[Armor] Schiffer 24 German Anti-tank Guns 1935-45, 37, 50, 75, 88mm

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  • 8/3/2019 [Armor] Schiffer 24 German Anti-tank Guns 1935-45, 37, 50, 75, 88mm


  • 8/3/2019 [Armor] Schiffer 24 German Anti-tank Guns 1935-45, 37, 50, 75, 88mm


  • 8/3/2019 [Armor] Schiffer 24 German Anti-tank Guns 1935-45, 37, 50, 75, 88mm


    ' 5 ',_ .. , .~. .S9.. ..

    - - S .'. ..1

    T'.37.I '19 5 . . , . .. . WITHOUT SELF-PROPELLED MOUNTINGS

    Left: rn]y the 75nl'm Pak pro' d to beca pa ble of de,aJi n: . \vi~h al] tank' in the eas t~nlld W oS l at gre,mt d .. rances, II unitedrnohi lh'y ,vi t J J . pe:n et r.a~iiJ)g PD'lf~'~T. ""hilt: L h, 8 nr ul 1. Pa k ,\,\',31, d 1 . rfi u iI[0 co n [,[0 ".lh f!50l1l["ln1Pak prnv: d nut as effe ii.,a teIl3.

  • 8/3/2019 [Armor] Schiffer 24 German Anti-tank Guns 1935-45, 37, 50, 75, 88mm


    (}[ I~e Lihr : .irv tfJ r 1 = 1 i 's;~nn' of Ihe :. . ~ -')1uuw rtF cd c r ul , A l t - h i \ r ~ " " J\ : .ub lenl (Hil)

    (~olh_'f :li~~HL n t: ~ '" Al-]]ill~sl- I I.1P; r Srhcibci L: Pun:r ilfigrr }{UtI ~t to infl:,'sch rl tzr


    1, ran ~~;~~Lr hfn n I~U' (. t. LUkl n b~ Dr. Ldward Foret -,( -tIH I al LUHut'i( Iicu ( S.~;:H(, Ini \ "1 ~ir\ .

    (~l"lpvrig~lI ] ~Y O In, SdliH~-=-. Pnhlhh ing,Lihr:;. 11\' 01 C[J,ugt t ' s :". CIlI a log N umbe r : y u . . n o / ~80

    ,\,l] f~~l1 s ) ' t ' ' i e r v t ' 'd . \ n P!I 1 . ), 1t i l i s " ' ' I , ; r . l r k ]J.]~~y ln - reprothrced or u se d inauv Iffl,111,., or h,' dU~ rnl'a~l~l~T~I,pllLC" electronir iIll,r niH'",. harnral.]Il( I!~I.] rl~ pll'll'Lo(-" ipvi n~ or in formation Srorag and] etrieval SY S terus=-

    w it l ~OlI t w rit u :- u pe IT) j ssion ~1om !M : - (' up Y ' m ri g h I hn~'~1t"r_P r in te d rn rhr - L J rlI1 ( " ' \ 1 1 S ra~ cs () r A ~ n L [ J t.a.

    PiB'N: (J887- i- lJ :_- : ; .. . .0

    This book original ly pub lis he tl u n del' ttlf' t i l l e,Po rnrr aln rh rgf'1{jrh~12l l' !:J.j5-l tJ4_5,

    hy P onllLJ n ~Pa d 1a :~ V cr l a g, 63,,6U Fr led L J U"! ,: .~ (D o rhtiIII:~~ 1 '9 8'9 - r s RN : 3,-7909-036~-4"

    1.Vean: iutercstcd in hC;ttlin~ lrcrn (~u~h(ll'~ with~Joc~k i Ult'a~ (H~G~nnal,l, mjlitary his tory .

    .-f'ub'Hshed,by ' &htffer ,:rubltsh i~ LId_

    '],4,69 MtIt!\~t~ ~dW~t Ch.r:~I:t:r,PCmn5ylrul l . ia 1:9000

    Pk:a:s.c ' 'WIl~.~for a free catallog..11d5book: m a ,' bepUI'(!h~ [rum the pu 'bUsihcl ir .

    ,P1eaiS'~m . : ; lude 12.00' pGS'm.ge',T;ry-ymrr 'hKlbto:rn iIlmr,

    "his photo of a J] A8n l 1 n Pak 4",~~,J I ~ '7 ] wirh a Pak ,35 .9 5 clearIv~,hO'~TS~,it" jump iII dev elop rue nr within tOLl I years, I'he whi [~

    , w e ! ~ ' III t, . h ' ~ . ' m . - ,h . , ~ o , : . ' p ' . k' ! I f . , - " ~ t. . ' , - ' '-,. ' a ~ .ri II 1) 0 n ane a,f'l f i'w ( ) . l 'f 0DInlTI., a . ,SdO\, ] ~Sscore 0., hiLnb.Sdes , t. 10yell .

  • 8/3/2019 [Armor] Schiffer 24 German Anti-tank Guns 1935-45, 37, 50, 75, 88mm


    unns, T'he service-arm color of ...ese newun its nr as rose pi nk tas ,,\,ras ~hiU of' [ ' 1 1 e .ar m OJIt d , t ru up s), T])I irs 11.0ulder Ilaps h el d . a']alrge Ietter P ~tid,ifl'erenli~H:.ethem Irom (]rher

    'llOOPS, with rose piping~~T'he 14lh (,.4.11rirank)Co m p,Jl11~' fl t the [I J"~ant :ry r. leg: in. le:Q'~S, e s tab-1 . ished ]aeer. retained lh~ "'Ihite service-arm,()olol" of 1he infall try,

    The Origins of a N ew \Veaponliiiliiiil!llliP A'K

    l G ' 0 1 " 1 I ' I L . . i '" I ik.-ne ,', errnan mrutary e3,r er'"~,nlp~] ust ),~C'all Ioreign mi'li tarj s. ta :f l s--"" 'TH'omoted an ti-ta n l 1!U'rlJ S 10J' lh e infaru I \ .- on the b asis 0[. . . . . . / 1 '\\ ' orl.d War J : experience, These 11'f'\'V g uns,w hich could. be (_"a]'Ied canncns, were toacbi e,: I'I~'"~ond resu ll.s at m edi III ra n ges, Todn th is" cert ain ~e'd1.Elit:~dplrobl~,m.s h ad to beSUrlIJOunlC(l: high penetrating power of (he&hel[ (Id~epcnding, nn irritia] velocitv) andrapid rate o] fire, low f:Onst ruction of the :g~Jn~g:rral, mo hili tv an d hwgh . traverse U.'e]d of 'I' hf.barrel,The Treatv of Versailles did 11O i l. afIow the~(';erma D Reih ' 1 , 0 prod u ce su ch a t- v eapo nUnly lh,,' Rhein meta ~I,~norsig AC; I~,rlnwasaf lowed tu BJ'[fodl1{'I~ ~uns up ~.Oa 1.3tUb,c]f of17Umrrl. Onm I a h er 'I h e French LfoollSeva < . ua ' ed the oc cu pi ed Rhei I]land in 1g25and the All ied Control ,.l'1nlmiss],on bc:g'311 10d i s! !! iu l v r d i d II,he produr'rion of n ew weaponsh(;gi, n iII IIh l ~ (:0 U' sc of genera 1rearman U~ru.Th e Rhf :i ~lln,~ta 1]-B lJ rsi g i\(.; began tha[

    sam ye~-r lu d esig11. , d("\o"elnp and p,rud uce a37,nU11 g'l.U1 th a l was jntended [o r :a11,h;Ei ,nk,use, Prod,ucLion bcga n i:1 , I Q2". Lndividua]parts of the guns 'wetle made in variousSJn3] Ier shops and ,a~.~e,nbled in tht a,s~lInbl'Vhalb, of Rhfilllne'taU~Bol':s:ig AG~ , R C ~ ' \ ' \ f , e n'~Y'28and ~'!l33 some 2003 7mJII fa[it.H~r ,~u:n"coutd be p~!uduf:ed" Th'~'~7 were 00' igil1a~~~'d(_~gn ated T il.K (Ta 11ka UlV ehrl at 11one).

    I 1il1SI~'Vt:1 '3 ~ branch es 'of the R,~ i(h~,'!1vehr Ilu~,rrrwere ill 11.ea.d V I(,:(U1 t ~iauies a rmed ~"\ti :h th is ~UJlat the hegirming . 1 m h rr ' Thirdes.,. From dH,! '11.1n . h e r e develop sd 3:" o f 1 .!t '3 4 the : il"~H an titank

  • 8/3/2019 [Armor] Schiffer 24 German Anti-tank Guns 1935-45, 37, 50, 75, 88mm


    measured 30 em, The h rrcl had,~xl,e'enriiJin,gs, turning sli, .htll' [0. rhe ri ht, , hercoil' f the barrel aliter hri ng' "U10U [Tied tr 6te en , In rIC~.

