ARMENIAN COMMUNITY & CHURCH COUNCIL OF GREAT BRITAIN No 2 (11) 2005 2007 Dear readers, We are pleased to welcome you to the 11 th issue of Hamaink. Our team of volunteers has been working hard again to share with you coverage of relevant lectures, talks and cultural events taking place in our community as well as charity and rehabilitation projects happening in Armenia and Karabakh. In the last few months we stood united as a community in our commemoration of several key events in the calendar of any Armenian. In April, through series of church services, marches and talks, our community paid tribute to the 1.5 million innocent Armenian lives that were victims of the first Genocide of the 20 th century. In May, we commemorated the 15 th anniversary of the liberation of Shushi and marked Armenia’s first Independent Republic Day - May 28 th . In time for this issue we are also pleased to share with you important dates in the lives of two very special individuals and spiritual leaders. HG Bishop Nathan Hovhannisian, the Primate of the Armenian Church of Great Britain, celebrated the 10 th anniversary of his Episcopal ordination on June 14 th . Across the Atlantic, Archbishop Yeghishe Gizirian celebrated his 60 th anniversary of being ordained into priesthood and a special banquet was held in his honour in Pennsylvania on May 20 th . We join in congratulating both of them and take the opportunity to thank them for their great contribution to the life of the Armenian community in the UK. We hope you will enjoy reading the issue and look forward to your continued feedback and support. Anna Hakobyan Editor Armenian Churches in United Kingdom Reach Agreement on Draft Constitution to Establish Unified Diocese of the United Kingdom & Ireland Immediately following its election to office some four years ago, the Armenian Community & Church Council of Great Britain (ACCC) was entrusted by His Holiness the Catholicos, the task of bringing under one Diocesan structure the three Armenian churches of the United Kingdom. The ACCC created a Constitution Committee, which, after producing an initial draft constitution, entered into consultation with the governing bodies of the St Sarkis Church of Kensington in London and the Holy Trinity Church of Manchester and after numerous meetings and lengthy negotiations, the ACCC has great pleasure in announcing that agreement was reached by all parties on a final draft constitution which will now be submitted to His Holiness the Catholicos of all Armenian for his ratification. The final draft Diocesan Constitution was presented by the President of the ACCC and the Primate of the Armenian Church of Great Britain, Bishop Nathan Hovhannisian, to a joint meeting of the governing bodies of the three churches on Sunday the 22nd of July, 2007. The constitution was signed by the Chairmen of the ACCC which incorporates the St Yeghiche Church of Kensington, The St Sarkis Church of Kensington, and the Holy Trinity Church of Manchester, confirming that the terms of the draft constitution are to their agreement and satisfaction and affirming their agreement for the draft to be submitted to His Holiness for ratification. The new Diocesan Constitution, whilst providing for the church governing bodies to be autonomous in the administration of their respective churches, provides for the establishment of a Diocese and a Diocesan Assembly which shall be the representative body, for ecclesiastical purposes, of all the churches of the Diocese under the jurisdiction of the Catholicosate of All Armenians, and shall exercise supervision over all ecclesiastical matters relating to churches within the Diocese under the Presidency of the Primate of the Diocese. At a reception following the meeting, the Chairman of the ACCC, Mr Ara Palamoudian, paid special tribute to His Grace Bishop Nathan Hovhannisian for his devoted participation in the preparation of the Constitution and for his energetic efforts in securing the agreement of all parties with a spirit of goodwill and mutual understanding and cooperation.

ARMENIAN COMMUNITY & CHURCH COUNCIL OF GREAT ...ARMENIAN COMMUNITY & CHURCH COUNCIL OF GREAT BRITAIN No 2 (11) 20052007 Dear readers, We are pleased to welcome you to the 11th issue

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    No 2 (11)


    Dear readers,

    We are pleased to welcome you tothe 11th issue of Hamaink. Our teamof volunteers has been working hardagain to share with you coverage ofrelevant lectures, talks and culturalevents taking place in ourcommunity as well as charity andrehabilitation projects happening inArmenia and Karabakh. In the lastfew months we stood united as acommunity in our commemorationof several key events in the calendarof any Armenian. In April, throughseries of church services, marchesand talks, our community paidtribute to the 1.5 million innocentArmenian lives that were victims ofthe first Genocide of the 20thcentury. In May, we commemoratedthe 15th anniversary of the liberationof Shushi and marked Armenia’sfirst Independent Republic Day -May 28th.

    In time for this issue we are alsopleased to share with you importantdates in the lives of two very specialindividuals and spiritual leaders.HG Bishop Nathan Hovhannisian,the Primate of the Armenian Churchof Great Britain, celebrated the 10thanniversary of his Episcopalordination on June 14th. Across theAtlantic, Archbishop YeghisheGizirian celebrated his 60thanniversary of being ordained intopriesthood and a special banquetwas held in his honour inPennsylvania on May 20th. We joinin congratulating both of them andtake the opportunity to thank themfor their great contribution to thelife of the Armenian community inthe UK.

    We hope you will enjoy reading theissue and look forward to yourcontinued feedback and support.

    Anna HakobyanEditor

    Armenian Churches in United KingdomReach Agreement on Draft Constitution

    to Establish Unified Diocese of theUnited Kingdom & Ireland

    Immediately following its election to officesome four years ago, the Armenian Community& Church Council of Great Britain (ACCC)was entrusted by His Holiness the Catholicos,the task of bringing under one Diocesanstructure the three Armenian churches of theUnited Kingdom.

    The ACCC created a Constitution Committee,which, after producing an initial draftconstitution, entered into consultation with thegoverning bodies of the St Sarkis Church ofKensington in London and the Holy TrinityChurch of Manchester and after numerousmeetings and lengthy negotiations, the ACCChas great pleasure in announcing that agreementwas reached by all parties on a final draftconstitution which will now be submitted to HisHoliness the Catholicos of all Armenian for hisratification.

    The final draft Diocesan Constitution waspresented by the President of the ACCC and thePrimate of the Armenian Church of GreatBritain, Bishop Nathan Hovhannisian, to a jointmeeting of the governing bodies of the threechurches on Sunday the 22nd of July, 2007. Theconstitution was signed by the Chairmen of theACCC which incorporates the St YeghicheChurch of Kensington, The St Sarkis Church ofKensington, and the Holy Trinity Church ofManchester, confirming that the terms of thedraft constitution are to their agreement andsatisfaction and affirming their agreement forthe draft to be submitted to His Holiness forratification.

