Arkansas PPT (Health Insurance Exchanges)

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  • 7/27/2019 Arkansas PPT (Health Insurance Exchanges)


    Federally-facilitated Exchange

    Partnership Planning in Arkansas:

    Where Weve Been; Where We Are Now; andLessons Learned

    Cynthia Crone, APNArkansas Insurance Department

    Presented to

    Idaho Health Insurance ExchangeWorking GroupOctober 9, 2012

  • 7/27/2019 Arkansas PPT (Health Insurance Exchanges)


    Low Per Capita Income

    Poor Health Status Indicators

    Large and Growing Percentage of Uninsured

    Medicaid Deficit Expected in 2013

    Health Agency Leaders Working Together toImprove Health System

    Arkansas Landscape

  • 7/27/2019 Arkansas PPT (Health Insurance Exchanges)


    Arkansas Health System Improvements

    Payment and Quality Transformation using Evidence-Based Episodes of Care PCMC Model


    Health Information Technology

    Health Benefits Exchange

  • 7/27/2019 Arkansas PPT (Health Insurance Exchanges)


    ACA and Arkansas Political Landscape

    Popular Governor

    Democrats are Majority in Legislature, Growing Number

    of Republicans

    Vocal, Active TEA Party Republicans Opposed to ACA

    and therefore to Exchanges

  • 7/27/2019 Arkansas PPT (Health Insurance Exchanges)


    Exchange Planning

    Arkansas Insurance Department is Lead Agency

    Commissioner is Governor Appointee andPlanning Authority

    Funding to Date

    Exchange Planning

    Level One Cooperative Agreements (2)

  • 7/27/2019 Arkansas PPT (Health Insurance Exchanges)


    How Many Will Be Affected?

    An estimated 572,000 Arkansans will be eligible forExchange coverage beginning January 1, 2014.

    It is conservatively estimated that: 328,000 more nonelderly Arkansans will enroll (resulting

    in a 60% decrease in uninsured post-ACA). There will be a $615 million reduction in uncompensated

    care among nonelderly (a 68% change post ACA). There will be $478 million in federal subsidies provided for

    Arkansans to purchase insurance.

    Source: State Progress Toward Health Reform Implementation: Slower Moving StatesHave Much to Gain, Timely Analysis of Immediate Health Policy Issues, January 2012Urban Institute analysis, HIPSM

  • 7/27/2019 Arkansas PPT (Health Insurance Exchanges)


    As Is (Pre-ACA)(ACHI, 2012)

  • 7/27/2019 Arkansas PPT (Health Insurance Exchanges)


    2014 (Post ACA)(ACHI, 2012)

  • 7/27/2019 Arkansas PPT (Health Insurance Exchanges)


    Development of Partnership Model

    Arkansas did not obtain authority for State Exchange - 2011

    Arkansas did not seek Level One funding - September - 2011

    Partnership Option Announced by CCIIO - September 2011

    Exchange Planning Steering Committee recommended thatplanning for a State Exchange end - November 2011

    Obtained Governors approval to explore Partnership Modeland apply for Level One Funding - December, 2011

  • 7/27/2019 Arkansas PPT (Health Insurance Exchanges)


    Arkansas is Planning

    Full Partnership Model

    Plan Management

    Consumer Assistance

    MedicaidFFE Integration

  • 7/27/2019 Arkansas PPT (Health Insurance Exchanges)


    Level One Funding and Waiting

    First Level One funding award received February2012

    Required to obtain Legislative Approval for Spending

    While waiting Exchange Planning Grant No Cost Extension kept small staff


    Designed Stakeholder Engagement Process

    Designed Contractor/Staff Communication Process Implemented Advanced Procurement and Hiring Activities

    Level One Appropriation obtained April 20, 2012

  • 7/27/2019 Arkansas PPT (Health Insurance Exchanges)


    Stakeholder InclusionOperational Model

    Planning Staff &


    Research /



    Steering Committee


    to Commissioner

    Advisory Committees


    with Alternatives

  • 7/27/2019 Arkansas PPT (Health Insurance Exchanges)


    Steering Committee

    The Steering Committee meets once monthly and includes

    representation of the following:

    Insurance Department (2)

    Department of Human Services (2)

    Arkansas Health Agency Leaders

    Department of Finance & Administration

    Advisory Committee CoChairs (6)

    State Legislature (2)

    Governors Office

    Stakeholders At Large (3)

  • 7/27/2019 Arkansas PPT (Health Insurance Exchanges)