    - h c prea ding :m,onD lV~L I'e : 'a1 11111d ~a ~\1ahe I tD,gill o .f' he chassis, 3,.40 meter OJ Th

    The .Un inn~odured 10 the troops, m , n ~ 93"1~,3.,~a . in it - lo,"~ a n d CD..il y ma.int.airu d lonB~ aqui kl y mobil:: gun casl / mov-d bra fOU['iOman w , h. wa C' en possible-s-unfikepire'vi,olullighr.uns-rio puU the ~r7m'fDaLover ditch er up slope b~- anpuwer.The gun had rhe (oH,01: ,dn weiglu andmeasu res:

    lVeigh t [I(~ad. 1, 0 f ire: 3.30kgOvera U ,i ~l1gdl: :~t410metersIncluding barrel Iength (rna: .): 1.66 1~:ereAimirlg field of the h rrelin ele'\'at iro,[I: ..R 1. 0 + 2 ' 5 ill {~gree;

    in tra1ter, e: f iO rlegrtt'mrnu rririoru a ~iinank shells'I,"~ .' h 0 I i ! ! ! k~\f elg" ~: ':'~::,J,~,gM zzle \ ' IeI r ru : - : - : Ifi .meter. per .ec ndArmor penet ra tion: 3 ,6 mrn at 5 1 1 0 1 meters

    It had ,3 spreading mount and shiel ., andcould e [0'ed b)' a motor vehicle, horses, orrna, n:po Wet',., The g n D'~S w 1 1 re is , 1 < " e Ire rn a d e ofb~nod1and bore rubber t i r e s ,'The rirs[ trials in the field (maneuvers, etc.)showed that the 37m'm ak wa.s good bu~could srtll 'be improved, Thus , 3 . 1 1 1 ,imp'rovedgun was built b,~the' 1.hcinmetal1-Borsig AG'V k!.h h h e lp a nd support f : l I 'om '[he Army\V , ea I JOn . s Office. This was officiaU} dcsig-nated ~j 37nun Pak 35/36. I 10 -he proces.sl the'Dew 3lbln:',evi~u ion was mtroduced: Pak(Panzera bwehr ranone).The 3/mm Pak .3 ,5 3 , 1 6 bad ,Igross weight of. :1 5 0 k il og Ir a Ins. Th e b a r re l had ' an 01ver all[en.g Ih of 1 . . 6 1 6 meters 0 ( whi ch 1.31 nru~1rSwere ri Ied, The' ..Olll hu ti un c - .arn b

    wId th of th tg-iJn \ '\ 'j th spread spar was 1.65,meters. the hei~lu to the' upper rilH o r (heshi Id W.3. 1.17 meter ' m ' " he special Ieanr .ufIh'~'.',easil [y and comfort a Id y m 011~ ]e gu II111'~',teI~h sp rcaditl:.,~pa rand dl eshield', .ornposedo r _ front, borrorn and n\l"O side panels,

    Ik'n D I i J '-""I"ri~~PI~

    //GJ~~jildir G - 1,.11I l.-ll4f

  • 8/3/2019 [Armor] Schiffer 24 German Anti-tank Guns 1935-45, 37, 50, 75, 88mm


    _be" f.f!"i [ [ i f a P,a'k-fqual 10 a,gro'u.p .in anInf an r. corn p,an,~ -co'nsis lied. 0.( a, non-cnmnrissfoned u{6ca as ~.r'~TUplead r, oncg u , nRn r( a] s o cal led G lU1 . n e 'r ' 1 ) 1Gurmer 2 (theloader)~ (~uTlners 3 and 4 (amrnuniti enrna vers) and.I,"~o drivers, One 01 them 'was theali ve r of the towing vehicle of t he , gun , 1 ' \l "h i. l1 '!'Ih e 0t i l t er d r ove the 5o ..C a~u e d Iimbe r vehi cled "h ' , ~~ 'that rowe r r e ammurutron trauer,The 11 U?lV ~ un fi red three I, i(['H?D t she ~Is!antitank, explosive aRlip-erson lei and hard-

    (ore shell. Their weights and measures 'were:I~1,01 nex t p a t g < { ~ ,

    1. .r r: Eve n the 1igh l , f. S t er llelll y tank Vi.'as n 01afraid to loll ever th],~ liule gun,

    I G L I n dri lon rhe~raLlnds o r aIainin~ rrip'ld :inpe r l rn ,. ('Ihe ar rr '~~is,hit unit or~.~Ot L [J It;.J'- e li ~a nd at r, h I g'U 11 --~n-' 1 1 1 ~ 'l-~"r'\t/ s. !a\ 'tj n .i 1 li t I'Lh ruri n r~nu .

  • 8/3/2019 [Armor] Schiffer 24 German Anti-tank Guns 1935-45, 37, 50, 75, 88mm


    h I ~ u zz le \, 1 e I . t ._i. Pe ne 'I r at i :ou(1hl)

    - _ h e hard- f,e' lil"iI,'~-v re intrndu . d o'nly iIl 9140 , 13.$ \~fellr'thC' gr __U~ 11\' im,pl rov d iU1ti ta.n k,hen. 3[9 no . - . I f t - h ' last tvpe cou! ..1 1 ' netrate' 5 mi ni i inle.u:~T~nJ armor a L a d:i.51.aot:,e of 2 : ' 0 0rn ters,

    A n uiankA n li(J( r' ~o[Jnrrl' 1 - 1 ard -cure

    IIj,.69 kgtt65 kgc.ss

    7~t~metera/sec 36nlnl at 5[OOm7,j5 m. ~lf'rsl sec, for. infarn ' T r , ' targ;: t: ,only~(J.30 meter s /!~H~("0 .nl'~n a 1 5'00 :111

    __n the: ..acetitne IPhom.o~this 'nP' taken on a fi:r~ngrange. _~ l 1 : It i~the group lfl'r der, next [ h im tne ..unuer.Th e o ther I[w O r gUJ] []er 5,are h01di :~'lg 0\0\.0' n the righ ( :5 par.


  • 8/3/2019 [Armor] Schiffer 24 German Anti-tank Guns 1935-45, 37, 50, 75, 88mm


    HL ' l I J ~ i 11 : ! ! o lor mg,n ~ l l r . ~ ; ~ F ; .N U k e ,ZlJ7 AJ,feutn~lIgs{tder

    I/.. : .kinig 1!;If r! ; . ~ I ? ' l 1 f f d J ; v 1. . . . . ~U1f !(11:'"IJmdrdfiDild. l ~j~n' h~:~C~!~mllc:tQd/ .. ' - . lj~'

    .~rA:o9;l!o~.J~,~"Jk'lr. _ fJRN"""" ~" ' \1 I ~ il I fI 'r ': ~~ 1 J ~ : >O . F~ ri 1 1 1 5 :

    - " . . . . . & .~ui'2'U : ' > , L : I1Ij; I~~Ilrl'

    t....L~._, . i l I . . . . " 1 - : 1 - i ,.J,.~\ ..JI-I1'TD~' . U~ ! l ! r l l ; "/~q~:iI!"

    AIl~J9I'lltnm l ! i l i l l " ~ k'1"Pr


    -tid;&Nh'Ulrt ..o fed"~M!Ii' I'~IIUI~'>I! .OI

    K.nl~h bh

    i f D F f O D 1 Z J ' f l 'I( n 1 J J , ! J u r . r

    frA l J ! l ' f , c l l m u l 1 e"''''''llo!:li> now

    "7 '

  • 8/3/2019 [Armor] Schiffer 24 German Anti-tank Guns 1935-45, 37, 50, 75, 88mm


    wn nilore pi ct n '~ of[" 1ning, Mernl: ~L If alla ntir a n k COIDpa.11 on th edriU field. Thi i. the l rh-_,,0 '11 a n 0 rh G Jan]R,pgimfn[ ( : .chil[es)

  • 8/3/2019 [Armor] Schiffer 24 German Anti-tank Guns 1935-45, 37, 50, 75, 88mm


    The sup'pl'Y of 37m:m. Pak :iuclre,ased. IrnmI DI ~20 0 tUl S e p te m b er 1 f I. : 1 ,9 10 1. ' ~ 2 1 1 ~ . 3o 011April ~ I! 1940and 1 . 4 - r 4 5 . Y fin June l , 1941..Losses of' ~ritu.n.s[0 enemy acti (.'J n wereeno rmon S~.jiLJ.Sl in '. h e peri od ffJ~)m1 \1a)' 11toJ urie 2 : 0 . , 1'9~I (lAjrir~t'trn earn pa igD) 6 3 6 'Werelost: I rO:Ut Decemb er 1!.1.941 tn Fe hru arv 28,.1'942 (Kuss ian \1r' ti nre r Iig h ti.ng) 1502.t to fm.~.f 'onlv two statit: i cs .The AImy Hi.g)l ellmma ltd.isued an erder0l1. M.a : IC .b .16~ 1 9 4 C J that, efteL1]ve immediately,'[he ,a..otil.[ank urrits were to ~b~enamed Panzer-

    jaglPr units .......nd ehe Iormer Panzerabwehr-kanone (antitankgun) became the Panzer-j i a . ! l ; f - r k anone, hut the shor.t 'form O l Pak \va~rc [3n,ed.