    The new Diocesan Constitution, whilstproviding for the church governing bodies to beautonomous in the administration of theirrespective churches, provides for theestablishment of a Diocese and a DiocesanAssembly which shall be the representativebody, for ecclesiastical purposes, of all thechurches of the Diocese under the jurisdictionof the Catholicosate of All Armenians, andshall exercise supervision over all ecclesiasticalmatters relating to churches within the Dioceseunder the Presidency of the Primate of theDiocese.

    At a reception following the meeting, theChairman of the ACCC, Mr Ara Palamoudian,paid special tribute to His Grace Bishop NathanHovhannisian for his devoted participation inthe preparation of the Constitution and for hisenergetic efforts in securing the agreement ofall parties with a spirit of goodwill and mutualunderstanding and cooperation.

  • гٳÛÝù2

    On Saturday 21st April 2007 Armenians throughout the UKgathered to commemorate the 92nd anniversary of theArmenian Genocide. As Armenians throughout the world;from the US to France, Brussels to Lebanon, Argentina toAustralia commemorated the 1.5 million Armenians who losttheir lives so too did the community in the UK.

    Over one thousand people gathered at Marble Arch to showtheir support and together march through the streets ofLondon. The crowd represented all ages and backgrounds fromthe youngest child to grandparents all who unite in the samethoughts and prayers. As more and more countries haveaccepted the facts and recognised the Genocide, the Armeniansin the UK alongside their friends and supporters still have highhopes that one day the recognition will be a reality here in theUK. The march ended at the Cenotaph where Raffi Sarkisian,Chair of CRAG said a few words and HG Bishop NathanHovhannisian united all in prayer. The march ended with alljoining together to sing the Armenian National Anthem.

    The commemoration continued at Ealing Town Hall on thesame evening. A number of prominent speakers had beeninvited by CRAG and the Armenian Community and Church

    Council of Great Britain (ACCC). The Mayor of LondonBorough of Ealing was present and made a speech as did RightHonourable Stephen Pound MP for Ealing North. They bothexpressed the efforts being made to allow the Genocide to berecognised in the UK.

    Musical accompaniment added a cultural touch and made theevening even more pleasurable for all who attended. Ablessing was made by HG Bishop Nathan Hovhannisian and afurther speech by Mr Raffi Sarkissian.

    The events expressed how all Armenians alongside friends andsupporters will never give up in the efforts to make therecognition a reality. The only way to end denial in the UK isfor all Armenians to combine and show solidarity. The eventsin 2007 had much support and demonstrated the efforts beingmade by all who attended.

    Melineh Jacob

    2000 marched in London


    On June 4, 2007 ACCC’s Campaign for the Recognition of theArmenian Genocide (CRAG) had organised an evening lectureon the topic of Genocide – Accountability and Memory. Theevent, held at the House of Commons, was sponsored byStephen Pound, Labour MP for Ealing North, and featured apresentation by Linda Malvern, an Honorary Professor in theDepartment of International Politics, University of Wales,Aberystwyth. The evening combined an interestingpresentation and insights by Linda Malvern on the genocide inthe Rwanda with a lively debate with members of the audienceon historical and current developments in the sphere of

    genocide prevention and recognition. Among the key pointsemerging from the presentation and the subsequent Q&A withthe audience was the importance of broad public engagementand concerted advocacy to achieve progress in support of therecognition of the Armenian genocide in the UK. It was alsonoted that the Holocaust Memorial day ought to becommemorated as Genocide Memorial day to be moreinclusive in its scope and merit and that public education ongenocide, including in schools, is far from beingcomprehensive in the UK and more is yet to be achieved in thisfield.

    Accountability and Memory

    On 6th May 2007, Robert Avetisyan, First Secretary at theMinistry of Foreign Affairs of Artsakh, delivered aninteresting and informative lecture in the presence of invitedguests from the Armenian Embassy, the ArmenianCommunity & Church Council and Mr Stephen Pound, MP forEaling North.

    After introductory remarks from Sevan Artin, Chairman ofHye Dat, a minute’s silent reflection was held to honour thevictims on the 15th anniversary of Shushi’s liberation. MrAvetisyan (29) delivered a thorough timeline of Artsakh’shistory and discussed in detail the efforts of the governmentand the people in rebuilding a “young republic”.

    As a member of the democratically elected Parliament ofArtsakh, Mr Avetisyan highlighted the fact that internationalobservers had monitored the election process and much of thelecture was centred on the recent improvements that have beenmade to the region. Given that up to a third of all Artsakhresidents were refugees up until a year ago; this has been nosmall feat. Artsakh refugees from the bitter war withAzerbaijan were not given the same rights awarded to otherdisplaced victims and 70% of all Artsakh’s infrastructure wasdestroyed during the war.

    Restoration work is at the core of Artsakh’s rebirth which hasseen a 14% GDP increase in 2006. Tourism is also fuellingthis economic growth and visitors come from over 60 differentcountries to see Artsakh every year; last year this equated to a30% increase in tourism.

    Mr Avetisyan spoke optimistically but practically about theimprovements being made for ordinary Artsakh residents intheir everyday lives. Work has been completed and iscontinuing on major redevelopment projects including newschools and hospitals throughout the region. He stressed theimportance of the involvement of the Armenia diasporamoving towards the future, and encouraged people to visitArtsakh, to support projects and invest in the community.Some people have taken this support further and closer to heartwith some 200 families from countries like France, the USAand Russia permanently moving to Artsakh since 2005.

    After delivering his talk, Robert Avetisyan answered questionsfrom the audience at the Navasartian centre. Theconversations continued more informally after the lecture, oversnacks and wine.

    Huby Saroukhanoff

    The Reality of Artsakh – Robert Avetisyan

  • гٳÛÝù4

    The film SCREAMERS featuring Grammy-award winning Armenian rockband System of a Down was broadcast on BBC4 twice in one night onThursday 29th March 2007.

    The powerful 90-minute documentary showed interviews with survivors,images of the Armenians massacred during the Genocide, and the effortsbeing made by the band System of a Down to make those nations such asthe USA and the UK who support the denialist policy of Turkey, to changetheir policies and to recognise the fact that the mass killing of 1.5 millionArmenians in Ottoman Turkey in 1915 was an act of Genocide.

