
Arrays. Declaring a Array With subscript: –Dim numbers(2) as Integer –Using variable as subscript: Dim arrayIndex as Integer = 10 Dim myArray(arrayIndex)

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Page 1: Arrays. Declaring a Array With subscript: –Dim numbers(2) as Integer –Using variable as subscript: Dim arrayIndex as Integer = 10 Dim myArray(arrayIndex)


Page 2: Arrays. Declaring a Array With subscript: –Dim numbers(2) as Integer –Using variable as subscript: Dim arrayIndex as Integer = 10 Dim myArray(arrayIndex)

Declaring a Array

• With subscript:– Dim numbers(2) as Integer– Using variable as subscript:

• Dim arrayIndex as Integer = 10• Dim myArray(arrayIndex) as Integer

• Without subscript– Dim numbers() as Integer = {2, 4, 6}– Dim someNames() as String = {“”, “”, “”}

• Note: Can not have a subscript with a initialization list. • Without subscript and initialization

– Dim numbers As Integer()– numbers = New Integer() {2, 4, 6}

Page 3: Arrays. Declaring a Array With subscript: –Dim numbers(2) as Integer –Using variable as subscript: Dim arrayIndex as Integer = 10 Dim myArray(arrayIndex)

Accessing Array Elements with a For … Next Loop

– Dim i As Integer = 0, sum As Integer = 0– For i = 0 To 2– sum += numbers(i)– Next

• GetUpperBound– For i = 0 to numbers.GetUpperBound(0)

sum += numbers(i)

– Next

• Length– For i = 0 to numbers.length-1

sum += numbers(i)

– Next

Page 4: Arrays. Declaring a Array With subscript: –Dim numbers(2) as Integer –Using variable as subscript: Dim arrayIndex as Integer = 10 Dim myArray(arrayIndex)

Accessing Array Elements with a For Each Loop

Dim i As Integer

For Each i In numbers

i = i * 2



Page 5: Arrays. Declaring a Array With subscript: –Dim numbers(2) as Integer –Using variable as subscript: Dim arrayIndex as Integer = 10 Dim myArray(arrayIndex)

Array’s Properties and Methods• Properties:

– Length– IsFixedSize– IsReadOnly

• Methods– BinarySearch *** return negative value if not found– Clear– Clone, Copy, CopyTo– GetLowerBound, GetUpperBound– Reverse– Sort

Page 6: Arrays. Declaring a Array With subscript: –Dim numbers(2) as Integer –Using variable as subscript: Dim arrayIndex as Integer = 10 Dim myArray(arrayIndex)

Highest Values in a Array

Dim highest As Integer

highest = numbers(0)

For i = 1 To numbers.GetLowerBound(0)

If numbers(i) > highest Then

highest = numbers(i)

End If


Page 7: Arrays. Declaring a Array With subscript: –Dim numbers(2) as Integer –Using variable as subscript: Dim arrayIndex as Integer = 10 Dim myArray(arrayIndex)

Searching ArraysDim found As Boolean = False

Dim searchValue As Integer

searchValue = InputBox("Enter search value: ")

For i = 0 To numbers.GetUpperBound(0)

If numbers(i) = searchValue Then

found = True

Exit For

End If


If found Then

MsgBox("Number found")


MsgBox("Number not found")

End If

Page 8: Arrays. Declaring a Array With subscript: –Dim numbers(2) as Integer –Using variable as subscript: Dim arrayIndex as Integer = 10 Dim myArray(arrayIndex)

Using Parallel Relationship between Array and Listbox

Private Sub Form4_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load




phone(0) = "1234"

phone(1) = "6789"

phone(2) = "3456"

End Sub

Private Sub ListBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ListBox1.SelectedIndexChanged

MessageBox.Show(ListBox1.SelectedItem & "phone is" & phone(ListBox1.SelectedIndex))

End Sub

Page 9: Arrays. Declaring a Array With subscript: –Dim numbers(2) as Integer –Using variable as subscript: Dim arrayIndex as Integer = 10 Dim myArray(arrayIndex)


• ReDim numbers(5) – Original values in the array will be lost.

• ReDim Preserve numbers(5)• Use ReDim to assign size if the array is

declared without subscript.– Dim test As Integer()– …– ReDim test(2)

Page 10: Arrays. Declaring a Array With subscript: –Dim numbers(2) as Integer –Using variable as subscript: Dim arrayIndex as Integer = 10 Dim myArray(arrayIndex)

Passing Arrays as ArgumentsDim outstr As String


For i = 0 To test.GetUpperBound(0)

outstr &= test(i).ToString & vbCrLf



End Sub

Sub setnew(ByVal a() As Integer)

Dim i As Integer

For i = 0 To a.GetUpperBound(0)

a(i) = 0


End Sub

Note: ByVal or ByRef? With ByVal, it will prevent an array argument from being assigned to another array.