    .~n theIs t. 11 C aoet irne t,r a I'~( be G~ 'f ':m . i6 l J .nArm!had 5,1amiiank un ilS, ,,,r.h.icb were, except forthe one antitank traiuing' unit stationed ~n.'\.viiS D O I : r l Rea I ..Rer 1iI" d,i\~i ed a01u ng thedivisioas. Their numbers of 37:m.m Pak guns\ > ' ! i ere as fo'l ']o \li~':I'mfantrv division~t\rmo[e'd d ivisionMouu tail] dli viaionlIn[antl'Y division (mot.)Light infantry divisinnCa val ry 'llhigad. e 1 .

    i!i ,guns4 :8 ~UI.1,s

    ,48 gun.s"2 guns....) guns21 guo .S '...n an titan k unit nurmallv consisted i).13staff, three companies and a replacement(om pan f 'W'i.22 0'ffi reers i ' I .hree 0 rf leial S '" 13 2non ..comm Issione d of Iicers an d 5,51 e n Iis le dmen, Their motor vehicles were: tjpersonnel'\i' eh ie 1 .es, 91 , tru cks, 78 mo tor cv c le s ~ 4 16 w ilhid:~ecars,\V h.e n .,~~orld W,3f I] : beg;)" 3,Dd ne:wdivisions were estahlished. the field a.rm! j as0:[ Se.plem b et '1 i ] 9 3 ! l 1 'i .I1lJm brrrd 2 3 ~02'9officers, no n-commiss ioned olricer.i andle n listed men ill the iUl.tit3nk uni ts j artd therepfacement arm Y 'numbered il l ti ~353men ..Inth~ wi nter .0'[ :I 93940 rh ~ p['sonR~ I'WtSincreaserh

    Feldheer Ersa tzhe e' rOff1rers '2 ~2 5 1 1U Ui dia.]:s, , 3 6 , 3No n . .OJIn. to Ificers 13,.i 3-nJii' IliLld me n r : = : 6 17 83

    3 . 3 36 :6IJ '9D {11-..,1'" f.1 ,I.i.l~6,70

    German U:"(}{)IPS nl0VC into Liege on May 16~191Ct An infantrv gun pulled by a 'Krupprruc.1k (Special Kfz.No, 59~-theideal lo\\\;ri.ngvehicle for t h(~~7m.IU Pak r

  • 8/3/2019 [Armor] Schiffer 24 German Anti-tank Guns 1935-45, 37, 50, 75, 88mm


    h ~ n it m [1'. U -n tlv u~eJrw ii.a veh i_e~, ']~ the I~

    (0. II~H:LoI..f . i O i seen here iJ ~(";1 CCCt.~in ~q " ! 1 , and theKrupp tJU' . 1 .: _ . .


    . . . bt II l. t 00u]d also be rowebvat I _ .n of hor .!~ .

  • 8/3/2019 [Armor] Schiffer 24 German Anti-tank Guns 1935-45, 37, 50, 75, 88mm


    manpower ! [Ihprt( ' l.'llf'rt' T10problem .


    t J L : . aine, ~~n1npavedjj Ii' ~~, I~ut ,: : '[ 1 1 ~ cq U i ell ~1 (..Ic '/S elp,

  • 8/3/2019 [Armor] Schiffer 24 German Anti-tank Guns 1935-45, 37, 50, 75, 88mm


    : - ; t u U ' -~Ilu lerung

    Blnlt5 :

    rill 1. -St.: - Ische Daten:" ~'. rn~~7em. ; A r"f m0.. S pc t ~ ' ( : ;~ " , t , " ' . )D,3 ' I lM I t l~'7'1:",Pi , r.~' )7 " S mIse .r . 1 . ' 7 " , Wi P It !f!), _,A 020 tr L~ . ' 1 , , 1 ' I ' I i '1 . 1 1 I i ' ~ o )

    S ch u B ~citilu irweiteR c 1 d a u ge in K U b , e . r r l l L I5G es c h o Bg ew i b tGru l te V o -f" ti l I I V - , . 'WIf' fit 1,fl6i ittZ ah l e r lL8'd~ulglen) Patr.-M u.....,Gc'\vich~ 'j r~ FcucrstenungU ( ~ \\ -idTl. in F p 'I~ni'tl!un gH 'ell tfeld S eieSchuil(min ~2~ A S

    ltfa ~'g'~O' u

    o'll' Rohe -,1 ~2.S"G cBcLa t z t e L e b e r L .S Idii.ner eiaes Bolues 1; . 0 rJ Q -5( }Q(J I Sch u l] ) u rch s ch I. ~L E l tg. :i 1 ~ 'OG ~ ~ . I " " ' R " " i Q - , f " 'III iii , 27 " " _ (I,/I' 1 I ) ! ' i I J '111:. J '

    r- ~ - 1 6 , Ii ... ~ ': , !2~r~,l]1 ~ 1 W Pl!'i'~ e- (J )6 ~ i l k - Y e ~ J u l ' l g l ! . ~ " m t z ' l l - " I : d J - t , ~lJ_~-IJf '1 {.1,1I. '~J';'ii/~."~:epdfJ,l:,,- ...- iOK' I /' li)vU'ug&! 6lilll ~,!_">4l.J'w,. J

    Uu,1I ' t : ' Iw . . : ~ur, Flu" i ( , { U ! U~!fl.cjt,6 , Monate A x h r .i t: B 3t U ~~d~Tm9"",

    Ho l ~ . .n tE be d IJ.[ ,. ~~c , 10 G r V i. _f, . 1 . 1 S t d '~ T L . k g 760 I ,~.2' ~ ~ - 1 '

    Al P I . : t to I Nt Ir. If ~l~k~i. k~ 2 " ' 13 I D , ~ 1 , 4 I O ~ , 24$, 1.1F r r t ig u n g :mn n c: n : R :J tnJl:fr#tT :Jr ~ P r J ' " Po rr . _~'7 o;w P I.9't: Pd ; : 1 ' " +0'

    .. - ,e' - , , ,I!i_...., 1'- "iT_ I I I o ! " , ~ , " " ' ~ #< . . , ~ u - , . _ ! I J . " u.,",~."" ~ S,"I" Pa,r .itoJ .11~ J't.,.~,-.(jr: ~ f,.ll1,~ , P ' : J 'gr.~"r' i)tJ)

    J e [ \v hei gh f I ~hortnes 0[ ~ht sJJ~rs and narrow ~pres d o( thema l t 1 'I ;i " ." rh, g~I1fluI~k . up ~ s nall positirm ..Th upper pai of :1 ,.I{:n[. hi ld C Juld' .lso be fa], ,t' down-s-and Ih gun cam evenm .l ler. The g ms 3l-C een here 11 th e st -- 1 11111k ' a bio R issianriver in 1 g.) 3 t, ov , i " , .n d before '1~ubruk ',:"orrh !\ _ ri a, in ] 942(below.~.

  • 8/3/2019 [Armor] Schiffer 24 German Anti-tank Guns 1935-45, 37, 50, 75, 88mm


    A ] on~ with coldnes s an d . ' J ] ipperv ice r thewinter pro ied ad ilional dl[[il h ies,or en ].]1 a ~led was of use for p - ! ' ; i n " 1 nhat g s.

    }\,'I e up )' IJ , W g l 1 L rnernh -r s ol th eG1QSSae1ll f.."hund I nf(ul try Re .iment a~,eseen on. L e d! i I Iield,

    Ri hi:" - 1" t\lin ci of 1 . 9 1 .. ,2 j.n southernR,u s i a " h ', i 1 k i11 f. t nf lh sp~r~it rhit"fru c n ~r [' ud 0 vi usl I _tU . ". di Hi "n hI .s .

  • 8/3/2019 [Armor] Schiffer 24 German Anti-tank Guns 1935-45, 37, 50, 75, 88mm


    I I o r CI " (.1 n bet \~' ,I~ r c ee l ',I) j n I reaLV. 011 r v a ' 1 l er "I ]i'nse .' ...b ~o bl,,j if " I ~ ~he 1l.ipanest' .irm 0. Kyu ~r "1 Shi - .,; . a n iUl'U l'1J,I,n3 ~1ra' I .After rhargu ns we e deliverednierrlv [lorn t he - German R ],c-h [10Ji:s,il ia, Fin land,, .. F(: 'e ce , " ,p ain .. C i .' ' ( h i" ovakia anri T u Tk' , .