    SCREAMERS is a production of MG2 productions in association withBBC Television and the Raffi Manoukian Charity. Director CarlaGarapedian, a veteran reporter who has made a career of covering the mostdifficult stories, from Chechenya to repression in Afghanistan, follows theEuropean tour of System Of A Down and their ongoing efforts, throughmusic and activism, to raise awareness about denial of all genocide, tracingthe band members' own personal journey of their grandparents survivingthe Armenian Genocide and its legacy of a century of atrocities. On behalfof the ACCC, Hamaink would like to express its gratitude to RaffiManoukian Charity for supporting the production of the documentary.

    For more information, please visit: http://www.screamersmovie.com/


    An impressive collection of photographic evidence of the FirstGenocide of the 20th Century when 1.5 Million Armenians fellvictim to the Genocide perpetrated by the Ottoman Turks circa1915 was held at the Menier Gallery in London in April 2007.

    The exhibition which was open for 12 days has been puttogether by the Land & Culture Organisation and has beendisplayed in numerous European cities. The LondonExhibition was organised by the UK Branch of Land & CultureOrg. together with CRAG - Campaign for Recognition of theArmenian Genocide. Plans are in hand for the exhibition to beshown throughout the world. It is something not to be missedby any person who has a social conscience, a sense of justiceand respect for Human Rights.

    '' The Ottoman Armenians - The Final Images''Exhibition organised by Land & Culture Org of UK and CRAG


    Professor Sir Ara Darzi, who is chargedwith improving patient care, has beenpromoted from his previous role asNational Advisor on surgery.

    Sir Ara, chair of surgery at ImperialCollege London, supports governmentplans to reconfigure NHS services.

    When he took over as prime minister, MrBrown said he planned a broad-basedgovernment of "all the talents".

    Sir Ara will combine his ministerialduties with his research and clinicalcommitments, including the supervisionof students.

    Sir Ara, 47, said: "It is a great honour andprivilege to be asked by the PrimeMinister to continue that work forpatients across the country.

    "I will be working closely with AlanJohnson to map out the next steps of thereform agenda that has achieved so muchin the last 10 years. But we can dobetter."

    Frontline experience

    He said he would draw on his experiencefrom the frontline to fulfil his newresponsibilities.

    "I am not a politician by profession. Myworking life has, is and will continue tobe centred on patient care."

    Sir Ara is internationally respected forhis innovative work in the advancementof minimal invasive surgery and in thedevelopment and use of alliedtechnologies including surgical robotsand image-guided surgery.

    Dr Jonathan Fielden, chair of the BMA'sconsultants' committee, said: "Having afocus on improving patient care is apositive step forward.

    "We will be looking forward to himlistening to our concerns and workingclosely with him to ensure that theconcerns of the profession and the publicare utilised to improve patient care."

    Mr Bernard Ribeiro, President of theRoyal College of Surgeons, said: "I amdelighted that a practising surgeon, whodeals with patients on a regular basis, hasdecided to take such a high position.

    "It is an opportunity for government toengage directly with the profession."

    The prime minister's spokesman saidProfessor Darzi would work Monday toThursday as a minister - being paid forthree days - and continue to work as anNHS surgeon, unpaid, on Fridays.

    Any income from his internationalprivate practice will be paid direct toImperial College to fund research, thespokesman said.

    The Armenian Community & ChurchCouncil of Great Britain take greatpleasure in congratulating Sir Ara onhis appointment to such an eminentposition and would also like tocongratulate Sir Ara's parentsVartkes and Dikranouhi Darzi whoare much respected members of theBritish Armenian Community.

    Prime Minister Gordon Brown has appointedProfessor Sir Ara Darzi as a Minister at the Department of Health


    Professor Sir Ara Darzi KBE

    Professor Sir Ara Darzi was appointedParliamentary Under Secretary at theDepartment of Health as part of GordonBrown's first Government in June 2007.

    Professor Darzi studied medicine in Irelandand qualified from the Royal College ofSurgeons. He obtained his fellowship inSurgery from the Royal College of Surgeons inIreland and a MD degree from Trinity College,Dublin.

    He was subsequently granted the fellowshipsof the Royal College of Surgeons of England,

    the American College of Surgeons, the RoyalCollege of Surgeons and Physicians ofGlasgow and of the Royal College of Surgeonsof Edinburgh. He was awarded an honoraryfellowship of the Royal Academy ofEngineering and fellowship of the Academy ofMedical Sciences and of the City and Guilds ofLondon Institute.

    Professor Darzi was knighted by the Queen asa Knight Commander of the most excellentOrder of the British Empire (KBE) in December2002.

    Currently, Professor Darzi holds the PaulHamlyn Chair of Surgery at Imperial CollegeLondon where he is head of the Division ofSurgery, Oncology, Reproductive Biology andAnaesthetics. He is an Honorary Consultant

    Surgeon at St Mary's Hospital and The RoyalMarsden Hospital. He also held the office ofthe Tutor in Minimal Access Surgery at theRoyal College of Surgeons in England, wherehe set the national guidelines in education andtraining in Minimal Access Surgery.

    Professor Darzi has published widely in thefield of minimally invasive therapy and hasdelivered many prestigious lectures.

    Professor Darzi and his team were awardedthe Queen's Anniversary Prize for Excellencein Higher and Further Education in 2001, inrecognition for achievements in pioneeringnew technologies to address trainingrequirements for trainee surgeons, surgeonsin post and other professionals.

  • гٳÛÝù6

    “Take my yolk upon you, and learn from me;for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and youwill find rest for your souls. For my yolk iseasy, and my burden is light.”

    These words from Matthew 11:29-30 are partof the Service of Calling to the Holy Order ofthe Priesthood in the Armenian Church, aservice during which the late Bishop TerenigPoladian ordained 22-year-old ZavenGizirian, back in 1947. Renamed Yeghishe,this gentle man of humble temperament andimpeccable character, spent the next sixtyyears serving the Armenian Church withgreat distinction.

    On Sunday, May 20, 2007, the Diocesanparishes of Holy Trinity Armenian Church(Cheltenham, PA) and St. Sahag & St.Mesrob Armenian Church (Wynnewood,PA), jointly sponsored a banquet in honor ofthis milestone. Parishioners and communitymembers from throughout the PhiladelphiaArmenian community came together – alongwith several clergy and dignitaries from outof town – to pay homage to a beloved priestwhose devotion and service to the ArmenianChurch serve as an inspiration to us all.

