Arizona Republican Party Laddie G. Shane Administrative Assistant Laddie G. Shane Administrative Assistant

Arizona Republican Party

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Laddie G. Shane Administrative Assistant. Arizona Republican Party. Laddie G. Shane Administrative Assistant. Overview. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Arizona Republican Party

Arizona Republican PartyLaddie G. ShaneAdministrative Assistant

Laddie G. ShaneAdministrative Assistant

1Arizona Republicans believe in working hard and dreaming big, and are confident that in holding true to these two principles as guides our best days are indeed ahead of us. With this sense of optimism, we look toward the future with great hope for our state and nation, and do offer the following platform as a foundation of principles upon which our party might continue to grow into this still new century. We hope these values shall be self evident to all citizens of Arizona and to the future generations who will provide leadership as Arizona and the United States of America face new challenges and opportunities in the years and decades to come.OverviewState Party PlatformJanuary 2008

Hardworking businesses and entrepreneurs create jobs and drive the economy. Government should reduce regulations, fees, and taxes to foster an ideal economic and business climate, government should not favor one private concern over another through the use of subsidies.Taxes, Jobs & Economy

a. Completing the border fence without delay;

b. Prevent illegal drugs and weapons from being smuggled into our country;

c. Increase the number of Border Patrol agents on Arizonas border;

d. Protect our children and schools from the drugs and weapons flowing over the border. Border ControlLess is Best!

Right to Work Legislation

Supports our fundamental rights to free speech, to keep and bear arms, to private property without fear of government intrusion, and to those freedoms and liberties we hold dear that protect us in the Arizona and United States Constitutions from an oppressive governmentGovernment Reform

We affirm the right of parents to seek a quality education and comparable public funding at home, charter, private, or parochial schools.Supports voluntary prayer and the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance in its present form in public schools.Give more power to the parents and students!Education

Core principles upon which the modern Republican Party has been built faith, family and freedom

Have a right to healthcare

Oppose Abortion

Marriage between a man and a women

Children and Families

International AffairsWe believe that we never surrender to terrorist

Honor Veterans

Welcome all legal immigrantsGrand Old Party

History of the GOPSlaveryFree soil, free labor, free speech, free men,In 1856, the Republicans became a national party by nominating John C. Fremont for President. Four years later, with the election of Abraham Lincoln in 1860, the Republicans firmly established themselves as a major political party.The Peoples Party

In 1861, the Civil War erupted, lasting four grueling years. During the war, against the advice of his cabinet, President Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation that freed the slaves.The Republican Party also played a leading role in securing women the right to vote. In 1896, the Republican Party was the first major political party to support womens suffrage.All of us Equal

During the mid term elections in 1874, Democrats tried to scare voters into thinking President Ulysses S. Grant would seek to run for an unprecedented third term. Thomas Nast, a cartoonist for Harpers Weekly, depicted a Democratic donkey trying to scare a Republican elephant and both symbols stuck. For a long time, Republicans have been known as the G.O.P. with party faithful believing it meant the Grand Old Party. But apparently the original meaning (in 1875) was gallant old party. When automobiles were invented it also came to mean, get out and push. Thats still a pretty good slogan for Republicans who depend every campaign year on the hard work of hundreds of thousands of everyday volunteers to get out and vote and push people to support the causes of the Republican Party.Elephants, Not Donkey

Democrats VS. RepublicansDEMOCRATSREPUBLICANGenerally believe that it is the government'sresponsibility to care for the citizens.

Believe in structured, regulated marketsand minimal external entanglements.

Believe in strong gun control.

Believes in a womans right to choose.

Believe that people should share economic burdens and generally support welfare programs for aid to the poor.

Believe in separation of church and state.

Generally believe it is the responsibility of citizens to run the government.

Believe in free market and strong international alliances.

Believe in the right to bear arms.

Believes abortion is wrong.

Believe that people determine their own destiny and do not support welfare programs.

Believe in separation of church and state, but most feel it is ok to pray in schools.Opinion poll only when asked about topics!!!Find a CampaignCome down to HeadquartersBecome a Precinct Committeeman at 18Join TARS, CR, or YRVOTE!

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http://azsos.gov/election/2012/General/fulllisting.htmhttp://azsos.gov/election/2012/General/Presidential/ELECTION INFO

Thank You!3501 N 24th StPhoenix, AZ 85016602-957-7770