    Pak ui h in Russia were oft 1 '1 ' ... ~ ru r, ' d a' I III ,U :3 , U ~I ut in t ' eUlr13U ervic immediatclt .;e r a 1 l Inn")sh ~lt~ ould b e Ii red Irurn them, "h e Ri So ia n ~]!:fn ~- l , d Pi , kc n 1 e reruanizcd bv Illl ir socked ~,.h" Is (hf"~'[rr suited tob ~ r'5.il(he Russian mud ,,'

  • 8/3/2019 [Armor] Schiffer 24 German Anti-tank Guns 1935-45, 37, 50, 75, 88mm


    was scan.: :e.l~'e H e II ic a ga i n s~,newer types o[ tanks, The.t: PPf'".1ranee of d:~cRussian T =3 , j K,'N 'l, F I 'n d K .w II n de d, itscareer. The 1i~~'h~'g~m failedcomple tel rand w a )11 ikna rntd rh e .,~gu n ~'orknocking 0.11. tanks." '[heinu oduct Lon of nhe so-calledstick g-~ enadc 41-an oversizeshell wei ghing ,8,5 kg and~ruck O:~Ito ( 1 1e h at rcl (ri.ght)-rould penetrate thick tankt v a ~I at short r i : u : t g e o : : ! up L Ol8C lmm l, but r e su lted 1 11muchs c a l l . e . r m ng at even 200 me ters

    'Tl re G e~'man ex,pc ri cnces inthe w e s te rn campaign it] 1940S howed cie at 'l" th a L I I II he P a .k~

    1,he e uel carne q u ickl y for lhc:)7unn Pak. Larg~"'1cal ibers.nd ~r If ~ ' r . 1 !r 1p:'1 1eel moun ['5were Icq Ill["~ted arid 5UJl lied[Ut the Panzer] agel: IJIlilSC ] uicklv and in ~n:.a(nurnhersas oJ 19, t2 . Here an :1 1mo 'pelh[nolo'ii. r " \ ,VI ~Spe" (\1l3Sr,) TO II~pas [ a d esrroyed ,1 7 [l1l11 Pak 01lh,~'[;jIst [~Pt' (J 011g baind)-J . ; : . u ss ia, jl!j + ~t

  • 8/3/2019 [Armor] Schiffer 24 German Anti-tank Guns 1935-45, 37, 50, 75, 88mm


    h D I 1. e .eveo.pmen'a .The 50m-.n PakExperience in the blS'l munths o( the '-panishCJvim."'ral ~~dlO~~'cdna.t rille 17run1 l . Pa k was notcapa ble 0 .fiJ{hting off beavv battle tanks, In1'~ 13B I 11e ,1 \ r m y \\1Ita po 11 S Offi ce co n t rm.(:~edwith .he ' -_ I einmerall-Borsig AG '10 designanrl hufl d ~I weapon irh a bn" 'g er calther bu lus Hrrle '\Yfighl as possible, Just two years,13re - rh e HrSI new g'U n s l ~o l. lt C dof I d1 C 9SStl'l1 b r u . ~Ii ne,

    h e ~ 'O mm Pak 38 L. 60 ''''38 in ex~S teDc. r i_ht n ew .Ertun wa a~mo s t id entica [0 the37mm P a _ _ L in design. , . 1 \ , uev fearurc , . . v a s themurzle brake which decreased the recoi]power on the mount, which could rhus bebill] Iii Iighter in l1rcigbl., 'Forsion-barspriugsgrea t ly red Deed theopo w e r net ded eo ~fa II IJ!O r [the gun, The do ruble sh . i e ld liY as u e \11 and .cons,is ted of I~~- I -mm sh ild s~one be h i n d .[he Qther ~a L ,8 d m sranee of 2!imm I.A [.Il]le e n d 0.[ 1 '940 the Ii [,:d 59nnu Pa k 'couldbe deJ~ver o o to the 1oup s, wi eh arm y .30D d .Panzer] agel'" urrits supp,H,ed Hrst. "(}starmored and 3. fiel~ ' infa.nl.ry units; received thenew :gMJ]~~shord.". Ibe 'for~ '.h.e eastern earn-p aign, l\'"hen tha tria m ' pa, ign he ga'n on Jun e22,~ 94] th e ar mlY had 1064 of the ,50mm Pak,It wa s ver u seful ag ; : a ins 1. I ig h t hlliks~butpowerless 3.ga.inst ~hc T-34" The Iirst jcstshots at these ranks on June 3 1 1 \ . 1941 ,,_.,'re thebasis 01 the developmem of an even heaviergu~w,

    . ~ . G

    'L lJlu.ulle brake, 2. Steel disc whee l with lul] r obb e r tire 3 ,.Double shield" ...Spreading man nt ...1. F . r" fo r th e s re era ble rear wheel.

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    , 4 ; . hO'H~:'Fil']11g drjll with the 5,U, [ I ,1[ Pak al [he Panzerjager Train -ngITn : i~'s ~rairiing Iaci lit;, ~The Ieaiu re s 0[ th e new flak are (lea b 10 ~ee ' :longp'r barrr-l. doub Ie shield, wheel 5j etc: The . ~ 1 I I J nner is, ~i:gh'[m ng n h l f l lt'i[rfg~':lL.rh e loader ~3 kes Ihe s he 11 f - om the am 111un i ti011 carrier. \'thHerh e grou p 1eadrr ~n,~"1o the ie[t~ obser ves h is .r ew ,

    ~I(lfr-~,]er IC'rl1 ' J ' i Ig5

    Teehnische Datempr,,'L,.--~t't""~Lt'o. e

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    5IO'm,mPAl{- - ---

    Designed as early as 19~.-nhus rhe designatinn of : 3 ! O n l 1 1 1 . Pak 38L 1),0-[hi g u n reached tile PiJin.zfJja .gel '[mop 0 1y at [he end of 1940 1 often mixed v _ , r n t h 31'Illm g u n s i : 1. nh . U J n ~ l - ~ i picture s ~5 taken in Tunis ill1943 . ( H t i \ _ ), ,

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    The ","cigb:[ 0' the new PBJ~.was 1062 k~ .. Itsad va nlages over 'Ihe fa -~.~er 3 'lm m Pal werebased un a ne .sp.reading moun' with dnubleshield, a semi-auromatic Ilat-wedge verticalbreech mechanism, a P' sh-bn.tton ~'rigge rand an auxi iafJ Fa' , aiming telescope. The.b ~ r re 1 Ie n g th w.a. .'i o .o t . . .. . .. ..S . l,h e of f ici a l 'L ,I 6 (1I de i g na f:ion ,.you~.dsU.ggeilt-6ID caljb er ~ bUI.exacslv GR.5 caJitu;f. Tbe iOIi.a.1 bar re l length

    TIle gUll fired fhfme shell types, as did i[!5pr edec es son Antitank, h e U _ , i.g l and 4,(1 1 , bigh.explosive shells and hard core shells. Theirdif:(~rell ces:


    Anlil.:ankHard-(0eHigh explosi ve

    [;un barrel arul h ,l fll b:. . a r r e 1 wi1 1 n u ~ zz l t b r a k e , ~ _ B : t t I ; , : "t.h 1 1 '1 c k , . S i H i ~nTP l 111DU.rHs, :J e I'in Ih e era Ie aH,d tmerns, ~ Sect ri n hn: ~

    2.18 ".g0..98 kg1 , ~ 9 i ' o ' g

    ~ ' 2 3 , meter.! ec. 7 5 mm at 5 ( [ 1 0 I'Dl : 18 0 me iers/ sec, 115 m.m at 50 In.5,"0 meters/sec. l o o m , aeain '1 inla ..Dtt~y


    Th bree h:.I R~[, 1 1 spri: , .~. '8.[:-, ch 1 vcr. :t.. rl_"]'l b h prin ~j 4.\ u ~ e ll rn pn l r rr ~h _I ~ 'Itn I. .~ .(Ue"5. 1 " iin _pi' lun, If ], .... ~ ui ~ a nrlfil iU17 l', ... . 7. H.a. of }n:- . ,~-hhIH k ' \ , 1 ' " i t J I .hcll 11111- - I I e.

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    The 50rnrrl Pak could be moved by its 0"'1[] crew on read: and ijr m ground. This is '~,.h y the LluIU wheel at r h{~erni fie spars, wa ad led ( e above) and made s: the gun .ould be steered, (Photo taken in the 1lkraine,Ju1y I. . (4~t~.