    The day began with Archbishop Gizirian’scelebration of the Divine Liturgy. At 82years of age, His Eminence’s rich voice stillcaptivates congregants every time hecelebrates Badarak. In his sermon,Archbishop Gizirian stressed that above all,nothing is more important than love andservice to our Lord.

    The banquet program began with theinvocation by His Eminence, ArchbishopVatche Hovsepian, the former Primate of theWestern Diocese of the Armenian Church.This was followed by a toast by the Rev. Fr.Tateos Abdalian, Pastor of Holy TrinityArmenian Church, and messages from Co-

    Chairs, Robert Damerjian and Arpy Jones,who welcomed everyone on behalf of bothparishes. As guests dined on a delicious filetmignon dinner, Master of Ceremonies,Antranig Garibian introduced the head table.Numerous letters of congratulations werereceived from throughout the world, severalof which were noted and read during theprogram. Archbishop Hovsepian, aclassmate of Archbishop Gizirian’s, providedsome insight into the honoree’s early yearsand spoke of their friendship over the years.

    The Rev. Fr. Daniel Findikyan eloquentlyspoke of Archbishop Gizirian’s wonderfulexample of love and servitude to the youthand clergy-to-be, stating that “his presence isedifying” and that “love emanates from hisvery being,” reminding us that we are in direneed of more clergy with these values.

    The keynote speaker for the day was Mr.Torkom Postajian, Archbishop Gizirian’sseminary classmate and close friend. Mr.Postajian, a former priest who was ordainedwith Archbishop Gizirian, shared of his yearsof friendship with the honoree.

    Musical selections were provided by notedsoprano, Anoosh Barclay, accompanied byaccomplished concert pianist, SetaKarakashian. Ms. Barclay performed piecesfrom La Boheme (“Mi Chiamano Mimi”) andGianni Schicchi (“Oh Mio Babbino Caro”)and two Armenian pieces by Ashot Satian(“Artyok Gides Du”) and Sayat Nova(“Kanee Voor Jan Eem”). After resoundingapplause, Ms. Barclay ended with a beautifulencore of Gomidas’ “Yerginkun Ambel E.”

    His Eminence, Archbishop KhajagBarsamian, Primate of the Diocese of theArmenian Church of America (Eastern),spoke of Archbishop Gizirian’s devotion tothe church and the devotion of those whoseadoration Archbishop Gizirian has earnedthroughout his service over the past sixtyyears. In his remarks, Archbishop Barsamianencouraged parents to bring their childreninto the sanctuary of the church – even if theymake noise – so that their souls are nurturedwith our Liturgy and their senses filled withthe incense.

    The most eloquent speaker of the day was thehonoree himself who focused on hisadmission to the priesthood. He shared that63 years ago when he was being ordained adeacon, our Lord asked him “do you loveme?” and he answered, “yes, My Lord, I loveyou.” He continued that three years later,when he was ordained a celibate priest, ourLord asked him again, “do you love me?”,and again he answered, “yes, My Lord, I loveyou.” And when he was elevated to Bishopin 1982 in the Mother Cathedral in Holy

    Etchmiadzin, our Lord asked him again “doyou love me?” to which he answered again,“yes, My Lord, I love you.” ArchbishopGizirian’s love for the Armenian Church, herpeople, and most notably her children,exemplify the most important of all virtues –that of LOVE, important and critical for anydisciple of Christ in leading His flock.The program concluded with the Benediction,led by Archbishop Barsamian followed by acommunal signing of the Hayr Mer (TheLord’s Prayer).

    In his early years, Reverand Gizirian servednumerous parishes in both the United Statesand Canada and was very involved in theArmenian Church Youth Organization ofAmerica, serving on the editorial staff of TheArmenian Guardian, the ACYOA’s officialorgan at one time. From 1961-1968, heserved on the Central Council of theAssociation of Armenian Church Choirs inthe capacities of Advisor and Chairman andduring 1963-1965, he was the Editor-in-Chiefof Hayasdanyatz Yegeghetzi (The ArmenianChurch), the official publication of theArmenian Church of America. He was also aDirector of the Sunday Schools during 1963-1965 and a member of the Diocesan Councilduring 1963-1967. In 1966, he was elevatedto the rank of Dzayrakouyn Vartabed.

    On February 14, 1982, Reverend Gizirianwas consecrated a bishop at the Cathedral ofHoly Etchmiadzin by His Holiness, Vasken I,Catholicos of All Armenians, of blessedmemory, and elected to serve as the Primateof the Diocese of the Armenian Church ofEngland. Bishop Gizirian also served as HisHoliness’ official representative at LambethPalace (Headquarters of the Archbishop ofCanterbury). Bishop Gizirian was elevated tothe rank of Archbishop in January 1993 bythe late Vasken I, Catholicos of AllArmenians (1955-1994).

    Archbishop Gizirian has also served for manyyears as the President of the Council ofOriental Orthodox Churches in Great Britainand as a co-chairman of the Anglican andOriental Churches forum. Although officiallyretired, Archbishop Gizirian has been livingin the Philadelphia area, serving many of theparishes of the Eastern Diocese as a visitingpastor. He is revered and loved by all whoknow him, particularly those of us honored tohave him in our midst during his retirementyears. May we celebrate yet anotheranniversary in ten years and may ArchbishopGizirian’s “awe-inspiring humility” serve asan example for us all to follow in our serviceto the Lord.

    by Lisa Manookian

    Philadelphia Armenian Churches HonourArchbishop Yeghishe Gizirian


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    DIOCESE OF THE ARMENIAN CHURCH OF GREAT BRITAINHG Bishop Nathan Hovhannisian, Primate and Pontifical Legate

    ÈáÝïáÝ, 16 سÛÇë 2007

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    Some of the world's most important andbeautiful religious texts are brought together forthe first time in this major exhibition at theBritish Library displayed until 23 September2007. Exquisite and rare examples of Jewish,Christian and Muslim sacred texts that from theLibrary's collections are presented alongsidetreasures on loan from other institutions in aunique modern context.

