Art Graphics Coursework

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Art Graphics Coursework

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Art Graphics Coursework

Art Graphics Coursework

Ben Greenwood


This is an image that I made on Photoshop that relates to composition. The image is an example off balance.

K:\photoshop work\balance.jpgComposition

This is an image I made on Photoshop that relates to composition. The image was an example off Contrast

K:\photoshop work\contrast.jpgEmotion square drawings


These 3 square represent the word underneath from whati have drew inside the box.

Michelle Thompson

MichelleThompson completed a bachelor of Art Degree in Graphic design at the Norwich school off Art. Then continued on with her studies in London at the Royal Collage of Art, graduating in 1996 with a master of arts degree. Since graduatingshe'sbeen doing work on projects for advertising publishing anddesign. In Michelle'sworks she uses different media such hand work, computer programs, photography and different printing techniques. To create her work photos, digital elements (such as scanners) are often used with an inspiration of surface colour. She describes her style as digital handmade collage.

Ichoose to look at Michelle Thompson because her style of work attracted me becauseIlike they ways and techniques she uses to create a piece off work. I also enjoy the look of old fashioned art with the contrasting colours. With Michelle why she is good at what she does is that all of her workcanbe completely different yet so similar at the same time. The ways she in which the work is produced and the media used stays the same.

Michelle Thompson collage

We were asked to create a composition and experiment collage from using what ever materials we could find. I tried to use a various off line which link back to leading lines as well as an blank area for negative space.

G:\DCIM\100SSCAM\SNC12483.JPGMy collage

This is also my collage that I created but we were told to experiment with the piece soi photocopied the collage in black and white then cut it into strip and blued it back down onto another piece of paper with deliberate spaces and gaps between the cut out strips to add negative space.


With this work we was told to create a picture when we was introduced to Photoshop. We was given various pictures of people kayaking and was told to play around with text masking's and fading pictures into another image. These are the two final outcomes.

K:\kayak project\kayak 5.jpgK:\kayak project\kayak text mask.jpgCoffee Logo Project.

Our first project we was given individually was the coffee company project. I chose to come up with a logo for the company.

I had a few ideas for the name off the coffee shop which were: Coffee shack, Coffee Hut, Coffee Den, All Star coffee.

I had researched into allot off coffee companies to find what a various logos looked like and they mainly used coffee cups and coffee beans and some also used stars incorporated in the design. couple I found from the research.

Initial logo sketches


K:\coffee logos\untitled folder\coffee den 1.jpgK:\coffee logos\untitled folder\coffee den 2.jpgThese are two outcomesi have came out with. As you can seei have used the idea off coffee den for the company name. With these logosi have created a birds eye view off a coffee cup on a plate with the company name.

Final outcomes.

K:\coffee logos\COFFEE 2.jpgK:\coffee logos\untitled folder\COFFEE DEN STARSpsd.jpgThese are the two final outcomes I came up with. I couldn't decide whether to have the text inside the coffee cup or to use to coffee cup as the letter O in the logo. I have also used illustrator for these logos to create the coffee cups as well as the stars and to also play around with the text. I am happy with these outcomes because they both look professional.

Story Line -

2 week project
Stop motion.

2 week project
Stop motion.

2 week project
Stop motion.

C:\Users\Ben\Pictures\photoshop work\art graphic\Art graphics\2 week prject\2 week project picture sheet 1.jpgC:\Users\Ben\Pictures\photoshop work\art graphic\Art graphics\2 week prject\2 week project picture sheet 3.jpgC:\Users\Ben\Pictures\photoshop work\art graphic\Art graphics\2 week prject\ASC_0550.jpgC:\Users\Ben\Pictures\photoshop work\art graphic\Art graphics\2 week prject\2 week project picture sheet 4.jpgC:\Users\Ben\Pictures\photoshop work\art graphic\Art graphics\2 week prject\2 week project picture sheet 5.jpgC:\Users\Ben\Pictures\photoshop work\art graphic\Art graphics\2 week prject\2 week project picture sheet 6.jpgC:\Users\Ben\Pictures\photoshop work\art graphic\Art graphics\2 week prject\2 week project picture sheet 7.jpgC:\Users\Ben\Pictures\photoshop work\art graphic\Art graphics\2 week prject\2 week project picture sheet 8.jpgC:\Users\Ben\Pictures\photoshop work\art graphic\Art graphics\2 week prject\2 week project picture sheet 9.jpgC:\Users\Ben\Pictures\photoshop work\art graphic\Art graphics\2 week prject\2 week project picture sheet 10.jpgThese following pictures are of the print sheet off all the pictures our group used when creating our stop motion movie.