  • 8/3/2019 [Armor] Schiffer 24 German Anti-tank Guns 1935-45, 37, 50, 75, 88mm


    ~.bovc: In l lu - ' 5 1 1 1 Light Divu in near"l ipoh.... t il A f ri a.. ar I, :d 1 , 1 ' 1 Y 'r L

    l ppei !lgh~: On the west ban 1 : .of {heDUHt"l~ (I ic til ~aken A ugu s t '!.7 ] 9-i;.j,).'L'hegun ~I:.Jf' ,..ilh breech an I ~f oil bra ... can1 J ~ set'"1 verv lear lv here i J i kewi .>if lh widert , L b t '" ~ urc on ih e "he 1 8 ~ '11 d r h r ratherI U'11 pat: rnou ,I,' iince 'he gun is stil lvel}'~t) ' > \" , . t011:n Ii .lds .0He}" su Hii r n I ('0 vcr.

    L-(j~'ht: ' . f. !U I e p las x rn eru n .' .m l' N r 1I\,"f '1 illI he no] t Iu] r~ ~t'C~Ol o r [hie ""';:.tern [ron I,(Marcl: 27, ~ I ~ 4). 1'be cuv re 1hreechbb )(:kca n b Sf'''1 'l le at lv . 1.f' .,.U -1 b 1.1r J( earn u n 1 " 3 ) 1 ~)in[ d ,'1 '. r I.

  • 8/3/2019 [Armor] Schiffer 24 German Anti-tank Guns 1935-45, 37, 50, 75, 88mm


    1OjLLI~ ~ fi .. t t fT t 1 D n l 1 ~ m ~ r r H 1 . S D o n m i f 3 . 8~ U I T )r. l u. g (:31 ~m Fc.~)

    J Y . lug, ' c i I O ~ ~ ; t : t ~ .t rIf~~'l!1l11J T T , "

    -; ~'~fjt~ .5 l Ji fh : ~- J i ....1: 5 m'il rln s. l h c o ( f e r ,, :x J - 7 S ,en ~l fbt~ ~~Il L n ~omp,

    & ! i t P _ T f Q A K f 1 . . -J- T r I . . J pp S 'I f f ~ n t .S - T ro ~a ~~& li~~~5 Dtj) 'J 3 1 Uf f }~ ' , 1 3 , l f i o 1 t n l~h.1 1 'p K w ' , 1L K w i9 1 S e~, ~ 8 , ! h ! J l kr ~ c ) 1 2 'f- E '; GI '~W,I '5 'i~rt~ ,., I1-Pi~~t.5 r 1 1 , & ~ ~ - J~- 'at.,. ,1 " . 5 c rn P e R .

    II][ ., t L4 g (31l'.ft\ ~oa)


    Ha up tman 'D 1FeI dwe be 1Gefreit~'[1,5 to. '~kw

    Hotor r a dohne

    EI IN' is 'J lururat inu liagr 111 t ~ ~Jm ixt d( " l ' , : _H . l ? ' l . J ri~~g'trCrHH1JI;:t,]l y~\\ Inle I h t' :)7nn nLLH~,l 1 ,~ .~ l 1[' (' gun, I!Lc "UraUi unu hiH~on '~).I.'Ill ,or III ~L1: 11' -l langE'd Iui I ~r durin. thew r~\'it ill t''\ erv rhauz ]11 ann mel I,,l'lHJ - l is fon H1L10n - n hf " reg: r e el as()11 lv r n u ; ; ; ) I m any.


    p ~au UJ] '~l5 in] 1. - 1 }I ' lar ~n o ' ve t se,


    So1detot~Kr II'PP- Pr 0t, ze

  • 8/3/2019 [Armor] Schiffer 24 German Anti-tank Guns 1935-45, 37, 50, 75, 88mm


  • 8/3/2019 [Armor] Schiffer 24 German Anti-tank Guns 1935-45, 37, 50, 75, 88mm


  • 8/3/2019 [Armor] Schiffer 24 German Anti-tank Guns 1935-45, 37, 50, 75, 88mm


    ShLil [.JSllOOH1'l 9; in the au ttl mn of .I. 944 ~['re I mabl ~ on a firing I nge, ,inee th t'gr up lead _ I n rharge \< \ ear a I hiE, hfl

    he maximum f'aJl'llgeof the antitank shellwas 9. ' kn i The high P. X 1 ,0 iv shetl carrieda 10": d of 6" , A I 'm ~t ~.hi,ch .aused s ptin-1, 1 ring lef,c(~ [0~jmen r: un . h side and!Ineltlr.. [cr._l.,

    ~ S i t he l'~ ra.r _o 0 U nu ' d 1 .. , ' ti 'lk : renadc \VkI, '"al : in I'll ~' duced (0[, this Gun ; it could pen-u'al,r 1 :'OrH ann,o~, b u t \ ,' , rare lv rub c u c( ti l s sh r a 11 ..

    The, rln. Hii,gh Command iss,urd n nrd'~fon . .. :" "' 01 V ,mher 1 9 , 1MO according 1 0 1 w'hich thel-tnn tu i1~ tra or ("'o'llIldtr-KEz. 1 .0) wa e tobe' u ~d to tov...the ~OID Pak. IE-:ery Panzer-~'3g unit r , c - e i ' ed ..15,' vehjcfes. '~iD e th~ ' , f ilable capa il)pw~{a'nrl~uffici I '_ [lflh 'r d ,c ( 'Eo!~o 'ed n n ;U-U]~U~1i..'94ill, ' ceo dingto l t Y h i ' 11~h Panzerji .~" units of t h ,e ' inHan rL I~yru t v i ~iDn" wer e 1 0 be _qu ri _ I . J C d with l,5 ..t ,.0T; Pi ,,'"(. u - \ hne lriJ"le) l

    The r a t n z e r j ~~'fr unis j Clq O J Ippe d 'Wi1 1 1 I he50mlo Pak which was '(J ed a L [0.ca] :1 '10 intsgain t fnrm~ lank. all' .s.To r01'ii lor 26!lgU, Itwint r ligb(n", b u, en D , ember 1I '1 a id - .~bru, '[ l'I' 19' ,._. ','~pla' .~menl' o r3iulm an d 51 0mm Pak '0 r t '_fNhoL 3 _O lVr ',- J' o ~,,~J. In..: l) ~"Io . - , I 11 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' l i i ' ch 21" II ( t , , 1 1 2~, -0rn ne '~."kl ,~ d,~ . I I ,ai ii . ' 11" I,u "1:,n urnb _r , d 271 r . : ~ .uns , Tbe'Ouu t Ps 'I ! ! I illll, .,lrt E"l'i 'I.RrIWWI!'1'i yil'1 h i _ . I I ' ! I ! l t, l 5 ' l l " . ,HILle l

    '~tI,-,v,.~, ('~ttdUtI~',~.,.~,rl_,,~.~~~t.. r~~;'sd'Qtt"'n, i I :_fepa~iE. .. ... .- " litJ.tJJ4u.-ii.tll,_,.t/ * ' RI~~ i1h.B6-dlr,~~,.]

    DU'~nEl~hQ..:r~lr'dgu "P1~Hitr - - - - i6 . Mmm,b3 Arb t ;~ t a i ! ! tu ILd0U~ 12,0'0

    FO:rLiigu ng~~t"nl,e .:~'All\ WI!~'"k l l , .tilf!]'''$'~a . l , a I ,G ~ ,t.l o F f ' w e . . , t t , IW '. i ' " , . , rO R Ul'ii'iA.W:ttile IK i " " ' : ~ I rtJ -li!

    3 0

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    Frrlp la emem of ,e 75rrnrrl P ak 'lO in . the Carparhian ,,00 Lhi i lh; , ( 1 \ - I [ a y 30" Ul - i t ) . The br . chhloc : g[[n. cradle,rn ount and shield are eo:sv to see .

  • 8/3/2019 [Armor] Schiffer 24 German Anti-tank Guns 1935-45, 37, 50, 75, 88mm


    P , ' ! : O f left: Fran', view or th e new Pak,'~'idc:r and 11101 : e sharply raked t nee-part,hicld, ar ruorcd under .arriagc Id J widehard 'ubb "res on the '1 1 el . (P~,'C _ 1 ' 113k n cb 'U' ,v m 2'" -)~

    A J l ov e : P an z e r] ager of a Fall s ch ir rn j agerdivi 10n have iUSt uncoupled the gun fromit s to \ 1 \ ' ] n.~ truck an, are purring it iuposition. ' V r b i I D t : : the gunner and loader pushon the shiel d, [he arnrnun ition ca 'riers ] ife(he mourn and one of them pushes 'hebarre] dO'~ln L O make the gun lighttf.

    Left: A 7.)mnm Pak of Panzergrenadier'0 lvi , i o 1:1 I ( ;yossd,n 'I eh I lR1Ul ' n o rt h e as t 0fRiaJgo od early in ] 9 '13 .