    The sacred texts are treated togetherthematically, exploring points in common anddifferences between and within these faiths,looking at the ways in which they have been

    produced, interpreted and used, both throughhistory and in the present day. The exhibitiondemonstrates how these three faiths have co-existed and influenced one another and, throughtheir interaction, have shaped much of Europeancivilisation and culture. Revd. Dr. VrejNersessian, Curator for the Christian MiddleEast section has selected the thirty exhibitsrepresenting the Armenian, Coptic, Ethiopian,Georgian, Syriac and Nubian Christianity. Theaccompanying catalogue Sacred: Book of theThree Faiths illustrates and describes all theexhibits in the exhibition.

  • гٳÛÝù8

    Habitat for Humanity is a non-denominational Christian charitydedicated to eliminating poverty through building housingworldwide. Since its founding in 1976, Habitat for Humanity hasbecome a global leader in addressing substandard housing and hasbuilt or renovated more than 200,000 homes throughout the world.

    Over the last 5 years Habitat for Humanity International (HFHI) hasworked with beneficiaries, donors and volunteers to complete workfor over 1000 families in 9 regions of Armenia. On September 4th2006 the official opening of Habitat for Humanity’s Armenia projecttook place in Yerevan, Armenia. The project, which is beingundertaken under the auspices of the Armenian Church, marks a newpartnership between Habitat for Humanity International and theCatholicos Karekin II World Project. This partnership will engage inannual projects with a view to ending poverty housing in Armeniawithin this lifetime. The partnership came together spiritually onSeptember 5th at The Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin. Amongstthe congregation of HFHI organisers were Catholic, Protestant andOrthodox Church Leaders and volunteers from around the world, whojoined together in prayer to ask for the successful implementation ofthis project.

    His Holiness Karekin II gave his pontifical blessing for the projectand encouraged support for the initiative which has pulled togetherArmenian and non-Armenian volunteers alike. His Holinessexplained the aims of the project were to improve human lives,alleviate the conditions of the needy and bring happiness and smilesto the homes and the souls of the Armenians who will benefit fromthis initiative.

    Many of the Armenian families supplied with homes through theproject previously lived in deteriorated housing with crampedquarters and limited water and heat. Those who weren’t homelesslived in unfurnished basements and cellars or “domiks”, metal

    containers brought to Armenia as temporary shelters following thedevastating 1988 earthquake.

    The 2006, Building on Faith project alone, involved more than 300volunteers from Europe, the United States, Armenia and othercountries, who came together in Gavar to help accomplish theconstruction of a 24-unit condominium building. The half-builtcondominium was left unfinished and derelict from the Soviet regimeand was donated to HFHI who worked tirelessly with volunteers andEngineers to complete the building for 24 Armenian families. Over60 clergymen from the Brotherhood of Holy Etchmiadzin and 150volunteers from local Embassies were amongst the volunteers whopartook in this particular project.

    Given the successful completion of the Building on Faith project inGavar, the second project is planned for 2007 which aims to help 27families complete construction of their half-built homes and 10families to renovate their homes. To date, 14 families still needbenefactors to complete the project aimed at helping families in theLori, Vayots Dzor, Ararat and Armavir regions.

    The Catholicos Karekin II World Project aims to build 37 new homes;this symbolises the number of diocese of the Armenian ApostolicChurch. In order to meet this ambitious target, churches and parishesworldwide have contributed to the sponsorship of the new homes. TheArmenian Community and Church Council of Great Britain and St.Sarkis Church in London undertook the sponsorship of one suchhome in 2006 and intend to do the same in 2007.

    For more information on these projects or to volunteer, please find allrelevant details on the Habitat for Humanity Armenia’s official sitewww.hfharmenia.org

    Huby Saroukhanoff

    The Boshyan Family


    Please support the Project of “When Comes September”by sending your donation to the address below:



    Amount donated: ………………………………………. …….............................................……………………………………

    Cheque payable to: Armenian Relief Society of GBAddress: Mrs. Matilda Megerdichian, 180 Great West Road, Hounslow, Middlesex, TW5 9AR.Mobile: 07971 670404

    A P P E A L

    Dear Parents and Children,

    Each year, the “Armenian Relief Society in Armenia” participates inthe Project of “When Comes September” organized by the Ministry ofSecurity in Armenia to help students in need, with books, notebookseven food and clothing during academic year.

    Last year 61,000 students benefited from this project; with your helpwe like to achieve the same again. Please, do not fail this appeal andthe children of our future generation.

    Make your donation whatever the sum. Thank you.

  • гٳÛÝù10

    Hamaink were able to conduct an exclusiveinterview with Mr. Roubik Galchian of the“Friends of Armenia” with regards to themission of the trust and the currentinvestment taking place in Armenia.

    Friends of Armenia has a very clear andinspiring vision which was sparked by theArmenian pride of winning nationalindependence for almost the first time inrecent history. The underlying vision is “thatthe people of the Diaspora have the profoundobligation to help the fatherland…theArmenians all over the world must thereforeorganize and take initiative, to help bothArmenia and Karabagh survive the economichardship that is forced upon them.”

    We spoke to Mr Galchian about the currentsituation of the trust and the numerousprojects that are taking place. Theorganization has been a charitable trust since2001 when six couples and a few nonArmenians helped to establish its status. Inprinciple the trust tries to concentrate itsefforts on creating job opportunities byinvesting in projects that would allowmembers to work in Armenia. They aim toconcentrate more on areas outside the capitalof Yerevan.

    Examples of recent projects worked on by thetrust include the restructure of the MilikashenVillage. It is proof that the efforts and workpay off and improve the economic situationof regions in Armenia. The village was in adreadful economic condition and afternumerous studies a project was planned toimprove the situation of the area and allowthe sixteen refugee families living in thevillage to themselves contribute to theimprovement and regeneration of the area. Atractor, 12 cows and three beehives werepurchased. Now four years on from when theproject commenced the local economy has

    picked up so substantially that $1000 waspaid back from the region to Friends ofArmenia in appreciation of the investmentand efforts contributed.

    This illustrates how the trust operates. Theyhave specialists each of who concentrate inparticular fields. Each specialist carries out anin-depth study for a certain project andpresents this study to the trust. The decisionin then made as to which projects wouldbenefit most from the investment and trust’sefforts. The specialist who presented theproject then becomes the project director tocoordinate and supervise its success.

