About Tambo Bluff Tambo Bluff is in the country of the Tatungalung, a clan of the Gunnaikurnai people. Shell middens on Ninety Mile Beach date from over five thousand years bp. Six to seven thousand years ago the Gippsland Lakes formed from a marine embayment as sea levels rose aſter the last Ice Age. The southern shore of Tambo Bluff was the old sea coast. Barrier beaches developed and eventually closed off the sea. Streams cut through the gravelly clay on the Bluff and barrier beaches developed at their mouths, creang two lagoon wetlands. Vegetaon comprised Redgum, Coastal Grey Box and mixed species forest, with Swamp Paperbark fringing the wetlands and rainforest in the gullies and on the southern shore. The lake water was brackish with extensive reed-beds. In 1862 T.T.Srling purchased Tambo Bluff. Cale, horses, sheep and legumes were farmed. The land passed through several owners and was subdivided for housing in 1960. Tambo Bluff Landcare Coastcare (TBLC) began revegetang the Jacaranda Drive gully in 1993. The only trees present then were Black wale (Acacia mearnsii) and Blackwood (A. melanoxylon) with some understory and scaered vines, remnant of previous gully forest. The walking tracks were informal, following old farm tracks. In 2005 Council adopted a subdivision review, incorporang walking tracks proposed by residents and Landcare. Track works have been funded by Council and TB ratepayers and through grants obtained by TBLC, along with contribuons from East Gippsland Water. Enjoy strolling through the revegetated gullies and along the old sea coast. TBLC Philosophy Conservation and restoration of indigenous vegetation will have long term bene- fits in terms of human health, quality of life and environmental sustainability. Aims 1) Revegetate public land with indigenous trees and shrubs grown from local seed. 2) Provide habitat for nave fauna including corridors to neighbouring properes. 3) Eradicate or control feral animals and noxious weeds. 4) Protect exisng nave flora and fauna and landscape values. 5) Promote the importance of the Tambo Bluff wetlands. 6) Encourage indigenous planng on private land. Membership Application Send to: Secretary, TBLC PO Box 354, Metung 3904 Name…………………………………………………….......................................... Address…………………………………………………......................................... Tambo bluff property address (if different from above): ........................................................................................................... Phone:.....................................Mobile:............................................. Email.................................................................................................. Agree with TBLC Philosophy & Aims: Signature....................................................... Name on cheque: TAMBO BLUFF LANDCARE COASTCARE Fee p.a.: $20 family/property . $10 pensioner/unemployed. You can join online at the TBLC web- site: www.tblc.org.au Our wildlife is precious The East Gippsland Shire Council reminds residents and visitors that dogs & cats must be on a leash at all times on public property A pictorial guide to the various walking tracks around Tambo Bluff and how they link together. TAMBO BLUFF Walking Tracks

around Tambo Bluff and · About Tambo Bluff Tambo luff is in the country of the Tatungalung, a clan of the Gunnaikurnai people. Shell middens on Ninety Mile each date from over five

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Page 1: around Tambo Bluff and · About Tambo Bluff Tambo luff is in the country of the Tatungalung, a clan of the Gunnaikurnai people. Shell middens on Ninety Mile each date from over five

About Tambo Bluff

Tambo Bluff is in the country of the Tatungalung, a clan of the Gunnaikurnai people. Shell middens on Ninety Mile Beach date from over five thousand years bp.

Six to seven thousand years ago the Gippsland Lakes formed from a marine embayment as sea levels rose after the last Ice Age. The southern shore of Tambo Bluff was the old sea coast. Barrier beaches developed and eventually closed off the sea.

Streams cut through the gravelly clay on the Bluff and barrier beaches developed at their mouths, creating two lagoon wetlands. Vegetation comprised Redgum, Coastal Grey Box and mixed species forest, with Swamp Paperbark fringing the wetlands and rainforest in the gullies and on the southern shore. The lake water was brackish with extensive reed-beds.

In 1862 T.T.Stirling purchased Tambo Bluff. Cattle, horses, sheep and legumes were farmed. The land passed through several owners and was subdivided for housing in 1960.

Tambo Bluff Landcare Coastcare (TBLC) began revegetating the Jacaranda Drive

gully in 1993. The only trees present then were Black wattle (Acacia mearnsii) and Blackwood (A. melanoxylon) with some understory and scattered vines, remnant of previous gully forest. The walking tracks were informal, following old farm tracks. In 2005 Council adopted a subdivision review, incorporating walking tracks proposed by residents and Landcare.

Track works have been funded by Council and TB ratepayers and through grants obtained by TBLC, along with contributions from East Gippsland Water.

Enjoy strolling through the revegetated

gullies and along the old sea coast.

TBLC Philosophy Conservation and restoration of indigenous vegetation will have long term bene-

fits in terms of human health, quality of life and environmental sustainability.


1) Revegetate public land with indigenous trees and shrubs grown from local seed.

2) Provide habitat for native fauna including corridors to neighbouring properties.

3) Eradicate or control feral animals and noxious weeds.

4) Protect existing native flora and fauna and landscape values.

5) Promote the importance of the Tambo Bluff wetlands.

6) Encourage indigenous planting on private land.

Membership Application

Send to:

Secretary, TBLC

PO Box 354, Metung 3904

Name…………………………………………………….......................................... Address…………………………………………………......................................... Tambo bluff property address (if different from above): ........................................................................................................... Phone:.....................................Mobile:.............................................


Agree with TBLC Philosophy & Aims:



Fee p.a.: $20 family/property . $10 pensioner/unemployed.

You can join online at the TBLC web-

site: www.tblc.org.au

Our wildlife is precious

The East Gippsland Shire Council reminds residents and visitors

that dogs & cats must be on a leash at all times on public property

A pictorial guide to the

various walking tracks

around Tambo Bluff and

how they link together.

TAMBO BLUFF Walking Tracks

Page 2: around Tambo Bluff and · About Tambo Bluff Tambo luff is in the country of the Tatungalung, a clan of the Gunnaikurnai people. Shell middens on Ninety Mile each date from over five

Artwork: Meralin Fawcu
