecting someone to have quality time in a beautiful place.