    Alongside the plentiful regeneration projectstaking place in Armenia the Friends ofArmenia trust also cares for the children inthree orphanages and the elders in many oldpeople’s homes throughout the county. Ahandicrafts school has been built in the city ofKirovakan specializing in arts and crafts andcreated in the name of Levik.

    A summary of the main type of activitiesundertaken by Friends of Armenia includeprovision of vocational training for schoolleavers, employment and setting up of new

    businesses, organizing outings for orphansand the elderly, provision of medicalequipment to hospitals, establishment andrunning of village kindergartens among themany different activities. This demonstrates aselect few of the numerous projects that takeplace on a day-to-day basis by the volunteerson behalf of the trust. All would not bepossible without the hard work anddedication by the members.

    In the past five years, Friends of Armenia hasinvested $600,000 in five different projectsthroughout Armenia. These ranged from aninvestment of $70 to $100,000. The successrate has been over ninety percent anddemonstrates the level of accomplishment thetrust is able to achieve. The income to allowthese projects to take place comes from fivedifferent sources: the Trustees, friends of theorganization and Trustees, individual andcorporate donors, other charities and grantgiving trusts.

    The creation of this organization was in 1992sparked by words of late Varujan Karian whotouched the hearts of all those present atMontebello Tumanjian Hall: "For almost 80years, we craved for an independent Armeniacrying with the songs while promisingourselves that if we ever have independenceagain, it will not be compromised". Thesewords led to the establishment of the hugelysuccessful "Hayrenik Miyutyun" Friends ofArmenia and from that day the organizationhas gone from strength to strength. Thanks tothe hard work and commitment by themembers the organization is able to continueand improve the lives of thousands of adultsand children living in Karabagh and Armenia.

    Additional source:http://www.friendsofarmenia.com/

    Melineh Jacob

    Friends of Armenia

    “Van: A Challenge to Identity”Lecture by Mark Grigoryan

    Hai Doon was packed for Mark Grigoryan’s lecture about hisjourney to Van at the time of the re-opening of the renovated SoorpKhatch church on the Island of Akhtamar as a reporter for the BBC.While dealing with the history of the Island, the background andresults of the renovation and the personal experience of visiting Van,Mark Grigoryan dealt with the issue of identity, as for him thejourney to Van had led to an emotional re-thinking of his personalArmenian identity and an opportunity to deal with the Armenianhang-ups, myths and prejudices towards Turkey.

    The church, according to Mark Grigoryan, has been very wellrenovated after nine months of cleaning and renovating the reliefsoutside and the frescoes inside; a better renovation job than most inSoviet or post-Soviet Armenia, with Greek and Armenian architectshelping with the renovation. Slides showed that the renovation hadbeen done so as to leave the church looking natural and as original as

    possible, but not over-done. Mark Grigoryan also dealt with thecontroversial issue of the church being opened as a “museum” –although this seems to be merely a nominal title as the church isempty inside and remains in its natural state as a church. The otherissue of the Turkish authorities not allowing a cross to go on top ofthe roof was discussed, as was his own experience of traveling as anArmenian in Turkey. One nice touch was the story of his two guides,who following the typical “backwards and forwarding” of everyoneinsisting on paying at a café, insisted on paying because of Markbeing a “guest”. Later that day, the guide came up to apologisesaying “this is your land and you are not a guest here”. The guidemay have been of Kurdish origin, but nonetheless an interestingcomment.

    A highly interesting lecture, illustrated with photographs anddelivered in Mark Grigoryan’s typically engaging manner; it gaverise to much debate in the question and answer time which followedthe lecture and continued with refreshments afterwards.

    Louisa Culleton

  • HAMAINK 11

  • гٳÛÝù12

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    ¸åñáóáõ٠ųÙÁ 11£00 ¬14£00 ϳ½Ù³Ï»ñåõ»É ¿ Øûñ áõ سÝϳÝ(Mother and Toddler) ¹³ë³ñ³Ý£

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    Dear compatriot

    K. Tahta Armenian Community Sunday School Classes are heldevery Sunday from 10:30a.m. to 2:00p.m. atTwyford Church of England School, Twyford Crescent, Acton,London W3 9PP.

    The Sunday School offers parallel classes both in Eastern andWestern Armenian to pupils aged between 3 and 16 years old, and itis composed of the following three sections: (1) Nursery Section (twoyears), (2) Pre–academic Section (two years), and (3) AcademicSection (nine years). Classes are also offered to adults wishing tolearn either Eastern or Western Armenian.

    The Sunday School’s curriculum covers various aspects of theArmenian language, namely reading, writing, conversation andgrammar. Pupils are also taught about important events in theArmenian history, and they learn Armenian songs and dances.A Mother and Toddler class has been held from 11.00a.m. to2:00p.m., every Sunday.

    For more information about the Sunday School, please visit ourwebsite: http://www.armenianschool.org.uk

    To contact us, please email to: [email protected]

    Yours sincerely,

    The Governors and Headteacher of K.Tahta Community SundaySchool.

    Certainly a title tocatch the eye and anovel which causedcontroversy inTurkey and troublefor the author,when she was

    persecuted under the infamous Article301 of the Criminal Code for insultingTurkishness, due to her mention, throughthe fictional characters of her book, ofthe Armenian genocide.

    The topic of the Armenian genocide isactually at the very root of the story asthe link between the two main narrators- two girls; Aysa who is Turkish andliving in Istanbul, and Armanoush who ishalf-Armenian, born in America andwhose American mother remarried aTurk (Aysa’s uncle) after her marriage toher Armenian husband failed.

    A novel largely about identity, as well asTurkey’s history, its modern society,preconceptions and misconceptions andpersonal relationships, Elif Shafak dealswith these complicated, sensitive and

    often avoided issues, candidly,emotionally and often humourously.There are classic scenes in both theTurkish and Armenian householdsaround the typical family relationships,traditions and attitudes and food,insightful characterization of all thecharacters and unexpected twists in theplot which create a gripping read.

    When Armanoush visits the family of herstep-father to discover her identity andher family’s past, the two girls bond asAysa shows Armanoush around Istanbul.Flashbacks into the past and thedevelopment of the two personal storiesof the girls lead to the discovery that thisbond is deeper than just friendship in the21st century and the linked identities ofthe two girls provide an insight intoTurkey’s turbulent past and therepercussions still faced today.

    Full of wit, irony, superstitions andmysticism, combined with very realistic,everyday experiences, the story comes tolife and feels almost autobiographical attimes.