2 week project
Stop motion

C:\Users\Ben\Pictures\photoshop work\art graphic\Art graphics\2 week prject\2 week project picture sheet 11.jpgC:\Users\Ben\Pictures\photoshop work\art graphic\Art graphics\2 week prject\2 week project picture sheet 12.jpgC:\Users\Ben\Pictures\photoshop work\art graphic\Art graphics\2 week prject\2 week project picture sheet 13.jpgC:\Users\Ben\Pictures\photoshop work\art graphic\Art graphics\2 week prject\2 week project picture sheet 14.jpgC:\Users\Ben\Pictures\photoshop work\art graphic\Art graphics\2 week prject\2 week project picture sheet 15.jpgC:\Users\Ben\Pictures\photoshop work\art graphic\Art graphics\2 week prject\2 week project picture sheet 16.jpgC:\Users\Ben\Pictures\photoshop work\art graphic\Art graphics\2 week prject\2 week project picture sheet 17.jpgMe falling and fighting

K:\Art graphics photos\100_0028.JPGK:\photoshop work\cut out - and fighting pictures\me cut out.jpgThis original photo off me falling was used to create the fighting and falling pictures. I got a friend to take the picture off me falling over. Then I uploaded it up onto Photoshop and then cut myself out and used the burn tool and changed it to black and white to be left with the image on the right.

This is a picture off me fighting that I cut out and went through the same stages as the falling over picture.

Me falling and fighting

K:\photoshop work\cut out - and fighting pictures\orignal fight.jpgK:\photoshop work\cut out - and fighting pictures\me fighting cut out.jpgMe falling and fighting outcomes

K:\photoshop work\cut out - and fighting pictures\me falling 2.jpgK:\photoshop work\cut out - and fighting pictures\finished cut..jpgThese are the final outcomes for my falling and fighting pictures. I have used a various brushes and a little bit off text in my fighting picture. In my falling picture I experimenting with changing the colours to see which was better buti cant decide so I included both.

K:\photoshop work\cut out - and fighting pictures\KUNG FOO FINISHED. copy.jpgMe falling and fighting outcomes

Glaucoma Project

Glaucoma Project

Glaucoma is a group of eye diseases that gradually steal sight without warning. In the early stages of the disease, there may be no symptoms. Experts estimate that half of the people affected by glaucoma may not know they have it.

Vision loss is caused by damage to the optic nerve. This nerve acts like an electric cable with over a million wires. It is responsible for carrying images from the eye to the brain.

There is no cure for glaucomayet. However, medication or surgery can slow or prevent further vision loss. The appropriate treatment depends upon the type of glaucoma among other factors. Early detection is vital to stopping the progress of the disease.

It was once thought that high pressure within the eye, also known as intraocular pressure or IOP, is the main cause of this optic nerve damage. Although IOP is clearly a risk factor, we now know that other factors must also be involved because even people with normal levels of pressure can experience vision loss from glaucoma.

Therefore it is absolutely critical to stop the progress of glaucoma in its earliest stages so regular eye checks and appointments are vital no matter how good you think you can see.

duringmy research on glaucoma and images that could be associated with the disease,i have come across some images thati likedon the idea of focus beingused to createan effect of sight; as ifit were wrong and frustrating. These are a few of the images that have inspired me.