Page 11: Arrays. Declaring a Array With subscript: –Dim numbers(2) as Integer –Using variable as subscript: Dim arrayIndex as Integer = 10 Dim myArray(arrayIndex)

Two-Dimensional Arrays

– Depts=1– Prods=2– Dim SalesData(Depts, Prods) As Double

• With initialization– Dim SalesData(,) as Double = {{20,30,15},{40,32,55}}

Page 12: Arrays. Declaring a Array With subscript: –Dim numbers(2) as Integer –Using variable as subscript: Dim arrayIndex as Integer = 10 Dim myArray(arrayIndex)

For Each Loops for 2-dimensional Array

Dim salesData(,) As Double = {{20, 15, 30}, {30, 21, 50}}

Dim totalSales, I As Double

For Each I In salesData

totalSales += I


TextBox1.Text = totalSales.ToString

Page 13: Arrays. Declaring a Array With subscript: –Dim numbers(2) as Integer –Using variable as subscript: Dim arrayIndex as Integer = 10 Dim myArray(arrayIndex)

For Next Loops for 2-dimensional Array

Dim row, col As Integer

For row = 0 To salesData.GetUpperBound(0)

For col = 0 To salesData.GetUpperBound(1)

totalSales += salesData(row, col)




Page 14: Arrays. Declaring a Array With subscript: –Dim numbers(2) as Integer –Using variable as subscript: Dim arrayIndex as Integer = 10 Dim myArray(arrayIndex)

Data Binding with Arrays

• Connect a control to one data source.

• Arrays can be used as data source for a control.

• Demo: ListBox DataSource property.– Dim fruits() As String = {"Apple", "Orange",

"Banana", "Strawberry", "Kiwi"}– ListBox1.DataSource = fruits

Page 15: Arrays. Declaring a Array With subscript: –Dim numbers(2) as Integer –Using variable as subscript: Dim arrayIndex as Integer = 10 Dim myArray(arrayIndex)


• Collections are used to store lists of objects.• More flexible than array:

– No need to declare the number of objects in a collection, no need to ReDim.

– Objects can be added, deleted at any position.– Object can be retrieved from a collection by a


• A collection’s name usually end with a “s”.

Page 16: Arrays. Declaring a Array With subscript: –Dim numbers(2) as Integer –Using variable as subscript: Dim arrayIndex as Integer = 10 Dim myArray(arrayIndex)

Using Collections• Define a collection:

– Ex. Dim Pets as New Collection

• Methods:– ADD: Add object to a collection

• Pets.Add(“dog”)• Add an object with a key:

– Pets.Add(“Dog”, “D”)

– Item: Retrieve an object from a collection with a position index (base 1) or with a key.

• petName = Pets.Item(1)• petName = Pets.Item(“D”)

– Count: Return the number of objects in a collection.– Remove: Delete an object with a position index or key.

Page 17: Arrays. Declaring a Array With subscript: –Dim numbers(2) as Integer –Using variable as subscript: Dim arrayIndex as Integer = 10 Dim myArray(arrayIndex)

Iterating Through a CollectionDim Pets as New Collection

Dim Indx as Long

For Indx = 1 to Pets.Count

…operations …

Next Indx

For Each pet in Pets

… operations …

Next pet

Page 18: Arrays. Declaring a Array With subscript: –Dim numbers(2) as Integer –Using variable as subscript: Dim arrayIndex as Integer = 10 Dim myArray(arrayIndex)


• Event:– Tick

• Property:– Enable

– Interval property• measured in millisecond, 1000 millis = 1 second

• Methods:– Start

– Stop

Page 19: Arrays. Declaring a Array With subscript: –Dim numbers(2) as Integer –Using variable as subscript: Dim arrayIndex as Integer = 10 Dim myArray(arrayIndex)

Status Bar & Timer

• Status Bar– Panels property (collection)– Set ShowPanel property to true.– StatusBar1.ShowPanels = True

– StatusBarPanel1.Text = System.DateTime.Now.ToString

• Timer– Private Sub Timer1_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal

e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick StatusBarPanel1.Text = System.DateTime.Now.ToString

End Sub

Page 20: Arrays. Declaring a Array With subscript: –Dim numbers(2) as Integer –Using variable as subscript: Dim arrayIndex as Integer = 10 Dim myArray(arrayIndex)

Bitmap Data Type

• To read a picture file to program:– Dim pic as New Bitmap(“c:\mypic.jpg”)

Page 21: Arrays. Declaring a Array With subscript: –Dim numbers(2) as Integer –Using variable as subscript: Dim arrayIndex as Integer = 10 Dim myArray(arrayIndex)

Rotate Form’s Background Image

Create a collection of pictures:


Dim im1 As New Bitmap("c:\Paradise.jpg") Dim im2 As New Bitmap("c:\Flyaway.jpg") Dim im3 As New Bitmap("c:\SnowTrees.jpg") pcol.Add(im1) pcol.Add(im2) pcol.Add(im3)

Use Timer to change image:

Me.BackgroundImage = pcol.Item(counter)

counter = (counter Mod 3) + 1

Page 22: Arrays. Declaring a Array With subscript: –Dim numbers(2) as Integer –Using variable as subscript: Dim arrayIndex as Integer = 10 Dim myArray(arrayIndex)

• Me.BackgroundImage = pcol.Item(counter)

• counter = (counter Mod 3) + 1

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Other Collection Classes

• ArrayList

• HashTable

• SortedList

• Stack

• Queue