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    atvian VuhUllL ,~ r in tu ~V Hen - : with _ " m rn Pak 4Jw .~r ,:1 ahus III ~ sh H v 1 C W I , . it I: 9 . ,0 teters pr- r ~ h lng-~h II If th' hel] if .li at' II he h.~a\>'~cha g_"1 rd U ' \ _ Iuunk :h"U O ).{ '"

  • 8/3/2019 [Armor] Schiffer 24 German Anti-tank Guns 1935-45, 37, 50, 75, 88mm


    wel - . rit iorn 75mn1 1 akU.L he gun is dug H1 rp l[1u:.barre I ,~]u] lhus hard Ilnf'f'-h~1:'drl ijuri to ofl.E"ringgrp ' 1 . . . I~ ln _,1 E " IJ oteci ion:

    A ?5mm Pak 11 1 [iringposit" on, The .gI"OUp leadei{a. non -comm i s s ioncd of Ii c er ~is at the lcIt -, f Ie gu n. (h egunn 1 an d ~:u o visible)loader to the Iett and righ teIose lJehiu' thr sh i e l e l ~[; LU iuers : and 4 (I~igh) am d..1 (left) PIIsh I: h ~p;::n, riownto lirnir rh H :J .oi1.~:J .)

  • 8/3/2019 [Armor] Schiffer 24 German Anti-tank Guns 1935-45, 37, 50, 75, 88mm


    The [i.rm 0'(' Krupp, which also received acontract j,D 1 9 3 i Q I to deV'f ': ',Op a, 7 S ;mm . . P ak,utilized the ex..erience ' 0 . 1 the French Ar .my ,W . h . i. i C . h . was already us;in.g,g'uns wilh. conjca]barrels, The design 0'( the newgun ..paralleledthat 1 0 ' ( the 7'5mm..Pa k b ' U . i : l l , b'Y' the Rhein-metall-Borsig . A . G firm. Dint b 'Y irrtroducingth I ' i i i b 1 h. e (OD ...C,3.. -n3.rrowJIln,g'-gun . \ar re._ ,I~~eUlse0 : the 75m ..D1 Pak 41 moved "in differentdirections, The ba .r rl e I o f rhe Krupp Pak had a~ f 'l d I I ' J ( ' h ' L _ h. I' [-' . 3 : r a ' I Ia , i f . ' ! '; i ! : . i ' . . . . ' t ' I O , ' n :. 3 '" . : ~~ir It iD u ' l . " , i P i e , I " , I ..fl.e ., p ..... .L, ' ! - 1 ! 1 " "- ' " ' - . , " ~ .. _ 1I ,L. .I!, . I IL - , . _ ' " - . "- '_ . _ ,followed 'b i)" a . conical section that gave W 3. 'Y ' t J O1 3 , smooth parallel section at Iie'muzzle, 'T :hu,sIhe diameter of 'the shiell was compressedfrom 7 ,5 ... 0, ,5 :mm~1The 2.5kilogram antitankshell i.~.stungsten carbide' core weighing O l , gkg, thus attained ;2 1 muzzle 'vieicity of 126,0meter ..pe r second, w.h.i,c:h..penetrated 2 'O I5 ,:mm.of armer at 13 ran,g'le of 5,001meters,A . further difference from the 7 .5 ,mm.Pak .:0was the shielr ~ which was a, load .. arryingmember 0'( the cons.~rU,Cl.'io'n,~he barrel withI.hle'cradle 'was,moumed ,inIIaS Ia ball 'm ou nt. . .The ,S p',3I'S, 10,( t :h .e spreading moun t an,d'heaxles suspended b',.torsion bars, were aetachedd.ir'e'cliy 1. 0 the shield ..Thus [he G'unwas ver 'I,QW,IIand 'it w~ilg'hed oul" 1 ,390 kg, 'Th.l~ban 0'0the use of tungsten for ammunition ;r.,o,"d ,D tion meant the; end of 75m:m Pak ,':1,proclnclion, 0,1 w,~lich. on.:,y 150were made,'..0 _ng' th 75'mm Pa ..41 bl'. 013J.n.p0 1 Wre, was:n o lon ge r p o ss ib h ~.on. a. _IC 'D 'D nt of : i . 1 s wf::igh.'l~A.n order from. the A.:rm.y High Commared'in.clulded, lamon.g others, the Ii: e: ,ij., :e ,3vV 'Pak will 'be 'tow'@ld or pushed int,o, poaition by'motor vehicles,"h most importan! towing '"reh.i.clesi - 1 ' 1 0 1 -this ';.3 '. 'W, re th e 3~ton, halfreack, the IS'(aterpf lr made - - , , " e ' '(R,,;' ('0"-' short),and In :c "'.:.p'(ln,al (,_=0-5 ['~1 I lIe 1" 1500i u I~ I. .

    G 5 2 . ,C t ' r r, : J ! ' I ll' " ~

    g ,; iderung l'~,A . t 't .7 . -~ 1 S ' . : m PtJr'l-1S c ' huBwe i te i tw~ i r' .I '~~ I~~ !,L II 2~olo m- ,. ... ",,, i ii,fU "I'" .'_ .....IIg ",.Ih". et'n illhlillfli9R o h rw ei t e o . I J , : S [s , S em . I( I k , o ,"~KI~Rohr lange in . Kaliber,n . l ,15 '7/' &till,.,. ~" E'i'l~'kQJ.il&ICf' ,t ~32G.es,choBg'Bwich t; IPI,~'.,~~~, ie : " ! r : ~ , I i : ~II !~~',"~,1,6 ~J ' liS J e , 2F,IISIG ' r ' o ~ I r : i I ; i . A V ' ' " , 2 , 2 . D I ,M/el I All, 51iJ m - I . s . 'e. k , g l a D I MI.~t, _ , . ' ~ I l l J I~~ !I _ n I , ' '. - -f i i l llg ' l l' I ~ 1. 1 '" 1 I~c.,t ""iI"_IP\.,I'., ...."un,it'i,i"

    NI.J , I l . .rm --"'~;J.,~IL, '.J I i I ! "1 -:a

    A 3 " _ - I D1 1 '1 ' ' S ' o ':;. .

    (]C.'\:V ic'ht in ) lcucr s t~Uu .ng.'e'wi'cl~,t in Fahf ',B'teU Illngl~i.ch, tre~d Seite

    ! ! I I

    60 '11. -- " "S 1 n l ' .e lU ,u , .mm A I, - A

    -1 1 . 0hsto r r b e d ,;Irf } I~,e ~'I0 er w J U ~ Snr. J 1 Htc1~, . , k~ :[9 " '0 1 " " ' , s- - ~ _ . - - - - _ . - - - - ~ - - - - ~ - - - - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - -< ~UI'~:5I ,Il'li ilt~

    " ~h'1~" . ~ ~ I I S o11 h Zn

    ' 4 ~ ' ! 1 1 '.-

    ])Uf'Ch'9chn. F '"rlligungslcl,t~ ~ 6 ,~~'onn't ,A rht{'~liLsstu I:U ~ 'n,..._B'D ,OF'~~'r1ijllUg fi'nn, -n :

    W 't r ' c j , 11 1 ic h t ', _II' 9 _f l l f r't ig ,t

  • 8/3/2019 [Armor] Schiffer 24 German Anti-tank Guns 1935-45, 37, 50, 75, 88mm


    ~t'l'" d r atcrp ilJ a J . ' 0..(It)p ~.l.sa 75n..In. Pak and" q . 1 1- ie it c """r ,( B l \ )


    , .-

    ; .... ,.~ l ',.. . ... ~ 1 ._ I The RSfl wa s sen r 'to thee..stern front :i great11 umbers in 11~J13. I 1 1 ; ' d J d ~J . 7 0I P j.5 liter ~~ey r ca - r - n . U r e L TrIrotor. weigh d .20D kg ~ ridh ad cllrange 0 ".OU ro d or150 c oss-cuun v k ilometers~\,,'~ a [II.J] 1 ~0 ~i 11 " I t a n k .

  • 8/3/2019 [Armor] Schiffer 24 German Anti-tank Guns 1935-45, 37, 50, 75, 88mm


    .ven ~efore the l'\1rQ 7.~mm Pal wem intoservice ..l tv ~7~D1m Pak 97 1 38 had alres .dv hadits baptism 10; ( Iire, This gao v'as ~asi all! threrench 1.997field gun great rmmbers ofwh..ch had be l en captured in the wes t e r ncampaign. The barrel ofmis gun was simplyremoved and installed in the Irame o[ Ihre50mm Pak, To decrease t e heavy recojl, amuzzle brake 'was screwed cnto the. barrel,l'Vb.a L wih L h c shu rt barre 11cngt Ir, the 'Inuzzlevelocitv of die shell W' ~ 570 meters :persecond ..Thus at 500 meters orrlv 8fn10[ o r 75mmco ' Id be penet ated,In additio'n, thE crew hlo k, whih h.ad fObe operated b!fhand, proved [0be a problem;

    . i U lc e ~~. harply l O ' ~ r e l C d th,e r a t e : of f ir e . .~"r 'hendamage 10 the .par Ie ul ted &om the wei ht( he bai r - I ana mun le b rake on th mount,the gun was .r,adual,l~ wi.tbclril.wn f:runl U~~on (] e ,'fO ., ,d turn d O~ er the Panzerj , a . ,rlu n it!i . 1 1 -0, cu pi red territori 'I'""c'igbing II gO kg, th i gun could al"0 b emoved by In artpnw f~nr, ,-hi h our towli - . s..nd 31 g teerable wheel , the spar endwere 1 1 - . vid " d ..