Company research While I was researching about glaucoma on the web I came across a website trying to raise awareness for glaucoma. The website give information about Glaucoma, from how to start treating it, and how to live with it. My company is going to be doing a similar process because I have chosen to boost the awareness off Glaucoma. The Glaucoma Foundations mission is to fund the research to prevent glaucoma at a young age as well as to find the signs of Glaucoma, also they aim to educate the public about the disease. Project

Secondary photographic research

When researching information about Glaucoma I came across a few pictures that helped me understand how a patient suffering from this disease see through their eyes. I have included a few for my research.

Glaucoma Project

K:\glaucoma project\out of focus photography\unfocused-6.jpgK:\glaucoma project\out of focus photography\unfocused-5.jpgK:\glaucoma project\out of focus photography\unfocused-4.jpgK:\glaucoma project\out of focus photography\unfocused.jpgK:\glaucoma project\out of focus photography\unfocused picture.jpgK:\glaucoma project\out of focus photography\unfocused person.jpgK:\glaucoma project\out of focus photography\unfocused man.jpgArtist Analysis

Robert Rauschenberg

Robert Rauschenberg was born October 22, 1925 and lived to May 12, 2008, he died due to heart failure. Rauschenberg was an American artist who came to prominence in the 1950s transition from abstract expressionism to Pop art. Rauschenberg is well-known for his "combines" of the 1950s, in which non-traditional materials and objects were employed in innovative combinations. Rauschenberg was both a painter and a sculptor and the Combines are a combination of both, but he also worked with photography, printmaking, papermaking, and performance. He was awarded the National media of arts in 1993.

Glaucoma Project

Artist Analysis

Analysis of Robert Rauschenberg, Estate:

This artwork has a feeling of destruction or violence about it, the busyness of the picture makes you intrigued to look closer and see what the image is made up of. Because the image is so busy it draws you in and makes you feel a part of the artwork among what looks like broken, leaning buildings and bright colours that look to represent fire. This piece reminds me of fire, destruction, or even war in the way the pictures used arent straight. The buildings are leaning or falling with smashed windows. The Statue of Liberty in the bottom left immediately make you think New York and the hanging street signs are a very American thing also. Because this isnt how you would usually picture New York in your mind or many parts of America it could be an artwork of his interpretation of the city and maybe what people dont see behind the glitz and glamour of it all. Others see the same in this image and looks to them like a war scene of a City in devastation burning and falling. The materials used in this artwork are oil and silkscreen ink on a canvas but some parts of the picture look to be prints of photographs.

Glaucoma Project

Rauschenberg would have maybe glued down all of the print cuttings he wanted to use first onto the canvas and then secondly painted over certain parts of the artwork to add colour and a fire effect. The messy strokes of paint used add to the effect and feel of destruction to the artwork. It creates that really broken emotion to it, also using the colours, red, yellow and white symbolize fire and finishes to image to be war like certain parts of the artwork point out where and when this image is set such as the Statue of Liberty and 1960s styled road sign tell you that it was set in America and more specifically New York. The violence and destructive feel of this artwork maybe reveals what New York was like in the 1960s behind what people overseas may think. Like many major U.S cities NY suffered race riots, gang wars, and some population decline in the 1960s. This artwork could represent all of these hard times that NY went through in the 1960s put down into artwork which is easily interpreted by the fire and falling buildings.

Glaucoma Project

From this information we can tell that Rauschenberg was influenced and inspired by this devastating time period and clearly wanted to put down his emotions on the matter onto canvas. This artwork represents this time period in NY but also represents all of the bad times that the country has been through with all the destruction and riots throughout Americas history. In slightly more recent news this artwork could remind us of the twin towers terrorist attack because of the leaning buildings with bright fire and bellowing smoke shown by the grey paint. This painting would have a lot of meaning to Americas citizens in remembrance of New Yorks struggles and is important that it carries knowledge and realization in it to the rest of the world.

Glaucoma Project

Glaucoma Project Analysis


SamWinston is a typography artist. He works with experimenting withblurs and the boundaries between words and text. By turningwords into images to disassociate their literal meanings andinstead expose their artistic potential as purely visual tools, Winstons work challenges traditional waysof how we use language.