    Topic Calendars

    OctMay June July August Sept




    Active Purchaser

    vs. Open Market

    Active Purchaser

    vs. Open Market




    Standard andRisk Pool


    QHP Elements


    Submission and

    Transmission ofData Elements


    Application &


    Format andContent

    OctMay June July August Sept

    IPA EligibilityIPA Certification

    & Recertification

    IPA Training


    IPA Application

    & Application


    IPA Program





    IPA Ongoing


  • 7/27/2019 Arkansas PPT (Health Insurance Exchanges)


    Consumer Assistance

    In-Person Assisters (IPAs)


    - Navigators

    - Enrollment Assisters

    - Licensed agents and brokers (producers)

    Arkansas Insurance Department will:

    - Certify, recertify, decertify individual IPAs

    - Oversee IPA training and performance

    - Contract with IPA entities to facilitate enrollment and post-

    enrollment complaint resolution as needed

  • 7/27/2019 Arkansas PPT (Health Insurance Exchanges)


    Consumer Assistance

    Outreach and Education

    Outreach Education

    Two Phases Planned for 2012-2013

    Phase IGeneral ACA/Exchange Education

    Phase IIMove Eligible Residents toward Enrollment

    IPA Specialists through Home Town Health

    Complaint Resolution

    FFE Eligibility/Enrollment AID Consumer Services Division

  • 7/27/2019 Arkansas PPT (Health Insurance Exchanges)


    Current Outreach/Education - Phase I

    Interagency ContractsUAMS

    Opinion Poll to guide messaging for Phase I

    Focus Groups to assist with Naming/Branding

    Speakers Bureau

    Initial Message Development/Media Buys

    U of A Partners for Inclusive Communities

    County Meetings Quarterly Updates

    Stakeholder Summit

    Staff/Consultants - IPA Outreach

  • 7/27/2019 Arkansas PPT (Health Insurance Exchanges)


    In Person Assister (IPA) Entities

    AID will contract with community-based IPA entitiesthat will engage certified IPAs

    We estimate 535 IPAs needed for initial Open

    Enrollment decreasing to 134 until next Open


    Continuous, real-time feedback from the FFE will becritical in continuously assessing our successes and

    initiating needed improvements.

  • 7/27/2019 Arkansas PPT (Health Insurance Exchanges)


    Key Dates and Benchmarks

    In-Person Assisters

    IPA IT vendor selection

    IPA Program and Processes Defined by December2012

    IPA RFP Complete by January 2013 IPA RFP Advertised by February 2013

    IPA Awards by May 2013

    IPA Training by June 2013 Certified IPAs in the Field July 2013

    Open Enrollment October 2013

  • 7/27/2019 Arkansas PPT (Health Insurance Exchanges)


    Plan Management Activities

    Select EHB Benchmark Plan

    Define QHP Certification Criteria and Processes

    Decrease financial start up risks for issuers

    - Risk Adjustment

    - Reinsurance (temporary) - Risk Corridor (temporary)

  • 7/27/2019 Arkansas PPT (Health Insurance Exchanges)


    Plan Management Processes

    Leverage Existing Processes within AID wherethey exist:

    Life and Health

    Rate Review Consumer Services


    License Legal

    Use Enhanced SERFF System

  • 7/27/2019 Arkansas PPT (Health Insurance Exchanges)


    EHB Benchmark Considerations

    Compliance with ACA

    Consumer Protection

    Arkansas Health Needs

    Overall Premium Costs and Value

    State Mandated Benefits

    Wellness Benefits Other

  • 7/27/2019 Arkansas PPT (Health Insurance Exchanges)


    EHB Benchmark

    Rule 103 Directive 2-2012

    Arkansas Blue Cross Blue Shield Health Advantage

    (POS) with following Substitutions:

    QualChoice Federal Plan Mental Health and Substance

    Abuse Treatment Services ARKids First (CHIP) Pediatric Dental

    Blue Cross Blue Shield Federal Plan (Blue Vision High) for

    Pediatric Vision

    Habilitative Services will likely be determined by

    carriers with State oversight

  • 7/27/2019 Arkansas PPT (Health Insurance Exchanges)


    Selected Arkansas QHP Certification Criteria

    Meet ACA Standards for Benefits and Actuarial Value

    Increase Competition in Marketplace Arkansas Specifics:

    Will use a certification approach for plan selection.

    Will not require network adequacy or quality standards that

    exceed federal ACA requirements in year one.

    The Steering Committee acknowledges the emerging

    importance of Arkansass Payment Improvement Initiative in

    advancing quality and affordability and the Exchange may

    engage or require carriers to adopt specific qualityimprovement strategies as a condition of having their QHPs

    certified to be marketed and sold on the Exchange.