    .,!1"3 r r r r -, InIa ftu~I~ 7 !-~n.-nn,P';:d( 9 7 .~8 in ]...thl' summ. Lrof 1944.

    lu: gun tv-a ra[t'T]l d by _ r..uh~_-h rtbar t l\~i It ~mu zzlc brak , . hhough iw .-e sy to rn a, e o it w as T .H JI fJ h r~.J ar am: In , hePanLE '1 j lag r h~" i .LHS~~ '} f ir~ ' IO'h ' m~l l t" ut fh C'.

  • 8/3/2019 [Armor] Schiffer 24 German Anti-tank Guns 1935-45, 37, 50, 75, 88mm


    I l i o i l H .: - - 1 1r ' l -pI ~ II!~I"nll.!!; G 5 '3nrillgL-S~ + T' 1 l " . . . h D .CC.l1ruse ..e aren:- -

    n:r.~rlitr v~ "I" " 0 ' 1 1 ~ ~l i ~ 1 1 1 1 1 ' . , . ;" 11~r Z . l i~ ih l' [ 'Ulll n~~'u,)P!llL f. - l '1 i11r"! ! .I ','II ifJ !~. m l F " l~ U I ' r s t ~I~n ~~. r~wc'1~tIn rC l h r st el h L~I~f ( i ' 1 1 1 1 ' ~ f cl ~ ' S ! . i i : ' l ! ! '

    . . ,1 S "1 a i 5 if .1 i. rs cl~'l) Utli ~. - 1 0 1 ' 9 0 k~A L 7~ ru

    ; 6 0 1 1 1[iih~ -111 of - .~'!i-"

    n!l!st ~IJll l.Lt.rt I )'jl ~hil I ': r \r 1 Mi t ~u I" !(.. S o t ck , I. kf ! ; ' I if. I~II I . ~ J ~T I ' t i \ l .! It f!;-I! III t..t ~Idh. t. kpl _-! 'l,r I~I1I.h:-.t!I,III"-I~]I~' l1j , . IN' 8 ~.~ L"t:1 II. Vi ' i"~IJ1!LII,!;H1l'llO,l!i"' , ~ If ~,Iilmllh AiotlF " " , r l 1 f H r1R~nnr j" l [ ~ p.,,~"'.",I

    l I I ' i ' j 'r d i P l 1 1 ~ , ~ t milh r '~Ilfilltt.i ,t o " , ~ ~ , 6 _ r . :l'i~'N~ t 11~.5',~, ilf'. J . : J . . . I ,.;1. i I J' ' . ., - . ts tpl t,F rs i~'I't~~fJt )1?jJ~~ ~rr&~ ;j~'j~If1~!f , I :. . , . . " , . . . j f, - l '" 't ~ ~ ~" ' ~ , ~ n, " ,' ' " 'L 'lr~(l' 1 ' i " ~ W J; i J j . . " jL J / ., l(), .~,,~Ii ~ ~Q-: P . I r I1fj':I

    jo; 1.$'T.! I ~ , J . _ . .1!17~:~Ie (IJ'

    The 7 . r J 1 T I , m Pak v i a s in service H. D til the lastday of If_1L~war. The picture 5.110'\\' 5, aPanzerjager uni t. driving tt l rough J Silesiantowi on FE bl-UaTV2 ' : 6 . . 1 9 4 .5 , _ T h r ere w isriding on the ,3-ton rowing tractor with allL h . e i m - gt~u.

    Th e 75'mnl Pill ,41 m~d"" by Rheinm. nil] ..R n r~ig A ." IJ , h 1 3 , d it dif e re n ~ ,[..pf: u'" c o n .i c a Ibarrel. It , '\

  • 8/3/2019 [Armor] Schiffer 24 German Anti-tank Guns 1935-45, 37, 50, 75, 88mm


    'The 1 8 ' : - " 8 ' - - ' " P ) A ' ' ' ."e Ilmm, ' > .\Jrer the Ktu.p:p -rirlll recei v e d a contract '10produce a,n .88mm anti-aircraft gun, it d " e -veloped an ,8Sm,mantisank gun shortly before\Vo;r1d W'8, r ]1 beg,aJi~ This gun, which we:p ,~in'lo production in m g l ~ " I ' became the bestantitank gun, inthe war.The modifications ~r'om, the previously

    C 1 l I J S tomar ~i'S'Uns 'of th is l y pie iclu,ded, a sem i..automa ric vertjcal breech mecha nism. ..Opening the breech and ejfeting ~hf::carrridgewe'tf' done h" LWO s,p:ri.ng~ which were com ..pressed ,,\J}len the In,n recoiled ..T'his g'[lea'ilyshortened 'Ib!t recoil. The traverse aimjnggear cou IIi be ~IIm ed 260 degrees '.Th f cross1 1 1 .on 11 I w as ~ke (h 3 t, u f (he' 88,mm r,]air ~Firi ng.ht.~,lwas also possible wh,f ' ,n the g'un 'was 0:0.j is- w.heels" with firin,g done electricall ] I . " Sinc'f'the elevation W3., Iimited ro ,410,degrees, the 'upper' edge of the sfrield, ,at only I.73 meters,( :u u 1 !d - r i l l { " k,ep t v ery I ow '.,The \\l'If igh r n:(1 16 , 9 : 0 , k gin f i ri:rlg pIOS.~I: ~'n W ills also 1 0 \ , \ " . ,

    O [ this gUll there 'wel."r two '"pes:'l.h,c8 8mm Pa k 43:: cal ier length 6" .35 m ere rs,eros s '01mm ~ i great range and ple'nf~farion,lim iled m,obil ity off t'h. road ~the ,8Smm Pak '3/ I: caliber ~rDglh 1 ( 1 . , 3 1 6 meters,spread InUullt" great range and penetration,high elevation, great weiG'll,t~, 'l.oca,v~r e onlv 56 ,degrees,

    ['0' t: h 'r ired a.11J i.l[ 3 J lIll.k sh elts, hard "",EOre s h , e I l sand explosive hells, The rate of fire lnr bo'lh.guns \\\\'3 1" 6 1 in ]0 l,ou.Dds pe - minute, pl.n-ift ratin of g,P to 19~)m 111.a r "1, Of , 1 1 I . a rangl~0 rm 00.0 meil:r,s. The , ,_ un s w e re u 'd'lr rh e al01,'P'ar:lze- j i 1: - :er un it ~

    Th e supply o f 8 8 f. 1. rr m. Pa k in the Gel'manA,!"nlY as ,ofOctober l , I944 numbered 57'8 t onJan,uary t, 1945 82'9...The 7~ 5 and 8,8m,m Pakwere divided as fol,low'~ in ' the- last qu . ,2 I r leF . o f1944:~ oI t ,.11 ,. No\'. n.rc.


    9, Q;J

    Supplied 110 rhe 'fr\on~ :200Suppl] ed ~o Ersatz h eer 900Tu rn re d tover to aHies 1 1 6400 15;6480 150,40 50

  • 8/3/2019 [Armor] Schiffer 24 German Anti-tank Guns 1935-45, 37, 50, 75, 88mm


    ~~lfI1fJ~1 1 : 1 led~nln~ 51 !..A11]",Dring! ~ S't. . , : ~ ,H PI ..= 'r~gr", 'eehnisehe 'Daten:SchullwciJ:.e IHi . ''" f l ' " i o t l _ " , ,A S , " " S o :mI t ,o bU "we~t,e ' ' I emIll,o'hrl,ange in KR~he'm tf11 o " N u " a [ 9 I b ~ 1Gesc'hcBgewi,cht ::: : 6 1f, 2 1 6 1 mA o ! 2; kg ,~ I ~ ' "j,l, ~~,3, ,~~, ""1l .lU 'U'~I!II It i~H!d,JW! _ , " P I ',1'1",'. ~'J I~~iDm , ;s lek I.......1 , ____,

    .If 0, . , ' I i P,I:I,i .,J 'iJ4 ': lI IU ~ . , ' U ALA1h" il' ~ Q J_ , \ ~) ' 5 " 0 1 kg~ ' S G I

    G : ( ,0 Dltr , V o . _, ~r J I " " .t!lOlli" i , ! ! " . , " " ' L ' 1 I i I " d ' ,iI,I.Q!Z~II;I ler. a . u ng enG~'wich in Feucr s t e l lu n f;'G,cwic~~t , i n , ~~ahrstc.uun,gI t ~e l I t f i E : ld, a ,e lteS cb u Jl j miD. 1 & - A O ''G e sc h t i 't z te Le b em fid ~ule :r , r z ; in e a '90b r , e s " " " - : a d D Sc b ( l " _ I I', \ ,, __ , ", " _ _ ,._ d In i Rj f , ~ , r. 3 ;1!1~ ID II r e h s o h L ~ I 3 g ~~I .." ';I ... ,~,01 i II ii o , oJI i j , . , t ~;IIJ_ I I " J ' " I ,- " , . : , - ,_ . ~ "' ,' 1 11 11 ' , - :IllIIlli.l'&j1 " I I iJ ~. 'iii ' I.. 1 i " . . . . jl ~ J ~ l I I ' P ; l ill It _ l 1 P f i , , . 1~J'r; ! I i J f . J I i W ' _ ,,;I _ 11 "' 1 ', ~ J! ; ; , " I I , l i i I'P 'I,._' ..