    Elif Shafak has created a fictional workdealing with historical truths andexperiences in an accessible andinventive way –a must read!

    Louisa Culleton

  • HAMAINK 13

    ÚáõÉÇëÇ 8¬ÇÝ ¶. ³Ñó»³Ý ÎÇñ³ÏÝûñ»³Û ²½·³ÛÇÝì³ñųñ³ÝÇ ëñ³ÑáõÙ ï»ÕÇ áõÝ»ó³õ 2006¬2007 áõëáõÙݳϳÝï³ñõ³Û ³Ù³í»ñçÇ Ñ³Ý¹¿ëÁ, áñÁ ÝõÇñõ³Í ¿ñ ²ñó³ËÇгÝñ³å»ïáõû³ÝÁ£ àõëáõóÇãÝ»ñÁ ³ß³Ï»ñïÝ»ñÇ Ñ»ï ÙdzëÇÝå³ïñ³ëï»É ¿ÇÝ Ñ»ï³ùñùÇñ »õ µáí³Ý¹³Ï³ÉÇó Íñ³·Çñ£îÝûñ¿ÝáõÑÇ îÇÏ. èáõ½³Ýݳ ³ÃáõÉ»³ÝÁ áÕçáÛÝÇ ËûëùÇó Û»ïáÛÝ»ñϳ۳óñ»ó ¹åñáóÇ ï³ñ»Ï³Ý ѳßõ»ïõáõÃÇõÝÁ, ³ÛÝáõÑ»ï¨Ý³ ßÝáñѳ ϳÉáõÃÇõÝ Û³ÛïÝ»ó ¹åñáóÇ µ³ñ»ñ³ñÝ»ñÇݪ´³ñ»·áñÍ³Ï³Ý ÀݹѳÝáõñ ØÇáõû³ÝÁ, ´»ÝÉ»³ÝÊݳٳϳÉáõû³ÝÁ, ¶³ë³ñ×»³Ý êÇë ÊݳٳϳÉáõû³ÝÁ,î¿ñ ¨ îÇÏ âáɳϻ³ÝÝ»ñÇÝ, ÇÝãå¿ë ݳ»õ µáÉáñ ³ÝÑ³ï ³ÝÓ³Ýóáíù»ñ ÝÇõóå¿ë ϳ٠µ³ñáÛ³å¿ë ûųݹ³Ï»É »Ý ¹åñáóÇÝ£ÞÝáñѳϳÉáõÃÇõÝ Û³ÛïÝ»ó ݳ¨ ¹åñáóÇ Ñá·³µ³ñÓáõÝ»ñÇÝ,áõëáõóÇã¬áõëáõóãáõÑÇÝ»ñÇÝ, ÍÝáÕ³Ï³Ý Û³ÝÓݳËٵdzݹ³ÙÝ»ñÇÝ, áíù»ñ áõÅ ¨ »é³Ý¹ ã»Ý ËݳÛáõÙ, áñå¿ë½ÇáõëáõÙݳéáõû³Ý ï³ñÇÝ»ñÁ ³ß³Ï»ñïÝ»ñÇ Ñ³Ù³ñ ÉÇÝ»ÝÑ»ï³ùñùÇñ ¨ µáí³Ý¹³Ï³ÉÇó£ ºñ·ã³ËÙµÇ ¨³ñï³ë³ÝáõÃÇõÝÝ»ñÇ »ÉáÛÃÇó Û»ïáÛ ³õ³ñï³Ï³Ý ¹³ë³ñ³ÝÁÝ»ñϳ۳óñ»ó §Ð³ÛÏ³Ï³Ý »ñ³Åßïáõû³Ý áõÅÁ ï»ùÝû

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    Twyford Church of England School,

    Twyford Crescent, Acton,

    London W3 9PP

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  • гٳÛÝù14

    MICHAEL ATAMIAN, son of Farhad and Catherine, wasbaptised and confirmed at St Sarkis Armenian Church on 1 April2007.

    GABRIELLA PRISCILLA, daughter of Shaun and LouiseMaroney, was baptised and confirmed at St Yeghiche ArmenianChurch on 8 April 2007.

    KAYANE, daughter of Nejde and Dorothee Manuelian, wasbaptised and confirmed at St Sarkis Armenian Church on 14April 2007.

    SIENNA SUMMER, daughter of Vincenzo and Carolyn Nola,was baptised and confirmed at St Sarkis Armenian Church on 6May 2007.

    SOPHIA VALENTINA, daughter of Paul and GabrielaShammasian, was baptised and confirmed at St Sarkis ArmenianChurch on 13 May 2007.

    JAMES DAVID, son of Christopher and Lala Marlow, wasbaptised and confirmed at St Sarkis Armenian Church on 20May 2007.

    KYAN SEVAN, son of Mahir and Lidya Djemal, was baptisedand confirmed at St Sarkis Armenian Church on 27 May 2007.

    MICHAEL JAMES, son of William and Janine Heffron, wasbaptised and confirmed at St Sarkis Armenian Church on 3 June2007.

    MARTHA LUCINE POLLY, daughter of Martin and NicoleLaurence, was baptised and confirmed at St Sarkis ArmenianChurch on 10 June 2007.

    ISABELLE JANE ANOUSH, daughter of Haig and JaneTopalian, was baptised and confirmed at St Sarkis ArmenianChurch on 16 June 2007.

    SATIK, daughter of Egish and Lida Petrosian, was baptised andconfirmed at St Sarkis Armenian Church on 23 June 2007.

    ALLA and DIANNA, daughters of Hrach and Satik Petrosian,was baptised and confirmed at St Sarkis Armenian Church on 23June 2007.

    ARAM LEON TEKEYAN PELOSI, son of Rolando andEsther Pelosi, was baptised and confirmed at St YeghicheArmenian Church on 24 June 2007.

    NATHANIEL, son of Mark and Catalina Bedrossian, wasbaptised and confirmed at St Sarkis Armenian Church on 30June 2007.

    MEHRAN, son of Dikran and Vasiliki Avakian, was baptisedand confirmed at St Yeghiche Armenian Church on 1 July 2007.

    NATALIE, daughter of Simon and Silva Aldous, was baptisedand confirmed at St Yeghiche Armenian Church on 7 July 2007.

    LEO, son of Hrair and Liza Simonian, was baptised andconfirmed at St Sarkis Armenian Church on 22 July 2007.