  • 7/27/2019 Arkansas PPT (Health Insurance Exchanges)


    Selected Arkansas QHP Certification Criteria

    Will not require carriers to offer their QHPs statewide as a

    condition of Exchange certification in year one, butrecommends consideration of a regional approach with

    the goal of statewide coverage.*

    Arkansas may limit the number of plans or benefit designsthat may be offered by a carrier on the exchange.*

    Pass on options related to incentivizing carriers.

    * Steering Committee recommended changes from PMAC recommendation.

  • 7/27/2019 Arkansas PPT (Health Insurance Exchanges)


    Expected Rules

    Network Adequacy

    QHP Certification

    In Person Assister Certification


  • 7/27/2019 Arkansas PPT (Health Insurance Exchanges)


    Medicaid-Exchange Integration

  • 7/27/2019 Arkansas PPT (Health Insurance Exchanges)


    Continuous Coverage Across

    Insurance Affordability Programs

    How to mitigate negative effects of churning or

    family members in different plans

    Plan to study options using data that evaluates

    costs and quality by benefit design, consumerdemand, and provider capacity, to include:

    Current FFS

    QHP Option Medicaid Plan Option

    Bridge Plan

  • 7/27/2019 Arkansas PPT (Health Insurance Exchanges)


    Summary of Exchange Planning to Date

    Planning GrantBackground Research;

    Administrative Supplement to do Carrier Survey and

    more Quality Definitions

    Level One AContractors and Staff to begin serious

    Plan Management and Consumer AssistancePlanning

    Level One BPrepare for October 1, 2013 Open

    Enrollment and Full Implementation of Partnership

    Model by January 1, 2014; Study options to mitigate

    negative effects of IAP churning and promote

    continuity of coverage.

  • 7/27/2019 Arkansas PPT (Health Insurance Exchanges)


  • 7/27/2019 Arkansas PPT (Health Insurance Exchanges)


    Key Milestones Planning ReviewMay, 2012

    On Track; Big Take Away was that Partnership States would

    not issue Navigator Grants

    Long-term financial sustainability model for FFE-P unknown

    Design ReviewOctober 1-2, 2012

    CCIIO/CMS staff very helpful; Arkansas waived out of mostBlueprint items for Partnership Model

    Federal officials willing to negotiate implementation issues

    with state; Long-term financial issues for FFE-P not

    completely resolved, but state must be paid for service

    Blueprint Application and Declaration Letter

    November 16, 2012

    Think about long- term plans

    Collaborate with other states

  • 7/27/2019 Arkansas PPT (Health Insurance Exchanges)


    Key Milestones

    QHP and Navigator Certification and Operational

    Processes Design Complete by end of 2012

    DHHS Conditional Approval as Partnership FFE byJanuary 1, 2013

    Implementation ReviewSummer 2013

    Open Enrollment October 1, 2013 and Partnership

    Exchange is Fully Operational Covering Consumers byJanuary 1, 2014

    The Future??

  • 7/27/2019 Arkansas PPT (Health Insurance Exchanges)


    Advance Planning for Hiring and Procurement

    Carefully Plan Stakeholder Engagement Model;

    Attract Diverse and Strong Leaders

    Integrate Contractors into Planning and

    Project Management

    Utilize CCIIO Staff and Other Resources

    Integrate with Other Health Improvement

    Initiatives Be Persistent in Relationship Building

  • 7/27/2019 Arkansas PPT (Health Insurance Exchanges)


    Keep on message:

    Arkansas will not have a State Exchange

    FFE Partnership provides Arkansas:

    Ability to meet ACA deadlines for compliancewith law

    Opportunity to tailor Plan Management and

    Consumer Assistance components to meet

    needs of Arkansans Local design and implementation of Consumer

    Services and Protections

    Funding for connecting with FFE

    Building Consensus

  • 7/27/2019 Arkansas PPT (Health Insurance Exchanges)


    Partnership with Medicaid Agency is critical

    Consider and document majority and minority


    Make decisions Move on

    Keep consumer focus

  • 7/27/2019 Arkansas PPT (Health Insurance Exchanges)



    Arkansas has a tremendous need for coverage expansion. Cost, quality, and access improvements in Arkansass

    healthcare system will benefit all Arkansans.

    The Partnership Exchange allows Arkansas Insurance

    Department to continue regulatory and consumer protectionfunctions for our residents.

    Intentional efforts to mitigate negative effects of churning and

    promote continuous coverage will be especially important

    with our population. Transparency and inclusivity in planning is critical.

    Keep consumer focus a priority.

  • 7/27/2019 Arkansas PPT (Health Insurance Exchanges)



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