Around europe with a tooth

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This book is created as a result of the eTwinning project “Around Europe with a Tooth”. With this joint book we shared and exchanged traditions, myths and experiences among different cultures in European countries. This book was written and illustrated by children of Greece, Turkey, Poland, United Kingdom, Lithuania, Portugal, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia.

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The tradition of Greece ............................... 5

The tradition of Turkey ............................... 6

The tradition of the United Kingdom .......... 7

The tradition of Poland ............................... 8

The tradition of Croatia .............................. 9

The tradition of Portugal .......................... 10

The tradition of Bosnia and Herzegovina … 11

The tradition of Lithuania ..........................12


Around Europe With a Tooth

This book is created as a result of the eTwinning project

“Around Europe with a Tooth”

2015- 2016


The authors of this book “Around Europe With a Tooth” are

the children of:

1. 2nd Kindergarten of Nea Triglia, Chalkidiki, Creece,

Preschool Teacher Tsirimpasi Eleni

2. Şehit İnan Er Akçam İlköğretim Okulu, Ardahan, Turkey,

Preschool Teacher Ibrahim Onur Gökdoğan

3. Junior Academy, Olsztyn, Poland, Preschool Teacher

Aleksandra Filipska

4. Tyndale Community School, Oxford, United Kingdom, Reception Teacher Zoi Garyfallou

5. Dječji vrtid Obzori, Zagreb, Croatia, Preschool Teacher

Ines Blum Sajčid

6. Dječji vrtid "Don Ivica Čondrid" Žepče, Žepče, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Preschool Teacher Josipa Jukic

7. Agrupamento de Escolas Rainha Santa Isabel, Coimbra, Portugal, Preschool Teacher, Maria Pessoa

8. Kauno lopšelis-darželis "Saulutė", Kaunas, Lithuania, Preschool Teacher Vaida Noreikienė


In Greece, when we lose a tooth, we throw it on the roof of our house and make a wish that the new tooth will come out to be strong. The wish we make is: "I give you a tooth made of bone, please, give me a tooth made of iron”.

Στην Ελλάδα, όταν χάνουμε ζνα δόντι το πετάμε ςτην ςκεπή του ςπιτιοφ μασ και κάνουμε μια ευχή ότι το νζο δόντι που θα βγει να είναι γερό και δυνατό. Η ευχή που κάνουμε είναι: «Σου δίνω ζνα δόντι κοκαλζνιο, μου δίνεισ ζνα δόντι ςιδερζνιο».

Greece Ελλάδα


In Turkey, some children put their milk tooth inside a bread. Then, they give it to a dog and say “You can have my tooth, the lamb will take yours, I will have the lamb’s.”

Bazıları ile dişi ekmeğin içine koyup köpeğe verip benim dişim senin olsun, senin dişin kuzunun, kuzunun dişi benim olsun derler.

Turkey Türkiye


In the United Kingdom, when a tooth is wobbly and falls out, we put it underneath our pillow. While we are asleep, a tiny tooth fairy takes our tooth and leaves us money in its place! Sometimes we even write letters to make sure she is not going to forget us and if we are really lucky, we get a fairy letter and lots of fairy dust!

The United Kingdom


In Poland, when our milk teeth fall out, we put them underneath the pillow for a night, just before we go to sleep. In the night, while we are asleep, a Tooth Fairy takes the tooth and leaves us a gift. Usually, we get a small sum of money or a little reward, because we were brave.

W Polsce, gdy wypadają nam mleczne ząbki, kładziemy je na noc pod poduszkę, zaraz przed pójściem spad. W nocy, kiedy śpimy, przychodzi Wróżka Zębuszka i zabiera ząb. W zamian zostawia nam mały prezencik, zazwyczaj małą sumę pieniędzy lub inną drobną nagrodę za to, że byliśmy dzielni

Poland Polska


In Croatia, when a tooth is wobbly and falls out, we put it underneath our pillow. A Tooth fairy comes during the night, takes the tooth and puts a coin in its place. U Hrvatskoj kada se djetetu klima zub į nakon toga ispadne, dijete ga stavi ispod jastuka į čeka preko nodi zubid vilu koja uzme zub i ostavi novčid.

Croatia Hrvatska


In Portugal, when a child loses a tooth, he puts the tooth under the pillow. During the night the fairy godmother of teeth gives him a coin. When the child wakes up in the morning, the tooth is gone! Caiu-me um dente. Depois quando fui para a cama de noite coloquei o dente debaixo da almofada. Depois a fada madrinha dos dentes deu uma moeda. Vi de manhã quando acordei. O dente desapareceu !!!

Portugal Portugal


In Bosnia, when a child loses its first tooth, it is a custom to hide that tooth in a piece of bread. That piece of bread is given to a dog to eat it. People believe that this way, children will have strong and healthy teeth like a dog.

Kad dijete izgubi prvi zub, u Bosni je obicaj skriti ga u komadic kruha. Njime se nahrani pas. Prema narodnom vjerovanju djeca ce imati jake i zdrave zube kao u psa.

Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosna i Hercegovina


We protect our teeth, even though we know that they will fall out. That is why we want to tell the traditional Lithuanian story about a fallen tooth. In Lithuania, most children that loose a tooth, we put it in a plastic bag and then put it under a pillow. The Tooth fairy takes the tooth from under the pillow and puts a coin in its place. Mes rūpinamės savo dantukais, tačiau žinome, kad jie turi iškristi. Papasakosime apie lietuvių tradiciją, kur dedame jau iškritusį dantuką. Dauguma vaikučių iškritusį dantuką įdeda į maišelį ir padeda po pagalve. Naktį atskrenda dantukų fėja, kuri vietoje dantuko palieka pinigėlį.

Lithuania Lietuva


Edited by Tsirimpasi Eleni, Preschool Teacher at

2nd Kindergarten of Nea Triglia, Chalkidiki,




What does a child do

when it loses a tooth?

Does he put the tooth

under a pillow and

wait for the tooth

fairy? Does he throw

the tooth on the roof

of his house? We

traveled to European

countries and

discovered the

amazing things that children do when they lose a tooth.

We created a joined book in which we shared and

exchanged traditions, myths and experiences among

different cultures in European countries. This book was

written and illustrated by children.