Around the World Books

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  • 8/11/2019 Around the World Books


    Around the World: A Chapter at a TimeI've been busy compiling a list of books (chapter books, not picture books that help capture thehistory, culture, or atmosphere of places around the !orld" These books range from very simplechapter books to books more appropriate for the young adult level" #iction and non$fiction titlesare represented, as !ell as a variety of historical eras"

    I still have a list of books to research and add, so I'll let you kno! if I update this list"

    %o you have favorites not on this list& lease leave recommendations in the comments %o you haveany cautions for books on this list& (I have not read them all" lease let us kno! in the comments,as !ell"

    )orth America:

    Canada:Owls in the Family(#arley *o!at, +-.

    Alaska:The Year of Miss Agnes(/irkpatrick 0ill, remote fishing villageWater Sky(1ean Craighead 2eorge

    Utah:The Great Brain(1ohn %" #it3gerald, Catholic boys gro!ing up in a *ormon community, +4.s

    Montana/North Dakota:Naya Nuki: Shoshoni Girl Who Ran(/enneth Thomasma, )ative American girl in +4..

    Missouri:The Great Turkey Walk(/athleen /arr, *issouri to Colorado humorous Wild West, +45.

    New York:All of a in! Family(6ydney Taylor, 1e!ish family in )e! 7ork City, +..The "ush#art War(1ean *errill, humor, +5.s

    California:$ragon%s Gate(8aurence 7ep, Chinese railroad !orkers, +45.sBan!it%s Moon(6id #leischman, gold rush&s'eran(a Rising(am *uno3 9yan, *eico;California, +-.s

    Central America:

    Guatemala:The Most Beautiful "la#e in the Worl!(Ann Cameron

    6outh America:

    Argentina:)hu#aro: Wil! "ony of the "am'a(#rancis Calnay

    Peru:Se#ret of the An!es(Ann )olan Clark, modern Inca boy in the mountains

  • 8/11/2019 Around the World Books


    Netherlands/Holland:*ans Brinker+The Sil,er Skates(*ary *apes %odge, +45.s$irk%s $og- Bello(*eindert %e1ongThe Wheel on the S#hool(*eindert %e1ong$ut#h )olor(%ouglas *" 1ones III, golden era of %utch art +5..s

    Sweden:The )hil!ren of Noisy .illage(Astrid 8indgren

    ngland:The Shakes'eare Stealer(2ary =lack!ood, 6hakespeare>s 8ondon, +5..The Railway )hil!ren(

  • 8/11/2019 Around the World Books


    A Single Shar!(8inda 6ue ark, potters> village, ++..sThe ite Fighters(8inda 6ue ark, 6eoul, +?.s

    China:3i 3un- 3a! of )ourage(Carolyn Treffinger, fishing village3ittle "ear(