    SEBASTIAN KEVORK, son of Vasgen and Joanna KachikianEdwards, was baptised and confirmed at St Sarkis ArmenianChurch on 12 August 2007.

    BENJAMIN, son of Philip and Beverly Bridle, was baptisedand confirmed at St Sarkis Armenian Church on 19 August 2007.

    ALAN SHANT, son of Shant and Tanya Maccachian, wasbaptised and confirmed at St Sarkis Armenian Church on 19August 2007.

    ALEX NESHAN, son of Kevork and Annie Ohanian, wasbaptised and confirmed at St Sarkis Armenian Church on 25August 2007.

    MATTHEW, son of Sevan and Alina Horandi, was baptisedand confirmed at St Yeghiche Armenian Church on 26 August2007.

    ARTEM SAGIRYAN, son of Igor and Irina Sagiryanand OLHA LEVENETS, daughter of Alexander andTatiana Levenets, were married at St Sarkis ArmenianChurch, on 22 April 2007.

    STEPHEN WORTHY, son of Antony and JaquelineWorthy and LARA PALAMOUDIAN, daughter of Araand Nouvart Palamoudian, were married at St YeghicheArmenian Church, on 8 July 2007.

    SHANT SASSOON MANOUKIAN, son of Vahram andBeverley Manoukian and MIRANDA JULIANA DEROOY, daughter of Hendrick and Dorothy De Rooy,were married at St Yeghiche Armenian Church, on 21July 2007.

    CARLOS VIDAL, son of Jose and Rouo Vidal andPATRICIA ARZOOYAN, daughter of Wazrick Arzooyanand Elizabeth Abrahamian, were married at St SarkisArmenian Church, on 28 July 2007.

    CHRISTOPHER KURKJIAN, son of John and ChristinaKurkjian and ANOUSHKA MARASHLIAN, daughter ofSamuel and Lucy Marashlian, were married at St SarkisArmenian Church, on 8 September 2007.

    BENJAMIN CHARLES BRIDLE, son of Philip andBeverley Bridle and CARENA JACOB, daughter ofArathoon and Hilda Jacob, were married at St SarkisArmenian Church, on 15 September 2007.

  • HAMAINK 15

    ‘Hamaink’ is published by the Armenian Community & Church Council of Great Britain, which iswholly dependent on community resources and contributions. Should you wish to support your

    Community Council and its Newsletter financially, please complete this form and return to the ad-dress below:

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    Please make cheques payable to: ACCC of GB

    Post this coupon to: ACCC, P.O.Box 46207, London W5 2YE

    Editor: Ms. Anna HakobyanEditorial Committee: Zorik Gasparian, Matilda Megerdichian, Stepan TatulianContributing reporters: Melineh Jacob, Louisa Culleton,Huby Sarukhanoff, Dr. Lucine Tatulian.


    condolences in memory of:ENID GREGORY, born in Rangoon, Burma in 1912, died on 6April 2007. Buried at Gunnersbury Cemetery on 18 April 2007.

    DRTAD SHAMLIAN, born in Beyrut, Libanon in 1952, died on 30April 2007. Buried at Greenford Park Cemetery on 11 May 2007.

    KNARIK AVANESSIAN, born in Tabriz, Iran in1913, died on 6June 2007. Cremated at Mortlke Crematorium on15 June 2007.

    MACKERTICH PACHAIAN, born in India in 1929, died on 8June 2007. The Funeral service took place at St Sarkis ArmenianChurch, 18 June 2007. Cremated at Putney Vale Crematorium.

    JEAN KAYDAN, born in Ankara, Turkey in 1920, died on 10 June2007. The Funeral service took place at St Sarkis Armenian Church,20 June 2007. Buried at Gap Cemetery in Wimbledon.

    AIDA BIJAN-SALMASI, born in Tehran, Iran in 1956, died on 9June 2007. The Funeral service took place at St Yeghiche ArmenianChurch, 21 June 2007. Buried at Greenford Park Cemetery.

    REM AROJAN, born in Armenia in 1956, died on 21 May 2007.Cremated at Southampton Crematorium on 22 June 2007.

    HOVHANNESS BAJAKIAN, born in Kesab in 1920, died on 21June 2007. Buried at Twickenham Cemetery on 3 July 2007.

    PAULINE ARSLANIAN, born in Jerusalem in 1938, died on 27June 2007. Cremated at Breakspear Crematorium on 6 July 2007.

    MUGERDITCH KASSABIAN, born in Adana in 1918, died on 25June 2007. Buried at Greenford Park Cemetery on 9 July 2007.

    MARY GALUSTIAN, born in Iran in 1925, died on 7 July 2007.Buried at Bandon Hill Cemetery on 12 July 2007.

    VIRGINIA POWELL, born in Sudan in 1922, died on 3 July 2007.Buried at Englefield Green Cemetery on 16 July 2007.

    LIZA BOYADJIAN, born in Beyrut, Libanon in 1950, died on 13July 2007. Buried at Gunnersbury Cemetery on 18 July 2007.

    VALENTINE KHACHATOURIANS, born in Tehran in 1955, diedon 31 July 2007. Cremated at Breakspear Crematorium on 7 August2007.

    JOSEPH ISRAEL KISHMISHIAN, born in Baghdad in 1931, diedon 1 August 2007. Cremated at Park Green Lytham St Ann¹sCrematorium on 13 August 2007.

    DAVID MESSERLIAN, born in Beyrut in1931, died on 19 August2007. Cremated at Mortlke Crematorium on 29 August 2007.

    ASHOT HAKHNAZARIAN, born in Tehran in 1917, died on 1September 2007. Buried at Greenford Park Cemetery on 11September 2007.

    GASPAR AGHAJANIAN, born in Jerusalem in 1911, died on 31August 2007. Cremated at Worthing Crematorium on 13 September2007.

    VAHRAM KASPARIAN, born in Sudan in 1915, died on 5September 2007. Buried at Gunnersbury Cemetery on 20 September2007.

    NAZENIK CHILINGIRIAN, born in Nicosia in 1918, died on 7September 2007. The Funeral service took place at St SarkisArmenian Church, 24 September 2007. Buried at New SouthgateCemetery.

    Address: P.O.Box 46207, London W5 2YE

    E-Mail: [email protected]

  • гٳÛÝù16

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