Ichose to look at Sam Winstons work because I wanted to study the work of typography artist. This would help me to understand different ways to portray a message rather than have it on a poster. I like the way his work is different, he also combines a use of destruction with text, which creates a good effect. Sam Winston uses a wide variety of different media in his work such as; destruction of text, dots and other forms of typography. Sam Winstons work normally looks rather simple since he only combines words over a blank page. But from doing this it gives a good uses of negative space and balance.

Glaucoma Project

Sam Winston

Glaucoma Project logo designs

For my initial logos ideas I came up with 3 different names/slogans to use to create a logo, such as: Glaucoma, All eyes on, Don't let it hit you hard. Here are a few initial ideas I came up with.

Glaucoma Project

K:\glaucoma project\glaucoma project developments\logos\Glaucoma\glaucoma joint up.jpgK:\glaucoma project\glaucoma project developments\logos\Get tested\glaucoma get tested logo.jpgK:\glaucoma project\glaucoma project developments\logos\Glaucoma\glaucoma handwritten.jpgLogo development

Glaucoma Project

K:\glaucoma project\glaucoma project developments\logos\all eyes on\glaucoma logo 1\glaucoma logo2.jpgK:\glaucoma project\glaucoma project developments\logos\all eyes on\glaucoma logo 1\glaucoma logo3.jpgK:\glaucoma project\glaucoma project developments\logos\all eyes on\glaucoma logo 1\glaucoma logo4.jpgK:\glaucoma project\glaucoma project developments\logos\all eyes on\glaucoma logo 1\glaucoma logo1.jpgWith this idea I tried to approach an abstract view by using shapes and playing around with the letters.

Glaucoma Project

K:\glaucoma project\glaucoma project developments\logos\all eyes on\all eyes on logo 1.jpgK:\glaucoma project\glaucoma project developments\logos\all eyes on\all eyes on logo 2.jpgK:\glaucoma project\glaucoma project developments\logos\all eyes on\all eyes on logo 3.jpgK:\glaucoma project\glaucoma project developments\logos\all eyes on\all eyes on logo 4.jpgK:\glaucoma project\glaucoma project developments\logos\all eyes on\all eyes on logo 5.jpgK:\glaucoma project\glaucoma project developments\logos\all eyes on\all eyes on logo 6.jpgGlaucoma Project

K:\glaucoma project\glaucoma project developments\logos\all eyes on\all eyes on logo text.jpgThis is another idea that I had, I didn't really change it to much I only changed the colour to see what it would look like.

This is a more Developed idea, I have added a back ground so the logo looks more complexed and show what it can look like.

Glaucoma Project

K:\glaucoma project\glaucoma project developments\logos\Glaucoma\glaucoma logo.jpgK:\glaucoma project\glaucoma project developments\logos\Glaucoma\glaucoma logo2.jpgThis is one off my final outcomes, I have chosen to stay with don't let it hit you hard and for this logo I have used various glows and lens flares and I have also changed the colour on them to see what they look like.

Glaucoma Project

K:\glaucoma project\glaucoma project developments\logos\all eyes on\lighting logo1.jpgK:\glaucoma project\glaucoma project developments\logos\all eyes on\lighting logo3.jpgK:\glaucoma project\glaucoma project developments\logos\all eyes on\lighting logo4.jpgFinal logo outcome.

Glaucoma Project

K:\glaucoma project\glaucoma project developments\logos\completed logo2.jpgThis is my final Logo. Out of all the logos I believe this is one that meets all off the requirements. Even though the logo it self is plain and simple. It has a simplistic view about it which I believe makes it look profffesional. As I've shown with the use off background it will work very good on posters that I am going to create later in the project.

