Art Presentation Michael Schiff

Art class presentation

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Art Presentation

Michael Schiff

• Joseph Campbell

• Carl Jung

• Ananda Coomaraswamy

Ancient Orient


Ancient Greece


Modern America


The true work of art is but a shadow of the divine perfection.::: Michelangelo :::

Art is a marriage of the conscious and the unconscious.Jean Cocteau

“Paint the flying spirit of the bird rather than its feathers.” ~Robert Henri

“Are we to paint what’s on the face, what’s inside the face, or what’sbehind it?” ~Picasso

The people who weep before my pictures are having the same religiousexperience I had when I painted them. And if you, as you say, aremoved only by their color relationships, then you miss the point!::: Mark Rothko :::

You cannot lose your mind, which is your ground of being. However, it is quite possible you may lose your brain. — Synaptic Stimuli

Believe it or not, I can actually draw.::: Jean Michel Basquiat :::

“The day is coming when a single carrot, freshly observed, will setoff a revolution.” ~Paul Cezanne