    ,.H 011 8 ' [ .0 ff b e d a r f ' Fe 'Ma Cr S ' [ ' ~ M ~' Hill C~j

    r " A S'ldc:. !.~,T"f , t ' I I D ~I A',~' I I~'A l Ph l!1~ ,~.i ~{:1l1lM('II~~o C A , i ~f. 1 ~I.i"b. t, 'kJ! 2~4 2~.'1 < 4 ,',!I ., ,.

    I'reis .fnt UIIlI re I~ldIt .-"~ti j Jl ~~1tgt&'Zi tit _ " r I J ~ ~ 1 t~ : ! l~IJlJlldt;ii I)fonatcFt"!'l"~L,gI m n J : ! ; , ! ' o I H !U'I'tlf"r! ; t:I" 5 f " l l e u ! I,)l.." .1!HI'.uc~~d. k l i lUr&J'WIi ' h I ] ht! ii a.~!'I IhC!!j, , ! i; I" '~" ,I," , "i i ii . .

    - .R lg lu .The Ilt.ighty 88nun Pak froln the [ron c.TIu! gun's''t\ heels were those of rh e ~1ea 'Vy Held Iinwitzer. VVh ; ; : l twuh the ~hor [ sU.ppl '~l0 F J11a er i I,~I,here were I "V 0versicns of rhe run ning geru~;one with pneuma tic tiresand one with pressed steel spoked wheels with hard~u bbrr ti res.

  • 8/3/2019 [Armor] Schiffer 24 German Anti-tank Guns 1935-45, 37, 50, 75, 88mm



    I I w c h 10 r 'P , i) 1 I lUI . c c ew I. J ' U[n I1 1 _ di ..L d hr LJ seof in]" ~a.ig s 1 J l. -~ ()~nqdt:lsj 1 . 'L)I : .. and 4 ' he weight "

    [.. ~ rtt'~~l1 j L itt. L c . ' 1 11 J, P- w _.. r f m m 'p'~k - 4 tt Ih T, were modi f i r ~ 1the s,hi :1 ' was lVU rnerert ~

  • 8/3/2019 [Armor] Schiffer 24 German Anti-tank Guns 1935-45, 37, 50, 75, 88mm


    , : , }-

  • 8/3/2019 [Armor] Schiffer 24 German Anti-tank Guns 1935-45, 37, 50, 75, 88mm


    r IU _ . . . . -u " P, S

    Rjghl~ I. 'age:

  • 8/3/2019 [Armor] Schiffer 24 German Anti-tank Guns 1935-45, 37, 50, 75, 88mm


    Pat.3lL 7 ~ P'ak, 4~ ~~?1

    Caliber In mmarre] length i.n mmBarrel length in l[a1.i'ln~rElevat iOil ran .',e in degreesTrav erse fa n ge in d ie g.re-~lVeih IIn :kg (ready 10' fire)Type 0 '1 mountLen,glh. in m..mWidtn :ill mmHeight in mm.nrita,n ,'. shell wl~'igh't ,~n.kg

    'J' uzele velo cit , in ,m/seEIIa:rd.-cO[f shell we'i,e h.1 [n kg

    Mitzz e v f ,l o \C ' i' lY in . mzsee:Exp],osi'Yl~ ,shell wEight i,11 '.,1M'Uz:rJe tt~,o=ity : i . .n ml ;.,I:\~m,o:rpenet ra lioll. rnm at m.e l , e r s

    8863507 ~,..8 +403,603 ,600Cross9200

    88163607l~ +38,5643501S~"read1~ -91,.f:42 ' 5 : 2 7 '19~n)0",2),000. . . , '~'"..a112519~4;"" '1 r : : : 1 f i J1,,3U


    .1700IO~:2] 0 0 0"" i iiI~a1125~L4750'163/10001

    1 * -


    ._n 8 . , n 1m a lK -+ . \\1 i; s p re ,a c l mnu.n~ .n .;:1secu ring p sirion b I .3 river i1. wrs tern-r,rn, .ny ~~,pring. 945. (SA)

    Left:TI~t appearance of both guns, above theSS'm,nt Pak 4, 3 L F 7 ' 1. belo '\ \ i ' he 881nrn Pa k41 !3. 71 .

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  • 8/3/2019 [Armor] Schiffer 24 German Anti-tank Guns 1935-45, 37, 50, 75, 88mm


    ,e n rmal ll\v-ing"\' -lricle.fu.r Lh t" '111 n Pak ,\,~S I h (_ l g-[-U1 n,~nna tra C[O~ ~set. Kl'l~~ .10). _ bn, e: I," p'ic~ n o ' ~Tnl ]'\Vlt"sllern - rm n~ in th wint r of 144-L J.Below: a pi lure frornI _u [lg~ar ( . J . .lUa] - il l 2 . t [~)

  • 8/3/2019 [Armor] Schiffer 24 German Anti-tank Guns 1935-45, 37, 50, 75, 88mm


    }\bove: Thi ....88nun Pak wasdisplayed at a weapons showin the northern sector or theeas tern front in 1944.(B)

    :H "TO,'R', O. THE P.ANlERJAG ,RTh ..- .errna I arrrirarik troops l-'~rm LO war _the beginllimng of \ V o : r l d " . at II '1Vi~h C iOanLitank and one annil3J . Iia'tin'lin.g unitsplus the ,a:nti'13.nk cumpan ie s 0'[ vari.ousr -,iJm,'-nll,. Dur in, the war [hie uumb ' I ' " 1 0 .

    i I 'units, n O'\-~ (;~n'fdPa nz r j ag@r, "dthin the'di. iJnn inrr ..~,d to 407, ;on: l ud 'i ! !g _ighttha , had no numbe hut bo e the ,d].vis,ion-'0,.. ]-1' (Ior ~'X mp h IG'R,Q ~D - 'i~l-, ,UBK '.D' _ . . !' I '_ l! ! .... ','

    I " ~ . I . " ' .

    eL.), There wer e 3.1.,0 Indep nd. l nil arrnvPan,lerj,3ger units wit ,- numb rs ahov .')00.."he -,igh ' lnumber of ,3 unit was 21]3..Theunits, that as - 'aull gun co' l11panies gairu:~d1'.1of'9'43..44, er gi~'0nurn :er ov 'f ] 0 , 0 . . ,Th,E rOUowi l lg P,an 're jagrf~rl1D" ' tS ,consist. d

    I.' r r 0I. i fl' 0 d iers, III I .0-;-n t in; thewall 11 - - ."S;

    I eft: Bre chblo k \ i~haim ling crank and targetingre1~ ' . Ipe. ]0, ver g11n ',t. tile~s.pars ax le and '''V heels.

    Pz..1 , ,.Abu. IE .ern 1 ' J ! Il:plfSCauc ~ ian,Tur:-:nlen)C paniards)(Cro s)(Cronts)


    1 5 , 9 9 1 ~l600~II,50 (Rn~ ia,n' )

    ...ar rh ..:ndl the war fe I e _ - ~ ' e r , e '10P'anletjl':~'rer fiI!imeut - as ,v~ll. 31 units andb- ien le, ; ; ae r l\ -e Uuallv :rmetl \~ilhass ,uh un~, or asau I~ ranks,

    4 7

  • 8/3/2019 [Armor] Schiffer 24 German Anti-tank Guns 1935-45, 37, 50, 75, 88mm


    j' le

    ti II

  • 8/3/2019 [Armor] Schiffer 24 German Anti-tank Guns 1935-45, 37, 50, 75, 88mm


    er,C ' O r e k B e p