Glaucoma Project

K:\glaucoma project\glaucoma project developments\logos\completed logo.jpgInitial posterwork Primary photos

Glaucoma Project

K:\glaucoma project\original photos\SNC12490.JPGK:\glaucoma project\original photos\SNC12491.JPGK:\glaucoma project\original photos\SNC12492.JPGK:\glaucoma project\original photos\SNC12493.JPGK:\glaucoma project\original photos\SNC12496.JPGK:\glaucoma project\original photos\SNC12498.JPGK:\glaucoma project\original photos\SNC12499.JPGK:\glaucoma project\original photos\SNC12500.JPGK:\glaucoma project\original photos\SNC12501.JPGInitial poster work Primary photos

Glaucoma Project

K:\glaucoma project\original photos\DSCF5539.JPGK:\glaucoma project\original photos\DSCF5540.JPGK:\glaucoma project\original photos\DSCF5543.JPGK:\glaucoma project\out of focus photography\IMG_1541.JPGK:\glaucoma project\out of focus photography\IMG_1553.JPGK:\glaucoma project\out of focus photography\IMG_1554.JPGInitial poster work Secondaryphotos

Glaucoma Project

K:\glaucoma project\original photos\LondonPhotoBankcom_450px_2.jpgK:\glaucoma project\original photos\photo-piccadilly-sign-mid.jpgK:\glaucoma project\original photos\_44153994_maman_416_ap.jpgGlaucoma Project

Poster design

These following slides are the initial ideas for my poster work. My main idea was to approach that if Glaucoma is not tested for or treated it will hit you hard. Hence don't let it hit you hard meaning if not tested the disease will suddenly hit you and permanently damage you eye sight. With this poster I went with the obvious approach

off a blurred area and then hand

which I the closest focused with

the text placed on it.

K:\glaucoma project\glaucoma project developments\developed photos\.jpgGlaucoma Project

Poster design

This is another poster image I came up with it goes down the same line as before but with another

person instead with a clenched fist, with

the same effect as before and also with

the text placed on the knuckles.

K:\glaucoma project\glaucoma project developments\poster work\glaucoma dont let it hard.jpgGlaucoma Project

Poster design

This was a simple idea poster I made I used a secondary imagei liked and added one off my logos I created to give the simplistic view.

K:\glaucoma project\glaucoma project developments\poster work\finals\all eyes on poster.jpgGlaucoma Project

Poster design

With this poster I made I again used a secondary image and added logo and some text and also changed the brightness and contrast on the background off the image.

K:\glaucoma project\glaucoma project developments\poster work\finals\Big ben and underground sign.jpgGlaucoma Project

Poster design

This is another idea I came up with

it still approaches the idea off

don't let it hit you hard but with

another effect in the picture I used

half tone filter in a circular motion

which gave me this effect.

K:\glaucoma project\glaucoma project developments\photos\fist.jpgGlaucoma Project

Poster design

further development for the previous image. As well as the halftone pattern I also blurred the image to see what it looked like.

K:\glaucoma project\glaucoma project developments\poster work\finals\distortion.jpgGlaucoma Project

Poster design

This is the final outcome with this design. I have stayed with the halftone pattern and not with the blur. I have also added a headline with a sub-heading and some information at the bottom off the poster.

K:\glaucoma project\glaucoma project developments\poster work\finals\dont let it hit you hard.jpgGlaucoma Project

Poster design

This is the second outcome off the previous poster insteadi used a different effect which defines the image better especially the fist which is coming towards the audience. I have also added a caption and a logo.

K:\glaucoma project\glaucoma project developments\poster work\finals\halftone poster.jpgGlaucoma Project

Final Outcome

This is my final outcome for my poster. For this poster I used several pictures of myself in different positions and added different effects to each one. It shows what your sight could look like if you developed glaucoma. I have also defined the background with a smashed gradient and texture with another background behind that. Also I have added light yellow strips across the poster which has my text in it. I used this effect because it makes the text stand out better and easier to read.

K:\glaucoma project\glaucoma project developments\poster work\finals\completed poster.jpgEvaluation

Finally I am pleased how my coursework has come out with some off my final outcomes like my glaucoma project and my coffee company logo project. I enjoyed creating the work for this course andI did try to keep on top off my work through out the year buti did struggle at points. Ifi could change how I went about doing this courseworki would definitely spend more time in developing some off my work because I feel as if some off the work ha potential to be good but I was limited with time to experiment. I also would spend more time looking deeper in to other artist and there styles and then incorporating that into my own work because some off the work especially by Brand Nu inspired me to create work alike his but unfortunatelyi never knew how to go about creating it.

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